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Russian Academy of Sciences Federal Space Agency

Highlights from Russian AO 1 observations

(INTErnational Gamma Ray Astrophysical Laboratory - ) , 15 10 , - (E/ E 500) . (3 35 ) (V , 550 ) . , . ( ) . () , . 10 20 , .. , 1 . , . , . , , , ( , 1989 1998 ). . 1993 . (). () . () , .

The key project of the current decade in hard X ray and gamma ray astronomy INTEGRAL (INTErnational Gamma Ray Astrophysical Laboratory) is devoted to study of hard X ray and gamma ray emission from different Galactic and extra galactic objects. It will survey a substantial part of the high ener gy sky with an unprecedented sensitivity and will measure spec tra of gamma ray lines emission with a very high resolution (E/ E 500). Instruments of the observatory allow both moni toring and at the same time the study of time behavior of vari ous cosmic sources in X ray (3 35 keV) and optical (V band, 550 nm) spectral bands. Principal objects to study by the INTEGRAL observatory include Galactic binary systems harboring black holes and neutron stars, active galactic nuclei, and diffuse emission of our Galaxy in nuclear lines. In the vicinity of compact objects (black holes and neutron stars) gravitational field is extremely strong. When the matter falls (accrets) onto such objects, huge energy stored in the gravitational field is released and radiates in different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Generally, accreting Galactic black holes and neutron stars emit energy at energies above 10 20 keV i.e. in the hard X ray energy range, and in some , cases even at energies up to 1 MeV So any information about . emission from these sources at such energies helps us to understand physical mechanisms operating in the immediate vicinity of compact stars. Instruments of the INTEGRAL observatory enable us not only to study the spectral properties of individual sources, but also pro vide us with an ability to survey different regions of the sky with an unprecedented sensitivity and accuracy in the hard X ray and gamma ray energy bands. The construction of sky maps at these energies is a very complicated task. The main problem is that the photons of such energies practically can not be reflected from any surface that makes it impossible to focus them for usual imaging. For image reconstruction the tele scopes of the INTEGRAL observatory use the method of coded aperture. The mask, consisting of transparent and opaque elements, is placed above the detector that records the incident photons. Cosmic point sources generate different shades on the detector depending on their position in the field of view of the telescope. T reconstruct the image of the o observed sky, a computer analysis of these shade patterns is used. Until recently, the only orbital observatory equipped with a telescope capable of constructing hard X ray and gamma ray sky images was the Soviet observatory GRANAT (coded mask telescopes ART P and SIGMA, on orbit 1989 1998). Instruments onboard the INTEGRAL observatory surpass those of GRANAT and allow us to significantly improve our knowledge in this difficult energy range. The INTEGRAL project was chosen by the European Space Agency (ESA) as a second project with medium size budget. The project was developed by ESA in cooperation with Russian Avia Space Agency (ROSAVIAKOSMOS) and NASA. The involvement of Russian Federation in the project was initiated by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) and was then formal ly endorsed the contract between ROSAVIAKOSMOS and ESA. This contract was ratified by the government of Russian Federation.


SPI (SPectrometer on INTEGRAL) . 19 , 90 . 20 8 . , , , . . JEM X (Joint European X ray Monitor) . 3 35 . JEM X ( IBIS SPI) : 3.2 , , , 1.5 . OMC ,


IBIS (Imager on Board the INTEGRAL Satellite) , , 30 15 10 . , 3.2 . : , 16384 (Cd T , e) , 4096 (CsI)

, , . 18.2 ; .

Russian Science Data Center for INTEGRAL

"". , ( 4000 ), . , "", "", - , . - - "" . . , , ( , ). . , . , , . 3 17 2002 4 41 . (, ) , , , 5.2 15 . 9300 , 153000 72 . (85% ) .


T launch the INTEGRAL observatory the PROTON o launcher of Khrunichev Federal Space Center with the forth stage DM of Rocket Space Corporation ENERGIYA was chosen. Such a choice was motivated by the capability of PROTON DM to provide required parameters of the orbit for given mass of the satellite (about 4000 kg) and by its reputation of the most reliable heavy launcher in the world. The three stage rocket launcher PROTON has been used to build space stations starting from SAL , then for the YUT construction of the MIR station, and in the last years for the construction of the International Space Station. The forth stage - block DM - was originally designed by ENERGIYA in the framework of the Soviet Moon space program. It had been supposed to be used as a stage for bringing the spacecraft from an intermediate orbit into a Moon satellite orbit and launching from the near Moon orbit to Earth. However, later this stage has been used as a forth block to launch spacecraft to study the Moon and planets, to launch communication satellites into geo sta tionary orbit, as well as to launch scientific spacecrafts into high apogee orbits (Soviet orbital observatories ASTRON, GRANAT). The abilities of PROTON DM greatly exceeded those needed to launch a satellite as massive as INTE GRAL into a working orbit. So the decision was taken to increase the launch reliability by accepting the scheme with single switch of the DM block. In addition, the INTEGRAL launch scheme imposed minimum constraints on the launch dates and time. The PROTON rocket with forth stage DM 3 and the INTE GRAL observatory as the payload was launched on October 17, 2002 4h 41m UT from the Baikonur cosmod rome. The launch of the observatory into the intermediate eccentric orbit was performed with an accuracy much bet ter (by more than an order of magnitude) than was guaran teed. This allowed to significantly reduce the fuel consump tion when forming the final orbit by the spacecraft engines. The optimization of the orientation manoevring resulted in increase of the operational time of the observatory from 5.2 to 15 years. The final orbit of INTEGRAL has a perigee of 9300 km, the apogee 153000 km, and the orbital period 72 hours. Such an eccentric orbit allows almost continuous observations (85 % of time) with stable background condi tions outside the radiation belts of the Earth.

ESA S. CORVAJA October 2002


. , . , 93.7% . , 25% . , . , , . 5 . . , . . 26 35 , - 84 92 . . 21.5% 27.29%, . 366.9 541.9 . . 181.9 . 0.7 170 , 15 . , , - 1054 . . . 2003 . 2004 , . . SPI , , . 6 13 2003 18 24 ., 2003 - 10 26 2003 ., . SPI . 6 2003 19 SPI . , , . . ( , )

( 1)
: , , , , , - (INTEGRAL Science Working T eam), . . ( ) , , .

Courtesy of ESA


IBIS 2003

Scan of the Galactic plane with the INTEGRAL/IBIS telescope in spring 2003

30 2002 7 2003 , . 20.7 , 19.7 . 4.6 . , , SS433, Aql X 1, IC443, , LMC X 4 .

The First Observation Cycle (AO 1)
The INTEGRAL observing time consists of two parts, the General Programme and the Core Programme. The General Programme is made up of approved proposals from individual scientists. The Core Programme is reserved for the INTEGRAL Science Working T eam, which comprises representatives of the instrumental teams. The Russian Academy of Sciences also has its representatives in this group. The prime components of the Core Programme are regular surveys of the Galactic plane and deep exposure of the Galactic center. The sketch below illustrates the distribution of the INTEGRAL observing time between the programmes for the period from Dec. 20, 2002 to Oct. 7, 2003. An integrated exposure of 19.7 Ms was allocated for observations. The cumulative exposure map over the period since the launch till the 140th orbit is also presented below. Russian scientists were granted 4.6 Ms of observations dur ing the AO 1 General Programme. The observation targets included the Coma cluster, the supercritically accreting source SS433, the X ray burster Aql X 1, the supernova remnant IC443, the Galactic center region, and the X ray pulsar LMC X 4.

ISDC Courtesy of ISDC

Russian Science Data Center for INTEGRAL

. , , , , - . . . , , (ISDC), () , . : · ; · , , , ; · , ; · , . 2002 . . 1.6 , . . , . , , . , . , , , , .. , . . ().

Russian Science Data Center for INTEGRAL
INTEGRAL is the first Russian national observatory. This means that any scientist from a Russian institution can sub mit a proposal for observations which will be considered by the Russian and then by international Time Allocating Committees. Should the proposal be approved, the scientist acquires the exclusive right to analyze the data and publish the results during one year upon data receipt. After that peri od the data become publicly available. All data belonging to the Russian quota of observing time have been accumulat ed at the Russian Science Data Center (RSDC) set up at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main tasks of the RSDC are · providing Russian scientists with results of laboratory and in flight instrument calibrations; · accumulation, primary processing and archiving of the INTEGRAL data from the Russian quota as well as all open data from the mission; · rapid delivery of data and necessary software to Russian scientists; · help desk scientists for analyzing data.


Thanks to financial support received in 2002 from RAS, modern equipment has been installed and made opera tional at RSDC. A substantial fraction of the available 1.6 ter abyte hard disk memory has already been filled and work is in progress to increase the capacity. RSDC has a terminal room where any Russian scientist can get familiar with analy sis of the INTEGRAL data. RSDC collaborates closely with leading astrophysical institutions such as Sternberg Astronomical Institute of Moscow University, St.Petersburg Ioffe Institute for Physics and T echnology, Kazan State University, Main Astronomical Observatory, Moscow Institute for Physics and T echnology, Moscow Institute for Ingeneering and Physics, etc. Thanks to the nearly real time access to the INTEGRAL data provided by RSDC during the first year of observations, Russian scientists discovered several new transient X ray sources and obtained other important results.

- - . , (~1012 1013 ), 10 20 . , ( ) . 4U0352+309 LMC X 4, , , 4U0352+309/X Persei - - 3.3 в 1012 .

X ray Pulsars
4U0352+309 , IBIS . 30 . Energy spectrum of the pulsar 4U0352+309, obtained with the INTEGRAL/IBIS telescope. The broad feature near 30 keV is due to reso nance cyclotron scattering.

X ray pulsars are particularly interesting objects for hard X ray observations. Measurement of cyclotron lines at energies above 10 20 keV enables us to study the ultrastrong mag netic fields of the neutron stars in these systems. Russian scientists obtained high quality energy spectra of the X ray pulsars 4U 0352+309 and LMC X 4, and measured the magnetic field (3.3 в 1012 Gauss) in the source 4U 0352+309/X Per.

Russian Science Data Center for INTEGRAL

, , . , ( ) . : , , : (), . , 2003 . ., , , 60

(20 100 ). . , . - . , , (Sagittarius Arm Tangent), . 28 , 7 . - .


, (, , , , ) . .

During the INTEGRAL observations in August September 2003, Russain scientists detected 60 sources in the Galactic center region and published the first high quality map of the Galactic center region in hard X rays (20 100 keV) ever con structed. Most of the detected sources are low mass X ray binaries representing the old population of the Galaxy. A similarly deep survey was taken of the Sagittarius Arm Tangent, a region with a high concentration of X ray source. A total of 28 X ray and gamma ray sources have been detected including a few newly discovered ones. Most of the new sources proved to be X ray binaries. The detection of the different sources in different states of accretion onto the compact object provides an exciting possibility of studying the dependence of classes of objects on the parameters of accretion. Analysis of the deep surveys is continuing.

Surveys of the Galactic Center and Sagittarius Spiral Arm
Deep survey of the Galactic center field is one of the most significant proposals of Russian scientists approved for AO 1 observations. Soviet X ray missions Mir Kvant and GRANAT showed that this field contains a large number of galactic X ray sources (black hole and neutron star binaries) as well few extragalactic sources (AGNs, blazars and clusters of galaxies).

Russian Science Data Center for INTEGRAL

. ISGRI IBIS 20 40 , , . , , . 0.1 , , , ISGRI 40 100 . , 40 , . B > 0.1 - , , . 5 . 17 50 1 , 20 , , 4 HEAO 1 20 .

The Coma Cluster
The Coma cluster, the nearest rich cluster of galaxies, was observed by INTEGRAL during the first observation cycle. The strong diffuse radio emission observed from this cluster is believed to be synchrotron radiation emit ted by a population of relativistic electrons permeating the cluster. It is predicted that inverse Compton scatter ing from these electrons should also produce hard X ray emission which could be observable at photon energies above 20 keV. The fact that INTEGRAL did not detect a significant excess flux above the emission produced by the dominant optically thin thermal component of the intracluster gas implies that the characteristic magnetic field is larger than 0.1µ Gauss. The observation of the Coma is in fact the deepest one taken by INTEGRAL away from the Galactic plane. Therefore, five extragalactic sources detected in the Coma field can be used to build a number flux distribu tion in hard X rays. The achieved flux threshold of 1 mCrab represents a 20 fold improvement in sensitivity relative to the previously best HEAO 1/A4 survey.

17 50 A sky image around the Coma cluster in the energy band 17 50 keV.


IGR J16318 4848

, . 2003 , IGRJ16318 4848, . , XMM Newton ASCA , ~10 , , .. . , , , IGR J16318 4848 , , , . (, , Norma Arm tangent) . , , , , , . , IGR J16318 4848 .

IGR J16318 4848
A number of interesting results were obtained during the scans of the Galactic plane. In January 2003, INTEGRAL discovered a unique gamma ray source, which was named IGR J16318 4848. Follow up observations with the X ray observatory XMM Newton and analysis of the archival data of ASCA observatory showed that the X ray source is strongly absorbed at photon ener gies several keV. Russian scientists concluded that IGR J16318 4848 is likely massive binary system in which the compact object (a neutron star or a black hole) is sur rounded by the dense, cold wind from the optical compan ion. Subsequent observations with INTEGRAL have revealed

several strongly absorbed X ray sources in the same region of the Galaxy, the Norma Arm Tangent. This is indicative of intensive star formation occurring in this region, which pro duces a large number of young, hot stars of large mass and strong stellar winds. INTEGRAL has thus reveald a new class of X ray source, akin to Seyfert 2 galaxies. Such strongly absorbed sources were missed by the previous X ray obser vatories operating at lower energies.

Russian Science Data Center for INTEGRAL

SS433 - ( , ) . 1 2003 ( 67 70, 500 ). ( , , 150 ) ( 600) . , . . IBIS 100 . kT~20 . 25 50 50 100 , , , . q = Mx / Mv ~ 0.3. ~ 2000 A5 A7I 8000 . SS433. Kv =132±15 /. q=0.3, , Mv~30 M Mx~9 M . SS433 , .

SS433 is a Galactic microquasar with precessing jets and a precessing accretion disk. This source was observed by INTEGRAL in May 2003 with a 500 ks exposure. Contemporaneous optical (Crimean laboratory of SAI, SAO, RTT 150 T urkey) and radio (RATAN 600) observations were organized. The observations had been planned to coincide with the specific phase when the jet is pointing toward the observer. The following results were obtained. SS433 was detected for the first time up to 100 keV (with IBIS). The spectrum is well described by opticaly thin plasma emission with temperature kT ~ 20 keV. Eclipses were observed for the first time in the hard X ray band 25 100 keV. A model of the emitting region was pro posed which consists of an extended thick jet eclipsed by the outer rim of a thick accretion disk and by the optical star filling its critical Roche lobe. The duration and depth of the eclipse enabled one to estimate the mass ratio of the binary components q = Mx / Mv ~ 0.3. Optical spectroscopy with resolution of / ~2000 led to the determination of the spectral class of the optical star as A5 A7I with the temperature of the unheated region of 8000 k. Detection of absorption lines in different orbital phases revealed for the first time the X ray heating of the optical star and enabled the reliable measurement of its radial velocity (Kv =132±15 km/s). The observational facts taken togeth er led to the estimation of masses of the optical star (Mv~30 M ) and the compact object (Mx~9 M ). These observations clearly support the picture in which SS433 is a massive binary with a supercritically accreting black hole.


V1223 Sgr
. , ( ), , , , . , , (~1033 1034 / ~1036 1038 / ), . , ~700 . 100 . , , . . V1223 Sgr 0.7 0.9 .

Intermediate Polar V1223 Sgr
Polars and intermediate polars are accreting binary systems with a white dwarf. Despite the larger radii and less efficient accretion compared to neutron star binaries, polars are rela tively bright X ray sources. With typical luminosities ~1033 1034 erg/s polars and intermediate polars are much more abun dant than neutron star and black hole X ray binaries with luminosities ~1036 1038 erg/s. In particular, several tens polars are known only within ~700 pc from the Sun. The material flowing from the optical star onto the white dwarf either freezes into the magnetic field (polar; B >107 Gauss) and falls balistically onto the dwarf surface, or forms an accretion disk which is disrupted by the magnetic field near the surface (intermediate polar; B ~106 Gauss). Near the white dwarf surface a shock is formed in which the plas ma is heated to high temperatures (~10 20 keV~ 108 K) and emits hard X ray radiation. One of the brightest intermediate polars V1223 Sgr was observed with INTEGRAL in August September 2003. Its spectrum was recovered up to energies 100 keV, despite the fact that the source was near the edge of the field of view. Observations at these energies are very important, because they enable to estimate the mass of the white dwarf from the gas temperature after the shock wave. A mass of 0.7 0.9 solar masses was found for V1223 Sgr.

V1223 Sgr RXTE Energy spectrum of the intermediate polar V1223 Sgr from INTEGRAL and RXTE data

(), , (; B >107 ) , , ( ; B~106 ). , (~10 20 ~ 108 K) . , 2003 V1223 Sgr. ,

Russian Science Data Center for INTEGRAL

GRB 031203
() . , . ( ) , . 10 . , , , .

GRB 031203 IBIS 3 2003 . 22:01:28 UTC. 2.5 - 20 . , (z = 0.1055) , , . , , , GRB 031203 . , . , , (<1050 ), , . , "".

Gamma Ray Burst GRB 031203
, , 20 IBIS 17 50 . Vela X 1 MX0836 429, . A sky image around CRB031203 in the 17 50 keV energy band obtained with INTEGRAL/IBIS during 20 sec. Positions of X ray pulsar Vela X 1 and burster MX0836 429 are shown by crosses.

The origin of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) remained a puzzle until recently. However, now we know that at least a fraction of them are linked to specific types of supernovae. For a short time (from milliseconds to minutes), a GRB becomes the brightest gamma ray source in the whole sky, even if it occured in a very distant galaxy. Since the discovery of after glows in 1997, distances have been measured to some 30 GRBs. Most of these events were characterized by a huge radiant energy release ~1052 54 erg, assuming isotropic emis sion. About 10 GRBs per year occure in the field of view of INTE GRAL telescopes and their positions are automatically deter mined and disseminated around the world almost immediately . GRB 031203 was detected with IBIS on 3 December 2003 at 22:01:28 UTC. Its position was determined with an accuracy of 2.5 arcminutes within 20 sec after the trigger. Follow up obser vations revealed a host galaxy (z = 0.1055) and a supernova associated with the burst. An analysis of the INTEGRAL data by Russian scientists showed that the time profile and energy spectrum of GRB 031203 are typical for GRBs, but this burst is three times less energetic (<1050 erg) than usual ones. This indi cates that the energy distribution of GRBs is broad. Weaker bursts may be more abundant than the "standard" ones.

1997 , 30 . ~ 0.3 4 , ~1052 54 ( ). , , . ~ 1051 GRB 031203 .


GRS 1734 292
GRS 1734 292 1992 . , . , , GRS 1734 292 , z=0.0214. , (0.5 10 ) , (>10 20 ) GRS 1734 292 , . . , , GRS 1734 292. . .

Active Galactic Nucleus GRS 1734 292
The X ray source GRS 1734 292 was discovered by the Soviet telescope ART P onboard the GRANAT satellite. It was subsequently identified with an AGN at redshift z=0.0214. GRS 1734 292 is located within one degree of the Galactic center, and was a very difficult target for instru ments with low angular resolution due to the very high con centration of sources.Using the INTEGRAL data Russian scientists measured for the first time the broad band X ray spectrum of GRS 1734 292. The spectrum can be approximated by a power law with photon index ~2.1 extending at least to ~150 keV. This taken together with the detection of gamma ray emission at energies >100 MeV from the same sky region by the CGRO observatory seem to indicate that GRS 1734 292 is a blazar, a beamed source shining at us. Optical and radio data how ever suggest that GRS 1734 292 is more likely as usual Seyfert galaxy, not related to the CGRO source.

GRS1734 292 , ASCA. Energy spectrum of the AGN GRS1734 292 obtained with INTEGRAL, GRANAT and ASCA.

~2.1 ~150 . , >100 (CGRO) , ( , ), 3C273. , GRS1734 292

Russian Science Data Center for INTEGRAL

SPI . . . . . , . , , 26Al . , . ( ) - . . . , '''' - , ( ) . , , , , . . 511 , , . SPI (.) . , , , .

511 KeV Line Annihilation of Antimatter in the Galactic Center
With its high spectral resolution, the spectrometer SPI can efficiently detect narrow emission lines at energies of the order of hundreds and thousands keV. These lines directly provide information about the nuclear transitions in the Galactic interstellar medium (ISM). The brightest line of this kind results from the annihilation of electron positron pairs. Positrons are the most common form of antimatter. A wide variety of processes occurring in astrophysical objects can create positrons, the most important being the decay. One natural astrophysical source is the decay of the radioac tive isotope of aluminium 26Al, which is produced in Wolf Rayet stars as well as in supernovae and therefore reflects the present star formation rate in the Galaxy. The collision of a positron with an electron may result in disappearance of both particles and the appearance of two or more high energy photons which can be detected by INTEGRAL. Virtually all the processes lead to the creation of "hot" positrons, i.e. particles whose kinetic energy is comparable to or exceeds their rest mass. If the matter around the positron is sufficiently cold, it can capture an electron before being annihilated and thereby create a so called positroni um, the analog of a hydrogen atom. After a short existence, the positronium annihilates emitting hard gamma rays. There are two types of positronium para and orto positronium. The annihilation of para positronium leads to the appear ance of two photons each of energy 511 keV, whereas the annihilation of orto positronium creates three photons form ing a continuum spectrum. Mapping the brightness distribution in the annihilation line, measurement of velocities and temperatures and study of variability of annihilation sources enables us to solve funda mental problems about the positron sources in the Galaxy and the physical conditions in the ISM.

. - , - . Spectrum of Galactic diffuse emission in the positronium annihilation line. The red and blue curves indicate the contributions from para positronium and orto positronium, respectively.

"" , , .. . ( ) , , . ,


AO 2
. AO 2 142 144 , ~18.5 . 4.6 . , . : , . 2004 RXTE SS433 10 1000 . XTE J1858+034. .

: · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · ..

Publication was prepared by Russian INTEGRAL working groups of IKI RAS and SAI MSU: · M.Revnivtsev · A.Lutovinov · S.Sazonov · E.Churazov · A.Vikhlinin · K.Postnov · N.Eismont · M.Gilfanov · R.Sunyaev · M.Pavlinsky · A.Cherepashchuk

Prospects for the second cycle AO 2
The results of the first cycle demonstrated the huge scientific potential of INTEGRAL. 142 proposals were submitted for AO 2 with a total requested exposure of 144 Ms, significantly over subscribing the available ~18.5 Ms. Russain scientists have received 4.6 Ms. Observations of the first cycle clearly showed the advantage of monitoring large fields. This is reflected in the fact that the bulk of the Russian quota for AO 2 consists of col lective proposals (from several leading institutions) for observa tions of populated regions of the Galaxy: the Galactic center and the Saggitarius Arm Tangent. The first results of observations of Sgr in March April 2004 together with RXTE, optical and radio telescopes led to the dis covery of new important properties of SS433 on time scales of 10 1000 s. An outburst from the X ray pulsar XTE J1858+034 was also discovered. Improvement of statistic of observations of the Galactic plane and Galactic center and accumulation of photons in diffuse nuclear lines allows to expect new funda mental results from further INTEGRAL observations.

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