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Raine D.J. - The Isotropic Universe: An Introduction to Cosmology :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Raine D.J. - The Isotropic Universe: An Introduction to Cosmology
Raine D.J. - The Isotropic Universe: An Introduction to Cosmology

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Название: The Isotropic Universe: An Introduction to Cosmology

Автор: Raine D.J.


An introduction to modern ideas on cosmology and on the physical basis of the general theory of relativity. The title reflects the author's contention that the remarkable degree of isotropy, rather than the expansions, can be regarded as the central observational feature of the universe. The various theories and ideas in "big bang" cosmology are discussed, providing an insight into current problems.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1981

Количество страниц: 253

Добавлена в каталог: 13.02.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$h$      4 41
$H_{0}$      40
$q$, $q_{0}$      see 'Deceleration parameter'
$s/k,$      82 219
$t_{exp}$      177 185
$Z$      35
Abell, G.      8
Absolute space      117
Affine connection      110
Andromeda galaxy      2 66
Angular correlation function      19
Angular diameter      154
Angular diameter, test      156
Anisotropic universes      6 196
Anisotropic universes, classification of      202
Anisotropic universes, expansion of      204
Anthropic principle      221
Antimatter      80-82; see 'Matter'
Apparent magnitude test      160
Arrow of time      244
Background radiation      44-7 55;
Background radiation, optical      45
Background radiation, perturbation of      209 210
Background radiation, x-ray      45
Baryon non-conservation      236
Bianchi types      202
Black hole      226 243
Black-body radiation      47 53
Boltzmann formula      71 180
Bulk viscosity      174
Catalogues of galaxies      7
Chaotic cosmology      215
Clusters, rich      3 8 24 31 57 64 243
Coma cluster      3 4 32 69
Compton scattering      57 186-7
Compton scattering, inverse      57
Conservation of mass      214
coordinates      108
Coordinates, Minkowski      96 98 111
Coordinates, normal      108-10 115 128 131
Copernican Principle      125
Correlation function      10 11 14-19 242
Correlation function, cross      28
Correlation function, three-point      28
Cosmic rays      44 46 79-80
Cosmic time      126 199
Cosmological constant      119 137
Cosmological models      153
Cosmological principle      121 124
Cosmological principle, perfect      125
Covariant derivative      114
Critical density      69 141 184
Curvature      99 104 116
Curvature, constant      129
Curvature, Riemannian      116 129
de Sitter, W.      119
de Sitter, W., model      230-2
Deceleration parameter      41 135 141 156 160 184
Deuterium      182-4
Dicke, R.H.      89
Distance classes      9 26
Distance scale      4 39-41
Distribution function      168 172
Doppler effect      35
Dust model      139
E$\ddot{o}$tv$\ddot{o}$s, R.V.      89
Einstein field equations      107-8 116 137 147
Einstein field equations, model      120-3
Einstein - de Sitter model      141 157 190 193
Electron scattering      185
entropy      60 175 179 182 219-20 244-6
Equation of state      107 138 151
Equivalence principle      88 118
Equivalence Principle, Galilean      89 90-1
Equivalence Principle, strong form      94
Equivalence Principle, weak form      94
Event horizon      225
Expanding Universe      34 36-8 197
expansion      198
Field equations      see 'Einstein'
Fragmentation      239 242
Frame of reference      110
Free fall      92 99;
Free fall, divergence of      93
Free-free absorption      184 186
Friedmann, A.      130
Fundamental observers      121 126 132
Galaxies      28-9
Galaxies, active      30
Galaxies, classification of      28
Galaxy      1 3
Galaxy luminosity function      4 69
Galaxy luminosity function, haloes      66 67
Gamma-ray background      81
Geodesic completeness      224
Geodesics      99 102 114 115
Geodesics, deviation of      102 104 116
Grand unified theories      235 241
Gravitational instability      242
Gravitational potential      86
Gravitational waves      46
Gravity      85 90
Gravity, Newtonian theory of      86 91-2
Hagedorn theory      152 235
Helium synthesis      181-3
Hierarchical universe      3 7 27
Homogeneity      21 26 27 33 36 126
Homogeneous universe      4 6 126
Horizons      192-4 216
Hot Big Bang      43 46 57 83
Hubble classification      29
Hubble constant      40
Hubble flow      67
Hubble parameter      40 135
Hubble, E.P.      4
Hubble's law      38
Inhomogeneous universe      6 196 208
Intergalactic medium      70 191
Isotropy      6
Isotropy of the Universe      36 49
Jeans mass      239 242
K-correction      38 160
Kasner solution      202-3
Kinetic equation      169 187
Kirchhoff relation      74
Kompaneets equation      210
Last scattering      189 205
Lemaitre, G.      130
Lie derivative      200
Liouville's theorem      168 172
Local Group      2 3 66 81
Local rotational symmetry      199
Log$N$-log$S$      163-4
Luminosity-volume test      43 163
Mach's principle      117 207 212-15
Magnitude      5 160
Malmquist effect      205
Mass, conservation of      105
Mass, gravitational      90
Mass, inertial      90
Mass, missing      65
Mass, to light ratio      63 65
Matter-antimatter symmetry      82 83 234-6
Maxwellian distribution and expansion      173
Mean density      69
Metric      97-8 100 108 112
Metric, Minkowski      96
Microwave background      46 47-9 54 71 239
Microwave background, anisotropy of      53-4 205-6
Model universe      118
Neutrinos      45 117 178 217
Neutron-proton ratio      180
Number counts      161-4
Olbers' Paradox      34
Particle creation      218-19
Perturbations      240-2
Planck distribution      53 59 170
Planck mass      220 241
Planck time      218 241
Poisson equation      86
Power spectrum      10 12 16 17 21-4 33
Quasars      31 43 164 243
Radiation, 21 cm      2 36
Radiation, flux      159
Radiation, transfer      169 189-90
Radiation, universe      147
Radio emission      80
Radio emission, sources      31 33 44
Random distribution      8 11
Reciprocity theorem      158
Recombination      174 188
Redshift      35 59 132-4
Reference frame      110
Reference frame, tetrad      111
Relativistic particles      79
Relativity, general theory of      88
Relativity, principle of      87
Relativity, Special Theory of      87 95-6
Riemannian curvature      129
Robertson - Walker metric      130
Rotation      197 198 206-7
Rubin - Ford effect      204
Scale factor      36 133
Scaling      9 10 21 26 27
Schwarzschild radius      226 227
Shear      197
Singularities      223 226
Singularities, types of      204
Space-time      95
Space-time, curved      97
Spatial homogeneity      126
Spin temperature      72
Steady state theory      42 125 162 219 230-3
Summation convention      96 108
Super clusters      3 9
Superclustering      24
Swiss-cheese model      209 237
Temperature of matter      173 175
Temperature of neutrinos      178
Temperature of radiation      148 170 175 178-80
Tensor      113
Test body      89
Thermal equilibrium      176
Thomson scattering      57 185
Tidal forces      93 116
Tilted Universe      226
Tired light      165
Turbulence      241 243-4
Virgo cluster      2 32
Virial theorem      68
Whimper singularity      230
X-rays      66 78
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