Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://jet.sao.ru/hq/vch/rfbr11-07-00108/Pub/08ZhelenkovaCherenkov-1.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Nov 6 11:54:05 2012
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Feb 3 01:27:49 2013

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: dark nebula

.. , .. , .. , .. zhe@sao.ru, vch@sao.ru, taap@sao.ru,vsher@sao.ru
. , , , . - , , , . , , .

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XV « » (IMS-2012), -, , 2012.




( ) , , (5-30%). , , , , . - , . , . , . . 2.1. , -600 -600 40 . RC (RATAN Cold) [1], RCR (RATAN Cold Revised) [2]. (SS, Steep Spectra) RC [3]. , , . ~1000 RC ~100 . 15 6- ( ), [4]. 1 Z < 2, 2 Z < 3, 3 Z < 4 Z = 4.51 [5]. , SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) [6] UKIDSS (United Kingdom Infra-red Deep Sky Survey) [7], WISE (Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer) [8] RC RCR. . RC [9,10], RCR [11,12] . , / ,

SDSS (g, r, i) / UKIDSS (J, H, K) . RC, RCR , , , , . Aladin [13] ( Perl ), Python SAOImage DS9 [14] . - , [15]. 2.2. RCR , , : , , , , . 12 (VLSS, TXS, FIRST, NVSS, RCR, GB6, SDSS, USNO-B1, GSC 2.3.2, 2MASS, LAS UKIDSS, WISE), 5 (FIRST, NVSS, SDSS, LAS UKIDSS, WISE), -, , . . , . , «-», «--». , . , , . , , . , . ,

-, 10--12 2012 .



, . . , . . , , . , . «» « ».

, . , . ( , , , , .), ( , .) ( , ..). FITS (Flexible Image Transpost System) [16], , VOTable [17], - , , IVOA (International Virtual Observatory Allience). 3.1. FITS FITS . . FITS- (basic FITS) , . , -, -, .

, , FITS-. «random groups», , , ; «tables» - ASCII-; «binary tables» - , . FITS- , . 2880 . HDU (Head and Data Unit) . , . HDU , . 36 80- ASCII-. , . SIMPLE, BITPIX, NAXIS, NAXIS1, ..., NAXISn, END . SIMPLE T ( ) F ( ). BITPIX. 8 ( ), 16 (), 32 (), 32 (), 64 ( ), : NBITS=|BITPIX|*(NAXIS1*....*NAXISm), NAXIS ( 0 999. 0, , ) NAXIS1 .. END . 2880 , , , , . FITS- XTENSION. - , ( , XTENSION=BINTABLE). , , , , . 3.2. VOTable VOTable , , , Astrores [18], FITS- . VOTable XML , , , (validation) , XSLT. VOTable -




, -. VOTable , . , . , . , VOTable, . , . , , VOTable TABLEDATA, FITS BINARY. TABLEDATA XML-, XML. FITS «binary table» VOTable , FITS- VOTable-. BINARY VOTable- , FITS- . XML, VOTable , , , . , -. , , - XML FITS. UCDs (Unified Content Descriptors) [19], . GROUP VOTable , . . 3.3. FITS VOTable FITS- 80- 20 . , , . . , , , . World Coordinate System

(WCS), . , . , , , . FITS- , . , 80-, , . FITS- , ( NAXISi). , FITS Unicode. FITS- VOTable , - . VOTable UCD, , . , [20]. VOTable, FITS-, , .

, , , . , , . , , . - , . , , - , , , . , , . , .

-, 10--12 2012 .



, . , , , « , » .. . , , . . 4.2. AstroDAbis - AstroDAbis [21] - (, ). (« X ») (« 123 , 456 »). AstroDAbis, , . , , , , . , , SDSS UKIDSS, - . , , , . AstroDAbis , , -, . , . , , , , . . , ­ Distributed Annotation System, http: //www.biodas.org), ­ RDF (Resource Description Framework) LOD (Linking Open Data)). AstroDAbis LOD-, URI , Semantic Web .

4.3. ADSASS - ADSASS (The ADS All-Sky Survey) [22] NASA ADS (Astrophysics Data System), , . ADS , , . . : 1) , (astrotag) ADS. , geotags , astrotags ; 2) , , astroreference-, georeferencing, , . Astroreferencing , , , ; 3) , , . , , , , astroreference , , . ADSASS , , . 4.3. VOdka - - . , , , , , . ,




, . , . VOdka (VO Data Keeping-up Agent) [23], . , , , , . , snapshot-, , , , , .

. 5.2. FITS- , FITS- , HDU- , 1-, 2-, 3 , , , . [16] FITS- . FITS- ALADIN, FITS-. FITS- , , , FITS. , , , (, , ..). HDU (Header-Data Unit) . .

, , , . 5.1. ALADIN ALADIN [14], , . ALADIN CDS, , . IVOA SAMP (Simple Application Messaging Protocol) . ALADIN , , . ALADIN . , , . , . .

FITS-, , . , . VOTable-, , AstroDAbis ADSASS, , VOdka, , . , , , , . , (« »), XML , , , .

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To the problem of heterogeneous data organization for the multi-frequency study of radiosources
O.P. Zhelenkova, V.N. Chernenkov, T.A. Plyaskina, V.S. Shergin Today the Virtual Observatory tools provide easy access to astronomical data and improve the efficiency of researches. Based on the existing web technologies the astronomical community is developing on realization greater data semantic connectivity. This will put the virtual observatory services to a new level of exchange of not only data but also knowledge. However, there is no development of tools for actualization information collected from web resource, and a means of organizing heterogeneous data prepared by the user for scientific analysis, which could improve further work. We consider the approach to organization of diverse information for a studying object, based on the development of the existing formats of astronomical data and tools to support semantic data connectivity.
10-07-00412 11-07-00108.

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