. : http://jet.sao.ru/hq/balega/PUBL_BAL/PUB_2005/2005ARep_49_217.ps
: Wed Feb 24 16:01:51 2010
: Tue Oct 2 07:03:15 2012

: earth orbit
Re ports, Vol. 49, No. 3, 2005, pp. 217--225.
Translate d from
Astronomiche ski Zhurnal, Vol. 82, No. 3, 2005, pp. 247--255.
Original Russian
Te xt Copyright c
# 2005 by
Bale ga,
Le ushin,
We ige lt.
Atmospheri c Elemental Abundances for the Components
of the
Multi ple System ADS 11061. 41
Draconi s
Yu. Yu. Balega 1 , V. V.
Leushi n 1 , and G.
Wei gelt 2
1 Special
As trophys ical
Obs ervatory,
Rus s ian Academy of
Sciences , Nizhni


Cherkes s ian Republic, 357147
Rus s ia
MaxPlanckIns titut f

Radioas tronomie, Auf dem H

ugel 69, Bonn, 53121 Germany
March 25, 2004; in final form, September 20, 2004
Abstract---We obtained speckle interferometric and spectroscopic observations of
th e system 41 Dra
during its periastron passage in 2001.
Th e components' lines are resolved in
th e spectral interval

Th e observed
wavelength dependence of
th e
brigh tness di#erence between
th e compo
nents is used to estimate
th e B - V indices separately for
each of
th e components: B - V = 0.511
for component a and B - V = 0.502 for component b. We derived improved e#ective temperatures
th e components from
th eir B - V values
andh ydrogenline profiles.
Th e observations can be de
with th e parameters for
th e components T a
eff = 6370 K,
lo g g a = 4.05 and T b
eff = 6410 K,
lo g g b = 4.20.
Th e iron, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances in
th e
atmosph eres of
th e compo
nents are
lo g N (Fe) a = 7.55,
lo g N (Fe) b = 7.60,
lo g N (C) a = 8.52,
lo g N (C) b = 8.58,
lo g N (N) a = 8.05,
lo g N (N) b = 7.99,
lo g N (O) a = 8.73,
lo g N (O) b = 8.76. c
# 2005
Pleiades Publis hing, Inc.
Th e quadruple system ADS 11061 contains two
spectroscopic binaries, 40 Dra and 41 Dra, orbiting
th eir common center of mass
with a period of several
tens of
th ousands of years and an apparent orbital
th at varies from 10 3 to 10 4 AU [1].
Th e
periods of
th e inner orbits of
th e 40 Dra and 41 Dra
pairs are 10.5 and 1246.7 days [2].
Th e system is
h ierarch ical and probably dynamically stable. All its
componentsh ave spectral types of F5--F7.
Th e iron
abundance estimate of [3] indicates
th at ADS 11061
belongs to
th e young disk population, and
th at its
age does not exceed 2.5 billion years. In late evolu
tionary stages,
such stars become giants
with lumi
nosities only
sligh tly di#erent from
th ose of
th e main
sequence stars.
Th e system is of special interest due to
th e very
h igh orbital eccentricity of
th e 41 Dra pair: e =
0.9754 0.0001 [2].
Th eir
motionh as been stud
ied using
both spectroscopic and interferometric
meth ods, and
th e combined orbit's parameters are
accurately known. For example, despite
th e system's
long period,
th e
epoch of periastron passage is known
with in about 10 minutes. At periastron,
th e com
ponents of
th e pair
approach each oth er to a distance
of about 10 stellar radii.
Th eh igh eccentricity raises
th e question
ofh ow
such a pair could be formed
wh y its
orbith as not been circularized by
th e
action of tidal forces over
th e system's lifetime, as
h ash appened for 40 Dra. One possible scenario of
th e origin and dynamic evolution of ADS 11061
was suggested in [2], but
th e situation is far from
completely clear. In
th e recent periastron passage
of 41 Dra in May--June 2001, it was possible to
obtain integrated spectra in
wh ich th e components'
spectra were fully resolved during a comparatively
sh ort time interval (15 days from periastron).
Th is
made it possible to obtain reliable information on
th e
atmosph eric
ch emical compositions of
each of
th e
Analyses of
th e orbit of
th e 41 Dra pair yielded
th e
components' masses, M a = (1.39 0.15)M# and
M b = (1.30 0.14)M# , and
th e system's dynamic
parallax [2]. An accurate parallax is crucial for deter
th e star's luminosity and, provided
th e tem
peratures are known,
th e components' radii. Essen
tially all estimates of # are close to # = 0.023 ## [1--6],
wh ereas
th e parallax of 41 Dra in
catalog is 0.01884 ## [7],
much lower
th an
th is value.
Th e HIPPARCOS value is probably wrong, since
th e
measurements did not take into account
th e system's
Th us,
th e probable distance to
th e system is
44.6 1.0 pc.
Below, we present
th e results of our estimates
th e components' temperatures and of
th e iron,
carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances in
th eir
atmosph eres based on spectra taken
with th e
ech elle
spectrograph s of
th e 6 m and Zeiss1000 telescopes
10637729/05/49030217$26.00 c
# 2005 Pleiades
Publish ing, Inc.

218 BALEGA et al.
Table 1.
Brigh tness di#erences between
th e components
of 41 Dra
# ,

A/## , A #m uncertainty Date
5000 0.40 m
0.04 m 2001.2713
5450/300 0.48 0.03 1998.7769
6000 0.46 0.05 2001.2713
6050/240 0.20 0.10 1993.3492
6050/240 0.30 0.10 1993.7646
6050/240 0.30 0.10 1993.8437
6560/300 0.38 0.05 1994.7129
7000 0.44 0.10 2001.2713
8500/300 0.41 0.14 2001.2713
12390/1380 0.47 0.20 2000.7800
12390/1380 0.55 0.20 2001.1920
16480/3170 0.46 0.20 2000.7800
21910/4110 0.47 0.10 1996.2667
th e Special
Astroph ysical Observatory (Russian
Academy of Sciences) and
th e Zeiss2000 tele
scope of
th e International Center for Astronomical,
Medical, and Ecological
Research (Mt. Terskol) [8--
Th e
spectrograph sh ave resolutions from 15 000
to 100 000 and cover
th e spectral range from 3700

to 9200

A. We also analyze
th e
brigh tness di#erences
th e components of 41 Dra estimated over a wide
wavelength range via speckle interferometry and
th ese to
th e spectroscopic data.
Earlier [12], we determined
th e e#ective tempera
tures of
th e system's components from
th e continuum
spectral energy distribution of
th e system [13] and
th e equivalent
width s and profiles of
th e observed
h ydrogen lines. However, we noted certain discrep
ancies in
th e data.
Th us,
th ese earlier results need
to be verified and refined. For
th is purpose, we use
color indices in
th e UBV system, estimates of
th e
brigh tness di#erences of
th e components obtained
from speckle interferometry, and ratios of line
depth s
th e components' spectra measured
wh en
th e lines
th e two components can be resolved.
Th ough th e B - V values for 41 Dra in various
catalogs [14, 15] di#er
sligh tly, it is reasonable to
th e combined color index for
th e system B -
V = 0.507 0.001.
We noted in [12]
th at
th e speckleinterferometric
brigh tness di#erence between
th e components was,
on average, #m = 0.426 0.028. However, it is very
important to find
th e
wavelength dependence of
th is
di#erence in order to determine
th e individual color
indices and temperatures of
th e components. For
th is
purpose, we collected all
th e speckleinterferometric
estimates of #m obtained
with th e 6m telescope,
sh own in Table 1.
Th ese lead to
th e following wave
length dependence for #m:
#m = 0.330 + 0.863 10 -5 [

A -1 ]
# [

Th is means
th at, at
th e center of
th e B band
(# 4400

A), #m B = 0.368, and at
th e center of
th e
V band
(# 5500

A), #m V = 0.377.
We measured
th e ratios of
th e central
depth s of
unblended lines of
th e system's components using
spectra covering
th e
wavelength range from 3700 to

A obtained at
ph ases close to periastron.
Th e
depth s of absorption lines in
th e combined
spectrum of
th e system are related to
th e components'
luminosities as
R a,obs
R b,obs = E a
E b
R a
R b ,
wh ere R a , R b and R a,obs , R b,obs are
th e actual and
observed central line
depth s, respectively. If
th e
ph ys
ch aracteristics and
ch emical compositions of
th e
components are similar,
th en
R a
# R b and E b /E a = R b,obs /R a,obs .
Our measurements of some 300 lines
sh ow
th at
th ese ratios are
wavelength dependent:
E b
# /E a
# = 0.73 - 0.54 10 -5 [

A -1 ]
# [

th e luminosity ratios into magnitude
di#erences, we obtain
#m B,obs = 0.378 0.008
and #m V,obs = 0.387 0.008,
in fairly close agreement
with th e speckleinterfero
metric #m estimates.
Th e assumption
th at
th e B and V magnitudes for
th e system's components are related as
B b = B a +#m B,obs and V b = V a +#m V,obs
is a good approximation. In
th is case,
th e system's
observed B - V color index will be
B - V = (B a
- V a ) - 2.5
lo g 1 + 10 -0.4#m B,obs
1 + 10 -0.4#m V,obs ,
and B b
- V b = B a
- V a + (#m B,obs
-#m V,obs ).
th e observed values into
th ese rela
tions, we can derive
th e color indices for
each of
th e
components in
th e 41 Dra system:
component a: B - V = B a
- V a = 0.511,
component b: B - V = B b
- V b = 0.502.
ASTRONOMY REPORTS Vol. 49 No. 3 2005

Using models
with normal
ch emical composition
and an
atmosph eric turbulent velocity of 2 km/s of
Kurucz [16], we obtain for
th e components' e#ective
component a: T a
= 6370 20 K,
component b: T b
= 6410 20 K.
Th ese temperatures are
sligh tly lower
th an
th ose
we derived in [12], and close to
th e estimates of T eff
and B - V obtained from evolutionary tracks [2].
th e masses and luminosities derived from
th e orbital motion,
th e parallax presented in [2], and
our T eff estimates, we find
th e components' surface
gravities to be
component a:
lo g g a = 4.05 0.10,
component b:
lo g g b = 4.20 0.10.
To model
th e system's spectra and compare
th e
synth esized spectra
with observations at various or
ph ases, we must obtain measurements of
th e
components' radial velocities. We used stellar lines
near H#, using
Earth atmosph eric lines as a com
parison spectrum. A list of
th e measured lines is
presented in Table 2.
We calculated
th e radial velocities and reduced
th em to
th e Sun using
th e
Dech 20 code of Galazutdi
nov [17].
Th e measured radial velocities of
th e compo
nents relative to
th e
Earth , V
ar and V
br , are presented
in Table 3,
togeth er
with th e correction to
th e Sun
V a .
Th e
ph ases were calculated
with th e elements
T = JD 2449571.037 and P = 1246.680 d .
Th e derived radial velocities are in good agreement
with th ose of [2], confirming
th e correctness of
th e
orbital elements of 41 Dra presented in
th at paper.
Synth etic spectra of 41 Dra near H# were calcu
lated by summing
th eoretical profiles derived using
th e SintVa code developed by Tsimbal [18]. We
th e
th eoretical profiles using models
with T eff = 6370 K and
lo g g = 4.05 for component a and
T eff = 6410 K and
lo g g = 4.20 for component b.
Th e
models were derived by interpolating
th e model grid
of Kurucz [16].
Th e combined
synth etic H# spectrum
was calculated for four
ph ases before and after
th e
periastron passage in 2001. We used
th e components'
radial velocities from Table 3 to take into account
wavelength sh ifts in
th e observed spectrum.
Th e
rotational speeds of
th e components (v sin i) needed
to calculate
th e
synth etic spectrum were determined
from absorption lines of metals.
Th e rotational speeds
Table 2. Lines used to measure
th e components' radial
Stellar lines
Atmosph eric lines
6526.653 SiI 6575.037 FeI 6532.359 H 2 O
6546.239 FeI 6583.710 SiI 6536.720 H 2 O
6554.223 TiI 6586.308 NiI 6542.313 H 2 O
6555.463 SiI 6587.610 C I 6547.705 H 2 O
6559.588 TiII 6592.926 FeI 6548.622 H 2 O
6562.808 H# 6593.884 FeI 6552.629 H 2 O
6569.216 FeI 6597.571 FeI 6557.171 H 2 O
6571.174 FeI 6604.600 ScII 6572.086 H 2 O
6572.779 CaI 6608.044 FeI 6574.852 H 2 O
6574.228 FeI 6609.118 FeI 6599.324 H 2 O
both components are close to 8.5 km/s.
Th e
turbulent velocities in
th e components'
atmosph eres
were determined in [3] to be V a
= 2.15 km/s and
V b
= 1.70 km/s.
Wh en summing
th e spectra, we
assumed a
brigh tness ratio for
th e components of
E b /E a = 0.68.
Th e figure
sh ows a comparison of
th e calculated
and observed profiles,
togeth er
with th eoretical pro
files we calculated for a binary
wh ose components
both h ave T eff = 6500 K and
lo g g = 4.00,
with th e
brigh tness ratios, turbulent velocities, and ra
dial velocities as for
th e first version. At all
ph ases,
th e
observed H# profiles are confined
with in
th e range of
th e
th eoretical results. However,
th e agreement
with th e
modelh aving T eff = 6370 K and
lo g g = 4.05 for
component a and T eff = 6410 K and
lo g g = 4.20 for
component b is appreciably better.
Th is confirms
th e
correctness of our
ch oice of
atmosph eric parameters
th e components of
th e 41 Dra system.
We determined
th e iron abundances from
th e
width s of 50 FeI lines and 38 FeII lines
using spectra taken near periastron,
wh en
th e lines
of components a and b were clearly resolved.
Th e
width s of
th ese lines, along
with th e
atomic parameters and
lo g N (Fe) values for
each line
and at various
ph ases, are presented in [3],
wh ere
we also describe
th e
tech nique used to determine
lo g N (Fe).
Th e calculations were performed
with th e
KONTUR code [19]. Using models
with T eff = 6575
lo g g = 4.08 for component a and T eff = 6600
lo g g = 4.26 for component b yielded
ASTRONOMY REPORTS Vol. 49 No. 3 2005

220 BALEGA et al.
Table 3. Radial velocities of
th e components of 41 Dra
Spectrum Date JD
Ph ase V a
r , km/s V b
r , km/s V a , km/s
z3818 14.11.2000 2451862.6090 0.8381 11.86 1.52 1.85 1.12 4.27
z3819 14.11.2000 2451862.6924 0.8382 11.13 1.32 1.92 1.32 4.28
t05311 20.01.2001 2451929.6299 0.8916 13.89 1.67 -2.15 1.22 -3.45
t05312 20.01.2001 2451929.6715 0.8917 13.54 1.77 -2.07 1.35 -3.46
t05413 21.01.2001 2451930.5882 0.8924 14.12 1.85 -2.43 1.56 -3.55
o05a 09.06.2001 2452070.4215 0.0046 -27.12 1.09 44.85 1.38 -1.33
t11406 26.11.2027 2452605.4215 0.4337 5.92 1.37 5.48 1.37 2.94
lo g N (Fe) = 7.66 (component a) and
lo g N (Fe) =
7.72 (component b),
wh ich are
sligh tlyh igh er
th an
th e solar iron abundance
(lo g N (Fe)
# = 7.50).
Th is
paper's refined e#ective temperatures and surface
gravities for
th e components (T a
= 6370 K and
lo g g a = 4.05, T b
= 6410 K and
lo g g b = 4.20) lead
to abundances
much closer to
th e solar value.
Th e lines of neutral iron, FeI, gave
th e
atmosph eric
abundances for
th e components
component a:
lo g N (Fe) = 7.582 0.044,
component b:
lo g N (Fe) = 7.593 0.032.
Th e abundances derived from lines of ionized iron,
FeII, are
component a:
lo g N (Fe) = 7.530 0.039,
component b:
lo g N (Fe) = 7.613 0.045.
Th e rms errors of
th e average values describe
th e
internal uncertainties of
th e results,
wh ich coincide
with in
th e errors.
Th us,
th e system's iron overabun
dance relative to
th e Sun, if present, does not exceed
th at any
furth er decrease in
th e e#ective
temperatures for
th e model
atmosph eres would lead
to poorer coincidence of
th e
lo g N (Fe) values derived
from ions
with di#erent ionization stages. For a model
temperature of 6100 K,
th e di#erence in
th e iron
abundances derived for component a from
th e FeI and
FeII lines is 0.13dex, and
th at for component b is
wh ich are
much larger
th an
th e uncertain
Th us, we consider our
atmosph eric parameters
to be confirmed by
th e ionization relations.
Th e abundances of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen
are largely determined by
th e evolutionary status of
th e star, and are an important source of information
th e star's origin
andh istory.
Th e amount of
carbon and nitrogen in stars more massive
th an
th e
Sun determines
th e rate
ofh ydrogenburning nuclear
reactions in
th e CN cycle, and
th us
th e rate of
th e
star's evolution. In addition, carbon, nitrogen, and
th e most abundant elements in normal stars
h eavier
th anh ydrogen
andh elium, determine
th e in
ternal structure of
th e
atmosph ere and of
th e star as a
wh ole. At
th e same time,
th e comparative poorness of
th ese elements' line spectra introduces considerable
di#culties in determining
th eir abundances. For
th is
th e vast majority of papers analyzing C, N,
and O abundances in stellar
atmosph eres are based
on measurements of one or two lines of
each element
th e stellar spectra.
Th is makes it important to mea
each carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen line present
th e spectrum in order to more accurately derive
th e abundances. Correctly taking into account
th e
ph ysical conditions under
wh ich th e analyzed spectral
lines are formed is also important.
ech elle spectra (3700--9200

A ) were acquired
th e periastron passage,
wh en
th e components'
spectral lines were resolved, enabling us to identify
and measure relatively many CI, NI, and OI lines in
th e spectrum of
each of
th e system's components.
Table 4 presents
th e parameters of
th e CI lines
measured in
th e spectrum of
th e 41 Dra system, to
geth er
with th e equivalent
width s, W # (in m

A), and
carbon abundances,
lo g N (C), for
each of
th e com
ponents. We determined W # for
each of
th e compo
nents from
th e W a,obs
# and W b,obs
# values measured for
th e resolved lines assuming
th e
brigh tness ratio l =
E b /E a = 0.68.
Th e actual equivalent
width s in
th e
spectra of
th e components are given by
th e relations
W a
= 1.68W a,obs
# and W b
= 2.50W b,obs
# .
Th e model
atmosph eres and
th e
tech niques used
to derive
th e abundances were
th e same as
th ose used
in our analysis of
th e iron lines.
Th e
lo g gf values were
mainly taken from
th e VALD list [20].
ASTRONOMY REPORTS Vol. 49 No. 3 2005

Table 4. Line parameters, CI equivalent
width s, and carbon abundances in
th e
atmosph eres of components a and b of
41 DRA
# ,

A # i , eV
lo g gf W a
# , m

lo g N (C) a
W b
# , m

lo g N (C) b
4762.31 7.48 -2.46 15.4 8.51 15.6 8.51
4762.53 7.48 -2.34 16.6 8.37 17.1 8.38
4792.66 7.95 -2.79 8 8.71 8 8.70
4815.22 7.95 -2.13 7.4 8.00 8 8.03
4815.48 7.95 -2.42 8.2 8.52 8.2 8.51
4817.37 7.48 -3.04 8.4 8.65 11 8.74
4926.43 8.54 -1.97 6.8 8.55 7.5 8.55
4932.05 7.68 -1.88 59.4 8.89 55.5 8.64
5039.05 7.95 -1.79 19.7 8.23 23 8.37
5039.10 7.95 -2.29 10 8.51 11 8.52
5040.12 7.95 -2.3 7 8.23 10.5 8.52
5052.17 7.68 -1.65 59 8.69 63.5 8.76
5380.34 7.68 -1.84 49.2 8.72 40 8.59
5515.55 8.85 -2.34 2.9 8.76 2.9 8.76
5793.12 7.95 -2.06 18.4 8.56 24 8.66
5800.60 7.95 -2.34 8.7 8.50 12 8.59
6586.27 9.00 -1.89 3.8 8.53 3.2 8.52
6587.61 8.54 -1.6 17.4 8.55 18.4 8.57
6588.64 9.17 -2.2 1.9 8.71 1.8 8.68
6591.46 8.85 -2.41 3 8.69 3.5 8.72
6595.24 8.85 -2.41 2.8 8.67 2.5 8.64
6602.41 8.85 -2.38 5 8.83 3.2 8.68
6605.78 8.85 -2.31 1.1 8.51 1.2 8.38
6611.35 8.85 -1.84 2.5 7.97 3.2 8.12
7116.99 8.65 -0.91 40 8.48 42 8.52
7119.66 8.64 -1.15 31.9 8.55 35 8.60
7132.11 8.65 -2.2 3.4 8.53 7 8.67
9061.43 7.48 -0.35 214 8.69 224 8.82
9062.49 7.48 -0.46 185.4 8.58 195.4 8.72
9078.29 7.48 -0.58 160.4 8.48 187.4 8.76
9088.52 7.48 -0.43 167.5 8.40 177.5 8.56
9094.83 7.49 0.15 218 8.26 228 8.44
9111.80 7.49 -0.3 184.9 8.45 225 8.78
ASTRONOMY REPORTS Vol. 49 No. 3 2005

222 BALEGA et al.

6530 6550 6560 6570
658 0 6590



Comparison of observed (dots) and
synth etic (solid c rves) spectra of 41 Dra.
Th e pper
th eoretical spectr m was calc lated
for T a
eff = 6370 K, log g a =
4.05 and T b
eff = 6410 K, log g b = 4.20.
Th e lower
th eoretical spectrum was calculated for
T eff =
65 00 K and log g = 4.00.
Th e spectra correspond to
ph ases (1) 0.83, (2) 0.89, (3) 0.00, (4) 0.43.
equivalentwidth calculations included four
mech anisms for
th e absorption coe#
cient: radiation damping, Doppler broadening, broad
ening due to
th e quadratic Stark e#ect, and van der
Waals broadening.
Th ese e#ects enter
th e absorption
coe#cient as:
a =
(## R
+## st
+## w
)/## D ,
v =
(## +
d)/## D ,
wh ere
## R is
th e line
width due to radiation damping,
## st is
th e Stark
width ,
## w is
th e van der Waals
width , and d is
th e Stark displacement.
## w can be calculated using
th e approximate for
mula of Unsold:
## w
=# 2 /(4#c)C 0.4
34N (HeI)(8kT/#mH ) 0.3 .
ASTRONOMY REPORTS Vol. 49 No. 3 2005

Table 5. Line parameters, NI equivalent
width s, and nitrogen abundances in
th e
atmosph eres of components a and b
# ,

A # i , eV
lo g gf W a
# , m

lo g N (N) a W b
# , m

lo g N (N) b
4253.39 10.34 -1.37 7.5 8.66 2 7.99
7442.30 10.33 -0.38 9.4 7.98 10 8.00
8184.86 10.33 -0.29 7.6 7.87 5.8 7.60
8188.01 10.32 -0.29 16.8 8.15 23 8.35
8216.33 10.34 0.13 21.2 7.92 16 7.66
8680.28 10.34 0.35 30.9 7.93 38.2 8.06
8683.40 10.33 0.09 26.5 8.04 28.5 8.07
8686.15 10.33 -0.3 19.6 8.17 23.8 8.29
8703.25 10.33 -0.32 8.4 7.85 8.5 7.80
8711.71 10.33 -0.23 16.1 8.02 12.5 7.92
8718.83 10.34 -0.34 11.2 7.97 18.5 8.17
Table 6. Line parameters, OI equivalent
width s, and oxygen abundances in
th e
atmosph eres of components a and b
# ,

A # i , eV
lo g gf W a
# , m

lo g N (O) a
W b
# , m

lo g N (O) b
6155.96 10.74 -1.36 1.9 8.83 2.4 8.86
6155.97 10.74 -1.01 3.6 8.78 4.8 8.83
6155.98 10.74 -1.12 3 8.80 3.8 8.84
6156.74 10.74 -1.49 1.5 8.84 1.7 8.84
6156.76 10.74 -0.9 4.6 8.78 5.2 8.80
6156.78 10.74 -0.69 6.3 8.75 7.1 8.76
6158.14 10.74 -1.84 1 8.91 -- --
6158.18 10.74 -1.00 4.9 8.85 -- --
6158.19 10.74 -0.41 11.6 8.77 -- --
7771.94 9.15 0.37 143.6 9.02 131.6 8.97
7774.16 9.15 0.22 123.3 8.93 117.6 8.94
7775.39 9.15 0.00 99.1 8.85 90.5 8.81
8446.25 9.52 -0.46 35.1 8.46 42.7 8.69
8446.36 9.52 0.24 51.7 8.09 63 8.31
8446.76 9.52 0.01 48 8.24 58.5 8.46
Here, line broadening due to collisions
with neutral
h ydrogen
andh elium atoms is taken into account,
th e constant C 6 can
eith er be fixed (we took it
th e VALD list) or calculated as
C 6 = 6.5 10 -9 ((Z + 1) 2 + 13.595)/# up ) 4/5 ,
wh ere Z is
th e ion's
ch arge and # up is
th e ionization
potential for
th e upper level.
We used two
tech niques to take into account
th e quadratic Stark e#ect. For lines for
wh ich ac
curate calculations are available, we can specify
th e temperaturedependent
electroncollisionh alf
width , w,
th e
ioncollisionh alfwidth , #, and
th e
displacement, d [21].
Th e Stark line
width and dis
placement can
th en be calculated for any point in
th e
atmosph ere using
th e equations
## st = 2wN e 10 -16 (1 + #N 1/4
e A),
d = wN e 10 -16 (d/w + #N 1/4
e B),
wh ere A = 1.75(1 - 0.75r), B = 2(1 - 0.75r) for
neutral atoms; A = 1.75(1 - 1.2r), B = 2(1 - 1.2r)
ASTRONOMY REPORTS Vol. 49 No. 3 2005

224 BALEGA et al.
for ions; and r = 1.85# 1/6 N 1/6
e (e 2 /kT ) 1/2 is
th e
sh ielding radius.
If no data for w, #, and d are available, we use
th e following approximation to estimate
th e Stark
## st
=# 2 /(4#c)C 4 N e ,
wh ere
th e constant C 4 is taken from
th e VALD list or
calculated as
C 4 = 10
-8 ((Z + 1) 2 + 13.595)/# up ) 5/2 .
Th e mean carbon abundances derived for
th e at
mosph eres of components a and b via a comparison
th e observed and calculated equivalent
width s are
component a:
lo g N (C) = 8.524 0.036,
component b:
lo g N (C) = 8.576 0.031.
Th ere are many fewer nitrogen lines
th an carbon
lines in
th e spectra of 41 Dra, and nearly all mea
surable lines
th at are not blended
with lines of
oth er
elementsh ave# > 8000 A. We could find only two NI
lines in
th e
sh orterwavelength part of
th e spectrum:
# 4253.39

and# 7442.30

wh ich h ave equivalent
width s lower
th an 10 m

A. Table 5 collects for
th e
NI lines
th e same data as
th ose
sh own in Table 4
th e carbon lines.
Th e mean
atmosph eric nitrogen
abundances of components a and b are
component a:
lo g N (N) = 8.051 0.068,
component b:
lo g N (N) = 7.991 0.034.
We determined
th e
atmosph eric abundances of
oxygen for
th e components of 41 Dra from lines of
five triplets in
th e red, beginning
with # > 6100

Th e parameters of
th e measured lines and
lo g N (O)
values for
both components are presented in Table 6.
Th e lines are fairly strong and essentially unblended,
th e reliability of our oxygen abundance de
Th e
atmosph eric abundances for
each of
th e components are
component a:
lo g N (O) = 8.727 0.067,
component b:
lo g N (O) = 8.761 0.055.
Our spectroscopic and speckleinterferometric
observations of
th e binary system 41 Dra in
th e
h ierarch ical multiple system ADS 11061 obtained
close to its periastron
passageh ave enabled us to
th e
atmosph eres of
each of
th e components
of 41 Dra separately.
With in
th e uncertainties, all
our observational data indicate
th at
th e e#ective
temperatures of
th e system's components are 6370 K
and 6410 K, respectively, for components a and b.
Th e virtually exact coincidence of
th e elemental
abundances studied for
th e
atmosph eres of
th e two
components of 41 Dra
with th ose in
th e solar at
mosph ere and meteorites [22] is remarkable;
th e dif
ferences of
severalh undredth s of a dex are probably
due to
equivalentwidth errors and are not significant.
Th is may mean
th at
th e
ch emical composition of
th e
interstellar medium
with in a 50 pc radius of
th e Sun
did not experience any considerable
ch anges during
th e time from
th e formation of
th e solar system some
five billion years ago until
th e formation of
th e 41 Dra
system 2.5 billion years ago [2]. At
th e same time,
th e
absence of any significant deviations of
th e C : N : O
ratios in
th e
atmosph eres of
th e 41 Dra components
th e solar values testify to a complete absence of
mixing between
th e core and
th e
atmosph ere, despite
th e
sh ock gravitational stresses periodically experi
enced by
th e stars during
th eir periastron passages,
wh en
th ey
approach each oth er to distances of only a
few stellar radii.
Th e
auth ors
th anks F.A. Musaev and
D.O. Kudryavtsev for taking
th e spectra of 41 Dra.
Th is study was supported by
th e Russian Foundation
for Basic
Research (project no. 010216563a).
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Trans lated by N.
Samus '
ASTRONOMY REPORTS Vol. 49 No. 3 2005