. : http://itpm.msu.su/manual/ja/invoking.html
: Sat Feb 5 01:50:17 2005
: Mon Oct 1 21:07:14 2012
: IBM-866

Apache 侲<b style="color:black;background-color:#66ff66"></b> - Apache HTTP
Apache > HTTP > ?? > ? 2.0

Apache 侲

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This translation may be out of date. Check the English version for recent changes.

Windows Apache 乀 Windows NT, 2000, XP Windows 9x, ME ??䯮 万 ??䯮?䇠?

Unixhttpd ?䰬嫭?? ?䯮侻 httpd ?


Apache 侲?

ℋ䰨 Listen 80 ( 1024 侈) Apache ? root ⦈젽 侯? ?䃭? ??뮈䃦?丈 listen 䫑?丵? ? httpd root ⦈䰉? 䫀⦈䰉? 义??

httpd? apachectl ??httpd ?䰄丯严젽仇?? 섂丄httpd ? apachectl ????򀱒 httpd ??? apchectl ?䯨 apchectl ? 嫄쥢 HTTPD ?? httpd 侄䐱? ????

httpd httpd.conf 侐?䯯䋵 侐?丄⮈ -f ???? ?亮

/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -f /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf

?? ??衈丱 ?? 侦丄 DocumentRoot ? ??


Apache 丆仱三 꾨? ErrorLog 丱?? Unable to bind to Port ... 乥乮즴

侱?侻??侄 Apache FAQ ?䇠?



䃦 쮈 apachectl ?䪭? ( rc.local rc.N ) 一? 侻? Apache ? root ⦈䰲 ?嵄馈 섂丄?

apachectl 乀⥦ SysV init 䯯丄 start, restart, stop 䃐??httpd 侊섂主 ‱乆上섂 init apachectl ? 侠丵?



httpd apachectl 万侈? ???万Ż? 䫻? Apache 万 䯀? ?

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