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The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 161:271 ­ 303, 2005 December
# 2005. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


H.-J. Grimm,1 J. McDowell,1 A. Zezas,1 D.-W. Kim,1 and G. Fabbiano
Received 2005 January 25; accepted 2005 June 26 v

ABSTRACT In this paper we present the source list for three Chandra observations of the Local Group galaxy M33. The observations are centered on the nucleus and on the star-forming region NGC 604. We detect a total of 261 sources in an area of $0.2 deg2 down to a flux limit of 3 ; 10þ16 ergs sþ1 cmþ2, which corresponds to a luminosity of $2 ; 1034 ergs sþ1 at a distance of 840 kpc. From the source list we construct the luminosity functions of sources observed in M33. If we take into account background contamination, the luminosity functions are consistent with those of other star-forming galaxies. In addition, the combination of X-ray color analysis and the existence of ``blue'' optical counterparts strongly indicates that the X-ray point-source population in M33 consists of young objects. Above 3 ; 1035 ergs sþ1 there are few X-ray sources in the locus of the X-ray hardness ratio diagram that is generally populated by low-mass X-ray binaries. Subject headingg galaxies: individual ( M33, NGC 598) : Online material: color figures, machine-readable tables

1. INTRODUCTION M33 is a late-type spiral galaxy, type Sc II ­ III, and the third largest galaxy in the Local Group. In the Local Group it occupies a unique place since morphologically it is of intermediate type between the large early-type spiral galaxies ( Milky Way and M31) and the numerous irregular galaxies. In contrast to M31 and the Milky Way, M33 does not have a stellar bulge and also does not contain a supermassive black hole at the center (Gebhardt et al. 2001). Other galaxies of this type cannot be investigated with the same depth even with Chandra: at a distance of 840 kpc ( Freedman et al. 1991) M33 is the second nearest spiral galaxy; it spans roughly 73 0 ; 45 0 on the sky; the line-of-sight absorption column density2 is small, NH $ 6 ; 1020 cmþ2. M33 is more actively star forming (SFR $ 0:3 0:7 M yrþ1) than either the Milky Way or M31 ( Hippelein et al. 2003), particularly compared to its much smaller mass. This star formation activity is visible in a number of large H ii regions in the disk of M33. As a large nearby galaxy, M33 has been observed with a number of X-ray satellites. The Einstein Observatory detected 17 point sources ( Trinchieri et al. 1988), among them a clear eclipsing binary ( M33 X-7; Peres et al. 1989). Markert & Rallis (1983) established the existence of an X-ray binary population based on X-ray variability and noted the association of the X-ray sources with young stellar populations. Rontgensatellit (ROSAT ) ¨ observations led to the detection of a total of 184 fainter sources coincident with Population I markers; a number of these X-ray sources are identified with supernova remnants (SNRs; Long et al. 1996; Haberl & Pietsch 2001). BeppoSAX spectroscopy showed that the spectra of the brighter X-ray sources in M33 are consistent with X-ray binaries and that up to five sources are variable ( Parmar et al. 2001). M33's proximity, angular size, and low line-of-sight column density provide unique advantages for the study of the X-ray population of this late-type spiral galaxy: (1) The same amount of detail is achievable in M33 as in M31 (1 00 ¼ 4:1pc). (2) The smaller
1 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. 2 Obtained from the colden tool ( http://cxc.harvard.edu /toolkit /colden.jsp) based on NRAO data compiled by Dickey & Lockman (1990).

angular size of M33 allows the observation of a larger fraction of the galaxy in a single exposure, unlike M31 or the LMC or SMC. (3) The low line-of-sight NH and the proximity of M33 allow the study of a luminosity range ( few 1034 ­1038 ergs sþ1)inaccessible in more distant galaxies. Sources in this luminosity range are more difficult to survey in both the Milky Way and M31 because of their larger angular sizes, which require very long observing times. Moreover, in the Milky Way distance uncertainties for individual sources, and partly high NH, make this type of study more uncertain. (4) The higher star formation rate of M33 results in a different population of X-ray sources compared to those in the Milky Way and M31. (5) Its proximity combined with the positional accuracy and sensitivity of Chandra allows a detailed comparison of the X-ray sources with cataloged sources at other wavelengths. This is crucial to understand the X-ray source population in detail and to gain a complete picture of the X-ray binary population. In this paper we present the source list, luminosities, X-ray luminosity functions, and identifications of X-ray point sources in M33. An accompanying paper will investigate the detailed properties and X-ray spectra of the point source population. 2. CHANDRA DATA AND ANALYSIS For this study we used three of the Chandra observations of M33 ( Table 1). A short ($12 ks) fourth observation, ObsID 787, was disregarded. This observation was aimed at studying the nucleus and suffers from both high background and small field of view ( FOV; $54 arcmin2). Due to the angular extent of M33, all active Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) chips cover areas of M33. These include the standard ACIS-S configuration for ObsID 786 and the standard ACIS-I configuration for ObsIDs 1730 and 2023. There is considerable overlap between the different observations. However, because of the decreasing resolution /sensitivity with increasing off-axis angle, only the inner parts of M33 ($80 ­100 ) have a significant number of detected sources in two observations, 786 and 1730. We used CIAO versions 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 and CALDB versions 2.24 and 2.25 to analyze the data. There were no changes to the ACIS data preparation software or to the source detection software or to relevant files in the CALDB between these versions. 271


TABLE 1 List of ACIS Obse rvations of M33 Duration ( ks) 45 45 90

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ObsID 786........................... 1730......................... 2023.........................

Date 2000 Aug 30 2000 Jul 12 2001 Jul 6

Aim Point Nucleus Nucleus NGC 604

Chips ACIS-I 2 ­ 3, ACIS-S 1 ­ 4 ACIS-I 0 ­ 3, ACIS-S 2 ­ 3 ACIS-I 0 ­ 3, ACIS-S 2 ­ 3


We do not correct for enhanced absorption due to the hydrocarbon accumulation on the chips. The observations do not suffer from strong background flares, but short times of higher background (3 above the mean) have been excluded. The effective exposure times are $45, $43, and $89 ks for observations 786, 1730, and 2023, respectively. We correct for time-dependent variations of the gain with the corr_tgain program developed by A. Vikhlinin.3 Source detection was performed with wavdetect on scales of 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, and 16 pixels. The full energy range, 0.3 ­ 8.0 keV, was also subdivided in a soft band, 0.3 ­ 2 keV, and a hard band, 2 ­ 8 keV. Source detection was done in all three bands. The chance detection threshold was set to 10þ6, equivalent to 1 spurious detection per million pixels. Due to strong pile-up, these scales fail to detect the nucleus of M33 unambiguously. Moreover, the H ii regions NGC 604 and IC 131, which are more extended than the scales used, were detected by visual inspection and interactive analysis. The nucleus of M33 is strongly piled up and was therefore excluded from the analysis. For details on the nuclear sources refer, e.g., to Dubus et al. (2004) and La Parola et al. (2003). The source regions correspond to the 3 ellipses output from wavdetect. All source regions were inspected by eye and, if necessary, adjusted for overlapping with nearby regions and to cover the whole extent of a source. Due to the partly crowded fields, particularly near the aim point, we chose background regions on each chip in a large source-free area to ensure a sufficient number of background counts. This background region was used for all sources on the corresponding chip. Since M33 has no significant intrinsic diffuse emission due to hot gas, with the exception of the inner 20 around the nucleus, the background does not vary significantly over our FOV. Therefore, our approach does not introduce significant errors in the intensity of the sources. Note that for ObsID 786 most of the sources are on the back-illuminated ACIS-S3 chip, whereas the majority of sources in the other observations is on the ACIS-I chips. The source counts were computed according to Csource ¼ C þ Asource C Abkg Esource ; Ebkg Ï

counts obtained with the method of Kraft et al. (1991). These sources are marked in Table 3 below. In order to obtain proper positional uncertainties for our sources, which are important for identifications with objects at other wavelengths, we use the formula of Kim et al. (2004a). This formula assumes that variations in the absolute astrometric accuracy from observation to observation are small and therefore that the uncertainties depend only on count rate and offaxis angle. The positional uncertainty is given as a function of off-axis angle in the high- and low-count regimes. We use 100 counts to discriminate between low- and high-count sources. The density of point sources is small enough that sources are identified unambiguously, with the possible exception of the nucleus and the H ii region NGC 604. These two cases, however, are problematic only in terms of the background they provide for other sources. In the cases where a source is observed in two or three observations, we take as the positional uncertainty the smallest value of the available observations. To derive X-ray colors we subdivided the observations into three energy bands--soft (0.3­ 1.0 keV ), medium (1.0­ 2.1 keV ), and hard (2.1 ­ 8.0 keV )--and measured the number of counts within the source aperture in each band. For count extraction we use the source regions in the total band from 0.3 to 8.0 keV. Since very faint sources, i.e., sources with fewer than 20 counts in the total band, are not used in the color analysis, this choice does not introduce a significant error in the extracted counts. Of the 288 sources detected in the whole band in all observations, 99 sources have fewer than 20 counts. Most of the sources are too faint to be investigated for spectral variability. Spectral variability of brighter sources for which spectra can be extracted will be discussed in a separate paper. 3. POINT SOURCE DETECTIONS The number of sources detected with wavdetect in the different energy bands is given in Table 2. Note that because of the overlapping fields of view some of the sources appear in more than one observation. Also some sources are detected only in one of the three energy bands. The combined number of individual
TABLE 2 Number of Sources Detected in Diff er ent Energy Bands and Observations Energy Band ( keV ) ObsID 786.............. 1730............ 2023............ 0.3 ­ 2.0 79 (53) 68 (37) 99 (30) 2.0 ­ 8.0 47 (32) 48 (30) 68 (21) 0.3 ­ 8.0 96 (60) 84 (47) 112 (33) Total Number of Sources 121 98 129


where Csource and Cbkg are the source and background counts, C is the observed counts, Asource and Abkg are the source and background region areas of the extraction apertures, and Esource and Ebkg are the exposures for the source and background areas. For sources that are not detected in one of the energy bands, we compute upper limits on the number of source counts following the approach of Kraft et al. (1991). A few of these sources show nonzero lower limits, which indicate the presence of a source. In these cases we used the most probable value for the source

See http://asc.harvard.edu /cont-soft /software /corr _ tgain.1.0.html.

Notes.-- Note that due to overlapping observations some of the sources appear in more than one observation. Their number for each band is given in parentheses.

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Fig. 1.--DSS image of M33 overlaid with source regions and the envelope of the Chandra field of view. North is up, and east is to the left. [See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]

sources from all observations is 261. Among these sources 25 are detected only in the soft (0.3 ­ 2.0 keV ) band and 16 only in the hard (2.0 ­ 8.0 keV ) band. These hard sources have either intrinsically hard spectra or are attenuated by the interstellar medium within M33, since the Galactic absorption toward M33 is relatively small. Figure 1 shows a Digitized Sky Survey image of M33 overlaid with the source regions and the detector outline for the three observations. The source list, including position, counts, and fluxes, is presented in Table 3 in the Appendix: column (1) gives the Chandra source name, column (2) the sky position and positional uncertainty, column (3) the Obs ID, columns (4), (5), and (6) the number of counts in the total, soft, and hard bands for the three observations, columns (7), (8), and (9) the number of counts in the color bands, columns (10), (11), and (12) the flux in the total, soft, and hard bands, and column (13) the luminosity in the total band. The errors given on the counts are computed using the Gehrels approx= imation, ¼ 1 × Ï N × 0:75÷1 2 (Gehrels 1986). Upper limits of 99% on the counts were calculated in one of two ways: (1) Because observations 1730 and 786 have the same aim point, the extent of sources is comparable between these observation; thus, if a source was detected in observations 1730 or 786 in another energy band, this source region was used to compute the upper limits for observations 1730 and /or 786. (2) If the source was not detected in either of these observations, upper limits were calculated from counts in a 200 region around the source position. The observation time of ObsID 2023 is twice as long as in the other two observations. This explains the larger number of sources compared to observation 1730, which uses the same instrumental configuration. The similar number of source detections in ObsIDs 786 and 2023 is both due to the use in ObsID 786 of the two backilluminated ( BI ) chips S3 and S5 that have a higher sensitivity at low energies than the front-illuminated ( FI ) chips and to the aim at the center of M33, where the source density might be higher. Because of the different exposure times, upper limits for nondetections in the 2023 observation are smaller than in the other

observations. Moreover, the $100% completeness of this observation reaches down to $(2 3) ; 10þ15 ergs sþ1 cmþ2, compared to $(6 7) ; 10þ15 ergs sþ1 cmþ2 for both other observations. The completeness estimate is derived from simulations for correcting the luminosity function according to Kim & Fabbiano (2003). The correction is based on simulations of the detection probability of point sources with a range of flux values for various off-axis angles from the aim point. The simulations are performed with the MARX simulator.4 The effects taken into account in the simulations are the decreasing sensitivity with increasing off-axis angle, diffuse background (not important here), uneven sky coverage of the S3 chip, and telescope vignetting as described in the exposure maps. For sources with more than 80 counts we extracted radial profiles of the source counts and fitted them with a Gaussian plus background. We compared the FWHM of the Gaussian with a Gaussian fit of the point-spread function. For the 59 sources with sufficient counts we find no evidence of extended emission. Given the large area covered by the observations, we expect to have serious contamination by background active galactic nuclei (AGNs), in particular at fainter luminosities. Based on data from the Chandra Deep Field ­ North (CDF-N; Alexander et al. 2003) we estimate that of order 50% of the sources detected with luminosities in the range 1034 ergs sþ1 LX 5 ; 1035 ergs sþ1 are background AGNs. Pietsch et al. (2004) arrive at a comparable fraction for the XMM-Newton field, which is roughly 4 times larger than the area covered by Chandra. The XMM-Newton observation is on average less deep than the Chandra observations. Cosmic variance may change the number of background AGNs slightly, but on the basis of data from the Chandra Multiwavelength Project survey, cosmic variance does not appear to be a strong effect ( Kim et al. 2004b). A more detailed estimate of the actual number of background objects requires a more detailed knowledge of the source properties. Above LX ! 5 ; 1035 ergs sþ1 , contamination of the luminosity function is small because the AGN log N log S is much steeper than the luminosity function of Galactic X-ray sources. 4. POINT SOURCE COLORS Hardness-ratio diagrams are a straightforward way to classify sources in general, especially for sources that do not have sufficient number of counts to allow spectral fitting ( Kim et al. 1992; Prestwich et al. 2003). From the counts extracted from the three different bands mentioned in x 2 we construct two colors, a soft color and a hard color. The soft color is defined as HR1 ¼ and the hard color as HR2 ¼ H þM ; S×M ×H Ï 3÷ M þS S×M ×H Ï

where S, M, and H are the counts in a soft (0.3 ­ 1.0 keV ), medium (1.0 ­ 2.1 keV ), and hard (2.1 ­ 8.0 keV ) energy bands, respectively. The energy bands were selected to achieve an optimal separation between soft /thermal and hard /power-law components (A. H. Prestwich 2004, private communication). The results for the different observations are shown in Figure 2. Following Prestwich et al. (2003), we consider here only sources

See http://space.mit.edu /ASC/ MARX /.



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Fig. 2.--Hardness ratio diagrams for the three Chandra observations. The solid line shows a model path for a blackbody spectrum and the dotted line shows a model for a power law, both with Galactic absorption and taking into account different responses of the main CCDs in the observations. The CCD response is not astrong effect. Increasing absorption moves the lines to the top left corner. The cross represents a typical error bar for a source with 35 ­ 40 counts. [See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]

with more than 20 detected counts in the full band to somewhat reduce statistical errors on the colors. The errors on the counts are computed with the Gehrels approximation (Gehrels 1986); errors on the colors are computed using standard error propagation. Note that for small number of counts the errors must not be regarded as Gaussian 68% limits. We disregard sources that have upper limits in any of the bands. Typical net counts for the sources are in the range from 30 to 50 counts. The detected number of counts is dependent on the response of the CCD. This difference is expected to be largest between FI and BI chips. Therefore, we plot the hardness ratios in separate panels. The model tracks in Figure 2 were computed separately for

the BI (ObsID 786) and FI chips (ObsIDs 1730 and 2023). The strong similarity of the tracks indicates that differences in the CCD response between our observations do not have a strong effect on the colors, at least for sources with more than $20 counts. In x 7 we will use optical identification together with colors to investigate the color relations of different source types in more detail. 5. LUMINOSITY FUNCTION Since the Chandra observations have different exposure times and cover somewhat different areas, we present here the luminosity functions for each observation separately. Figure 3 shows

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Fig. 3.-- Luminosity functions for the three Chandra observations. The black line shows the sources detected in the whole band (0.3 ­ 8.0 keV ), the dotted line shows sources detected in the soft band (0.3 ­ 2.0 keV ), and the dashed line shows sources detected in the hard band (2.0 ­ 8.0 keV ). [See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]

the observed luminosity functions. The black line shows the sources detected in the whole band (0.3 ­ 8.0 keV ), the dotted line shows sources detected in the soft band (0.3 ­ 2.0 keV ), and the dashed line shows sources detected in the hard band (2.0 ­ 8.0 keV ). The count to luminosity conversion was established based on the fit of source spectra with more than 100 counts with XSPEC version 11.3.0. The typical spectrum for the fainter sources in this range, $100 ­ 200 counts, is an absorbed power law with Galactic absorption, 6 ; 1020 cmþ2, and a photon index of $2.0. This spectrum roughly describes an X-ray binary spectrum, the sources of particular interest. These values are assumed for

fainter sources for the conversion from counts to flux. The values quoted in the following for sources with more than 100 counts are the fitted observed values. As a rule of thumb, 100 counts correspond to a luminosity of (1 2) ; 1036 ergs sþ1.The spectra of the brighter sources are roughly consistent with such a spectrum. The details of spectral fitting will be discussed in a separate paper. In Figure 4 we present the luminosity functions in the full band after correcting for incompleteness by applying the procedure outlined in Kim & Fabbiano (2003). A comparison with Figure 3 shows the importance of this correction for obtaining the actual shape of the luminosity function.



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Fig. 4.-- Corrected and uncorrected luminosity functions for the three Chandra observations. The histograms show the sources detected in the whole band (0.3 ­ 8.0 keV ). The solid line (the same in each panel) shows the best-fit power law for the luminosity function of ObsID 1730. The scale is the same in all panels.

A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test shows that the luminosity functions have a probability higher than 95% to be drawn from the same distribution. The slopes of the luminosity functions are relatively steep for an actively star-forming galaxy. A maximum likelihood fit gives slopes for cumulative luminosity function for the ObsIDs 786, 1730, and 2023 of 0:78 ô 0:17, 0:76 ô 0:14, and 0:74 ô 0:13, respectively. The effect of interloper contamination on these slopes is discussed in x 7.2. 6. COUNTERPARTS In order to gain more information about the nature of the X-ray sources, we cross-correlate our sources with a number of different catalogs available for M33. Given the proximity of

M33 and the resulting good resolution, there is a large amount of data in many wavebands. We used the SIMBAD database to find catalogs pertaining to M33, and we also cross-correlated the positions of individual Chandra sources against the whole SIMBAD database. We discuss below the results of these comparisons with X-ray catalogs and multiwavelength databases separately. We cross-correlated our source list with the following catalogs: The XMM-Newton survey of M33 ( Pietsch et al. 2004), the ROSAT source catalog ( Haberl & Pietsch 2001), the catalog of SNRs by Gordon et al. (1999), H ii regions from Hodge et al. (1999), giant molecular clouds from Engargiola et al. (2003), globular clusters from Mochejska et al. (1998), star clusters

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from Chandar et al. (1999, 2001), blue and red supergiants from Ivanov et al. (1993), red supergiants from Massey (1998), WolfRayet stars from Massey & Johnson (1998), UV-bright stars from Massey et al. (1996), hot stars from Massey et al. (1995), OB associations from Regan & Wilson (1993), planetary nebulae from Magrini et al. (2001), H emitters from Calzetti et al. (1995), and the DIRECT star catalog from Macri et al. (2001). The cross-correlation is done using the uncertainty of the Chandra source position, computed according to Kim et al. (2004a). In addition the source uncertainty of catalog positions was quadratically added to the Chandra positional uncertainty. If no such number is available in the catalogs, an uncertainty of 100 was added. If there is more than one source in the error circle we make no further assumption about the likelihood of any of the sources within the error circle being a real counterpart of the X-ray source. 6.1. X-Ray Counterparts M33 has been observed with various X-ray missions, most notably ROSAT and recently XMM-Newton. Haberl & Pietsch (2001) have analyzed all available ROSAT observations and extracted a total of 184 sources. The ROSAT observations cover amuchlargerareaofM33 than our Chandra observations. Also note that the ROSAT (0.1 ­ 2.4 keV ) and Chandra energy bands (0.3 ­ 8.0 keV ) are different. Only 115 ROSAT sources are in the field of view of the Chandra observations. Of these 115 sources, we detect 50 with Chandra: 12 of these are SNRs as classified by Haberl & Pietsch (2001), three supersoft sources (SSSs), two X-ray binaries ( XRB), including M33 X-7 ( Peres et al. 1989), the first such identification, and two foreground stars. Of the ROSAT detections, 20 sources are far off-axis (k80 )inany Chandra observation, and 22 are observable in only one observation. Table 5 in the Appendix contains the matches of Chandra and ROSAT sources. Column (1) is the Chandra source name, column (2) the Chandra positional uncertainty, column (3) the right ascension and declination of the ROSAT source, column (4) the ROSAT positional uncertainty, column (5) the ROSAT name, and column (6) the HRI flux and the corresponding 1 error. The typical astrometric error for the ROSAT sources is $500 with a long tail to larger errors; 32 sources have positional uncertainties larger than or equal to 2000 . The XMM-Newton observations of M33 were of relatively shallow exposure, lasting generally between $10 and 15 ks ( Pietsch et al. 2004). Their detection limit of $1:4 ; 10þ15 ergs sþ1 cmþ2 for a power law with þ ¼ 1:7and NH ¼ 6 ; 1020 cmþ2 compares to our $3 ; 10þ16 ergs sþ1 cmþ2. Like the ROSAT observations, this XMM-Newton survey also covers a larger area than Chandra. Of the 408 sources detected by XMM-Newton, 184 are in the Chandra fields of view. Of these 184 sources, 102 are detected with Chandra, including 13 SNRs, 2 SSSs, 1 XRB, 3 foreground stars, 4 background AGNs, and 35 hard sources as defined by Pietsch et al. (2004). Table 6 in the Appendix contains the Chandra and XMM-Newton matches. Column (1) is the Chandra source name, column (2) the Chandra positional uncertainty, column (3) the right ascension and declination of the XMM-Newton source position, column (4) the XMM-Newton energy flux and 1 error, and column (5) the XMM-Newton X-ray identification. 6.2. Other Wavebands The correlation with the radio data from Gordon et al. (1999) yields 24 matches, 14 of which are SNRs or candidate SNRs based on their radio spectral slope. One SNR matches two

Chandra sources. Five SNRs are associated with H ii regions. Nine matches are foreground / background objects. The radius assigned for sources of the whole catalog is 300 . The optical radius of the SNRs is on average 4B5. Taking the actual optical radius to match Chandra sources with selected SNRs in Table 4 of Gordon et al. (1999) does not change the result for the SNR matches. We expect fewer than three chance coincidences at 95% for the whole catalog and fewer than two for the selected SNRs. There is one association with a globular cluster in M33 from the sample of Mochejska et al. (1998). The assumed radius of the clusters is 200 . The number of expected chance coincidences is <1. This source is also the only match with the samples of Chandar et al. (1999, 2001; also 200 radius). This source does not match any other catalog; however, its location in a globular cluster suggests that it is either a bright cataclysmic variable or a low-mass X-ray binary ( LMXB). There are nine matches with blue stars in M33 from the sample of Ivanov et al. (1993) for seven Chandra sources; two Chandra sources match two blue stars each. The accuracy for the blue star positions is 1B5 ( Ivanov et al. 1993). None of the red stars in the Ivanov et al. (1993) sample match any Chandra source. Due to the highly clustered nature of the blue supergiants, it is not straightforward to calculate the probability of chance coincidences. However, it is possible that the majority of matches are not real. Due to the large number of objects, roughly 60,000, a matching with DIRECT sources yields ambiguous results. The limiting magnitude of the catalog is 23.6 in V. For off-axis angle sources ($40 ), where the Chandra beam is large, there are numerous associations. But for Chandra sources closer to the aim point, and a correspondingly smaller error radius ( 100 ), there are also 43 unique counterparts. However, because of the very high density of DIRECT objects, most of them are likely chance coincidences. Similarly to the DIRECT sources, OB stars from Regan & Wilson (1993) have a high density and give multiple matches. In total there are 14 matches with 9 Chandra sources, 6 of which are unique matches. The positional accuracy of the OB stars is within 200 ( Regan & Wilson 1993). The high source density and overlapping source regions indicate that the majority of matches are chance coincidences. The H ii region sample of Hodge et al. (1999) gives three matches. As radius for the H ii regions we use the optical radius if given; otherwise we use 100 . Despite the small radius, the number of expected chance coincidences is still three because of the large number of H ii regions ($1200). The UV stars in M33 in the sample of Massey et al. (1996) yield six matches (uncertainty 1B4, two chance coincidences expected). One of the sources is identified with a B1 supergiant, another with a luminous bluevariable candidate, and another one with an H ii region. One of the Chandra sources is also the only match with the Wolf-Rayet star sample of Massey & Johnson (1998). There is also only one match with the catalog of hot stars of Massey et al. (1995). For the two later catalogs an uncertainty of 100 was assumed and one chance coincidence is expected in each. 7. DISCUSSION 7.1. Source Types Due to the comparable number of expected background sources and sources associated with M33 in our data set, it is important to distinguish the different source types. Only by identifying the



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Fig. 5.-- Hardness-ratio diagram of sources with identifications. Filled circles, SNRs; stars, background / foreground objects; open squares, ``blue'' counterparts. The elliptical areas indicate the expected locations of various source types. The areas are taken from Prestwich et al. (2003). Only sources with no upper limits in any flux band are shown. For more details see x 7.1.

can nevertheless quantify our expectations for the number of high-mass X-ray binaries ( HMXBs) and LMXBs from the universal luminosity functions for HMXBs (Grimm et al. 2003) and LMXBs (Gilfanov 2004). We take the star formation rate of M33 to be $0.3 M yrþ1 ( Hippelein et al. 2003), and the K-band magnitude to be mK ¼ 4:1 (Jarrett et al. 2003). Using equation (22) of Grimm et al. (2003) and equation (21) with the normalization for late-type galaxies of Gilfanov (2004), we expect to observe $6 ­ 7 HMXBs and $3 LMXBs above 1037 ergs sþ1. At 1037 ergs sþ1 we expect no strong contamination by background sources. These numbers are in good agreement with the observed number of six sources above 1037 ergs sþ1. Although the Chandra observations do not cover M33 in its entirety, they cover more than 80% of M33. The expected total luminosity is $3:5 ; 1038 ergs sþ1 for HMXBs and $1038 ergs sþ1 for LMXBs. These values agree very well with the observed total X-ray luminosity of point sources (excluding the nucleus) of $3 4 ; 1038 ergs sþ1. Using the formulae of Colbert et al. (2004) for the relation of total X-ray luminosities with K-band luminosity, FIR+UV luminosities, as well as with stellar mass and star formation rate give basically identical results. An exception is the X-ray ­ stellar mass relation, which predicts an LMXB X-ray luminosity of $1:2 ; 1039 ergs sþ1, an order of magnitude larger than predicted by other relations, and 3 ­ 4 times larger than the observed luminosity. 7.2. Luminosity Function Based on spectrophotometry and comparison with theoretical SEDs, M33 is expected to be dominated by a young stellar population ( Li et al. 2004), in agreement with the source colors as discussed in x 7.1. Therefore, most X-ray sources in M33 should be HMXBs. We would then expect the luminosity

X-ray sources is it possible to learn more about the true source population of M33. As a first step we compare X-ray colors with the expected location of different source types in the hardnessratio diagram. Again sources with upper limits in any band are disregarded. In Figure 5 we show different source types, derived from identifications in other wavelengths: filled circles show supernova remnants; stars show background and foreground objects; open squares shows objects with a ``blue'' counterpart, blue meaning either an H, UV, U, or B band counterpart detected in M33. As can be easily seen from the picture, SNRs do populate the expected locus in the hardness-ratio diagram based on the prescription of Prestwich et al. (2003). There is only one exception of an SNR from the Gordon catalog, which has a harder X-ray spectrum than expected of a thermal SNR and might either be a plerionic SNRoranSNR harboringanX-ray binary. Comparing the X-ray hardness ratio diagram with the regions Prestwich et al. (2003) identified with certain source types in Figure 5 shows that the region that covers LMXBs, around (þ0.3, 0) in HR2 ­ HR1, is only sparsely populated, whereas all other regions are well populated with sources. The distribution of points in the color diagram, and in particular the avoidance of the LMXB locus, is reinforced if we consider Figure 2, which contains both identified and unidentified sources. AGNs and pulsar-like X-ray binaries are not distinct in the hardness ratio diagram, both being consistent with hard and /or possibly absorbed sources. Note that very strongly absorbed sources (NH ! 1022 cmþ2) would not be plotted because they would not be detected in the soft band if they were not very bright. This implies that LMXBs do not contribute significantly to the X-ray source population in M33. This is consistent with the estimate of its stellar mass and star formation rate, which suggests a prevalent young stellar population. Although the regions shown in Figure 5 do not represent a quantitative expectation value for different source locations, we

Fig. 6.-- Luminosity functions of X-ray sources in M33 from ObsID 2023 (solid histograms) compared with the HMXB luminosity function of the Milky Way (thick solid histogram; Grimm et al. 2002) and X-ray binary candidates in the SMC (thick dotted histogram; Yokogawa et al. 2000). The solid line is a representation of the expected intrinsic luminosity function of M33 after subtraction of background AGNs with a cumulative slope of 0.55. The normalization of the expected intrinsic luminosity function of M33 is defined by the high-luminosity end of the luminosity function of ObsID 2023. [See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]

No. 2, 2005



function of the M33 sources to be similar to the luminosity function of HMXBs in the Milky Way. Figure 6 shows the corrected luminosity functions of M33 and the luminosity functions of HMXBs in the Milky Way (thick solid histogram) and in the SMC (dotted histogram). The luminosity functions differ slightly in shape but have a similar slope within the errors. The SMC luminosity function seems to be somewhat flatter, but there is a large contribution from the four brightest sources in the SMC. On the other hand, the M33 luminosity functions obtained from maximum likelihood fits are steeper ($0:76 ô 0:14) than the Milky Way HMXB luminosity function (0:64 ô 0:15), though still consistent within the errors. These values for the slope of the M33 luminosity functions lie in between what is found for star-forming galaxies, $ 0:5 0:6 ( Kilgard et al. 2005), and for elliptical galaxies, $ 1 ( Kim & Fabbiano 2004). The reason for the steep luminosity function is most likely the expected large number of background objects ($50%), which steepen the luminosity function due to their steep number-flux relation (Alexander et al. 2003). A significant contribution of LMXBs is unlikely since the stellar mass of M33 is roughly one-tenth that of the Milky Way and therefore the number of LMXBs is expected to be similarly small ($10 above 1036 ergs sþ1 in all of M33). Moreover, at low luminosities (LX < 1037 ergs sþ1) the LMXB luminosity function flattens as well (Grimm et al. 2002; Kong et al. 2002). We compared our number-flux relation with the 2Ms CDF-N source catalog of Alexander et al. (2003) in the full band.5 In order to compare the CDF-N data with our analysis of M33 we take into account different assumptions about spectral shape, different fields of view, and different column densities. Alexander et al. (2003) assume a power-law spectrum with a photon index of þ ¼ 1:4 and a Galactic absorption column density of NH ¼ 1:6 ; 1020 cmþ2 and compute the flux in the energy range from 0.5 to 8.0 keV. Converting the fluxes to our values of þ ¼ 2and NH ¼ 6 ; 1020 cmþ2 in the energy range from 0.3 to 8.0 keV results in a correction factor of $0.5 for the CDF-N data. Moreover, the different fields of view used in the CFD-N analysis and our analysis (note that we correct our observations individually) yield another factor of $0.6 with respect to the CDF-N data for the number of sources. The first factor obviously depends only on assumptions about spectral shape and energy band used. The second factor, however, is subject to uncertainties arising from the (non-)existence of cosmic variance. This background can significantly affect the normalization of the background log N log S . We find that after subtracting the corrected CDF-N numberflux relation from the M33 ones the slope flattens to $0.5­0.6. Note that this is an estimate of slope, not a fit. The slopes are flatter for higher background normalizations. However, the range is relatively robust for reasonable assumptions about the normalization of the background log N log S arising from cosmic variance, i.e., changes in normalization of a factor of 2 ­ 3. We also compare the soft-band (0.3 ­ 2.0 keV ) luminosity function with ROSAT All-Sky Survey data from fields adjacent to M33. Slope and normalization of the RASS log N log S are consistent with the values from the CDF-N in the overlapping flux range. The solid line in Figure 6 gives an approximation to the intrinsic M33 luminosity function with a slope of 0.55 and a normalization fixed by the brightest sources. A more detailed study of luminosity functions and background log N log S is necessary to quantify these results further.
The data were obtained from Neil Brandt's Web site, http://www.astro .psu.edu /users /niel / hdf/ hdf-chandra.html.

Fig. 7.-- Luminosity functions of X-ray sources in M33 from ObsID 2023 compared with luminosity function fits from regions in M31 by Kong et al. (2003). The dashed line shows the luminosity function (slope of 1.1) for a region in the outer parts of M31, the dash-dotted line shows that for a region in the disk of M31, and the dotted line shows that for a region including parts of the starforming ring around the bulge of M31. The solid line is a representation of the expected intrinsic luminosity function of M33 after subtraction of background AGNs with a cumulative slope of 0.55 and a normalization defined by the highluminosity end of the observed luminosity function. [See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]

Figure 7 shows the luminosity function of M33 overlaid with the fitted luminosity functions for different regions of M31 ( Kong et al. 2003). The dashed line shows the luminosity function for a region in the outer parts of M31 and has a slope of 1.1, the dashdotted line shows that for a region in the disk of M31, and the dotted line shows that for a region including parts of the starforming ring around the bulge of M31. The solid line gives again the approximation to the intrinsic M33 luminosity function. The dash-dotted and dotted lines, dominated by young stellar populations, resemble the luminosity functions of M33 most closely. The similarity of the intrinsic slopes in M33 and the shapes of the luminosity function with HMXB luminosity functions in the Milky Way and starburst galaxies shows that the X-ray source population in M33 is dominated by HMXBs and other young X-ray sources. It also agrees with the assumption that LMXBs do not contribute significantly to the X-ray binary population in M33. 7.3. Supernova Remnants Supernova remnants are another source type associated with young stellar populations. The X-ray luminosity distribution of 16 SNRs detected both in radio (Gordon et al. 1999) and with Chandra is shown in Figure 8. Due to the construction of the correction of the intensity distribution by Kim et al. (2004a), it is not possible to correct the luminosity function of a subset of sources. Therefore, the SNR luminosity function is not corrected for incompleteness. For comparison, we show the luminosity function of SNRs in M33, and in the Magellanic Clouds and M31 obtained from ROSAT data in Figure 8. The data for M31 (dotted histogram)are


GRIMM ET AL. ferent incompleteness limits and instrumental effects ( M31 ­ PSPC, the Magellanic Clouds ­ HRI ), there nevertheless might be a difference in the SNR population in star-forming and older galaxies. For a complete and more concise discussion of the SNRs in M33, refer to Ghavamian et al. (2005), who investigate the properties of the SNRs individually. 8. CONCLUSION The sensitivity of the Chandra observations of M33, and the wealth of multiwavelength data for this galaxy does allow a uniquely detailed study of the X-ray point source population. Here we present the source list, counterparts, X-ray colors, and X-ray luminosity functions of sources in M33 observed with Chandra. In total 261 individual sources are detected in three partly overlapping observations down to a flux of 3 ; 10þ16 ergs sþ1 cmþ2, corresponding to a luminosity of $2 ; 1034 ergs sþ1 at a distance of 840 kpc. The observations are centered on the nucleus and the star-forming region NGC 604. The luminosity functions of the observations are statistically consistent with each other. Because of the large area covered by the observation, $0.2 deg2, the number of background objects is large. On the basis of CDF-N data, we conclude that around 50% of the detected sources are background objects at low luminosities (1034 ergs sþ1 LX 5 ; 1035 ergs sþ1 ). Taking into account the contribution of background AGNs to the luminosity function of M33, the slope of the luminosity function, cumulatively $0.5 ­ 0.6, is consistent with HMXB luminosity functions in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds. Color analysis of the sources shows a lack of sources at the location populated by low-mass X-ray binaries in the X-ray colorcolor diagram. Also cross-correlations with catalogs at other wavelengths result preferably in matches with objects associated with young stellar populations: e.g., SNRs, blue stars, and H ii regions. We therefore conclude that the X-ray source population in M33 is dominated by a young population, similar to other starforming galaxies. This is also in agreement with expectations based on the stellar mass and star formation rate of M33. We also find that the shape of the luminosity function of SNRs in M33 is more similar to the SNR luminosity functions in the Magellanic Clouds (Sasaki et al. 2000a, 2000b) than to the SNRs in M31 (Supper et al. 2001). This might be related to abundance differences in these galaxies ( Haberl & Pietsch 2001). The spectral properties, along with temporal properties, of sources with a sufficient number of counts will be discussed in a following paper.

Fig. 8.-- Observed luminosity function of radio SNRs in M33 combined from the three Chandra observations. For comparison we show the observed luminosity of the Magellanic Clouds (dot-dashed histogram, SMC; dashed histogram, LMC) from Sasaki et al. (2000a, 2000b), and of M31 (dotted histogram) from Supper et al. (2001). [See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]

taken from observations by Supper et al. (2001) and the data on the Magellanic Clouds (dashed histogram for LMC, dot-dashed histogram for SMC ) are from Sasaki et al. (2000a, 2000b). The data are not corrected for the different energy bands of Chandra and ROSAT. For thermal supernova remnants most of the flux is in the soft band, so the extended Chandra response toward hard X-rays will not significantly change the luminosity for these sources. Also different assumptions about spectral shape do not strongly affect the luminosities in this energy range. Although numerous SNRs are known in the Milky Way, their poorly determined distances and nonuniform sampling do not allow a comprehensive comparison with the population with extragalactic SNRs. Although there are relatively few sources, SNRs in the SMC are underluminous compared with SNRs in the other galaxies. This has been noted already by Haberl & Pietsch (2001), and the authors attribute this to higher metal abundances in the LMC. Although the luminosities in M33, M31, and the LMC are comparable, a two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test gives a probability of only $1% for the luminosity functions of M31 and M33 and the Magellanic Clouds to have the same underlying distribution. However, for M33 and the Magellanic Clouds the probability increases to $10%, and for LMC and SMC the probability increases to over 60%. Even considering the dif-

This work has been supported by NASA grant GO2-3135X. The authors want to thank Ralph Kraft for his program to compute upper limits, and Wolfgang Pietsch for providing the XMM-Newton source list before publication. We also thank the referee for constructive comments on the paper.

APPENDIX Table 3 lists the sources in order of increasing right ascension. Table 4 lists Chandra sources with optical counterparts. Table 5 shows matches of Chandra and ROSAT sources. Finally, Table 6 shows matches of Chandra and XMM-Newton sources.

TABLE 3 Source List Ordered w ith Increasing R ight As cension Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 32 19.668 30 41 53.57 27.0 01 32 39.787 30 32 45.78 12.7 01 32 53.481 30 38 17.07 2.6 01 32 53.931 30 33 12.29 3.0 01 32 56.324 30 35 58.64 5.6 01 33 08.375 30 48 02.69 2.5 01 33 15.139 30 53 17.94 0.7 01 33 15.584 30 44 48.28 1.5 01 33 20.522 30 46 46.36 2.4 01 33 21.716 30 38 58.24 1.4 01 33 21.943 30 39 21.12 1.4 01 33 23.887 30 35 17.36 1.6 01 33 23.996 30 48 21.74 3.2 01 33 24.447 30 44 01.47 0.7 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 8.2 (4.3) .. . .. . 11.0b (3.3) .. . .. . 969.6 (32.8) .. . .. . 665.4 (28.5) .. . .. . <43.1 .. . .. . .. . 127.2 (15.0) <6.0 .. . 4824.9 (74.1) 9210.7 (99.3) 215.7 (20.8) 200.9 (22.8) <5.7 <12.2 <6.0 <6.0 31.0 (6.8) .. . <8.3 28.5 (6.6) .. . <5.7 21.3 (6.0) .. . .. . .. . 57.2 (9.6) <12.2 2023.7 (46.1) 3864.0 (63.3) 7800.0 (93.0) 0.3 ­ 2.0 <7.5 . .. . .. <9.3 . .. . .. 703.5 (27.8) . .. . .. 584.9 (26.3) . .. . .. <14.3 . .. . .. . .. 136.3 (14.3) <6.6 . .. 3852.6 (64.5) 6994.6 (85.6) 170.9 (16.3) 174.9 (18.2) <4.6 <4.6 <6.6 <6.6 <12.2 . .. <7.5 14.5 (5.0) . .. <6.0 13.1 (4.8) . .. . .. . .. 35.5 (7.8) <6.6 1339.0 (37.6) 2629.1 (52.3) 5672.6 (78.0) 2.0 ­ 8.0 6.9 (4.0) ... ... 9.6 (4.7) ... ... 237.5 (17.1) ... ... 146.2 (15.2) ... ... 20.5 (8.2) ... ... ... 21.0b (4.6) <4.6 ... 929.0 (36.7) 2167.0 (50.2) 44.8 (13.7) 25.9 (14.7) <6.0 3.5 (3.2) <4.6 <4.6 26.6 (6.4) ... <6.0 13.9 (5.0) ... <4.6 10.9 (5.4) ... ... ... 27.3 (7.8) <12.2 689.3 (27.4) 1233.8 (36.3) 2016.8 (49.7) 0.3 ­ 1.0 ... ... ... ... ... ... 226.9 (16.3) ... ... 216.1 (16.4) ... ... ... ... ... ... 39.3 (8.5) ... ... 1216.3 (37.7) 1550.3 (41.4) 44.9 (8.6) 34.5 (8.9) ... ... ... ... 0.6 (2.3) ... ... 2.5 (2.9) ... ... 3.3 (3.2) ... ... ... 2.7 (3.6) ... 313.9 (18.8) 708.2 (27.7) 1984.4 (48.1) 1.0 ­ 2.1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 492.8 (23.4) ... ... 315.7 (19.3) ... ... ... ... ... ... 65.9 (9.9) ... ... 2778.4 (54.7) 5705.2 (77.0) 95.3 (11.4) 91.5 (11.5) ... ... ... ... 4.6 (3.4) ... ... 13.5 (4.8) ... ... 9.5 (4.3) ... ... ... 31.0 (6.8) ... 1067.9 (33.7) 2018.7 (46.0) 3929.4 (64.9) 2.1 ­ 8.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 246.9 .. .. 140.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. 11.2 .. .. 818.7 2059.4 31.6 20.4 .. .. .. .. 25.8 .. .. 12.4 .. .. 8.7 .. .. .. 26.3 .. 643.2 1137.8 1867.2 . . . . . . (17.7) . . (14.7) . . . . . . (8.8) . . (35.1) (48.8) (9.6) (9.9) . . . . (6.3) . . (4.8) . . (4.3) . . . (6.8) . (26.5) (34.9) (48.7) (10 0.3 ­ 8.0 8.6 (4.4) ... ... 8.2b ... ... 800 (27) ... ... 440 (19) ... ... <32.3 ... ... ... 66 (8.4) <4.5 ... 3000 (46) 5800 (62) 180 (18) 170 (19) <4.3 <9.2 <4.5 <4.5 24 (5.2) ... <6.2 22 (5.0) ... <4.3 17 (4.6) ... ... ... 46 (7.4) <9.2 1700 (39) 2800 (45) 2500 (31)

Fluxa counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 2.0 <5.6 ... ... <7.0 ... ... 560 (21) ... ... 350 (15) ... ... <10.7 ... ... ... 67 (7.3) <5.0 ... 2200 (36) 4100 (50) 140 (13) 130 (14) <3.5 <3.5 <5.0 <5.0 <9.2 ... <5.6 11 (2.9) ... <4.5 10 (2.9) ... ... ... 27 (5.8) <5.0 1100 (31) 1800 (37) 1700 (23) 2.0 ­ 8.0 8.4 (3.4) ... ... 9.6 (3.6) ... ... 220 (15) ... ... 150 (14) ... ... 18 (6.5) ... ... ... 15.7b <3.5 ... 900 (36) 1700 (38) 44 (12) 33 (14) <4.5 3.1 (1.8) <3.5 <3.5 21 (4.2) ... <4.5 11 (3.0) ... <3.5 9.0 (3.4) ... ... ... 25 (6.6) <9.2 590 (23) 960 (28) 1000 (25)

La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 1.54E+35 ... ... 1.47E+35b ... ... 1.43E+37 ... ... 7.79E+36 ... ... <5.78E+35 ... ... ... 1.19E+36 <8.10E+34 ... 5.33E+37 1.03E+38 3.28E+36 2.99E+36 <7.70E+34 <1.65E+35 <8.10E+34 <8.10E+34 4.25E+35 ... <1.11E+35 3.86E+35 ... <7.70E+34 2.97E+35 ... ... ... 8.15E+35 <1.65E+35 3.03E+37 4.95E+37 4.56E+37

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013323.9+304821 .....

013324.4+304401 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 33 24.799 30 42 10.73 1.3 01 33 25.569 30 36 18.15 1.4 01 33 25.582 30 44 39.95 1.6 01 33 25.641 30 47 56.28 2.8 01 33 26.062 30 41 19.01 1.2 01 33 27.647 30 40 45.82 1.1 01 33 27.728 30 46 45.84 1.3 01 33 27.922 30 31 35.77 2.3 01 33 28.686 30 43 21.30 1.2 01 33 28.786 30 47 46.01 2.4 01 33 29.009 30 42 16.54 1.0 01 33 29.278 30 45 37.10 1.6 01 33 29.299 30 45 08.07 1.1 01 33 29.434 30 49 12.03 1.7 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 <9.7 8.0 (4.4) <6.6 24.6 (6.3) ... ... 12.0b (3.5) 13.8 (6.0) <6.6 ... 16.8 (6.5) <4.6 <10.2 <6.6 <15.7 <12.2 <4.6 <9.7 18.0 (5.4) 25.0 (7.2) 122.5 (15.0) 18.7 (6.1) ... ... 26.5 (6.4) 28.4 (7.2) <4.6 ... 70.0 (10.9) 80.8 (14.7) 199.4 (15.2) 242.5 (16.7) 615.1 (31.4) 44.1 (7.9) 55.1 (9.3) <8.3 188.3 (14.9) 243.9 (17.0) 351.2 (24.7) ... 103.0 (12.8) 186.0 (18.9) 0.3 ­ 2.0 <4.6 <12.2 <4.6 15.0 (5.1) . .. . .. 9.0b (3.0) <17.8 <7.5 . .. 11.1 (5.5) <4.6 3.9 (3.2) <6.6 <13.8 3.8 (3.2) <4.6 <9.1 16.5 (5.2) 24.9 (6.7) 90.5 (12.0) 17.8 (5.8) . .. . .. 5.8 (3.6) 17.1 (5.3) <4.6 . .. 61.7 (9.6) 60.6 (9.7) 202.2 (15.3) 240.6 (16.6) 610.5 (28.6) 30.3 (6.6) 34.3 (7.2) <4.6 123.1 (12.2) 171.4 (14.3) 207.9 (17.6) . .. 103.7 (11.9) 189.2 (16.7) 2.0 ­ 8.0 <12.2 <14.2 <7.5 10.0b (3.2) ... ... <13.4 <18.2 <4.6 ... 5.0b (2.2) <4.6 <4.6 <4.6 <7.5 <6.6 <4.6 <6.0 <9.1 <9.8 33.0b (5.7) <9.3 ... ... 7.7 (4.0) <18.0 <4.6 ... <19.8 <25.3 <6.0 <10.2 <37.1 12.6 (4.8) 21.6 (6.4) <9.1 67.0 (9.5) 70.1 (9.7) 80.0b (8.9) ... <12.1 <35.2 0.3 ­ 1.0 ... ... ... 3.4 (3.2) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16.1 (5.5) 43.4 (8.8) ... ... ... 6.7 (3.8) 5.7 (4.0) ... ... 47.3 (8.4) 66.3 (10.5) 140.7 (12.9) 180.8 (14.5) 512.3 (25.7) 5.5 (3.6) 2.7 (3.6) ... 30.3 (6.6) 60.4 (9.0) 113.1 (14.4 ... 85.5 (10.7) 127.1 (13.5) 1.0 ­ 2.1 . . . 11.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 43.6 . . . 6.7 16.6 . . 18.0 8.6 58.7 60.3 96.1 26.4 32.0 . 98.3 115.4 151.8 . 21.5 46.4 .. .. .. (4.6) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (4.4) (8.8) .. .. .. (3.8) (5.3) .. .. (5.8) (6.7) (8.7) (8.9) (13.6) (6.3) (6.9) .. (11.0) (11.9) (14.9) .. (6.2) (9.7) 2.1 ­ 8.0 . . . 9.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.9 28.6 . . . 13.0 6.0 . . 7.2 þ3.1 þ0.1 1.3 0.4 12.1 20.9 . 59.5 68.4 82.8 . 1.8 2.7 .. .. .. (4.4) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (3.8) (9.8) .. .. .. (4.8) (4.4) .. .. (5.7) (9.3) (2.3) (3.2) (14.3) (4.8) (6.4) .. (8.9) (9.7) (15.0) .. (5.3) (10.6) Fluxa (10þ7 counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 8.0 <7.3 5.7 (3.1) <5.0 19 (4.8) ... ... 9.0b 10 (4.2) <5.0 ... 13 (4.8) <3.5 <7.7 <5.0 <11.8 <9.2 <3.5 <7.3 14 (4.3) 20 (5.4) 52 (6.6) 15 (4.9) ... ... 20 (4.7) 19 (4.9) <3.5 ... 53 (8.0) 33 (6.6) 150 (12) 160 (11) 200 (10) 34 (6.0) 39 (6.5) <6.2 140 (11) 170 (12) 120 (8.2) ... 82 (9.8) 80 (8.5) 0.3 ­ 2.0 <3.5 <9.2 <3.5 11 (3.0) ... ... 6.7b <13.4 <5.6 ... 8.5 (4.0) <3.5 2.9 (1.5) <5.0 <10.4 2.7 (1.5) <3.5 <6.8 13 (3.2) 18 (4.8) 38 (5.1) 15 (3.8) ... ... 4.3 (1.8) 11 (3.6) <3.5 ... 45 (6.8) 26 (4.2) 150 (11) 160 (11) 180 (8.6) 23 (4.2) 24 (5.0) <3.5 93 (8.4) 120 (9.7) 60 (5.1) ... 78 (8.9) 82 (7.3) 2.0 ­ 8.0 <9.2 <10.7 <5.6 7.5b .. . .. . <10.1 <13.7 <3.5 .. . 3.8b <3.5 <3.5 <3.5 <5.6 <5.0 <3.5 <4.5 <6.8 <7.4 24.7b <7.0 .. . .. . 5.8 (2.1) <13.5 <3.5 .. . <14.9 <19.0 <4.5 <7.7 <27.8 9.8 (2.9) 17 (4.9) <6.8 52 (6.5) 53 (7.3) 60.0b .. . <9.1 <26.4 La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 <1.31E+35 1.02E+35 <9.00E+34 3.36E+35 . .. . .. 1.61E+35b 1.78E+35 <9.00E+34 . .. 2.38E+35 <6.30E+34 <1.38E+35 <9.00E+34 <2.11E+35 <1.65E+35 <6.30E+34 <1.31E+35 2.52E+35 3.49E+35 9.21E+35 2.77E+35 . .. . .. 3.50E+35 3.47E+35 <6.30E+34 . .. 9.46E+35 5.85E+35 2.72E+36 2.93E+36 3.61E+36 6.01E+35 7.00E+35 <1.11E+35 2.55E+36 3.05E+36 2.06E+36 . .. 1.47E+36 1.42E+36

CXO J 013324.7+304210 .....

013325.5+303618 .....

013325.5+304439 .....

013325.6+304756 .....

013326.0+304119 .....

013327.6+304045 .....

013327.7+304645 ..... 013327.9+303135 ..... 013328.6+304321 ..... 013328.7+304746 ..... 013329.0+304216 ..... 013329.2+304537 ..... 013329.2+304508 ..... 013329.4+304912 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 33 30.588 30 34 04.62 1.5 01 33 30.873 30 41 32.02 1.1 01 33 31.161 30 33 33.51 1.1 01 33 31.366 30 37 37.54 1.1 01 33 32.112 30 36 56.47 1.1 01 33 33.008 30 49 20.38 3.0 01 33 33.606 30 31 08.76 2.2 01 33 33.924 30 39 38.97 1.0 01 33 34.112 30 37 14.3 1.0 01 33 34.155 30 32 10.51 0.7 01 33 34.525 30 35 56.22 1.1 01 33 35.152 30 44 51.71 1.2 01 33 35.502 30 37 28.84 1.0 01 33 35.830 30 46 54.65 1.6 01 33 35.962 30 36 27.35 1.0 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 64.5 (9.2) .. . .. . <4.6 6.0b (2.5) <9.7 261.0 (17.3) .. . .. . 14.5 (5.1) .. . <9.7 19.2 (5.6) .. . .. . .. . 35.6 (8.)1 <9.1 86.3 (10.9) .. . .. . 3.9 (3.2) <4.6 <6.6 59.1 (8.8) .. . <5.7 5036.7 (72.1) .. . .. . 18.1 (5.4) .. . .. . <4.6 <11.1 <9.7 16.2 (5.2) 38.1 (7.5) <5.7 8.1 (4.3) <14.6 <4.6 100.4 (11.2) .. . .. . 0.3 ­ 2.0 23.6 (6.2) ... ... <4.6 <6.6 <7.5 259.3 (17.2) ... ... 9.0b (3.0) ... <4.6 <11.8 ... ... ... 22.0 (6.9) <6.6 50.5 (8.6) ... ... <8.5 <4.6 <7.5 36.4 (7.1) ... <4.6 3691.1 (61.8) ... ... 17.0b (4.1) ... ... <4.6 4.3 (3.4) <9.1 9.7 (4.3) 24.4 (6.2) <6.0 <12.2 <6.0 <4.6 96.6 (10.9) ... ... 2.0 ­ 8.0 54.6 (8.6) ... ... <4.6 5.6 (3.6) <7.5 <11.6 ... ... <13.8 ... <12.2 15.5 (5.1) ... ... ... 13.0b (3.6) <7.5 38.5 (7.7) ... ... <8.5 <4.6 <4.6 23.9 (6.1) ... <6.0 1348.6 (37.9) ... ... <8.5 ... ... <4.6 <4.6 <6.0 6.0b (2.5) 12.2 (4.8) <4.6 <12.2 <12.6 <4.6 <13.8 ... ... 0.3 ­ 1.0 1.4 (2.7) ... ... ... ... ... 158.7 (13.7) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2.8 (3.6) ... 9.5 (4.6) ... ... ... ... ... 4.7 (3.4) ... ... 899.7 (31.1) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13.2 (4.8) ... ... ... ... 62.3 (9.0) ... ... 1.0 ­ 2.1 20.5 .. .. .. .. .. 99.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21.0 .. 41.2 .. .. .. .. .. 30.8 .. .. 2900.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12.5 .. .. .. .. 35.5 .. .. (5.7) . . . . . (11.0) . . . . . . . . . (5.9) . (7.6) . . . . . (6.6) . . (54.9) . . . . . . . . . (4.7) . . . . (7.1) . . 2.1 ­ 8.0 42.8 (7.7) ... ... . .. . .. . .. 3.5 (3.6) ... ... . .. ... . .. . .. ... ... ... 13.4 (5.6) . .. 36.5 (7.5) ... ... . .. . .. . .. 23.5 (6.0) ... . .. 1238.0 (36.3) ... ... . .. ... ... . .. . .. . .. . .. 12.6 (4.8) . .. . .. . .. . .. 2.7 (3.2) ... ... (10 0.3 ­ 8.0 50 (7.2) .. . .. . <3.5 4.5b <7.3 200 (13) .. . .. . 11 (3.7) .. . <7.3 14 (4.1) .. . .. . .. . 28 (6.0) <6.8 70 (8.7) .. . .. . 2.8 (2.3) <3.5 <5.0 43 (6.4) .. . <4.3 4100 (59) .. . .. . 13 (4.0) .. . .. . <3.5 <8.3 <7.3 12 (4.0) 19 (3.7) <4.3 6.4 (3.4) <11.0 <3.5 76 (8.4) .. . .. .

Fluxa counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 2.0 19 (4.0) . .. . .. <3.5 <5.0 <5.6 200 (13) . .. . .. 6.8b . .. <3.5 <8.9 . .. . .. . .. 17 (5.0) <5.0 40 (6.0) . .. . .. <6.4 <3.5 <5.6 26 (4.4) . .. <3.5 3000 (49) . .. . .. 12.8b . .. . .. <3.5 3.0 (2.3) <6.8 7.4 (2.4) 11 (2.9) <4.5 <9.2 <4.5 <3.5 72 (7.4) . .. . .. 2.0 ­ 8.0 44 (6.1) .. . .. . <3.5 4.0 (2.6) <5.6 <8.7 .. . .. . <10.4 .. . <9.2 12 (3.0) .. . .. . .. . 9.8b <5.6 32 (5.5) .. . .. . <6.4 <3.5 <3.5 18 (3.7) .. . <4.5 1100 (31) .. . .. . <6.4 .. . .. . <3.5 <3.5 <4.5 4.5b 8.8 (3.5) <3.5 <9.2 <9.5 <3.5 <10.4 .. . .. .

La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 9.02E+35 . .. . .. <6.30E+34 8.06E+34b <1.31E+35 3.61E+36 . .. . .. 1.90E+35 . .. <1.31E+35 2.53E+35 . .. . .. . .. 4.94E+35 <1.22E+35 1.25E+36 . .. . .. 4.93E+34 <6.30E+34 <9.00E+34 7.71E+35 . .. <7.70E+34 7.37E+37 . .. . .. 2.39E+35 . .. . .. <6.30E+34 <1.49E+35 <1.31E+35 2.21E+35 3.43E+35 <7.70E+34 1.14E+35 <1.97E+35 <6.30E+34 1.35E+36 . .. . ..

CXO J 013330.5+303404 .....

013330.8+304132 .....

013331.1+303333 .....

013331.3+303737 .....

013332.1+303656 .....

013333.0+304920 .....


013333.6+303108 .....

013333.9+303938 .....

013334.1+303714 .....

013334.1+303210 .....

013334.5+303556 .....

013335.1+304451 .....

013335.5+303728 .....

013335.8+304654 .....

013335.9+303627 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 33 36.094 30 33 33.43 1.4 01 33 36.398 30 37 42.26 1.0 01 33 36.694 30 37 29.22 1.0 01 33 37.490 30 47 18.27 1.2 01 33 37.659 30 40 10.18 1.0 01 33 37.892 30 38 37.49 1.0 01 33 37.964 30 40 23.52 1.0 01 33 37.992 30 40 35.58 1.0 01 33 39.212 30 40 49.48 1.0 01 33 39.807 30 43 50.17 1.0 01 33 40.084 30 43 23.11 1.0 01 33 40.785 30 35 23.54 1.1 01 33 41.216 30 39 50.48 1.0 01 33 41.447 30 38 15.99 1.0 01 33 41.505 30 32 20.5 1.5 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 24.0 (6.3) ... ... 118.1 (11.9) 98.6 (11.2) <9.7 17.4 (5.3) 14.1 (5.1) <11.1 92.0 (10.9) 145.3 (13.7) 75.3 (12.3) 7.0b (2.7) 22.1 (6.7) <9.7 6.6 (3.8) 11.5 (4.8) <11.1 7.8 (4.0) 6.0b (2.5) <6.6 21.7 (5.8) 11.6 (4.7) <11.1 72.6 (9.6) 42.5 (7.8) <8.3 6.7 (3.8) 9.0 (4.3) <4.6 45.1 (7.8) 35.7 (7.1) <12.6 14.1 (5.0) <13.8 ... <4.6 4.7 (3.6) <5.7 7.7 (4.0) <4.6 <6.6 21.3 (6.1) ... ... 0.3 ­ 2.0 19.9 (5.8) . .. . .. 71.6 (9.5) 62.5 (9.1) <9.1 10.8 (4.4) 5.5 (3.6) <6.0 68.8 (9.5) 104.8 (11.5) 42.7 (9.5) <13.8 8.6 (4.3) <6.0 <4.6 <9.1 <12.2 <10.1 <9.1 <4.6 7.9 (4.0) <13.8 <12.2 41.9 (7.5) 30.9 (6.7) <9.1 <8.5 <16.5 <4.6 26.7 (6.3) 24.3 (6.1) <12.2 9.5 (4.3) 4.5 (3.4) . .. <4.6 <9.1 <6.0 <8.5 <4.6 <4.6 15.4 (5.2) . .. . .. 2.0 ­ 8.0 <14.2 ... ... 47.5 (8.0) 38.7 (7.5) <6.0 6.6 (3.8) 7.0b (2.7) <12.2 26.0 (6.5) 38.9 (8.1) 41.0b (6.4) <9.1 <13.8 <9.1 6.8 (3.8) 9.3 (4.4) <6.0 5.0b (2.2) <12.2 <7.5 13.8 (4.8) 6.1 (3.8) <6.0 29.7 (6.5) 12.1 (4.7) <4.6 5.0b (2.2) <9.1 <4.6 18.0b (4.2) 12.2 (5.0) <7.5 5.0b (2.2) <6.0 ... <4.6 <9.1 <4.6 5.8 (3.6) <4.6 <7.5 <15.7 ... ... 0.3 ­ 1.0 5.2 (3.6) ... ... 6.8 (3.8) 10.8 (4.6) .. . .. . .. . .. . 17.1 (5.3) 28.5 (6.7) 6.2 (5.4) .. . 14.1 (5.2) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . <1.9 .. . .. . 6.9 (3.8) 3.9 (3.2) .. . .. . .. . .. . 11.8 (4.6) 1.6 (2.7) .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 8.0 (4.1) ... ... 1.0 ­ 2.1 15.4 . . 64.8 49.2 . . . . 49.0 80.9 27.3 . 4.1 . . . . . . . 8.9 . . 36.9 28.8 . . . . 16.8 23.8 . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 . . (5.1) .. .. (9.1) (8.1) .. .. .. .. (8.1) (10.2) (7.3) .. (3.6) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (4.1) .. .. (7.1) (6.5) .. .. .. .. (5.2) (6.0) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (4.0) .. .. 2.1 ­ 8.0 3.5 (3.4) ... ... 46.6 (7.9) 38.9 (7.5) .. . .. . .. . .. . 25.8 (6.5) 36.7 (7.7) 33.6 (9.5) .. . 4.0 (4.1) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 12.8 (4.7) .. . .. . 28.7 (6.5) 11.4 (4.6) .. . .. . .. . .. . 16.3 (5.2) 10.2 (4.4) .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 6.2 (4.0) ... ... Fluxa (10þ7 counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 8.0 18 (4.8) . .. . .. 90 (9.1) 48 (5.5) <7.3 13 (4.0) 6.6 (2.4) <8.3 71 (8.4) 100 (9.7) 29 (5.2) 5.3b 10 (3.2) <7.3 4.7 (2.7) 5.3 (2.2) <8.3 5.4 (2.8) 4.5b <5.0 15 (4.0) 13 (5.1) <8.3 50 (6.7) 47 (8.4) <6.2 4.9 (2.8) 6.0 (2.8) <3.5 32 (5.6) 23 (4.7) <9.5 10 (3.6) <10.4 . .. <3.5 2.1 (1.6) <4.3 5.4 (2.8) <3.5 <5.0 17 (4.7) . .. . .. 0.3 ­ 2.0 15 (3.6) .. . .. . 54 (6.4) 28 (4.1) <6.8 8.1 (2.5) 2.4 (1.6) <4.5 53 (6.5) 73 (8.0) 16 (3.9) <10.4 3.7 (1.8) <4.5 <3.5 <6.8 <9.2 <7.6 <6.8 <3.5 5.5 (2.0) <10.4 <9.2 29 (4.5) 32 (6.8) <6.8 <6.4 <12.4 <3.5 19 (3.7) 16 (3.9) <9.2 6.9 (2.3) 5.7 (4.0) .. . <3.5 <6.8 <4.5 <6.4 <3.5 <3.5 12 (3.2) .. . .. . 2.0 ­ 8.0 <10.7 ... ... 37 (5.4) 27 (5.2) <4.5 5.0 (2.0) 5.3b <9.2 20 (4.2) 31 (6.3) 30.7b <6.8 <10.4 <6.8 5.0 (1.9) 6.1 (2.9) <4.5 3.8b <9.2 <5.6 9.6 (2.6) 10 (5.9) <4.5 21 (3.8) 17 (6.4) <3.5 3.8b <6.8 <3.5 13.5b 8.5 (3.5) <5.6 <3.8 <4.5 ... <3.5 <6.8 <3.5 4.2 (1.7) <3.5 <5.6 <11.8 ... ... La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 3.28E+35 ... ... 1.60E+36 8.63E+35 <1.31E+35 2.36E+35 1.19E+35 <1.49E+35 1.27E+36 1.85E+36 5.13E+35 9.51E+34b 1.86E+35 <1.31E+35 8.45E+34 9.51E+34 <1.49E+35 9.69E+34 8.06E+34b <9.00E+34 2.70E+35 2.40E+35 <1.49E+35 9.01E+35 8.48E+35 <1.11E+35 8.78E+34 1.07E+35 <6.30E+34 5.71E+35 4.19E+35 <1.70E+35 1.85E+35 <1.86E+35 ... <6.30E+34 3.81E+34 <7.70E+34 9.69E+34 <6.30E+34 <9.00E+34 2.96E+35 ... ...

CXO J 013336.0+303333 .....

013336.3+303742 .....

013336.6+303729 .....

013337.4+304718 .....

013337.6+304010 .....

013337.8+303837 .....


013337.9+304023 .....

013337.9+304035 .....

013339.2+304049 .....

013339.8+304350 .....

013340.0+304323 .....

013340.7+303523 .....

013341.2+303950 .....

013341.4+303815 .....

013341.5+303220 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 33 41.528 30 41 36.23 1.0 01 33 41.885 30 38 48.71 1.0 01 33 42.508 30 42 53.11 1.0 01 33 42.741 30 46 42.14 1.4 01 33 43.428 30 46 30.83 1.1 01 33 43.534 30 41 02.97 1.0 01 33 43.938 30 35 08.30 1.1 01 33 44.245 30 40 26.16 1.0 01 33 46.252 30 38 07.18 1.0 01 33 46.584 30 37 48.33 1.0 01 33 46.781 30 43 18.09 0.9 01 33 47.574 30 40 42.75 1.0 01 33 48.645 30 33 04.70 1.3 01 33 49.122 30 40 55.19 1.0 01 33 50.520 30 38 21.42 1.0 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 37.6 (7.2) 56.1 (8.6) <14.2 99.6 (11.0) 318.8 (18.9) 623.0 (31.1) 19.6 (5.6) 87.3 (10.5) <15.7 9.7 (4.4) 33.9 (7.8) <12.2 8.8 (4.4) 86.1 (10.9) 158.4 (17.5) 7.0b (2.7) 12.1 (5.2) <5.7 6.7 (3.8) <7.5 .. . 16.0b (4.0) 41.0b (6.4) <6.6 <4.6 <5.7 143.0 (19.6) 157.4 (13.6) 198.5 (15.2) .. . 5.8 (3.6) <10.1 <9.7 7.9 (4.0) 13.5 (5.0) <11.1 29.0b (5.4) <10.2 .. . <8.5 6.0b (2.5) <9.7 39.6 (7.4) 123.4 (12.3) <15.7 0.3 ­ 2.0 21.8 (5.8) 34.3 (7.0) <7.5 95.7 (10.8) 318.6 (18.9) 312.5 (20.1) 12.8 (4.7) 35.2 (7.1) 7.0b (2.7) 5.0b (2.2) 14.5 (5.4) <6.6 10.4 (4.4) 79.7 (10.2) 174.6 (16.2) 8.0b (2.8) 10.6 (4.6) <4.6 3.8 (3.2) <7.5 ... <14.4 27.5 (8.2) <4.6 <4.6 <4.6 150.3 (18.2) 107.8 (11.4) 124.9 (12.3) ... <10.1 <8.5 <7.5 5.0b (2.2) 11.9 (4.7) <9.1 27.9 (6.6) 8.5 (6.4) ... <8.5 5.7 (3.6) <9.1 29.7 (6.5) 92.8 (10.7) 6.0b (2.5) 2.0 ­ 8.0 18.6 (5.4) 22.5 (5.9) <12.2 5.9 (3.6) <9.1 44.0b (6.6) 8.7 (4.1) 50.9 (8.3) <4.6 5.5 (3.6) 21.8 (6.6) <9.1 <4.6 <16.8 <12.2 <4.6 <6.5 <6.0 <10.1 <4.6 .. . 11.0b (3.3) <30.2 <7.5 <4.6 <6.0 <6.0 49.7 (8.1) 72.8 (9.6) .. . <10.1 <6.6 <7.5 <10.1 <12.2 <7.5 <9.1 <6.0 .. . <4.6 <6.6 <6.0 10.7 (4.4) 30.0 (6.6) <6.0 0.3 ­ 1.0 0.9 (2.3) 9.8 (4.3) .. . 63.9 (9.0) 236.3 (16.4) 401.2 (23.2) .. . 2.3 (2.9) .. . .. . 4.2 (3.8) .. . .. . 70.2 (9.6) 154.0 (14.5) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 92.5 (12.8) 32.8 (6.8) 49.6 (8.1) ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . 7.9 (4.0) 42.2 (7.6) .. . 1.0 ­ 2.1 19.9 (5.6) 23.9 (6.0) ... 29.9 (6.5) 81.6 (10.1) 176.5 (16.3) ... 38.5 (7.3) ... ... 10.3 (4.6) ... ... 10.3 (4.6) 32.8 (8.1) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 60.8 (10.5) 77.9 (9.9) 80.7 (10.0) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 21.9 (5.8) 50.5 (8.2) ... 2.1 ­ 8.0 16.7 (5.2) 22.5 (5.9) ... 5.8 (3.6) 0.9 (2.7) 35.0 (14.9) ... 46.3 (8.0) ... ... 20.2 (6.2) ... ... 6.0 (4.6) <7.5 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 46.7 (12.0) 46.7 (7.9) 68.2 (9.4) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9.8 (4.3) 30.6 (6.7) ... (10 0.3 ­ 8.0 26 (5.0) 37 (5.6) <10.7 70 (7.8) 150 (8.7) 200 (10) 15 (4.2) 56 (6.8) <11.8 19 (7.9) 25 (5.6) <9.2 20 (8.8) 61 (7.7) 79 (7.5) 5.2b 5.7 (2.4) <4.3 4.9 (2.8) <5.6 ... 12.0b 30.8b <5.0 <3.5 <4.3 90 (9.0) 120 (10) 93 (7.1) ... 4.1 (2.6) <7.6 <7.3 5.3 (2.7) 6.2 (2.3) <8.3 21.8b <7.7 ... <6.4 4.5b <7.3 27 (5.1) 57 (5.7) <11.8

Fluxa counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 2.0 15 (3.2) 22 (4.5) <5.6 67 (6.9) 130 (8.0) 92 (6.0) 9.7 (2.7) 22 (4.5) <5.3 3.8b 10 (3.8) <5.0 21 (6.6) 55 (7.0) 75 (6.4) 6.0b 4.6 (2.0) <3.5 2.8 (1.5) <5.6 ... <10.8 12 (3.5) <3.5 <3.5 <3.5 80 (7.7) 80 (7.7) 54 (5.3) ... <7.6 <6.4 <5.6 3.8b 5.1 (2.0) <6.8 21 (4.2) 12 (4.7) ... <6.4 2.4 (1.5) <6.8 20 (3.8) 40 (4.6) 4.5b 2.0 ­ 8.0 13 (3.0) 16 (4.1) <9.2 4.2 (1.7) <6.8 33.0b 6.6 (2.3) 35 (5.7) <3.5 11 (4.5) 18 (5.2) <6.8 <3.5 <12.6 <9.2 <3.5 <4.9 <4.5 <7.6 <3.5 ... 8.3b <22.7 <5.6 <3.5 <4.5 <4.5 38 (5.3) 48 (6.4) ... <7.6 <5.0 <5.6 <7.6 <9.2 <5.6 <6.8 <4.5 ... <3.5 <5.0 <4.5 7.4 (2.3) 20 (4.4) <4.5

La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 4.65E+35 6.56E+35 <2.95E+35 1.25E+36 2.61E+36 3.57E+36 2.65E+35 1.01E+36 <2.11E+35 3.34E+35 4.51E+35 <1.65E+35 3.60E+35 1.09E+36 1.42E+36 9.30E+34b 1.02E+35 <7.70E+34 8.77E+34 <1.00E+35 . .. 3.31E+35b 5.52E+35b <9.00E+34 <6.30E+34 <7.70E+34 1.62E+36 2.09E+36 1.65E+36 . .. 7.35E+34 <1.36E+35 <1.31E+35 9.56E+34 1.11E+35 <1.49E+35 3.90E+35b <1.38E+35 . .. <1.15E+35 8.06E+34b <1.31E+35 4.88E+35 1.02E+36 <2.11E+35

CXO J 013341.5+304136 .....

013341.8+303848 .....

013342.5+304253 .....

013342.7+304642 .....

013343.4+304630 .....

013343.5+304102 .....

013343.9+303508 .....


013344.2+304026 .....

013346.2+303807 .....

013346.5+303748 .....

013346.7+304318 .....

013347.5+304042 .....

013348.6+303304 .....

013349.1+304055 .....

013350.5+303821 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 33 51.001 30 39 37.62 0.7 01 33 52.715 30 32 42.21 1.4 01 33 53.361 30 40 16.02 1.0 01 33 53.518 30 33 17.67 1.3 01 33 53.662 30 36 05.79 1.0 01 33 53.715 30 32 50.21 1.4 01 33 54.555 30 35 23.01 1.0 01 33 54.651 30 45 19.25 1.1 01 33 54.872 30 33 09.98 1.1 01 33 55.217 30 35 28.60 1.0 01 33 55.450 30 43 07.24 1.0 01 33 55.822 30 39 24.41 1.0 01 33 56.367 30 53 53.21 4.9 01 33 56.809 30 37 29.75 1.0 01 33 56.828 30 37 06.38 1.0 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 5786.1 (77.8) 10300.6 (104.9) 171076.0 (415.1) <4.6 <12.1 ... <6.6 10.2 (4.4) <12.6 <4.6 <9.7 ... <13.8 21.7 (6.4) ... <7.5 <11.2 ... 12.5 (4.7) 7.0b (2.7) ... 9.0b (3.0) 19.5 (6.7) ... 154.3 (13.6) 443.2 (23.5) ... 6.0b (2.5) 14.8 (5.5) ... <4.6 5.5 (3.8) ... 7.0b (2.7) 12.4 (5.0) <4.6 ... ... <15.0 27.6 (6.4) 183.3 (14.7) ... 49.4 (8.1) 85.6 (10.5) ... 0.3 ­ 2.0 3471.9 (60.4) 6874.8 (85.4) 131846.5 (364.4) <4.6 <4.6 ... <4.6 9.6 (4.3) <13.8 <4.6 <4.6 ... <9.1 11.0b (3.3) ... <4.6 <4.6 ... 9.8 (4.3) <12.2 ... 9.5 (4.3) 22.0b (4.7) ... 157.4 (13.7) 446.4 (22.7) ... <6.6 <12.6 ... <4.6 <9.1 ... <20.4 9.0b (3.0) <4.6 ... ... <4.6 15.7 (5.1) 127.3 (12.4) ... 25.7 (6.2) 61.4 (9.1) ... 2.0 ­ 8.0 2314.3 (49.8) 3425.8 (61.7) 39229.5 (199.6) <4.6 5.4 (4.1) .. . <6.6 <6.6 <4.6 <4.6 2.9 (3.2) .. . <9.1 10.0b (3.2) .. . <7.5 4.5 (3.8) .. . <10.1 <12.2 .. . <4.6 <7.1 .. . <8.3 <15.7 .. . 4.8 (3.4) 11.0b (3.3) .. . <4.6 <12.2 .. . <6.6 <12.2 <4.6 .. . .. . 7.1 (4.6) 12.8 (4.7) 56.3 (8.7) .. . 22.8 (5.9) 27.0 (6.6) .. . 0.3 ­ 1.0 .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . 7.1 (4.1) ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . ... 101.0 (11.1) 391.5 (21.2) ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . ... ... .. . 1.9 (2.7) 46.6 (8.0) ... 6.8 (3.8) 28.7 (6.5) ... 1.0 ­ 2.1 ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... 4.8 (3.6) .. . ... ... .. . ... ... .. . ... ... .. . 52.3 (8.3) 55.1 (9.2) .. . ... ... .. . ... ... .. . ... ... ... .. . .. . ... 14.0 (4.8) 82.1 (10.2) .. . 17.9 (5.3) 33.1 (6.9) .. . 2.1 ­ 8.0 .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . 9.7 (4.7) ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . ... 1.2 (2.9) 2.4 (6.6) ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . ... ... .. . 11.9 (4.6) 54.5 (8.6) ... 24.7 (6.1) 23.7 (6.2) ... (10 0.3 ­ 8.0 4100 (56) 4900 (50) 53000 (130) <3.5 <9.1 .. . <5.0 4.9 (2.1) <9.5 <3.5 <7.3 .. . <10.4 9.9 (2.9) .. . <5.6 <8.4 .. . 9.0 (3.4) <5.3 .. . <6.8 13 (4.6) .. . 120 (10) 230 (12) .. . 4.5b 7.3 (2.6) .. . <3.5 4.3 (2.7) .. . 5.3b 5.8 (2.3) <3.5 .. . .. . <11.3 37 (8.4) 83 (6.7) .. . 38 (6.2) 38 (4.7) .. .

Fluxa counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 2.0 2400 (43) 3000 (37) 37000 (100) <3.5 <3.5 . .. <3.5 4.3 (1.9) <10.4 <3.5 <3.5 . .. <6.8 8.3b . .. <3.5 <3.5 . .. 7.0 (2.3) <9.2 . .. 6.9 (2.3) 16.5b . .. 120 (9.4) 210 (11) . .. <5.0 <9.5 . .. <3.5 <6.8 . .. <15.3 6.8b <3.5 . .. . .. <3.5 21 (5.2) 53 (5.2) . .. 20 (3.9) 25 (3.8) . .. 2.0 ­ 8.0 1700 (36) 2300 (41) 19000 (95) <3.5 4.4 (3.1) .. . <5.0 <5.0 <3.5 <3.5 2.1 (2.2) .. . <6.8 7.5b .. . <5.6 4.0 (3.1) .. . <7.6 <9.2 .. . <3.5 <5.3 .. . <6.2 <11.8 .. . 3.5 (1.6) <8.3 .. . <3.5 <9.2 .. . <5.0 <9.2 <3.5 .. . .. . 3.8 (2.2) 17 (4.7) 36 (5.7) .. . 18 (3.8) 17 (4.2) .. .

La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 7.37E+37 8.68E+37 9.40E+38 <6.30E+34 <1.63E+35 . .. <9.00E+34 8.79E+34 <1.70E+35 <6.30E+34 <1.31E+35 . .. <1.86E+35 1.76E+35 . .. <1.00E+35 <1.50E+35 . .. 1.61E+35 <9.50E+34 . .. <1.22E+35 2.40E+35 . .. 2.07E+36 4.08E+36 . .. 8.06E+34b 1.30E+35 . .. <6.30E+34 7.64E+34 . .. 9.51E+34b 1.03E+35 <6.30E+34 . .. . .. <2.02E+35 6.57E+35 1.49E+36 . .. 6.76E+35 6.89E+35 . ..

CXO J 013351.0+303937c ....

013352.7+303242 .....

013353.3+304016 .....

013353.5+303317 .....

013353.6+303605 .....

013353.7+303250 .....


013354.5+303523 .....

013354.6+304519 .....

013354.8+303309 .....

013355.2+303528 .....

013355.4+304307 .....

013355.8+303924 .....

013356.3+305353 .....

013356.8+303729 .....

013356.8+303706 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 33 56.933 30 36 52.73 1.0 01 33 57.033 30 35 00.70 1.1 01 33 57.240 30 51 36.46 3.5 01 33 57.882 30 37 56.85 1.0 01 33 58.127 30 32 00.73 2.6 01 33 58.189 30 34 38.07 1.1 01 33 58.320 30 48 26.94 2.1 01 33 58.491 30 33 33.10 1.3 01 33 58.495 30 36 24.05 1.0 01 33 58.824 30 50 04.78 1.5 01 33 59.076 30 34 25.84 1.2 01 33 59.452 30 31 04.6 2.0 01 34 00.081 30 30 57.01 2.0 01 34 00.186 30 52 18.15 3.2 01 34 00.286 30 42 18.05 1.0 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 2.8 (2.9) <4.6 .. . <10.9 21.0b (4.6) .. . .. . 32.1 (8.2) 58.1 (11.0) 8.0b (2.8) 27.0b (5.2) .. . 40.4 (7.7) 36.9 (7.9) .. . 6.0b (2.5) 19.5 (6.1) .. . .. . .. . 29.2 (7.4) 23.1 (6.2) 51.7 (10.1) .. . <9.3 17.0b (4.1) .. . .. . 118.9 (12.4) 88.7 (11.2) <16.5 27.2 (8.1) .. . .. . 43.3 (10.3) .. . .. . 22.0b (4.7) .. . .. . <4.6 18.9 (8.7) 11.2 (4.6) 52.0 (10.6) .. . 0.3 ­ 2.0 <8.5 <4.6 . .. <8.5 21.9 (8.0) . .. . .. 24.0 (6.7) 25.9 (6.8) <17.8 26.0 (7.7) . .. <9.7 8.0b (2.8) . .. <7.5 11.0b (3.3) . .. . .. . .. 13.0b (3.6) 22.9 (6.1) 46.6 (8.9) . .. <12.2 18.8 (6.1) . .. . .. 65.9 (9.4) 47.8 (8.3) <12.6 47.2 (9.5) . .. . .. 25.0b (5.0) . .. . .. 16.9 (6.0) . .. . .. <4.6 <18.0 16.4 (5.2) 53.0 (9.1) . .. 2.0 ­ 8.0 <6.6 <4.6 ... <7.5 <15.9 ... ... 8.0b (2.8) 31.8 (8.2) <7.5 <15.4 ... 38.7 (7.5) 28.8 (7.1) ... <12.2 8.0b (2.8) ... ... ... 18.0 (5.8) <8.3 <21.9 ... <4.6 <7.5 ... ... 48.8 (8.3) 38.1 (7.5) <12.6 <7.5 ... ... 18.0b (4.2) ... ... 6.0b (2.5) ... ... <4.6 16.3 (6.6) <6.6 <17.4 ... 0.3 ­ 1.0 .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. 9.0 (4.9) 11.6 (5.6) .. . .. . . .. 1.1 (2.7) 0.7 (3.2) . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. 0.8 (2.9) 14.2 (5.0) 38.7 (7.8) . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. 9.1 (4.6) 3.2 (3.6) .. . 29.9 (7.1) . .. . .. 5.7 (5.5) . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . 42.0 (8.3) . .. 1.0 ­ 2.1 . . . . . . . 16.9 17.3 . . . 2.3 7.2 . . . . . . 8.2 7.4 9.8 . . . . . 58.2 47.8 . 2.0 . . 21.8 . . . . . . . . 8.8 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (5.6) (6.0) .. .. .. (2.9) (4.1) .. .. .. .. .. .. (4.3) (4.0) (4.8) .. .. .. .. .. (8.8) (8.1) .. (3.6) .. .. (6.5) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (5.1) .. 2.1 ­ 8.0 .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. 5.0 (5.1) 31.6 (8.5) .. . .. . . .. 37.3 (7.3) 27.7 (6.9) . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. 20.7 (6.3) 1.5 (2.9) 11.4 (5.8) . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. 50.4 (8.6) 38.2 (7.8) .. . <3.8 . .. . .. 12.4 (7.3) . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . 2.7 (5.7) . .. Fluxa (10þ7 counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 8.0 2.0 (2.1) <3.5 ... <8.2 15.8b ... ... 26 (6.7) 25 (4.6) 6.0b 20.3b ... 33 (6.3) 27 (5.9) ... 4.5b 9.6 (3.0) ... ... ... 12 (3.1) 17 (4.6) 38 (6.4) ... <7.0 12.8b ... ... 93 (9.8) 36 (4.5) <12.4 14 (4.0) ... ... 32 (8.1) ... ... 16.5b ... ... <3.5 9.3 (3.7) 8.1 (3.3) 25 (5.0) ... 0.3 ­ 2.0 <6.4 <3.5 ... <6.4 9.8 (3.5) ... ... 19 (5.4) 11 (2.8) <13.4 11 (3.3) ... <7.3 6.0b ... <5.6 8.2b ... ... ... <0.0 17 (3.7) 30 (5.3) ... <9.2 7.9 (2.6) ... ... 51 (7.4) 19 (3.3) <9.5 22 (4.3) ... ... 18.8b ... ... 13 (4.7) ... ... <3.5 <13.5 12 (3.0) 23 (4.0) ... 2.0 ­ 8.0 <5.0 <3.5 .. . <5.6 <11.9 .. . .. . 6.0b 14 (3.5) <5.6 <11.6 .. . 31 (5.2) 22 (5.5) .. . <9.2 6.0b .. . .. . .. . 7.5 (2.4) <6.2 <16.4 .. . <3.5 <5.6 .. . .. . 40 (6.8) 16 (3.2) <9.5 <5.6 .. . .. . 13.5b .. . .. . 4.5b .. . .. . <3.5 7.9 (2.9) <5.0 <13.1 .. . La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 3.56E+34 <6.30E+34 . .. <1.47E+35 2.83E+35b . .. . .. 4.56E+35 4.43E+35 1.07E+35b 3.64E+35b . .. 5.92E+35 4.80E+35 . .. 8.06E+34b 1.72E+35 . .. . .. . .. 2.19E+35 3.08E+35 6.79E+35 . .. <1.25E+35 2.29E+35b . .. . .. 1.67E+36 6.48E+35 <2.39E+35 2.50E+35 . .. . .. 5.66E+35 . .. . .. 3.18E+35b . .. . .. <6.30E+34 1.67E+35 1.46E+35 4.54E+35 . ..

CXO J 013356.9+303652 .....

013357.0+303500 .....

013357.2+305136 .....

013357.8+303756 .....

013358.1+303200 .....

013358.1+303438 .....

013358.3+304826 .....


013358.4+303333 .....

013358.4+303624 .....

013358.8+305004 .....

013359.0+303425 .....

013359.4+303104 .....

013400.0+303057 .....

013400.1+305218 .....

013400.2+304218 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 34 00.506 30 52 03.39 3.1 01 34 00.794 30 41 38.38 1.0 01 34 01.009 30 41 07.82 1.0 01 34 01.477 30 35 17.27 1.1 01 34 01.529 30 31 36.50 1.2 01 34 01.608 30 35 16.83 1.1 01 34 02.060 30 30 04.82 1.4 01 34 02.409 30 40 40.63 1.0 01 34 02.653 30 49 39.55 2.1 01 34 02.700 30 54 09.13 3.7 01 34 02.874 30 34 38.64 1.2 01 34 02.888 30 41 51.10 1.0 01 34 02.968 30 30 42.91 2.2 01 34 03.248 30 55 01.76 4.2 01 34 04.354 30 40 36.07 1.0 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 .. . <4.6 <22.0 <4.6 <9.1 .. . 5.7 (3.6) <14.2 .. . 8.0b (2.8) 30.3 (7.4) .. . .. . 222.4 (16.9) .. . 6.7 (3.8) 10.0b (3.2) .. . .. . 167.7 (15.4) .. . 6.9 (3.8) <4.6 .. . .. . 25.2 (7.9) 86.5 (11.0) .. . .. . 20.8 (7.3) 2.9 (2.9) <4.6 .. . 28.6 (6.5) 25.0 (7.2) .. . .. . 15.0b (3.9) .. . .. . .. . <11.8 <10.1 <6.0 .. . 0.3 ­ 2.0 ... <4.6 11.5 (5.0) <4.6 <5.7 ... <6.6 <6.0 ... <12.2 38.7 (9.1) ... ... 146.0 (13.5) ... <10.1 <13.8 ... ... 129.5 (13.2) ... 6.9 (3.8) <4.6 ... ... <11.8 14.7 (5.2) ... ... 13.7 (5.5) 8.6 (4.1) <4.6 ... <6.6 5.3 (3.6) ... ... 10.4 (5.1) ... ... ... 3.8 (3.2) 2.9 (2.9) <6.6 ... 2.0 ­ 8.0 .. . <4.6 <7.4 <4.6 1.7 (3.2) .. . 5.0b (2.2) <13.8 .. . <13.8 9.0b (3.0) .. . .. . 70.0 (10.2) .. . <11.8 <12.2 .. . .. . 38.9 (8.6) .. . <6.6 <4.6 .. . .. . 25.6 (7.3) 70.1 (9.8) .. . .. . <20.9 <4.6 <4.6 .. . 27.7 (6.4) 19.1 (7.4) .. . .. . <15.9 .. . .. . .. . <4.6 <4.6 <4.6 .. . 0.3 ­ 1.0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14.3 (5.2) ... ... 25.0 (6.9) ... ... ... ... ... 37.8 (8.2) ... ... ... ... ... 1.2 (3.8) 0.5 (2.9) ... ... <2.9 ... ... ... <1.9 <2.9 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1.0 ­ 2.1 .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. 7.2 (4.1) .. . .. . 131.1 (12.7) .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . 93.4 (11.1) .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . <3.0 17.0 (5.4) .. . .. . 15.3 (5.3) . .. . .. .. . 0.9 (2.3) 6.7 (4.1) .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . 2.1 ­ 8.0 . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . 9.3 (4.8) . .. . .. 63.1 (10.0) . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. 33.8 (8.6) . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. 22.9 (7.1) 69.8 (9.8) . .. . .. 7.5 (5.2) .. . .. . . .. 27.7 (6.4) 19.9 (6.2) . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. (10 0.3 ­ 8.0 .. . <3.5 <16.5 <3.5 <6.8 .. . 6.8 (4.2) <10.7 .. . 6.0b 15 (3.6) .. . .. . 170 (13) .. . 7.7 (4.3) 7.5b .. . .. . 130 (12) .. . 4.9 (2.7) <3.5 .. . .. . 19 (6.3) 37 (4.6) .. . .. . 9.3 (3.1) 2.6 (2.6) <3.5 .. . 20 (4.5) 13 (3.6) .. . .. . 11.3b .. . .. . .. . <8.9 <7.6 <4.5 .. .

Fluxa counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 2.0 . .. <3.5 5.0 (2.1) <3.5 <4.3 . .. <5.0 <4.5 . .. <9.2 18 (4.1) . .. . .. 110 (10) . .. <7.6 <10.4 . .. . .. 99 (10) . .. 4.9 (1.9) <3.5 . .. . .. <8.9 6.1 (2.2) . .. . .. 5.9 (2.3) 7.8 (2.7) <3.5 . .. <5.0 2.5 (1.7) . .. . .. 7.6 (3.9) . .. . .. . .. 2.3 (1.9) 2.0 (1.2) <5.0 . .. 2.0 ­ 8.0 ... <3.5 <5.6 <3.5 1.3 (2.3) ... 3.8b <10.4 ... <10.4 6.8b ... ... 54 (8.1) ... <8.9 <9.2 ... ... 31 (7.1) ... <5.0 <3.5 ... ... 20 (6.0) 30 (4.2) ... ... <15.7 <3.5 <3.5 ... 19 (3.7) 15 (5.4) ... ... <11.9 ... ... ... <3.5 <3.5 <3.5 ...

La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 ... <6.30E+34 <3.18E+35 <6.30E+34 <1.22E+35 ... 1.22E+35 <2.95E+35 ... 1.07E+35b 2.67E+35 ... ... 2.98E+36 ... 1.38E+35 1.34E+35b ... ... 2.32E+36 ... 8.81E+34 <6.30E+34 ... ... 3.33E+35 6.53E+35 ... ... 1.67E+35 4.69E+34 <6.30E+34 ... 3.57E+35 2.34E+35 ... ... 2.02E+35b ... ... ... <1.59E+35 <1.36E+35 <8.10E+34 ...

CXO J 013400.5+305203 .....

013400.7+304138 .....

013401.0+304107 .....

013401.4+303517 .....

013401.5+303136 .....

013401.6+303516 .....


013402.0+303004 .....

013402.4+304040 .....

013402.6+304939 .....

013402.7+305409 .....

013402.8+303438 .....

013402.8+304151 .....

013402.9+303042 .....

013403.2+305501 .....

013404.3+304036 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 34 04.414 30 41 53.55 1.0 01 34 06.891 30 37 16.82 1.1 01 34 07.471 30 37 07.43 1.1 01 34 07.639 30 39 02.19 1.0 01 34 07.811 30 35 53.76 1.2 01 34 08.296 30 38 51.73 1.1 01 34 08.415 30 46 32.86 1.5 01 34 08.538 30 38 50.45 1.1 01 34 09.745 30 32 59.20 1.8 01 34 09.882 30 50 44.84 1.6 01 34 09.925 30 32 19.92 1.3 01 34 09.983 30 50 39.73 1.5 01 34 10.350 30 53 46.13 2.4 01 34 10.520 30 39 46.57 1.0 01 34 10.672 30 42 23.64 1.0 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 7.7 (4.0) <12.6 <12.2 <12.6 22.1 (6.7) ... <12.2 8.0b (2.8) ... 8.7 (4.1) 18.8 (5.8) <4.6 43.4 (7.8) 71.1 (10.5) ... 9.7 (4.3) 15.4 (5.7) <4.6 26.1 (6.5) 17.9 (5.9) 15.9 (5.5) 8.0b (2.8) 19.0b (4.4) <4.6 29.5 (6.8) 23.8 (6.7) ... ... 5.0b (2.2) 72.9 (10.0) ... 208.8 (16.0) ... ... 33.0 (8.5) <9.1 ... <6.6 58.0 (9.3) 100.2 (11.1) 248.9 (17.1) 276.0 (18.4) 75.5 (9.8) ... 147.5 (14.1) 0.3 ­ 2.0 5.9 (3.6) <12.2 <10.1 <12.2 18.0b (4.2) . .. 4.7 (3.4) 9.0b (3.0) . .. <8.5 8.8 (4.3) <4.6 31.2 (6.7) 52.8 (9.1) . .. <6.6 <14.6 <4.6 19.1 (5.6) 16.8 (5.7) 17.4 (5.5) <6.0 <13.4 <4.6 16.5 (5.3) 18.8 (5.9) . .. . .. <10.1 45.5 (7.9) . .. 213.7 (16.0) . .. . .. 23.4 (7.0) <8.5 . .. <6.6 38.0 (7.5) 76.4 (9.8) 194.1 (15.2) 183.0 (14.9) 73.3 (9.6) . .. 145.8 (13.5) 2.0 ­ 8.0 <10.1 <6.0 <6.0 <7.5 <13.8 ... <4.6 <4.6 ... 6.7 (3.8) 10.8 (4.7) <4.6 12.4 (4.7) 20.2 (6.6) ... 8.7 (4.1) 11.0b (3.3) <4.6 <12.6 <9.3 <5.7 <6.0 15.8 (5.6) <4.6 8.0 (4.1) <18.0 ... ... <8.5 28.0 (6.6) ... <9.3 ... ... <25.6 <6.0 ... <4.6 20.1 (6.0) 24.4 (6.1) 53.0 (8.6) 94.1 (11.5) <9.1 ... <14.6 0.3 ­ 1.0 . . . . 20.2 . . . . . . . 9.6 23.7 . . . . 20.4 . . . . . 5.1 5.6 . . . 2.7 . 207.2 . . 6.3 . . . 12.9 25.8 96.3 49.9 57.7 . 105.0 .. .. .. .. (5.9) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (4.3) (6.5) .. .. .. .. (5.7) .. .. .. .. .. (3.6) (4.0) .. .. .. (3.2) .. (15.6) .. .. (4.6) .. .. .. (5.0) (6.2) (11.0) (8.5) (8.7) .. (11.5) 1.0 ­ 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . 21.7 32.5 . . . . 2.4 . . . . . 14.4 12.7 . . . 45.9 . 2.4 . . 15.5 . . . 25.3 51.9 105.3 133.8 15.7 . 40.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (5.8) (7.1) .. .. .. .. (2.9) .. .. .. .. .. (5.0) (4.8) .. .. .. (7.9) .. (3.4) .. .. (5.5) .. .. .. (6.3) (8.3) (11.4) (12.8) (5.1) .. (7.8) 2.1 ­ 8.0 ... ... ... ... 4.3 (4.1) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12.2 (4.7) 16.2 (6.1) ... ... ... ... 3.0 (3.4) ... ... ... ... ... 10.3 (4.6) 4.6 (4.1) ... ... ... 25.1 (6.5) ... <3.8 ... ... 11.4 (6.0) ... ... ... 20.1 (6.2) 22.6 (5.9) 47.7 (8.3) 93.9 (11.4) 1.9 (2.9) ... 1.8 (5.0) (10 0.3 ­ 8.0 5.4 (2.8) <9.5 <9.2 <9.5 11 (3.3) ... <9.2 6.0b ... 6.2 (2.9) 8.7 (2.7) <3.5 31 (5.6) 36 (5.2) ... 7.0 (3.1) 7.1 (2.6) <3.5 20 (4.9) 17 (5.4) 14 (4.5) 6.0b 14.3b <3.5 23 (5.2) 17 (5.0) ... ... 3.8b 33 (4.5) ... 160 (13) ... ... 27 (7.1) <6.8 ... <5.0 23 (3.8) 72 (7.9) 120 (8.0) 120 (7.7) 56 (7.3) ... 60 (5.7)

Fluxa counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 2.0 4.1 (1.7) <9.2 <7.6 <9.2 13.5b . .. 3.3 (1.6) <6.8 . .. <6.4 3.7 (1.8) <3.5 2.2 (4.1) 24 (4.1) . .. <5.0 <11.0 <3.5 14 (3.4) 17 (5.5) 15 (4.5) <4.5 <10.1 <3.5 13 (3.2) 14 (4.3) . .. . .. <7.6 21 (3.6) . .. 170 (12) . .. . .. 19 (5.7) <6.4 . .. <5.0 15 (3.0) 55 (6.3) 83 (6.5) 77 (6.2) 55 (6.4) . .. 59 (5.4) 2.0 ­ 8.0 <7.6 <4.5 <4.5 <5.6 <10.4 .. . <3.5 <3.5 .. . 4.8 (1.9) 7.3 (3.2) <3.5 8.9 (2.6) 15 (4.7) .. . 6.3 (2.2) 8.3b <3.5 <9.5 <7.0 <4.3 <4.5 11 (3.7) <3.5 6.2 (2.3) <13.5 .. . .. . <6.4 13 (3.1) .. . <7.0 .. . .. . <19.2 <4.5 .. . <3.5 8.4 (2.5) 17 (3.6) 37 (6.0) 41 (5.0) <6.8 .. . <11.0

La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 9.68E+34 <1.70E+35 <1.65E+35 <1.70E+35 1.99E+35 ... <1.65E+35 1.07E+35b ... 1.11E+35 1.55E+35 <6.30E+34 5.57E+35 6.39E+35 ... 1.25E+35 1.27E+35 <6.30E+34 3.54E+35 2.99E+35 2.57E+35 1.07E+35b 2.56E+35b <6.30E+34 4.08E+35 3.07E+35 ... ... 6.80E+34b 5.95E+35 ... 2.93E+36 ... ... 4.78E+35 <1.22E+35 ... <9.00E+34 4.20E+35 1.28E+36 2.09E+36 2.09E+36 1.01E+36 ... 1.07E+36

CXO J 013404.4+304153 .....

013406.8+303716 .....

013407.4+303707 .....

013407.6+303902 .....

013407.8+303553 .....

013408.2+303851 .....

013408.4+304632 .....


013408.5+303850 .....

013409.7+303259 .....

013409.8+305044 .....

013409.9+303219 .....

013409.9+305039 .....

013410.3+305346 .....

013410.5+303946 .....

013410.6+304223 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 34 10.766 30 50 08.65 1.4 01 34 11.809 30 40 16.82 1.1 01 34 12.121 30 47 37.23 1.2 01 34 12.860 30 35 54.57 1.4 01 34 14.180 30 53 52.49 2.1 01 34 14.506 30 32 50.02 2.1 01 34 14.806 30 34 12.70 1.8 01 34 15.073 30 47 48.67 1.1 01 34 16.307 30 54 03.43 2.0 01 34 16.374 30 51 54.72 1.3 01 34 16.682 30 44 10.23 1.2 01 34 16.735 30 51 01.53 1.2 01 34 17.074 30 34 25.59 1.9 01 34 17.142 30 48 42.02 1.1 01 34 17.444 30 41 24.04 1.4 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 ... <4.6 21.5 (6.0) 5.0b (2.2) <7.5 <6.0 ... <6.6 5.5 (3.6) <22.8 <20.0 ... ... <4.6 27.4 (7.6) ... 13.0b (3.6) ... 12.6 (4.8) 9.0b (3.0) ... ... <4.6 11.2 (4.7) ... <6.6 9.0 (4.3) ... <8.5 39.6 (8.1) <4.6 <6.6 14.8 (5.1) ... <10.2 72.2 (9.8) 24.1 (6.3) 39.5 (7.8) ... ... <6.6 19.8 (5.7) <7.5 ... 12.0b (3.5) 0.3 ­ 2.0 ... <4.6 <12.2 <6.6 <4.6 <4.6 ... <4.6 <8.5 7.3 (4.0) <14.4 ... ... <4.6 24.8 (6.4) ... <9.3 ... 6.0b (2.5) 7.0b (2.7) ... ... <4.6 <9.1 ... <4.6 <10.1 ... <6.6 41.7 (7.9) <4.6 <6.6 8.7 (4.1) ... <10.1 42.0 (7.6) 7.6 (4.0) 33.6 (7.9) ... ... <6.6 6.0b (2.5) <8.5 ... 13.8 (5.1) 2.0 ­ 8.0 .. . <4.6 15.8 (5.2) 3.8 (3.2) <7.5 <6.0 .. . <6.6 <10.0 <12.2 <12.1 .. . .. . <4.6 <12.9 .. . 11.8 (5.1) .. . 6.0b (2.5) <7.5 .. . .. . <4.6 8.2 (4.1) .. . <6.6 6.0b (2.5) .. . <6.6 <9.8 <4.6 <4.6 6.0b (2.5) .. . <6.6 28.5 (6.5) 11.6 (4.7) 25.9 (7.3) .. . .. . <4.6 14.4 (5.0) <4.6 .. . <6.5 0.3 ­ 1.0 ... .. . 1.5 (2.7) .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . ... ... .. . 16.9 (5.6) ... .. . ... .. . .. . ... ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . ... .. . 29.7 (6.7) .. . .. . .. . ... .. . 8.1 (4.1) <1.9 5.2 (3.8) ... ... .. . .. . .. . ... .. . 1.0 ­ 2.1 .. . ... 2.6 (2.9) ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... .. . .. . ... 8.5 (4.4) .. . ... .. . ... ... .. . .. . ... ... .. . ... ... .. . ... 10.2 (4.6) ... ... ... .. . ... 36.3 (7.1) 12.5 (4.7) 17.0 (5.3) .. . .. . ... ... ... .. . ... 2.1 ­ 8.0 ... .. . 17.7 (5.4) .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . ... ... .. . 2.2 (4.4) ... .. . ... .. . .. . ... ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . ... .. . <3.6 .. . .. . .. . ... .. . 27.5 (6.5) 12.6 (4.8) 16.6 (5.6) ... ... .. . .. . .. . ... .. . (10 0.3 ­ 8.0 .. . <3.5 9.9 (2.7) 3.8b <5.6 <4.5 .. . <5.0 2.1 (1.4) <17.1 <15.0 .. . .. . <3.5 11 (3.0) .. . <9.8 .. . 9.9 (3.7) 6.8b .. . .. . <3.5 6.1 (2.5) .. . <5.0 3.6 (1.7) .. . <6.4 15 (3.1) <3.5 <5.0 5.7 (2.0) .. . <7.7 27 (3.7) 18 (4.7) 29 (5.8) .. . .. . <5.0 7.3 (2.1) <5.6 .. . 9.0b

Fluxa counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 2.0 ... <3.5 <9.2 <5.0 <3.5 <3.5 ... <3.5 <6.4 5.5 (2.1) <10.8 ... ... <3.5 9.8 (2.5) ... <7.0 ... 4.5b 5.3b ... ... <3.5 <6.8 ... <3.5 <7.6 ... <5.0 16 (3.0) <3.5 <5.0 3.3 (1.6) ... <7.5 16 (2.9) 5.8 (2.1) 24 (5.8) ... ... <5.0 4.5b <6.4 ... 5.5 (2.0) 2.0 ­ 8.0 ... <3.5 7.3 (2.4) 2.7 (1.4) <5.6 <4.5 ... <5.0 <7.5 <9.2 <9.1 ... ... <3.5 <9.7 ... 9.3 (4.1) ... 4.5b <5.6 ... ... <3.5 4.4 (2.2) ... <5.0 4.5b ... <5.0 <7.4 <3.5 <3.5 4.5b ... <5.0 11 (2.5) 9.0 (2.8) 19 (5.7) ... ... <3.5 5.4 (1.9) <3.5 ... <4.9

La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 ... <6.30E+34 1.77E+35 6.80E+34b <1.00E+35 <8.10E+34 ... <9.00E+34 3.72E+34 <3.06E+35 <2.68E+35 ... ... <6.30E+34 1.95E+35 ... <1.75E+35 ... 1.76E+35 1.22E+35b ... ... <6.30E+34 1.10E+35 ... <9.00E+34 6.36E+34 ... <1.15E+35 2.69E+35 <6.30E+34 <9.00E+34 1.02E+35 ... <1.38E+35 4.88E+35 3.28E+35 5.16E+35 ... ... <9.00E+34 1.31E+35 <1.00E+35 ... 1.61E+35b

CXO J 013410.7+305008 .....

013411.8+304016 .....

013412.1+304737 .....

013412.8+303554 .....

013414.1+305352 .....

013414.5+303250 .....


013414.8+303412 .....

013415.0+304748 .....

013416.3+305403 .....

013416.3+305154 .....

013416.6+304410 .....

013416.7+305101 .....

013417.0+303425 .....

013417.1+304842 .....

013417.4+304124 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 34 19.182 30 43 26.17 1.3 01 34 19.294 30 49 42.07 1.0 01 34 19.300 30 42 39.02 1.4 01 34 19.783 30 37 19.60 1.6 01 34 19.846 30 42 34.96 1.4 01 34 20.946 30 50 01.65 1.0 01 34 21.174 30 39 28.57 1.6 01 34 21.261 30 49 32.61 1.0 01 34 21.427 30 44 48.30 1.1 01 34 21.913 30 42 42.36 1.3 01 34 23.516 30 54 26.23 1.7 01 34 23.678 30 38 33.10 1.9 01 34 23.851 30 38 47.12 1.9 01 34 24.225 30 44 06.01 1.1 01 34 24.455 30 51 04.95 1.0 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 <6.5 <20.9 <4.6 .. . <6.6 47.3 (8.1) <4.6 <4.6 9.0b (3.0) 8.2 (4.4) <12.2 .. . <4.6 <4.6 8.9 (5.0) .. . <8.5 15.0 (5.2) <6.0 .. . 17.2 (6.0) .. . 27.9 (7.6) 119.0 (12.0) <6.6 6.0b (2.5) 6.4 (4.0) <4.6 <8.5 <10.1 .. . <4.6 10.2 (4.7) 9.0b (3.0) .. . .. . 28.8 (6.8) .. . 21.0 (6.9) <4.6 <6.6 <10.1 .. . <4.6 6.4 (3.8) 0.3 ­ 2.0 <6.0 <7.5 <4.6 ... <6.6 22.4 (5.9) <4.6 <4.6 8.8 (4.3) 7.4 (4.0) <10.5 ... <4.6 <4.6 7.0b (2.7) ... <4.6 9.4 (4.3) <6.6 ... 11.7 (5.6) ... 11.0b (3.3) 40.6 (7.5) <6.6 <8.5 <12.2 <4.6 <6.6 2.9 (2.9) ... <4.6 19.1 (5.8) 8.2 (4.1) ... ... 19.7 (5.8) ... 16.3 (6.1) <4.6 <4.6 2.9 (2.9) ... <4.6 <10.2 2.0 ­ 8.0 <5.7 8.8 (4.4) <4.6 .. . <4.6 24.7 (6.2) <4.6 <4.6 <6.6 <8.3 <8.3 .. . <4.6 <4.6 <10.8 .. . <8.5 7.1 (4.0) <4.6 .. . <17.8 .. . 18.1 (5.8) 78.1 (9.9) <4.6 <10.2 <9.1 <4.6 <6.6 <4.6 .. . <4.6 <11.1 <7.5 .. . .. . 12.8 (5.2) .. . 7.3 (5.0) <4.6 <6.6 <4.6 .. . <4.6 <10.1 0.3 ­ 1.0 .. . .. . .. . ... .. . 2.6 (2.9) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . ... .. . ... 2.3 (3.6) 2.5 (2.9) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . ... ... 4.1 (3.4) ... 2.7 (3.2) .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . 1.0 ­ 2.1 ... ... ... .. . ... 21.7 (5.8) ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... .. . ... .. . 9.7 (4.6) 41.6 (7.5) ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... .. . .. . 16.4 (5.2) .. . 16.9 (5.3) ... ... ... .. . ... ... 2.1 ­ 8.0 .. . .. . .. . ... .. . 22.8 (6.0) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . ... .. . ... 15.8 (6.0) 74.6 (9.8) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . ... ... 9.2 (4.4) ... 8.6 (4.6) .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . Fluxa (10þ7 counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 8.0 <4.9 <15.7 <3.5 .. . <5.0 17 (3.0) <3.5 <3.5 6.8b 6.3 (3.4) <9.2 .. . <3.5 <3.5 3.4 (1.9) .. . <6.4 5.5 (1.9) <4.5 .. . 7.2 (2.5) .. . 23 (6.4) 44 (4.4) <5.0 4.5b 2.6 (1.6) <3.5 <6.4 <7.6 .. . <3.5 4.5 (2.0) 6.8b .. . .. . 23 (5.3) .. . 25 (6.1) <3.5 <5.0 <7.6 .. . <3.5 2.4 (1.4) 0.3 ­ 2.0 <4.5 <5.6 <3.5 ... <5.0 8.3 (2.2) <3.5 <3.5 3.4 (1.7) 5.6 (2.1) <7.9 ... <3.5 <3.5 5.3b ... <3.5 3.4 (1.6) <5.0 ... 4.9 (2.3) ... 8.3b 15 (2.7) <5.0 <6.4 <9.2 <3.5 <5.0 1.2 (1.2) ... <3.5 8.7 (2.6) 6.3 (2.3) ... ... 15 (3.6) ... 16 (4.6) <3.5 <3.5 1.1 (1.1) ... <3.5 <7.7 2.0 ­ 8.0 <4.3 6.4 (3.4) <3.5 ... <3.5 9.2 (2.3) <3.5 <3.5 <5.0 <6.2 <6.2 ... <3.5 <3.5 <8.1 ... <6.4 2.6 (1.5) <3.5 ... <13.4 ... 16 (5.1) 29 (3.7) <3.5 <7.7 <6.8 <3.5 <5.0 <3.5 ... <3.5 <8.3 <5.6 ... ... 10 (3.2) ... 14 (5.6) <3.5 <5.0 <3.5 ... <3.5 <7.6 La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 8.80E+34 <2.81E+35 <6.30E+34 ... <9.00E+34 3.12E+35 <6.30E+34 <6.30E+34 1.22E+35b 1.14E+35 <1.65E+35 ... <6.30E+34 <6.30E+34 6.12E+34 ... <1.15E+35 9.82E+34 <8.10E+34 ... 1.29E+35 ... 4.20E+35 7.80E+35 <9.00E+34 8.06E+34b 4.62E+34 <6.30E+34 <1.15E+35 <1.36E+35 ... <6.30E+34 8.03E+34 1.22E+35b ... ... 4.05E+35 ... 4.46E+35 <6.30E+34 <9.00E+34 <1.36E+35 ... <6.30E+34 4.21E+34

CXO J 013419.1+304326 .....

013419.2+304942 .....

013419.3+304239 .....

013419.7+303719 .....

013419.8+304234 .....

013420.9+305001 .....

013421.1+303928 .....


013421.2+304932 .....

013421.4+304448 .....

013421.9+304242 .....

013423.5+305426 .....

013423.6+303833 .....

013423.8+303847 .....

013424.2+304406 .....

013424.4+305104 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 34 24.524 30 43 06.39 1.2 01 34 24.628 30 44 28.85 1.0 01 34 24.785 30 39 13.01 2.0 01 34 25.368 30 41 57.82 1.4 01 34 25.481 30 28 21.70 2.4 01 34 25.501 30 55 14.88 0.7 01 34 25.875 30 46 36.73 1.0 01 34 26.575 30 44 46.97 1.0 01 34 26.608 30 37 37.70 2.3 01 34 26.799 30 48 11.93 1.0 01 34 27.062 30 43 14.47 1.0 01 34 27.277 30 44 21.86 1.0 01 34 28.179 30 32 46.51 3.6 01 34 29.016 30 42 49.07 1.2 01 34 29.135 30 42 12.44 1.2 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 9.6 (4.4) 25.8 (7.0) 52.8 (8.5) <6.8 35.4 (7.8) <9.1 <7.5 ... 16.0 (6.7) <20.3 44.9 (8.3) 26.7 (7.0) ... 112.7 (14.5) ... ... 1774.2 (44.4) 4404.5 (67.5) <4.6 <6.6 <11.8 36.2 (7.7) 42.5 (8.8) 91.2 (10.7) 19.9 (5.9) ... ... ... <4.6 38.2 (7.4) 27.7 (6.7) 62.0 (9.7) 107.9 (11.6) <10.1 <6.6 10.1 (4.4) ... 59.2 (10.4) ... <7.5 <10.1 11.3 (4.6) 16.2 (5.9) <19.6 19.6 (5.8) 0.3 ­ 2.0 <16.5 22.2 (6.3) 27.1 (6.4) <7.5 18.5 (5.8) <10.1 <7.4 .. . <15.5 <10.8 33.0 (7.1) 18.3 (5.6) .. . 83.6 (11.2) .. . .. . 1332.9 (38.2) 3283.3 (58.4) <4.6 <4.6 <4.6 22.8 (6.2) 28.4 (7.1) 67.0 (9.3) 16.8 (5.3) .. . .. . .. . <4.6 18.6 (5.4) 20.5 (5.9) 35.1 (7.5) 77.8 (9.9) <10.1 <6.6 7.6 (4.0) .. . 42.0b (6.5) .. . <8.5 <8.5 7.7 (4.0) 9.0b (3.0) 7.0b (2.7) 18.7 (5.6) 2.0 ­ 8.0 <12.2 <18.2 26.3 (6.4) <5.2 19.5 (6.1) <4.6 <6.6 ... 11.0b (3.3) <16.5 15.8 (5.6) <16.5 ... 29.0b (5.4) ... ... 432.9 (23.2) 1380.7 (38.4) <4.6 <6.6 3.7 (3.2) 14.0b (3.7) 16.0b (4.0) 23.9 (6.1) <11.1 ... ... ... <4.6 13.6 (4.8) 9.0b (3.0) 25.1 (6.7) 30.5 (6.7) <4.6 <4.6 <9.1 ... 18.0b (4.2) ... <4.6 <6.6 <10.2 <17.8 <9.3 <12.2 0.3 ­ 1.0 .. . 4.9 (3.8) 5.2 (3.6) .. . 6.8 (4.1) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 11.4 (4.7) 3.2 (3.4) .. . 32.0 (8.3) .. . .. . 366.0 (20.8) 788.0 (29.1) .. . .. . .. . 8.6 (4.3) 4.2 (4.0) 18.3 (5.4) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 2.6 (2.9) 2.4 (2.9) 8.3 (4.4) 19.3 (5.6) .. . .. . .. . .. . 13.7 (5.8) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1.0 ­ 2.1 ... 15.0 (5.2) 22.4 (5.9) ... 10.9 (4.7) ... ... ... ... ... 19.4 (5.7) 18.5 (5.6) ... 52.7 (9.0) ... ... 1003.4 (32.9) 2391.4 (49.9) ... ... ... 13.6 (5.0) 23.3 (6.3) 49.4 (8.1) ... ... ... ... ... 20.7 (5.7) 16.4 (5.2) 28.4 (6.6) 59.4 (8.8) ... ... ... ... 28.5 (6.8) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2.1 ­ 8.0 .. . 4.3 (4.4) 25.0 (6.3) .. . 16.1 (5.9) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 12.7 (5.3) 5.1 (4.3) .. . 31.7 (9.3) .. . .. . 431.6 (22.9) 1226.3 (36.1) .. . .. . .. . 14.3 (5.4) 13.0 (6.1) 23.2 (6.1) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 14.8 (5.1) 9.9 (4.6) 23.3 (6.7) 29.0 (6.6) .. . .. . .. . .. . 17.3 (6.8) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . Fluxa (10þ7 counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 8.0 7.3 (3.4) 19 (5.3) 20 (3.3) <5.1 26 (6.0) <6.8 <5.6 ... 6.8 (2.7) <15.2 33 (6.2) 11 (2.9) ... 100 (13) ... ... 2000 (49) 2000 (30) <3.5 <5.0 <8.9 31 (6.5) 33 (7.0) 34 (4.0) 15 (4.5) ... ... ... <3.5 14 (2.8) 25 (5.9) 46 (7.4) 41 (4.4) <7.6 <5.0 3.7 (1.7) ... 50 (8.7) ... <5.6 <7.6 4.3 (1.7) 13 (4.5) <14.7 7.5 (2.2) 0.3 ­ 2.0 <12.4 16 (4.7) 10 (2.4) <5.6 14 (4.4) <7.6 <5.6 ... <11.6 <8.1 24 (5.3) 7.6 (2.3) ... 72 (9.6) ... ... 1500 (41) 1600 (28) <3.5 <3.5 <3.5 19 (4.2) 22 (5.6) 25 (3.5) 13 (3.2) ... ... ... <3.5 7.0 (2.1) 18 (4.1) 26 (5.7) 30 (3.8) <7.6 <5.0 2.8 (1.5) ... 31.5b ... <6.4 <6.4 2.9 (1.5) 6.8b 5.3b 7.2 (2.1) 2.0 ­ 8.0 <9.2 <13.7 10 (2.5) <3.9 15 (4.8) <3.5 <5.0 ... <8.3 <12.4 12 (4.3) <12.4 ... <21.8 ... ... 530 (28) 680 (19) <3.5 <5.0 1.4 (1.2) 10.5b 12.0b 9.0 (2.3) <8.3 ... ... ... <3.5 5.2 (1.8) 6.8b 19 (5.3) 12 (2.6) <3.5 <3.5 <6.8 ... 13.5b ... <3.5 <5.0 <7.7 <13.4 <7.0 <9.2 La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 1.30E+35 3.33E+35 3.61E+35 9.10E+34 4.70E+35 <1.22E+35 <1.00E+35 ... 1.21E+35 <2.72E+35 5.91E+35 1.97E+35 ... 1.81E+36 ... ... 3.55E+37 3.53E+37 <6.30E+34 <9.00E+34 <1.59E+35 5.50E+35 5.82E+35 6.07E+35 2.75E+35 ... ... ... <6.30E+34 2.57E+35 4.43E+35 8.28E+35 7.33E+35 <1.36E+35 <9.00E+34 6.70E+34 ... 8.90E+35 ... <1.00E+35 <1.36E+35 7.67E+34 2.28E+35 <2.63E+35 1.35E+35

CXO J 013424.5+304306 .....

013424.6+304428 .....

013424.7+303913 .....

013425.3+304157 .....

013425.4+302821 .....

013425.5+305514 .....


013425.8+304636 .....

013426.5+304446 .....

013426.6+303737 .....

013426.7+304811 .....

013427.0+304314 .....

013427.2+304421 .....

013428.1+303246 .....

013429.0+304249 .....

013429.1+304212 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 34 29.742 30 50 26.16 1.0 01 34 29.917 30 42 36.39 1.2 01 34 29.956 30 51 06.87 1.0 01 34 30.491 30 50 41.78 1.0 01 34 30.904 30 45 10.0 1.0 01 34 32.020 30 34 55.00 1.8 01 34 32.148 30 51 58.81 1.0 01 34 32.238 30 49 58.73 1.0 01 34 32.277 30 31 59.23 4.6 01 34 32.523 30 39 28.22 2.0 01 34 32.595 30 50 35.41 1.0 01 34 32.704 30 34 36.04 3.7 01 34 33.021 30 46 38.00 1.0 01 34 33.614 30 55 00.39 1.7 01 34 33.763 30 47 01.92 1.0 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 ... <10.2 93.7 (10.8) <4.6 <4.6 6.0b (2.5) ... <8.5 22.4 (5.9) ... <4.6 12.0 (4.7) ... <4.6 19.2 (5.7) 102.7 (11.9) ... ... ... <6.6 68.5 (9.5) ... <6.6 6.5 (3.8) ... 27.0b (5.2) ... <18.2 13.0b (3.6) <7.5 ... <6.6 35.8 (7.1) 54.6 (9.6) <4.8 ... ... <10.2 33.6 (7.0) ... ... 25.5 (6.6) ... 421.1 (27.4) 819.6 (36.4) 0.3 ­ 2.0 .. . <6.6 57.5 (8.7) <4.6 <4.6 4.5 (3.4) .. . <8.5 5.7 (3.6) .. . <4.6 2.7 (2.9) .. . <4.6 11.5 (4.6) 28.4 (6.7) .. . .. . .. . <6.6 53.2 (8.4) .. . <4.6 3.7 (3.2) .. . 18.0 (6.3) .. . <6.5 <8.3 <4.6 .. . <4.6 13.7 (4.8) 33.7 (7.3) <5.1 .. . .. . <10.2 36.0 (7.1) .. . .. . <12.6 .. . 353.7 (22.4) 781.9 (31.9) 2.0 ­ 8.0 ... <10.1 34.9 (7.1) <4.6 <4.6 <7.5 ... <4.6 16.1 (5.2) ... <4.6 <13.8 ... <4.6 9.3 (4.3) 67.9 (9.6) ... ... ... <4.6 13.4 (4.8) ... <6.6 <8.5 ... <22.1 ... 8.0b (2.8) 12.0 (5.0) <7.5 ... <6.6 21.4 (5.8) 18.0b (4.2) <4.6 ... ... <4.6 <7.5 ... ... 22.0 (6.1) ... 67.4 (16.6) 37.6 (18.4) 0.3 ­ 1.0 ... .. . 19.7 (5.6) .. . .. . .. . ... .. . <1.9 ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . 2.4 (3.6) ... ... ... .. . 18.8 (5.4) ... .. . .. . ... .. . ... .. . .. . .. . ... .. . 0.7 (2.3) 10.2 (4.9) .. . ... ... .. . 20.6 (5.7) ... ... <2.3 ... 221.0 (16.9) 467.7 (24.6) 1.0 ­ 2.1 . . 40.7 . . . . . 10.9 . . . . . . 29.6 . . . . 38.9 . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8 29.4 . . . . 11.7 . . 4.9 . 103.2 265.9 .. .. (7.5) .. .. .. .. .. (4.4) .. .. .. .. .. .. (6.7) .. .. .. .. (7.3) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (4.8) (6.7) .. .. .. .. (4.6) .. .. (3.6) .. (12.5) (19.4) 2.1 ­ 8.0 ... ... 33.1 (6.9) ... ... ... ... ... 11.6 (4.6) ... ... ... ... ... ... 73.2 (10.0) ... ... ... ... 12.5 (4.7) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 21.2 (5.8) 18.8 (6.2) ... ... ... ... 1.1 (2.7) ... ... 20.2 (6.0) ... 56.9 (13.1) 101.0 (19.1) (10 0.3 ­ 8.0 .. . <7.7 34 (3.9) <3.5 <3.5 4.5b .. . <6.4 8.1 (2.1) .. . <3.5 4.3 (1.7) .. . <3.5 7.4 (2.2) 85 (9.7) .. . .. . .. . <5.0 93 (13) .. . <5.0 2.3 (1.3) .. . <20.3 .. . <13.7 9.8b <5.6 .. . <5.0 15 (3.0) 51 (8.3) <3.6 .. . .. . <7.7 12 (2.5) .. . .. . 10 (2.7) .. . 430 (27) 280 (14)

Fluxa counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 2.0 . .. <5.0 21 (3.1) <3.5 <3.5 1.7 (1.3) . .. <6.4 2.1 (1.3) . .. <3.5 0.98 (1.1) . .. <3.5 4.4 (1.8) 24 (4.6) . .. . .. . .. <5.0 68 (11) . .. <3.5 1.3 (1.1) . .. 15 (5.1) . .. <4.9 <6.2 <3.5 . .. <3.5 6.4 (2.3) 29 (5.2) <3.8 . .. . .. <7.7 13 (2.6) . .. . .. <9.5 . .. 340 (22) 280 (12) 2.0 ­ 8.0 .. . <7.6 13 (2.5) <3.5 <3.5 <5.6 .. . <3.5 5.8 (1.9) .. . <3.5 <10.4 .. . <3.5 3.6 (1.7) 57 (7.1) .. . .. . .. . <3.5 20 (7.0) .. . <5.0 <6.4 .. . <16.6 .. . 6.0b 9.2 (3.9) <5.6 .. . <5.0 8.8 (2.4) 13.5b <3.5 .. . .. . <3.5 <5.6 .. . .. . 8.7 (2.4) .. . 87 (18) 3.0 (7.7)

La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 . .. <1.38E+35 6.03E+35 <6.30E+34 <6.30E+34 8.06E+34b . .. <1.15E+35 1.46E+35 . .. <6.30E+34 7.68E+34 . .. <6.30E+34 1.32E+35 1.52E+36 . .. . .. . .. <9.00E+34 1.66E+36 . .. <9.00E+34 4.11E+34 . .. 3.64E+35 . .. <2.45E+35 1.75E+35b <1.00E+35 . .. <9.00E+34 2.67E+35 9.05E+35 6.45E+34 . .. . .. <1.38E+35 2.16E+35 . .. . .. 1.79E+35 . .. 7.66E+36 5.00E+36

CXO J 013429.7+305026 .....

013429.9+304236 .....

013429.9+305106 .....

013430.4+305041 .....

013430.9+304510 .....

013432.0+303455 .....

013432.1+305158 .....


013432.2+304958 .....

013432.2+303159 .....

013432.5+303928 .....

013432.5+305035 .....

013432.7+303436 .....

013433.0+304638 .....

013433.6+305500 .....

013433.7+304701 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 30 1.0 01 30 1.0 01 30 1.1 01 30 1.0 01 30 1.0 01 30 1.0 01 30 1.5 01 30 1.0 01 30 1.0 01 30 4.3 01 30 1.0 01 30 1.1 01 30 1.0 01 30 1.0 01 30 0.7 34 33.929 50 21.42 34 34.195 51 36.00 34 34.217 52 54.82 34 35.032 44 39.16 34 35.090 47 11.52 34 35.107 50 34.33 34 35.152 56 46.29 34 35.372 52 08.81 34 35.389 49 46.10 34 36.096 34 50.24 34 36.487 47 13.99 34 36.647 43 14.67 34 37.437 50 33.77 34 38.831 45 38.78 34 38.833 55 04.23 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 ... 3.1 (3.4) <4.6 ... 4.6 (4.3) 11.0 (4.6) ... 3.4 (3.4) <4.6 ... <10.2 47.3 (8.1) ... <8.5 12.0b (3.5) ... 7.3 (5.0) <6.0 ... ... 159.1 (14.9) ... <6.6 <12.2 ... <10.1 5.6 (3.6) 63.7 (10.7) ... ... ... 67.0b (8.2) 65.3 (9.2) ... <8.5 8.6 (4.3) ... 7.4 (4.6) <4.6 ... 108.9 (12.6) 213.3 (15.7) ... ... 2429.1 (50.5) 0.3 ­ 2.0 ... <7.5 <4.6 ... <8.3 5.0b (2.2) ... <9.1 <4.6 ... <6.6 11.6 (4.6) ... <8.5 <10.1 ... <10.2 <4.6 ... ... 72.1 (10.0) ... <6.6 3.8 (3.2) ... <8.5 3.5 (3.2) 37.3 (7.7) ... ... ... 20.0b (4.5) <10.1 ... <8.5 <7.5 ... <9.7 <4.6 ... 96.6 (11.7) 156.0 (13.6) ... ... 1741.3 (42.8) 2.0 ­ 8.0 .. . <9.1 <4.6 .. . <14.6 4.5 (3.4) .. . <7.5 <4.6 .. . <10.1 37.0 (7.2) .. . <4.6 9.6 (4.3) .. . <18.0 <6.0 .. . .. . 76.7 (10.3) .. . <4.6 <6.6 .. . <6.6 <8.5 21.6 (7.1) .. . .. . .. . 47.0 (9.0) 65.1 (9.2) .. . <4.6 7.0b (2.7) .. . <14.4 <4.6 .. . 29.0b (5.4) 58.5 (8.7) .. . .. . 692.4 (27.5) 0.3 ­ 1.0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... <1.9 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.5 (3.8) ... ... ... ... ... ... 3.1 (4.2) ... ... ... ... 0.8 (2.3) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 30.9 (7.1) 48.6 (8.1) ... ... 508.6 (23.6) 1.0 ­ 2.1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10.7 (4.4) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 76.7 (10.2) ... ... ... ... ... ... 42.9 (7.9) ... ... ... ... 1.9 (2.7) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50.1 (8.5) 108.7 (11.5) ... ... 1270.8 (36.7) 2.1 ­ 8.0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 36.9 (7.2) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 81.5 (11.2) ... ... ... ... ... ... 23.8 (7.0) ... ... ... ... 62.6 (9.0) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 26.6 (7.6) 55.9 (8.6) ... ... 648.6 (26.7) (10 0.3 ­ 8.0 ... 2.6 (2.9) <3.5 ... 4.0 (3.7) 4.0 (1.7) ... 5.6 (4.7) <3.5 ... <7.7 17 (3.0) ... <6.4 9.0b ... 6.7 (4.4) <4.5 ... ... 68 (6.4) ... <5.0 <9.2 ... <7.6 6.1 (3.8) 61 (9.3) ... ... ... 50.3b 23 (3.3) ... <6.4 3.2 (1.6) ... 6.5 (4.0) <3.5 ... 89 (10) 77 (5.7) ... ... 1000 (21)

Fluxa counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 2.0 . .. <5.6 <3.5 . .. <6.2 3.8b . .. <6.8 <3.5 . .. <5.0 4.3 (1.7) . .. <6.4 <7.6 . .. <7.7 <3.5 . .. . .. 31 (4.3) . .. <5.0 1.4 (1.2) . .. <6.4 4.1 (3.4) 32 (5.5) . .. . .. . .. 15.0b <7.6 . .. <6.4 <5.6 . .. <7.3 <3.5 . .. 78 (9.5) 56 (4.9) . .. . .. 710 (18) 2.0 ­ 8.0 ... <6.8 <3.5 ... <11.0 1.6 (1.3) ... <5.6 <3.5 ... <7.6 14 (2.7) ... <3.5 3.5 (1.6) ... <13.5 <4.5 ... ... 33 (4.5) ... <3.5 <5.0 ... <5.0 <6.4 21 (5.2) ... ... ... 43 (8.2) 24 (3.3) ... <3.5 5.3b ... <10.8 <3.5 ... 21.8b 21 (3.2) ... ... 290 (11)

La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 ... 4.56E+34 <6.30E+34 ... 7.10E+34 7.23E+34 ... 1.01E+35 <6.30E+34 ... <1.38E+35 3.11E+35 ... <1.15E+35 1.61E+35b ... 1.20E+35 <8.10E+34 ... ... 1.21E+36 ... <9.00E+34 <1.65E+35 ... <1.36E+35 1.09E+35 1.08E+36 ... ... ... 9.01E+35b 4.20E+35 ... <1.15E+35 5.72E+34 ... 1.16E+35 <6.30E+34 ... 1.59E+36 1.38E+36 ... ... 1.78E+37

CXO J 013433.9+305021 .....

013434.1+305136 .....

013434.2+305254 .....

013435.0+304439 .....

013435.0+304711 .....

013435.1+305034 .....


013435.1+305646 .....

013435.3+305208 .....

013435.3+304946 .....

013436.0+303450 .....

013436.4+304713 .....

013436.6+304314 .....

013437.4+305033 .....

013438.8+304538 .....

013438.8+305504 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 34 38.996 30 50 14.38 1.0 01 34 39.028 30 41 15.12 1.4 01 34 39.875 30 51 43.40 1.0 01 34 40.846 30 44 09.58 1.0 01 34 41.070 30 43 25.84 1.1 01 34 41.207 30 43 30.37 1.1 01 34 41.653 30 50 33.89 1.0 01 34 42.066 30 52 29.09 1.1 01 34 42.515 30 52 49.33 1.2 01 34 42.669 30 49 27.39 1.0 01 34 42.793 30 50 50.44 1.0 01 34 42.840 30 45 05.86 1.0 01 34 43.136 30 49 48.61 1.0 01 34 44.363 30 47 02.90 1.0 01 34 44.561 30 49 22.42 1.0 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 .. . 6.6 (4.7) <6.0 .. . <8.5 24.3 (7.1) .. . .. . 126.4 (12.4) .. . <10.1 27.8 ô 6.5 .. . <8.5 40.7 (7.9) .. . 20.4 (6.6) 7.0b (2.7) .. . 10.1 (5.4) <7.5 .. . .. . 60.5 (9.0) .. . .. . 68.2 (9.5) .. . <6.6 7.2 (4.0) .. . .. . 9.0b (3.0) .. . 50.4 (9.5) 77.9 (9.9) .. . <4.6 25.4 (6.3) .. . <4.6 26.9 (6.4) .. . 81.7 (12.1) 152.2 (13.4) 0.3 ­ 2.0 ... <7.5 <4.6 ... <8.5 <18.0 ... ... 85.0 (10.3) ... <8.5 18.5 (5.4) ... <8.5 51.5 (8.7) ... 24.7 (6.9) <15.5 ... <16.0 <8.5 ... ... 44.7 (7.8) ... ... 33.0b (5.7) ... <4.6 <10.1 ... ... <6.6 ... 31.7 (7.3) 56.6 (8.6) ... <4.6 6.7 (3.8) ... <4.6 16.8 (5.2) ... 51.3 (9.1) 138.3 (12.8) 2.0 ­ 8.0 ... <18.0 <6.0 ... <4.6 17.0b (4.1) ... ... 45.3 (7.9) ... <6.6 9.0b (3.0) ... <4.6 <12.1 ... <10.2 <7.5 ... <13.8 <4.6 ... ... 17.0 (5.3) ... ... 35.3 (7.1) ... <6.6 4.6 (3.4) ... ... 8.2 (4.1) ... 18.0b (4.2) 21.1 (5.8) ... <4.6 8.7 (4.1) ... <4.6 10.7 (4.4) ... 29.0b (5.4) 14.7 (5.0) 0.3 ­ 1.0 ... ... ... ... ... <2.7 ... ... 21.4 (5.8) ... ... 6.7 (3.8) ... ... 30.5 (6.7) ... 15.2 (5.2) ... ... ... ... ... ... 6.5 (3.8) ... ... 5.2 (3.6) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10.7 (5.0) 18.8 (5.4) ... ... 1.6 (2.7) ... ... 1.8 (2.7) ... 26.2 (7.0) 68.6 (9.4) 1.0 ­ 2.1 .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 9.8 (4.6) .. . .. . 62.5 (9.0) .. . .. . 11.8 (4.6) .. . .. . 6.8 (4.0) .. . 2.3 (3.2) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 36.5 (7.1) .. . .. . 27.2 (6.4) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 20.9 (6.1) 37.8 (7.2) .. . .. . 15.6 (5.1) .. . .. . 15.8 (5.)1 .. . 30.6 (7.1) 71.6 (9.5) 2.1 ­ 8.0 . . . . . 15.0 . . 42.0 . . 9.3 . . 3.0 . 3.4 . . . . . . 17.2 . . 35.2 . . . . . . . 18.0 21.2 . . 7.7 . . 9.2 . 31.7 11.6 .. .. .. .. .. (5.8) .. .. (7.7) .. .. (4.3) .. .. (3.8) .. (4.1) .. .. .. .. .. .. (5.4) .. .. (7.2) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (6.7) (5.8) .. .. (4.1) .. .. (4.3) .. (8.2) (4.7) (10 0.3 ­ 8.0 ... 5.6 (4.0) <4.5 ... <6.4 9.4 (2.8) ... ... 47 (4.6) ... <7.6 10 (2.4) ... <6.4 15 (3.0) ... 18 (5.7) 5.3b ... 13 (5.9) <5.6 ... ... 24 (3.6) ... ... 26 (3.6) ... <5.0 2.6 (1.4) ... ... <6.8 ... 41 (7.9) 28 (3.6) ... <3.5 9.1 (2.3) ... <3.5 9.6 (2.3) ... 88 (12) 55 (4.9)

Fluxa counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 2.0 . .. <5.6 <3.5 . .. <6.4 <13.5 . .. . .. 32 (3.9) . .. <6.4 6.8 (2.0) . .. <6.4 19 (3.2) . .. 21 (5.9) <11.6 . .. <12.0 <6.4 . .. . .. 18 (3.1) . .. . .. 24.8b . .. <3.5 <7.6 . .. . .. <5.0 . .. 26 (6.0) 21 (3.1) . .. <3.5 2.4 (1.4) . .. <3.5 6.0 (1.9) . .. 54 (9.1) 50 (4.6) 2.0 ­ 8.0 .. . <13.5 <4.5 .. . <3.5 12.8b .. . .. . 17 (2.9) .. . <5.0 6.8b .. . <3.5 <9.1 .. . <7.7 <5.6 .. . <10.4 <3.5 .. . .. . 6.7 (2.1) .. . .. . 13 (2.7) .. . <5.0 1.6 (1.2) .. . .. . 2.9 (1.5) .. . 13.5b 7.6 (2.1) .. . <3.5 3.1 (1.5) .. . <3.5 3.8 (1.6) .. . 21.8b 5.2 (1.8)

La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 . .. 1.00E+35 <8.10E+34 . .. <1.15E+35 1.69E+35 . .. . .. 8.39E+35 . .. <1.36E+35 1.84E+35 . .. <1.15E+35 2.70E+35 . .. 3.18E+35 9.51E+34b . .. 2.33E+35 <1.00E+35 . .. . .. 4.30E+35 . .. . .. 4.61E+35 . .. <9.00E+34 4.57E+34 . .. . .. <1.22E+35 . .. 7.39E+35 5.06E+35 . .. <6.30E+34 1.62E+35 . .. <6.30E+34 1.71E+35 . .. 1.57E+36 9.82E+35

CXO J 013438.9+305014 .....

013439.0+304115 .....

013439.8+305143 .....

013440.8+304409 .....

013441.0+304325 .....

013441.2+304330 .....

013441.6+305033 .....


013442.0+305229 .....

013442.5+305249 .....

013442.6+304927 .....

013442.7+305050 .....

013442.8+304505 .....

013443.1+304948 .....

013444.3+304702 .....

013444.5+304922 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 34 44.637 30 55 35.46 1.3 01 34 45.853 30 52 22.43 1.2 01 34 46.778 30 44 49.01 1.0 01 34 47.471 30 49 57.53 1.0 01 34 47.488 30 39 58.44 2.1 01 34 48.629 30 47 06.55 1.0 01 34 49.043 30 44 46.44 1.1 01 34 49.314 30 48 08.96 1.0 01 34 49.516 30 50 11.93 1.1 01 34 51.128 30 43 56.76 1.2 01 34 51.849 30 45 23.06 1.1 01 34 51.938 30 46 15.84 1.0 01 34 52.289 30 53 09.01 1.6 01 34 52.386 30 50 37.72 1.2 01 34 52.595 30 42 41.74 1.5 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 .. . .. . 314.7 (19.2) .. . .. . 10.5 (4.6) .. . <8.5 52.7 (8.4) .. . .. . 12.4 (4.8) .. . 21.1 (7.3) .. . .. . <8.5 7.3 (4.0) .. . <8.5 92.2 (10.8) .. . <4.6 7.3 (4.0) .. . .. . 9.1 (4.3) .. . <4.6 80.4 (10.2) .. . 8.8 (4.6) <7.5 .. . 137.5 (15.6) 121.3 (12.2) .. . .. . 29.7 (7.2) .. . .. . 17.4 (5.4) .. . <4.6 16.2 (5.7) 0.3 ­ 2.0 ... ... 202.4 (15.5) ... ... <7.5 ... <6.6 46.1 (7.9) ... ... 5.7 (3.6) ... 16.3 (6.2) ... ... <4.6 <8.5 ... <8.5 51.1 (8.3) ... <4.6 7.8 (4.0) ... ... 5.8 (3.6) ... <4.6 63.3 (9.1) ... <12.2 <8.5 ... 77.6 (11.1) 85.2 (10.3) ... ... 25.4 (6.3) ... ... <13.8 ... <4.6 9.0b (3.0) 2.0 ­ 8.0 ... ... 129.6 (12.8) ... ... 7.4 (4.0) ... <6.6 12.5 (4.8) ... ... 6.6 (3.8) ... <17.2 ... ... <8.5 5.6 (3.6) ... <4.6 39.6 (7.5) ... <4.6 <4.6 ... ... <9.1 ... <4.6 17.1 (5.4) ... <15.7 <4.6 ... 57.0b (7.6) 35.9 (7.1) ... ... 6.0b (2.5) ... ... 11.8 (4.7) ... <4.6 <17.6 0.3 ­ 1.0 . .. . .. 19.3 (5.8) . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . 10.8 (4.4) . .. . .. .. . . .. 7.2 (4.4) . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . 15.3 (5.1) . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . 7.3 (4.0) . .. .. . .. . . .. 24.5 (7.4) 25.5 (6.2) . .. . .. 5.6 (3.8) . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . 1.0 ­ 2.1 .. . .. . 173.4 (14.3) .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. 30.8 (6.6) .. . .. . . .. .. . 8.4 (4.6) .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. 39.3 (7.4) .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. 58.3 (8.7) .. . . .. . .. .. . 60.1 (9.7) 59.5 (8.8) .. . .. . 19.6 (5.7) .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. 2.1 ­ 8.0 . .. . .. 121.9 (12.5) . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . 11.1 (4.6) . .. . .. .. . . .. 4.4 (5.1) . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . 37.2 (7.4) . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . 14.5 (5.2) . .. .. . .. . . .. 55.0 (11.1) 36.2 (7.2) . .. . .. 4.2 (4.1) . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . (10 0.3 ­ 8.0 .. . .. . 140 (8.3) .. . .. . 3.9 (1.7) .. . <6.4 21 (3.3) .. . .. . 4.4 (1.8) .. . 17 (6.1) .. . .. . <6.4 2.8 (1.5) .. . <6.4 34 (4.0) .. . <3.5 2.8 (1.5) .. . .. . 3.3 (1.6) .. . <3.5 30 (3.8) .. . 7.7 (4.0) <5.6 .. . 120 (14) 48 (4.8) .. . .. . 12 (3.0) .. . .. . 7.1 (2.2) .. . <3.5 6.2 (2.2)

Fluxa counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 2.0 ... ... 87 (6.7) ... ... <5.6 ... <5.0 18 (3.0) ... ... 2.1 (1.3) ... 13 (5.1) ... ... <3.5 <6.4 ... <6.4 19 (3.0) ... <3.5 3.0 (1.5) ... ... 2.1 (1.3) ... <3.5 24 (3.4) ... <9.2 <6.4 ... 6.7 (9.6) 34 (4.1) ... ... 11 (2.6) ... ... <10.4 ... <3.5 <6.8 2.0 ­ 8.0 .. . .. . 56 (5.6) .. . .. . 2.8 (1.5) .. . <5.0 4.8 (1.9) .. . .. . 2.4 (1.4) .. . <12.9 .. . .. . <6.4 2.1 (1.4) .. . <3.5 14 (2.7) .. . <3.5 <3.5 .. . .. . <6.8 .. . <3.5 6.3 (2.0) .. . <11.8 <3.5 .. . 42.8b 14 (2.8) .. . .. . 4.5b .. . .. . 4.8 (1.9) .. . <3.5 <13.2

La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 ... ... 2.43E+36 ... ... 6.95E+34 ... <1.15E+35 3.68E+35 ... ... 7.95E+34 ... 3.01E+35 ... ... <1.15E+35 4.98E+34 ... <1.15E+35 6.05E+35 ... <6.30E+34 5.03E+34 ... ... 5.94E+34 ... <6.30E+34 5.37E+35 ... 1.37E+35 <1.00E+35 ... 2.18E+36 8.56E+35 ... ... 2.21E+35 ... ... 1.28E+35 ... <6.30E+34 1.10E+35

CXO J 013444.6+305535 .....

013445.8+305222 .....

013446.7+304449 .....

013447.4+304957 .....

013447.4+303958 .....

013448.6+304706 .....


013449.0+304446 .....

013449.3+304808 .....

013449.5+305011 .....

013451.1+304356 .....

013451.8+304523 .....

013451.9+304615 .....

013452.2+305309 .....

013452.3+305037 .....

013452.5+304241 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 34 53.225 30 57 18.28 2.0 01 34 53.843 30 57 44.79 4.8 01 34 55.304 30 46 24.21 1.2 01 34 55.922 30 48 14.77 1.2 01 34 56.174 30 41 38.10 2.0 01 34 56.798 30 45 56.01 1.3 01 34 56.966 30 46 26.42 1.3 01 34 57.344 30 43 19.44 1.6 01 34 57.763 30 42 47.05 1.8 01 34 58.584 30 47 07.27 1.3 01 34 59.236 30 46 08.02 1.4 01 35 00.574 30 50 28.81 1.6 01 35 01.127 30 43 45.33 1.2 01 35 04.228 30 43 44.50 2.2 01 35 04.820 30 50 34.15 2.1 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 .. . .. . 106.6 (12.6) .. . .. . 13.0b (3.6) .. . <6.6 29.5 (6.7) .. . .. . 16.4 (5.3) .. . <6.6 10.8 (4.7) .. . 5.9 (4.1) <6.0 .. . .. . 6.7 (3.8) .. . <8.5 9.0b (3.0) .. . <4.6 20.4 (6.0) .. . .. . 47.7 (8.3) .. . .. . 20.5 (5.9) .. . .. . 82.3 (10.5) .. . 85.6 (12.7) 180.6 (14.9) .. . <8.5 13.4 (5.5) .. . .. . 8.0b (2.8) 0.3 ­ 2.0 . .. . .. 71.0 (10.0) . .. . .. 14.4 (5.5) . .. <4.6 9.6 (4.3) . .. . .. 11.7 (4.6) . .. <6.6 11.9 (4.7) . .. <12.2 <6.6 . .. . .. 6.9 (3.8) . .. <8.5 8.9 (4.3) . .. <4.6 <6.0 . .. . .. 23.8 (6.1) . .. . .. 8.7 (4.1) . .. . .. 44.7 (7.9) . .. 53.6 (9.1) 120.7 (12.1) . .. <8.5 8.0b (2.8) . .. . .. 8.9 (4.3) 2.0 ­ 8.0 ... ... 26.7 (6.7) ... ... <9.3 ... <6.6 20.3 (5.8) ... ... <13.8 ... <4.6 <6.6 ... <9.7 <4.6 ... ... <4.6 ... <4.6 <6.6 ... <4.6 21.7 (6.0) ... ... 21.3 (5.9) ... ... 9.1 (4.4) ... ... 37.6 (7.5) ... <33.7 51.6 (8.6) ... <4.6 <14.8 ... ... <5.7 0.3 ­ 1.0 .. . .. . 14.7 (5.6) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 0.5 (2.3) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . <1.9 .. . .. . 4.2 (3.4) .. . .. . 2.5 (2.9) .. . .. . 3.6 (3.4) .. . 20.3 (6.6) 33.7 (7.1) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1.0 ­ 2.1 . . 58.9 . . . . . 9.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.4 . . 23.2 . . 7.5 . . 44.6 . 50.7 94.8 . . . . . . .. .. (9.1) .. .. .. .. .. (4.3) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (2.3) .. .. (6.0) .. .. (4.0) .. .. (7.8) .. (8.8) (10.9) .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.1 ­ 8.0 .. . .. . 32.7 (8.1) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 19.3 (5.7) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 20.8 (5.9) .. . .. . 20.0 (5.9) .. . .. . 10.2 (4.6) .. . .. . 33.2 (7.2) .. . 16.9 (7.9) 51.8 (8.8) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . Fluxa (10þ7 counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 8.0 .. .. (5.3) .. .. 9.8b ... <5.0 11 (2.5) ... ... 6.0 (2.0) ... <5.0 4.6 (2.0) ... 6.5 (4.2) <4.5 ... ... 2.5 (1.4) ... <6.4 6.8b ... <3.5 8.5 (2.5) ... ... 18 (3.2) ... ... 7.6 (2.2) ... ... 31 (4.0) ... 78 (11) 71 (5.9) ... <6.4 6.1 (2.4) ... ... 6.0b . . 45 . . 0.3 ­ 2.0 .. . .. . 30 (4.2) .. . .. . 6.2 (2.3) .. . <3.5 3.6 (1.6) .. . .. . 4.3 (1.7) .. . <5.0 4.9 (1.9) .. . <9.2 <5.0 .. . .. . 2.6 (1.4) .. . <6.4 3.4 (1.6) .. . <3.5 <4.5 .. . .. . 9.0 (2.3) .. . .. . 3.2 (1.5) .. . .. . 17 (3.0) .. . 47 (8.0) 47 (4.7) .. . <6.4 6.0b .. . .. . 3.6 (1.7) 2.0 ­ 8.0 ... ... 12 (2.9) ... ... <7.0 ... <5.0 7.5 (2.1) ... ... <10.4 ... <3.5 <5.0 ... <7.3 <3.5 ... ... <3.5 ... <3.5 <5.0 ... <3.5 9.1 (2.5) ... ... 8.1 (2.2) ... ... 3.4 (1.7) ... ... 14 (2.9) ... <25.3 20 (3.4) ... <3.5 <11.1 ... ... <4.3 La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 ... ... 8.01E+35 ... ... 1.75E+35b ... <9.00E+34 1.95E+35 ... ... 1.07E+35 ... <9.00E+34 8.24E+34 ... 1.17E+35 <8.10E+34 ... ... 4.46E+34 ... <1.15E+35 1.22E+35b ... <6.30E+34 1.51E+35 ... ... 3.25E+35 ... ... 1.36E+35 ... ... 5.59E+35 ... 1.40E+36 1.27E+36 ... <1.15E+35 1.09E+35 ... ... 1.07E+35b

CXO J 013453.2+305718 .....

013453.8+305744 .....

013455.3+304624 .....

013455.9+304814 .....

013456.1+304138 .....

013456.7+304556 .....


013456.9+304626 .....

013457.3+304319 .....

013457.7+304247 .....

013458.5+304707 .....

013459.2+304608 .....

013500.5+305028 .....

013501.1+304345 .....

013504.2+304344 .....

013504.8+305034 .....

TABLE 3-- Continued Source R.A., Decl., Uncertainty (arcsec) 01 35 05.685 30 50 04.47 2.2 01 35 05.889 30 54 29.06 3.8 01 35 07.333 30 52 10.42 2.9 01 35 11.170 30 42 57.48 3.4 01 35 12.718 30 45 14.46 3.1 01 35 17.030 30 44 07.11 4.3 01 35 17.560 30 44 46.41 4.2 01 35 20.996 30 42 36.08 5.8 Counts ObsID 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 1730 786 2023 0.3 ­ 8.0 .. . .. . 42.8 (8.1) .. . .. . 30.6 (9.4) .. . .. . 44.1 (8.3) .. . .. . 29.3 (8.9) .. . .. . 22.9 (6.7) .. . .. . 20.6 (8.2) .. . .. . 80.5 (11.6) .. . .. . 25.4 (7.8) 0.3 ­ 2.0 ... ... 13.9 (5.1) ... ... 23.4 (6.8) ... ... 9.0 (4.3) ... ... 12.4 (5.2) ... ... 14.8 (5.7) ... ... 18.6 (6.5) ... ... 29.3 (7.0) ... ... 18.0 (5.9) 2.0 ­ 8.0 ... ... 25.2 (6.6) ... ... <27.6 ... ... 29.3 (6.9) ... ... <29.6 ... ... 9.0b (3.0) ... ... <22.8 ... ... 54.7 (9.3) ... ... <21.4 0.3 ­ 1.0 ... ... <1.9 ... ... 9.9 (5.1) ... ... 3.4 (3.4) ... ... <3.2 ... ... 1.4 (2.9) ... ... 1.8 (3.8) ... ... 4.7 (4.3) ... ... 6.1 (4.1) 1.0 ­ 2.1 . . 18.9 . . 12.1 . . 9.4 . . 20.6 . . 12.4 . . 12.9 . . 26.8 . . 12.2 .. .. (5.6) .. .. (5.3) .. .. (4.4) .. .. (6.2) .. .. (4.8) .. .. (5.3) .. .. (6.7) .. .. (5.0) 2.1 ­ 8.0 . . 26.2 . . 15.3 . . 30.7 . . 12.0 . . 9.4 . . 6.9 . . 49.8 . . 11.2 .. .. (6.5) .. .. (7.0) .. .. (7.1) .. .. (6.7) .. .. (5.0) .. .. (6.1) .. .. (9.3) .. .. (5.7) Fluxa (10þ7 counts sþ1 cmþ2) 0.3 ­ 8.0 ... ... 21 (3.9) ... ... 19 (4.9) ... ... 17 (3.3) ... ... 13 (3.7) ... ... 9.6 (2.8) ... ... 8.7 (3.3) ... ... 33 (4.7) ... ... 14 (3.8) 0.3 ­ 2.0 .. . .. . 7.5 (2.6) .. . .. . 12 (3.3) .. . .. . 3.5 (1.7) .. . .. . 5.1 (2.1) .. . .. . 6.0 (2.3) .. . .. . 7.6 (2.6) .. . .. . 12 (2.8) .. . .. . 8.9 (2.8) 2.0 ­ 8.0 . .. . .. 13 (3.2) . .. . .. <20.7 . .. . .. 12 (2.8) . .. . .. <22.2 . .. . .. 6.8b . .. . .. < 17.1 . .. . .. 23 (3.9) . .. . .. <16.1 La (ergs sþ1) 0.3 ­ 8.0 .. . .. . 3.78E+35 .. . .. . 3.44E+35 .. . .. . 3.12E+35 .. . .. . 2.33E+35 .. . .. . 1.71E+35 .. . .. . 1.55E+35 .. . .. . 5.89E+35 .. . .. . 2.57E+35

CXO J 013505.6+305004 .....

013505.8+305429 .....

013507.3+305210 .....

013511.1+304257 .....

013512.7+304514 ..... 013517.0+304407 ..... 013517.5+304446 ..... 013520.9+304236 .....

Notes.--Units of right ascension are hours, minutes, and seconds, and units of declination are degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds. Table 3 is also available in machine-readable form in the electronic edition of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement. a For sources with more than 100 counts, luminosity was computed from spectral fit; otherwise þ ¼ 2 and NH ¼ 6 ; 1020 cmþ2 are assumed. b Most probable value; for details see x 2. c The nucleus; because of pileup, counts and flux are not true values.

TABLE 4 Chan dra Sources w ith Optical Counter pa rts Magnitude /Colors Source CXO J 013253.4+303817 ..................... 013253.9+303312 ..................... 013256.3+303558 ..................... Uncertainty (arcsec) 6.1 8.0 15.4 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 Counterpart (R.A., Decl.) 53.30, 53.62, 56.10, 56.50, 56.33, 56.71, 57.13, 56.41, 56.47, 15.00, 15.30, 14.89, 15.18, 15.20, 27.60, 27.90, 27.90, 27.80, 27.90, 27.90, 28.80, 28.97, 28.80, 33.80, 33.70, 34.00, 34.20, 34.20, 34.10, 34.12, 36.00, 41.50, 41.30, 41.30, 58.30, 59.20, 59.00, 02.91, 08.20, 08.50, 16.30, 16.30, 16.46, 38.60, +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 38 33 35 35 35 35 36 35 36 53 53 53 53 53 31 31 31 31 31 31 47 47 47 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 33 32 32 32 33 34 34 41 46 46 51 51 51 50 21.0 06.4 52.0 50.0 52.4 49.5 05.1 49.5 01.1 22.0 19.0 24.9 18.2 25.0 37.0 36.0 34.0 32.0 31.0 29.0 46.0 44.3 46.0 14.0 12.0 12.0 09.0 08.0 08.3 11.0 31.0 20.0 19.0 19.0 33.0 25.0 26.0 51.6 36.0 35.0 56.0 53.0 54.1 12.0 V 19.33 19.62 18.40 19.27 18.19 19.44 20.24 19.26 20.10 17.80 19.10 19.61 18.45 17.8 20.83 20.07 19.68 20.63 20.10 19.63 16.50 16.69 16.73 19.12 20.32 18.70 18.50 18.36 20.28 18.32 20.48 16.50 20.36 20.41 19.52 19.50 19.56 18.79 19.20 17.00 16.40 17.70 16.22 19.47 BþV þ0.14 1.51 þ0.10 þ0.31 þ0.09 þ0.16 þ0.13 1.80 1.70 0.70 0.20 þ0.32 þ0.17 þ0.24 þ0.13 þ0.12 0.10 þ0.22 þ0.17 0.00 þ0.08 þ0.05 þ0.17 0.10 0.10 0.04 0.21 þ0.06 þ0.12 0.81 þ0.05 0.02 þ0.15 0.00 þ0.15 þ0.20 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.35 0.00 U þB þ0.59 .. . þ1.10 þ0.30 þ0.89 þ1.02 þ1.11 .. . .. . þ0.90 þ0.70 þ0.84 þ0.69 .. . .. . .. . .. . þ1.26 .. . þ0.70 þ0.82 þ1.10 þ1.07 þ1.30 þ1.20 þ1.21 þ0.64 þ0.83 þ0.50 0.16 þ1.03 .. . þ1.05 þ1.10 þ1.15 þ0.87 þ0.70 þ0.90 þ1.30 þ1.30 þ0.72 þ0.84 Remarks Reference 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 4 7 6 6 1 1 6 3 4 6 6 6 6 6 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 4 1

M33dþ676 B30 B1 Ia / B30 O8þ9 M33dþ1785 M33dþ798 B100, n

013315.1+305317 .....................


Of or WN B99

013327.9+303135 .....................


013328.7+304746 .....................


B133 B1 Ia B2.5 Ia

013333.6+303108 ..................... 013334.1+303210 .....................

5.5 1.9

n? B194

013336.0+303333 ..................... 013341.5+303220 .....................

013358.4+303332 ..................... 013359.0+303425 ..................... 013402.8+304151 ..................... 013408.3+304633 ..................... 013416.3+305154 .....................

2.6 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.3 1.8 1.0 2.1 1.7

Assoc. 54

B401 M B384, M B384?

013438.9+305014 .....................


Notes.--Units of right ascension are hours, minutes, and seconds, and units of declination are degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds. Table 4 is also available in machine-readable form in the electronic edition of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement. References.-- (1) Ivanov et al. 1993; (2) Massey 1998; (3) Massey et al. 1995; (4) Massey et al. 1996; (5) Humphreys & Sandage 1980; (6) Regan & Wilson 1993; (7) Fabrika et al. 1997.


TABLE 5 Ch and ra-ROSAT Matche s Chandra Source Uncertainty (arcsec) 6.1 8.0 4.8 8.2 3.2 1.5 3.8 6.0 4.5 1.1 2.7 2.9 1.7 5.5 2.0 1.1 2.7 1.0 1.6 1.0 1.9 0.9 1.0 1.4 0.9 1.0 1.5 5.7 2.3 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.8 1.8 2.1 2.1 1.0 1.6 2.9 4.2 6.9 5.0 10.1 0.9 1.1 11.7 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.5 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 Coordinates ( R.A., Decl.) 53.400, 53.800, 08.700, 15.100, 23.800, 24.300, 27.500, 27.800, 28.900, 28.900, 29.500, 30.600, 31.200, 33.700, 34.100, 35.900, 35.900, 36.400, 37.500, 41.800, 43.200, 46.600, 50.400, 55.000, 56.800, 56.800, 57.100, 57.300, 58.600, 58.700, 01.200, 01.200, 02.400, 07.900, 08.500, 10.300, 10.600, 10.800, 13.700, 17.400, 25.400, 26.000, 28.400, 29.100, 32.800, 36.400, 38.600, 40.100, 45.200, 01.300, +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 38 33 47 53 35 44 46 31 47 42 49 34 33 31 32 36 33 37 47 38 46 37 38 33 37 37 35 51 33 50 31 31 30 35 46 50 39 42 53 34 28 37 32 50 51 34 45 51 49 43 15.00 10.00 52.00 23.00 16.00 04.00 51.00 30.00 47.00 18.00 14.00 04.00 32.00 06.00 09.00 27.00 31.00 42.00 21.00 48.00 33.00 48.00 18.00 08.00 28.00 06.00 01.00 37.00 31.00 09.00 36.00 36.00 08.00 53.00 35.00 52.00 47.00 25.00 52.00 22.00 14.00 35.00 54.00 27.00 54.00 48.00 28.00 48.00 24.00 50.00 ROSAT Source Uncertainty (arcsec) 2.3 2.6 9.8 2.4 4.2 2.0 5.4 6.0 3.8 2.2 3.1 4.6 2.2 4.3 2.0 2.5 4.3 3.5 4.3 2.2 2.5 2.3 3.4 2.2 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.8 3.7 5.3 3.0 3.0 12.4 3.5 4.3 17.1 2.7 2.4 17.1 5.0 11.9 11.5 11.9 12.8 31.8 3.9 14.6 4.7 10.5 6.3 HRI Rate counts sþ1) 1.90 1.30 12.00 0.43 1.80 0.54 0.60 0.62 0.73 0.90 0.37 0.89 0.55 2.10 0.49 0.40 0.36 0.49 0.64 0.62 0.59 1.30 0.76 0.40 0.34 0.33 1.00 0.38 0.67 0.56 0.56 0.35 0.51 0.35 0.56 0.42 1.00

CXO J 013253.4+303817 013253.9+303312 013308.3+304802 013315.1+305317 013323.8+303517 013324.4+304403 013327.7+304647 013327.9+303135 013328.7+304746 013328.9+304216 013329.4+304912 013330.5+303404 013331.1+303333 013333.6+303108 013334.1+303210 013335.9+303627 013336.0+303333 013336.4+303742 013337.5+304718 013341.8+303848 013343.4+304630 013346.5+303748 013350.5+303821 013354.8+303310 013356.7+303729 013356.8+303706 013357.0+303500 013357.1+305134 013358.4+303332 013358.7+305003 013401.2+303135 013401.5+303136 013402.0+303004 013407.9+303555 013408.3+304633 013409.8+305044 013410.5+303946 013410.6+304223 013414.1+305352 013416.9+303425 013425.4+302821 013426.6+303737 013428.1+303246 013429.7+305026 013432.1+305158 013436.0+303450 013438.7+304538 013439.8+305143 013445.0+304927 013500.9+304346 ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

Name R027 R028 R040 R049 R054 R055 R057 R058 R061 R062 R064 R066 R067 R070 R071 R074 R075 R077 R080 R084 R087 R092 R098 R106 R110 R109 R111 R112 R114 R115 R120 R120 R122 R124 R126 R128 R129 R130 R132 R137 R143 R145 R146 R147 R150 R154 R156 R158 R161 R168



20.10 ô 9.56 ô .. . 188.00 ô 1.56 ô 67.00 ô 2.01 ô 2.22 ô 3.94 ô 10.00 ô 10.10 ô 1.23 ô 14.80 ô 2.81 ô 92.20 ô 3.84 ô 1.52 ô 1.32 ô 2.30 ô 7.75 ô 5.88 ô 6.20 ô 5.40 ô 10.70 ô 2.64 ô 1.14 ô 1.07 ô 3.26 ô 1.47 ô 3.44 ô 3.99 ô 3.99 ô .. . 1.37 ô 2.22 ô .. . 1.70 ô 5.22 ô .. . 1.42 ô 3.94 ô .. . .. . 11.8 ô .. . 5.56 ô .. . 3.13 ô 5.01 ô 5.18 ô

3.10 0.75 1.10 1.10 1.80

Notes.--Units of right ascension are hours, minutes, and seconds, and units of declination are degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds. ROSAT data from Haberl & Pietsch (2001). Table 5 is also available in machine-readable form in the electronic edition of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement.


TABLE 6 Ch and ra ­ XMM-Newt on Mat che s Chandra Source Uncertainty (arcsec) ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... 2.6 3.0 2.5 0.7 1.4 1.4 1.6 3.2 0.7 1.4 1.3 2.3 2.4 1.0 1.6 1.1 1.7 1.5 1.1 3.0 2.2 1.0 0.7 1.1 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.7 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 3.5 1.6 1.3 1.5 1.2 2.0 1.0 1.4 2.1 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 1.3 2.4 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 Coordinates ( R.A., Decl.) 53.46, 53.82, 08.21, 15.03, 21.66, 22.02, 23.86, 23.79, 24.31, 25.47, 27.69, 27.88, 28.78, 28.92, 29.21, 29.19, 29.31, 30.56, 31.19, 32.70, 33.70, 34.16, 34.07, 34.53, 35.89, 35.86, 36.27, 37.32, 39.17, 40.01, 41.54, 41.48, 41.80, 42.36, 43.26, 46.52, 50.84, 54.67, 54.89, 56.75, 56.77, 56.93, 57.80, 58.49, 58.70, 59.24, 00.15, 00.26, 02.00, 02.75, 02.86, 07.76, 08.28, 09.57, 09.99, 10.30, 10.41, 10.61, 12.90, 16.51, 16.71, 17.08, 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 38 33 48 53 38 39 35 48 44 36 46 31 47 42 45 45 49 34 33 49 31 37 32 35 36 33 37 47 40 43 32 41 38 42 46 37 39 45 33 37 37 51 32 33 50 34 30 42 30 49 41 35 46 32 32 53 39 42 35 51 51 34 14.9 12.1 04.3 17.9 58.8 22.3 18.0 20.1 02.8 17.1 47.4 36.1 44.5 16.9 38.7 09.1 10.7 04.1 33.3 17.5 10.3 14.8 11.6 55.0 27.6 31.9 42.0 18.6 51.0 22.4 19.7 35.2 48.8 53.7 30.7 50.0 37.1 21.4 11.4 30.0 08.4 37.1 03.5 35.0 04.6 26.5 59.1 18.7 05.3 41.9 51.7 54.5 34.5 58.8 20.9 45.3 46.5 25.1 56.1 55.0 01.8 25.8 XMM-Newton Source Flux (ergs cmþ2 sþ1) 1.32Eþ13 1.14Eþ13 1.12Eþ14 1.06Eþ12 3.85Eþ15 3.05Eþ15 6.66Eþ15 1.03Eþ14 5.13Eþ13 4.43Eþ15 4.66Eþ15 2.99Eþ15 7.48Eþ15 2.45Eþ14 5.79Eþ15 2.14Eþ14 1.73Eþ14 1.80Eþ14 3.88Eþ14 5.50Eþ15 8.22Eþ15 3.13Eþ15 6.82Eþ13 2.42Eþ15 1.01Eþ14 5.31Eþ15 1.13Eþ14 1.75Eþ14 4.96Eþ15 4.18Eþ15 1.39Eþ14 4.33Eþ15 1.49Eþ14 7.05Eþ15 1.43Eþ14 2.06Eþ14 1.10Eþ11 2.08Eþ15 2.84Eþ14 2.33Eþ14 8.74Eþ15 4.62Eþ15 3.90Eþ15 4.87Eþ15 8.76Eþ15 4.23Eþ15 3.70Eþ15 3.65Eþ15 3.00Eþ14 4.20Eþ15 5.40Eþ15 7.82Eþ15 5.21Eþ15 2.23Eþ15 3.14Eþ15 4.33Eþ15 2.64Eþ14 1.41Eþ14 3.87Eþ15 2.46Eþ15 4.67Eþ15 7.08Eþ15 ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô 2.9Eþ15 2.8Eþ15 1.1Eþ15 1.3Eþ14 7.3Eþ16 7.1Eþ16 7.7Eþ16 1.1Eþ15 6.0Eþ15 7.5Eþ16 6.4Eþ16 4.0Eþ16 7.1Eþ16 9.9Eþ16 9.7Eþ16 1.2Eþ15 1.0Eþ15 1.2Eþ15 1.2Eþ15 9.9Eþ16 8.9Eþ16 6.8Eþ16 6.2Eþ15 4.7Eþ16 6.4Eþ16 7.0Eþ16 9.4Eþ16 1.3Eþ15 8.0Eþ16 8.0Eþ16 9.7Eþ16 6.7Eþ16 8.6Eþ16 8.8Eþ16 9.4Eþ16 1.3Eþ15 2.8Eþ14 3.6Eþ16 1.0Eþ15 1.4Eþ15 9.9Eþ16 8.0Eþ16 7.3Eþ16 5.1Eþ16 9.3Eþ16 6.7Eþ16 7.4Eþ16 5.6Eþ16 1.4Eþ15 7.3Eþ16 8.6Eþ16 7.6Eþ16 4.8Eþ16 5.9Eþ16 5.3Eþ16 7.1Eþ16 1.4Eþ15 7.3Eþ16 7.0Eþ16 4.6Eþ16 7.3Eþ16 8.2Eþ16

CXO J 013253.4+303817 013253.9+303312 013308.3+304802 013315.1+305317 013321.7+303858 013321.9+303921 013323.8+303517 013323.9+304821 013324.4+304401 013325.5+303618 013327.7+304645 013327.9+303135 013328.7+304746 013329.0+304216 013329.2+304537 013329.2+304508 013329.4+304912 013330.5+303404 013331.1+303333 013333.0+304920 013333.6+303108 013334.1+303714 013334.1+303210 013334.5+303556 013335.9+303627 013336.0+303333 013336.3+303742 013337.4+304718 013339.2+304049 013340.0+304323 013341.5+303220 013341.5+304136 013341.8+303848 013342.5+304253 013343.4+304630 013346.5+303748 013351.0+303937 013354.6+304519 013354.8+303309 013356.8+303729 013356.8+303706 013357.2+305136 013358.1+303200 013358.4+303333 013358.8+305004 013359.0+303425 013400.0+303057 013400.2+304218 013402.0+303004 013402.6+304939 013402.8+304151 013407.8+303553 013408.4+304632 013409.7+303259 013409.9+303219 013410.3+305346 013410.5+303946 013410.6+304223 013412.8+303554 013416.3+305154 013416.7+305101 013417.0+303425

X-Ray ID X-1, SB1, LCB5, HP27 X-2, SB2, LCB6, HP28 LCB10, HP40 X-4, SB5, LCB13, HP49 .. . .. . HP54 .. . X-5, SB6, LCB15, HP55 .. . .. . HP58 HP61 SB8, LCB18, HP62 .. . SB9, LCB17, HP63 .. . HP66 X-14, SB11, LCB20, HP67 .. . HP70 .. . X-7, SB12, LCB21, HP71 .. . SB13, LCB22, HP74 HP75 HP77 LCB23, HP80 .. . .. . .. . .. . SB14, LCB24, HP84 HP86 LCB25, HP87 SB15, LCB26, HP92 X-8 (nuc), SB16, LCB28, HP102 HP103? X-13, SB17, LCB29, HP106 LCB30, HP110 HP109 LCB31, HP112 .. . HP114 LCB32, HP115 .. . .. . Part of HP121 HP122 .. . Part of HP121 HP124 LCB34, HP126 .. . .. . .. . HP129 LCB35, HP130 .. . HP134? HP139? LCB36, HP137



TABLE 6-- Continued Chandra Source Uncertainty (arcsec) 1.0 1.6 1.0 1.7 1.9 1.2 2.4 1.0 2.3 1.0 3.6 1.2 1.0 1.8 1.0 1.0 3.7 1.0 1.5 4.3 1.0 0.7 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.3 2.1 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.0 2.0 1.3 1.6 2.1 3.8 2.9 3.1 4.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 Coordinates ( R.A., Decl.) 19.48, 20.94, 21.13, 23.31, 23.81, 24.55, 25.72, 26.42, 26.58, 26.93, 28.16, 29.08, 29.72, 31.99, 32.06, 32.44, 32.44, 34.89, 35.09, 35.92, 38.67, 38.74, 39.87, 40.93, 41.98, 42.41, 42.67, 44.60, 47.30, 48.98, 49.42, 51.04, 51.87, 53.25, 58.42, 00.33, 05.68, 05.84, 07.31, 12.77, 17.74, 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 49 39 49 54 38 43 28 44 37 43 32 42 50 34 51 50 34 44 56 34 45 55 51 43 52 52 45 55 40 44 48 43 46 57 47 50 50 54 52 45 44 41.1 31.4 32.4 23.8 46.3 07.2 18.0 46.4 40.3 14.2 48.0 16.0 27.2 53.6 59.7 37.4 37.0 40.2 47.0 50.2 40.1 05.2 44.4 28.5 28.9 49.2 06.7 36.5 01.1 47.9 09.5 58.5 16.8 18.2 08.6 28.9 06.5 28.6 09.8 14.6 46.7 XMM-Newton Source Flux (ergs cmþ2 sþ1) 2.09Eþ15 1.86Eþ15 6.14Eþ15 1.15Eþ15 8.54Eþ15 2.19Eþ15 9.35Eþ15 5.93Eþ15 3.34Eþ15 7.47Eþ15 7.61Eþ15 1.18Eþ15 6.19Eþ15 2.02Eþ14 2.38Eþ14 3.36Eþ15 4.91Eþ15 4.83Eþ15 2.75Eþ14 1.08Eþ14 1.66Eþ14 1.90Eþ13 7.83Eþ15 4.84Eþ15 4.40Eþ15 8.22Eþ15 9.84Eþ15 2.83Eþ14 3.62Eþ15 9.09Eþ15 1.71Eþ15 3.43Eþ15 8.83Eþ15 1.26Eþ14 4.11Eþ15 6.54Eþ15 8.13Eþ15 2.79Eþ15 4.50Eþ15 2.30Eþ15 8.61Eþ15 ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô 5.7Eþ16 4.9Eþ16 7.3Eþ16 5.0Eþ16 9.2Eþ16 5.7Eþ16 9.3Eþ16 7.1Eþ16 6.1Eþ16 7.5Eþ16 8.5Eþ16 4.1Eþ16 7.3Eþ16 1.5Eþ15 1.2Eþ15 6.7Eþ16 7.2Eþ16 7.4Eþ16 1.7Eþ15 9.6Eþ16 9.8Eþ16 3.6Eþ15 8.1Eþ16 4.5Eþ16 7.5Eþ16 8.6Eþ16 8.9Eþ16 1.6Eþ15 7.3Eþ16 8.8Eþ16 4.0Eþ16 6.7Eþ16 9.2Eþ16 1.2Eþ15 7.4Eþ16 9.1Eþ16 9.2Eþ16 8.4Eþ16 8.8Eþ16 7.4Eþ16 1.5Eþ15

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CXO J 013419.2+304942 013421.1+303928 013421.2+304932 013423.5+305426 013423.8+303847 013424.5+304306 013425.4+302821 013426.5+304446 013426.6+303737 013427.0+304314 013428.1+303246 013429.1+304212 013429.7+305026 013432.0+303455 013432.1+305158 013432.5+305035 013432.7+303436 013435.0+304439 013435.1+305646 013436.0+303450 013438.8+304538 013438.8+305504 013439.8+305143 013441.0+304325 013442.0+305229 013442.5+305249 013442.8+304505 013444.6+305535 013447.4+303958 013449.0+304446 013449.3+304808 013451.1+304356 013451.9+304615 013453.2+305718 013458.5+304707 013500.5+305028 013505.6+305004 013505.8+305429 013507.3+305210 013512.7+304514 013517.5+304446 ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. .................................

X-Ray ID .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . HP143 .. . LCB37, HP145 .. . LCB39, HP146 .. . HP147 .. . HP150 .. . .. . .. . .. . LCB41, HP154 HP156 X-9a, LCB42, HP157 HP158 .. . .. . .. . .. . HP160 .. . .. . .. . .. . LCB46, HP165 HP163? .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .

Notes.--Units of right ascension are hours, minutes, and seconds, and units of declination are degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds. XMMNewton data from Pietsch et al. (2004). Table 6 is also available in machine-readable form in the electronic edition of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement.

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