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Hull J.C. - Options, futures and other derivatives :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Hull J.C. - Options, futures and other derivatives
Hull J.C. - Options, futures and other derivatives

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Название: Options, futures and other derivatives

Автор: Hull J.C.


This book is an excellent introduction and guide to derivatives. It's also a good reference - there's enough information so that you probably won't feel you need to buy another, deeper book.
The emphasis is on a description of the various products, as well as how to price them. The emphasis stays on the theory of pricing, rather than delving right down into computer algorithms, so if you need to write derivatives software, I recommend the excellent 'C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing' by Mark Joshi - but read this book first.
This should definitely be your first book on derivatives. Only after reading several other books on derivatives, after first reading 'Hull', did I realise how clear his book is, and how some other authors manage to make things so confusing.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 5th edition

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 744

Добавлена в каталог: 11.02.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Abramowitz, M.      248
Aitchison, J.      236
Allen, S.L.      119
Altman, E.I.      620 633
Amin, K.      290 589
Amran, M.      676
Anderson, L.B.G.      460 477 478 479 585 586 589
Andreasen, J.      585 586
Antikarov, V.      676
Arditti, F.      684
Artzner, P.      347
Asay, M.      325
Babbs, S.      465
Bakshi, G.      341
Banter, B.      214 428 538 567
Bardhan, I.      470
Barone-Adesi, G.      427 429
Baxter, M.      500
Beaglehole, D.R.      683 684
Bear spread      189-190 701
Bearish calendar spread      193
Becker, H.P.      198
Bermudan option      436 701
Bermudan swap option      586
Beta      82 701
Beta, changing      84-85
Bhattacharya, M.      181
Bicksler, J.      147
Bid      2 134-135 157 701
Bid-ask spread      701
Bid-offer spread      135 157 158 701
Biger, N.      290
Binary credit default swap      642-643
Binary option      441 701
Binomial model      701
Binomial tree      701
Binomial tree, alternative for constructing      406-410
Binomial tree, American options example      209-210
Binomial tree, control variate technique      406
Binomial tree, delta and      210-211
Binomial tree, denned      200
Binomial tree, dollar dividend-paying stocks      403-45
Binomial tree, European options examples      200-209
Binomial tree, futures option      284-286
Binomial tree, matching volatility      211-212 212-213
Binomial tree, nondividend-paying stock      392-397
Binomial tree, one-step      200-205 269-270
Binomial tree, options on index, currency, and futures      399-402
Binomial tree, risk-neutral valuation and      203-205
Binomial tree, stock paying a known dividend yield      267-270 402-403
Binomial tree, time-dependent interest rates and      405-406
Binomial tree, two-step      205-210
Bivariate normal distribution      701
Black Monday      55 322 360 692
Black - Scholes bias, equity option and      334-336
Black - Scholes bias, foreign currency options and      331-334
Black - Scholes bias, single jumps in asset price anticipated      338-339
Black - Scholes model      701
Black - Scholes model, cumulative normal distribution function      248-249
Black - Scholes model, delta and      303
Black - Scholes model, difference between binomial tree model and      241-242
Black - Scholes model, dividend      252-256
Black - Scholes model, European option on non-dividend-paying stock      246-248
Black - Scholes model, expected return      237-238
Black - Scholes model, forward risk-neutral valuation and      493-494
Black - Scholes model, implied volatility      250-251 331
Black - Scholes model, known dividend yield      268-269
Black - Scholes model, pricing formulas      246-248 268-269
Black - Scholes model, risk-neutral valuation and      244-245 247
Black - Scholes model, volatility      238-241 251-252 330
Black - Scholes - Merton differential equation      241-244
Black's approximation      701
Black's approximation, American call option      255-256
Black's model      701
Black's model, European interest rate derivatives      508-510
Black's model, forward risk-neutral valuation and      514-515 519-520 523-524
Black, R      234 249 255 258 287 290 341 479 531 563 567 633
Blattberg, R.      257
Board broker      701
Board order      33
Bodurtha, J.N.      290 342
Bollerslev, T.      376 388
Bolsa de Mercadorias y Futuros (BM&F)      19
Bond option      511 701
Bond option, embedded      511
Bond option, European      511-513
Bond option, forward risk-neutral valuation and Black's model      514-515
Bond option, on coupon bearing bonds      549-550
Bond option, valuation using Vasicek model      540-542
Bond yield      95 701
Bond yield volatilities      513-514
Bond, pricing      94-96
Bookstaber, R.M.      198 325
Bootstrap method      96-98 701
Boston option      436 701
Bottom straddle      195
Bottom vertical combinations      196
Boudoukh, J.      364
boundary conditions      243
Box, G.E.P.      389
Boyle, P.P.      324 428 467 479
Brace, A.      577 589
Brady Commission report      322-323
Break forward      436 701
Brealey, R.A.      229
Breeden, M.      342
Brennan, M.J.      429 543 567
Brenner, M.      290
Brent index price      680
Broadie, M.      428 429 440 442 449 478
Brotherton-Ratcliffe, R.      416 429 460 479 531
Brown, J.A.C.      236
Brownian motion      218
Buhler, W.      589
Bull spread      187-189 701
Bullish calendar spread      193
Burghardt, G.      567
Business day conventions      131
Business valuation      666-667
Butterfly spread      190-192 701
Buying on margin      158
CAC-40 Index      53
Cai, L.      684
Calendar spread      192-194 701
Calibrating instruments      564
Calibration      564-565 584-585 702
Call option      6-7 151 702
Callable bond      511 702
Cancelable compounding swaps      604-605
Cancelable forward      436
Cancelable swap      603-604 702
Canter, M.S.      684
Cao, C.      341
Cao, M.      684
Cap rate      515 702
Cap, interest rate      515-520 702
Cap, interest rate, valuation      517-518
Capital asset pricing model      61 82 273 621 660-661 702
Capital asset pricing model, relation to market price of risk      485 487 665-666
Capital investment appraisal      660-661
Caplet, interest rate      516 702
Carabini, C.      64
Carr, P.      429
Carverhill, A.      589
Cash price, bond and Treasury bill      104 512 561
Cash settlement      32 702
Cash-flow mapping      354 702
Cash-or-nothing call      441 702
Cash-or-nothing put      441 702
CAT bond, catastrophic bond      683 702
Chance, D.M.      38 164 290 342 606
Chang, E.C.      64
Changing the measure      212 495-496
Cheapest-to-deliver bond      108 702
Chemical Bank      687 690
Chen, A.H.      64 147
Chen, Z.      341
Cheuk, T.H.F.      465
Cheyette, O.      589
Chiang, R.      119
Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)      1 5 6 19 21 22 34 52 104 279 683
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)      1-2 11 151 152 153 154 155 157 270 273
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), CBOEdirect      157
Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)      1 5 19 21-22 32 34 52 53 55 56 110 111 279 497 679
Chiras, D.      342
Cholesky decomposition      413 702
Chooser option      438 702
Chriss, N.      350
Citron, Robert      686 688 689 693
Claim amount      615 618
Clean price, bond      512 702
Clearing margin      26 702
Clearinghouse      26 702
Clewlaw, L.      428 450 684
Cole, J.B.      684
Collar, interest rate      517 702
Collateralization      625
Collateralized debt obligation (CDO)      646-647 702
Collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO)      587 702
Combination, option trading strategy      194-196 702
Commission brokers      32 702
Commission, stock option      157-158
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)      33-34 161 702
Commodity price      667-670
Commodity swap      605 702
Comparative-advantage argument, currency swap      141-143
Comparative-advantage argument, interest rate swap      131-134
Compound option      437 703
Compounding frequency      42-43 703
Compounding swap      595-598 703
Conditional VaR (C-VaR)      347-348 703
Confirmation      130 595 596 602 703
Constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model      456-57
Constant maturity swap (CMS)      599-600 703
Constant maturity Treasury swap (CMT)      600-601 703
Constructive sale      162
Consumption asset      41 58-59 703
Consumption asset, market price of risk      485
Contango      31 703
Continuous compounding      43-44 703
Continuous variable      216
Continuous-time stochastic process      216 217-222
Contract size      21
Contraction option      671
Control areas, electricity-producing region      681
Control variate technique, variance reduction procedure      406 415 703
Convenience yield      59-60 703
Convergence arbitrage      692
Conversion factor      106-107 703
Conversion ratio      652
Convertible bond      163 652-654 703
Convexity      115 117-118 703
Convexity adjustment      524-527 703
Convexity adjustment, constant maturity swap (CMS)      600
Convexity adjustment, forward rates and futures rates      111 566
Convexity adjustment, LIBOR-in-arrears swap      526 599
Convexity adjustment, swap rates      527
Conze, A.      479
Cooling degree days (CDD)      679 702
Cooper, I.      655
Cootner, P.H.      229
Copeland, T.      676
Copula      703
Cornell, B.      64
Corner the market      35
Cornish - Fisher expansion      358 703
Correlation      385-388
Correlation swap      605
Cost of carry      60 703
Counterparty      703
Coupon      94 703
Courtadon, G.R.      290