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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Jan 16 02:15:58 2001
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 01:48:44 2012

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Ph.D. in Physics, 1992, University of Washington
Thesis Title: ``Faint High Latitude Carbon Stars''
Thesis Advisor: Bruce Margon
M.S. in Physics, 1989, University of Washington
B.A. in Physics, 1981, Oberlin College
Research & Employment:
NASA Long Term Space Astrophysics Awardee, 1998­2002
Astrophysicist, AXAF Mission Planning, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 1996 --
Hubble Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard­Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 1993 -- 1995
NSF­NATO Postdoctoral Fellow in Science and Engineering, Fall 1992
Research Assistant, University of Washington, 1987 -- 1992
Education­Related Experience:
Science Advisor, AXAF Image Investigations Lab, 1998
Coordinator, Peer Instruction ConcepTest Library, 1997­
Chair, Ph.D. Thesis Oversight Committee, Joasia Kuraszkiewicz, 1996--
Scientist, Science­By­Mail Program, Boston Museum of Science, 1996
Lecturer, CfA Public Observatory Nights, 1995
Project Advisor, Summer Intern Program, Harvard­Smithsonian CfA, Summer 1994
Astronomy Teaching Assistant, University of Washington, 1986
Physics Teaching Assistant, Physics Education Group, University of Washington, 1984 -- 1985

Secondary Physics Teacher (in French), Peace Corps, Togo, West Africa 1982 -- 1984
Awards and Honors:
Observatory during orbital activation
Henderson Prize for Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis, 1993
Hughes/Griffith Observatory Science Writing Award, 1993
Professional Societies:
American Astronomical Society
Astronomical Society of the Pacific

ffi Karl Forster, Paul J. Green, et al. 2000, ApJ, in press, Emission Line Properties of the
Large Bright Quasar Survey
ffi Massimo Cappi, et al. 2000, ApJ, in press, Chandra Study of an Overdensity of X­ray
Sources Around Two Distant (z ¸ 0:5) Clusters
ffi John D. Silverman, Kris Eriksen, Paul J. Green, & Andrea Prestwich, A. 2000, MNRAS,
in press, Unprecedented X­ray Coverage of a Serendipitous Flare Star with ROSAT
ffi Smita Mathur, Paul J. Green et al. 2000, ApJ, 533, 79, Thomson Thick X­ray Absorption
in a Broad Absorption Line Quasar PG0946+301
ffl Paul J. Green, Babar Ali, & Ralf Napiwotzki 2000, ApJ, 540, 992 Cool Companions to
Hot White Dwarfs
ffl Adam Riess, et al. 1999, ApJ, 117, 707, BVRI Light Curves for 22 Type Ia Supernovae
ffl Ralf Napiwotzki, Paul J. Green, & Rex A. Saffer 1999, ApJ, 517, 399 A Comparative
Study of the Mass Distribution of Extreme Ultraviolet­Selected White Dwarfs
ffl Belinda J. Wilkes, J. Kuraszkiewicz, Paul J. Green, S. Mathur, & J.C. McDowell 1999,
ApJ, 513, 76, An Investigation of the Relation between the Spectral Energy Distributions
and the Emission lines in Low­Redshift Quasars
ffl Paul J. Green 1998, ApJ, 498, 170, Differences Between the Optical/UV Spectra of X­ray
Bright and X­ray Faint QSOs.
ffl Paul J. Green, Thomas L. Aldcroft, Smita Mathur & Norbert Schartel 1997, ApJ, 484,
135, Evidence Against BALS in the X­ray Bright QSO PG 1416--129

ffi Norbert Schartel, Paul J. Green, Scott F. Anderson, Paul C. Hewett, Craig B. Foltz,
Bruce Margon, Wolfgang Brinkmann, Henner Fink, & Joachim Tr¨umper 1996, MNRAS,
283, 1015, ROSAT Soft X­Ray Properties of the Large Bright Quasar Survey: Modeling of
Stacked X­ray Spectra.
ffl Paul J. Green 1996, ApJ, 467, 61, The Relationship Between the High Energy Continuum
and Emission Lines in QSOs: A Low­Redshift Sample
ffl Paul J. Green, & Smita Mathur 1996, ApJ, 462, 637, The Soft X­Ray Properties of Broad
Absorption Line QSOs Observed by the ROSAT PSPC.
ffl Paul J. Green, Norbert Schartel, Scott F. Anderson, Paul C. Hewett, Craig B. Foltz,
Henner Fink, Wolfgang Brinkmann, Joachim Tr¨umper, & Bruce Margon 1995, ApJ, 450,
51, The Soft X­Ray Properties of a Large Optical QSO Sample: ROSAT Observations Of
the Large Bright Quasar Survey.
ffl Martijn deKool & Paul J. Green 1995, ApJ, 449, 236, A Model for the Space Density of
Dwarf Carbon Stars.
ffl Paul J. Green, Bruce Margon, Scott F. Anderson, & Kem Cook 1994, ApJ, 434, 319, A
CCD Survey for Faint, High Latitude Carbon Stars.
ffl Paul J. Green and Bruce Margon 1994, ApJ, 423, 723, Constraints on the Origin of
Dwarf Carbon Stars.
ffl Paul J. Green, Bruce Margon, Scott F. Anderson, and D. Jack MacConnell 1992, ApJ,
400, 659, Carbon Star Luminosity Indicators.
ffl Doug Ingram, Peter Garnavich, Paul J. Green, and Paula Szkody 1992, PASP, 104, 402,
Photometry and Spectroscopy of Nova Herculis 1991.

ffl Peter M. Garnavich, Alberto Noriega­Crespo, and Paul J. Green 1992, Rev. Mex. Astr.
Astrofis., 23, 99, Wide Field Imaging of the Star Forming Region Lynds 1551.
ffl Paul J. Green, Scott F. Anderson, and Martin J. Ward 1992, MNRAS, 254, 30, A
Compilation of Active and Normal Galaxies Observed in Both Infrared and X­Rays.
ffl Paul J. Green, Bruce Margon, and D. Jack MacConnell 1992, ApJ Letters, 380, L31,
Three Newly­Recognized Dwarf Carbon Stars.
ffl Paul J. Green and Bruce Margon 1990, PASP, 102, 658, Spectroscopy of Faint Halo
Carbon Stars.
ffl Paul J. Green, Martin Ward, Scott F. Anderson, Bruce Margon, M. H. K. De Grijp, and
George Miley 1989, ApJ, 339, 93, Infrared­Selected `Warm' Galaxies Observed in X­Rays.
ffl ''Understanding the Elusive Dwarf Carbon Star,'' P. J. Green 2000, Invited Talk, IAU
Symposium 177: The Carbon Star Phenomenon, ed. R. F. Wing (Kluwer: Dordrecht), pp
ffl ``Optical Followup of Serendipitous Sources in Chandra Fields'', P. J. Green et al. for the
ChaMP Collaboration, 2000, Bull. Amer. Astron. Society, 31, 1493.
ffi ``ChaMP and the High Redshift Quasars in X­rays'', S. Mathur, H. Marshall, N. Evans, P.
Green, & B. Wilkes 2000, in The Hy­Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at
High Redshift, eds. Andrew J. Bunker & W. J. M. van Breugel (San Francisco: Astronomical
Society of the Pacific), 2000, vol. 193, p.612.
ffl ``Star'' P. J. Green, 2000, World Book Encyclopedia (World Book: Chicago), pp 840­852.
ffl ``Cool Companions to Hot White Dwarfs'', P. J. Green & Babar Ali 1999, Bull. Amer.

Astron. Society, 30, 1401.
ffl ``ConcepTests for Introductory Astronomy'', P. J. Green 1999, Bull. Amer. Astron.
Society, 30, 1335.
ffi ''How Accurately Do We Know the Parameters of Hot DA White Dwarfs?'', R. Napiwotzki,
P. J. Green, & R. A. Saffer 1999, Proceedings of White dwarfs, ed. J.E. Solheim, ASP Conf.
Ser. (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), p. 492
ffl ``Invited Review: Emission Lines and the High Energy Continuum'', P. J. Green 1999, in
Proceedings of Quasars as Standard Candles for Cosmology, eds. J. Baldwin & G. Ferland
(San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific). v162, p265
ffi ``SEDs vs. Emission­Line Correlations in Low Redshift Quasars'', J. Kuraszkiewicz, B. J.
Wilkes, P. J. Green, S. Mathur, J.C. McDowell, & Bo—zena Czerny 1999, in Proceedings of
Quasars as Standard Candles for Cosmology, eds. J. Baldwin & G. Ferland (San Francisco:
Astronomical Society of the Pacific).
ffl ``Carbon Star,'' P. J. Green, The McGraw­Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology,
(McGraw­Hill: New York), 2000.
ffl ``White Dwarf'' P. J. Green, 1998, World Book Encyclopedia (World Book: Chicago).
ffl ``Why Do Soft X­rays Weaken with Increasing Luminosity?'' P. J. Green 1997, Bull.
Amer. Astron. Society, 191, 1373.
ffi ``SEDs vs. Emission­Line Correlations in Low Redshift Quasars'' J. Kuraszkiewicz, B. J.
Wilkes, S. Mathur, & J.C. McDowell, 1998, in Structure and Kinematics of Quasar Broad
Line Regions, eds. C. M. Gaskell, W. N. Brandt, M. Dietrich, D. Dultzin­Hacyan, & M.
Eracleous, ASP coference series, p. 235.
ffi ``Clues to Quasar Structure from Emission Line/Continuum Correlations J. Kuraszkiewicz,

B. J. Wilkes, P. Green, S. Mathur, & J.C. McDowell 1997, Bull. Amer. Astron. Society,
191, 1257.
ffl ``On the Ubiquity of Polluted Dwarfs'', P. J. Green & M. Kurtz 1997, in Proceedings of
The Tenth Cambridge Workshop On Cool Stars, Stellar Systems And The Sun, eds. R.
Donahue & J. Bookbinder (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific).
ffl ''Using The Tycho Output Catalog For AXAF: Guiding And Aspect Reconstruction For
Half­Arcsecond X­Ray Images,'' P. J. Green, T. A. Aldcroft, M. R. Garcia, P. Slane, & J.
Vrtilek in Proceedings of the ESA Symposium `Hipparcos Venice '97', ed. B. Battrick (ESA
SP­402), p 187.
ffl ``Soft X­ray Absorption in BALQSOs,'' P. J. Green 1997, in Mass Ejection in AGN, eds.
N. Arav, I. Shlosman, & R. Weymann, (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific),
p 167
ffl ``X­ray Spectroscopy of QSO Absorbers,'' P. J. Green & S. Mathur, in Proceedings of
the High Throughput X­ray Spectroscopy Workshop, eds. H. Tananbaum, N. White & P.
Sullivan (Cambridge, MA: SAO), 1996.
ffi ``Emission Lines and the Spectral Energy Distributions of Quasars,'' Wilkes, B. J., Green,
P. J., Mathur, S. and McDowell, J. C. 1997 in Emission Lines in Active Galaxies: New
Methods and Techniques, ed. B. M. Peterson, F.­Z. Cheng & A. S. Wilson (San Francisco:
Astronomical Society of the Pacific), p.126.
ffl ``Dark Matter in the Universe,'' P. J. Green, The McGraw­Hill 1997 Science Yearbook ,
Parker, S. ed., (McGraw­Hill: New York).
ffl ``ROSAT Spectra of QSOs in the Large Bright Quasar Survey,'' P. J. Green, N. Schartel,
S. F. Anderson, P. C. Hewett, C. B. Foltz, B. Margon, W. Brinkmann, H. Fink, & J.
Tr¨umper 1995, Bull. Amer. Astron. Society, 27, 845.

ffl ``Dilemma of the Devious Dwarfs,'' P. J. Green 1994, The Griffith Observer, 1995, Vol.
59, 2.
ffl ``X­ray Properties of a Thousand Quasars: ROSAT Observations of the LBQS,'' P. J.
Green, N. Schartel, S. F. Anderson, P. C. Hewett, C. B. Foltz, H. Fink, W. Brinkmann, J.
Tr¨umper, & B. Margon 1995, Bull. Amer. Astron. Society, 26, 1412.
ffl ``Big Bang Theory,'' P. J. Green 1994, Encyclopedia of Time, Macey, S. ed., (Garland:
New York), p. 56.
ffl ``X­Ray Universe,'' P. J. Green 1994, Encyclopedia of Time, Macey, S. ed., (Garland: New
York), p. 675.
ffl ``Galactic Structure from Faint Halo Carbon Stars,'' P. J. Green 1994, Bull. Amer.
Astron. Society, 26, 954.
ffl ``UV Emission Lines vs. X­Rays in QSOs,'' P. J. Green, X­Y. Wu, and S. F. Anderson
1994, Bull. Amer. Astron. Society, 25, 1361.
ffi ``IRAS Properties of Slew Survey AGNs, Galaxies, and Stars,'' J. F. Schachter, P. J.
Green, M. Elvis, and B. Margon 1993, Bull. Amer. Astron. Society, 25, 868.
ffl ``On the Binarity of Dwarf Carbon Stars,'' P. J. Green and B. Margon 1993, Bull. Amer.
Astron. Society, 25, 876.
ffl ``Faint High­Latitude Carbon Stars,'' P. J. Green, PhD. Thesis, University of Washington,
ffi ``The X­Ray Properties of a Large, Uniform QSO Sample: Einstein Observations of the
LBQS,'' B. Margon, S. Anderson, Xiao­Yi Wu, P. J. Green, and C. Foltz 1992, Proc. of the
MPE Conf. on X­Ray Emission from AGN and the Cosmic X­Ray Background, eds. W.

Brinkmann and J. Tr¨umper, Garching: Max Planck, p. 81.
ffl ``A CCD Search for Faint High­Latitude Carbon Stars: Dwarfs Among the Giants,'' P. J.
Green, B. Margon, S. F. Anderson, P. M. Garnavich, K. Cook, and D. J. MacConnell, 1992,
in The Stellar Populations of Galaxies, Proc. I.A.U. Symp. 149, p. 425, Barbuy, B., and
Renzini, A. eds., (Kluwer: Dordrecht).
ffl ``The Music of the Spheres,'' P. J. Green 1991, The Exploratorium Quarterly, 15, 8.
ffi ``Wide Field Imaging of the Star Forming Region Lynds 1551,'' P. M. Garnavich, A.
Noriega­Crespo, and P. J. Green 1991, Bull. Amer. Astron. Society, 23, 857.
ffl ``The Observed Relationship of X­Ray and Infrared Emission in Active and Normal
Galaxies,'' P. J. Green, S. F. Anderson, and M. J. Ward 1991, Bull. Amer. Astron. Society
23, 957.
ffl ``Luminosity Indicators for Warm Carbon Stars,'' P. J. Green, B. Margon, J. Brown, and
D. J. MacConnell 1991, Bull. Amer. Astron. Society, 23, 1385.
ffl ``A CCD Photometric Survey for Distant Halo Carbon Stars,'' P. J. Green, B. Margon, S.
F. Anderson and K. Cook 1990, Bull. Amer. Astron. Society, 22, 1205.