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Параметры командной строки программ обработки

        Program for masking `hot spots` on CCD data                             

        (C)   SAO AS USSR        VLVSoft    1991                                


Usage : COSMETIC.EXE [-x sizex] [-y sizey] [namein] [nameout] [maskname]

where   sizex  - size of input image along X-direction( default= 512)         
        sizey  - size of input image along Y-direction( default= 512)           

        namein - name of input file                                             

        nameout -  name of output result file                                   

	maskname - name of text file with masks of 'hot spots' and defects


        Program for analysing cosmic hits on CCD data                           

        (C)   SAO Russian AS        VLVSoft    1993                             


Usage : COSPAR.EXE [-x sizex][-y sizey][namein1][namein2][maskname][-d dev]

where   sizex  - size of input image along X-direction( default= 530)         
        dev    - deviation parameter ( default - from console)                  

        sizey  - size of input image along Y-direction( default= 580)           

        namein1 - name of input file N1                                         

        namein2 -  name of input file N2                                        

	maskname - name of result file with mask of hits


        Program for creating of image with spectra' strobes                     

  (C)   SAO Russian AS,Marseille Observatory   VLVSoft v.01   18-11-1994        


Usage :	CREATSP.EXE [-w wid] [-x sizex] [-y sizey] [filgeo]             

where 	filgeo - name of text file with coefficients of polynoms                 
                (default name - geometry.exa)                                   

        sizex,sizey - size of result image on both coordinates                  

                (default = 530 580)                                             

        wid - width of modelled spetra ( by default = sigma*3.0)


 Program for CIGALE/TIGER/PYTHEAS data cubes managing and processing            

        (C)   SAO Russian AS        VLVSoft v.1.03   08-02-95                   


Usage :	CVIZ.EXE [-e] [-s] [-w wmin wmax] [-x xleft xright] [-y ytop ybot]      
	         [-r][-f widfact][-d][-a][-c contnam][name1][name2][...nameN]          

where 	wmin,wmax - limits of argument for all profiles                          
   	xleft,xright,ytop,ybot - leftmost,rightmost,upper 
				and lower showed profiles  
	name1,name2,...nameN   - name of files with data cubes                       
   	contnam - name of cube with continuum values                                
   	widfact - factor of component widths transform (default = 1)                
	Key -e  indicates on work in EGA-mode with VGA adapter                        
	Key -s  suggests fixed order of components (as set in GAUSAN.EXE)             
	Key -r  provides automatical restoring of last approximation in GAUSAN        
	Key -d  provides using of variable doublet parameters in GAUSAN  
	Key -a  provides quiet mode for wavelength in GAUSAN


   Program for image vizualization and some processing                          

        (C)   SAO Russian AS        VLVSoft v.05   27-01-95                     


Usage :	FVIZ.EXE [-e] [-w] [-f|l] [-x Xcen] [-y Xcen] [-s Scale] [-n|N] 
                [-h hdlen][-m][-p Numpal][-t Twait][name1] [name2]...           

where 	Xcen,Ycen,Scale - coordinates of center and scale for image fragment     
        hdlen - length of image file header (default=0)                        
        name1   - name of file with image                                      
        name2,..- names of next workfiles(default - no)                        
        Numpal  - number of palette will be used by default                    
        Twait   - time of waiting for any user's action (default - no)         
	Key -e indicates on work in EGA-mode with VGA adapter                      
	Key  -w permits writing to image file                                       
	Keys -f & -l indicate on output first or last image fragment               
	Keys -n and -N allow output symbol data while repers coordinates             
        re-reading from disk file
	Key -m provides definition of color level even service file exists


      Program for gaussian spectra extraction from detector frame               

      (C)   SAO Russian AS        VLVSoft v.02   09-02-1995                     


Usage:	GAUEXT.EXE [-b left right] [-n numsp]inpimage resfile           
        [filgeo] [-d] [-y shiftY][-w AddWid]                                    

where 	left,right - borders for integrating (default = 5 MX-0)                  

        numsp      - amount of adjacent spectra ( default = 3)                  

        inpimage - name of file with input image                                

        filgeo - file with spectra' geometrical params(default - geometry.exa)  

        resfile - file with result spectra                                      

        shiftY  - shift of extration zone on Y (default =   0)                  

        AddWid  - additional part into spectra width ( default = 0.0)           

	Key -d 	using for producing of additional information


        Program for preparing of geometry data for bidimensional spectra        

          (C)   SAO Russian AS,KPNO,Marseille   VLVSoft v.02  1993              


Usage:	GEOPREP.EXE [-f] [-r numrep] [-p power] [-x sizex] [-y sizey]  
        	        [-nosort] [filgeo] [filpos] [filnum] [geores]                  

where filgeo - name of text file with repers' coordinates                       

        filpos - name of text file with measured position of individual spectra 

        filnum - name of text file with associated numbers of spectra           

        geores - name of file with result : coefficients for each spectrum      

                (default - geometry.pol)                                        

        numrep - amount of repers in one line of repers' grid (default = 7)     

        power  - power of approximating bidimensional polynom (default = 3)     

        sizex,sizey - size of result image on both coordinates
		     (default = 512 512)                                             
	Using of key -nosort prevents sorting of input file with 
	repers' coordinates   
	Key -f provides writing additional data to file geometry.tmp                   

	Using -F produce additonal image file strobe.dat (512 by 512 px)               

                 with predicted spectra' position


        Program for Gauss-decomposition of vector data                          

        (C)   SAO Russian AS      VLVSoft v.04   10-02-1995                     


Usage : GAUSAN.EXE [-x xmin xmax] [-w wave0] [-d dist relamp relwid] [-e]       
         [-r] [-f widfact] [-a] [-F] filnam                             
where   xmin,xmax - min&max argument values (default - from  file *.PAR)    
        wave0     - restframe wavelength                                        

        dist,relamp,relwid - distance and relations for doublet's components    

        widfact - factor of width transform while it restoring                 
        filnam    - name of input file                                          

	Key -e 	indicates on using EGA-mode (default - VGA)                            
	Using of key -r provide restoring of parameters from gaus_sol.res
	Using of key -D instead of -d provides FIXED values for doublets ! 
	The same for key -F : first entered parameters will be used everythere
	Using of key -a allows to avoid question about rest wavelength


        Program for image arithmetics                                           

        (C)   SAO Russian AS    VLVSoft    18-11-1994                           


Usage:	IMAR.EXE [operation] [filnam1] [filnam2] [filnam3]
		 [const1] [const2] [const3]                                      

where 	operation - (+,-,/,*,-lg,-ln)                                           
        filnam1 - name of input image 1                                         

        filnam2 - name of input image 2                                         

        filnam3 - name of output image                                          

        const1,const2,const3 - constants for calculation                        

        Size of output image equals size of original


   (C)   SAO Russian AS    VLVSoft v.05  24-01-1995                     

Usage:	LINID.EXE [-p pow][-l len][-w wid][-d|-D disp][-a][-s][-f][-z]  
		  [-e][-m maskfil][-y min max][-c filcoef]
		  [compspec lintab] [inspec outspec]     

where 	pow - power of dispersion approximating polynom(max=6) (default=2)       
        len - length of input spectrum ( default - from file)                   

        wid - width of instrumental profile(default=5)                          

        min,max - limits for comparison spectrum respresentation                

        filcoef - file with coefficients channels = > wavelength             
        compspec - name of file with comparison spectrum                        

        lintab  - table of spectral lines wavelength                            

        inspec  - input spectrum to be linearized                               

        outspec - result of linearization                                       

        maskfil - file with lines' positions                                    

	Key -d indicates on input value of dispersion by user                          
	When key -D is using, necessary set dispersion value(in A/pix)                 
	Key -a executes automatic procedure with lines` mask
	       and wavelength from lintab 
	Key -f provides precise background estimating in each line centering           
	Key -s indicates on using details in object`s spectrum in forming 
		disp.curve only in manual program mode                                        
	Key -z provides using same values (x0,dx,step) for all linearizes data         
	When key -c is applying, comspec & lintab must be omitted


      Program for spectra parameters determination over detector frame          

      (C)   SAO Russian AS        VLVSoft v.02   09-01-1995                     


Usage : PRFTEST.EXE [-w width][-b left right] [-n numsp] inpimage       
        [filgeo][-d][-a AmpLim][-y YcrdLim][-f FWHMLim][-p power]       
where 	width  - height of integration aperture(default=5,<30)                
        left,right - borders for integrating (default = 10 MX-0)                

        numsp      - amount of adjacent spectra ( default = 3)                  

        inpimage - name of file with input image                                

        filgeo - file with spectra' geometrical params(default - geometry.pol)  

        AmpLim, YcrdLim, FWHMLim - limits for max.variation of profile params   

                		   by defaults -   0.9   1.0   0.5                            
        power  - order of approximating polynoms ( default -  3)                

        Using of key -d provides extended output of results


      Program for spectra parameters determination over detector frame          

      (C)   SAO Russian AS        VLVSoft v.03   08-02-1995                     


Usage:	PRFTESTO.EXE [-w width][-b left right] [-n numsp][-p Numfrag]inpimage    
        [filgeo][-a AmpLim][-y YcrdLim][-f FWHMLim]                     
where 	width  - height of integration aperture(default=5,<30)                
        left,right - borders for integrating (default = 5 MX-0)                 

        numsp      - amount of adjacent spectra ( default = 3)                  

        Numfrag    - number of fragments for spectra dividing (default = 21)    

        inpimage - name of file with input image                                

        filgeo - file with spectra' geometrical params(default - geometry.pol)  

        AmpLim, YcrdLim, FWHMLim - limits for max.variation of profile params   

        			   by defaults -  1.00  0.50  0.75


      Program for spectra extraction from detector frame                        

      (C)   SAO Russian AS        VLVSoft v.02   1993                           


Usage:	SPEXTR.EXE [-w width][-b left right][-s SlitStep]

where 	width - height of integration aperture(default=5,<100)                
        left,right - borders for integrating (default = 20 MX-0)                

        SlitStep   - step for slit function producing (default = 1)             

        inpimage - name of file with input image                                

        filgeo - file with spectra' geometrical params(default - geometry.pol)  

        resfile - file with result spectra


Galina S.Afanasieva