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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Sep 23 18:00:41 2013
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Thu Feb 27 20:13:19 2014
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Invited speakers

ICONO Invited Speakers

ICONO Plenary Speakers

PLENARY: ò??Photonic crystal fibers: Enabling new scienceò??, Philip Russell, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Germany

Abstract: The past 15 years have seen the emergence of glass fibers with intricate transverse microstructures, often with nanoscale features. Their ability to guide and manipulate light in new ways has led to many novel applications. Examples include generation of octave-spanning supercontinua in silica-air photonic crystal fibre (PCF), giant optomechanical nonlinearities two parallel nanoscale membranes supported within a capillary fibre, all-optical modulation of light by GHz acoustic resonances tightly confined in micron-sized glass cores, excitation of orbital angular momentum states in twisted solid-core photonic crystal fibre (PCF) and optothermal trapping of particles in Òšhollow core PCF.

Hollow core PCF also offers unique opportunities for studying ultrafast pulse dynamics in gases: pressure-tunable dispersion, metre-long diffraction-free path-lengths, very high optical damage thresholds, a small core offering near single-mode operation and a Kerr nonlinearity that (at high pressure) can rival that of silica glass. When a noble gas is used, very low group velocity dispersion and the absence of Raman scattering allow almost perfect self-compression of high order solitons to few-cycle pulses, resulting in the efficient generation of ultraviolet (UV) dispersive waves (or Ô?erenkov radiation) whose wavelength is pressure- and energy-tunable from the vacuum UV out to the visible. At the temporal focus the intensity can be as high as 1014 W/cm2, Òšexceeding the ionisation threshold of the gas, and permitting for the first time the observation of a soliton self-frequency blue-shift. When Raman-active gases are used, frequency combs spanning many octaves can be generated, and studies of dynamic self-similarity are made possible by using a HC-PCF in which only pump and first Stokes signals are guided. It seems probable that over the next years photonic crystal fibres will continue to yield many exciting new results of fundamental scientific interest, some with considerable commercial potential.

Bio: Philip Russell is a Director at the Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, Germany and holds the Krupp Chair in Experimental Physics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. His research interests currently focus on scientific applications of photonic crystal fibers and related structures. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, the Optical Society of America (OSA) and the UK Institute of Physics and has won several international awards for his research including the 2013 EPS Prize for Research into the Science of Light, the 2005 KÓÆrber Prize for European Science, the 2005 Thomas Young Prize of the Institute for Physics (UK) and the 2000 OSA Joseph Fraunhofer Award/Robert M. Burley Prize. In 2012 he was elected vice-president of OSA for 2013.

PLENARY: ò??Novosibirsk free electron laser as a tunable source of high-power radiation: Facility development and application highlightsò??, Gennadiy Kulipanov, Budker Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Russia

Abstract: Novosibirsk free electron laser (FEL) facility has three FELs to generate radiation spanning a wavelength range between 5 and 240 micrometer. The accelerator part consists of a four-track energy recovery linac with maximum electron energy of 40 MeV. By the end of 2012 we have commissioned completely the accelerator system. Two FELs are already operating in mid- and far-infrared (terahertz) spectral ranges emerging monochromatic radiation in the range from 50 to 240 ÞÌm. Maximum average power of radiation reached at the facility at the wavelength of 140ÒšÞÌm was 500 W at a 100-ps pulse repetition rate of 11.2 MHz. The peak power reached 1 MW. Impressive experiments in physics, chemistry, biology, material science and other fields have been performed or are in progress at six user stations, which are well-equipped with commercially available and home-made instrumentation. Users from more than 15 research institutes, universities and companies work at the facility. Description of most interesting experiments, including ultrasoft THz ablation of biological molecules, study of impact of THz radiation on genetics materials, biological cell systems and microorganisms, surface plasmon spectroscopy, time-resolved superfast THz time domain spectroscopy, flame diagnostics using THz radiation, is presented.

Bio: Prof. Gennady Kulipanov is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vice-director of the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics and director of the Siberian Center of Synchrotron Radiation of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk, Russia. In 1963, he graduated from the Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute and started his scientific career with theÒš Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics at the one of the first in the world colladires VEPP-1 and made a number of fundamental works on studying the dynamics of particles in nonlinear magnetic fields. Later on, in 1971, he was one of the initiators of the launch of the storage ring VEPP-3, which gave the start of the research on synchrotron radiation in Russia. In the end of 1970th Gennady Kulipanov organized first in the FSU workshop on the synchrotron radiation problems, which becomes regular and since 1986 transformed into an international conference.

Gennady Kulipanov initiated the works that led to the development of a number of synchrotron wigglers, the first realization of the superconducting wigglers, inclusive. He was a project principal investigator for the sources of synchrotron radiation Siberia-1 and Siberia-2 constructed at the Kurchatov Institute of Nuclear Physics in Moscow, Russia. Kulipanov suggested a concept of the synchrotron radiation source of the 4th generation based on the accelerator-rucuperattor, and is one of the authors of the MARS project. He initiated the construction of the FEL facility in Novosibirsk and leads numerous application projects that run on this facility.

ICONO Keynote and Invited Speakers

1. Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics and Novel Phenomena

KEYNOTE: ò??Quantum coherence effects from quantum thermodynamics to slow light and fast CARSò??, Marlan Scully, Texas A&M Univ., USA

Abstract: Counterintuitive effects such as amplification without noise, lasing without inversion, and slow light are examples of quantum coherence. Further work involving quantum coherence effects has lead to improvements in laser spectroscopy which allow us to ò??instantaneouslyò?? detect anthrax type endospores [Science, 316, 265 (2007); Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 105, 422 (2008)]. In the latter example, marker molecules in the endospore are put into maximal oscillation which is detected by scattering laser light off the coherently oscillating molecules. This is called coherent Raman scattering and is a type of Dicke superradiance. Finally, quantum coherence effects in quanutm thermodynamics and biology will be discussed. The preceding topics were tempered and advanced in the heat of vigorous debate.

Bio: Marlan O. Scully (Texas A&M and Princeton) is a laser physics pioneer. His work includes the first quantum theory of the laser with Lamb, the first demonstrations of lasing without inversion, the first demonstration of ultraslow light in hot gases, and the use of quantum coherence to detect anthrax in real time. Furthermore Scully's work on quantum coherence and correlation effects has shed new light on the foundations of quantum mechanics, e.g., the quantum eraser.

He has been elected to the: National Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Academia Europaea, and Max Planck Society; has numerous awards including the: APS Schawlow prize, OSA Townes Award, IEEE Quantum Electronics Award, Franklin Institute's Elliott Cresson Medal, OSA Lomb Medal, and Humboldt Senior Faculty Prize. More recently he was named Harvard Loeb Lecturer, received an honorary doctorate from UniversitÓ?t Ulm, and was awarded the OSA/DPG Hebert Walther Award.

INVITED: ò??Nonlinear processes in airò??, Richard Miles, Princeton Univ., USA

INVITED: ò??Bright fibers: special concepts and technologies for light generation in optical fibersò??, Hartmut Bartelt, Friedrich-Schiller-UniversitÓ?t Jena, Germany

INVITED: ò??Nonlinear (micro-) spectroscopy with tailored pulsesò??, Marcus Motzkus, Ruprechts-Karls Univ. Heidelberg, Germany

INVITED: ò??Ultra-broadband optical parametric amplifiers: towards single-cycle CEP-controlled light pulsesò??, Giulio Cerullo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

INVITED: ò??Light in structured nonlinear photonic materialsò??, Cornelia Denz, WestfÓ?lische Wilhelms-Univ. MÓÌnster, Germany

INVITED: ò??Accelerate rogue solitonsò??, Gunter Steinmeyer, Max-Born-Inst., Germany

2. Nonlinear Space-Time Dynamics, Instabilities, and Patterns

KEYNOTE: ò??Nonlinear effects in subwavelength structures: from metamaterials to nanoplasmonicsò??, Yuri Kivshar, The Australian National Univ., Australia

Abstract: This talk will discuss recent advances in nonlinear physics of novel metamaterial systems where structuring at the subwavelength scale may bring novel effects, including nonlinear tunability of metamaterials, Òšoscillons and kinks in lattices of Òšnonlinear nanoparticles, Òšplasmonic cloaking and superscattering, and plasmon solitons.

Bio: Prof. Yuri Kivshar is a world leader in nonlinear physics, nonlinear photonics and metamaterials, recognized widely for his many fundamental contributions to the understanding of self-trapping and localization of light, pioneering results in the theory of optical solitons and vortices, and the world-first predictions and demonstrations of many important effects in nonlinear photonics and metamaterials. In 2002 he founded Nonlinear Physics Center in Australia that became one of the best research teams working in theoretical and experimental nonlinear photonics and nonlinear metamaterials. He is Deputy Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence CUDOS, one of the key players in photonics in Australia and worldwide. In 2010 Professor Kivshar was awarded a prestigious $5M ò??megagrantò?? of the Russian Ministry of Education and established the first research laboratory in the physics of metamaterials in Russia, which already demonstrated several outstanding achievements including both suggestion and demonstration of the world first light-tunable metamaterial, as well as introduced several novel concepts including the disorder-induced Fano resonances.

INVITED: ò??Subcycle field waveforms from fissioning soliton breathersò??, Alexei Zheltikov, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

INVITED: ò??Spacetime distortions in nonlinear Kerr media: from Hawking radiation to the dynamical Casimir effectò??, Daniel Faccio, Heriot-Watt Univ., UK

INVITED: ò??Optical billiard with pulsed laser beamsò??, Anatoly Sukhorukov, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

INVITED: ò??Ultrashort light sources from laser matter interactionò??, Stefan Skupin, Max-Planck Inst. for the Physics of Complex Systems, Germany

INVITED: ò??Quantum walks of photon pairs in coupled nonlinear waveguidesò??, Andrey Sukhorukov, Australian Natl Univ., Australia

3. Quantum and Atom Optics

KEYNOTE: ò??Quantum state engineering with large atomic objectsò??, Eugene Polzik, Niels Bohr Inst., Denmark

Abstract: Recent progress with generation and applications of quantum entangled states in macroscopic systems will be reviewed. ÒšSpin polarized atomic gas in a magnetic field behaves as a quantum harmonic oscillator in the ground state even at room temperature. ÒšEntanglement generated by dissipation and a steady entangled state with an arbitrary long life time has been demonstrated for such oscillators. ÒšEntanglement between two atomic spin ensembles allowed for demonstration of a magnetic field measurement in which suppression of the quantum measurement back action and quantum

projection noise has led to a record sensitivity at the sub-femtoTesla level. Recently quantum teleportation of atomic spin states between two spin ensembles has been demonstrated. These methods and ideas are now being transferred to mechanical and electrical oscillators paving the road to quantum state transfer between disparate macroscopic quantum systems.

Bio: Eugene Polzik is professor of physics at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. His research interests are centered around quantum interface between light and matter. He is Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the American Physical Society and Fellow of the Optical Society of America.

INVITED: ò??Quantum limits of optical super-resolution and a priori informationò??, Mikhail Kolobov, Univ. de Lille 1, France

INVITED: ò??Quasi-two-dimensional atomic Fermi gas with tunable interactionsò??, Andrei Turlapov, Inst. of Applied Physics, Russia

INVITED: ò??Quantum Computation in an array of trapped Rydberg Atomsò??, Mark Saffman, Univ. of Wiscosin-Madison, USA

INVITED: ò??Few-photon spectroscopy of a trapped ion through sensitive detection of photon recoilò??, Piet Schmidt, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany

INVITED: ò??Deep laser cooling of Thulium atomsò??, Nikolai Kolachevsky, P.N.Lebedev Physical Inst., Russia

INVITED: ò??Long-distance quantum networks built from spin registers in diamondò??, Ronald Hanson, Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands

INVITED: ò??High-efficiency object identification using multi-dimensional correlated orbital angular momentum (OAM) statesò??, Alexander Sergienko, Univ. of Boston, USA

INVITED: ò??Ultra-cooled magnesium atoms for an optical frequency standard: state of the art and future trendsò??, Andrey Goncharov, Inst. of Laser Physics, Russia

INVITED: ò??Quantum simulator using atoms and photons in a hollow core fibersò??, Leong-Chuan Kwek, Natl Univ. of Singapore, Singapore

INVITED: ò??Long coherence time and precision measurement of atomic interactions in a Bose-Einstein condensateò??, Andrei Sidorov, Swinburne Univ., Australia

INVITED: ò??Observing a large optical phase shift from a single trapped atomic ionò??, Andreas Jechow, Univ. of Potsdam, Germany

INVITED: ò??Quantum electrodynamics of atoms and molecules in nanoenvironmentò??, Vasily Klimov, Lebedev Physical Inst., Russia

4. Quantum Physics, Information, and Technologies

KEYNOTE: ò??From nonlinear optics with single photons to nanoscale quantum sensors: new frontiers of optical scienceò??, Mikhail Lukin, Harvard Univ., USA

Abstract: We will discuss Òšrecent developments Òšinvolving aÒšnewÒšscientific interface betweenÒšquantumÒšoptics, many body physics, nanoscience and quantumÒšinformationÒšscience. Specific examples include the use of quantumÒšopticalÒštechniques for manipulation of individual spins using

atom-like impurities in diamondÒšand for controlling Òšindividual optical photons using strongly interacting atoms.ÒšNovel applications of these techniques ranging from quantum networksÒšto strongly interacting photonic systems and

nanoscale sensing in biology will be discussed.

Bio: Mikhail Lukin received a Ph.D. degree from Texas A&M University in 1998. ÒšHe joined the faculty of Harvard Physics Department as an Assistant Professor in 2001 and has been a Professor of Physics at Harvard since 2004. He is currently a co-Director of Harvard-MIT Center of Ultracold Atoms and of Harvard Quantum Optics Center. His research interests include quantum optics, quantum control of atomic and nanoscale solid-state systems, quantum dynamics of many-body systems and quantum information science. ÒšHe has co-authored over 200 technical papers and has received a number of awards, including Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, David and Lucile Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering, NSF Career Award, Adolph Lomb Medal from the Optical Society of America, AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize and I.I.Rabi Prize from APS. He is a fellow of the Optical Society of America, of the American Physical Society andÒšof the American Association for Advancement of Science.

INVITED: ò??A giant optical SchrÓÆdinger catò??, Alexander Lvovsky, Univ. of Calgary, Canada

INVITED: ò??Entangling distant microwave resonators with local optical certificationò??, Paolo Tombesi, Univ. di Camerino, Italy

INVITED: ò??Quantum simulation via 3-dimensional quantum photonicsò??, Paolo Mataloni, Univ. di Roma ò??La Sapienzaò??, Italy

INVITED: ò??Single qubit laser ò?? a source of non-classical light for quantum information applicationsò??, Sergei Kilin, Stepanov Inst. of Physics, Belarus

INVITED: ò??Measurement of photon statistics with live photoreceptor cellsò??, Leonid Krivitsky, Data Storage Inst., Singapore

INVITED: ò??Majorana fermions in atomic wire networks and topologically protected quantum computingò??, Mikhail Baranov, Univ. Innsbruck, Austria

INVITED: ò??Coupling cold atoms to nanophotonics: a novel platform for quantum nonlinear opticsò??, Darrick Chang, Inst. de CiÓ?ncies FotÓÂniques, Spain

INVITED: ò??Nonlinear processes responsible for mid-infrared and blue light generation in alkali vapoursò??, Alexander Akulshin, Swinburne Univ. of Technology, Australia

INVITED: ò??Information transmission capacities of hybrid communication channelsò??, Alexander Holevo, Steklov Mathematical Inst., Russia

5. High-Field Physics and Attoscience

KEYNOTE: ò??Atto-science: what we learn by converting many photons into oneò??, Paul Corkum, Univ. of Ottawa and NRC of Canada, Canada

Abstract: Attosecond pulse generation can be understood via quantum trajectories of an ionizing electron.Òš A trajectory begins from a bound state and returns to the same state after an excursion in the continuum.Òš Quantum trajectories, such as these, map onto an interferometer ò?? an electron interferometer created by light [1].Òš This mapping makes it obvious that weak fields perturb attosecond pulse generation and thereby construct perturbative nonlinear optics on top of the non-perturbative process [2].Òš I will show how this allows us develop an all optical method to fully characterize the space-time structure of attosecond pulses [3].Òš

A (sheared) interferometer can measure most properties of light so we should be able to measure most properties of the electron [4].Òš I will show how high harmonic or attosecond spectroscopy can image molecular orbitals [5] or follow chemical dynamics of small molecules [4, 5].Òš

[1] P. B. Corkum, ò??Recollision Physicsò??, Physics Today, 64, 36, (2011).

[2] J. B. Bertrand et al, Phys. Rev. Lett, 106, 023001 (2011).Òš

[3] K. T. Kim et al, to be published in Nature Physics

[4] J. Itatani et al. Nature 432, 867 (2004).Òš

[5] H. J. WÓÆrner et al. Nature, 466, 604, (2010).

[6] H. J. WÓÆrner et al. Science, 334, 208 (2011).

Bio: Paul Corkum received his B.Sc. (1965 in Physics from Acadia University (Nova Scotia) and completed his Master's degree (1967) and Ph.D. (1972) at Lehigh University. After a year at Lehigh as a postdoctoral researcher, he moved to the National Research Council in Ottawa. In 1990 he formed the Femtsecond Science Group within NRCò??s Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences. Over the next 17 years he led the group to world leadership in the field. In 2008 he was named a Canada Research Chair of Attosecond Photonics at the University of Ottawa and appointed Director of the Joint NRC/University of Ottawa Laboratory for Attosecond Science. He holds adjunct professorships at Texas A and M University and the University of New Mexico.

Dr. Corkum's research launched attosecond science. After studying the interaction of intense laser radiation with atoms and molecules, he and his group proposed a method for producing and measuring attosecond pulses of light. Using this revolutionary technology, they have been able to ò??seeò?? electrons, image molecular orbitals, and ò??watchò?? electrons move in a molecule as a chemical reaction takes place.

Dr. Corkum is a fellow of the Royal Societies of Canada (1995), Royal Society (of London) (2005), the Institute of Physics (2002), American Physical Society (2007) and the Optical Society of America (2009).Òš He is a foreign member of the US National Academy of Sciences (2009) and the Austrian Academy of science (2012). Dr. Corkum was elected to the Order-of-Canada in 2007 ò?? Canadaò??s highest civilian honor.Òš Within Canada Dr. Corkum has received the Gold Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Physics from the Canadian Association of Physicists (1996), the Golden Jubilee Medal of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (2003), the Tory Medal of the Royal Society of Canada (2003); the Killam Prize for Physical Sciences (2006); the Polyani prize (2007) and the Herzberg prize (2009).

Internationally Dr. Corkum was awarded the Einstein Award of the Society for Optical and Quantum Electronics (1999), the Charles Townes Award of the Optical Society of America (2005); the Quantum Electronics Award of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, 2005), the Arthur Schawlow Prize for Quantum Electronics from the American Physical Society (2006) and the Zewail Prize from the American Chemical Society (2010).Òš

INVITED: ò??Attosecond time delays in photoionizationò??, Alfred Maquet, Univ. P. et M. Curie Paris VI, France

INVITED: ò??Charge transfer processes in dissociating molecules upon core-shell photoionization, Artem Rudenko, Kansas State Univ., USA

INVITED: ò??Probing the attosecond dynamics of strong-field ionizationò??, Gerhard Paulus, Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Germany

INVITED: ò??Surprising strong-field physics in laser filamentation: lasing without inversion and bound states of a free electronò??, Misha Ivanov, Max Born Institute, Germany

INVITED: ò??Ultraintensive laser systems based on coherent beam combiningò??, Vladimir Trunov, Inst. of Laser Physics, Russia

INVITED: ò??Extreme laser power from external enhancement in high finesse Fabry-Perot cavities: application to high-flux X- or ÞÃ-Ray production through Compton scatteringò??, Eric Cormier, Bordeaux Univ., France

INVITED: ò??XUV-pump-XUV-probe experiments in atoms and molecules at the 1fs temporal scaleò??, Dimitris Charalambidis, Univ. of Crete, Greece

INVITED, ò??Towards radiation pressure proton acceleration using ultrashort and ultraintense laser pulsesò??, Peter Nickles, Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology, Korea

INVITED: ò??Attosecond Larmor clockò??, Smirnova Olga, Max-Born-inst., Germany

INVITED: ò??Relativistic generation of intense attosecond pulsesò??, Juergen Meyer-ter-Vehn, Max-Planck-Inst. for Quantum Optics, Germany

6. Nano-Optics and Plasmonics

KEYNOTE: ò??Nanoplasmonics: polarisation effectsò??, Anatoly Zayats, Kingò??s College London, UK

Abstract: Applications of plasmonic nanostructures for polarisation manipulation will be overviewed, including new approaches to controlling polarisation based on plasmonic metamaterials with hyperbolic dispersion and non-Hermitian metamaterials with loss-coupled plasmonic resonances. All-optical ultrafast control of light polarisation using intrinsic metal nonlinearities will also be discussed.

Bio: Professor Anatoly V. Zayats is the head of the Experimental Biophysics and Nanotechnology Group at the Department of Physics, Kingò??s College London, where he also leads Nano-optics and Near-field Spectroscopy Laboratory (www.nano-optics.org.uk). His current research interests are in the areas of nano-optics, scanning probe microscopy, nanophotonics and plasmonics, plasmonic metamaterials, nonlinear optics and spectroscopy, surface plasmons and polaritons, and optical properties of surfaces, thin films, semiconductors and low-dimensional structures. He is the director of the UK research programme on Nanoplasmonics. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, the Optical Society of America and SPIE.

INVITED: ò??Operation os SPASER in low plasmon number regimeò??, Alexey Vinogradov, Inst. for Theoretical and Applied Electromagnetics, Russia

INVITED: ò??Complex DNA plasmonicsò??, Na Liu, Max-Planck-Ist. for Intelligent Systems, Germany

INVITED: ò??Anisotropic plasmonic metasurfaces for ultra-thin wave platesò??, Sergey Bozhevolnyi, Univ. of Southern Denmark, Denmark

INVITED: ò??Nanoscale optics with single emitters in hybrid plasmonic-photonic systemsò??, Femius Koenderink, FOM Inst. AMOLF, The Netherlands

INVITED: ò??Plasmons in low-dimensional structuresò??, Javier Garcia de Abajo, ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain

INVITED: ò??ò??Split-hole-resonator:: a new highly efficient nonlinear optical element in nanoplasmonicsò??, Pavel Melentiev, Inst. of Spectroscopy, Russia

7. Physics of Metamaterials and Complex Media

INVITED: ò??Metamaterials and metasurfaces in THz applicationsò??, Andrei Lavrinenko, DTU Photonik

INVITED: ò??Multi-color computer generated holograms from highly dispersive metamaterialsò??, Thomas Pertsch, Friedrich-Schiller Univ. Jena, Germany

INVITED: ò??Tunable photonic metamaterialsò??, Dragomir Neshev, The Australian Natl. Univ. Australia

INVITED: ò??Second-order nonlinear-optical effects in planar metamaterialsò??, Tatiana Murzina, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

INVITED: ò??Nano spatially and femto temporally localized laser sourceò??, Victor Balykin, Inst. of Spectroscopy, Russia

INVITED: ò??Advanced integrated design of solitonic metamaterial-driven structures and peregrine creationò??, Allan Boardman, Univ. of Salford, UK

INVITED: ò??Fano resonances: Quantum and classical mechanics vs opticsò??, Mikhail Tribelsky, Moscow State Inst. of Radioengineering, Russia

INVITED: ò??Graphene and topological insulators for plasmonics and nanophotonicsò??, Yuri Lozovik, Inst. of Spectroscopy, Russia

INVITED: ò??Eigenmode analysis of surface plasmon polaritons in silver double nanowire systemsò??, Guang-Yu Guo, Natl Taiwan Univ., Taiwan

8. Ultrafast Phenomena and High-Precision Measurements

KEYNOTE: ò??The future is now: Single atom clocks, surpassing the SI second and exploring the limits of timeò??, Alan Madej, Inst. for National Measurements Standards, NRC, Canada

Abstract: The last few years have seen a revolution in how we can make ultra-accurate measurements of optical atomic reference transitions using highly coherent laser light. By gently holding a single atomic ion using an electro-dynamic trapping field, we can approach as close as possible the ideal situation of an isolated and unperturbed quantum system. Probing very narrow (and weak) transitions in such a trapped ion system allows one to make physical measurements surpassing our current realizations of fundamental units of measurement.Òš This is due to the remarkable and successful union of laser cooling and trapping methods, optical frequency comb technology, and extremely narrow linewidth lasers. Our team has been investigating a reference based on a single atomic ion of strontium. When probed on an ultra-narrow (0.4ÒšHz) optical transition at 445ÒšTHz (674Òšnm), the system can be used as an extremely accurate atomic frequency/time reference. In this talk, we will describe our results that include the resolution of spectral features at the 4 Hz level (1Òšpart in 1014) together with continuous measurement periods exceeding a few days allowing the possibility for the device to be used as an optical atomic time standard. A detailed uncertainty analysis of the reference transition has yielded a total evaluated uncertainty of 2 Ó? 10-17. The extremely low uncertainty value in this system arises from our ability to cancel the contributions from a number of systematic shifts due the adjustment of the operating parameters of the trap environment and measurement of different transition components each having different known shift sensitivities. The evaluated accuracies of this system and others have now been shown to exceed by an order of magnitude that of the best current cesium based realizations of the SI second and promise to revolutionize the way frequency and time is realized.Òš In this way, the era of optical based atomic clocks can be considered to be underway. At this level of accuracy, it is possible to measure the distortion of local time due to Earthò??s gravitational field by changes of the clock height at the sub-meter level. Some comments will be made as to what we expect these improvements to yield in terms of sensitive tests of relativity and the ultimate limits of measuring frequency and time in the laboratory.

Bio: Alan A. Madej is a Principal Research Officer in the Time and Frequency Group at the Institute for National Measurement Standards (INMS-NRC). He is also an adjunct University professor within the department of Physics and Astronomy at York University and the Physics Department of the University of Ottawa. He was born in Montreal on November 2, 1961 and obtained his B.Sc. (Honours) degree from Acadia University in 1983 and the M.Sc. and Doctoral degrees from the University of Toronto in 1985 and 1987 respectively. Since 1987, he has worked at the National Research Council of Canada (Ottawa) in the field of laser physics and trapped ion optical frequency standards. In 1992, his duties were extended to maintain and develop the NRC 633 nm Iodine stabilized HeNe laser ensemble which realizes the metre in the optical region for Canadian dimensional metrology needs. In 1993, he was part of the group to make the first Cesium atomic time traceable, direct frequency measurement of a single ion reference frequency in the infrared and in 1997 the group made the first absolute SI second based measurement at visible optical frequencies of a single ion reference transition. This work paved the way for the 445 THz visible optical transition in strontium to be selected as the first internationally recognized optical frequency standard based on a single, isolated atomic ion. The results of this work led to Dr. Madej and the team being awarded a 1998 NRC Outstanding Achievement Award. Recent work has been focused in obtaining Hz level resolution of ultra-accurate energy levels in trapped and laser cooled single atomic ions. From 1997-2001, he served as program leader for optical frequency standards activity at the Institute. During his career, he has published over 100 scientific contributions including 50 refereed scientific papers and 1 patent. Since 1998 he has served as an adjunct University Professor with the Physics and Astronomy Department at York University and was adjunct professor at McMaster University from 2004-2005 and 2006- 2009. Recently, he has been appointed in 2010 as adjunct University professor in the department of Physics at the University of Ottawa. He has held a number of research grants including the NSERC Discovery Grant, Network Centre of Excellence Grant, NRC Major Capital Initiative grant, and NRC Presidentò??s Fund Grant. He has been a continuing member of the Optical Society of America and the Canadian Association of Physicists since 1986 and is a member of IEEE since 1992. He was appointed a Senior member to the IEEE in 2001 and Senior Member to the Optical Society in 2010.

INVITED: ò??Morphology of bulk heterojunction revealed by ultrafast excitonsò??, Maxim Pshenichnikov, Univ. of Groningen, The Netherlands

INVITED: ò??Frequency combs and soliton mode-locking in optical microresonatorsò??, Michael Gorodetsky, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

INVITED: ò??Coherent magnetization dynamicsò??, Mircea Vomir, PCMS - DÓ?partement dò??Optique ultrarapide et de Nanophotonique (DON), France

INVITED: ò??Resolving attoscecond scale tunneling dynamics in moleculesò??, Barry Bruner, Weizmann Inst. of Science, Israel

INVITED: ò??High-precision optical clocks based on ultracold atoms and ions: new methods and approachesò??, Alexey Taichenachev, Inst. of Laser Physics, Russia

INVITED: ò??Ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy of photovoltaic polymer P3HT film and its benze solutionò??, Atsushi Yabushita, Natl Chiao-Tung Univ., Taiwan

9. ICONO Symposium: Femtosecond Laser Pulse Filamentation

KEYNOTE: ò??Lasing in air filaments: looking aheadò??, See Leang Chin, Univ. Laval, Canada

Abstract: Femtosecond laser filamentation is a new branch of nonlinear optics that has attracted a lot of attention in recent years since its beginning in the mid-1990ò??s. The temporally self-compressing pulse propagates inside the filament core as a plane wave with a constant high field because of intensity clamping. Using the femtosecond Ti-sapphire laser pulse, the extended filament zone in air could be as long as meters with a diameter of about 100 microns. The filament represents a unique interaction zone with a constant high peak intensity not found in any other optical focusing geometry. Many nonlinear optical processes could be excited in this ultrafast high intensity environment. This includes the excitation of high lying electronic states of a molecule including super-excited states. The fluorescence from either the parent molecule or the fragments exhibits gain along the filament in the form of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE). So far, this ASE type of lasing has been observed in nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor and some hydrocarbons. The universality of this phenomenon is proposed.

Bio: Professor See Leang Chin is a pioneer in ultrafast intense laser science. He was the first to confirm experimentally the existence of laser tunnel ionization of atoms and molecules with a CO2 laser. This breakthrough constitutes the gateway physical process that precedes all ultrafast intense laser processes in atoms and molecules. In the past 15 years, he turned his attention to study the physics and applications of femtosecond laser filamentation in all optical materials, in particular, in air and is one of the leading scientists in this field. In addition, Professor Chin was instrumental in the creation of the National Optics Institute in Quebec City, Canada. Professor Chin counts among his awards the 2007 Gold Medal of Merit from the International Ultrafast Intense Laser community. He is the recipient of the Humboldt Research Award in Germany.Òš He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America, and in 2000, became the holder of a Canada Research Chair in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science. In 2008, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Waterloo, Canada.

INVITED: ò??Laser filamentation in solids: From nanosecond to femtosecond propagation regimesò??, Luc Berge, CEA-DAM, Arpajon, France

INVITED: ò??Development of a 10-petawatt femtosecond laser system at SIOMò??, Ruxin Li, Shanghai Inst. of Optics and Fine Mechanics, P.R.China

INVITED: ò??Light bullets and supercontinuum spectra in femtosecond filamentò??, Sergey Chekalin, Inst. of Spectroscopy, Russia

INVITED: ò??Femtosecond ultraviolet filamentation in waterò??, Amelie Jarnac, Ecole Polytechnique, France

INVITED: ò??Strong THz fields from filaments: new physics and applicationsò??, Stelios Tzortzakis, Inst. of Electronic Structure and Laser, FORTH & Univ. of Crete, Greece

INVITED: ò??Rogue waves in the beam profiles of femtosecond multifilamentsò??, Guenter Steinmeyer, Max-Born-Inst. for Nonlinear Optics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Germany

INVITED: ò??Non-linear optics merely using filament from a collimated femtosecond beamò??, Andrei Savelò??ev, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

INVITED: ò??Controlling plasma channels through ultrashort laser pulse filamentationò??, Andrey Ionin, Lebedev Physical Inst., Russia

INVITED: ò??Logarithmic scaling in the catastrophic self-focusing (collapse) of laser beam in Kerr mediaò??, Pavel Lushnikov, Univ. of New Mexico, USA

INVITED: ò??Spatio-temporal evolution of the refractive index variations induced by femtosecond filamentÒš in fused silicaò??, Victor Kadan, Inst. of Physics, Ukraine

INVITED: ò??Shock front instabilities and resonant radiation dynamics in nonlinear mediaò??, Daniel Faccio, Heriot-Watt Univ., UK

INVITED: ò??Filamentation of high-angle nondiffracting beams and applications to ultrafast laser processingò??, Pierre-Ambroise Lacourt, Femto-ST, France

INVITED: ò??Filamentation dynamics probed by strong field processesò??, Milutin Kovacev, Leibniz Univ. Hannover, Germany

INVITED: ò??Mid-infrared femtosecond filaments in tansparent mediaò??, Daniil Kartashov, Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria

INVITED: ò??Quantum mechanical interpretation of higher-order optical Kerr effect in the strong field regimeò??, Eric Cormier, Bordeaux Univ., France

10. ICONO Symposium: Organic Photovoltaics

KEYNOTE: ò??Theoretical pathways towards high efficiency organic photovoltaicsò??, Kees Hummelen, Univ. of Groningen, The Netherlands

Abstract: We present three different theoretical approaches to identify pathways to organic solar cells with power conversion efficiencies in excess of 20%. First, a radiation limit for organic solar cells is introduced that elucidates the role of charge-transfer (CT) state absorption. Provided this CT action is either sufficiently weak or present in its maximized form throughout the active layer material, organic solar cells can be as efficient as their inorganic counterparts. Next, a model based on Marcus theory of electronic transfer -that considers exciton generation by both the electron donor and the electron acceptor- is used to show how reduction of the reorganization energies can lead to substantial power conversion efficiency gains.

Third, and most important, we introduce the dielectric constant as a central parameter for efficient solar cells. We analyze how the dielectric constant influences every fundamental step in OPV. We analyze and model the case of the 2009 world record PTB7:[70]PCBM cell of 7.4%, using a drift-diffusion model. Based on the model and based on the fact that the exciton binding energy diminishes with increasing dielectric constant of the medium, we find that efficiencies of more than 20% are within reach upon increasing the dielectric constant ÞÅr of the material to 10.

Bio: Kees Hummelen is professor of Chemistry of Molecular Organic and Bio-organic Materials at the University of Groningen. Together with his staff he is involved in the creation of plastic solar panels. Plastic is significantly cheaper than the resources that are normally used for the production of solar cells. However, the returns are not yet high enough for plastic to be able to compete. The reducing agent Hummelen is using is a special type of polymer, a so-called conjugated polymer, which is coloured and can therefore absorb more light and conduct better. Polymers are long molecules with complex structures. The other substance used, the electron acceptor, is a buckyball, a molecule shaped like a football which consists of sixty carbon atoms. Hummelen is also scientific director of Solenne BV in Groningen.

Hummelen is among the top of his field internationally. He is ranked 7th in the Times Higher Educationò??s 2011 international ranking list of researchers who have published in the field of materials science over the past ten years. In the same year, he received a EUR 5 million FOM grant to further improve the solar cells.

INVITED: ò??Star-shaped oligothiphene-based small molecules for organic photovoltaic applicationsò??, Sergei Ponomarenko, Enikolopov Inst. of Synthetic Polymer Materials, Russia

INVITED: ò??Photoinduced charge separation processes: From natural photosynthesis to organic photovoltaic cellsò??, Oleg Poluektov, Argonne National Lab., USA

INVITED: ò??Optoelectronic processes at hybrid interfacesò??, Annamaria Petrozza, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy

INVITED: ò??Ultrafast dynamics in organic donor-acceptor interfacesò??, Guglielmo Lanzani, Politechnico di Milano, Italy

INVITED: ò??Dynaimcs of trapped charge carriers in organic and hybrid photovoltaic devicesò??, Artem Bakulin, FOM Inst. AMOLF, the Netherlands

INVITED: ò??Recombination pathways in high-efficiency OPV materials and devicesò??, Vladimir Dyakonov, Julius-Maximilians Univ. of WÓÌrzburg and Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research e.V., Germany

INVITED: ò??OPVs: Spin, coherence and delocalizationò??, Simon GÓ?linas, Univ. of Cambridge, UK

INVITED: ò??New approaches to the material design for organic bulk heterojunction solar cellsò??, Pavel Troshin, Semenov Inst. of chemical Physics, Russia

INVITED: ò??Making most of the absorbed photon: New insights into carrier multiplication in semiconductor nanostructuresò??, Victor Klimov, Los Alamos Natl Lab, USA

INVITED: ò??Charge generation and separation in novel push-pull polymersò??, Maxim Pshenichnikov, Univ. of Groningen, The Netherlands

11. Joint ICONO/LAT Symposium on THz Optics and Technologies

KEYNOTE: ò??New directions in THz spectroscopy of condensed matterò??, Peter Jepsen, Technical Univ. of Denmark, Denmark

Abstract: The THz spectral range plays a key role in exploring physical phenomena in condensed matter. With state-of-the-art femtosecond laser technology it is possible to generate and detect extremely stable, ultrabroadband THz signals which can be used for the investigation of linear as well as extremely nonlinear phenomena in the THz range on the femtosecond time scale. In this presentation I will discuss linear, ultrafast photoconductive dynamics in disordered conductive systems and phenomena in metals where nonlinear optics is taken to the extreme electrostatic limit.

Bio: Professor Peter Uhd Jepsen received the MSc. Degree in physics from Odense University, Denmark, in 1994, and the PhD Degree in Natural Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) from Aarhus University, Denmark, in 1996. His PhD work was focused on fundamental properties of terahertz-frequency wave generation and detection.

In the period 1996-2004 Peter Uhd Jepsen was at Freiburg University, Germany, where he built up a small research unit focused on terahertz spectroscopy of condensed matter systems. During this period he was among the first to document fingerprint THz vibrational modes in a wide range of solid-state materials including drugs, explosives and pharmaceutical compounds. This work lead to the award of the Habilitation and Venia Legendi Degrees from Freiburg University in 2002.

In 2005 Peter Uhd Jepsen moved to the Technical University of Denmark, and started a THz research team at Research Center COM, now DTU Fotonik ò?? Department of Photonics Engineering. Since 2008 he has been Head of the Terahertz Technologies & Biophotonics research group which focuses on advanced, time-resolved THz spectroscopy, high-intensity THz fields, nonlinear THz spectroscopy, and THz imaging/sensing.

Peter Uhd Jepsens experiment-based research papers have attracted >2450 citations (H-index 24). He was awarded Elektrofondets Elektropris in 2007, he was guest professor at Osaka University in 2008/2009. He is currently Associate Editor for Optics Express, Topic Editor for IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, and on the Editorial Board of Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves.

INVITED: ò??Sensitive detectors of terahertz radiationò??, Dmitry Khokhlov, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

INVITED: ò??Monochromatic terahertz surface plasmon polaritons: prospects for surface study and optical communicationsò??, Boris Knyazev, Budker Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Russia

INVITED: ò??Ultrafast high THz-field driven charge transport in semiconductors: transition from ballistic to diffusive transport regimeò??, Christos Flytzanis, Ecole Normale Superieure, France

INVITED: ò??THz Response of HgTe/CdTe Quantum Wells and Narrow-Gap HgCdTe Films: from Fundamentals to Applicationsò??, Vladimir Gavrilenko, Inst. for Physics of Microstructures, Russia

INVITED: ò??Detection and quantification of atmospheric pollutants by means of THz instrumentsò??, Robin Bocquet, Univ. du Littoral Cote dò??Opale, France

INVITED: ò??Title to be announcedò??, Gun-Sik Park, Seoul Natl Univ., South Korea

INVITED: ò??Tunable continuous-wave terahertz generation using photonic technologiesò??, Kyung Hyun Park, THz Photonics Creative Research Ctr., ETRI, South Korea

INVITED: ò??Coherent optical control of Rydberg states in siliconò??, Vinh Nguyen, Virginia Tech, USA

INVITED: ò??Terahertz wave generation via optical rectification of femtosecond transform-limited and nanosecond non-transform-limited laser pulsesò??, Galiya Kitaeva, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

INVITED: ò??Efficient THz generation by optical rectification of femtosecond laser pulses and application of THz radiation for plasma investigationò??, Andrey Stepanov, Inst. of Applied Physics, Russia

LAT Invited Speakers

LAT Plenary Speakers

PLENARY: ò??Quantum dot lasers and their optimization for various applicationsò??, Alexey Zhukov, St.Petersburg Academic Univ., Russia

Abstract: Basic principles of quantum dot formation by self-organization phenomena in epitaxial growth will be discussed. The talk will be focused on long-wavelength quantum dots capable of emitting around 1.3 ÒÅm as it is suitable for various laser applications including optical fiber communication. The following aspects of optimization of quantum dot lasers and quantum dots themselves will be highlighted: formation of broad lasing (gain) spectra, achievement of high power levels, suppression of excited state lasing, suppression of higher spatial-order lasing, maximization of modulation frequency, minimization of heat dissipation under direct modulation, improvement of temperature stability.

Bio: Alexey E. Zhukov (born Leningrad, USSR, 1968; graduated Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute, 1992; Cand. of Sci. Ioffe Phys.-Tech. Institute of RAS, 1996; Doc. of. Sci. Ioffe Phys.-Tech. Institute of RAS, 2002) is currently a pro-rector and head of the Nanophotonics Laboratory at St. Petersburg Academic University of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2008 he was elected as a corresponding member to the RAS, division of Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies. He is known as a specialist in epitaxial growth of semiconductor nanostructures, such as self-organized quantum dots, development and study of semiconductor nano- and optoelectronic devices, including quantum dot lasers.

PLENARY: ò??High power, high pulse repetition rate disk lasers and applicationsò??, Friedrich Dausinger, Dausinger & Giesen GmbH, Germany

Abstract: Since its invention in 1991 by Adolf Giesen the thin disk technology found numerous applications in industrial production processes and scientific applications. A wide spanning substitution of rod type solid state lasers as well as of gas lasers was stimulated by stronger focussability at high power. While this feature is offered by the competing fiber laser approach, as well, the disk laser is advantageous whenever highest pulse energy at high repetition rate is required. The contribution will review what has been achieved in this respect for industrial and scientific applications and discuss the future potential.

Bio: Dr. rer.nat.habil. Friedrich Dausinger is managing partner of Dausinger + Giesen GmbH, a company whose business model is to expand the application of thin disk technology in science and industry. He disposes of now more than 30 years of experience with the application and development of high power lasers acquired in industrial (Bosch, D+G) and academic (Stuttgart University) surrounding. He was chairman of national project initiatives in the field of ultrafast laser science, is Fellow of LIA (Laser Institute of America) and corresponding member of Russian Academy of Engineering.

LAT Keynote and Invited Speakers

1. Solid-State Lasers, Materials and Applications

KEYNOTE: ò??Bismuth-doped optical fibers: a challenging active medium for near IR lasers and optical amplifiersò??, Evgeny Dianov, Fiber Optics Research Center, Russia

Abstract: It has recently been demonstrated that Bi-doped glass opical fibers are a promising active laser medium. Various types of Bi-doped optical fibers have been developed and used to construct Bi-doped fiber lasers and optical amplifiers. This presentation reviews the recent results regarding the luminescence properties of various Bi-doped optical fibers and the development of Bi-doped fiber lasers and optical amplifiers for the 1150 to 1550 nm spectral region.

Bio: Prof. Evgeny Dianov graduated from LomonosovÒš Moscow State University in 1960 and received the his Ph.D in 1966 and Doctor of Sciences degree in 1977 from Lebedev Physical Institute, the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Since 1994, he has been Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is Director of the Fiber Optics Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main field of his scientific interests is laser physics and fiber and integrated optics. He has published more than 700 scientific papers and patents. Prof. Dianov was awarded the State Prize of the Soviet Union in 1974 and the State Prize of Russia in 1998. He is a Member of IEEE, ACerS, MRS, a Fellow of OSA and a Full Member ofÒš Russian Academy of Sciences.

KEYNOTE: ò??Fluoride laser ceramicsò??, Vyacheslav Osiko, A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Inst., Russia

Abstract: In this presentation we discuss our resent results in developing fluoride laser ceramics. Some features and problems of preparation of the fluoride ceramics, their mechanical, thermal, optical, spectroscopic, and laser properties will be described. In conclusions the advantages and drawbacks of fluoride laser ceramics is discussed.

Bio: Prof. Vyacheslav V. Osiko is currently Director of Laser Materials and Technologies Research Center of the A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician (the full member of the Academy). V.V.Osiko graduated from Moscow Institute of Chemistry and Technology by D.I. Mendeleev (1954). His research work is concentrated on laser physics, solid state physics and spectroscopy. He is the author (or co-author) of over 500 papers, books, patents. He was awards: Lenin prize (1980), the Prize of the USSR Council of Ministers (1991), R.A. Laudise Prize of the International Organization of Crystal Growth (1992).

INVITED: ò??Thermo-optical properties and thermal lensing in RE-doped double tungstate and vanadate laser crystalsò??, N.V. Kuleshov, Belarussian National Technical Univ., Belarus

INVITED: ò??Few-cycle mid-IR oscillatorsò??, Eugene Sorokin, Technical Univ. of Vienna, Austria

INVITED: ò??Ultrarelativistic regimes of Petawatt-laser radiation interaction with matterò??, Aleksandr Sergeev, Inst. of Applied Physics, Russia

INVITED: ò??Novel high-efficiency thulium lasers based on monoclinic KLu(WO4)2 crystalline hostò??, S. Vatnik, Inst. of Laser Physics, Russia

INVITED: ò??Preparation of oxide laser ceramics based on non-agglomerated nanopowdersò??, Yuri Kopylov, Fryazino Branch of Kotelò??nikov Inst. of Radioengineering and Electronics, Russia

INVITED: ò??Rare-earth doped fluoride crystals for short-pulse and waveguide lasersò??, P. Camy,Òš Univ. de Caen, France

2. High-Power Lasers and Applications

KEYNOTE: ò??Status of the National Ignition Facility and the development of lasers for fusion energyò??, Michael Dunne, LLNL, USA

Abstract: The National Ignition Facility (NIF), the worldò??s largest and most energetic laser system, is now fully operational at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The NIFò??s 192 beams have exceeded their design specification to deliver 1.8-megajoule, 500-terawatt, ultraviolet laser light in highly reproducible and precisely controlled conditions. This capability represents over 60 times more energy than any previous laser system. The NIF can now generate temperatures of more than 100 million degrees and pressures more than 100 billion times Earthò??s atmospheric pressure. These conditions, exceeding those at the center of the sun, have never before been created in the laboratory. This facility is designed to compress fusion targets to the conditions required for ò??ignitionò??, liberating more energy than is required to initiate the fusion reaction. The system flexibility allows multiple target designs to be fielded, offering substantial scope for optimization of a robust target design. Recent activity has centered on two major goals: establishing the infrastructure and capability for NIF to operate as a highly instrumented scientific user facility; and beginning integrated ignition experiments with cryogenic, layered DT fuel targets. The scope for this work included the ignition physics program as well as the development of the diagnostics, targets, target cryogenic system, phase plates and other optics, and personnel and environmental protection activities required to execute ignition experiments. This talk will discuss the current status of the program to achieve ignition, presenting the most recent experimental results, and a look ahead to our plans for the coming months.

Bio: Professor Mike Dunne joined Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 2010 as director for Laser Fusion Energy. This role includes leadership of the LIFE (Laser Inertial Fusion Energy) project, which is designed to build from National Ignition Facility ignition to deliver electrical power to the United States at the gigawatt plant scale. He was previously the leader of the European laser fusion program, HiPERò??a consortium of 26 institutions across 10 countries. Professor Dunne has also held the post of director of the UK's Central Laser Facility. He spent 10 years at AWE Aldermaston, holding group leader and strategic senior management roles, and is a visiting professor at Imperial College London, where he obtained his Ph.D. in Plasma Physics. Professor Dunne is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers, and Commerce, and a member of the American Physical Society and the European Physical Society. He has received a number of awards and is the author of over 60 technical papers, over 30 invited talks, and numerous press and media reports.

INVITED: ò??Overview of LLNL's advanced laser technologiesò??, Regina Bonanno, LLNL, USA

INVITED: ò??UFL-2M facility--initial steps for constructionò??, Sergey Bel'kov, RFNC-VNIIEF, Russia

INVITED: ò??A review of alkali lasers research and developmentò??, Boris Zhdanov, US Air Force Academy, USA

INVITED: ò??Radiation properties of dense matter pumped by X-ray emission of plasma irradiated by laser intensities over 1020 W/cm2ò??, Anatoly Faenov, Joint Inst. for High Temperatures, Russia

INVITED: ò??Bright electron and x-ray beams with laser plasma acceleratorsò??, Victor Malka, ENSTA Paris Tech, France

3. Laser Remote Sensing and Tunable Diode Laser spectroscopy

KEYNOTE: ò??Remote sensing of seawater and drifting ice by GPI compact Raman lidarò??, Alexey Bunkin, Prokhorov General Physics Inst., Russia

Abstract: A compact Raman LIDAR system for remote sensing of sea and drifting ice was developed. Itò??s applications for express monitoring of seawater with high concentration of floating ice in the Arctic Ocean is discussed.

Bio: Prof. Alexey Bunkin is a head of Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory, Wave Research Center at General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He was born in Moscow in 1952, in 1975 he graduated Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department, received the Ph.D. in 1979 (Moscow State University) and Doctor of Sciences degree in 1989(General Physics Institute). Since 1980 one of his research interests is environmental laser remote sensing. He has published 2 books and more than 120 papers in international journals.

INVITED: ò??Recording and analyzing of high resolution molecular gas phase spectra at temperatures between 50 and 296Kò??, Arlan Mantz, Connecticut College, USA

INVITED: ò??Mid infrared semiconductor laser based trace gas sensor technologiwes: Recent advances and applicationsò??, Frank Tittle, Rice Univ., USA

INVITED: ò??Quantum cascade laser spectroscopy in biomedical and forensic scienceò??, Markus Sigrist, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

INVITED: ò??High-resolution IR laser spectroscopy of ozone isotopomers using a diode laser stabilized by a new interferometric phase frequency emission controlò??, Christof Janssen, Univ. Paris VI, France

INVITED: ò??Frequency comb spectroscopies in the mid IRò??, Hans Schuessler, Texas A&M Univ., USA

4. Diffractive Optics and Nanophotonics

KEYNOTE: ò??Diffractive principle, devices and applicationsò??, Changhe Zhou, Shanghai Inst. of Optics and Fine Mechanics, P.R.China

Abstract: I will report our work on diffractive principle, devices and applications. We discovered simple principles of the Talbot effect, such as the symmetry, regularly-rearranged neighboring-phase difference rule, prime-number decomposition rule. We invented distorted Dammann grating for simultaneous imaging of multiple objective planes in one single plane. We developed simplified modal method to design deep-etched fused silica gratings, such as the average mode indices of the triangular or sinusoidal gratings to describe the overall performance of its gradually-changing profile of grating grooves. We fabricated distorted Dammann grating and fused silica gratings by using the advanced microelectronic lithographic technique, holographic interference technique, and inductive-coupled-plasma dry-etching facility. Experimental results demonstrated that these novel diffractive devices should be highly interesting for a variety of applications.

Bio: Changhe Zhou is a professor of Shanghai Insti. of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was an Alexander von Humboldt research fellow, working in Technical Univ. of Darmstadt in 1996-98 and a visiting scholar of Harvard Univ.y in 2005-06. His research interests are diffractive optics, diffractive grating, holography and 3D imaging. He served as the Executive Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Optics Letters and an Associate Editor of Optics Express. He is on OSA Board of Editors.

INVITED: ò??Predictive modeling in diffractive nanophotonicsò??, Nikolai Kazanskiy, Image Processing Systems Inst., Russia

INVITED: ò??Spectral and temporal characteristics of radiation from a periodic resonant medium excited at the superluminal velocityò??, R.M.Arhipov, Weierstrass Inst. for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Germany

INVITED: ò??Fighting against diffraction using diffractive structuresò??, Haifeng Wang, Data Storage Inst., Singapore

INVITED: ò??Plasmonic nanophotonic devices for optical interconnectionò??, Min Qiu, Zhejiang Univ., China

INVITED: ò??Silicon nanophotonics for optical communicationsò??, Zhiping Zhou, Peking Univ., China

5. Ultra-Fast Diagnostics in Laser Research

KEYNOTE: ò??From microseconds to attoseconds: Recent achievements in high-speed imaging and photonicsò??, Manfred Hugenschmidt, Univ. of Karlsruhe, Germany

Abstract: The purpose of this keynote is aimed at pointing out the outstanding improvements since the last half decade. During these years temporal resolution has significantly been increased by more than 12 orders of magnitude by decreased pulse durations or exposure times, respectively, in the case of visualization techniques from microseconds (10-6 s) to attoseconds (10-18 s). Due to their monochromacity, coherence and capability for short pulse generation, big steps forward were provided by the advent of lasers in 1960. Coherent optical high-speed diagnostic tools became increasingly important and were consequently developed for numerous technical, industrial, medical and fundamental research related applications. Nanosecond pulses (10-9 s) were obtained by q-switching lasers, picoseconds (10-12 s) by mode-locking and ultra-short femtoseconds (10-15 s) pulses, particularly in the case of Ti-sapphire lasers, by carefully combined mode-locking and pulse compression. Such values, according to Heisenberg uncertainty principle are approaching the utmost temporal limit for radiation in the visible and near infrared. These constraints, however, are overcome by shifting towards shorter wavelengths. For this purpose fs laser pulses interacting with He- or other rare gas atoms are capable of generating powerful, even several more orders of magnitude shorter attosecond pulses (10-18 s), so-called high harmonics by "bremsstrahlung". These shortest pulses provide not only powerful tools for studies in the field of fundamental physics, but also for unforeseen, novel high-speed diagnostic applications in the future.

The keynote concentrates on discussions of the most important milestones and corresponding experimental realizations. Many of these have been carried out at the German-French Research Institute at Saint-Louis within programs related to studies of plasmas and laser target interaction. These include visualizations of thermo-mechanical effects and ablation due to single pulse and repetitive pulse induced laser target interaction with different kinds of target materials, components or devices. Laser schlieren techniques, interferometry, holography, MoirÓ? techniques and carrier frequency photographic recording methods proved to yield most valuable information. Typical examples are presented, for comparison, evaluated and theoretically confirmed by numerical simulation. In this context, of course, results of other internationally renowned research groups are included and cited as well. In conclusion, fundamental issues are discussed, even taking into account relativistic effects.

Bio: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hugenschmidt, Germany, was appointed as Honorary Professor in 1986 ("Honorarprofessor") at the University of Karlsruhe, meanwhile KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Since 1965 he was member of the German-French Research Institute Saint-Louis, ISL, France. Besides his professional activities at ISL as head of the division "lasers, optronics and sensorics" he took additionally over the responsibility as head of the High Speed section of the German Physical Society, DPG from 1977 to 1989. In 1996 he received the Harald Edgerton Award of the SPIE (USA) for major contributions on high speed diagnostics, for quantifying and evaluating laser-material interaction processes. Current research interests are still related to lasers: development of solid state lasers and gas lasers for specific applications, nonlinear optical phenomena, basic physics of laser-material interaction, laser effect studies with emphasis to optronic materials (dielectrics or semiconductors), to high energy density physics in solid, liquid, gaseous or highly ionized states, to ultra-short laser pulse induced processes and to high resolution diagnostics. Manfred Hugenschmidt is author/co-author of more than 60 ISL-Internal Reports, moreover of numerous external publications, including in refereed Scientific Journals and International Conference Proceedings. He has published a comprehensive volume on "Laser Metrology in High-Speed Diagnostics", edited by Springer and has given a major contribution entitled "Gasdynamical Lasers, Chemical Lasers", published in the New Series of Landolt-BÓÆrnstein, Volume 1 "Laser Physics and Applications", Subvolume B "Laser Systems". After retiring from the German-French Research Institute he continued for many more years his activities at the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics at KIT.

INVITED: ò??Structural dynamics of free molecules and condensed matter ò??, Anatoli Ischenko, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ. of Fine Chemical Technology, Russia

INVITED: ò??On "temporal resolution" of fs light-pulse waveform meters ò??, Anatoli Masalov, Lebedev Physical Inst., Russia

INVITED: ò??New ultrafast beam sources and diagnostics at the Advanced Laser Light Source (ALLS) Facilityò??, Jean-Claude Kieffer, INRS, Canada

INVITED: ò??Irradiation of intense hard quasi-X-ray lasers utilizing amplification by spontaneous emissionò??, Eiichi Sato, Iwate Medical Univ., Japan

INVITED: ò??Remote plasmas produced by laser filamentsò??, Martin Richardson, Univ. of Central Florida, USA

6. Advances in Electro/Magneto-Optics

KEYNOTE: ò??Controlling magnetism with lightò??, TheoÒšRasing, Radboud Univ.Òš Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Abstract: From the discovery of sub-picosecond demagnetization over a decade ago to the recent demonstration of magnetization reversal by a single 40 femtosecond laser pulse, the manipulation of spins by ultra short laser pulses has become a fundamentally challenging topic with a potentially high impact for future spintronics, data storage and manipulation and quantum computation. In addition, when the time-scale of the perturbation approaches the characteristic time of the exchange interaction (~10-100 fs), the magnetization dynamics enters a novel, highly non-equilibrium, regime, which was recently demonstrated by both fs optical and X-ray experiments. Theoretically, this field is still in its infancy, using phenomenological descriptions of the none-equilibrium dynamics between electrons, spins and phonons via 2- or 3-temperature models and atomistic spin simulations. A proper description should include the time dependence of the exchange interaction and nucleation phenomena on the nanometer length scale. Such developments need to be supported by experimental investigations of magnetism at its fundamental time and length scales, i.e. with fs time and nanometer spatial resolution. Using ultrashort optical excitations, we may be able to manipulate the exchange interaction itself. Such studies require the excitation and probing of the spin and angular momentum contributions to the magnetic order at timescales of 10 fs and below, a challenge that could be met by the future fs X-ray FELò??s. In this lecture recent results and future challenges of ultrafast magnetization dynamics and the opto-magnetic techniques to control magnetic order will be discussed.

Bio: Theo Rasing (1953) Òšis professor of experimental physics, founder and director of the Nijmegen Centre for Advanced Spectroscopy (NCAS), Òšmember of the board of the DutchÒš NanoNed and founder ofÒš NanoLab Nijmegen that makes its expertise and infrastructureÒš available to the commercial sector. Rasing obtained his degree in physics (cum laude) from the Radboud University Nijmegen in 1976, where he also gained his doctorate in 1982. After postdoctoral stays at UC Berkeley (IBM fellowship) he became staff scientist and deputy program leader at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, where he developed nonlinear optical techniques for surface and interface studies. In 1988 he was appointed associate and in 1997 full professor of physics in Nijmegen. Theo Rasing is a pioneer in the development of new linear and nonlinear optical techniques for studying and manipulating molecules and materials with an emphasis on nanometer length and femtosecond time scales. One of the central themes of his research are the static and dynamic properties of magnetic nanostructures and multilayers. For this he developed the technique of Magnetization induced Second Harmonic Generation and various ultra sensitive pump-probe methods. His most recent and most successful research in the field of spin dynamics is that into the manipulation of magnetism using light. To date, his research has yielded more than 300 publications inÒš international journals, including Nature, Science and Physical Review Letters. He is also the initiator and coordinator of various large national and international partnership programmes.Òš Rasing is also interested in bridging the gap between research and society by participating in public debates and delivering popular lectures for the general audience. In 2007 he received the Physica Prize from the Netherlands Physical Society and in 2008 he received the Spinoza price, the highest scientific awardÒš from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO. He also received the 2008 Price for Science and Society .He was elected Distinguished Lecturer 2009 by the IEEE Magnetics society.

INVITED: ò??Magneto-Stark effect on excitons as origin of second harmonic generation in ZnOò??, Victor Pavlov, Ioffe Physical-Technical Inst., Russia

INVITED: ò??Active semiconductor fibers and devicesò??, John Badding, The Pennsylvania State Univ., USA

INVITED: ò??Advances in liquid crystal devices for non-display applicationsò??, Ibrahim Abdulhalim, Ben Gurion Univ., Israel

INVITED: ò??Nonlinear electro-optics: methods and devicesò??, Elena Mishina, MSTU MIREA, Russia

7. Biophotonics and Laser Biomedicine

KEYNOTE: ò??Application of non-invasive spectroscopic methods for the determination of the antioxidative status of human skin: New prospects of biofeedback measurementsò??, JÓÌrgen Lademann, CharitÓ?/UniversitÓ?tsmedizin Berlin, Germany

Abstract: Nowadays, non-invasive optical and spectroscopic in vivo methods like resonance Raman and reflectance spectroscopy are available to analyze antioxidants and free radicals in the human skin. In the present study, both methods were used to analyze the interaction of free radicals and antioxidants in human skin under diverse conditions.

In a first study, the antioxidative potential of volunteers during one year was investigated by Raman resonance spectroscopy. A clear influence of the nutritional habits, lifestyle and stress of the volunteers on their antioxidative potential was found. In the second part of the study, the influence of UV-radiation, infrared radiation and alcohol consumption on the antioxidative status of the human skin was investigated under standardized conditions. Additionally, it could be demonstrated that volunteers of the same age, who demonstrated high levels of antioxidants in their skin showed significantly less furrows and wrinkles than volunteers of the same age with a low concentration of antioxidants. This clearly verifies that antioxidants applied systemically in physiological mixtures and concentrations are the best prevention strategy against skin aging.

Summarizing the results it can be stated that the availability of innovative non-invasive optical and spectroscopic methods for the determination of free radicals and antioxidants in human skin allows new insights into the interaction process of free radicals and antioxidants. In the present studies it could be demonstrated that high levels of antioxidants represent an efficient prevention strategy against skin aging. The level of antioxidants in the human skin is strongly influenced by the lifestyle and the stress conditions of the volunteers.

Bio: JÓÌrgen Lademann is an internationally renowned scientist researching at the interface between dermatology, pharmacology and biophysics. Since 1996 the physicist has been in charge of the Center for Experimental and Applied Cutaneous Physiology at the Clinic of Dermatology and Allergology of CharitÓ? - UniversitÓ?tsmedizin Berlin. In 2001 he was appointed professor of dermatology.

His research topics include penetration pathways of topically applied substances; hair follicles as penetration pathway and reservoir of drugs; nanoparticles; optical measuring methods; antioxidant measurements; low-temperature plasma.

JÓÌrgen Lademann is member of numerous committees and editorial boards of various journals, such as Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Pharmacology. From 2003 through 2008 he was President of the International Society of Skin Pharmacology and Physiology. In 2008, he joined the Cosmetics Committee of the Federal Institute of Risk Assessment (Germany), was appointed expert for risk assessment of nanoparticles in cosmetic products with ECETOC AISBL, of Brussels, and reviewer for various research programs of the European Union. In 2010 he was appointed member of the Light Engineering Standardization Committee, Section ò??Radiologyò??, with the German Institute for Standardization (DIN ò?? Deutsches Institut fÓÌr Normung e. V.). In August, 2011 he chaired the Gordon Conference "Barrier Function of Mammalian Skin" in the United States. In 2012 he was admitted member of the Berlin-based scientific society Leibniz SozietÓ?t der Wissenschaften.

INVITED: ò??Imaging neuronal networks with femtosecond laser pulsesò??, Shaoqun Zeng, Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology, P.R.China

INVITED: ò??High resolution functional assessment of human skin and non-melanoma skin cancer with Bessel beam OCTò??, Rainer Leitgeb, Medical Univ. of Vienna, Austria

INVITED: ò??Fluorescence imaging in biomedical scienceò??, Alexander Savitsky, A.N.Bach Inst. of biochemistry, Russia

INVITED: ò??Photo-bleaching effects of laser-excited skin autofluorescenceò??, Janis Spigulis, Univ. of Latvia, Latvia

INVITED: ò??Cellular viscoelasticity probed by active rheology in optical tweezersò??, Andrey Fedyanin, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

INVITED: ò??Novel laser optoacoustic system for invasive detection and characterization of intracranial hematomas and patient monitoringò??, Rinat Esenaliev, Univ. of Texas Medical Branch, USA

INVITED: ò??Multiple roles of mitochondrial respiratory chain in mammalian cells under action of red and IR-A radiation: Cellular mechanisms of low power laser therapyò??, Tina Karu, Inst. of Laser and Information Technologies RAS, Russia

8. Fiber optics

KEYNOTE: ò??Advances and emerging applications in fiber lasersò??, Anatoly Grudinin, Fianium Ltd., UK

Abstract: In this talk we review latest developments and applications of picosecond and femtosecond fiber lasers. Considered for a long time as emerging technology with high scientific interest and tremendous potential, ultrafast fiber lasers are now widely used in a growing number of applications. Motivated by rapid improvement of performance and attractive features such as compactness and low ownership cost, ultrafast fiber lasers now challenge conventional DPSS ultrafast sources across numerous industrial sectors. Matured fiber laser technology also enables development of unique sources such as supercontinuum lasers capable of enabling scientific discovery as well as replacing incumbent illumination technologies within industrial instruments and systems. Results are being realized and ultrafast fiber lasers are now penetrating into production floor of parts and components for consumer electronics but the hunt for new applications continues.

Bio: Prof. Anatoly Grudinin has started his work in the area of fiber optics in 1980 when he joined Physical Lebedevò??s Institute, Russian Academy of Science (FIAN) after graduation from Moscow State Technical University. He was one of first researchers who studied nonlinear properties of silica fibers and pioneered discovery of Raman solitons in single mode optical fibers. In 1992, Anatoly has joined Optoelectronics Research Centre at University of Southampton where his main areas of interest were soliton fiber lasers, high power fiber laser and amplifiers. Over his scientific carrier Anatoly published over 200 papers and gave numerous invited talks at major international conferences (CLEO, OFC, ECOC, Photonics West). In 2003, Anatoly left his professorò??s chair at the ORC and founded Fianium, a fiber laser company focused on development and volume manufacturing of ultrafast fiber lasers for bio-medical and industrial applications.

INVITED: ò??Semiconductor disk lasers in fiber technologyò??, Oleg Okhotnikov, Tampere Univ., Finland

INVITED: ò??Coherent Raman interactions in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibersò??, Amir Abdolvand, Max-Planck Inst. for the Science of Light, Germany

INVITED: ò??Hidden symmetries in nonlinear fiber optics: nonautonomous solitons and squeezionsò??, Vladimir Serkin, Benemerita Univ. Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico

INVITED: ò??Unique properties of the negative curvature hollow core fibersò??, Andrey Pryamikov, FORC of RAS, Russia

INVITED: ò??Acrylate coated optical fibers for application temperatures up to +200ÒÀCò??, Valery Kozlov, Corning Inc., NY, USA




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