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Yulsman T. - Origins. The quest for our cosmic roots :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Yulsman T. - Origins. The quest for our cosmic roots
Yulsman T. - Origins. The quest for our cosmic roots

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Название: Origins. The quest for our cosmic roots

Автор: Yulsman T.


Pocket-size text addresses some of the most profound issues humans have confronted; such as what is the origin of galaxies?, how do solar systems form?, and how did Earth become an oasis of life? Softcover.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Популярные издания/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 384

Добавлена в каталог: 10.10.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Bubble Nebula"      222
"Champagne flow" theory      221
"data cube"      210-243
"sum-over-histories"      57 173 178
$E = {mc}^{2}$      17
${W}^{+}$ and ${W}^{-}$ particles      56
${Z}^{0}$ particle      56
2dFGRS      see 'Two Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey'
51 Peg      281-283
55 Cancri      284-285
Abell, G.      108-109
Abrams, N. E.      58
Absolute magnitude      31
Accretion      262-267 299-313
Agglomeration      294-313
Albrecht, A.      134
Alnilam      213
Alnitak      213
Alpha decay      63
Alpha Persei      238-239
Alpher, R.      65-67
Aluminum      206-207 256
Ambipolar diffusion      254-255
Anderson, C.      70-71
Andromeda galaxy      120-122
angular momentum      231 249-250 261-267 295-296
Annihilation      71-73
Antennae galaxies      257-258
Anthropic principle      106 138 178-179
Anti-gravity      25 102
Antimatter      70-74
Astronomical "seeing"      211
Astronomical units      231
Atmospheric turbulence      211
Attraction, charges      53
Augmented disks      296-297
Australopithecines      332-333
Background radiation      67 69 77 143-153
Bahcall, J.      77
Balloon borne experiments      144-145 161-163
Bally, J.      207-243 305 308-309
Barnard      68 217
Baryons      76-77 123-124 128-129 213
Bell Labs      227
Bellatrix      223
Beta Pictoris      233
Betelgeuse      214
Bethe, H.      64
big bang      60-86
Big bang, Guth's theory      103-104
Big bang, singularity      3-4
Big bang, terminology      4
Big bang, theory      24 37 68 69-70
Big bang, time prior to      179
Big Dipper, the      213-214
Binary stars      309-310
Binoculars      236
Bipolar jets      231 250 262-267
Birth cycles      208-43 244-267
Blackbody radiation      43-44
Blueshift      30 34 225-229 241
Blumenthal, G.      118-119 123
Bodenheimer, P.      300
Bohr, N.      63-64
Bolte, M.      132
Bondi, H.      68
Born, M.      48
Bosma, A.      122
Bosons      88
Boss, A.      234 247 255-256 299 302-305 312
Bottom quark      72
Brahe, T.      277
BRAHMS detector      85
Branes      8-9 179-183
Brasier, M.      335-336
Brearley, A.      201-203 206-207
Bridle, S.      113
Brightness      31
Brownlee, D.      323-324 328-329
Bruno, G.      273
bubbles      135-139 220-222
Bucher, M.      154 169 174
Busza, W.      78-79 80 83 84
Butler, P.      282 284 285 312
CAI      see 'Calcium-aluminum inclusions'
Calcium-aluminum inclusions (CAI)      288-290 296
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT)      209-243
Cannibalism      245 297
Carbon dioxide      325-331
Carbon isotopes      336-340
Carbon recycling      327-328
Carter, B.      106
Casimir effect      52
Cassiopeia      222
CDM      see 'Cold dark matter'
cells      342-343
Centaurus      309-310
Cepheid variable stars      30-31
CFHT      see 'Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope'
Chain of Being      270
Chandra X-Ray Observatory      219-220
Chaotic inflation      136-137
Charged coupled devices (CCD)      224-226
Charged particles      52-53
Chemical transformations      315
Chemical weathering      328-329
Chibisov, G      134
Chondrules      202-207 247 266 288-313
Christian cosmic maps      269
Circumstellar disks      231-43 306-308
Climate      324-331
Clocks, speed      16
Closed universe models      24-27 105
Cloud collapse      212-243
Clump formation      251-267 304-305
Clustering      109 119
Coalescence      212-243
COBE      see 'Cosmic Microwave Background Explorer'
Cold dark matter (CDM) model      118-139
Cold spots      147-153
Collisions, branes      8-9
Collisions, Earth's formation      318-343
Collisions, gold nuclei      60-62 81-85
Collisions, planet formation      298-299 301
Collisions, protons/ antiprotons      72
color fields      55
Compression, oscillations      148-150
computer simulations      131-132 303-305
cones      170-175
Copernicus, N.      273-279
Cores      248-267 322-323
Cosmic abortion      309
Cosmic acceleration      140-141 157-164
Cosmic inflation      4-5
Cosmic inflation, before inflation      165-184
Cosmic inflation, discovery      101-107
Cosmic inflation, galactic cobweb      113-139
Cosmic inflation, no-boundary theory      171-175
Cosmic inflation, paradigm shifts      140-164
Cosmic inflation, primordial pea      7-8
Cosmic maps      268-269
Cosmic Microwave Background Explorer (COBE)      113 144-145 147-153
Cosmic microwave background radiation      67 69 77 112-113 143-153
Cosmic string theory      168-169
Cosmic structure      110-139
Cosmological constant      25 32 36 155-156
Cosmological principle      33-34
Critchfield, C.      64
Critical density      27 104-105 153-156
Cronin, J.      74
Crystalline structures      202-207
Curved space      19-21
Cusanus, N.      272-273
Cuzzi, J.      293-294
Dark ages      128-129
Dark energy      141-164
Dark matter      74 110-139
Darwin, C.      316-317
DASI      see 'Degree Angular Scale Interferometer'
de Broglie, L.      45-46
de Lapparent, V.      109-110
De Peiresc, N-C F.      219
de Sitter, W.      26-27 36
de Vaucouleurs, G.      109
Death, interstellar      208-243
Degree Angular Scale Interferometer (DASI)      162
deMenocal, P.      332-333
Density of matter      27 104-105 114-116 153-156 235
Density perturbations      116
Dey, A.      131
diamonds      191-192
Dicke, R.      105
Differential Microwave Radiometer (DMR)      146 151
Dirac, P.      70
disks      231-243 261-267 296-297 306-308
Distance, nebulae      31
DMR      see 'Differential Microwave Radiometer'
Dodelson, S.      112-113
Doppler shifting      225-229
Doppler technique      282-286
Double-dose inflation theory      154 169
Draper, H.      219
Dressier, A.      118 130-131 139 347
Dualities      97-98
Dust clouds      215-243
Dust grains      290-291
Dvali, G.      180
Earth's formation      318-343
Earth-centered models      268-274
Earth-like extrasolar planets      271 286
Earthquakes      323-324
Ecology, interstellar      208-243
Eddington, A.      22
Efstahiou, G.      160
Einstein, A.      13-14 19-23 24-26 45 57-58
Ekpyrotic universe model      8-9
Electromagnetism, fields      51
Electromagnetism, force      138
Electromagnetism, interaction      52-54 88-89
Electromagnetism, radiation      14 41-42
Electromagnetism, theory      39-41
Electron microprobes      203-204
Electron-matter field      51
Electrons      42 46-49
End of greatness      112
Energy, conservation      104
Energy, dark      141-164
Energy, mass relationship      17-18
Energy, matter/antimatter creation      71-73
Energy, quanta      43-45
Energy, vacuum      141-164
Energy, zero      166
Erosion      320
Eternal inflation      136-137 167
Euclidean geometry      18-19
Eukaryotes      330-331
European Southern Observatory      217
European Space Agency's Planck mission      163
Evidence for life      335-340
Expanding universe models      27-28 32 36
Expansion rate      35-36
Extrasolar planets      271-287 306-313
Faber, S.      118-119 121-123 125-130 346
Fabry - Perot spectrometer      225-229 234 241
False vacuum      101-102
Far Infra-red Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS)      145-146
Farmer, M.      189 199 203
Fedo, C.      337
Feynman, R.      22 53 56-57 173 178
Fields      40
FIRAS      see 'Far Infra-red Absolute Spectrophotometer'
Fission      63
Fitch, V.      74
Flat rotation curves      122
Flat universe models      27-28 104-105
Flatness problem      104-106
Forces      88-9 90-91 137-138
Fossils      187-207 335-340
Four dimensional geometry      18
Fractal structures      112 137-139 251-252
Freedman, W.      35
Friedmann, A.      27-29
Fundamental tone spots      149-150 161-163
Fusion      64 216
Galactic clustering      119
Galactic cobweb      108-139
Galaxies      33-36 109-113 118-139 160 257-258
Galileo      276 278-279
Gallagher, J.      122
Gallagher, S.      257
Gamow, G.      62-64 65-67
Gas clouds      129 215-243
Gas winds      293-294
Gaseous planets      241-242 281-286 299-313
Geller, M.      109-110
General theory of relativity      19-23
Geocentric models      268-274
Geometry      18-20
Georgi, H.      90
Giant molecular clouds      215-243
Gingerich, O.      272-3 275-276 279
Glashow, S.      90
Gluons      54 55 80-81 93
Gold nuclei      81-82
Gold, T.      68
Goldhaber, A.      154 169 174
Goldreich, P.      293-294
Goldsmith, D.      33
Gould's Belt, interstellar ecology      238-239
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs)      90
Gravitation      12-13 18 21 279-280
Gravitational collapse      216-243 253-257
Gravitational instability model      294
Gravitational lensing      23 150-151
Gravitons      56 94-95
Gravity      20-21 89 94-98 252-267 279-280
Greeks      268-269
Greenhouse gases      324-331
Guth, A. big bang theory      78
Guth, A. cosmic inflation      4-5 70 101-107
Guth, A. cosmic microwave background radiation      152
Guth, A. eternal inflation      167
Guth, A. inflation      117 133-134
Guth, A. phase transitions      98-101
GUTs      see 'Grand Unified Theories'
H-chondrites      203-204
Haag, B.      192 199-200 203
Hadean period      340
Hadrons      62 79-82
Haldane, B. S.      316
Halliday, A.      340
Hamilton, A.      95 142-143
Haro, G.      229
Harris, ].      60-62 80-82 83 85
Harrison, E.      116
Harrison, M.      339
Hartle - Hawking no-boundary cone      170-175
Hartle, J.      169-175
Hawking, S. cosmic microwave background radiation      152
Hawking, S. dualities      97-98
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