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Martin B.R., Shaw G. - Particle Physics :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Martin B.R., Shaw G. - Particle Physics
Martin B.R., Shaw G. - Particle Physics

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Название: Particle Physics

Авторы: Martin B.R., Shaw G.


Particle Physics, Second Edition is a concise and lucid account of the fundamental constituents of matter. The standard model of particle physics is developed carefully and systematically, without heavy mathematical formalism, to make this stimulating subject accessible to undergraduate students. Throughout, the emphasis is on the interpretation of experimental data in terms of the basic properties of quarks and leptons, and extensive use is made of symmetry principles and Feynman diagrams, which are introduced early in the book. The Second Edition brings the book fully up to date, including the discovery of the top quark and the search for the Higgs boson. A final short chapter is devoted to the continuing search for new physics beyond the standard model.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: second

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 367

Добавлена в каталог: 09.06.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$J/\Psi$ meson      40-41 127-130
$J/\psi$ meson, discovery      70-72
$q$-value      34
$\Delta$S = $\Delta$ Q rule      203 261
Absorption length      52
Accelerators      46-50
Accelerators, current machines      47 50
Angular momentum classification of particles      85
Angular momentum classification of particles, commutation relations      323
Angular momentum classification of particles, conservation of      82-85
Angular momentum classification of particles, in the quark model      86-88
Anomaly condition      221-222
Antiparticles      2-8
Antiparticles, discovery of positron      6-8
Antiparticles, relation to hole theory      5-6
Antiparticles, relative parity of      90-91
Associated production charmed particles      42
Associated production charmed particles, strange particles      40
asymptotic freedom      151 154-157
B-mesons      42 130
Baryon number      33
Baryon number, conservation      34
Baryon number, violation in grand unified theories      270-273
Baryon-antibaryon asymmetry in universe      273-274
Baryons, colour wavefunction of      14 145-148
Baryons, magnetic moments      140-141
Baryons, mass splittings within multiplets      114-115 138-140
Baryons, quark model      32 136 138
Baryons, table of properties      138 139 334 335
Beauty particles      42
Beauty particles, $\beta$ decay processes      see 'Neutron decay'
Beauty particles, quantum number      22
Bethe - Bloch formula      53
Big Bang Model      276-277
Bjorken scaling      170-172
Bjorken scaling, deviation, from      172-177
Bjorken scaling, in parton model      172-174
Born approximation      17 167 295
Bottomium      42 127
Bottomium, potential      130-133
Bottomium, spectrum      131
Bottomium, table of states      127
Branching ratio      27
Branching ratio, isospin predictions of      329 330
Branching ratio, tables of values      332 335
Breit Winner formula      117 227 291 303
Breit Winner formula, decay distributions      298-300
Breit Winner formula, resonant cross-sections      300-303
Bremsstrahlung      55 56
Bubble chamber      42 59
C-parity      96 98
C-parity, ferrmon-antifermion pairs      96 127
C-parity, positronium      98 102
C-parity, violation in weak interaction      240-244
Cabibbo allowed/suppressed decays      201 216
Cabibbo angle      199
Cabibbo hypothesis      199
Callan Gross relation      173
Calorimeters      67
Calorimeters, electromagnetic showers      68
Calorimeters, hadronic showers      69
Cascade baryon      136 141 204
Centre-of-mass energy      49 78 284
Centre-of-mass energy, $\hat{C}$crenkov counters      64 67
Charge conjugation      95 98
Charge conjugation, $\pi^{0}$and $\eta$ mesons      96
Charge conjugation, positronium      101
Charge conjugation, violation in weak interactions      240-244
Charged weak currents      183-184
Charged weak currents,      190-191 316-317
Charm quantum number      32
Charmed particles      41-42 201
Charmonium      41 127-130
Charmonium, experimental discovery      40 70
Charmonium, potential      130-133
Charmonium, table of states      127
Cloud chamber      6 59
Colliding beam accelerators      48-50
Collision length      52
Colour      141-148
Colour, charges      142-147 151 310-311
Colour, evidence for in $e^{-}e^{-}$ annihilation      162-163
Colour, hypercharge and isospin      142 143
Colour, role in QCD      149-151
Colour, wavefunction      145-147
Commutation relations lor angular momentum      323
Compton scattering      19
confinement      141-142 146-147 151
Confinement condition      146 151
Conservation laws, angular momentum      82-85
Conservation laws, B - L      271
Conservation laws, baryon number      34
Conservation laws, charge conjugation      95 241 243
Conservation laws, colour      142
Cosmic baryon asymmetry      273- 274
Cosmic rays      26 45
cp      241-244 252 255 260-261
CP conservation      241 244 252-255
CP conservation,      260 261
CP conservation, violation in K decays      252 255 260-261
CP, isospin      109-113
CP, lepton numbers      22 28
CP, linear momentum      80
CP, parity      88-90 240 246
CP, strangeness, charm and beauty      33-34
CPT theorem      255 259
Cross-sections, Born approximation      17 295
Cross-sections, definitions      290-291
Cross-sections, differential      293 294
Cross-sections, elastic electron-proton      167-169
Cross-sections, Rutherford formula      164 167 169
Cross-sections, total      52 291
D-mesons      42
Dark matter      276 281
Dark matter, search for cold dark matter      279-281
Deep inelastic scattering Callan Gross relation      173
Deep inelastic scattering Callan Gross relation, charged lepton proton      169-176
Deep inelastic scattering Callan Gross relation, neutrino-proton      177-180
Deep inelastic scattering Callan Gross relation, total cross-section      180
Detailed balancc      104-105
Detectors      see 'Particle detectors'
Differential cross-seciion      293-294
Dipole fit to proton form factors      166-167
Dirac equation      4 6 309 310 320
Dirac magnetic moment      5 26 101 140
Drift chambers      59 61
Elastic scattering electron-proton      163- 169
Elastic scattering electron-proton, kaon-proton      123-124
Elastic scattering electron-proton, neutrino-electron      267 281
Elastic scattering electron-proton, pion-proton      120-122
Electric form factor of the proton      165
Electromagnetic interactions basic vertices      8-10
Electromagnetic interactions basic vertices, gauge invariance of      304-310
Electromagnetic interactions basic vertices, pair production and annihilation      12-14
Electromagnetic interactions basic vertices, typical lifetimes      35
Electromagnetic showers      68
Electron neutrinos      23 25
Electron number      22
Electron-electron scattering one-photon exchange      11
Electron-electron scattering one-photon exchange, two-photon exchange      12
Electron-positron annihilation      157-163
Electron-positron annihilation, evidence for colour in      162-163
Electron-positron annihilation, in hole theorv      9 10
Electron-positron annihilation, three-jet events      159 162
Electron-positron annihilation, to hadrons      72-74 127-129 157-162
Electron-positron annihilation, to muon pairs      127-128 159 218 219 224-226
Electron-positron annihilation, tophotons      12 14 90-91 101-102
Electron-positron annihilation, total cross-section      162 163
Electron-positron annihilation, two-jet events      157-159
Electron-positron pair production      9 10 14-15 56-57
Electron-proton scattering clastic      163-169
Electron-proton scattering clastic form factors      165 167
Electron-proton scattering clastic, inelastic      169 177
Electroneak interactions      214-227
Electroneak interactions, gauge theory of      231-234 314-322
Electroweak unification      184 218-219
Electroweak unification,      221 224 318-322
Emulsiuns      35 36 59
Energy losses by particles in matter ionization losses      53-55
Energy losses by particles in matter ionization losses, radiation losses      55-56
Eta meson      96-98 134-135
Exotic hadrons      122-124
Exotic hadrons of the second kind      342
Fermi coupling constant      18 19 195-196
Feynman diagrams      8-14
Feynman diagrams, basic clectromagnctic veilices      8-10 191
Feynman diagrams, basic QCD vertices      151
Feynman diagrams, basic weak vertices      191-193 199-200 220-221
Feynman diagrams, order of      12
Feynman rules      12
Fixed-target accelerators      47 48
Flux      291
Form factors of the proton      165 167
Fragmentation      169 1 70 177
Gauge bosons      1 2 149
Gauge bosons, table of properties      332
Gauge invananoe      149 221 231-232 304-322
Gauge theories electromagnctic interaction      149 231-232 304-305
Gauge theories electromagnctic interaction, electrounk interactions      232 235 314-322
Gauge theories electromagnctic interaction, gauge principle      232-234 304 309-310
Gauge theories electromagnctic interaction, photon mass      306-309
Gauge theories electromagnctic interaction, quantum chromodynamics      149 310-314
Gauge theories electromagnctic interaction, unification condtion      318- 320
Gauge transformation      231
Gauge transformation, electroweak      233 316-318 321
Gauge transformation, QCD      311-314
Gauge transformation, QED      231 305-306
Georgi - Glashow model      268-273
Glueballs      151
Gluino      275
Gluon-gluon scattering      150-152
Gluons      2 150-152
Gluons, spin determination in $e^{-}e^{-}$ annihilation      161 162
Grand unified theories      267-273
Grand unified theories, proton decay in      270-271
Hadronic showers      69
Hadrons allowed quantum number      157
Hadrons allowed quantum number, decays      23 24 34-43 198 200-205 247 252-255
Hadrons allowed quantum number, exotic quantum numbers      122-124 342
Hadrons allowed quantum number, general properties      32-35
Hadrons allowed quantum number, light barvons      136-138
Hadrons allowed quantum number, light mesons      134 135
Hadrons allowed quantum number, tables of properties      32 33 107 135 138 139 334-335
Hadrons allowed quantum number, typical nfeiimes      35
Hadrons allowed quantum number, wiight diagiams      134 137
Helicity      244
Helicity, neutrino      244-246
Higgs boson      231-239
Higgs boson, searches for      235-239
Higgs held and particle masses      234-235
Higgsino      275
Hole theory      5-11
Hubble constant      277
Hypercharge      110
Inelastic electron and muon scattering      169-177
Inelastic electron and muon scattering, Bjorken scaling      170-172
Inelastic electron and muon scattering, Callan - Gross relation      173
Inelastic electron and muon scattering, parton model      172-1 4
Inelastic electron and muon scattering, structure functions      171-172
Inelastic neutrino scattering      177-182
Interaction lengths      53
Interactions of photons in matter      56-57
Internal quantum numbers      107
Intrinsic parity      89
Invariant mass      283- 287
Inverse      0
Inverse muon decay      27 195-196 223-224
Inverse, decay      24
Ionization energy losses      53-55
Isospin      109-114 323-331
Isospin formal theory of      323-331
Isospin of hadrons      110
Isospin, branching ratio predictions      329 330
Isospin, conservation      109-113
Isospin, hadron multiples      326 329
Isospin, in quark model      111
Isospin, operators      109-113
Isospin, states      325-326
Jet chambers      60-61
Jets in $e^{-}e^{-}$ annihilation gluon spin determination      161-162
Jets in $e^{-}e^{-}$ annihilation gluon spin determination, strong interaction coupling      159-162
Jets in $e^{-}e^{-}$ annihilation gluon spin determination, three-jet events      159 162
Jets in $e^{-}e^{-}$ annihilation gluon spin determination, tw o-jet events      157-159
Kaon-proton scattering      123-124
Kaons      37-40 109 110 134-135 200-201
Klein - Gordon equation      3-4
Lattice gauge theory      152
Lepton number conservation      22-28
Lepton quark symmetry      196 201 219-221
Leptons      22 29
Leptons, parity      90-91
Leptons, table of properties      333
Leptons, universality      28-29
Lifetimes of hadrons      35
Light baryons quark model predictions      136-138
Light baryons quark model predictions, table of states      138-139
Light baryons quark model predictions, weight diagrams      137
Light mesons quark model predictions      134-135
Light mesons quark model predictions, table of states      135
Light mesons quark model predictions, weight diagrams      134
Linacs      46
Lorentz condition      307
Lorentz gauge      307
Lorentz transformations      282-288
Lorentz transformations, energy and momentum      282-283
Lorentz transformations, scattering angle      286-288
luminosity      291
MACHOS      278
Magnet designs      64
Magnetic form factor of the proton      165
Magnetic moments baryons      5 8 140-141
Magnetic moments baryons, Dirac form      5
Magnetic moments baryons, electron and positron      5 99-101
Magnetic moments baryons, muon      26
Magnetic moments baryons, quark      140
Mesons, charmomum and bottomum      126-133
Mesons, pseudoscalar mesons      134
Mesons, quark model      32 86 87 92 134-135
Mesons, table of properties      135 335
Mesons, vector mesons      134-135
Mesons, weight diagrams      134
Minimal ionizing particles      54
Multiwire proportional chambers      60
Muon      22 23 26
Muon, decay      27 29 241-42 246-248
Muon, magnetic moment      26
Muon, number      23
Natural units      18-20
Neutral currents      183-184 219-231 318-322
Neutral K mesons      248-260
Neutral K mesons, $K^{0}$ and $\bar{K}^{0}$ mixing      248-252
Neutral K mesons, $K^{0}$ long and $K^{0}$ short mass difference      259
Neutral K mesons, $K^{0}$ long and $K^{0}$ short state      252
Neutral K mesons, $K^{0}$ short regeneration      255 257
Neutral K mesons, $K_{1}$ and $K_{2}$      249-250
Neutral K mesons, CP violation      252-255
Neutral K mesons, decay's      252-255 260-261
Neutral K mesons, strangeness oscillation      257-260
Neutrino-electron scattering      239 267 281
Neutrino-nucleon scattering      177-180 183-184
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