Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~pgreen/BOOTES/nprop29.sty
Дата изменения: Tue Sep 28 23:17:24 2004
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 00:52:42 2012

Поисковые слова: п п р р р р р р р р р р р р р р
% NPROP29.STY -- NOAO observing proposal form.

% First, identifying information about this style file.

\def\revtex@ver{2.9} % Version number of this file.
\def\revtex@date{1 Sep 03} % Revision date.
\def\revtex@author{DJB/CDB} % This file's author.
\def\revtex@org{NOAO} % Sponsoring organization.
\def\revtex@genre{observing proposal} % Document "type".

% \ifundefined sequence

% maximum number of Co-Investigators to print.
% can be changed in form, e.g. \setmaxnumcois{10}
\newcount\maxnumcois \maxnumcois=6


\revtex@genre\space \LaTeX\ macros v\revtex@ver.}}


% Page design/layout macros. Page sizes are at the end of the file.

\def\baselinestretch{0.98} % Tighten up baselines a little.

\def\@oddhead{\hbox to\textwidth{\small\sl \prop@phead
\ifx\@empty\@rcptdate\phantom{, received Dec 31 1999}
\else, received \@rcptdate\fi
\hfill Page \thepage
\hfill \prop@pidbox}}\let\@evenhead\@oddhead
\def\chaptermark##1{\markright {{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\m@ne
\@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ \fi ##1}}}}

\def\prop@idbox{ \ifx\@empty\@propid{
\hfill\framebox[1.7in][c]{\LARGE\bf \@propid/\@sciencecategorynum }

\def\prop@oldidbox{ \ifx\@empty\@oldpropid{
\framebox[2.2in][c]{\bf Resubmission of \@oldpropid }

\def\prop@pidbox{ \ifx\@empty\@propid{
\hfill\framebox[1.2in][c]{{\small\sl\ This box blank.}
\hfill\framebox[1.2in][c]{\large\bf \@propid/\@sciencecategorynum}


% first line
\hbox to.34\textwidth{\large\bf\prop@head\hfill}%
\hbox to.30\textwidth{%
\else{\hfill{\it \@proposaltype\ proposal}\hfill}\fi}%
\hbox to.36\textwidth{%
{\bf Panel:} \hspace{0.21in}
\ifx\@panelassignment\@empty{\instruct@font For office use.}%

% second line
\hbox to.34\textwidth{%
\ifx\@rcptdate\@empty{\it Date:\/} \today%
\else{Date received:} \@rcptdate\fi\hfill}%
\hbox to.30\textwidth{%
\ifx\@thesis\@thesistrue{\hfill{\it Thesis}\hfill}%
\hbox to.36\textwidth{{\bf Category:} \@sciencecategory\hfill}%


% Proposal ID and receipt date will be filled in at NOAO.
% \proposalid{NUMBER}
% \received{DATE}

\def\received#1{\gdef\@rcptdate{#1}} \received{}
\def\proposalid#1{\gdef\@propid{#1}} \proposalid{}
\def\pastid#1{\gdef\@oldpropid{#1}} \pastid{}
\def\observatory#1{\gdef\@observatory{#1}} \observatory{}
\def\proposaltype#1{\gdef\@proposaltype{#1}} \proposaltype{}
\def\thesis#1{\gdef\@thesis{#1}} \thesis{}
\def\sciencecategory#1{\gdef\@sciencecategory{#1}} \sciencecategory{}
\def\sciencecategorynum#1{\gdef\@sciencecategorynum{#1}} \sciencecategorynum{}
\def\panelassignment#1{\gdef\@panelassignment{#1}} \panelassignment{}

% Below is the markup that the observing team needs to supply.
% Instructions for filling in the form using these commands are in
% a template proposal form file as LaTeX comments.

\def\prop@head{NOAO Observing Proposal}
\def\prop@phead{NOAO Proposal}

\vspace*{-6\headheight}\prop@oldidbox \prop@idbox
\makebox[\textwidth]{\Large{\bf TITLE:} \hrulefill}\par

\def\abstract{\par\vspace{0ex}\vbox to2.35in\bgroup\noindent
{\bf Abstract of Scientific Justification}
{\small\sl (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals)}{\bf :}\\

% Observer identification. These items are buffered so that they can be
% specified in any order, subject only to the restriction that the observer
% name be given first. The same commands are used to identify the PI as
% well as the co-investigators; the formatting is controlled separately,
% and differences arise in the use of LaTeX environments, below.
% Each member of the observing team is identified with several bits of
% information.
% \address{POSTAL ADDRESS}
% \fax{FAX NUMBER}
% \invstatus{P, T, G, U, or O}
% Note that the fax number does not print on the form. There is not
% enough room on the cover page the way it is currently laid out.


\def\clear@obs{ \gdef\obs@name{} \gdef\obs@affil{} \gdef\obs@department{}
\gdef\obs@address{} \gdef\obs@citycode{} \gdef\obs@city{}
\gdef\obs@state{} \gdef\obs@zipcode{} \gdef\obs@country{}
\gdef\obs@email{} \gdef\obs@phone{}
\gdef\obs@fax{} \gdef\obs@invstatus{} }

% Formatting of PI and CO-I data are controlled by the next two macros.

% Now here is some dicey stuff. We want to solve a variety of problems with
% one form and one set of macros, stemming from the need to print rational
% forms, whether or not anything has been filled in electronically. In
% other words, if somebody runs a *blank* electronic form through LaTeX,
% a usable form should emerge from the laser printer, with blanks in the
% appropriate places, etc. If the form is filled in electronically, the
% rules should be replaced with the stuff the user fills in.
% Fine. Except that real estate on the first page is quite limited, and
% we also need a way of letting the user who fills in information with the
% editor know when he/she is being verbose. We achieve this by forcing
% certain pieces of information into boxes of fixed size. These contain
% either an \hrulefill, or text supplied by the author. If too much text
% is provided, TeX will complain about the overfull hbox.


\hbox to.35\textwidth{\obs@tag\space%
\hbox to.14\textwidth{{\bf Status:}\space%
\hbox to.51\textwidth{{\bf Affil.:}\space%

% first line

% second line
\hbox to1.00\textwidth{%
{\bf Address:\hrulefill}%

% third line
\hbox to.46\textwidth{%
\hbox to.54\textwidth{%

% separator
\hbox to1.0\textwidth{\hfill\rule[10pt]{4.5in}{0.01in}\hfill}%


% Principal investigator and co-investigator environments.

% Note that after the first three CoI blocks, I quit printing the CoI
% information. This is not especially nice. It would be better if the
% names (and possibly the grad student status) of the additional CoIs
% were listed on the proposal form someplace. Since the cover page is
% so full at this point, my sense is that these would have to be collected
% into end notes somehow. This would be hard to program, and so it should
% be deemed a very necessary requirement. Perhaps some other display
% format would be acceptable, one that would require less programming.

\def\obs@tag{{\bf CoI:}}

\newenvironment{PI}{\clear@obs}{\def\obs@tag{{\bf PI:}}\prt@piblock}





\def\undates@head {{\bf Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates} %
{\it (up to four lines).}}


\def\ra@head {{\par\bf R.A. range of principal targets (hours): }}
\def\dec@head {{\par\bf Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): }}
%\def\pid@head {{\par\bf Previous ID of this observing proposal: }}
\def\pp@head {{\par\bf Proprietary Period: }}

\def\targetsra#1{\ra@head #1}
\def\targetsdec#1{\dec@head #1}
%\def\pastid#1{\pid@head #1}
\def\proprietaryperiod#1{\pp@head #1}

% Observing run environment. This is used to describe observing parameters
% in a very succinct manner, to be presented in an abbreviated form on the
% first page. I have chosen to use multiple \begin{obsrun}-\end{obsrun}
% groupings, as opposed to a repeating set of parameter identifying macros.


% Observing run parameters to be specified by the investigators.
% \telesope{IDENT}
% \instrument{IDENT(S)}
% \numnights{NUMBER}
% \lunardays{NUMBER}
% \optimaldates{RANGE}
% \acceptabledates{RANGE}

% These are pretty amazing-looking. They are fake "arrays", actually.


\def\obsrun@head{Summary of observing runs requested for this project}

\multicolumn{1}{c}{\orth@font Run} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\orth@font Telescope} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\orth@font Instrument} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\orth@font No. Nights} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\orth@font Moon} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\orth@font Optimal months} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\orth@font Accept. months}\\
1 & \obsA@telid & \obsA@inst & \obsA@numnights &
\obsA@lunardays & \obsA@optdates & \obsA@accdates\\
2 & \obsB@telid & \obsB@inst & \obsB@numnights &
\obsB@lunardays & \obsB@optdates & \obsB@accdates\\
3 & \obsC@telid & \obsC@inst & \obsC@numnights &
\obsC@lunardays & \obsC@optdates & \obsC@accdates\\
4 & \obsD@telid & \obsD@inst & \obsD@numnights &
\obsD@lunardays & \obsD@optdates & \obsD@accdates\\
5 & \obsE@telid & \obsE@inst & \obsE@numnights &
\obsE@lunardays & \obsE@optdates & \obsE@accdates\\
6 & \obsF@telid & \obsF@inst & \obsF@numnights &
\obsF@lunardays & \obsF@optdates & \obsF@accdates\\

% The scientific justification and the proposed observing program are
% typeset (printed) as they are specified by the author. Specific
% observations are summarized in the "obsrun" environment (above).
% \sciencejustification
% \expdesign
% \otherfacilities
% \manplan
% \whyctio
% \thepast


{7pt plus 4pt minus 2pt}{-1em}{\normalsize\bf}}
{-3.25ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}{\normalsize\bf}}

\def\justif@head{{\instruct@font Be sure to include overall significance
to astronomy. For standard proposals limit text to one page with
captions and references on no more than two additional pages.\par}}

\def\feas@head{{\instruct@font Describe your overall observational program.
How will these observations contribute toward the accomplishment
of the goals outlined in the science justification?
If you've requested long-term status, justify why this is necessary
for successful completion of the science.
(limit text to one page)\par}}

\def\ofac@head{{\instruct@font Describe how the proposed observations
complement data from
non-NOAO facilities. For each of these other facilities, indicate
the nature of the observations (yours or those of others), and
describe the importance of the observations proposed here in the
context of the entire program.

\def\manplan@head{{\instruct@font Describe the overall plan for conducting
the proposed survey, including the experimental design, survey
deliverables, staffing requirements, and a list of all observing runs
requested for this survey.
See the Survey Program instructions for details.\par}}

\def\whyctio@head{{\instruct@font (For CTIO proposals only.)
Explain why access to the southern hemisphere is needed to achieve your
scientific goals.\par}}

\def\dataacc@head{{\instruct@font Describe the timeline and mechanism for
the release of data subsets, the complete dataset, and catalogs to the
astronomical community.\par}}

\def\ltd@head{{\instruct@font If you are requesting long term status,
list the observing runs (telescope, instrument, number of nights)
requested in subsequent semesters to complete the project.

\def\specreq@head{{\instruct@font Describe briefly any special or
non-standard usage of instrumentation.\par}}

\def\techjust@head{{\instruct@font Describe the observations to be made during
this observing run. Justify the specific telescope, the number of nights,
the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects,
coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate)
in the Target Tables section below (required for WIYN-2hr, WIYN-SYN, YALO,
and Gemini runs).\par}}

\def\past@head{{\instruct@font List allocations of telescope time on
facilities available through NOAO to the PI during the past 2 years,
together with the current status of the data (cite publications where
appropriate). Mark with an asterisk those allocations of time related
to the current proposal. Please include original proposal semesters
and ID numbers when available.\par}}

\def\sciencejustification{\newpage\propsection{\fbox{Scientific Justification}}
\def\expdesign{\newpage\propsection{\fbox{Experimental Design}}\feas@head}
\def\otherfacilities{\vfill\propsection{\fbox{Use of Other Facilities}}\ofac@head}
\def\manplan{\vfill\propsection{\fbox{Management Plan}}\manplan@head}
\def\longtermdetails{\vfill\propsection{\fbox{Long-term Details}}\ltd@head}
\def\dataaccess{\vfill\propsection{\fbox{Release of Data}}\dataacc@head}
\def\whyctio{\vfill\propsection{\fbox{Why CTIO?}}\whyctio@head}
\def\specialrequest{\propsection{\fbox{Special Instrument Requirements}}
\def\thepast{\vfill\propsection{\fbox{Previous Use of NOAO Facilities}}
\def\technicaldescription{\propsection{\fbox{Technical Description}}



\def\cleart@obsi {
\gdef\obs@filters{} \gdef\obs@grating{} \gdef\obs@order{}
\gdef\obs@crossdisperser{} \gdef\obs@slit{} \gdef\obs@multislit{}
\gdef\obs@wstart{} \gdef\obs@wend{} \gdef\obs@cable{}
\gdef\obs@corrector{} \gdef\obs@collimator{} \gdef\obs@adc{}
\gdef\obs@dispersers{} \gdef\obs@focalplanemasks{}


{\large\bf Observing Run Details for Run #1: #2}

\begin{center}\fbox{\large\bf Instrument Configuration}\end{center}
\hbox to0.35\textwidth{{\ic@font Filters: }\obs@filters\hfill}
\hbox to0.30\textwidth{{\ic@font Slit: }\obs@slit\hfill}
\hbox to0.35\textwidth{{\ic@font Fiber cable: }\obs@cable\hfill}
\hbox to0.35\textwidth{{\ic@font Grating/grism: }\obs@grating\hfill}
\hbox to0.30\textwidth{{\ic@font Multislit: }\obs@multislit\hfill}
\hbox to0.35\textwidth{{\ic@font Corrector: }\obs@corrector\hfill}
\hbox to0.35\textwidth{{\ic@font Order: }\obs@order\hfill}
\hbox to0.30\textwidth{{\ic@font $\lambda_{\rm\tiny start}$: }
\hbox to0.35\textwidth{{\ic@font Collimator: }\obs@collimator\hfill}
\hbox to0.35\textwidth{{\ic@font Cross disperser: }
\hbox to0.30\textwidth{{\ic@font $\lambda_{\rm\tiny end}$:\hspace{4pt} }
\hbox to0.35\textwidth{{\ic@font Atmos.~disp.~corr.: }

\begin{center}\fbox{\large\bf Instrument Resources}\end{center}
{\gic@font Filters: }\obs@filters\\
{\gic@font Dispersers: }\obs@dispersers\\
{\gic@font Focal Plane Units: }\obs@focalplanemasks

\def\obs@head{Target Table for \@nameuse{instrname@\@instrid}}



% Observing parameters. Not all of these are needed for each instrument
% combination.
% \objid{OBJECT ID}
% \object{OBJECT NAME}
% \magnitude{MAGNITUDE}
% \filter{FILTER}
% \exptime{EXPOSURE TIME}
% \nexposures{NUMBER OF EXPOSURES}
% \moondays{DAYS FROM NEW MOON}
% \skycond{SKY CONDITION}
% \seeing{SEEING LIMIT}
% \obscomment{COMMENT}

\def\cleart@obst {
\gdef\obs@objid{} \gdef\obs@object{} \gdef\obs@ra{} \gdef\obs@dec{}
\gdef\obs@epoch{} \gdef\obs@magnitude{} \gdef\obs@filter{}
\gdef\obs@exptime{} \gdef\obs@nexposures{} \gdef\obs@moondays{}
\gdef\obs@skycond{} \gdef\obs@seeing{} \gdef\obs@obscomment{}

\def\cleart@gobst {
\gdef\obs@objid{} \gdef\obs@object{} \gdef\obs@ra{} \gdef\obs@dec{}
\gdef\obs@epoch{} \gdef\obs@magnitude{}
\gdef\obs@skybackground{} \gdef\obs@watervapor{}
\gdef\obs@cloudcover{} \gdef\obs@imagequality{}

\def\cleart@gobsline {
\gdef\obs@guidestars{} \gdef\obs@gemcomment{}

\else \@temptokena=\expandafter{\obs@list\\}\fi

\else \@temptokena=\expandafter{\gobs@list\\}\fi




{\shortstack{Obj\\ID}} & {Object} & {$\alpha$} & {$\delta$} & {Epoch} &
{Mag.} & {Filter} & {\shortstack{Exp.\\time}} &
{\shortstack{\# of\\exp.}} &
{\shortstack{Lunar\\days}} & {Sky} & {Seeing} & {Comment}

{\shortstack{Obj\\ID}} & {Object} & {$\alpha$} & {$\delta$} & {Epoch} &
{Mag.} & {\shortstack{Obs.\\time}} &
{\shortstack{WFS\\stars}} &
{\shortstack{IQ\\\%}} &
{\shortstack{SB\\\%}} &
{\shortstack{WV\\\%}} &
{\shortstack{CC\\\%}} &

\obs@objid & \obs@object & \obs@ra & \obs@dec & \obs@epoch &
\obs@magnitude & \obs@filter & \obs@exptime & \obs@nexposures &
\obs@moondays & \obs@skycond & \obs@seeing & \obs@obscomment

\obs@objid & \obs@object & \obs@ra & \obs@dec & \obs@epoch &
\obs@magnitude & \obs@obstime &
\obs@guidestars &
\obs@imagequality & \obs@skybackground& \obs@watervapor & \obs@cloudcover &

% ****************************************
% ****************************************

% Include Rokicki's epsf.sty file explicitly.


% Simplified EPS inclusion macros so we can see how this goes...
% These are layered on Rokicki's dvips material, and are dependent
% on the author's use of that DVI driver.
% \plotone{EPSFILE}
% \plottwo{EPSFILE}{EPSFILE}
% \plotone inserts the plot in a space that is \columnwidth wide; the
% plot is scaled so the horizontal dimension fits in the text width,
% and the vertical dimension is scaled to maintain the aspect ratio.
% \plottwo inserts two plots next to each other in one \columnwidth,
% sort of like "two-up" mode.
% EPSFILE name of file with EPS
% The following arguments are for the \plotfiddle macro which formats
% the \special itself, prepares vspace, etc. This completely bypasses
% Rokicki's macros that attempt to rationalize the EPS BoundingBox with
% the LaTeX page dimensions.
% VSIZE vertical white space to allow for plot
% ROT rotation angle
% HSF horiz scale factor
% VSF vert scale factor
% HTRANS horiz translation
% VTRANS vert translation



\def\plotone#1{\centering \leavevmode
\epsfxsize=\eps@scaling\columnwidth \epsfbox{#1}}

\def\plottwo#1#2{\centering \leavevmode
\epsfxsize=.45\columnwidth \epsfbox{#1} \hfil
\epsfxsize=.45\columnwidth \epsfbox{#2}}

\def\plotfiddle#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{\centering \leavevmode
\vbox to#2{\rule{0pt}{#2}}
\special{psfile=#1 voffset=#7 hoffset=#6 vscale=#5 hscale=#4 angle=#3}}

% Conveniences - compatible with AASTeX v4.0.

\def\fd{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm d}$}}
\def\fh{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm h}$}}
\def\fm{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm m}$}}
\def\fs{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm s}$}}
\def\fp{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\scriptscriptstyle\rm p}$}}
\let\la=\lesssim % For Springer A&A compliance...


% Initialization.

\textwidth 6.5in
\textheight 9.0in
\oddsidemargin \z@
\evensidemargin \z@
\topmargin \z@
\headheight .2in
\headsep .2in
\footheight \z@
\parindent \z@
\parskip 1ex


