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Дата изменения: Wed Mar 21 23:31:56 2007
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 21:46:25 2012

Поисковые слова: п п р р р р р р р р р п п п п п

Patrick W. Daly1 , A. N. Other1 , and F. Favata


Max-Planck-Institut fur Aeronomie, 37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany Ё 2 Astrophysics Division, ESTEC, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT Talks presented at an ESA sponsored conference are published by the ESA Publications Division by means of author-produced camera-ready copy. The format is preA determined. This LTEX class allows authors to produce A this format with a straight-forward LTEX file. The only non-standard features are the \keywords command and the method for entering author and affiliation names. B I BTEX support is provided as a bibliography style file for the publicly available package natbib.
A Key words: LTEX; ESA; macros.

2. INVOKING THE CLASS The class file is invoked with the \documentclass command, as \documentclass[a4paper,twocolumn]{esapub} where the option a4paper terpaper (the default) for text will be centered on the twocolumn option is given two columns per page. may be replaced by letAmerican installations. The specified paper type. The if the publication is to be in

2.1. Other Packages 1. INTRODUCTION This is a EX 2 class based on the standard article class for generating camera-ready copy of conference proceedings for publication by the European Space Agency. It conforms to the specifications for ESA conference proceedings: · 23.5 cm high and 17 cm wide; · if two columns, they have 1 cm between them; · 10 pt font on 11 pt, Times Roman preferred; · all titles in upper case
A Compatibility with standard LTEX is maintained as much as possible in order to simplify the transfer of text from or to another format. The only additional features are the \keyword command and the entry of authors and affiliations. A It replaces the LTEX 2.09 style file that has been previously provided by the ESA. A For an excellent manual on using LTEX, see Kopka & A Daly, A Guide to LTEX, 3rd ed., 1999, Addison Wesley Longman. A LT

There are other (nearly) standard packages that may be included with the \usepackage command: · times to use TimesRoman instead of Computer Modern (TEX) fonts , · graphicx or epsfig for importing figures (see Section 6.1), · natbib to use author­year citations with B I BTEX (see Section 5.2). The author may have his or her own extra packages, such as amsmath for advanced mathematical formatting.

3. NON-STANDARD FEATURES A list of key words is to be printed below the abstract. They are entered anywhere before the abstract environment with the \keywords command. \keywords{space; plasmas; electrons} \begin{abstract} ... \end{abstract}

Each author name should be entered with an \author command. Give the affiliation with the \affil command after all authors of the same affiliation. They will then be listed with a common footnote number. \author{Donald P. Duck} \author{Mickey C. Mouse} \affil{Disney Studios, CA USA} \author{Bugs G. Bunny} \affil{Warner Bros. Studios} produces Donald P. Duck1 , Mickey C. Mouse1 , Bugs G. Bunny 1 Disney Studios, CA USA 2 Warner Bros. Studios

% Main text \section{Heading} Text \subsection{Sub-heading} Text \section*{Acknowledgments} Acknowledgment text % Bibliography (Section 5.2) \bibliographystyle{aa} \bibliography{database name} % Termination \end{document}

5. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Citations to bibliographic references author­year style. This may be done the help of natbib package and B I B plied aa.bst bibliographic style file. are to be of the manually or with TEX with the sup-

For more control over the footnote numbers, one can give them explicitly as optional arguments to \author and \affil: \author[*]{Donald P. Duck} \author[\dag]{Bugs G. Bunny} \author[*]{Mickey C. Mouse} \affil[*]{Disney Studios, CA USA} \affil[\dag]{Warner Bros. Studios} to obtain Donald P. Duck* , Bugs G. Bunny , Mickey C. Mouse * Disney Studios, CA USA Warner Bros. Studios

5.1. Manual Citations The citations are either parenthetical [3] or in-text as shown by Allen [1] and elaborated on by Nobody et al. [2]. The list of references is placed at the end of the article, as
\begin{thebibliography}{} \bibitem{} Allen C., 1973, Astrophysical Quantities, Athlone Press \bibitem{} Nobody B., Somebody G., Who M.E., et~al., 1997, ApJ 331, 902 \bibitem{} Smith A., Jones B., 1996, A\&A 555, 999 \end{thebibliography}

4. STRUCTURE OF THE DOCUMENT Except for the above features, the esapub class is identical to the standard article class, as far as input is concerned. The document should be organized as usual.
\documentclass[a4paper,twocolumn]{esapub} % Any extra packages \usepackage{times,natbib,graphicx,...} % Title and authors \title{Title text} \author{First Author}. . . \affil{First affiliation} ... % Start of body \begin{document} \maketitle % Keywords and abstract \keywords{keyword1; keyword2; . . . } \begin{abstract} Text of abstract \end{abstract}

Note the empty braces after \bibitem and after \begin{thebibliography} The format of the reference list is that used by Astronomy and Astrophysics and other astronomy journals.

5.2. References with natbib The natbib package is a powerful tool for extending A the citation and bibliography features of standard LTEX. It is included in most modern installations these days.1
1 Otherwise it may be obtained from ftp://ctan.tug.org/ tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/ natbib or from the other CTAN servers or from almost any CD-ROM A distribution of TEX/L TEX.

Figure 1. Sample figure showing how an encapsulated PostScript graphic may be included. This example is for a double column figure, which does cause more placement problems than single column ones. With natbib, in-text citations are generated with \citet{allen73} to yield "Allen [1]" while parenthetical ones are made with \citep{smith96} for [3]. There are many other possibilities, such as \citeauthor for the authors without year. See the natbib documentation. With natbib the bibliography must be entered differently, at least the \bibitem entries.
\bibitem[Allen(1973)]{allen73} ... \bibitem[Nobody et~al.(1997)]{nobody97} ... \bibitem[Smith \& Jones(1996)]{smith96} ...

Figure 2. Sample figure showing how an encapsulated PostScript graphic may be included. This example is for a single column figure.

automatically and one refers to the numbers with the \label and \ref system.

The text in square brackets contains the author and year information, with the year part in parentheses, no space before, which is used by the \citet and \citep commands. Rather than trying to make up the thebibliography environment manually with all its intricate details, one can let B I BTEX do it, if the references are already in an appropriate database file. For this purpose, a bibliographic style file aa.bst is provided with esapub.cls, designed to produce output formatted for Astronomy and Astrophysics and the natbib package. In this case, one replaces the thebibliography environment with \bibliographystyle{aa} \bibliography{bib file names}
A One processes the LTEX file once, then B I BTEX, and then A the LTEX file at least twice. This need only be repeated if the citations have added or deleted in the text.

6.1. Figures The figure environment is used to enter a single column figure such as Figure 2, while figure* is for double column figures (Figure 1).

\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{sample.eps} \caption{Sample figure showing how an encapsulated PostScript graphic may be included. This example is for a single column figure.\label{fig:single}} \end{figure}

One can then refer to this figure Figure~\ref{fig:single}, producing ure 2".

with "Fig-

A Figures and tables are inserted with the normal LTEX environments figure and table. They are numbered

The \includegraphics command is made available with the graphicx package and allows the importation of graphic files. For PostScript output (with the dvips program) these graphics must adhere to the encapsulated PostScript standard.

A Table 1. A sample table illustrating usage of the LTEX table environment.

= =

0 + (T - T0 ) µ0 sec 0 + (T - T 0 ) µ 0


(2) (3)

First column row 1 row 2 row 3 row 4 row 5

Col. 2 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0

Col. 3 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0

V mag 12 12 12 12 12

When in math mode (i.e. within the equation or eqnarray environment) all letters appear However, the preferred notation is in italics. for subscripts, superscripts2 and text within the equation to be typeset as roman. To achieve Thus, this use the {\mbox{..}} command. $T_{\mbox{eff}}=5.8\times10^{3}$~K produces Teff = 5.8 в 103 K. Note that units should be tied to the numerical value using ~ and should always be in roman font (the default outside of math mode).

Many users are familiar with the \epsfig available with the epsfig package. With this the syntax is slightly different:

8. FINAL MANUSCRIPTS 8.1. Preparation of Final Manuscripts There is an upper limit of eight pages for an Invited paper, six pages for Contributed papers and four pages for Poster papers.
A You should use the standard LTEX command, in conjunction with the style file provided, esapub.sty, to produce the final output. If using dvips places the final PostScript file lower on the page than appears to be reasonable, try using the qualifier `-t a4' with dvips.

(In fact, the epsfig package uses the graphicx package so in the end they do exactly the same thing.) The same syntax can also be used with pdfTEX, a variant on the TEX program producing PDF output directly. In this case, the figures must be in PDF, PNG, or JPEG format. It is not necessary to include the extension in the file name (file=sample suffices), something that A makes the LTEX text more general for both normal TEX and pdfTEX. (It may however be necessary to add the option [pdftex] when loading the graphics packages.)

8.2. Submission of Final Manuscripts 6.2. Tables Tables are placed and numbered and referred to with the table and table* environments. The contents of the table are normally entered with the tabular or tabbing environments. The \caption now comes at the top of the table, before the table contents. Please refer to the conference guidelines for submission instructions.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The section containing acknowledgments should use the \section* form, as shown, to prevent it from being numbered.

7. EQUATIONS Formulae which appear in the running text should be enclosed in $ signs. For example, to produce the equation a2 + b2 = c2 within a paragraph type $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$. Displayed formulae are produced using the \begin{equation} and \end{equation} commands (see Equation 1). This produces equations which are automatically numbered sequentially throughout your paper. Equations which should appear together can be formatted using \begin{eqnarray} and \end{eqnarray} as for Equations 2 and 3: ai = ^

REFERENCES [1] Allen C., 1973, Astrophysical Quantities, Athlone Press [2] Nobody B., Somebody G., Who M.E., et al., 1997, ApJ 331, 902 [3] Smith A., Jones B., 1996, A&A 555, 999

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Except when the superscript or subscript are variables.