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Nagaosa N. - Quantum field theory in strongly correlated electronic systems :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Nagaosa N. - Quantum field theory in strongly correlated electronic systems
Nagaosa N. - Quantum field theory in strongly correlated electronic systems

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Название: Quantum field theory in strongly correlated electronic systems

Автор: Nagaosa N.


In this book the author extends the concepts previously introduced in his "Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics" to situations in which the strong electronic correlations are crucial for the understanding of the observed phenomena. Starting from a model field theory to illustrate the basic ideas, more complex systems are analysed in turn. A special chapter is devoted to the description of antiferromagnets, doped Mott insulators and quantum Hall liquids from the point of view of gauge theory. This advanced text is written for graduate students and researchers working in related areas of physics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Физика твердого тела/Методы квантовой теории поля/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 170

Добавлена в каталог: 22.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Aharonov - Bohm effect      152
Anderson model      78
Anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model      16 81 97
Anti-ferromagnetically      3
Anyons      152
Backwards scattering      86
band theory      74
Berry phase      63 68 96 139
Bethe ansatz      11 16
Bloch waves      73
Bose condensation      71
Bosonization      23
Brioullin zone      75
CDW      87
Chern - Simons gauge      153
Composite fermions      156
Composite fields      153
Composition law      150 155
Conformal dimensions      51
Conformal field theory      45
Constraint condition      81
Cooper pair      31
Correlation function      61
Coulomb interaction      75
Critical dimension      113
Cumulants expansion      103
Curie law      77 135
Des Cloiseaux - Pearson mode      21 34
Doped Mott Insulator      82 142
Doublet-exchange interaction      143
Doublon      144
Dynamic critical exponent      100 112
Effective Hamiltonian      79
Fermi liquid      88
ferromagnetism      3 92
Filling factor      78
Filling factor $\nu =$1/2      154
Gauge field      139
Gaussian theory      101
Ginzberg criterion      114
Ginzburg - Landau expansion      90
Goldstone mode      64
Green function      49
Haldene gap      68
Haldene state      71
Heisenberg model      1 34 87
High-temperature superconductors      82
Holomorphic functions      46
Holon      146
Hubbard gap      95
Hubbard model      76 89
Imaginary time formalism      36
Insulator phase      74
Jordan - Wigner transformation      7
Josephson equation      31
Josephson phase      87
Kink      3
Kondo effect      117
Kondo limit      119
Kondo model      78 124
Kondo temperature      125
Lagrange multiplier      44 121 145
Landau - Wilson expansion      98
Landau level      153
Landau's theory      88
Local non - Fermi liquid      126
Luther Emery phase      87
Magnetic impurity      117
Magnetic ordering      89
magnetic susceptibility      107
Majorana-fermions      28
Mermin - Wagner theorem      71
Metallic phase      75
Mott insulator      78 86 142
Multi-channel Kondo problem      125
N$\acute{e}$el ground state      5
Nesting vector      92
Neutron scattering      71
Non - Fermi liquids      82
Non-crossing approximation      131
Non-linear sigma model      63
Normal product      24
Operator product expansion      50
Orbital degeneracy      92
Over-screening      125
Particle-hole pairs      23
Pauli susceptibility      77
Phase shift      14
Plasma excitation      75
Primary field      51
Quantum Critical Phenomena      98
Quantum Hall system      152
Quantum Kink      7
Renormalization group      38 104 107
Rotational symmetry      47
RVB state      147
S-d model      124
Saddle point method      70 89
Saturation      142
Schwartz derivative      52
Screening effect      75 141
SDW      87
Self-consistency condition      137
Self-consistent Renormalization      98 103
Sine - Gordon model      33
Skyrmion number      68
Soliton      3
Spin - Charge Separation      82
Spin chirality      144
Spin operator      77
Spin-gap state      147
Spinon      146
Stoner condition      92
T - J model      82 145
Tight-binding model      76
Tomonaga - Luttinger liquid      23 88
Transfer integral      92
Umklapp scattering      86
Under-screening      125
Virasoro-algebra      53
Wannier orbits      75
Wick's theorem      50
Winding number      54
X-ray absorption edge      132
XXZ model      23 42
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