Электронная библиотека Попечительского совета механико-математического факультета Московского государственного университета
Laikin M. - Lens design |
Предметный указатель |
Achromat as an extender 94-95
Achromat, doublet 45
Achromat, pseudo 53
Achromat, reduced secondary color 50
Achromat, thin lens, third order 45-56 440
Achromatic prism see Achromatic wedge
Achromatic wedge 287-289 434
Aerial photography lenses 313-322
Afocal optical systems 157-168 218-219 346-350 355-359
Airy disc 226
Anamorphic systems, cylinder 297-301
Anamorphic systems, prism 301-303
Antireflection films 11-13
Apochromat microscope, objective 137
Apochromat microscope, telephoto 92-93
Apochromat microscope, telescope objective 52
Aspheric surfaces 6-8 189 193 197 443
Baffles 185
Barlow lens (negative achromat) 50 92
Best form lens 212 442
Bi-ocular lens 283-284
Binocular, Galilean 160 162
bounds 17
Cassegrain mirror system 181-183 224-225 350-355 449
Catadioptric lenses 139-140 181-196 224-225
Cemented surfaces 11 249
Cinegon lens 99-100
CinemaScope 297
Computer programs for lens design, commercially available 437-438
Computer programs for lens design, use 30
Condenser 305-312 442
Conic section lenses 273-274
Copy lens 172-174 401-407
Depth of field 37-38
Designs, list 9-12
Diffraction limit 36-37
Diopter, prism 287
Distortion ix
Document scanner 233-235
Door viewer 167
Drawings, lens 27-29 445-448
Edge and center thickness 17
Elements, changing number of 15
Ellipsoidal mirror 311-312
Endoscope 241-244
Enlarging lenses 245-248
Erfie eyepiece 127
Eye pupil diameter 121
Eyepiece relay 177-178
eyepieces 121-132
Eyepieces, magnification 123
F theta see Scan lenses)
Field angles 5
Film formats 429-430
Filters, aerial photography 313
Fish-eye lenses see Wide angle lenses
Flange distances 433
FLIR (forward looking infrared) 213-215
Fluorite objective 137
Focusing, eyepiece 122
Focusing, periscope 206
Focusing, zoom 332 375
Fringes (accuracy/irregularity) 28
Gauss, double 75-83
Glass variation 9-11
Gradient index lenses 419-428
Heads up display (HUD) 279-285
Heads up display (HUD), specifications 279
Heliar 65-66
Hyperhemisphere bound 113
Illumination systems 305-312
In-water lenses 145-156
Index of refraction, calculations 8 453
Index of refraction, immersion oil 142
Index of refraction, polynomial fit 453
Index of refraction, Schott equation 9 145 454
Index of refraction, Sellmeier formula 9 454
Index of refraction, UV transmitting glasses 222
Index of refraction, water 147
Infrared lenses 211-220
Infrared lenses, achromat doublet 46
Infrared lenses, Cassegrain 183-184
Infrared lenses, triplet 59-61
Infrared lenses, zoom 350-355
Inverted telephoto 97-103 195
Irtran 458
Kellner eyepiece 124
Laser beam expander 157-161
Laser beam expander, focusing lenses 271-277
Laser beam expander, lines 41
Laser beam expander, optics 39
Laser beam expander, scan lens 235-236
Least squares, optimization 4
Lister-type objective 134
Lithography, optical 227-230
Mechanical properties 411-412
| Melt data fitting 19-20
Merit function 2
Microfiche 327
Microscope objectives 133-143
Microscope objectives, oil immersion 141-142
Microscope objectives, reflecting 139-140 195-196
Microscope objectives, zoom 346-350 360-370
MTF 450
MTF, wavelength vs. weights 8
Narcissus 33-34
Number of elements, changing 15
Numerical aperture 170
Optics program 439-470
Optimization methods 3
Orthonormal, optimization 4
Panoramic camera 118-119
Parameters, variable 16-17
Pellicle 291
Periscope lenses 203-209
Petzval lens 71-74
Photographic see also Aerial photography lenses
Photographic, Cassegrain 187-188
Photographic, lenses 31-32
Photographic, zoom 375 351
Plastics, 4 Galilean 162-163
Plastics, projection lens 258-259
Plastics, video disk 274
Plossl eyepiece 127
Port, concentric dome 151-152
Port, flat plate 147-150
Power changer 163-164
Prism, achromatic see Achromatic wedge
Profile projection 266
Projection lenses 249-263 452
Projection lenses, displaced 253
Projection lenses, LCD 260-262
Projection lenses, microprojection lenses 327-329
Projection lenses, requirements, high power 249
Projection lenses, slide 68-69
Projection lenses, variable focal length 409
Projection lenses, zoom 396
Pupil aberration 105
Pupil shift 13-14
Radiation resistant lenses 323-326
Ray pattern 4-5
Reflector, xenon arc 311-312
Refractive index see Index of refraction
Relay systems 169-189
Retrofocus lens see Inverted telephoto
Rifle sight 175-176 335-360
Ritchey - Chretien 197-200
Rod lenses 242
Rotary prism camera 294-295
Scan lenses (F theta) 233-239
Schmidt camera 193-194
Secondary color 34-36
Sparrows criterion 37
Spherical aberration, minimum 212 442
T number 204
Telecentric lenses 265-270
Telephoto lens 85-95
Telephoto lens, first order solution 85
Telescope objective 47-53 189-190
Tessar 67-68
Test glass fitting 17-19 462
Thermal problems 20-21
Thermal properties 435
Tilted plate 294
Tolerances 21-26
Transmittance in atmosphere 211
Transmittance in ocean water 146
Triplet lens (air spaced) 55
Triplet lens (air spaced), modifications 65-70
Triplet lens (air spaced), radiation resistant 323-325
Triplet lens (air spaced), third order solution 55-57 463
TV-type lenses 32
TV-type lenses, zoom 341 371 380
Ultrafiche 327
UV lenses 34 221-231
UV lenses, achromat doublet 46
UV lenses, reflecting objective 139-140
Variable focal length lenses 409-417
Video disk lens 271-272
Viewfinder, Albada 165
Viewfinder, Albada, eyepiece relay, camera viewfinder 177-178
Vignetting 13-14
Wedge plate 291-293
Whitworth thread 133
Wide angle lenses see Inverted telephoto
Wide angle lenses, very wide angle 105-120
Zoom lenses cams 464-467
Zoom lenses cams, first order theory, mechanical 331-336
Zoom lenses cams, first order theory, optical 337-340
Zoom lenses cams, Mechanically compensated 387-400
Zoom lenses cams, optically compensated 387-300
Zoom lenses cams, spacings 468-470
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