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Дата изменения: Thu Oct 31 15:04:19 2013
Дата индексирования: Fri Feb 28 00:24:01 2014

Поисковые слова: equinox
Optical Spectroscopy of the Eastern Filament of W50
O. Maryeva, P. Abolmasov, A. Burenkov and A. Moiseev
Abstract: We present the results of long-slit and FPI spectroscopy of the Eastern optical filament of the radionebula W50, associated with the well-known peculiar binary SS433. Archival long-slit data obtained in July 2006 were used. Spectra w ere acquired in the wavelength range 3700-7300е. Several emission lines including HeII 4686 are detected for the first time. We estimate interstellar reddening as E(B-V)=1.m28, electron temperature as 12500K. From the available data we can set only the upper limit for the electron density <180cm-3. We analyze the distribution of different parts of the filament on ionization diagrams. Line profiles show radial velocity variations in the range 50В70km s-1, but a fainter offset filamentary structure is present with a velocity about 90km s-1. Our results are consistent w ith the optical filaments being powered by the EUV/X-ray radiation from high-velocity shock waves in the Eastern lobe of W50 or from SS433.
Line ID Flux,
15± 1 6.2± 0.6 0.8± 0.11 4.6± 0.3 3.9± 0.2 7.4± 0.2 9.6 ± 0.1 28.8± 0.3 22± 5 7.4± 1.5 55± 3 36± 3 45± 5 58± 5 135± 6

Emissio n line fluxes in the integral spectrum
10-14 erg cm-2 s1

F( )/F(H)
3.16± 0.26 1.35± 0.12 0.18± 0.02 1± 0.06 0.84± 0.04 1.6± 0.05 2.09± 0.02 6.26± 0.07 4.8± 1. 1.6± 0.33 11.87± 0.61 7.77± 0.6 9.81± 1.16 12.63± 1.19 29.42± 1.33

[OII] 3727 [NeIII] 3869 HeII 4686 H 4861 [NI] 5200 [ArIII] 7135 [OIII] 4959

Integral spectrum, long-slit spectroscopy data. Stellar population spectrum (GALAXEV exponential star formation, age 12Myr) is shown by red.

[OIII] 5007 [OI] 6300 [OI] 6363

radial velocities, [SII] 6717, FPI data

[SII] 6717 [SII] 6731 [NII] 6548 H 6562 [NII] 6583

X-ray image (Chandra) + radio (red contours)

Long slit position

Intensities, FPI data
Stellar continuum (~V) [SII] 6717 [OIII]5007
Spatially-resolved ionization diagram. Cloudy model grids w ith variable hydrogen density (lg ne(cm-3) is shown by blue figures) are shown. Pow erlaw ionizing source w ith =-0.5 (F) is assumed, metallicity Z=1.6Zl , nitrogen abundance is additionally enhanced by factors 1.6, 1.8 and 2 (three red curves).


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