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Gauquelin <b style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">M</b>. - The cosmic clocks :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Gauquelin M. - The cosmic clocks
Gauquelin M. - The cosmic clocks

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Название: The cosmic clocks

Автор: Gauquelin M.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Популярные издания/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1969

Количество страниц: 224

Добавлена в каталог: 09.09.2005

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Предметный указатель
Abels      160
Adderley, E.E.      99
Alexander the Great      xix 39 44 47
Amenophis IV      (see Ikhnaton)
American Association of Scientific Societies      86
American Association of Social and Psychological Studies      77
Anaximander      46
Anaximene      46
Anderson, R.Y.      104
Andrews, E. J.      150-51
Anu's path or way      37-41
Arai, Y.      101
Aristarchus      60 93
Aristotle      47
Arrhenius, S.      xx 98 152
Artificial satellites      xvii xxi 93 91 100 110 202
Aschoff, J.      176
Astrolabe lists      38
Astrological almanacs      59 61 63
Astrology, popularity of      xv xx 58-59 61-63 65-78 85
Astronomische Gesellschaft      89
Astronomy      xv xviii 35 37-39 54 56 59-61 76 81-82 84- 85 92 103 107 109-11
Atkinson, G.      110
Augustine, St.      xx 51
Augustus      xix 50-51
Aztec religion and astrology      xx 30
Bach, E.      147
Bachelard, G.      74
Bachman, C.H.      148
Balbillus      49
Barber      193
Barnwell      124
Bartels, J.      129
Bean aphid, reproductive cycle of      116
Becker, G.      132
Becker, R.O.      148
Bender, H.      65
Bennett      124
Berg, H.      101 147-48
Bergeron      97
Bernal, J.      194
Bernard, C.      169
Bernard, P.      103
Berossus, xix      47-48
Berthelot, R.      30
Bigg, E. K.      110
Biinning, E.      118 120
Bjerknes      97
Blood, effect of solar rays on      xxi 141-46
Bok, B.J.      86
Bordi, S.      195
Bortels, H.      187
Bossuet, B.      77
Bouchd - Leclercq, A.      48 50 81
Bowen, E.      99 110
Bradley, D.      87
Bradley, Donald A.      98-99
Brahe, Tycho      xv
Brier, G.      98-99
Brown, F. A., Jr.      xvi xxv 120 21 123-27 128-29 130-33 144-45 153 165 176 179 183 187 195-96
Bruce, V.      121
Burr, H. S.      121 153
Cameades      xix 49
Campbell, J. V.      75
Capel - Boute, C.      190
Cardano, G.      60
Carrots, metabolic activity of      123-24
Carson, Rachel      116
Centrechinus cetosus (sea urchin), reproductive cycle of      118
Chaldean astrology      xv xix 33 35-44 71 73-75 98 107-8 202 204
Chapman, S.      129
Charles      163
Chemical reactions and earth's position      193-97
Chemical reactions and geomagnetism      187-88
Chemical reactions and lunar cycles      193
Chemical reactions and sunspots      192-93
Cheops      27
Chephren      27
Chicken embryos, response to daily rhythm      127
Chinese religion, astrology in      27 29 31-33
Choisnard, P.      87
Chounn      xix 32
Christianity and astrology      xx 51-52 55 60 70
Cicero      xix 49
Claudius      49
Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L.      188 197
Cockchafers (beetles), effect of geomagnetic and gravitational forces on      134
Cockroach, metabolism of      115
Colbert      xx 61
Cole, L. C.      128-29
Confucius      32
Copernicus      xv xx 52 60 92
Costa, M.      193
Cramer, Fr. H.      48-51
Csapo, A.      182
Culpeper, N.      62
Cumont, F.      48 53 70-71
Curry, M.      175
Cyran, W.      179
Darwin, Charles      92
Date of birth and body build      160-61
Date of birth and frequency of births      159
Date of birth and intelligence      161-62
Date of birth and length of life      160-61
Date of birth and positions of planets      169-83
Date of birth and vocation      159 169-83
Date of birth and weight at birth      160 (see also Planetary heredity)
De Rudder, B      145-46
De Villefranche, M.      61
Dendrochronology      102-3
Derjavin      122
Dessler, A. T.      110
Dewey, E. R.      103
Dictyota (seaweed), reproductive cycle of      117 119
Dion      27
Domitian      49
Douglass      102
Dull, G. and B      147-48
Duval, C.      194
Eclampsia, effect of solar rays on      147
Eclipses in religion      26 29 73
Eclipses, eflect on life      25 107 8 144
Egyptian religion and astrology      27 28-29 33 72 74-75 107
Einstein, Albert      xv 92
Electrical perception in animals      132-33
Electrical perception in man      153-55
Farnsworth      86
Faure      xx 138-39 141
Faust, W.      149
Festugifere, A. J.      56
Finch      129
Findeisen, E.      187
Fischer      164
Fisher, W. H      195
Fitt      161
Flabellum (coral), striping of      122
Flies, effect of geomagnetic forces on      132
Fowler, R.      194
Frank, H.      194
Freud, Sigmund      74 93
Friedman, H.      148
Galileo      xv 92 150
Gamov, G.      109
Giordano, A.      146
Goethe, J. von      xx 61
Goodenough, F.      161
Grain seed, cycle of germination of      120
Gravitation, effects of on life      vii 61 98 107-8 110 116 17 133-34 150
Greek astrology      xv xix xx 27 39 43-44 46-56 58 75
Grunion, reproductive cycle of      116-17
Gunn, D.      152
Gunther      165
Gutman      152
Hailey      61
Halberg, F      116 163 182
Hamsters, lunar rhythm of      126-27
Hanzlik, H.      101
Harfet      165
Harker, J.      114
Hartland - Rowe, R.      122
Haurwitz, M.      103
Hawkins, G. S.      26
Heckert, R      151
Heliogabalus      51
Hinduism and astrology      31
Hipparcus      84
Hippocrates      47 93 202
Hittites      28
homer      46
Horoscope, evolution of      xvi
Hosemann, H.      152 164
Howe, E.      67
Huff, D.      151
Huntington, E.      xx 86 160-61 162
Hynek, J. Allen      86
Ikhnaton      xix 27 108
Indian religion and astrology      27 30-31
International Society of Biometeorology      203
Islam and astrology      xx
Jackson, C.      164
Japanese religion and astrology      27
Jenny      163
Julius Caesar      49
Jung, C. J.      67 69 93 203
Juvenal      50
Kaiser, I.      163
Kallmann      83
Kepler, Johannes      xvi xx 52 58-60 63 76 93
King      163
Kirchhoff, H.      152 163-65
Knobloch, H.      162
Koestler, Arthur      59 76 92
Komblueh, I.      153
Konig, H. L.      133 153-54
Koopmans, H. L.      104
Kouan - Tsd      32
Krafft, K.E.      67 83 87
Krueger, A.      153
Le Danois      107
Leaton      129
Lees, Anthony D.      116
Leoni, E.      67
Lingemann, O.      147
Locusts, migration pattern of      122
London, T.      103
Lucan      50
Lucretius      49
Lunar cycles      25 28-29 92 98 101 107
Lunar cycles and deaths from tuberculosis      151
Lunar cycles and frequency of births      163-65
Lunar cycles and menstruation      151-53
Lunar cycles and mental disorders      149-50
Lunar cycles and pneumonia      151
Lunar cycles and post-operative bleeding      151
Lunar cycles and vocation      151 172 174 177 183
Lunar cycles and weather      94 97-101 107
Lury      103
MacDonald, W.W.      122
MacNeice, Louis      65
Magat, M.      195
Malek, J.      163
Malin      129
Manilius      xix 52 53-54 55
Marius      49
Marshack, Alexander      25
Martini, R.      147 153
Maspero, Henri      32
Menaker, W. and A.      164
Menstruation and cycles of moon      151-53
Mental disorders, effect of electromagnetic forces on      149 50
Milankovitch, M.      108
Mills, Clarence      161-62
Mironovitch, V.      99-100 105-6
Mustel      101
Mycerinos      27
Nassarius (mollusk), effect of geomagnetic forces on      130 32
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)      xvi
Navajo religion and astrology      27
Nelson, John H.      109
Nero      49 50
Nervous system, effect of sun-spots on      147-49
Neugebauer, O.      51 55
Newton, Isaac      xv 61 63 92 150
Nottbohm      164
Octavius      49
Opik, E.I.      108-9
Orme, J.E.      162
Oswald      152
Oysters, lunar rhythm of      124 26
Palmer, J.D.      132
Papeschi, G.      193
Papuan religion and astrology      28
Paracelsus      60 63 149
Paris - Teynac, E.      107
Park, Y.H.      132
Pasamanick, B.      162
Petersen, William      150 162
Peuckert, W.      38 78
Piaget, J.      71
Piccardi, Giorgio      xvii xviii xxi 104 110 176 186 188 93 195-97
Pigeons, effect of geomagnetic forces on      132
Pinter      161-62
Pittendrigh, Colin      121
Planaria (worm), effect of geomagnetic forces on      131-32
Planetary heredity      xviii xxi 87-88 169-83
Planets and ice ages      108-9
Planets and radio reception      109-10 (see also Planetary heredity)
Plato      47
Pliny      92
POINTS      163
Pompey      49
Pople, J.      194
Potatoes, metabolic activity of      123-25
Poumailloux, J.      146
Ptolemy      xx 52 53 83 93 204
Puig      1 147
Pygmy religion and astrology      28
Pythagoras      xvii 47 54
Quetelet      163
Raphael      xx
Ratcliff, J.D.      182 222
Rats, lunar rhythm of      126
Ravitz, Leonard J.      149 150
Reiter, R.      148 153 179
Religion, astrology and      (see Under specific religion)
Renaissance astrology, xv      58 63 92
Rhythms of life and lunar cycles      116-19 122 124-27 128 129 131-32
Rhythms of life, classification of      115-16
Rima, A.      103 193
Roberts, J.A.      110
Rocard, Y.      154
Roman astrology, xv      48-52 54 55 58-59
Romensky, N.V.      146
Sadis, A.      36 42 43
Salamanders, metabolic activity of      123-24
Sardou      xx 138-39
Sargon the Old      xix 40
Saros      107-8
Sauvage - Nolting      162
Schluck, L.      147
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