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Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 04:03:48 2016

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High Energy Astrophysics Department at IKI RAN
SIGMA - The hard X-ray and soft gamma-ray telescope
on board the GRANAT space observatory

Publications list
  1. Sigma - The hard X-ray and soft gamma-ray telescope on board the GRANAT space observatory // Advances in Space Research (1991) Paul, J., et al. 1991AdSpR..11..289P
  2. Sigma observation of the pulsar OAO 1657 - 415: Precise localization at hard X-ray energy and discovery of spin-down // Astrophysical Journal (1991) Mereghetti, S., et al. 1991ApJ...366L..23M
  3. Two hard X-ray sources in 100 square degrees around the Galactic Center // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1991) Sunyaev, R., et al. 1991A&A...247L..29S
  4. Sigma - A soft gamma-ray imaging telescope in-flight performances // Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics (1991) Mandrou, P., et al. 1991AIPC..232..492M
  5. Discovery with the Sigma telescope of hard X-rays from the globular cluster Terzan 2 // Astrophysical Journal (1991) Barret, D., et al. 1991ApJ...379L..21B
  6. Observations of Nova MUSCAE with the Sigma Telescope on the GRANAT Observatory - Spectroscopic Properties in Hard X-Rays and Discovery of the Annihilation Line in the Spectrum // Soviet Astronomy Letters (1991) Gilfanov, M., et al. 1991SvAL...17..437G
  7. Sigma discovery of variable e(+)-e(-) annihilation radiation from the near Galactic center variable compact source 1E 1740.7 - 2942 // Astrophysical Journal (1991) Bouchet, L., et al. 1991ApJ...383L..45B
  8. Three spectral states of 1E 1740.7 - 2942 - From standard Cygnus X-1 type spectrum to the evidence of electron-positron annihilation feature // Astrophysical Journal (1991) Sunyaev, R., et al. 1991ApJ...383L..49S
  9. Observations of a nova in the Musca constellation with the Sigma telescope of the GRANAT Observatory - Hard X-ray spectral properties and the discovery of an annihilation line in the spectrum // Pis ma Astronomicheskii Zhurnal (1991) Gilfanov, M., et al. 1991PAZh...17.1059G
  10. Soft gamma ray observations of Cygnus X-1 with the coded-aperture SIGMA telescope // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1992) Salotti, L., et al. 1992A&A...253..145S
  11. SIGMA observation of a steep spectral shape in NGC 4151 above 35 keV // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1992) Jourdain, E., et al. 1992A&A...256L..38J
  12. Art-P X-Ray Map of the Galactic Center Region // Soviet Astronomy Letters (1992) Pavlinskii, M. N., Grebenev, S. A., & Syunyaev, R. A. 1992SvAL...18..116P
  13. X-ray nova in Musca (GRS 1124 - 68) - Hard X-ray source with narrow annihilation line // Astrophysical Journal (1992) Sunyaev, R., et al. 1992ApJ...389L..75S
  14. Sigma/GRANAT soft gamma-ray observations of the X-ray nova in Musca - Discovery of positron annihilation emission line // Astrophysical Journal (1992) Goldwurm, A., et al. 1992ApJ...389L..79G
  15. X-ray map of the Galactic center region obtained with the ART-P telescope on board the GRANAT observatory // Pis ma Astronomicheskii Zhurnal (1992) Pavlinsky, M. N., Grebenev, S. A., & Sunyaev, R. A. 1992PAZh...18..291P
  16. SIGMA observation of hard X-ray emission from the ultrasoft X-ray transient Triangulum Australe X-1 (A1524 - 62) // Astrophysical Journal (1992) Barret, D., et al. 1992ApJ...392L..19B
  17. Observation of 4U 1700-377 with the SIGMA telescope // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1992) Laurent, P., et al. 1992A&A...260..237L
  18. A new hard X-ray source 15 arcmin away from 3C 273? // Astrophysical Journal (1992) Jourdain, E., et al. 1992ApJ...395L..69J
  19. Sigma observation of two quasars - 3C 273 and 0241 + 62 // Astrophysical Journal (1992) Bassani, L., et al. 1992ApJ...396..504B
  20. SIGMA observations of the Virgo cluster // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1992) Lebrun, F., et al. 1992A&A...264...22L
  21. SIGMA observations of extragalactic sources // Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series (1993) Bassani, L., et al. 1993A&AS...97...89B
  22. SIGMA observations of two X-ray transients - KS1731-260 and TrA X-1 // Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series (1993) Barret, D., et al. 1993A&AS...97..241B
  23. Discovery of the high energy emission from the transient X-ray pulsar GRS 0834-430 // Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series (1993) Denis, M., et al. 1993A&AS...97..333D
  24. Sigma hard X-ray observations of GX 339-4 during the hard state and a transition to the soft state // Astrophysical Journal (1993) Bouchet, L., et al. 1993ApJ...407..739B
  25. X-ray observations of 4U 1700-377/HD 153919 at 35-1300 keV by the SIGMA telescope of the Granat observatory // Astronomy Letters (1993) Sitdikov, A. F., et al. 1993AstL...19..188S
  26. Observations of the X-ray source 4U1700-377/HD 153919 in the energy range 35-1300 KeV with the Sigma telescope on board the GRANAT observatory // Pis ma Astronomicheskii Zhurnal (1993) Sitdikov, A. F., et al. 1993PAZh...19..483S
  27. Photon spectrum and period evolution of GX 1+4 as observed at hard X-ray energies by SIGMA // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1993) Laurent, P., et al. 1993A&A...278..444L
  28. SIGMA observations of two new hard X-ray and soft gamma-ray transients: GX 354-0 and Nova Persei // Advances in Space Research (1993) Claret, A., et al. 1993AdSpR..13..735C
  29. SIGMA observations of the soft gamma-ray source GRS 1758-258 // Advances in Space Research (1993) Laurent, P., et al. 1993AdSpR..13..751L
  30. Three Years of Monitoring GRS 1758-258: an Extremely Hard X-Ray Source near GX 5-1 // Astrophysical Journal (1993) Gilfanov, M., et al. 1993ApJ...418..844G
  31. Review of GRANAT observations of AGNs. // Multi-Wavelength Continuum Emission of AGN (1994) Churazov, E. M., et al. 1994IAUS..159...63C
  32. SIGMA hard X-ray observations of the burst source MXB 1728-34 // Astrophysical Journal (1994) Claret, A., et al. 1994ApJ...423..436C
  33. Discovery of a low-frequency broad quasi-periodic oscillation peak in the power density spectrum of Cygnus X-1 with Granat/SIGMA // Astrophysical Journal (1994) Vikhlinin, A., et al. 1994ApJ...424..395V
  34. Localization and spectrum of the X-ray transient source GRS 1915 + 105 // Astrophysical Journal (1994) Finoguenov, A., et al. 1994ApJ...424..940F
  35. X-ray images of the Galactic Center obtained with ART-P/GRAN AT: Discovery of new sources, variability of persistent sources, and localization of X-ray bursters // Astrophysical Journal (1994) Pavlinsky, M. N., Grebenev, S. A., & Sunyaev, R. A. 1994ApJ...425..110P
  36. Observations of the pulsar PSR 1509-58 with the SIGMA telescope // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1994) Laurent, P., et al. 1994A&A...286..838L
  37. Review of GRANAT/SIGMA observations of the Galactic center region // Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (1994) Churazov, E., et al. 1994ApJS...92..381C
  38. Observation of transient high-energy emission features in the spectra of black hole candidates and the Crab Nebula by Granat/SIGMA // Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (1994) Gilfanov, M., et al. 1994ApJS...92..411G
  39. SIGMA observations of the bright X-ray transient Nova Persei: A new black hole candidate? // Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (1994) Roques, J. P., et al. 1994ApJS...92..451R
  40. Noise variability of the hard X-ray transient Nova Persei // Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (1994) Denis, M., et al. 1994ApJS...92..459D
  41. Possible evidence against a massive black hole at the Galactic Centre // Nature (1994) Goldwurm, A., et al. 1994Natur.371..589G
  42. Hard X-ray variability of X-ray Nova Persei 1992: GRANAT/SIGMA results // Astrophysical Journal (1995) Vikhlinin, A., et al. 1995ApJ...441..779V
  43. Detection of the A1742-294 X-ray burster above 35 keV // Astrophysical Journal (1995) Churazov, E., et al. 1995ApJ...443..341C
  44. Broad-band X-ray observations of NGC 4151. by the ART-P and SIGMA telescopes in 1990-92. // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1995) Finoguenov, A., et al. 1995A&A...300..101F
  45. Observations of the binary accreting pulsar VELA X-1 with the SIGMA telescope // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1995) Laurent, P., et al. 1995A&A...300..399L
  46. SIGMA/GRANAT observations of the X-ray transient KS/GRS 1730-312 in Scorpius. // Pis ma Astronomicheskii Zhurnal (1996) Trudolyubov, S. P., et al. 1996PAZh...22..740T
  47. Hard X-ray monitoring of Centaurus A by SIGMA during 1990-94: definition of a low luminosity state. // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1996) Bond, I. A., et al. 1996A&A...307..708B
  48. SIGMA Detection of Hard X-Ray Emission from the Terzan 1 Globular Cluster // Astrophysical Journal (1996) Borrel, V., et al. 1996ApJ...462..754B
  49. SIGMA hard X-ray observations of the Galactic Bulge source SLX 1735-269. // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1996) Goldwurm, A., et al. 1996A&A...310..857G
  50. SIGMA/GRANAT observations of the X-ray transient KS/GRS 1730-312 in Scorpius // Astronomy Letters (1996) Trudolyubov, S. P., et al. 1996AstL...22..664T
  51. SIGMA/GRANAT Observations of the X-Ray Nova Persei 1992 // Astronomy Letters (1996) Finoguenov, A. V., et al. 1996AstL...22..721F
  52. SIGMA survey of the Galactic Center region and discovery of a hard X-ray transient. // Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series (1996) Vargas, M., et al. 1996A&AS..120C.291V
  53. GRANAT/SIGMA observations of 4U1705-44 and 4U1608-52 and spectral states of X-ray bursters // Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting (1997) Revnivtsev, M., et al. 1997jena.confE.289R
  54. SIGMA//it GRANAT Discovery of GRS 1739-278, a Hard X-Ray Transient in the Galactic Bulge // Astrophysical Journal (1997) Vargas, M., et al. 1997ApJ...476L..23V
  55. Properties of the hard X-ray radiation from Cygnus X-1 and 1E1740.7-2942 // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (1997) Kuznetsov, S., et al. 1997MNRAS.292..651K
  56. SIGMA observations of X-ray Nova Velorum 1993 (GRS 1009-45) // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1998) Goldoni, P., et al. 1998A&A...329..186G
  57. Hard X-ray observations of X-ray Nova Ophiuchi 1993 (GRS 1716-249) with GRANAT/SIGMA // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1998) Revnivtsev, M., et al. 1998A&A...331..557R
  58. The SIGMA pulse profiles of GX 1+4: four years of monitoring // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1998) David, P., et al. 1998A&A...332..165D
  59. Hard X-ray observations of GX 339-4 with GRANAT/SIGMA // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1998) Trudolyubov, S., et al. 1998A&A...334..895T
  60. Spring, 1997 it GRANAT/SIGMA observations of the Galactic Center: discovery of the X-ray nova GRS 1737-31 // Astronomy and Astrophysics (1999) Trudolyubov, S., et al. 1999A&A...342..496T
  61. SIGMA and RXTE Observations of the Soft X-Ray Transient XTE J1755-324 // Astrophysical Journal (1999) Goldoni, P., et al. 1999ApJ...511..847G
  62. Long-term variability of the hard X-ray source GRS 1758-258: GRANAT/SIGMA observations // Astronomy Letters (1999) Kuznetsov, S. I., et al. 1999AstL...25..351K
  63. GRANAT and RXTE observations of the X-ray Nova XTE J1755-324 // Astronomy Letters (1999) Revnivtsev, M. G., et al. 1999AstL...25..493R
  64. SIGMA Observations of the Bursting Pulsar GRO J1744-28 // Astrophysical Journal (2002) Mejía, J., et al. 2002ApJ...566..387M
  65. A Hard X-ray Sky Survey with the SIGMA Telescope of the GRANAT Observatory // Astronomy Letters (2004) Revnivtsev, M. G., et al. 2004AstL...30..527R
  66. GRANAT/SIGMA observation of the early afterglow from GRB 920723 in soft gamma-rays 1999A&A...344L..53B
  67. GRANAT/SIGMA observation of GRB 920723 soft gamma-ray afterglow 1999A&AS..138..443B
  68. Afterglow of the gamma-ray burst of July 23, 1992, as observed by the SIGMA/Granat telescope 1999AstL...25..411B
  69. Observations of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts with the Main Detector of the SIGMA Telescope onboard the GRANAT Observatory 2000AstL...26..413B