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Дата изменения: Tue Aug 28 17:42:26 2012
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 22:51:08 2012

Поисковые слова: storm

X ray sky: from stars and black holes to cosmology Science with eROSITA and ART XC aboard Spectrum RG Monday, September 3
Kazan Federal University, Aula Magna 16.00 -- 21.30 Opening ceremony, chamber concert and reception Speakers: Welcome address from Kazan Federal University Welcome address from Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan Prof. Nail Sakhibullin, Chair of Astronomy, KFU Prof. Viktor Khartov, General Designer and General Director of NPO Lavochkin Prof. Anatoly Cherepashchuk, Director of Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University Prof. Kirpal Nandra, Director of MPE Prof. Joachim Truemper, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 16:45 Konrad Dennerl: Comets, charge exchange, and a novel look at the X ray universe with eROSITA (35 min) 17:20 Break (15 min) 17:35 Chamber ensemble "La Primavera" (90 min) 19:15 Reception (in the building of the old observatory)

Tuesday, September 4 Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
9:30 -- 11:25 SRG: Status of the spacecraft and instruments 9:30 Viktor Khartov: SRG project status and overview (40) 10:10 Peter Predehl: eROSITA An overview of instrument and science (30) 10:40 Vadim Burwitz: eROSITA testing and calibration activities at the Panter X ray test facility: Mirrors et al. (15) 10:55 Mikhail Pavlinsky: ART XC An overview of instrument and science (15) 11:10 Mikhail Gubarev: Development of mirror modules for ART XC (15) 11:25 -- 11:55 Coffee break 11:55 -- 12:50 X ray missions 11:55 Joachim Truemper: Lessons learned from the ROSAT all sky survey (30) 12:25 Naomi Ota: ASTRO H (25) 12:50 -- 14:20 Lunch 1

14:20 -- 15:40 Galaxy clusters and cosmology 14:20 Eugene Churazov: Galaxy clusters in X rays: plasma physics, AGN feedback and Cosmology (25) 14:45 Hans Boehringer: Cosmological studies with galaxy clusters (25) 15:10 Thomas Reiprich: Cluster cosmology with eROSITA (15) 15:25 Rodion Burenin: Optical identification of galaxy clusters in the SRG all sky survey (15) 15:40 -- 16:10 Coffee break 16.10 -- 17:30 Galaxy clusters and cosmology (cont.) 16:10 Rashid Sunyaev: Observational appearance of clusters of galaxies in X Rays and in microwave spectral band; why we need the sample of eRosita clusters (25) 16:35 Monique Arnaud: XMM observations of clusters of galaxies and their identification (25) 17:00 Alexis Finoguenov: CODEX: Propotype for eROSITA cluster survey (15) 17:15 Sandor Molnar: Hard thermal X ray emission from merging clusters of galaxies (15) 17:30 ­ 18:30 Multi wavelength synergies I 17:30 Alexey Moiseev: The 6 m telescope BTA: current state and perspectives for SRG (15) 17:45 Ilfan Bikmaev: RTT 150 capabilities for optical follow up of eROSITA and ART XC targets (15) 18:00 Boris Shustov: Spectrum UV and its synergy with Spectrum RG (15) 18:15 Dmitry Ivanov: Russian «Quasar» radio inerferometric network (15)

Wednesday, September 5
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan

09.30 -- 11.00 Galaxy clusters: synergies with SZ observations 09:30 Etienne Pointecouteau: The pressure profile of galaxy clusters as seen by Planck (30) 10:00 Bradford Benson: The South Pole Telescope: The Sunyaev Zeldovich cluster survey and future plans (30) 10:30 Daniel Marrone: SZ followup of eROSITA galaxy clusters (30) 11:00 -- 11:30 Coffee break 11.30 -- 12.40 Galaxy clusters: synergies with SZ observations (cont.) 11:30 Jonathan Sievers: Results from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, prospects and plans for ACTPol, and synergy with the eROSITA survey (30) 12:00 Thomas Plagge: Measuring the Hubble constant with Sunyaev Zeldovich and X ray cluster 2

12:25 12:40 14:15 18:00 19:30 data (25) Tony Mroczkowski: High resolution SZE confirmation of EASS clusters with MUSTANG 2 (15) -- 14.00 Lunch -- 16.45 Excursion to Kazan Kremlin

Conference dinner After dinner speech Prof. Guenther Hasinger (Director of Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii): Great Observatories, Astronomy and Life in Hawaii 20:30 Concert

Thursday, September 6
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan

10:00 ­ 10:45 Multi wavelength synergies II 10:00 Yuri Gnedin: Follow up of SRG sources with optical facilities in Russia (15) 10:15 Marat Mingaliev: Possibilities of using RATAN 600 for SRG follow up (15) 10:30 Andrei Lobanov: Effelsberg 100 meter telescope and eROSITA science (15) 10:45 -- 11:55 Active galactic nuclei and normal galaxies 10:45 Marat Gilfanov: AGN and normal galaxies in the eROSITA all sky survey (25) 11:10 Sergey Sazonov: A full AGN sensus by X ray and and infrared all sky surveys (SRG vs. WISE) (15) 11:25 Marcella Brusa: The golden epoch of AGN galaxy co evolution: prospects for eROSITA (15) 11:40 Mara Salvato: Redshifts and added values for AGN eROSITA sources (15) 11:55-- 12:25 Coffee break 12:25 -- 13:55 Active galactic nuclei and normal galaxies (cont.) 12:25 Guenther Hasinger: Possibilities for eROSITA cooperation with Hawaii ground based facilities (30) 12:55 Steffan Gillessen: A gas cloud on its way towards the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Centre (30) 13:25 Gert Huetsi: Angular fluctuations in the CXB: is Fe 6.4 keV line tomography of the large scale structure feasible? (15) 13:40 Akos Bogdan: New frontiers in probing galaxy formation models: characterizing extended hot coronae around massive spiral galaxies (15) 3

13:55 -- 15:25 Lunch 15:25 -- 16:15 Galaxy clusters and cosmology (cont.) 15:25 Alexei Starobinsky: Growth of matter density perturbations as a test of dark energy properties (25) 15:50 Daisuke Nagai: Outstanding challenges in the Era of Precision Cluster Cosmology (25) 16:15 -- 16:20 Break (5 min) 16:20 ­ 17:05 and 17:30 ­ 19:00 Parallel Session 1: Compact objects 16:20 Dmitry Bisikalo: Accretion disks in close binary stars (15) 16:35 Roman Rafikov: New ideas on mechanisms of angular momentum transport and variability in boundary layers of accretion disks (15) 16:50 Nikolai Shakura: Microlensing evidence for super Eddington disk accretion in quasars (15) 17:05 -- 17:30 Coffee break 17:30 Solen Balman: X ray observations of dwarf novae (15) 17:45 Alexander Lutovinov: High mass X ray binaries in the Milky Way and LMC: current view and prospects for SRG (15) 18:00 Sergei Grebenev: Supergiant fast X ray transients -- status and prospects for study with Spectrum RG (15) 18:15 Tolga Guver: Modeling the X ray spectra of magnetars (15) 18:30 Dmitry Klochkov: Luminosity related spectral changes as a probe of the accretion regime in accreting pulsars (15) 18:45 Valery Suleimanov: Application of neutron star atmosphere models to determination of neutron star parameters (15) 16:20 ­ 17:05 and 17:30 ­ 19:00 Parallel Session 2: Extragalactic science 16:20 Nicolas Clerc: Cosmological interpretation of large X ray cluster surveys with CR HR diagrams (15) 16:35 Gayoung Chon: Understanding the large scale structure with the Reflex II catalogue (15) 16:50 Natalya Lyskova: A simple recipe for estimating masses of elliptical galaxies and clusters of galaxies (15) 17:05 -- 17:30 Coffee break 17:30 Yuying Zhang: Status of mass calibration using a representative cluster sample at z~0.2 and an 4

17: 18: 18: 18: 18: optical follow up using mock surveys (15) Irina Zhuravleva: ICM Inhomogeneities (15) Alexander Kolodzig: AGN in the eROSITA all sky survey: statistics and correlation properties (15) Ildar Khabibullin: SRG/eROSITA prospects for detection of GRB afterglows (15) Roman Krivonos: X ray emission from IRAS galaxies (15) Sergey Dodonov: Power of medium band imaging (15)

45 00 15 30 45

Friday, September 7
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan

9:30 -- 10:40 Galactic compact objects 9:30 Mikhail Revnivtsev: Populations of Galactic X ray sources visible to SRG (25) 9:55 Konstantin Postnov: X ray luminosity function of galactic low mass X ray binaries as a tool for the binary evolution studies (15) 10:10 Ada Nebot: XMM Newton Survey Science Center Galactic Plane Survey (15) 10:25 Sergei Popov: Isolated compact objects for Spectrum RG (15) 10:40 -- 11:10 Coffee break 11:10-- 13:10 Physical processes in the ISM, diffuse X ray emission, stars 11:10 Dan McCammon: Distribution of hot gas in the Galaxy (25) 11:35 Miquel de Avillez: The signature of non equilibrium ionization and time dependent cooling of the interstellar medium (25) 12:00 Meng Su: Fermi bubbles seen by eROSITA (25) 12:25 Jan Robrade: Stars in the eROSITA all sky survey (15) 12:40 Juergen Schmitt: The high energy environment of exoplanet host stars (15) 12:55 Vladislav Izmodenov: Charge transfer reactions at interfaces between neutral gas and plasma: dynamical effects and X ray emission (15) 13:10 -- 13:25 Concluding remarks 13:25 -- 14:45 Lunch 14:45 ­ 17:00 Excursion to the Hermitage exhibit "Nomads of Eurasia on the road to empire" http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/html_En/04/2012/hm4_2_333.html