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Дата изменения: Unknown
Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 02:58:12 2016

Поисковые слова: ngc 253



Senior Astrophysicist


Positions Held:

1988-date Astrophysicist, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
1988-date Associate, Harvard College Observatory

2003-date Lecturer, Department of Astronomy, Harvard University

1991-1993 Instructor, Harvard University Summer School

1988 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Wisconsin - Madison

1986-1988 Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin - Madison

1982-1985 Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin - Madison

1982 Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

1981-1982 Instructor, Summer Physics Camp, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

1978-1982 Physics/Astronomy Instructor, Wayland Academy

Current Activities:

Dr. Slane's primary research interests center on high energy astrophysics, with particular emphasis on studies of supernova remnants and young neutron stars. He has completed extensive studies on the evolutionary states of SNRs, the acceleration of cosmic rays by SNR shocks, the ionization and temperature equilibrium properties of shocked plasmas in SNRs, and the determination of ejecta abundances for comparison with nucleosynthesis models. His neutron star work includes studies of their cooling properties to provide constraints on the physics of matter at ultrahigh density, the structure and evolution of the wind nebulae produced by pulsars, and the demographics of the young neutron star population. Dr. Slane has been Principal Investigator on over 45 successful proposals for X-ray and radio observations, as well as for funding through the NASA Astrophysics Data Program and the Long Term Space Astrophysics Program, in support of these studies, which involve analysis and modeling of multiwavelength observations. He has served on a range of committees at the CfA, and has supervised research work for undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral research associates, and visiting scientists at CfA. He has organized two international conference and has been recognized as an international expert in several research areas through invited talks and inclusion on science organizing committees. He has represented the high energy astrophysics community as a member of NASA's XMM-Newton Users Group and of the Executive Committees of the AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division and the APS Division of Astrophysics. He currently serves on the Fermi Users Group. Dr. Slane is also heavily involved in a broad range of education and outreach efforts. He is Assistant Director for Science at the Chandra X-ray Center where he also supports the planning and operations of NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory as Group Leader of the Mission Planning Team.

Honors and Awards:

Fellow, American Physical Society (2015)
Smithsonian Institution Superior Accomplishment Award (2004)
NASA Group Achievement Award - Chandra Mission Planning and Review Subgroup (2003)
Smithsonian Institution Superior Accomplishment Award (2003)
Smithsonian Institution Superior Accomplishment Award (2001)
NASA Group Achievement Award - Chandra Science Team (2000)
NASA Group Achievement Award - Chandra Telescope Development, Integration, and Test Team (2000)
NASA Group Achievement Award - Chandra X-Ray Center Development and Operations Team (2000)
NASA Group Achievement Award - Chandra Systems Engineering and Flight Dynamics Team (2000)
Smithsonian Institution Superior Accomplishment Award (2000)
NASA Group Achievement Award - AXAF VETA Test Team (1992)
Smithsonian Institution Superior Accomplishment Award (1992)
Outstanding Recent Alumni Award (University of Wisconsin - Whitewater 1989)
Domestic Travel Fellowship Recipient (University of Wisconsin 1986)
Nominee for Excellence in Teaching Award (Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin 1984)
Cum Laude graduate, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater (1978)

Professional Societies:

American Astronomical Society (AAS)
      AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD)
American Physical Socieity (APS)
      APS Division of Astrophysics (DAP)
International Astronomical Union (IAU)
National Physics Honor Society (Sigma Pi Sigma)

Professional Activities:

2015 Science Organizing Committee - "`Supernova Remnants: An Odyssey in Space after Stellar Death" (Crete, 2016)
2014 Science Organizing Committee - "Cosmic-Ray Origin - Beyond the Standard Models" (Italy)
2013 Science Organizing Committee - "CTA LINK: X-raying the Gamma-ray Universe (Japan)
2012-2013 Science Organizing Committee - "The Fast and the Furious: Energetic Phenomena in Isolated Neutron Stars, Pulsar Wind Nebulae and Supernova Remnants (Madrid, Spain)
2011-2012 Science Organizing Committee, Co-Chair - ``The Cosmic Kaleidoscope: Pulsars and Their Nebulae, Supernova Remnants and More - A Conference in Memory of Okkie de Jager" (Kruger National Park, South Africa)
2010 Member - AAS/HEAD Nominating Committee
2010 Science Organizing Committee Member - Fermi Symposium 2011 (Rome, Italy)
2010 Science Organizing Committee Member - COSPAR Symposium on ``The Next Generation Ground-based Gamma-ray Experiments'' (Bremen, Germany)
2009-2011 Member - APS/DAP Executive Committee
2009 Chair - ESA Peer Review Panel for XMM-Newton
2009 Science Organizing Committee Member - SNRs and PWNe in the Chandra Era (Boston, MA)
2008 Chair - NASA Peer Review Panel for Fermi
2008-2012 Member - Fermi Users' Group
2008 Referee for the journal Science
2007-date Member - Constellation-X FST Science Panel
2005-2006 Deputy Organizer - COSPAR Symposium on ``New High-Energy Results on Supernova Remnants and Pulsar Wind Nebulae'' (Beijing, China, 2006)
2003-date Member - Science Alliance Committee for the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
2003-2008 Member, CfA Computation Facility Science Advisory Committee (Current Chair)
2003-2006 Member, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Council (Vice Chair, 2004)
2003-2004 Team Member - International Space Science Institute (Bern, Switzerland) - Study Team for Physics of SNRs in the Chandra, XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL Era
2003-2004 Science Organizing Committee Member - COSPAR Symposium on "Young Neutron Stars and Supernova Remnants" (Paris, France, 2004)
2003-2004 Member, AAS/HEAD Executive Committee
2002 Chair - Session at COSPAR Meeting (Houston, TX)
2002-date Referee for PASJ ('02, '03, '05)
2001-2002 Science Organizing Committee Member - COSPAR Symposium on "High Energy Studies of Supernova Remnants and Neutron Stars" (Houston, TX, 2002)
2001 Co-Organizer - International Workshop on ``Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants'' (Boston, MA)
2000-2005 Member - XMM-Newton User's Group
2000-2002 Member - NASA HEASARC User's Group
1999-date Referee for A&A, and A&A Letters ('99, '00, '03, '05, '06)
1999 Chair - SNR Session at AAS/HEAD Meeting (Charleston, SC)
1998 Reviewer - Book proposal for Institute of Physics Publishing
1997-date Associate - VERITAS Collaboration
1995 Chair - Pulsar Session at AAS/HEAD Meeting (Napa Valley, CA)
1992-1996 Reviewer - NASA Peer Review Panel for ASCA Proposals
1995-2005 Reviewer - Application Selection Committee for SAO Summer Intern Program ('95, '97, '01)
1994-1998 AXAF Science Center Representative - AXAF Mission Planning Working Group
1992-date Referee for ApJ ('92, '95, '97, '99, '00, '01, '02, '03, '04, '07, '08)
1990-1991 Member - AXAF Mirror Coating Working Group

Student and Postdoctoral Advising:

2014-2015 Research Advisor for Visiting Scientist Aytap Sezer (Bogazici University, Turkey)
2012-2015 PhD Thesis Advisor for Katie Auchettl (SAO Predoc, Monash University)
2013 Junior Thesis Advisor for Adrian Arteaga (Harvard)
2012 Masters Thesis supervisor for Katie Auchettl (Perimeter Institute)
2009-2011 Research Supervisor for Undergraduate Student Igor Lovchinsky (Harvard)
2007-2009 PhD Thesis Advisor for Tea Temim (SAO Predoc, University of Minnesota)
2007-2010 PhD Thesis Advisor for Daniel Castro (SAO Predoc, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela)
2006 Senior Thesis Advisor for Tim Morton (Harvard)
2005 Junior Thesis Advisor for Erika Hamden (Harvard)
2005-2007 Research Supervisor for Postdoctoral Research Associate Dan Patnaude
2005-2007 PhD Thesis Co-Advisor for Yosi Gelfand (Harvard)
2003-2006 Research Supervisor for Postdoctoral Research Associate Cara Rakowski
2003-2004 Research Co-Supervisor for Undergraduate Student Andrei Nechita (Harvard)
2003 Junior Thesis Advisor for Erik Zimmerman (Harvard)
2002-2003 Research Co-Advisor for Graduate Student Johnathan Jenkins (Harvard)
2001-2004 Research supervisor for Postdoctoral Research Associate Jasmina Lazendic
1999-2000 Research supervisor for graduate student Ming Sun (Harvard)
1998 Junior Thesis advisor for Simon DeDeo (Harvard)
1997-1999 Research supervisor for Postdoctoral Research Associate Ilana Harrus
1997 Advisor for SAO Summer Intern Program participant Jason Wright (BU) 1994 Advisor for SAO Summer Intern Program participant Nicole Lloyd (Cornell)
1990-1993 Supervised research work for undergraduate students Eric Blackman (MIT), Dylan Jones (Harvard), Cameron Ives (BU), & Joanne Barrett (BU)

Educational Activities:

2014 Christa McAuliffe Center presentation: ``STOP for Science!'' (Teacher Workshop)
2013--2014 Chair, Predoctoral Research Review Committee for SAO Predoc Joshua Schroeder
2013 NASA Museum Alliance presentation, ``Here, There, and Everywhere''
2012 Webinar presentation, ``STOP for Science!'' (Chandra X-ray Center)
2012 Wrote and appeared in podcast "STOP for Science: Listening to Light" (YouTube)
2012-date Science Lead, ``Here, There, and Everywhere'' - a NASA/EPOESS public outreach program
2009 Film appearance in "Pulsars and Quasars" episode of "The Universe" series (History Channel)
2008 Podcast interview in "Supernovas: When Stars Die" (Chandra X-ray Center)
2008 Podcast interview in "Until Their Dying Day: Stars on the Brink" (Chandra X-ray Center)`
2006-date AAS Harlow Shapley Lecturer
2006-date Principal Investigator: EPO Project ``STOP for Science''
2003-2005 Co-Chair, PTA Science Enrichment Committee (Fiske Elementary School, Lexington, MA)
2003 On-camera interview for Wright Center for Science Education video series on Stellar Explosions
2001 On-camera science demonstrations in ``Live from the Edge of the Universe'' educational broadcast (Passport to Knowledge series)
2001 Reviewer for NASA Office of Space Science review of Structure and Evolution of the Universe educational materials
2001 On-camera science demonstrations in ``Live from a Black Hole'' educational broadcast (Passport to Knowledge series)
1991-1995 Coordinator for SAO/HEAD participation in NASA Project JOVE
1989-date Member of CfA Public Speakers Bureau
1991-1993 Instructor - ``Introduction to Modern Astrophysics'' - Harvard Summer School

Press/Image Releases

2015 GK Persei: "Mini Supernova" Explosion Could Have Big Impact (D. Takei et al., CXC Press Release, 3/16/15)
2015 G299.2-2.9: Exploded Star Blooms Like a Cosmic Flower (S. Post et al., CXC Press Release, 2/12/15)
2014 MSH 11-62 and G327.1-1.1: Supernova Shock Waves, Neutron Stars, and Lobsters (T. Temim et al., CXC Image Release, 11/19/14)
2014 Four Supernova Remnants: NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory Celebrates 15th Anniversary (NASA/CXC/SAO, CXC Image Release, 7/22/14)
2012 G350.1-0.3: Remnant of an Explosion With a Powerful Kick? (I. Lovchinsky et al., CXC Image Release, 2/1/12)
2011 Exploding Stars and Stripes (K. Eriksen et al., Rutgers University Release: 3/24/11)
2010 G327.1-1.1: Pushing the Envelope (T. Temim et al., CXC Image Release, 10/5/10)
2009 PSR B1509-58: A Young Pulsar Shows its Hand (P. Slane et al., CXC Image Release, 4/3/09)
2007 Stellar Forensics with Striking Image from Chandra (S. Park, et al., CXC Release, 10/23/07)
2005 Tycho's Remnant Provides Shocking Evidence for Cosmic Rays (J. Warren et al., CXC Release: 05-07)
2004 3C58: Pulsar Power (P. Slane et al. APOD, 12/23/04))
2004 Going to Extremes: Pulsar Gives Insight on Ultra Dense Matter and Magnetic Fields (P. Slane et al., Chandra Release 04-13)
2004 Deepest Image of Exploded Star Uncovers Bipolar Jets (U. Hwang et al., NASA Release 04-09)
2003 Celestial Illumination: The X-Ray Glow From An Exploded Star (J. Warren et al., CXC Image Release, 12/19/03)
2003 Chandra Finds Rich Oxygen Supply Inside Glowing Ring (S. Park et al., CXC Press Release: 03-03)
2002 Cosmic X-rays Reveal Evidence For New Form Of Matter (P. Slane, J. Drake, et al., CXC Press Release: 02-65)
2001 Elements in the Aftermath (J. P. Hughes et al. APOD, 10/26/01)
2001 Young Pulsar Reveals Clues to Supernova (S. S. Murray et al., CXC Press Release: 01-13)
1999 Chandra Maps Vital Elements From Supernova (J. P. Hughes et al., CXC Press Release: 99-12)
1999 Chandra Images Provide New Vision of Cosmic Explosions (CXC Press Release: 99-05)

Colloquia and Invited Talks:

2016 "Energetic Particles in Supernova Remnants: Results from VHE Observations," Invited Talk, High Energy Gamma-Rays with VERITAS and BEYOND, AAS, Kissimmee, FL
2015 "Supernova Remnants in High Definition," Invited Talk, X-Ray Vision Workshop, Washington, DC
2015 "The Evolving Story of Pulsar Wind Nebulae," Invited Talk, MIAPP Workshop: The Many Faces of Neutron Stars, Garching, Germany
2015 "Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Tycho's Supernova Remnant," Invited Talk, Accelerating Cosmic Ray Comprehension, Princeton University
2014 "A Broadband View of Composite Supernova Remnants," Invited Talk, The Many Facets of Supernova Remnants, Rikkyo University (Tokyo, Japan)
2014 "The Evolving Story of Pulsar Wind Nebulae," Invited Talk, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Moscow, Russia)
2014 "VHE Gamma-rays as Probes of PWN Evolution," Invited talk, 2nd Workshop on Galactic Physics with VERITAS (New York, NY)
2014 "Supernova Remnants as Particle Accelerators," Colloquium, United States Naval Observatory, Washington, DC
2014 "Energetic Windbags Young and Old: The Structure and Evolution of Pulsar Wind Nebulae," Colloquium, University of New Hampshire
2013 "Observations of Supernova Remnants," - Invited talk, Conference on Supernovae, Kyoto, Japan
2013 "Gamma-ray Observations of Supernova Remnants," Invited talk, 4th Fermi Asian Network Workshop (Hong Kong, HK)
2013 "Multiwavelength Studies of Pulsar Wind Nebulae," Invited talk, MODE-SNR-PWN Work- shop (Orsay, France)
2013 "Structure and Evolution of Pulsar Wind Nebulae," Invited talk, International Space Science Institute Workshop (Bern, Switzerland)
2013 "Thermal X-rays from Supernova Remnants," Invited talk, IAU Symposium 296: Supernova Environmental Impacts (Raichak, India)
2012 "Multiwavelength Observations of Galactic Cosmic Ray Sources," Invited talk, CTA LINK Meeting (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
2012 "Multiwavelength Observations of Pulsar Wind Nebulae," Invited talk, `The Cosmic Kaleido- scope: Pulsars and Their Nebulae, Supernova Remnants and More' (Kruger National Park, South Africa)
2012 "Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Supernova Remnants," Colloquium, APC, Unversity of Paris - Dedirot
2012 ``Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Supernova Remnants,'' Colloquium, University of Texas at Arlington
2011 ``High Energy Studies of Composite Supernova Remnants,'' Invited talk, AAS/HEAD Meeting, Newport, RI
2010 ``Multiwavelength Studies of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Colloquium, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
2010 ``Gamma-Rays from Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Invited talk, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Bremen, Germany
2010 ``High Energy Emission from Composite Supernova Remnants,'' Invited talk, GeV and TeV Sources in the Milky Way, Aspen Center for Physics
2010 ``Pulsar Wind Nebulae: A Multi-wavelength Perspective,'' Invited talk, Workshop on High Energy Galactic Physics, Barnard College, Columbia University
2010 ``Multiwavelength Studies of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Invited talk, ICREA Workshop on The High-Energy Emission from Pulsars and their Systems, Barcelona, Spain
2010 ``Gamma-Ray Observations of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Invited talk, The GeV to TeV Connection, Ringberg, Germany
2010 ``Multiwavelength Studies of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Invited talk, American Astronomical Society, Washington, DC
2009 ``Supernova Remnants and Pulsar Wind Nebulae in the Fermi Era,'' Invited talk, Fermi Symposium, Washington, DC
2009 ``Observations of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Invited talk, Particle Acceleration in Astrophysical Plasmas, KITP, Santa Barbara, CA
2009 ``Ten Years of Chandra Science,'' Summer Colloquium, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
2009 ``Observations of Pulsar Bowshock Nebulae,'' Invited talk, Pulsars in Their Diversity, Elba Island, Italy
2009 ``Compact Central Objects in Supernova Remnants,'' Invited talk, Pulsars in Their Diversity, Elba Island, Italy
2009 ``The Structure and Evolution of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Colloquium, University of Alabama - Huntsville
2009 ``The Structure and Evolution of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Colloquium, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
2009 ``The Structure and Evolution of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Colloquium, Princeton University
2009 ``Observations of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Invited Talk, Panda Symposium, Lijiang, China
2009 ``Supernova Remnants and Their Environments,'' Invited Tutorial, Panda Symposium, Lijiang, China
2008 ``Observations of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Invited talk, COSPAR Symposium, Montreal, Canada
2008 ``X-ray Observations of SNR Shocks,'' Invited talk, COSPAR Symposium, Montreal, Canada
2008 ``Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Invited talk, 4th Heidelberg International Symposium on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany
2008 ``Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnant Shocks,'' Invited talk, Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnant Shocks, Penn State University
2007 ``Exploring the Galaxy with a Bang: X-ray Studies of Supernova Remnants and Their Neutron Stars," Colloquium, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
2007 ``Recent Progress on Studies of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Invited talk, Astrophysics of Compact Objects, Huangshan, China
2007 ``Supernova Remnants and GLAST,'' Invited talk, GLAST Workshop, Cambridge, MA
2007 ``VHE Gamma-Rays from Supernova Remnants,'' Invited talk, The Future of Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy, Chicago, IL
2007 ``Supernova Remnants and GLAST,'' Invited talk, First GLAST Symposium, Stanford University
2006 ``Neutron Star Cooling from Chandra Observations of 3C 58,'' Invited talk, The Nuclear Equation of State in Astrophysics, Montreal, Canada
2006 ``Structure of Pulsar Winds and Jets," Invited talk, Challenges of Relativistic Jets, Cracow, Poland
2006 ``Neutron Star Cooling, Demographics, and Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Invited lecture series at Seventeenth Chris Engelbrecht Summer School in Theoretical Physics, Drakensberg, South Africa
2005 ``A Detailed Study of the Pulsar Wind Nebula 3C 58,'' Six Years of Science with Chandra Symposium
2004 ``Compact Structures in Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' ISSI Workshop: Physics of SNRs in the Chandra, XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL Era
2004 ``Compact Structures in Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' COSPAR Symposium, Paris, France
2004 ``Young Neutron Stars and Their Wind Nebulae,'' NATO Advanced Study Institute, Marmaris, Turkey
2004 ``Spinning, Cooling, and Blowing Off Steam: Young Neutron Stars and Their Wind Nebulae,'' Physics Colloquium, Rice University
2003 ``X-Ray Observations of Crab-like and Composite Supernova Remnants,'' ISSI Workshop: Physics of SNRs in the Chandra, XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL Era
2003 ``Blasts and Embers: Probing the Products of Stellar Explosions with X-rays,'' Physics Colloquium - Purdue University
2003 ``Spinning, Cooling, and Blowing Off Steam: Young Neutron Stars and Their Wind Nebula,'' Physics Colloquium - University of Albany
2003 ``Chandra Studies of Supernova Remnants and Young Neutron Stars,'' Plenary Talk at American Physical Society Meeting - Philadelphia, PA
2003 ``Supernova Remnants from the Outside In,'' 7th Meeting of the AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division
2002 ``Spinning, Cooling, and Blowing Off Steam: Young Neutron Stars and Their Wind Nebula,'' Physics Colloquium - University of Vermont
2002 ``Spinning, Cooling, and Blowing Off Steam: Young Neutron Stars and Their Wind Nebula,'' Physics Colloquium - Rutgers University
2002 ``Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnants and Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' University of Tokyo Workshop 2002: The Universe Viewed in Gamma-rays - Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
2002 ``Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnants and Plerions,'' XXIInd Moriond Astrophysics Meeting: The Gamma-Ray Universe - Les Arcs, France
2001 ``Exploring the Galaxy with a Bang: X-ray Studies of Supernova Remnants,'' Physics Colloquium - University of Wisconsin - Madison
2001 ``Exploring the Galaxy with a Bang: X-ray Studies of Supernova Remnants,'' Physics Colloquium - Ohio University
2000 ``Chandra Observations of Supernova Remnants,'' Invited Talk at Meeting of AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division, Honolulu, HI
2000 ``Guiding the Way to Gamma-Ray Sources: X-ray Studies of Supernova Remnants,'' Invited Talk at Conference on ``The Nature of Unidentified Galactic High-Energy Gamma-ray Sources,'' Puebla, Mexico
2000 ``Chandra/XMM Results on Shell-Type Supernova Remnants,'' Invited Talk at ITP, UCSB, Conference on ``Spin, Magnetism and Cooling of Young Neutron Stars''
2000 ``Chandra Studies of Supernova Remnants and Pulsars,'' Invited Talk at IAU Symposium 205, Manchester, England (August 2000)
2000 ``Peering into the Hearts of Supernova Remnants,'' Summer Colloquium - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
1999 ``Listening to the Soprano's Song: Astrophysics with the Chandra X-ray Observatory,'' Physics Colloquium - University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
1999 ``Pulsars Young and Old: The Story Told by Supernova Remnants,'' Invited Talk at Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society, Atlanta, GA
1999 ``Pulsars Young and Old: The Story Told by Supernova Remnants,'' Astrophysics Colloquium - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1998 ``X-Ray Astronomy: Exploring the Energetic Universe with AXAF,'' Invited talk at meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
1998 ``Pulsars, Plerions, and Blast Waves: Using X-Rays to Study Composite Supernova Remnants,'' Colloquium at Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri
1998 ``X-ray Studies of Composite Supernova Remnants,'' Colloquium - Australia Telescope National Facility

Seminars and Public Lectures:

2016 "Energetic Windbags Young and Old: The Structure and Evolution of Pulsar Wind Nebulae," Seminar, University of Massachusetts - Lowell
2015 "Because the World is Round," University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
2014 "Because the World is Round," Harlow Shapley Visiting Public Lecture, Bunker Hill Community College, Boston, MA
2014 "Here, There, and Everywhere," Harlow Shapley Visting Lecture, Bunker Hill Community College, Boston, MA
2014 "Here, There, and Everywhere," Seminar, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, Whitewater, WI
2014 "After the Explosion: Shock Heating and Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnants," Seminar, University of New Hampshire
2014 "Because the World is Round," Harlow Shapley Visting Public Lecture, Keystone College, La Plume, PA
2014 "Here, There, and Everywhere," Harlow Shapley Visting Lecture, Keystone College, La Plume, PA
2013 "Thermal X-ray Spectra from Supernova Remnants," Seminar, University of Wisconsin - Madison
2012 "Particle Accelerators in the Sky" Seminar, NYU Abu Dhabi
2012 "STOP for Science!" Seminar, NSTA STEM Forum, Atlantic City, NJ
2012 ``STOP for Science!'' Seminar, Wisconsin Education Innovations, Pewaukee, WI
2012 ``Because the World is Round'' Seminar, Wisconsin Eduation Innovations, Pewaukee, WI
2012 ``Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Supernova Remnants,'' Seminar, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
2011 ``STOP for Science!'' Seminar, NSTA Meeting, Seattle, WA
2011 ``STOP for Science!'' Seminar, NSTA Meeting, New Orleans, LA
2011 ``STOP for Science!'' Seminar, NSTA Meeting, Hartford, CT
2011 ``STOP for Science!'' Seminar, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Meeting, Baltimore, MD
2011 ``Gamma Rays from SNR and PWNe,'' Seminar, Fermi Summer School, Lewes, Delaware
2010 ``Because The World Is Round,'' Public Lecture, Keene Public Museum, Keene, NH
2009 ``Because The World Is Round,'' Public Lecture, Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee, WI
2009 ``Because The World Is Round,'' Public Lecture, Sci-Quest, Huntsville, AL
2009 ``The Structure and Evolution of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Seminar, KIPAC/Stanford
2009 ``Because The World Is Round,'' Public Lecture, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
2007 ``Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnant Shocks,'' Seminar - University of Wisconsin - Madison
2006 ``Cosmic Ray - Not Just Some Dude from the New Wave Crystal Shoppe,'' Seminar - University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
2005 ``Einstein's Universe and Beyond: Black Holes, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy,'' Seminar - University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
2005 ``The Explosive Death of Massive Stars,'' Public Lecture at Christa McAuliffe Planetarium, Concord, NH
2004 ``Young Neutron Stars and Their Wind Nebulae,'' Seminar - Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, NASA/GSFC
2004 ``The Shocking Story of Stellar Explosions: X-ray Studies of Supernova Remnants,'' Seminar - Rice University
2002 ``Exploring the Mysterious X-ray Universe,'' Public Lecture at CfA Monthly Observatory Night
2002 ``Twirling and Sweeping: The Busy Lives of Pulsars and Supernova Remnants,'' Public lecture at the University of Vermont
2002 ``Spinning, Cooling, and Blowing Off Steam: Young Neutron Stars and Their Wind Nebula,'' Astrophysics Seminar - Tufts University
2002 ``Spinning, Cooling, and Blowing Off Steam: Young Neutron Stars and Their Wind Nebula,'' Astrophysics Seminar - Northwestern University
2001 ``New Constraints on Neutron Star Cooling from Chandra Observations of 3C58,'' Astrophysics Seminar - Institute for Advanced Study
2001 ``Young Neutron Stars and Their Wind Nebulae,'' High Energy Astrophysics Division Seminar - CfA
2001 Chandra X-ray Studies of Supernova Remnants - Rutgers University
2001 ``Young Neutron Stars: Not Just Radio Pulsars Anymore...,'' Astrophysics Seminar - University of Wisconsin - Madison
2000 ``Twirling and Sweeping: The Busy Lives of Pulsars and Supernova Remnants,'' Public lecture at University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Annual Physics Day Program
1999 ``Listening to the Soprano's Song: Astrophysics with the Chandra X-ray Observatory,'' Public lecture - Physics Club of Milwaukee
1998 ``Twirling and Sweeping: The Busy Lives of Pulsars and Supernova Remnants,'' Public lecture in Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Monthly Observatory Night series
1998 ``Nonthermal Emission From SNR G347.5-0.5: Another Case of Cosmic Ray Acceleration?,'' Seminar - CfA (Joint CfA/MIT Pulsar and Supernova Seminar Series)
1997 ``X-Ray Studies of Composite Supernova Remnants,'' Seminar - UW - Madison
1997 ``X-Ray Studies of Composite Supernova Remnants,'' Seminar - CfA (Supernova Remnant Research Group, weekly series)
1996 ``X-ray Astronomy: An Energetic Window to the Universe,'' Wellesley University, Invited Speaker - STARCONN Convention
1995 ``The Evolutionary State of G299.2-2.9,'' Seminar - CfA (Supernova Remnant Research Group, weekly series)
1994 ``ROSAT/ASCA Studies of W28,'' Seminar - CfA (Supernova Remnant Research Group, weekly series)
1993 ``What is X-Ray Astronomy?,'' CfA - workshop for high school science teachers.
1989 ``X-Ray Astronomy: An Energetic Window to the Universe,'' University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, Invited Speaker - Annual Astronomy Day
1988 ``VHE Gamma-Ray Astronomy: The Atmospheric Cerenkov Technique'', Milwaukee Astronomical Society Meeting, Milwaukee, WI.
1987 ``Preliminary Results from the Haleakala gamma-ray Telescope'', Seminar - University of Hawaii, Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Research Grants:

2015 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``Modeling the Structure of Composite Supernova Remnants''
2014 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``Changes in Latitude: A Chandra Study of G296.5+10.0''
2013 Chandra Principal Investigator, "Following the Temperature of a Neutron Star"
2012 Chandra Principal Investigator, "A Detailed Study of the Composite Supernova Remnant MSH 11-62" (Chandra Large Project)
2011 Herschel Principal Investigator, ``Uncovering Supernova Ejecta: Herschel Spectral Mapping of G21.5-0.9''
2011 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``Bowing to Pressure During the Reformation: A Study of the Composite SNR G327.1-1.1'' (Chandra Large Project)
2011 Fermi Principal Investigator, ``Fermi LAT Observations of supernova Remnants Interacting with Molecular Clouds''
2010 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``A High Resolution Study of the Vela X Cocoon''
2010 XMM Principal Investigator, ``Probing the Electron Population in Vela X''
2010 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``Clumpy Winds and a Bursting X-ray Source: A Chandra Study of G296.1-0.5''
2009 XMM Principal Investigator, ``An XMM-Newton Study of the Supernova Remnant G296.1--0.5''
2009 XMM Principal Investigator, ``Crushing of Pulsar Wind Nebulae: A Detailed XMM-Newton Study of Vela X'' (XMM Large Project)
2009 Fermi Principal Investigator, ``A Fermi Study of Particle Acceleration in G347.3-0.5''
2008 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``Rediscovering the Young Ejecta-Dominated Supernova Remnant G350.1-0.3''
2008 Spitzer Principal Investigator, ``IRS Spectroscopy of Kes 75: Constraints on the Properties of Dust in Supernova Remnants''
2008 Spitzer Principal Investigator, ``Probing the Spectral Breaks in 3C 58''
2007 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``A Deep Observation of G54.1+0.3'' ( Chandra Large Project)
2007 Spitzer Principal Investigator, ``IRS Spectroscopy of G54.1+0.3''
2006 Smithsonian Endowment Grant, ``Filling the Gap in Galactic X-ray Population Studies''
2006 XMM Principal Investigator, ``An XMM-Newton Study of the Supernova Remnant G296.1--0.5''
2005 Chandra EPO Principal Investigator, ``Stop for Science: A Set of Science Enrichment Materials for Elementary Schools''
2005 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``A Deep Chandra Observation of the Supernova Remnant Kes 75"
2004 Spitzer Principal Investigator, ``Breaking Down the Spectra of Pulsar Wind Nebulae''
2004 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``The Structure and Composition of Pulsar Winds and Their Nebulae'' ( Chandra Large Project)
2003 XMM Principal Investigator, ``An XMM Study of the Composite Supernova Remnant G327.1-1.1''
2002 XMM Principal Investigator, ``An XMM Search for Crab-Like Supernova Remnants''
2002 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``A Detailed Study of 3C 58 - The Youngest Known Pulsar Nebula in the Galaxy'' ( Chandra Large Project)
2002 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``Monitoring the Spectral Variability of the Ultraluminous X-ray Source in Holmberg IX''
2001 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``An ACIS Study of the High Luminosity SNR G349.7+0.2''
2001 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``An Ultraluminous Binary in a Horseshoe Nebula?''
2000 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``Uncovering the young neutron star in G327.1-1.1''
2000 XMM Principal Investigator, ``Probing for Pulsars: An XMM Study of the Composite SNRs G327.1-1.1 and CTA1''
1999 NASA LTSA Principal Investigator, ``Uncovering the Properties of Young Neutron Stars and Their Surrounding Supernova Remnants''
1998 NASA ADP Principal Investigator, ``X-ray Studies of CTA 1 and G349.7+0.2''
1998 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``A Chandra Study of the Nonthermal X-ray Emission in G347.5-0.5''
1998 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``A Chandra Study of Kes 73''
1998 Chandra Principal Investigator, ``Getting to the Heart of 3C 58''
1998 ATCA Principal Investigator, ``SNR G347.5-0.5 and the Origin of Cosmic Rays''
1998 ASCA Principal Investigator, ``An X-ray Study of the Supernova Remnant G349.7+0.2''
1997 MOST Principal Investigator, ``Radio observations of ASCA SNRs. I. G347.5-00.5''
1997 ASCA Principal Investigator, ``A Study of the Shell Emission of CTA 1''
1997 ASCA Principal Investigator, ``An X-ray Study of the SNR G347.5-0.5''
1996 NASA ADP Principal Investigator [2-year study], ``A Study of Supernova Remnants With Center-Filled X-ray Morphology''
1996 ASCA Principal Investigator, ``An X-ray Study of the Newly Discovered Supernova Remnant G299.2-2.9''
1996 ASCA Principal Investigator, ``A Study of the X-Ray Spectrum And Morphology of CTA 1''
1995 ASCA Principal Investigator, ``An X-Ray Study of G272.2-3.2 - A Newly Discovered Supernova Remnant''
1995 ASCA Principal Investigator, ``An ASCA Study of the Crab-Like Supernova Remnant 3C58''
1995 ROSAT Principal Investigator, ``A High Spatial Resolution Study of the Supernova Remnant W28''
1994 ASCA Principal Investigator, ``An X-Ray Spectral Study of W28''
1994 ASCA Principal Investigator, ``A Spectral Mapping of the Supernova Remnant MSH 11-61A''
1994 ROSAT Principal Investigator, ``A Study of the X-Ray Emission from PSR 1642-03''
1993 ROSAT Principal Investigator, ``A Study of the X-Ray Emission from PSR 0355+54''



Refereed Journals:

2016 Radio Polarization Observations of the Snail: A Crushed Pulsar Wind Nebula in G327.1-1.1 with a Highly Ordered Magnetic Field (Y.K. Ma et al.) - ApJ, accepted
2016 The Refined Shock Velocity of the X-Ray Filaments in the RCW 86 Northeast Rim (H. Yamaguchi et al.) - ApJ, accepted
2016 FERMI-LAT Observations of Supernova Remnant G5.7-0.1, Believed to be Interacting with Molecular Clouds (T. Joubert et al.) - ApJ, 816, 63
2015 Probing X-ray Absorption and Optical Extinction in the Interstellar Medium Using Chandra Observations of Supernova Remnants (D. Foight et al) - ApJ, submitted
2015 Multi-wavelength Analysis of the Galactic Supernova Remnant MSH 11-61A (K. Auchettl et al.) - ApJ, 810, 43
2015 Late-time Evolution of Composite Supernova Remnants: Deep Chandra observations and hydrodynamical modeling of a crushed pulsar wind nebula in SNR G327.1-1.1 (T. Temim et al.) - ApJ, 808, 100
2015 Modeling Bright Gamma-Ray and Radio Emission at Fast Cloud Shocks (S.-H. Lee et al.) - ApJ, 806, 71
2015 The Properties of the Progenitor Supernova, Pulsar Wind, and Neutron Star inside G54.1+0.3 (J. Gelfand, P. Slane, \& T. Temim) - ApJ, 807, 30
2015 Are Models for Core-Collapse Supernova Progenitors Consistent with the Properties of Supernova Remnants? (D. Patnaude et al.) - ApJ, 803, 101
2015 X-ray analysis of the proper motion and pulsar wind nebula for PSR J1741-2054 (K. Auchettl et al.) - ApJ, 802, 68
2015 X-Ray Fading and Expansion in the ``Miniature Supernova Remnant'' of Gk Persei (D. Takei et al.) - ApJ, 801, 92
2014 Asymmetry in The Observed Metal-Rich Ejecta of Galactic Type Ia Supernova Remnant G299.2-2.9 (S. Post et al.) - ApJ, 792, L20
2014 Reverse and Forward Shock X-ray Emission in an Evolutionary Model of Supernova Remnants Undergoing Efficient Diffusive Shock Acceleration (S.-H. Lee, D.J. Patnaude, D.C. Ellison, H. Nagataki, \& P. Slane) - ApJ, 791, 97.
2014 Supernova Remnants Interacting with Molecular Clouds: X-ray and Gamma-ray Signatures (P. Slane, A. Bykov, D.C. Ellison, G. Dubner, \& D. Castro) - Space Sci Rev DOI 10.1007/s11214-014-0062-6
2014 X-Ray Observation of the Shocked Red Supergiant Wind of Cassiopeia A (J.-J. Lee, S. Park, J.P. Hughes, \& P.O. Slane - ApJ, 789, 7)
2014 Identification of a Jet-Driven Supernova Remnant in the Small Magellanic Cloud: Evidence for the Enhancement of Bipolar Explosions at Low Metallicity (L.A. Lopez, D. Castro, P. Slane, \& E. Ramirez-Ruiz - ApJ, 788, 5
2014 Chasing the Identification of ASCA Galactic Objects (ChIcAGO): An X-Ray Survey of Unidentified Sources in the Galactic Plane. I. Source Sample and Initial Results (G. Anderson et al., ApJS, 212, 13)
2014 Discriminating the Progenitor Type of Supernova Remnants with Iron K-shell Emission (H. Yamaguchi et al., ApJ, 785, L27)
2014 A CR-Hydro-NEI Model of the Structure and Broadband Emission from Tycho's SNR (P. Slane et al. - ApJ, 783, 33)
2014 Fermi-LAT Observations of Supernova Remnants Kesteven 79 (K. Auchettl, P. Slane, & D. Castro, ApJ, 783, 32)
2014 The properties of the progenitor, neutron star, and pulsar wind in the supernova remnant Kes 75 (J.D. Gelfand, P.O. Slane, & T. Temim, AN, 335, 313)
2014 Chandra and XMM-Newton Study of the Supernova Remnant Kes 73 Hosting the Magnetar 1E 1841-04 (H.S. Kumar, S. Safi-Harb, P. Slane, \& E.V. Gotthelf - ApJ, 781, 41)
2014 New Evidence for Efficient Collisionless Heating of Electrons at the Reverse Shock of a Young Supernova Remnant (H. Yamaguchi et al. - ApJ, 780, 136)
2013 A Chandra View of Non-thermal Emission in the Northwestern Region of Supernova Remnant RCW 86: Particle Acceleration and Magnetic Fields (D. Castro et al. - ApJ, 779, 49)
2013 Supernova Remnant Kes 17: Efficient Cosmic Ray Accelerator inside a Molecular Cloud (J. G. Gelfand et al. - ApJ, 777, 148)
2013 Unraveling the Origin of Overionized Plasma in the Galactic Supernova Remnant W49B (L. A. Lopez et al. - ApJ, 777, 145)
2013 Fermi-LAT Observations of Supernova Remnants Interacting with Molecular Clouds: W41, MSH 17-39, and G337.7-0.1 (D. Castro et al. - ApJ, 774, 36)
2013 Serendipitous Discovery of an Infrared Bow Shock near PSR J1549-4848 with Spitzer (Z. Wang et al. - ApJ, 769, 122)
2013 The proper motion of PSR J0205+6449 in 3C 58 (M. F. Bietenholz et al. - MNRAS, 431, 2590)
2013 High-energy Emission from the Composite Supernova Remnant MSH 15-56 (T. Temim et al. - ApJ, 768, 61)
2013 A Super-solar Metallicity for the Progenitor of Kepler's Supernova (S. Park et al. - ApJ, 767, L10)
2013 A CR-hydro-NEI Model of Multi-wavelength Emission from the Vela Jr. Supernova Remnant (SNR RX J0852.0-4622) (S.-H. Lee et al. - ApJ, 767, L20)
2013 The extended X-ray emission around RRAT J1819-1458 (A. Camero-Arranz et al. - MNRAS, 429, 2493)
2013 Discovery of TeV Gamma-Ray Emission from CTA 1 by VERITAS (E. Aliu et al. - ApJ, 764, 38)
2012 Fermi-LAT Observations and a Broadband Study of Supernova Remnant CTB 109 (D. Castro et al. - ApJ, 756, 88)
2012 Properties and Spatial Distribution of Dust Emission in the Crab Nebula (T. Temim et al. - ApJ, 753, 72)
2012 Inverse Compton X-Ray Emission from Supernovae with Compact Progenitors: Application to SN2011fe (R. Margutti et al. - ApJ, 751, 134
2012 Infrared imaging and polarimetric observations of the pulsar wind nebula in SNR G21.5-0.9 (A. Zajczyk et al. - A&A, 542, 12)
2012 Multi-wavelength Observations of the Radio Magnetar PSR J1622-4950 and Discovery of Its Possibly Associated Supernova Remnant (G. E. Anderson et al. - ApJ, 751, 53)
2012 Elemental Abundances in the Possible Type Ia Supernova Remnant G344.7-0.1 (H. Yam- aguchi et al. - ApJ, 749, 137)
2012 A Broadband Study of the Emission from the Composite Supernova Remnant MSH 11-62 (P. Slane et al. - ApJ, 749, 131)
2012 An X-Ray Study of Supernova Remnant N49 and Soft Gamma-Ray Repeater 0526-66 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (S. Park et al.) - ApJ, 748, 117
2012 Infrared imaging and polarimetric observations of the pulsar wind nebula in G21.5-0.9 (A. Zajczyk et al. - A&A, submitted
2012 Infrared and X-ray Spectroscopy of the Kes 75 Supernova Remnant Shell: Characterizing the Dust and Gas Properties (T. Temim et al. - ApJ, in press)
2012 Multi-wavelength Observations of the Transient Radio Magnetar PSR J1622{4950 and Discovery of its Possibly Associated Supernova Remnant (G.E. Anderson et al. - ApJ, accepted)
2011 Core-collapse model of broadband emission from SNR RX J1713.7-3946 with thermal X-rays and Gamma-rays from escaping cosmic rays (D.C. Ellison et al. - ApJ, in press)
2011 Supernova Remnants in the Sedov-Taylor Phase and the Impact of Efficient Particle Acceleration on the Evolution of the Remnant (D. Castro et al. - ApJ, 734, 85)
2011 An XMM-Newton Study of the Bright, Nearby Supernova Remnant G296.1-0.5 (D. Castro et al. - ApJ, 734, 86)
2011 Discovery of TeV Gamma-ray Emission from Tycho's Supernova Remnant (Acciari et al. - ApJ, 730, L20)
2011 Evidence for Particle Acceleration to the Knee of the Cosmic Ray Spectrum in Tycho's Supernova Remnant (K. Eriksen et al. - ApJ, 728, L28)
2011 Identification of a Population of X-ray Emitting Massive Stars in the Galactic Plane (G. Anderson et al. - ApJ, 727, 105)
2011 SNR 0104-72.3: A Remnant of a Type IA SN in a Star-Forming Region? (J.-J. Lee et al. - ApJ, 731, L8)
2011 Observations and Analysis of Supernova Remnant G350.1+0.3 and its Centeral Compact Object (I. Lovchinsky et al. - ApJ, 731, 70)
2010 Searching for the Pulsar in G18.95-1.1: Discovery of an X-ray Point Source and Associated Synchrotron Nebula with Chandra (R. Tuellmann et al.) - ApJ, 720, 848
2010 Fermi Detection of the Pulsar Wind Nebula HESS J1640-465 (P. Slane et al.) - ApJ, 720, 266
2010 Discovery of Very High Energy Gamma-ray Emission from the SNR G54.1+0.3 (V.A. Acciari et al.) - ApJ, 719, L69
2010 Fermi LAT Observations of Supernova Remnants Interacting with Molecular Clouds (D. Castro & P. Slane) - ApJ, 717, 372
2010 Submillimeter Observations of RX J1856.5--3754 (B. Posselt et al.) - MNRAS, 405, 1840
2010 The Outer Shock of the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8: Evidence for the Interaction with the Stellar Winds from its Massive Progenitor (J.J. Lee et al.) - ApJ, 711, 861
2010 Efficient cosmic ray acceleration, hydrodynamics, and Self-consistent Thermal X-ray Emission applied to SNR RX J1713.7-3946 (D.C. Ellison et al.) - ApJ, 712, 287
2010 The Role of Diffusive Shock Acceleration on Nonequilibrium Ionization in Supernova Remnant Shocks. II. Emitted Spectra (D.J. Patnaude et al. - ApJ, 725, 1476)
2010 A Deep Chandra Observation of the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant 0540-69.3 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (S. Park et al.) - ApJ, 710, 948
2010 Deep Chandra Observations of the Crab-like Pulsar Wind Nebula G54.1+0.3 and Spitzer Spectroscopy of the Associated Infrared Shell (T. Temim et al.) - ApJ, 710, 309
2009 Upper limits on X-ray emission from two rotating radio transients (D.L. Kaplan et al.) - MNRAS, 400, 1445
2009 Discovery of extended X-ray emission around the highly magnetic RRAT J1819-1458 (N. Rea et al.) - ApJ, 703, L41
2009 A Dynamical Model for the Evolution of a Pulsar Wind Nebula inside a Non-Radiative Supernova Remnant (J. Gelfand, P. Slane, & W. Zhang) - ApJ, 703, 2051
2009 The Role of Diffusive Shock Acceleration on Non-Equilibrium Ionization in Supernova Remnants (D. Patnaude, D. Ellison, & P. Slane) - ApJ, 696, 1956
2009 Nonthermal X-Rays from Supernova Remnant G330.2+1.0 and the Characteristics of its Central Compact Object (S. Park, et al.) - ApJ, 695, 431
2009 Chandra and XMM Observations of the Composite Supernova Remnant G327.1-1.1 (T. Temim et al.) - ApJ, 691, 895
2009 Constraining the Proper Motions of Two Magnetars (D.L. Kaplan et al.) - AJ, 137, 354
2009 High Resolution X-ray Observations of the Pulsar Wind Nebula Associated with the Gamma-ray Source HESS J1640-465 (Lemiere et al.) - ApJ, 706, 1269 to ApJ
2009 High-Resolution X-Ray Imaging of Supernova Remnant 1987A (C.-Y. Ng et al.) - ApJ, 706, L100
2008 Probing the Nature of the Vela X Cocoon (LaMassa, Slane, & de Jager) - ApJ, 689, L125
2008 Probing the Radio to X-ray Connection of the Vela X PWN with Fermi LAT and H.E.S.S. (de Jager, Slane, & LaMassa) - ApJ, 689, L121
2008 Deep Chandra Observation of the Pulsar Wind Nebula Powered by the Pulsar J1846-0258 in the Supernova Remnant Kes 75 (Ng et al.) - ApJ, 686, 508.
2008 Discovery of Fast-Moving X-Ray-Emitting Ejecta Knots in the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant Puppis A (Katsuda et al.) - ApJ, 678, 297
2008 The (Re-)Discovery of G350.1-0.3: A Young, Luminous Supernova Remnant and Its Neutron Star (Gaensler et al.) - ApJ, 680, L37
2008 The Infrared Detection of the Pulsar Wind Nebula in the Galactic Supernova Remnant 3C 58 (Slane et al.) - ApJ, 676, L33
2008 A Search for New Galactic Magnetars in Archival Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations (Muno et al.) - ApJ, 680, 639
2007 The High-Excitation Planetary Nebula NGC 246. II. FUSE and Chandra Observations (Hoogerwerf et al.) - ApJ, 670, 442
2007 A Half-Megasecond Chandra Observation of the Galactic Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8 (S. Park et al.) - ApJ, 670, L121
2007 Observations of X-rays and Thermal Dust Emission from the Supernova Remnant Kes 75 (T. Morton et al.) - ApJ, 667, 219.
2007 Chandra X-Ray Study of Galactic Supernova Remnant G299.2-2.9 (S. Park et al.) - ApJ, 665, 1173.
2007 The Radio Emission, X-Ray Emission, and Hydrodynamics of G328.4+0.2: A Comprehensive Analysis of a Luminous Pulsar Wind Nebula, Its Neutron Star, and the Progenitor Supernova Explosion (J. Gelfand et al.) - ApJ, 663, 468.
2007 Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnants and the Production of Thermal and Nonthermal Radiation (D. Ellison et al.) - ApJ, 661, 879
2006 Discovery of a Candidate Central Compact Object in the Galactic Nonthermal SNR G330.2+1.0 (S. Park et al.) - ApJ 653, L37.
2006 The Evolution and Structure of Pulsar Wind Nebulae (B. Gaensler and P. Slane) - ARA&A, 44, 17.
2006 The Chandra View of the Supernova Remnant 0506-68.0 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (J.P. Hughes et al.) - ApJ, 645, L117.
2006 Can Ejecta-Dominated Supernova Remnants be Typed from their X-ray Spectra? The Case of G337.2-0.7 (C. Rakowski et al.) - ApJ, 646, 982.
2006 Enhanced Abundances in Three Large-Diameter Mixed-Morphology Supernova Remnants (J. Lazendic & P. Slane) - ApJ, 647, 350.
2006 An X-ray Search for Compact Central Sources in Supernova Remnants II: Six Large Diameter SNRs (D. Kaplan et al.) - ApJS, 163, 344
2006 The X-ray Structure of the Pulsar Bow Shock G189.22+2.90 in the Supernova Remnant IC 443 (B. Gaensler et al.) - ApJ, 648, 1037.
2006 PSR J1833-1034: Discovery of the Central Young Pulsar in the Supernova Remnant G21.5-0.9 (F. Camilo et al.) - ApJ, 637, 456
2005 Cosmic Ray Acceleration at the Forward Shock in Tycho's Supernova Remnant: Evidence from Chandra X-ray Observations (J.S. Warren et al.) - ApJ, 634, 376)
2005 The Devil is in the Details: Compact Structures in Pulsar Wind Nebulae (P. Slane) - AdSpR, 35, 1092
2005 Multiwavelength Spectral Models for SNR G347.3-0.5 from Non-Linear Shock Acceleration (M.G. Baring, D.C. Ellison, and P.O. Slane) - AdSpR, 35, 1041
2005 Chandra Detection of Ejecta in the Small-Diameter Supernova Remnant G349.7+0.2 (J. Lazendic et al.) - ApJ, 618, 733
2004 XMM-Newton Observations of the Galactic Supernova Remnant CTB 109 (G109.1-1.0) (M. Sasaki et al.) - ApJ, 617, 322
2004 A Chandra ACIS View of the Thermal Composite Supernova Remnant 3C 391 (Y. Chen et al.) - ApJ, 616, 885
2004 New Constraints on the Structure and Evolution of the Pulsar Wind Nebula 3C 58 (P. Slane et al.) - ApJ, 616, 403
2004 A Million Second Chandra View of Cassiopeia A (U. Hwang et al.) - ApJ, 615, L117
2004 Precise Localization of the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1627-41 and the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar AXP 1E1841-045 with Chandra (S. Wachter et al.) - ApJ, 615, 887
2004 An X-ray Search for Compact Central Sources in Supernova Remnants I: SNRs G093.3+6.9, G315.4-2.3, G084.2+0.8, & G127.1+0.5 (D.L. Kaplan, D.A. Frail, B.M. Gaensler, E.V. Gotthelf, S.R. Kulkarni, P.O. Slane, & A. Nechita) - ApJS, 153, 269.
2004 Chandra View of Kes 79: a Nearly Isothermal SNR with Rich Spatial Structure (M. Sun, F.D. Seward, R.K. Smith, \& P.O. Slane) - ApJ, 605, 742.
2004 Nucleosynthesis in The Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8 from Chandra X-Ray Spectroscopy (S. Park, J.P. Hughes, P.O. Slane, D.N. Burrows, P.W.A. Roming, J.A. Nousek, & G.P. Garmire) - ApJ, 602, L33
2004 An X-ray Study of the Supernova Remnant G18.95-1.1 (I.M. Harrus, P.O. Slane, J.P. Hughes, & P.P. Plucinsky) - ApJ, 603, 152
2004 X-ray Observations of the Compact Source in CTA~1 (P. Slane, E.R. Zimmerman, J.P. Hughes, F.D. Seward, B.M. Gaensler, \& M.J. Clarke) - ApJ, 601, 1045
2003 0103-72.6: A New Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant in the Small Magellanic Cloud (S. Park, J.P. Hughes, D.N. Burrows, P.O. Slane, J.A. Nousek, and G.P. Garmire) - ApJ, 598, L95
2003 A Pulsar-Atmosphere Model for PSR 0656+14 (D.A. Lloyd, R. Perna, P. Slane, F. Nicastro, & L. Hernquist) - ApJ (submitted)
2003 Untwisting the Tornado: X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of G357.7-0.1 (B.M. Gaensler, J.K.J. Fogel, P.O. Slane, J.M. Miller, R. Wijnands, S.S. Eikenberry, W.H.G. Lewin) - ApJL, 594, L35
2003 X-ray observations of the compact central object in supernova remnant G347.3-0.5 (J. Lazendic, P. Slane, B. Gaensler, P. Plucinsky, J. P. Hughes, D. Galloway and F. Crawford) - ApJL, 593, L27
2003 Detection of Magnesium-Rich Ejecta in the Middle-Aged Supernova Remnant N49B (S. Park, J.P. Hughes, P.O. Slane, D.N. Burrows, J.S. Warren, G.P. Garmire, & J.A. Nousek) - ApJ, 592, L41
2003 An X-Ray Pulsar in the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8 (J.P. Hughes, P.O. Slane, S. Park, P.W.A. Roming, D.N. Burrows) - ApJ, 591, L139
2003 A High-Resolution Study of Nonthermal Radio and X-ray Emission from SNR G347.3-0.5 (J. S. Lazendic, P. O. Slane, B. M. Gaensler, P. P. Plucinsky, J. P. Hughes, and S. P. Reynolds) - ApJ, 602, 271
2003 Iron-Rich Ejecta in the Supernova Remnant DEM L71 (J. P. Hughes, P. Ghavamian, C. E. Rakowski, and P. O. Slane) - ApJ, 582, L95
2003 A Compact Central Object in the Supernova Remnant Kes 79 (F.D. Seward, P.O. Slane, R.K. Smith and M. Sun) - ApJ, 584, 414
2003 Revealing New Physical Structures in the Supernova Remnant N63A through Chandra Imaging Spectroscopy (J. S. Warren, J. P. Hughes, & P. O. Slane) - ApJ, 583, 260
2003 The Radial Structure of SNR N103B (K. T. Lewis et al.) - ApJ, 582, 770
2002 An ASCA Study of the High--luminosity SNR G349.7+0.2 (P. Slane, Y. Chen, J. S. Lazendic, & J. P. Hughes) - ApJ, 580, 904
2002 VERITAS: the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (T. Weekes et al.) - APh, 17, 221
2002 Limits on Neutron Star Cooling from Chandra Observations of 3C58 (P. Slane, D. J. Helfand, & S. S. Murray) - ApJ, 571, L45
2002 A Deep Search for Pulsations from the Nearby Isolated Neutron Star RX J1856.5-3754 (S. M. Ransom, B. M. Gaensler, and P. O. Slane) - ApJ, 570, L75
2002 The Structure of the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8 From Chandra X-ray Images: Shocked Ejecta and Circumstellar Medium (S. Park, P. W. A. Roming, J. P. Hughes, P. O. Slane, D. N. Burrows, G. P. Garmire, & J. A. Nousek) - ApJ, 564, L39
2002 Discovery of X-ray Pulsations from the Compact Central Source in the Supernova Remnant 3C 58 (S. S. Murray, P. O. Slane, F. D. Seward, S. M. Ransom, and B. M. Gaensler) - ApJ, 568, 226
2002 An X-Ray Study of the Supernova Remnant G290.1--0.8 (P. Slane, R. K. Smith, J. P. Hughes, & R. Petre) - ApJ, 564, 284
2001 A Pulsar Wind Nebula in the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8 (J. P. Hughes, P. Slane, D. Burrows, G. Garmire, and J. A. Nousek) - ApJL, 559, L153
2001 ASCA Observations of the Thermal Composite Supernova Remnant 3C 391 (Y. Chen and P. Slane) - ApJ, 563, 202
2001 Anomalous X-ray Pulsars and Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters in Supernova Remnants (B. M. Gaensler, P. Slane, E. V. Gotthelf, and G. Vasisht) - ApJ, 559, 963
2001 Broad-band Observations and Modeling of the Shell-Type Supernova Remnant G347.3-0.5 (D. C. Ellison, P. Slane, and B. M. Gaensler) - ApJ, 563, 191
2001 New ASCA and ROSAT Study of the Supernova Remnant: G272.2-3.2 (I. M. Harrus, P. Slane, R. K. Smith, and J. P. Hughes) - ApJ 552, 614.
2001 RX J0852.0-4622: Another Nonthermal Shell-Type SNR (G266.2-1.2) (P. Slane, J. P. Hughes, R. Edgar, P. Plucinsky, E. Miyata, H. Tsunemi, & B. Aschenbach) - ApJ 548, 814.
2001 Two New Ejecta-Dominated Galactic Supernova Remnants: G337.2-0.7 and G309.2-0.6 (C. Rakowski, J. P. Hughes, & P. Slane) - ApJ 548, 258.
2000 Discovery of X-ray Emission from G328.4+0.2, a Crab-Like Supernova Remnant (J. P. Hughes, P. Slane, & P. Plucinsky) - ApJ 542, 386.
2000 ASCA Observations of the Crab-like Supernova Remnant 3C58 (K. Torii, P. Slane, K. Kinugasa, K. Hashimotododani, and H. Tsunemi) PASJ 52, No. 5, 87.
2000 Chandra Observations of the Crab-Like Supernova Remnant G21.5-0.9 (P. Slane, Y. Chen, N.S. Schulz, F.D. Seward, J. P. Hughes & B.M. Gaensler) - ApJL 533, L29.
1999 Nucleosynthesis and Mixing in Cassiopeia A (J. P. Hughes, C.E. Rakowski, D.N. Burrows, and P. O. Slane) ApJL 528, L109.
1999 Nonthermal X-Ray Emission From the Shell-Type SNR G347.3-0.5 (P. Slane, P. Plucinsky, J. P. Hughes, B.M. Gaensler, A. Green, & T. Dame) ApJ 525, 357.
1999 An ASCA Study of the Supernova Remnant G39.2-0.3 (I. M. Harrus and P. Slane) ApJ 516, 811.
1998 A Study of the Composite Remnant MSH 11-62 (I. M. Harrus, J. P. Hughes, and P. Slane) ApJ 499, 273.
1997 Nonthermal X-Ray Emission From CTA 1 (P. Slane, F. D. Seward, R. Bandiera, K. Torii, & H. Tsunemi) ApJ 485, 221.
1996 A Study of the Evolutionary State of the Supernova Remnant G299.2-2.9 (P. Slane, O. Vancura, and J. P. Hughes) ApJ 465, 840.
1995 Soft X-Ray Emission From Selected Isolated Pulsars (P. Slane and N. Lloyd) ApJL 452, L115.
1995 X-Ray Emission From CTA 1 (F. Seward, B. Schmidt, and P. Slane) ApJ 453, 284.
1994 X-Ray Emission From PSR 0355+54 (P. Slane) ApJ 437, 458.
1994 1ES1113+432: Luminous, Soft X-Ray Outburst from a Nearby Cataclysmic Variable (R. A. Remilard, J. F. Schachter, A. D. Silber, and P. Slane) ApJ 426, 288.
1990 TeV Gamma-Ray Production in Accreting Black Hole Systems (P. Slane and S. M. Wagh) ApJ 364.
1990 Diffraction Around a Fine Wire: How Good is the Single-Slit Approximation? (R. G. Greenler, J. W. Hable, and P. O. Slane) Am. J. Phys. 58(4) 330.
1989 Anomalous Periodicity in the VHE Gamma-Ray Sources (P. Slane and W. F. Fry), ApJ 342, 1129.
1988 VHE Gamma Rays from Her X-1 (Resvanis et al.), ApJL 328, L9.
1988 The Haleakala Gamma Ray Observatory (Resvanis et al.) Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A269, 297.
1978 Fourier Transform Spectroscopy with Inexpensive Interferometers (R. Bergsten and P. Slane), Am. J. Phys. 46(3), 304.

Astronomer's Telegrams:

2011 Chandra Non-detection of X-ray Emission from PTF11kly (J.P. Hughes, A. Soderberg, P. Slane - ATel 3602)
2011 Pre-Explosion Chandra Observations of PTF11kly (A. Soderberg, J. Liu, P. Slane - ATel 3589)
2011 ATCA observations of XMMU J115113.3-623730 (K. Lo et al. - ATel 2791)
2011 Optical spectroscopy of XMMU J115113.3-623730 = Nova Cen 2008 (J.P. Hughes et al. - ATel 2771)

Conference Proceedings:

2013 Thermal X-rays from Supernova Remnants (P. Slane) - to appear in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 296: Supernova Environmental Impacts (eds Ray and McCray)
2012 STOP for Science! A School-Wide Science Enrichment Program (P. Slane et al.) - in ASP Conference Series, Vol. 457: "Connecting People to Science: A National Conference on Science Education and Public Outreach" (Eds. J.B. Jensen, J.G. Manning, M.G. Gibbs, and D. Daou. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2012., p.69
2010 Multiwavelength Observations of Pulsar Wind Nebulae (P. Slane) - in Proc. of the inaugural ICREA Workshop on "The High-Energy Emission from Pulsars and their Systems" (2010), eds. N. Rea and D. Torres
2008 Recent Progress in Studies of Pulsar Wind Nebulae (P. Slane) - in "Astrophysics of Compact Objects'', AIP Vol 968, pp. 143-150 (Eds. D.Lai, X.D.Li and Y.F.Yuan)
2007 Supernova Remnants and GLAST (P. Slane) - in "The Proceedings of the First International GLAST Symposium" (Eds. S. Ritz, P. Michelson, & C. Meegan), pp. 57-61
2005 ``Young Neutron Stars and Their Wind Nebulae'' (P. Slane) - in the NATO-ASI proceedings "The Electromagnetic Spectrum of Neutron Stars", (Eds. A. Baykal, S.K. Yerli, M. Gilfanov, S. Grebenev).
2004 ``X-Ray Timing of the Young Pulsar in 3C 58'' (S. Ransom, F. Camilo, V. Kaspi, P. Slane, B. Gaensler, E. Gotthelf, & S. Murray) - in the proceedings of X-ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond, ed. P. Kaaret, F.K. Lamb, & J.H. Swank
2003 ``An X-Ray Pulsar, Metal-rich Ejecta, and Shocked Ambient Medium in the Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8'' (J.P. Hughes, R.B. Friedman, P. Slane, & S. Park) in ``Young Neutron Stars and Their Environments'' (IAU Symposium 218, ASP Conference Proceedings), eds F. Camilo and B. M. Gaensler
2003 ``High resolution X-ray observations of 3C 58'' (P. Slane) - in ``Young Neutron Stars and Their Environments'' (IAU Symposium 218, ASP Conference Proceedings), eds F. Camilo and B. M. Gaensler
2003 ``B-MINE, the Balloon-borne Microcalorimeter Nuclear Line Explorer'' (E. Silver et al.) - SPIE Proceedings 4851, 905
2002 ``Chandra Studies of Nonthermal Emission from Supernova Remnants and Pulsar Wind Nebulae'' (P. Slane) - in ``The Universe Viewed in Gamma-Rays'' (Conference Proceedings, eds. Enomoto, Mori, and Yanagita)
2002 ``X-ray Studies of Compact Sources in Plerions'' (P. Slane) - in "Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants" (ASP Conference Proceedings), eds P. O. Slane and B. M.Gaensler
2002 ``Chandra Observations of the Eastern Limb of the Vela Supernova Remnant'' (P. P. Plucinsky, R. K Smith, R. J. Edgar, T. J. Gaetz, P. O. Slane, W. P. Blair, L. K. Townsley, and P. S. Broos) - in "Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants" (ASP Conference Proceedings), eds P. O. Slane and B. M.Gaensler
2001 ``The Small-scale Structure of N103B - Nature of Nurture?'' (K. T. Lewis, D. N. Burrows, J. P. Hughes, P. Slane, G. P. Garmire, J. A. Nousek) - to appear in Proceedings of ``X-rays at Sharp Focus: Chandra Science Symposium''
2001 ``Nonthermal X-Ray Emission from G266.2-1.2 (RX J0852.0-4622)'' (P. Slane, J. P. Hughes, R. J. Edgar, P. P. Plucinsky, E. Miyata, and B. Aschenbach) - in ``Young Supernova Remnants'' (11th Annual Astrophysics Conference in Maryland), S. S. Holt & U. Hwang (eds), AIP, New York (2001)
2001 ``Guiding the Way to Gamma-Ray Sources: X-ray Studies of Supernova Remnants'' (P. Slane) - in the proceedings of the workshop: ``The Nature of the Unidentified Galactic Gamma-Ray Sources'' held at INAOE, Mexico, October 2000, (A.Carraminana, O. Reiner and D. Thompson, eds.)
2001 ``Chandra Studies of Supernova Remnants and Pulsars (P. Slane, J. P. Hughes, C. Rakowski, D. N. Burrows, J. A. Nousek, G. P. Garmire, and B. M. Gaensler) - in IAU Symposium 205 ``Galaxies and Their Constituents at the Highest Angular Resolutions,'' R. Schilizzi (ed).
2001 ``Exploring the Small Scale Structure of N103B'' (K.T. Lewis, D.N. Burrows, J.A. Nousek, G.P. Garmire, P. Slane, J. P. Hughes) - in proceedings of the 11th October Astrophysics conference in Maryland, "Young Supernova Remnants", eds. Holt and Hwang
2000 ``Nonthermal X-Ray Emission from G266.2-1.2 (RX J0852.0-4622)'' (P. Slane et al.) - in Proc. of 11th Annual Oct. Astrophysics Conference in MD, Young Supernova Remnants, ed. S.~S. Holt & U. Hwang
2000 ``Early Results from Chandra Observations of Supernova Remnants'' (Burrows, D. N. et al.) - in SPIE proceedings.
1998 ``Revealing the dancer from the dance: X-ray studies of Composite Supernova Remnants'' (Slane, P., Bandiera, R., Torii, K.) - in Proceedings of the Workshop on ``The relationship between neutron stars and supernova remnants'', Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 69, 945-950.
1998 ``Studying composite supernova remnants: the example of MSH 11-62'' (Harrus, I. M., Hughes, J. P., and Slane, P. O.) - in Proceedings of the Workshop on ``The relationship between neutron stars and supernova remnants'', Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 69, 871-876.
1998 ``X-Ray Study of Crab-Like & Composite SNRs'' (K. Torii, H. Tsunemi, & P. Slane) - in ``The Hot Universe,'' edited by K. Koyama, S. Kitamoto, & M. Itoh. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic, 1998, p. 258.
1997 Using the Tycho Catalogue for AXAF (P.J. Green, T.A. Aldcroft, M.R. Garcia, P. Slane, & J. Vrtilek) in Proceedings of the ESA Symposium `Hipparcos - Venice '97', 13-16 May, Venice, Italy, ESA SP-402 (July 1997), p. 187-190
1997 VERITAS: Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (T. C. Weekes et al.) in Proceedings from the 25th International Cosmic Ray Conference (eds. M. S. Potgieter, C. Raubenheimer, & D. J. van der Walt, Transvaal, South Africa: Potchefstroom University, 1997, p. 173).
1996 ASCA Observation of a Crab-like Supernova Remnant 3C58 (K. Torii, H. Tsunemi, K. Kinugasa, and P. Slane) in X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas, eds. F. Makino & K. Mitsuda (Universal Academy Press), p. 395.
1996 The Evolutionary State of SNR G299.2-2.9 (P. Slane, O. Vancura, and J. P. Hughes) in X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas, eds. F. Makino & K. Mitsuda (Universal Academy Press), p. 391.
1994 ROSAT Observations of PSR 1642-03 and PSR 0355+54 (P. Slane) in New Horizon of X-Ray Astronomy - First Results From ASCA, eds. F. Makino and T. Ohashi (Universal Academy Press), p. 423.
1993 High Resolution X-ray Scatter and Reflectivity Study of Sputtered Ir Surfaces (F. E. Christensen, S. Abdali, A. Hornstrup, H. W. Schnopper, P. Slane, and S. Romaine) SPIE Proceedings 2011, pp. 18-33.
1993 A Hard X-ray Microchannel Plate Imaging Telescope. (J. H.Chappell, P. O. Slane, S. S.Murray, and W. B.Feller) SPIE Proceedings 1948, pp. 82-93.
1991 Feasibility study of the use of synchrotron radiation in the calibration of AXAF - Initial reflectivity results (Graessle et al.) SPIE Proceedings 1546, pp. 13-25.
1991 Grazing Incidence Reflectivity: Studies for the AXAF Observatory (Slane et al.) SPIE Proceedings 1546, pp. 26-40.
1990 X-ray Observations of Gravitational Lenses (E. Kellogg, E. Falco, W. Forman, C. Jones, P. Slane, and E. Turner), Proc.\ Toulouse Workshop on Gravitational Lenses, in Lecture Notes in Physics, 360, ``Gravitational Lensing'', Proc. Workshop on Gravitational Lensing, Toulouse; eds. Y. Mellier, B. Fort, and G. Soucail; Springer-Verlag 1990, pp 141-162.
1990 A South Pole Facility to Observe Very High Energy Gamma Ray Sources (Morse et al.), Proceedings of XXI International Cosmic Ray Conference, Adelaide, Australia, January 1990.
1990 TeV Atmospheric Cerenkov Telescope at the South Pole (Gaidos, et al.), Nuc. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 14A, 265.
1990 VHE Results from Haleakala, (Resvanis et al.), Nuc. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 14A, 205.
1989 A South Pole Facility to Observe Very High Energy Gamma Ray Sources (Morse et al.), Proceedings from Topical Seminar on Astrophysics, San Miniato Italy, May 1989.
1989 Measurement of the Effects of Particulate Contamination on X-ray Reflectivity (Slane et al.), SPIE Proceedings 1113, pp 12-20.
1987 VHE gamma-rays from the X-ray Pulsar 4U 0115+63 (Resvanis et al.), in NATO Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy gamma-rays and Associated Topics, (ed.) K. Turver (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel)
1987 VHE gamma-rays from Cyg X-3 (Resvanis et al.), in NATO Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy gamma-rays and Associated Topics, (ed.) K. Turver (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel)
1987 VHE gamma-rays from the Crab Pulsar (Resvanis et al.), in NATO Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy gamma-rays and Associated Topics, (ed.) K. Turver (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel)
1987 The Haleakala Gamma Observatory (Resvanis et al.), in NATO Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy gamma-rays and Associated Topics, (ed.) K. Turver (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel)
1987 VHE gamma-rays from Her X-1 in June-July 1985 (Resvanis et al.), in NATO Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy gamma-rays and Associated Topics, (ed.) K. Turver (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel)

White Papers:

2009 Supernovae and Their Consequences: Studies with the Generation-X Mission (P. Slane et al.) - Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers, no. 276
2009 High Energy Processes in Stellar Remnants (P. Kaaret et al.) - Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers, no. 145
2009 Formation of the Elements (J.P. Hughes et al.) - Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers, no. 136
2008 Galactic Compact Objects Section of the White Paper on the Status and Future of Ground-based TeV Gamma-ray Astronomy (P. Kaaret et al.)
2008 Section on Supernova remnants and cosmic rays of the White Paper on the Status and Future of Ground-based Gamma-ray Astronomy (M. Pohl et al.)

Technical Reports:

1991 Grazing Incidence Reflectivity: Studies for the AXAF Observatory (SAO-AXAF-91-068).
1990 AXAF Reflectivity Studies: Reflectivity of Iridium Coatings (SAO-AXAF-90-049).
1989 A Study of the Absorption Effects of Contamination on X-ray Throughput in Grazing Incidence Systems (P. Slane, D. Schwartz, and P. Cheimets), AXAF Interim Report (SAO).
1988 A Search for Very High Energy Rays From Hercules X-1 (P. Slane), Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin.

Paper Presentations:

2008 ``Using IXO to Probe the Nature of Pulsar Winds,'' Presentation at Exploring the Hot Universe with IXO (Munich, Germany)
2008 ``Simbol X: A New Generation Soft/Hard X-ray Telescope,'' Presentation at AAS/HEAD Meeting (Los Angeles, CA)
2008 ``Spitzer Observations of Pulsar Wind Nebulae,'' Presentation at AAS Meeting (Austin, TX)
2007 ``Observations of X-rays and Thermal Dust Emission from the Supernova Remnant Kes 75,'' Presentation at AAS Meeting (Honolulu, HI)
2006 ``Spitzer Observations of Pulsar Wind Nebula,'' Talk at COSPAR Meeting (Beijing, China)
2003 ``High Resolution X-Ray Observations of 3C 58,'' Talk at IAU Symposium ``Young Neutron Stars and their Environments'' (Sydney, Australia)
2003 ``X-Ray Studies of the Central Source in CTA 1,'' IAU Symposium ``Young Neutron Stars and their Environments'' (Sydney, Australia)
2003 ``Chandra Observations of 1E 1841-045, the AXP in Kes 73,'' IAU Symposium ``Young Neutron Stars and their Environments'' (Sydney, Australia)
2003 ``The X-ray Properties of 3C58 and its Associated Neutron Star,'' Talk at AAS Meeting (Seattle, WA)
2001 ``The X-ray Properties of 3C58 and its Associated Neutron Star,'' Talk at COSPAR Meeting (Houston, TX)
2001 ``Chandra Observations of Kes 73 and its Anomalous X-ray Pulsar,'' Talk at APS/HEAD Meeting (Albuquerque, NM)
2001 ``Young Neutron Stars and Their Wind Nebulae,'' Talk at ``New Visions of the X-ray Universe in the XMM-Newton and Chandra Era'' meeting (Noordwijk, Netherlands)
2001 ``Young Neutron Stars and Their Wind Nebulae,'' Talk at ``Two Years of Science with Chandra'' meeting (Washington, DC)
2001 ``X-ray Studies of Compact Sources in Plerions,'' Talk at Workshop on Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants (Boston, MA)
2000 ``Nonthermal X-Ray Emission from G266.2-1.2 (RX J0852.0-4622),'' 11th Annual Oct. Astrophysics Conference in MD, Young Supernova Remnants, Baltimore, MD
2000 ``G266.2-1.2: Another Nonthermal Shell-Type SNR,'' Talk at Meeting of American Astronomical Society
1999 ``Young Pulsars, Fast and Slow: The Story Told by Supernova Remnants,'' AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division Meeting, Charleston, SC
1998 ``Revealing the Dancer from the Dance: X-Ray and Radio Studies of Composite SNRs,'' Talk at Elba Island Workshop in Pulsars and Supernova Remnants
1998 ``Nonthermal Emission From SNR G347.5-0.5: Another Case of Cosmic Ray Acceleration?,'' Talk at Meeting of American Astronomical Society
1997 ASCA Observations of Composite Supernova Remnants, ``ASCA Cherry Blossom Workshop'', Washington, DC, April 1997.
1997 Center-Filled X-ray Morphology in SNRs, ``Minnesota Astronomy Centennial: The Evolution of Shell SNRs'', Minneapolis, MN, March 1997.
1996 An Investigation of Supernova Remnants With Centrally Bright X-Ray Morphology, AAS Meeting, Madison, WI.
1996 The Evolutionary State of SNR G299.2-2.9, ``X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas'', Tokyo, March 1996.
1994 ``ROSAT Observations of PSR 1642-03 and PSR 0355+54'', ``New Horizon of X-Ray Astronomy - First Results From ASCA'', Tokyo.
1994 ``ROSAT and ASCA Studies of W28'', AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division Meeting, Napa Valley, CA.
1994 ``X-Ray Emission From PSR 0355+54'', AAS Meeting, Washington, DC.
1993 ``High Spatial Resolution X-ray Studies of Kepler's Supernova Remnant'', International Astronomical Union Colloquium 145, Xian, China.
1993 ``ROSAT High Spatial Resolution Observations of Kepler's Supernova Remnant'', AAS Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
1992 ``FeLiX: An X-Ray Telescope to Perform a Medium Angular Resolution All-Sky Survey in the 2-10 keV Band'', AAS Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
1991 ``A Study of Time Variability in Einstein Slew Survey Sources'', AAS Meeting, Seattle, WA.
1990 ``TeV Gamma-Ray Production in Accreting X-Ray Binary Sources'', NATO Advanced Study Institute ``Neutron Stars: An Interdisciplinary Field'', Crete, Greece.
1990 ``Gamma Ray Production in Accreting Black Hole Systems'', AAS Meeting, Washington, DC.
1989 ``VHE Results from Haleakala'', Workshop on the Physics and Experimental Techniques of High Energy Neutrino and VHE and UHE Gamma-Ray Particle Astrophysics, Little Rock, Arkansas.
1989 ``Measurement of the Effects of Particulate Contamination on X-ray Reflectivity'', SPIE Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
1989 ``Anomalous Periodicity in the VHE Gamma Ray Sources'', AAS Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
1988 ``VHE Gamma Rays from Hercules X-1'', American Physical Society Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
1988 ``VHE Gamma Rays from Hercules X-1'', AAS Meeting, Austin, Texas.
1986 ``VHE gamma-rays from the Crab Pulsar'', NATO Workshop on gamma-ray Astronomy, Durham.