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Liddle A., Lyth D.H. - Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Liddle A., Lyth D.H. - Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure
Liddle A., Lyth D.H. - Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure

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Название: Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure

Авторы: Liddle A., Lyth D.H.


Enormous progress has been made in inflationary cosmology in the past few years and this book is the first to provide a modern and unified overview of the subject. Coverage examines every aspect of inflationary cosmology and carefully compares predictions with the latest observations, including those of the cosmic microwave background, the clustering and velocities of galaxies and the epoch of structure formation. Problems are included throughout to help the student develop a thorough understanding. An ideal introduction to what promises to be one of the most fruitful topics of research in science in the next decade, this volume will be of great interest to graduate students and researchers in astrophysics, cosmology, particle physics, theoretical physics and applied mathematics

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Гравитационное взаимодействие/Космология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 400

Добавлена в каталог: 18.09.2005

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Предметный указатель
Abell clusters      268
Abell radius      294
Acceleration equation      15
Acoustic oscillations      86 252
Acoustic peaks      124
Acoustic peaks, spacing      254
Acoustic wave      63
action      164
Action principle      166 331
Addition theorem (for spherical harmonics)      70
Adhesion approximation      287
Adiabatic condition      61 96
Adiabatic density perturbation      61
Age      25
Age problem      37
Age with cosmological constant      25
Age, observed      28
Age, open Universe      25
Anisotropic stress      100 322 337
Annihilation operators      171
Anthropic principle      152
APM cluster catalogue      269
APM galaxy survey      262
ASCA      282
Associated Legendre function      68
Attractor, inflationary      51
Axino      143
Axion      142 197
Axion misalignment      197
Axion star      114
Axion strings      197
Axion window      198
Baryogenesis      31
Baryon catastrophe      see cluster baryon fraction
Baryon density contrast Newtonian      84
Baryon number      355
Baryon temperature      349
Baryon-to-photon ratio      30
Baryonic matter      29
Baryons      349
BBKS transfer function      108
Bianchi identity      331
Bias parameter (b)      264
Bias parameter (b), nonlocal      266
Bias parameter (b), optical and infrared      265
Bias parameter (b), redshift dependence      266
Bias parameter (b), scale dependence      265
Biased galaxy formation      263
Big Bang, Cold      33
Big Bang, Hot      12
Big Bang, problems      36
Black holes      114
Blackbody distribution      115
Blackbody distribution, Rayleigh - Jeans      244
Blackbody distribution, Wien      244
Blue spectrum      189
Bolometers      255
Boltzmann equation      353
Boltzmann equation, collisionless      352
Boltzmann hierarchy      360 368
Boson star      114
Bottom-up structure formation      109
Brans - Dicke field      232
Brans - Dicke theory      see Jordan - Brans - Dicke theory
Brightness function $(\Theta)$      123 360
Bubble-wall modes      151 241
Bulk flows      270
Canada-France Redshift Survey      266
Chandra      282
Chemical potential O)      355
Christoffel symbol      see connection
Classicality of perturbations      184
Closed Universe      46 240
Cluster abundance constraint      295
Cluster baryon fraction      30
Cluster correlation function      268
Cmbfast code      109 130 136 155 157 259 371
COBE normalization      106 187 247
COBE normalization, cosmological constant      249
COBE normalization, critical density      248
COBE normalization, inflationary energy scale      251
COBE normalization, open Universe      250
COBE normalization, uncertainty      249
COBE normalization, worked example      252
COBE satellite      1 244
COBE satellite, anisotropies detected by      120 244
COBE satellite, DIRBE instrument      245
COBE satellite, DMR instrument      245
COBE satellite, FIRAS instrument      244
COBE satellite, fits      246
COBE satellite, sky maps      245
Coherence length      112
Cold Big Bang      33
Cold dark matter      3 63
Cold dark matter (CDM) model      7 58
Cold dark matter (CDM) model, cosmological constant $(\Lambda CDM)$      143 309
Cold dark matter (CDM) model, critical-density      304
Cold dark matter (CDM) model, high baryon      305
Cold dark matter (CDM) model, open(OCDM)      147 310
Cold dark matter (CDM) model, standard      109
Cold plus hot dark matter (CHDM) model      7 138 307
Collision term      353 367
Collision term, ignoring polarization      363
Comoving distance      13
Comoving observer      76
Compton scattering      356
Conformal Newtonian gauge      342
Conformal time      14 182
Conformal transformation      227
Conformal vacuum      240
Connection $(\Gamma^{\mu}_{\nu \alpha})$      325
Conserved charge      355
Consistency equation      194 201 259
Constants, table of      372
Continuity equation      16 93
Continuity equation, Newtonian      78
Conventional matter      29
Coordinate line      319
Coordinate system, orthogonal      325
Correlation function      66
Correlation function, cluster      268
Correlation function, galaxy      263
Correlation function, radiation angular      117
Correlation function, three-point      265
correlation length      73
Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope      254
Cosmic Background Interferometer      254
Cosmic confusion      253
Cosmic infrared background      245
Cosmic Mach number      273
Cosmic microwave background (cmb)      26 244
Cosmic microwave background (cmb), $\mu$ distortion      244
Cosmic microwave background (cmb), foregrounds      255
Cosmic microwave background (cmb), temperature      244
Cosmic microwave background (cmb), y distortion      244
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy      115 244
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, cosmological constant      146
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, degree scales      252
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, dipole      123 246
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, Doppler peaks      see acoustic peaks
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, experiments      253
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, fits      246
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, gravitational waves      154
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, isocurvature      160
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, large angular scales      120 244
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, multipoles $(a_{lm})$      116
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, observational data      125 253
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, open Universe      149
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, polarization      126
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, reionization      133
Cosmic microwave background anisotropy, scales explored by      119
Cosmic rest frame      77
Cosmic strings      38 177
Cosmic variance      117
Cosmological constant $(\Lambda)$      3 15 22 29
Cosmological constant $(\Lambda)$, decaying      29 312
Cosmological constant $(\Lambda)$, density parameter $(\Omega_{\Lambda})$      17
Cosmological constant $(\Lambda)$, supernova evidence for      29
Cosmological constant $(\Lambda)$, vacuum energy as      172
Cosmological parameters      2 27 258
Cosmological perturbation theory      316
Cosmological perturbation theory, basic features      89
Cosmological perturbation theory, coordinate versus covariant      333
Cosmological solutions, cosmological constant      22
Cosmological solutions, matter domination      17
Cosmological solutions, open Universe      22
Cosmological solutions, our Universe      18
Cosmological solutions, radiation domination      17
Cosmological solutions, two fluids      21
Coupling to space-time curvature      177
Covariant derivative      324
Creation operators      170
Critical density      17
Curvature perturbation $(\mathcal{R})$      61 98 344
Curvature perturbation $(\mathcal{R})$, multifield models      201
Curvature perturbation $(\mathcal{R})$, primordial      62
Curvature perturbation $(\mathcal{R})$, relation to metric perturbation      341
Curvature perturbation $(\mathcal{R})$, relation to spatial curvature      341
Curvature perturbation $(\mathcal{R})$, spectrum      74 186
Curvature scalar      329
Curvature scale      23
Curvature scale, angle subtended by      27
Curvature tensor      329
D term      210
Damped Lyman-alpha systems (DLAS)      113 289
Dark matter      3 31
Dark matter, candidates      142
Dark matter, cold      3 31
Dark matter, hot(HDM)      3 31 138
Dark matter, hot(HDM), nonthermal      311
Dark matter, warm      31 142
Decaying cosmological constant      29 312
Degree Angular-Scale Interferometer      254
density      15
Density contrast $(\delta)$      61 80
Density field, dispersion $(\sigma)$      72
Density field, spectral index (n)      75 187
Density field, spectrum $(\mathcal{P})$      65
Density matrix      355
Density parameter $(\Omega)$      17 28
Density parameter $(\Omega)$ of cosmological constant      17
Density parameter $(\Omega)$, redshift dependence      22
Density perturbations      3
Density perturbations, adiabatic      61
Density perturbations, amplitude $(\delta_H)$      106 145
Density perturbations, isocurvature      61
Density perturbations, Newtonian treatment      75
Diffusion      348
Dipole anisotropy      123
dispersion      65
Distance measurements      15
Distribution function, flat space-time      350
Distribution function, perturbed Universe      358
domain walls      38 177
Doppler peaks      see acoustic peaks
e-foldings      23 43
e-foldings, number of      44 46 51
e-print archive      377
Edinburgh/Durham cluster catalogue      269
Effective spectral index      187
Einstein field equation      330
Einstein satellite      282
Einstein - Hilbert action      331
Electroweak scale      33
Energy density      15
Energy-momentum conservation      321
Ensemble average      65
entropy      19
Equation of motion      166
Equivalence principle      89
Ergodic property      73
ESO cluster survey      269
Eternal inflation      47 185
Euler equation      93
Euler equation, Newtonian      78
Euler number      268
Event horizon      47
Expansion parameter      103
Extended inflation      230
Extended inflation, big-bubble problem      233
Extended inflation, variants      234
Extra massless species      311
F term      210
Fiducial model      109
Field equation      166
Filters      see window functions
Fine-tuning      152
Fingers of God      267
Fisher information matrix      259
Fixed point      174
Flat directions      207
Flatness problem      36 39
Fluid equation      see continuity equation
Fluid velocity      76
Fock space      171
Foregrounds      255
Foregrounds, galactic dust      256
Foregrounds, galactic free-free      256
Foregrounds, galactic synchrotron      256
Foregrounds, point sources      256
Fourier expansion      59
Fourier integral      67
Frame      228
Frame, Einstein      228
Frame, locally inertial      89 327
Frame, locally orthonormal      327
Freestreaming      348
Friedmann equation      16
Friedmann equation, Newtonian      79
Frozen-potential approximation      287
Galaxy clustering      262
Galaxy clusters      292
Galaxy clusters, abundance      295
Galaxy clusters, high-redshift      295
Galaxy clusters, lensing mass      293
Galaxy clusters, number density      293
Galaxy clusters, virial mass      292
Galaxy clusters, X-ray mass      293
Galaxy velocities      270
Gas dynamics, flat space-time      350
Gas dynamics, perturbed Universe      356
Gauge      90 335
Gauge invariant      345
Gauge, comoving      343
Gauge, conformal Newtonian      342
Gauge, longitudinal      342
Gauge, modes      347
Gauge, synchronous      346
Gauge, total-matter      343
Gauge, transformation      335 339
Gaussian perturbations      63
General relativity      327
Generic coordinates      323
Genus test      268
Geodesic      318 327
Goldstone boson      175
Grand unified theory      206
Gravitational constant (G)      13
Gravitational instability      6
Gravitational lensing      29 256
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