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Дата изменения: Wed Mar 21 23:31:55 2007
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 21:30:03 2012

Поисковые слова: universe

Second Circular and Call for Papers

The 6th INTEGRAL (International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory)
Workshop ``The Obscured Universe'' changed its location announced in
the first circular and finally will be held at the Space Research
Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia on July 2-8, 2006 (the working days
July 3-7).

The main goal of this workshop is to consider (via invited and
contributed talks and posters) the scientific problems in the
field of high energy astrophysics which are possible to solve using
INTEGRAL as well as to present and discuss the scientific results
obtained by this observatory and its coordinated observations
with on-ground telescopes and other spacecrafts.

Presentations shall cover the following scientific topics:

+ X-ray binaries (IGR sources, black-holes and neutron stars)

+ Isolated neutron stars (gamma-ray pulsars, soft gamma-ray repeaters)

+ Accretion and physics of compact objects, strange stars, microquasars

+ Nucleosynthesis (SNe and SNRs, gamma-ray lines, diffuse emission)

+ Surveys, extragalactic and unidentified sources, AGNs and blazars

+ Super/massive black holes in AGNs, ellipticals, nucleus of the Galaxy

+ INTEGRAL and dark matter, cosmic background

+ Gamma-ray bursts

+ Highlights from other high energy missions

+ INTEGRAL status and instrument overviews (invited talks only)

+ Science data processing and analysis (posters only)

+ Future instruments and missions (posters only)

The workshop is jointly co-sponsored by IKI, ESA/ESTEC, RAS (Russian
Academy of Sciences) and RFBR (Russian Basic Reseach Foundation).

Detailed information on abstract submission, workshop registration,
hotel booking, visa receiving, travel support, social events, Moscow
attractions as well as useful links to Moscow tourist guides and weather
servers are available at the www-pages (http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/integral06)
of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC). Short information is given below.

Abstract Submission and Scientific Program

The workshop pre-registration and abstract submission are opened at the
workshop www-page (http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/integral06) before March 1, 2006.

Oral reports should consider the subject in the broad context
with emphasis on physical processes and phenomena. Only
restricted number of observational talks devoted to individual
sources (the most enigmatic ones) will be selected. The reviews
of both types (observational and theoretical) are welcome.
The amount of participants will be limited to 250.

The duration (including 5 min for questions and discussion) of
contributed oral reports will be 20 min, invited reports - 30 min,
invited reviews - 40 min. The posters should be in A0 format and
be posted during the first day of the workshop and removed during
the last day.

The accepted abstracts and scientific program (including the list
of posters) will be available on the workshop www-page after
March 31, 2006.

Workshop Proceedings

All accepted contributions will be refereed by the Scientific Advisory
Committee (SAC) and published by ESA as one volume of the ESA-SP
series. In addition, it is the intention to publish the conference
proceedings also on CD-ROM, which will be included in the printed version.

Workshop participants will receive a free copy of the proceedings.
To guarantee the publication of any paper (oral contribution or poster),
the lead author or one co-author must be present at the workshop.

Further information and instructions to authors for the preparation of
camera-ready papers will be provided in due course.

Final Registration

Authors of the approved abstracts (or scientists approved to take part
in the workshop without presentation) will be invited to fill out a final
registration form at the workshop www-page after March 31, 2006.
The final registration will mean the agreement to pay the workshop
fee of 8500 Rbls (equivalent of 250 Euro) in cash to the LOC at the
registration desk at IKI after arrival to the workshop.

Deadline for submitting this form is April 13, 2006. Note that
deadlines for request of Visa support from IKI and Cultural event
sign-up are as well April 13.

Social Events

Several social events are planned including a reception with welcome
cocktail, a workshop dinner and a tour to Kremlin or one of three
sightseeing tours. Please sign-up for tours at the LOC www-pages
before April, 13.

There is a nice selection of useful links at the LOC www-page to the
Moscow museums, theatres, exhibitions and other attractives. If you
are intersted in attending Moscow theatres we recommend to book
tickets well in advance because of high season.

Travel support

Same as for past INTEGRAL workshops, the organizers will make best
efforts to provide some financial support to help participants, e.g. young
(under 35 years old) scientists, attending the workshop. Travel support
relies solely upon very limited funds which we hope will become available
through sponsors. The total amount available is yet unknown, as is the
number of requests for financial support. Authors of presentations
accepted for the workshop who have requested travel support will be
informed in due time about feasibility of support. Requests for support
shall be made through the abstract submission/pre-registration form.

Following the traditions the organizers will waive the workshop fee for
all invited participants and young scientists getting travel support
from the LOC. Also, the organizers hope to decrease the workshop fee
value for Russian participants using a special grant issued by the RBRF.

Visa support

All foreign participants are required to obtain visas to enter
Russia. If you travel alone, the cheapest option is to obtain a
"business visa" using an official invitation from IKI. This takes
about 45 days. The ESA representatives can obtain an official invitation
for a "business visa" from the ESA Office in Moscow. If you travel with
family members or need faster processing, you should obtain a "tourist visa".

The detailed information on both options can be found at the workshop
www-page. Note that we should have all information from you no later
than April 13, 2006, to garantee succesfull preparation of an official
invitation at IKI.

Hotel Accommodation

The workshop www-site provides all necessary information on booking
hotel rooms in Moscow. We highly recommend to make hotel booking as
soon as possible (immedialtely after your final registration) due to
high season in Moscow. Do not hesitate to contact the LOC in the case
of any problems.

Travel Information and City Maps

Most international flights arrive to Sheremetyevo II (SVO) or
Domodedovo (DME) Airports. The ways from the airports to the Moscow
downtown are described in detail at the LOC www-site. The site
describes as well the way to IKI and contains a selection of Moscow
maps (including the Moscow subway map).

Calendar of Events

+ Deadline for abstract submission/pre-registration

+ Program + abstracts on WWW

+ Final registration deadline

+ Deadline for request of visa support at IKI

+ Deadline for sign-up on cultural events (tours)

+ Third circular and final program

+ Workshop

+ Welcome cocktail

+ Tours

+ Workshop dinner

+ Proceedings publication
1 Mar 2006

31 Mar 2006

13 Apr 2006

13 Apr 2006

13 Apr 2006

24 Apr 2006

2-8 Jul 2006

3 Jul 2006

5 Jul 2006

6 Jul 2006

Dec 2006

Scientific Advisory Committee

T.Courvoisier (Switzerland), R.Diehl (Germany), N.Gehrels
(USA), S.Grebenev (Russia), W.Hermsen (The Netherlands),
F.Lebrun (France), N.Lund (Denmark), M.Mas-Hesse (Spain),
G.Palumbo (Italy), J.Paul (France), J.-P.Roques (France),
R.Sunyaev (Russia, Chair), B.Teegarden (USA), P.Ubertini
(Italy), C.Winkler (The Netherlands)

Local Organizing Committee (IKI)

R.A.Sunyaev (Chair), S.A.Grebenev (Deputy Chair),
M.N.Pavlinsky (Deputy Chair), A.A.Lutovinov,
I.V.Chelovekov, R.A.Krivonos, S.S.Tsygankov, S.V.Molkov,
V.A.Arefiev, E.M.Churazov, E.V.Filippova, M.G.Revnivtsev,
A.F.Rybakova, S.Yu.Sazonov, A.Yu.Tkachenko,
N.P.Vasilieva (Secretary), E.B.Zukerman

Contact Addresses

http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/integral06 (INTEGRAL Workshop LOC)
e-mails: integral06@hea.iki.rssi.ru

(Prof. Rashid A. Sunyaev)

(Dr. Sergei A. Grebenev)
(Dr. Christoph Winkler)
Local Organizing Committee Scientific Advisory Committee