Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/conf/hea2007/bbclone/doc/faqs.txt
Дата изменения: Mon Apr 4 00:26:35 2005
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 00:35:29 2012

Поисковые слова: п п п п п п п

I installed BBClone and now it doesn't work

The first step should be to activate debug mode in config.php by setting
$BBC_DEBUG = 1; Then load your page in your browser once more. You should see
some verbose messages, which may already help you solving your problem.


Sometimes a particular server configuration may be not yet compatible with
BBClone, then you may see messages triggered from the PHP interpreter. Saving
them into a file for later reference is a good idea, because this very message
can contain valuable informations for the developer in order to address the
problem. If you haven't got the latest version of BBClone running, this would
be the moment to install it. Sometimes the bug will be mentioned in the
Changelog, if not it may have been fixed as side effect of other code changes.

If you still see your error, visit the forum and perform a search whether the
bug already has been discussed. If you can't find the topic it's likely you
found a bug the BBClone team hasn't been aware of and should report it by
posting a message in our forums. Don't wait for others doing the job, because
chances are the bug has a specific nature and other people usually don't stumble
upon it. When reporting, please be descriptive about what exactly you are
seeing (exact error message would be great), what you already tried and on what
platform BBClone is running.

How do I upgrade from BBClone 0.3x?

The following procedure has proved as a safe and reliable method:

- make a backup of access.php which resides in the var/ directory of the BBClone
installation. It contains your stat data
- Copy all files of the package to your bbclone directory and overwrite all
files, including conf/config.php.
- Take your backup of access.php and copy it to the var/ directory of your
BBClone installation
- Make everything except .htaccess writable in the var/ directory. In case you
made a backup of some settings, make sure you just insert the values and not
variables and values, because some variables were renamed

That's it. Your detailed stats will be reset because of some internal changes,
but your collected stats will remain intact.

How do I upgrade from BBClone 0.4x?

The following procedure has proved as a safe and reliable method:

- Copy all files of the package except the var/ directory and its contents to
your bbclone directory and overwrite all files except the var/ directory and
its contents, including conf/config.php.
- Reconfigure BBClone. There are a couple of options which may be of interest
for you that have been recently added and aren't turned on by default. They
are listed in the file doc/options.txt.

What permissions do I have to set for BBClone?

You need to make counter[0-15].inc, lock, access.php and last.php in the
var/ directory of your BBClone installation writable for the server, which is
in most cases by applying chmod 666. In case you have shell access, use the
following commands:
chmod 666 *
chmod 666 lock
You need to use it twice because the first wildcard will ignore hidden files.
IIS may use a different command, please consult your documentation regarding it.
Attention Windows users: You have to make the var/ directory writable for the
server, else PHP is unable to write to the files inside. This is an
inconsistency in the NTFS file system, hence it can't be fixed by the BBClone

If your PHP installation acts as cgi and scripts are executed under your user
id it's sufficient to have them chmod'ed to 644. Rule of thumb: If you see
BBClone complaining about read-only files as comment in the generated HTML
source you can assume that the current permissions are insufficient.

I installed BBClone and now application xxx no longer works and I'm getting
errors about already defined functions.

Your application is using the same function names as BBClone. Upgrading to
version 0.4.1 solves the issue as a common prefix for all functions will be

Why is BBClone still not working with application xxxxx though the problem has
been around for/since...?

Because none of the developers is using application xxxxx and nobody was
notifying them that a problem would exist with it. BBClone can only work as good
as people participate in reporting problems.

BBClone doesn't work and I only see the inclusion in the source

You put the inclusion into a *.htm, *.html page. This doesn't work because the
server only will use the php interpreter if the file itself is marked as php
page. Thus you either have to rename the file to *.php first or add the line:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html to .htaccess in order to make it work
with BBClone. Please note, that BBClone does require PHP and doesn't run on
accounts which are only allowed to use html. Also you may not be allowed to
define options in your .htaccess or to use .htaccess at all.

BBClone doesn't work and I can't see any status at all in the source

There are quite a few possibilities:

- The directory you specified in your inclusion doesn't contain a trailing
slash. This, however, is necessary for getting a valid path to the counter.
- The file "config.php" can't be read by the server. Either because it's missing
or an invalid path was specified to it
- You entered a path like: http://myserver.com/mybbclone/ as _BBCLONE_DIR. This
doesn't work because BBClone relies on relative paths.
- You are running Solaris with a PHP version older than 4.3.1. Usage of relative
paths is broken in these versions. A workaround would be using absolute local
paths for both the inclusion and the paths specified in constants.php

BBClone prints the following message in debug mode:

File xxxxx is read-only. You may have to check whether it has the right
permissions or is even missing

It means that BBClone failed to write to a file which is needed for counting.
You will have to make that fail writable for the server

File demo/var/lock is inaccessible. You may have to check whether it has the
right permissions or is even missing.

You did not include the file "lock" which is necessary for writing to
access.php and last.php. If you upgrade from an older installation, please
include all files from the package.

BBClone isn't able to read its configuration data. This is likely because you
embedded BBClone's code snippet into a function. Please use BBClone as suggested
in the documentation

You may face this message after you have included the snippet into a header or
footer of an content management system which is including its files via
functions (often accompanied with a html code cleanup function). In this case
you need to place the snippet elsewhere until the message is gone. This is a
known limitation of BBClone and will be addressed in later revisions.

File xxxxx is inaccessible. You may have to check whether it has the right
permissions or is even missing

The reasons why files are missing are mostly related to the file transfer.
Either the connection was closed from the remote site (also responsible for
missing icons) or the FTP client's settings prevented uploading of all files.
You have to make sure that the client uploads files from all directories
(recursive), updates the remote files even if they are present and that the
client automatically creates directories if missing.

BBClone isn't able to lock files for writing with its current setting. You may
use $BBC_USE_LOCK = "yyy"; in config.php however

The standard method of locking files isn't working for you. If an alternative is
offered, you only need change the setting according to the printed suggestion
and your problem should be solved. If no alternative is offered, however you
cannot run BBClone, because flat files need to be locked for writing in order to
avoid file corruption.

If you are using Win95/98/ME as server OS there's no workaround because these
systems don't contain a locking mechanism which is needed for updating the
stats. If this is happening with Windows XP check whether "Use simple file
sharing" in "Tools" -> "Folder Options" -> "View menu" is checked. If so,
uncheck it in order to get the traditional NT security tab in which you can
set the permissions.

BBClone doesn't count though it states everything would be ok

This is a Windows specific problem: Contrary to MacOs X and other Unix like
systems, Windows' NTFS file system can't write to files inside of a read-only
directory. Unfortunately there's a bug in NTFS which causes the system to return
"true" if PHP checks whether a file can be written to where it should return
"false". The solution is to make the var/ directory writable for the server.
Attention: You'll have to use the "security" tab of your file properties menu to
modify the setting.

BBClone spits "permission denied" and "failed to open stream" messages

BBClone checks whether it's allowed to write to a file before doing so. This
will work as long as the file system is returning the correct state to PHP. Some
filesystems like NTFS however may return flags, that PHP 4.x don't understand
and then it will result in error messages despite having an error handler. If
this is happening on Windows, you'll need to check, whether you granted write
permissions to both BBClone's var directory and the files inside (except
.htaccess which should remain readable). Please note that you have to change the
settings of the security tab and not the casual file properties dialog. In fact,
both tabs can contradict each other and cause unexpected behavior. A workaround
for these issues has been implemented in PHP 5.x, so that even on Windows with
NTFS PHP will work as expected.

My detailed stats only have one entry that gets constantly overwritten

You set one of the following options to "0" or "":

By the time you've set it like this, BBClone assumes you want to reset one of
these categories. But each reset requires the reset of last.php as well, because
otherwise this file would contain invalid data.

I'm using "sem" as locking method and keep getting "Warning: semget() failed for
key xxxxx: No space left on device in xxxxx"

Your server does not allocate sufficient resources for SysV Semaphores to use
them for locking files. In case you have root access you should modify the
system settings to increase them. Otherwise you can try whether you can use
"dio" or the default "flk" as value for $BBC_USE_LOCK in config.php. If that's
not possible either it probably means that BBClone won't work for your server

Some of my visitors are displayed with my server's ip address / hostname

This problem can occur with some MacOs X configurations. Updating to BBClone
0.4.6b solves the problem.

BBClone doesn't display special characters in keywords correctly

This was due to a problem with UTF-8 encoded strings and had been solved in
BBClone 0.4.4 and higher.

But I do use the latest version and still the keywords are messed up

BBClone doesn't clean up old keywords, because they can't be recovered in a
useful way. But you can reset the keyword counter in BBClone 0.4.6b by setting
$BBC_MAX_KEY to "0". In case you are seeing messy keywords with a fresh install
or newly added keywords, chances are that your PHP version doesn't provide
support for either mbstring, iconv or gettext. If Japanese or Chinese is your
page's language you probably didn't set the correct value for $BBC_LANGUAGE.

I'm randomly losing my stats

If this is happing with 0.33.5 up to 0.33.6pre it means, flock() wasn't able to
protect the files from being corrupted by other processes. This usually happens,
if multiple servers (not visitors!) try to write to the counter files
simultaneously. Upgrading to 0.4.0 and greater adds an additionial layer of
locking and will cure the issue in most cases. Remaining issues were related to
race conditions triggered by slow name resolving. This problem was first
addressed in BBClone 0.4.4 RC4. Note that by its design BBClone isn't suitable
and useful for high traffic sites.

BBClone slows down my page as hell

DNS resolving is too slow or unreliable in your network. If it's within a local
Windows network: Your machines don't know each other. Adding them in each of the
machines' "hosts" file should solve the issue (except you got slow and
unreliable DNS servers). If you can't change the configuration set $BBC_NO_DNS
to "1", this will turn off hostname lookups.

BBclone randomly fails to determine the visitors' country or displays obviously
wrong results

You are using the wrong ip2ext database for your BBClone installation. If your
version is 0.4.0 RC1 to 0.4.1 you have to use ip2ext-old. BBClone 0.4.2 RC1 and
newer will need ip2ext-new.

BBclone doesn't resolve ip addresses or extensions to countries

Check the permissions of the files inside of the ip2ext directory, whether they
are reasable for the server. If this is happening after an upgrade you didn't
copy the ip2ext directory, which contains the country information.

I want to track htm/html files with the .htaccess method but it doesn't work

There can be numerous reasons for it:

- Your pages use XHTML or XML and PHP is configured with short_open_tag set to
"On". In this case PHP will attempt to parse XML data as PHP which is likely
to fail with either a blank page or a parse error. In this case the workaround
is to add the following option to .htaccess:
php_value short_open_tag "Off"
This will instruct PHP to parse tags only
- Your path to the BBClone installation is invalid. It has to be an absolute
local path
- You didn't add:
AddType "application/x-httpd-php .htm .html" to your .htaccess
- You aren't allowed to use this feature
- You don't use an Apache server or aren't allowed to use PHP
- A BBClone configuration error (see "BBClone doesn't work and I can't see any
status at all" for more details)

BBClone doesn't show any referrers from my visitors

Either you are using frames and put the inclusion into one of the frame pages or
you put it into an php page which will be bound into the main page (ie. header
or footer file). The visitors' referrer from external sites, however, is only
kept for the first document requested, which will be either the frameset or the
first included php file. Hence all pages loaded afterwards only will refer to
local pages (in the order they've been called). Adding the inclusion into the
frameset or the first included document should make the problem go away.

But my page doesn't use any frames and still I don't get referrers

Some sellers of toplevel domains simply create a framed redirect to your actual
location. As a result your page is caught in a frame and therefore referrers
can't be fetched. If that's not the case either, there's a huge change that your
site is running on a server with a broken iconv implementation. In such cases,
the character conversion will be aborted and cause the keywords to be omitted.
In case your server has support for mbstring upgrading to BBClone 0.4.6b should
solve the problem and make the keywords reappear.

I run a couple of different sites and don't want to have them listed in my
referrer ranking. How do I archieve that?

For this constellation BBClone offers $BBC_IGNORE_REFER as feature. It accepts
hostname or parts of it as input and whenever a referrer matches the host on
that list, they'll be ignored and treated as empty. You can also use a comma
separated list if there are more sites you wish to ignore.

I'm running a blog and get lots of fake referrers from spam bots. What can I do?

See previous point. You can use $BBC_IGNORE_REFER to block unwanted referrers.
If the spambot never changes its hostname, you can save a lot of typing by
simply adding its ip address (displayed in the page history) to your

A spammer completely messed up my referrer ranking. Is there a way to reset it?

As of BBClone 0.4.6b you can reset your referrer ranking by setting $BBC_MAX_ORIGIN
to "0".

My hostname listing in the global stats doesn't contain any entries

You upgraded from BBClone 0.3.x and didn't overwrite your config.php file as
suggested. As a result a couple of variables are now missing, and missing
variables will be read as if an option has been deactivated.

I upgraded BBClone and now I'm getting the error "called to undefined

You didn't overwrite all files when upgrading or overwrite new files with old
versions. When upgrading, however, it's safe to leave your access.php and, if
available, last.php in order to keep your collected stats.

BBClone doesn't ignore my hostname and put it on the blacklist, though I did
enter it correctly

$BBC_IGNORE_IP only accepts IP addresses or parts of it (read from left to
right). If you wish to block a particular hostname you may like to use the
following as workaround in your config.php:

$BBC_IGNORE_IP = gethostbyname("my.host.name.org");

This way it will be turned into an ip address first and the restriction no
longer applies. You may also like to apply this workaround if you haven't got a
static IP address but a static hostname (ie. from Dyndns or No-ip) so the
correct address is being blocked without the necessity of manually changing it.

In case you upgraded from an older BBClone version, you should know that
$BBC_IGNOREIP in BBClone 0.3x was renamed to $BBC_IGNORE_IP as of 0.4.0 RC1.
Hence you can't simply copy and paste the line without adding an underscore to
the variable. It's suggested to copy values only, since variable names are
subject to changes in future versions.

Why didn't you reply to my inquiry I sent via the contact form?

Probably because the mail
- was sent with an invalid reply address
- was about download problems
- server is rejecting the responses
- contained questions about subjects already covered in the FAQ
- lacked a useful problem description (just "doesn't work" isn't)
- sounded like an order what has to be done and/or fixed
- abused the support offer for things unrelated to BBClone
- sounded like spam and/or social engineering
- was of an insulting nature or sounded like a trolling attempt

The BBClone download doesn't work

If it's only happening with a particular browser it means it is broken and you
either have to update it or use a different product. If it's happening with any
tool, however, it means that either an application firewall or proxy server is
intercepting your download attempts. Contact your administrator or your vendor's
support to discuss the issue.

Why doesn't BBClone come along with an install script?

Because then all files would be owned by the server (except for PHP running as
CGI) and cause various issues an ordinary user may not be able to solve on one's
own like not being able to edit, replace or delete files. Apart from that,
putting the inclusion into your pages can't be automatically done anyway so
there's little gained by an install script.

The BBClone team