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Weinberg S. - Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Weinberg S. - Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity
Weinberg S. - Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity

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Название: Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity

Автор: Weinberg S.


Now that this book is done I can look back, and identify two purposes which led me to begin writing, and which have guided the work to completion.
One good practical purpose was to bring together and assess the wealth of data provided over the last decade by new techniques in experimental physics and in optical, radio, radar, X-ray, and infrared astronomy. Of course, new data will keep coming in even as the book is being printed, and T cannot hope that this work will remain up to date forever. I do hope, however, that by giving a comprehensive picture of the experimental tests of general relativity and observational cosmology, I will help to prepare the reader (and myself) to understand the new data as they emerge. I have also tried to look a little way into the future, and to discuss what may be the next generation of experiments, especially those based on artificial satellites of the earth and sun.
There was another, more personal reason for my writing this book. In learning general relativity, and then in teaching it to classes at Berkeley and M.I.Т., I became dissatisfied with what seemed to be the usual approach to the subject. I found that in most textbooks geometric ideas were given a starring role, so that a student who asked why the gravitational field is represented by a metric tensor, or why freely falling particles move on geodesies, or why the field equations are generally covariant would come away with an impression that this had something to do with the fact that space-time is a Riemannian manifold.
Of course, this was Kinstein's point of view, and his preeminent genius necessarily shapes our understanding of the theory he created...

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1972

Количество страниц: 685

Добавлена в каталог: 08.04.2011

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Предметный указатель
$h + \chi$ Persei association      437 440
$He^{3}$ abundance of present universe      554 559
$He^{4}$ abundance of present universe      488 501 545-546 556-559
Abell, G.      408 466 597 599
Aberration of starlight      236
Abraham, M.      19 23
Absolute luminosity      (see Luminosity and luminosity distance)
Absolute magnitude      426-427
Absorption of electromagnetic radiation in intergalactic space      491 501 506 612
Absorption of gravitational radiation      275-276 287-288
Absorption, corrections to luminosity distance      436-437 443-444 446
Action principle      (see Variational principle)
Action-at-a-distance      619
Adam, M. G.      89
Adams, J. C.      14
Additivity of the energy and momentum      170 171
Adelard      13
Adiabatic exponent      7 51 309 509 566
Adler, R      88
Affine connection, definition      71-76
Affine connection, definition for maximally symmetric space      388
Affine connection, definition for Robertson - Walker metric      471
Affine connection, definition for static isotropic metric      178
Affine connection, definition for timfe-dependent isotropic metric      336 341
Affine connection, definition in post - Newtonian approximation      215
Affine connection, definition in weak-field approximation      253
Affine connection, definition, small disturbances      290 580-581
Affine connection, definition, trace      107
Affine connection, definition, transformation      100 102
Age of the universe      473 482 484 487 489 621 628-629
Aitken, A. C.      90
Alfven, H.      594 595 608
Allen, C. W.      464 635
Allen, R.      601
Aller, L. H.      598 605 606
Alley, C. O.      633
Alpha Centauri      428
Alpher, R. A.      510 602 604 607
Alvarez, L      557 605
Ambartsumian, V. A.      600
Anderson, J. D.      210
Anderson, J. L.      63 64 89
Angular diameter and angular diameter distance      421-425 461 477 485
Angular momentum, conservation      46 127 166
Angular momentum, conservation and gravitational vector potential      227 229
Angular momentum, conservation for planetary orbits      187 230 629
Angular momentum, conservation in Kerr metric      240
Angular momentum, conservation, definition      46
Anisotropy      (see Isotropy)
Antenna temperature      498 508 520
Antimatter, necessity in relativistic quantum mechanics      61-63
Antimatter, presence in universe      470 594-595
Antisymmetrization operator      114
Aperture corrections      443
Apparent luminosity      (see Luminosity and luminosity distance)
Apparent magnitude      426-427
Apparent magnitude, limit of Palomar      200
Apparent magnitude, telescope      433 436
Archilochus      630
Arnett, W. D      545 605
Arnowitt, R.      172 295
Arons, J.      602
Arp, H.      466 602
Ash,M.E.      209 210 633
Ashbridge, J. R.      606
Ashbrook, J.      210
Astronomical unit      426-427 636
Asymptotic behavior of the metric      168-169 (see also Quasi-Minkowskian spaces)
Baade, W.      352 431 436-437 446 465 466 467
Bahcall, J. N.      350 467 500 557 558 601 602 603 605 606 608
Bahcall, N. A.      606
Bame, S. J.      606
Bardakci, K.      608
Batchelor, G. K.      607
Baum, W. A.      443 446 448 467
Bazin, M.      88
Beery, J. G.      513 603
Bell, S. J.      353
Beltrami, E.      10 21
Beltran - Lopez, V.      87 90
Bender, P.      633
Benioff, H.      294
Bentley, R.      562
Bergeron, J.      602
Bergkvist, K. E.      604
Bergmann, P. G.      89
Berkeley, G      16
Bernstein, J.      544 604
Bertotti, B.      89 209
Bessel, F. W.      11 67 428
Beta-decay      (see Weak interactions)
Bethe, H.      545 602 605
Betti, E.      352
Bianchi identities and field equations      153 302
Bianchi identities and general covariance of action      365
Bianchi identities in Brans - Dicke theory      159
Bianchi identities in cosmology      473
Bianchi identities in weak-field approximation      25
Bianchi identities, and ambiguity of solutions      161 164
Bianchi identities, derivation      146-147
Birkhoff theorem      337-338 348 474
Birkhoff, G.      353
Bisnovatyi - Kogan, G. S.      353
Biswas, S.      606
Bjorken, J. D.      295
Black holes      297 349 479
Black-body radiation      (see Black-body temperature)
Black-body temperature      507
Blair, A. G.      513 603
Blamont, J. E.      89
Bludman, S. A.      64 353
Bohr, N.      294
Bolometric luminosities      425 (see also Luminosities and luminosity distance)
Bolt, B. A.      294
Bolton, J.      468
Bolyai, J.      5 6
Bondi, H.      293 334 353 459 464 468 604 622 632
Bonner, W. B.      564 607
Bonola, R.      20 21
Boosts      28-29 31
Borelli, G. A.      4
Bortolot, V. J.      513 603
Boughn, S. P.      521
Boynton, P. E.      513 520
Bracewell, R. N.      520 603
Braginskii, V. B.      209 295
Brandt, J. C.      210
Brans - Dicke theory, cosmology      622-631
Brans - Dicke theory, deflection of light      194
Brans - Dicke theory, derivation of field equations      157-160
Brans - Dicke theory, post - Newtonian approximation      244-248
Brans - Dicke theory, precession of perihelia      197
Brans - Dicke theory, Robertson parameters      183
Brans, C. H.      158 172 622 624 633
Brault, J.      89
Brecher, K.      465 501 527 600 602 604 632
Bredekamp, J.      608
Bremsstrahlung of electromagnetic radiation      500-501 527
Bremsstrahlung of gravitational radiation      265-266
Brightest stars (as distance indicators)      438 443 445-446
Brightness      424
Brill - Cohen solution      241
Brill, D.      89 172 209 293
Brockelman, R. A.      210
Bruhat, Y.      171
Bulk viscosity      55-57 568-569 593-594
Bullialdus, I.      13
Burbidge, G. R.      353 465 487 500 501 545 561 597 598 599 600 601 602 604 605 606
Burbidge, M.      353 465 467 487 500 545 599 600 601 605
Burke, B. F.      513
Burlaga, L. F.      606
Byram, E. T.      604
Cajori, F.      20 21 22
Caldwell, D. O.      604
Callan, C.      607
Cameron, A. G. W.      350 352 353 354 545 598 605
Campbell, D. B.      210
Campbell, W. W.      193
Canuto, V.      35 3
Carter, R      349 354
Cassini, G. D.      427
Cataldi, P. A.      4
Cauchy problem      163-165
Centaurus A (NGC5218 galaxy)      527 638
Cepheid variables      433-438 445-446
Chandrasekhar limit      316 318 349
Chandrasekhar, S.      248 249 294 318 350 352
Chant, C. A.      193
Charge, conservation      40 113 126 363
Charge, conservation and current      39 41 125 361
Charge, conservation, density of universe      470 531 604
Charlier, C. V. I.      408 466
Chase, J. E.      354
Chemical potentials      530-531 551 560-561 590-591
Chen, H. H.      609
Chernin, A. D.      607
Chernyshev, V. I.      513 603
Chibisov, G. V.      607
Chiral symmetry      93 113
Chiu, H. Y.      353
Christenson, J. H.      64
Christy, R.      466 558 606
Chubb, T. A.      600 604
Circumference (of a closed maximally symmetric space)      391 490
Clarke, F. W.      545 605
Clarke, S.      16 22
Clauser, J. F.      513 603
Clayton, D. D.      488 545 598 601
Clemence, G. M.      22 198 209
Clusters of galaxies      440 478-479 501 639
Coasting period      615-616
Cocconi, G.      87 90
Cohen, J. M.      249 354
Colgate, S. A.      354
Collins, R. A.      353
Color index      426-427
Coma cluster      478 479 639
Commutation relations of covariant derivatives      140
Commutation relations of creation and annihilation operators      288
Commutation relations of spin matrices      59-60
Comoving coordinates      338 342 413 415 485
Composite particle model, in very early universe      589-592 594
Compressional normal modes      573-578 586-588
Compton scattering      501 527
Conformal transformations      28 145 146
Congruences      86 139
Conklin, E. K.      520 521 523 603
Conservation      (see Angular momentum)
Continuous creation      460 618
Contraction of indices      37 69 100 105
Contravariant vectors and tensors      35 39 94 98
Convective equilibrium      301 325
Coordinate conditions      161 164
Coordinate tensors and scalars      367
Coral fossils      630 631
Corinaldesi, E.      249
Cosmic rays      480 526-528 558
Cosmic scale factor (R)      412 415 416 441 451 571 591
Cosmic time and cosmic standard coordinates      409-412 459 617
Cosmological constant (X)      155 613 616
Cosmological principle      407 412
Coulomb scattering      266 568
Covariant differentiation      103-106
Covariant differentiation, along a curve      110 111
Covariant differentiation, in tetrad formalism      368 370
Covariant differentiation, of p-forms      116
Covariant vectors and tensors      35 39 94 98
Cowling, T. G.      64
Cowsik, R      501 544 602 604
Critical density in cosmology      476 480 481
Critical density in cosmology for neutron stars      319
Critical density in cosmology for white dwarfs      315
Critical mass (for damping of fluctuations)      569-570
Cronin, J. W.      64
Cross-sections for gravitational radiation      275-284
Curl      43 106 109 116
Curott, D.      606 630 633
Current form-vector      (see Charge)
Curvature scalars      135 142-146 153 207 364-365 383 460
Cyanogen absorption lines      512-515
Cyclic derivative of antisymmetric tensors      108
Cyclic sum rule      141 143
Cygnus A (galaxy)      497
Danziger, I. J.      599 606
Davidson, C. R.      193 209
Davidson, W.      464 600
Davies, R. D.      601
Davis, M.      354
Davis, M. M.      468
Davis, R.      557 558 605 606
de Cheseaux, J. P. L      611 612 613 631
de la Cruz, V.      354
de Sabbata, V.      608
de Sitter cosmology      392 615-616
de Sitter, W.      249 404 615 632
de Vaucouleurs, G.      408 439 444 466 467 600 603
de Witt, B.      289 293 295
Deflection of light by gravitational fields      19 20 188-194
Deflection of light by gravitational fields for cosmic microwave background      518
Deflection of light by gravitational fields in general post - Newtonian field      222
Deflection of light by gravitational fields in observations of precession,of gyroscopes      236
Deflection of light by gravitational fields in search for collapsed galaxies      479
Deflection of light by gravitational fields of perihelia      198
Degeneracy      (see Fermi gases Neutrinos Neutron Pauli
Delay - Doppler mapping      203
Delta Cephei      436
Delta function      39 125 263
Demarque, P. R.      605
Density contrast      (see Compressional normal modes)
Density of the Universe      475 481 491 614 617 628-629
Deser, S.      172 295 354 632
Deuterium abundance of the present universe      554 (see also Nucleosynthesis)
Development angles (      6 40 482-484 574 575
Dicke, R. H.      13 21 69 87 89 90 158 172 200 201 205 209 210 233 488 511 513 601 602 607 622 624 630 631 633
Dickson, F. P.      465 631 632
Differential forms      114 115
Dirac cosmology      620-622 629-631
Dirac electron field      60 366-367
Dirac, P. A. M.      293 295 620 621 632
Direct product of p-forms      114
Direct product of tensor densities      100
Direct product of tensors      37 96
Dispersion in the intergalactic medium      503- 506
Dissipation      (see Bulk viscosity Entropy production Heat
Distance modulus      426-427 442 443
Divergence of vectors, tensors      107 109 116
Dobbs, J. W. T.      22
Dodwell, G. F.      193
Doppler effect      30-31 81 203 297 417 429
Doroshkevich, A. G.      354 600 607 608
Douglas, D. H.      294
Draco system      438 639
Drell, S. D.      295
Drever, R. W. P.      90
Duncombe, R. L.      209
Dupree, A. K.      606
Dyce, R. B.      210
Dynamic symmetries      93
Dyson, F. J.      209 294 354
Dyson, F. W.      193 209
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