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Дата изменения: Thu Dec 17 16:49:26 2015
Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 04:02:56 2016

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IKI, MOSCOW, JUNE 16-20, 2014


MEMORIAL SESSION 10:00 Opening of the Conference 10:05 Alex Szalay, Zeldovich and Cosmology 10:20 Jaan Einasto, Zeldovich and Cosmology 10:35 Boris Zeldovich (University of Central Florida), Yakov Zeldovich in real life 11:05 Robert Nigmatullin (Institute of Oceanology RAS, Moscow), Zeldovich and hydrodynamics 11:35-12:00 Coffee break

CMB and Cosmology 12:00 12:30 13:00 Jan Tauber (ESTEC), PLANCK mission John Kovac (CfA, Harvard) B-modes and the BICEP / Keck Array CMB polarization survey Jean-Loup Puget (IAS, Orsay) Planck polarization data: being limited by foregrounds and systematics and not by noise LUNCH John Carlstrom (Chicago), South Pole Telescope and Results Lyman Page (Princeton), Atacama Cosmology Telescope and Results Alexei Starobinsky (Landau Institute), Beyond the Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum: inflation after the WMAP, Planck and BICEP2 data Coffee break

13:30-15:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30-17:00 17:00 17:30

Slava Mukhanov (LMU, Munich), Quantum Universe Eiichiro Komatsu (MPA, Garching), Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background: Toward an Observational Proof of Cosmic Inflation 18:00­18:30 Valery Rubakov (INR), Pseudo-conformal Universe: towards being falsified 18:30-21:00 Reception, Memorial talk by Bruce Partridge


TUESDAY, JUNE 17 X-Ray and CMB space missions: recent and future Mikhail Pavlinskii (IKI, Moscow), ART-XC on Spectrum-RoentgenGamma Peter Predehl (MPE, Garching), eROSITA on Spectrum-RoentgenGamma Jacques Delabrouille (University Paris Diderot), A future CMB satellite mission after Planck? Fiona Harrison (Caltech), New Results from the NuSTAR: The High Energy X-ray Sky In Focus

09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30-12:00

Coffee break

Cosmological simulations Avishai Dekel (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Feeding Galaxies by Cosmic-Web Streams and Pancakes Debora Sijacki (Cambridge), Resolving the flows around black holes in cosmological simulations Tom Abel (Stanford), Dark Matter Dynamics

12:00 12:30 13:00


LUNCH and poster session

Cosmological simulations and theory 15:00 Piero Madau (UC Santa Cruz), The Dark and Light Side of Galaxy Formation Rashid Sunyaev (IKI, MPA), The black body photosphere and last scattering surface of our Universe and spectral distortions of the CMB due to early energy release


Black Holes

16:00 16:30-17:00

Abraham Loeb (Harvard), A Closer Look at Black Holes Coffee break


Scott Tremaine (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton), Binary black holes and the broad-line region in quasars 17:30 James Stone (Princeton), Modeling Radiation-Dominated Black Hole Accretion Disks 18:00-18:30 Stefan Gillessen (MPE, Garching), Observing a gas cloud disrupt on its way to Sgr A*



09:30-11:10 11:10-11:40 11:40-13:20 13:20-15:00 15:00-16:40 16:40-17:10 17:10-18:30 18:45-22:45 20:00-21:00

Parallel sessions Coffee break Parallel sessions LUNCH Parallel sessions Coffee break Parallel sessions Conference Dinner Afterdinner memorial talks: Ene Ergma, Nick Shakura, Remo Ruffini


THURSDAY, JUNE 19 Violent Universe 10:00 10:30 11:00 Shri Kulkarni (Caltech), The Dynamic Optical Sky

Bernard Schutz (Albert Einstein Institite), Gravitational waves, black holes, and eLISA
Bill Forman (CfA), Supermassive Black Holes at Work: "Fossil Records" of Outbursts from Supermassive Black Holes and the Effects of Outbursts on the Evolution of Gas Rich Galaxies, Groups, and Galaxy Clusters Coffee break Parallel sessions LUNCH and poster session Parallel sessions Coffee break Parallel sessions

11:30-12:00 12:00-13:20 13:20-15:00 15:00-16:40 16:40-17:10 17:10-19:10



Star Formation, external galaxies and Black Holes 09:30 Chris McKee (UC Berkeley), Star formation 10:00 Marat Gilfanov (IKI, MPA), X-ray binaries and star formation rate in external galaxies 10:30 Dmitri Varshalovich (Ioffe Institute, St-Peterburg), HD/H2 interstellar clouds at high redshifts 11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30 Asantha Cooray (UC Irvine), The dusty universe unveiled by Herschel 12:00 Eugene Churazov (IKI, MPA), First detection of 56Co gamma-ray lines from type Ia supernova (SN2014J) with INTEGRAL 12:30 Zoltan Haiman (Columbia, NY), Electromagnetic Signatures from Binary Black Holes


LUNCH and poster session

Clusters of Galaxies in X-Rays and in CMB maps 14:30 Alexey Vikhlinin (CfA, IKI), Chandra observations of the Cosmic Web converging on a rich galaxy cluster. 15:00 Monique Arnaud (Saclay), Planck view of galaxy clusters 15:30 Hans Boehringer (MPE), Cosmology with X-ray Galaxy Clusters 16:00 -16:30 Coffee break

16:30 Andrey Kravtsov (Chicago), The baryon content of galaxy clusters and evolution of cluster scaling relations 17:00 Alex Szalay (JHU), Redshift Space Distortions and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations 17:30 Joachim Wambsganss (Heidelberg), Gravitational lensing 18:00 The end of the conference