. : http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~jcm/asc/docs/ps/SDS07.ps
: Mon Jan 11 19:29:14 1999
: Tue Oct 2 10:48:35 2012

: neutrino
FITS Keyword Conventions in ASC Data Model files
Jonathan McDowell
January 11, 1999
1 Introduction 3
1.1 FITS Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Notes on existing FITS special cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 The name of an HDU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Extra information for compound columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Support for preferred columns or axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.6 Extra information for header keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.7 Array keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.8 Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.9 Coordinate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.10 Coordinate systems on image block axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.11 Coordinate Data Descriptors: columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.12 Coordinate descriptors for array column axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.13 Keywords for recording filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.13.1 Special cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2 Systematic algorithm for creating descriptors 16
2.1 Existence of a descriptor on read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2 Descriptor names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.3 Descriptor component names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.4 Element dimensionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5 Descriptor units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.6 Descriptor values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.7 Data type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.8 Descriptor desc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.9 Display format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.10 Element type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.11 Array dimensionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.12 Array sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.13 Legal range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.14 Transform type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.15 Transform values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3 Proposed future conventions 21
3.1 Future enhancement for ASC `element types' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2 Element types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3 Extra keys for header keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.4 Data Subspace keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

1 Introduction
This document introduces FITS header keyword conventions for use with the ASC data model. The
guiding principle used is to select defaults so that existing FITS files should be correctly interpreted
by the data model. The new keywords are as far as possible chosen to be analogous to existing
FITS conventions.
This document supersedes the earlier SDS7.1 and reflects the implementation current as of
January 1999. It is intended for those already familiar with HEA (GSFC) FITS conventions.
1.1 FITS Implementation
1.2 Notes on existing FITS special cases
1. Zerowidth columns (e.g. 'TFORM3 = 0I' ) are forbidden.
2. In header keywords, NaNs should be converted to a keyword with a blank value field:
FOO = /
In floating point binary table columns, IEEE NaNs are fine.
3. Use of TSCAL and TZERO is currently deprecated except for the special case of specifying un
signed integer types. Recommend use of TCRVL and TCDLT instead, with the corresponding
linear coordinate transform machinery which gives clearer information on the intent.
1.3 The name of an HDU
In our software, each FITS HDU is given a unique name as follows:
ffl If HDUNAME is present, its value is the HDU name, and we ignore EXTNAME.
ffl If there is no HDUNAME, but EXTNAME and EXTVER are present, the name is the value
of extname concatenated with the value of extver. Example:
EXTNAME = 'SPECTRUM' / Spectral data
EXTVER = 3 / Version no; ASC name will be SPECTRUM3
ffl If there is no HDUNAME or EXTVER, but EXTNAME is present, the name is the value of
EXTNAME. We recommend that EXTNAME values not end with digits, since on copying an
HDU to another file we're likely to strip the trailing digits on the assumption they're meant
to be an EXTVER.
ffl If there is no HDUNAME or EXTNAME, we name the HDU to be ''HDUn'', where n is the
HDU number counting the primary array as HDU1. (In earlier releases, we called it HDU0).

1.4 Extra information for compound columns
At the ASC's high level Data Model layer, we define compound columns which may map to multiple
FITS columns. This is reflected in the FITS file with extra keywords that tie the columns together.
If these keywords are ignored, the columns are just seen as independent in the usual way.
We propose a new set of FITS header keywords to describe the extra structure on top of the raw
BINTABLE. By analogy with keywords like TTYPEn, these new keywords are indexed keywords
beginning with a common letter M (for Metacolumn). The most important keywords are MTYPEn
and MFORMn, defined by the Common Data Model (CDM) discussion list. MTYPE4 = 'SKY',
MFORM4 ='X,Y', TTYPE13='X', TTYPE14='Y' defines a descriptor SKY composed of columns
13 and 14.
To parse a table, we use the following rules:
ffl The index subscript on the MTYPEn series of keywords does not impose an ordering. De
scriptor order is imposed by the ordering of the TTYPEi keywords of the first element of each
ffl Although the CDM does not require that descriptor (metacolumn) components be adjacent
TTYPEi columns, we will require this for the time being.
ffl Starting with TTYPE1, we examine the next TTYPEi which has not already been marked
as a component.
ffl If the TTYPEi value appears as the first item in any MFORMn, we have a new compound
column whose name is the value of the corresponding MTYPEn and whose component names
are the commaseparated items in MFORMn. We identify the remaining component names
with TTYPEi values and mark those TTYPEs as components. The element dimension and
element type are inferred from the number of component names and the value, if any, of
METYPn (see later discussion).
ffl If the TTYPEi value does not appear in an MFORMn, we have a new (noncompound) column
whose name is the value of TTYPEi, and whose element dimension is 1 and element type (see
later) is V.
ffl Continue until all TTYPEs have been dealt with.
The special keywords are:
ffl MFORMn (string) is a commaseparated list of names (at least one name; zero is an error)
which defines a composite descriptor. Each name should be either the value of one of the
TTYPEn keywords (i.e. a FITS column name) or the name of a FITS keyword. MFORMn
is a CDM keyword.

ffl MTYPEn (string) gives the name of the composite descriptor defined by MFORMn. MTYPEn
is a CDM keyword.
ffl METYPn (string) gives the Data Descriptor's element type. Initially supported types will
be `V' (value), `VU' (value with one uncertainty range), `R' (range, binned data'). `REG'
(2D region string descriptor). If absent, a default value of `V' is assumed. METYPEn is an
ASCDM keyword. As of Jan 1999, METYPn support has not yet been implemented.
ffl MDESCn (string) gives the Data quantity description (a comment for the compound column).
If absent, the default value is the comment string following the / in the MTYPEn or, if that
is absent, the TTYPEj keyword. We have not implemented MDESCn as of Jan 1999.
We note the following existing FITS keywords and their use:
ffl TFORMj is used to store the Data Descriptor's data type and the number of elements per
cell, and also the string length if applicable.
ffl TDIMj is used to store the Array Specification axes.
ffl TUNITj is used to store the Data Descriptor's unit.
ffl TTYPEj, TTYPEj+1,.. are used to store the Data Descriptor Component Names when
DCEDIMn is more than 1.
ffl TDISPj is used to store the Data Descriptor display format.
ffl TLMINj and TLMAXj are used to store the legal range of values. This is used by us and by
HEASARC software for filtering and binning.
1.5 Support for preferred columns or axes
We expect to implement support for preferred axes prior to launch.
ffl CPREF (string) specifies preferred quantities: the most interesting axes, and the ones you
should bin on if no axes are specified. Its format is
CPREF = 'DETX,DETY' / default axes to bin on
CPREF = 'PHA(DETX,DETY)' / default axes to bin on, with weighting function
The optional weighting function is the name of a column to weight by, which must be a single
FITS scalar column. The binning axes can include compound column names, but not array

1.6 Extra information for header keys
On reading a FITS header, all the mandatory FITS keywords and the keywords defining the
BINTABLE/IMAGE and overlying ASC TABLE structure are parsed. All remaining keywords
are interpreted as block header keys.
We introduce a new set of header keywords analagous to the TTYPEn series, for attributes.
We have implemented two different forms of FITS enhanced keyword support (to store more info
about each keyword) the `long form' and the `short form'. In the short form, info is packed into
the FITS comment keyword. In the long form, needed for long keyword names, separate keywords
are used.
In all the following cases, string keywords with blank or default values should be omitted (i.e.
DUNITn should not appear in the file if the unit is blank).
The short form is
FOO = value / [unit] --type desc
The unit convention is as per CFITSIO. The new --type convention, to be implemented by us in
Jan 1999, specifies an intended data type for a numeric keyword, allowing us to distinguish between
float and double, or long and unsigned short, say. For most applications this is not important
and can be ignored, but sometimes you want to preserve the information. The values within the
parentheses are
'E' 4 byte real
'D' 8 byte real (default for value containing decimal point)
'I' 2 byte integer
'J' 4 byte integer (default for value without decimal point)
'U' 2 byte unsigned integer
'V' 4 byte unsigned integer
We will usually omit the type information for the two default cases.
We map a DM header key FOO to the following set of (long form) FITS header keywords:
FOO = value / [unit] desc CDM
DUNITn = 'unit' / CDM
DDISPn = 'disp' / CDM
DFORMn = 'datatype' / (CDM controversial)
On reading, we set the name to be FOO, the unit to be first the DUNITn, next the value in []
after the / in FOO, finally to blank if neither of the preceding are there. The comment is set to be
whatever is after the / in FOO with the exclusion of any [] token.
For long keyword names, keyword FOO is replaced by DVALn:

DVALn = value / [unit] desc CDM
DUNITn = 'unit' / CDM
DDISPn = 'disp' / CDM
DFORMn = 'datatype' / (CDM controversial)
The values of n must be unique in a given HDU block, but need not be consecutive, although it
would be nicer to keep them so.
NOTE: We have just heard (Jan 99) that Bill Pence is implementing a different
scheme, using HIERARCH keywords introduced by ESO, in CFITSIO. I haven't seen
these keywords discussed in HEA forums, so I'm awaiting more details.
ffl DTYPEn gives the name of the Data Descriptor. This keyword must be present if any of
DUNITn, DVALn, DFORMn, DDISPn, DDESCn are present, otherwise it must be omitted.
ffl DUNITn (string) gives the unit for the Data Descriptor. If the unit is blank, it should be
omitted. The unit should also be copied to the root keyword comment as specified by the
new CFITSIO convention.
ffl DVALn (arbitrary type) gives the element value for the attribute. If the attribute name in
DTYPEn is 8 characters or fewer, the attribute name will be used as the keyword name
instead of DVALn. On reading, the data type for the Data Descriptor is inferred from the
format of the element value.
ffl DFORMn (string), if present, gives the data type for the element, overriding the data type
inferred from the formatting of the value header keyword and the short form type convention.
Omit for strings and signed numeric types.
ffl DDISPn (string) gives the Data Descriptor recommended display format; this should be used
very sparingly, and is not yet implemented.
ffl DDESCn (string) gives the Data Descriptor description. If absent, the default value is the
comment string following the / in the keyword containg the value. DDESC has not yet been
ffl DLMINn, DLMAXn to record the legal range of a descriptor. Default is Inf to +Inf; only
applies to numeric data types. This has not yet been implemented.
ffl MTYPEn and MFORMn and METYPn keywords may also be used to group keys.

1.7 Array keywords
We provide limited support for 1D array key descriptors. Traditionally related values such as
coefficients of polynomials have been written using indexed keywords, e.g. COEFF1, COEFF2,
COEFF3... This provides an obvious model for array valued keys. However, indexed keywords have
also been used for other purposes, so on read we cannot assume the presence of a trailing digit
indicates an array keyword. Also, NAXIS and NAXISn are both defined keywords, and if we used
the naive interpretation both would be descriptors with name NAXIS.
ffl DTYPEn: We therefore require that array keys be written using the DTYPEn keyword with
the special syntax
``item DTYPE3 = 'COEFF* '
ffl Here the asterisk is used to imply a set of array keywords. The general format is DTYPEn =
'NAME*'; if NAME is less than or equal to 7 characters, the values will be stored in keywords
NAME1, NAME2, .... NAMEm.
ffl iDVALn: When the 'NAMEi' exceeds 8 characters, iDVALn will be used instead. Example:
DTYPE4 = 'COEFFICIENT*' / Array keyword
4DVAL1 = 0.001 / Coeff for n=1
4DVAL2 = 3.4E6 / Coeff for n=2
4DVAL3 = 14.328 / Coeff for n=3
ffl On read, the dimension of the array is equal to the largest value of i present as a NAMEi.
Missing values of i are set to zero or blank; elements of the array must be all numeric or all
1.8 Images
For Image Data descriptors, the following are existing FITS keywords:
ffl BUNIT (string) Unit of image data values (B is for 'brightness')
ffl BITPIX (integer) coded value implies the data type.
ffl BSCALE, BZERO values used e.g. for unsigned data types; handled by CFITSIO.
We plan to introduce
ffl BTYPE (string) Name of image data array. If absent, default to value of HDU name.
ffl BFORM (string) as DFORMn, to impose a data type interpretation overriding the BITPIX
These have not yet been added.

1.9 Coordinate Systems
Relevant docs:
FITS standard,
the WCS draft document,
and the OGIP94006 document,
(all of which are mirrored in /proj/jcm/ASC/FITS/docs)
We will store coordinate info as follows: The general transform supported by DM has the follow
ing parameters, named according to the FITS keywords used in the FITS IMAGE implementation...
Dimension n
Transform type (string): ctype
Number of transform function parameters m (depends on ctype, usually = zero)
Transform function parameters (doubles): prop1 to propm
Reference pixel: crpix1 to crpixn
Reference value: crval1 to crvaln
Reference scale: cdelt1 to cdeltn
Rotation angle: crota (only used in 2D case)
Rotation matrix: cd(n,n)
The rotation angle is zero and rotation matrix is unity for all our data at the moment. Recently,
CDELT has been deprecated in favor of the CD matrix, but we are continuing to use CDELT
We distinguish between the first transform on a particular descriptor, which is considered the
principal transform, and subsequent transforms. Slightly different keywords are used for principal
and other transforms. In addition, different keywords are used for transforms for the following
descriptor cases:
1) the axes of an image data array (Axis number j)
2) a table scalar column (FITS column number i)
3) the axes of a table array column (FITS column number i, axis p); not yet supported.
4) values of an image data array (not yet supported).
For the principal transform: (these are HEASARC proposed keywords)
Case 1 2 3

cd CDjj TCDii ppCDi
For subsequent transforms: (case 3 not supported; these are ADASS FITS BOF proposed
Case 1 or 2
ctype CTYPEjk
crpix CRPIXjk
crval CRVALjk
cdelt CDELTjk
crota CROTAjk
cd CDjjk
In this case k is a single upper case letter from A to Z. We reserve the choice of the letter P to
flag the physical coordinate transform (IRAF's LTM/LTV) which maps original pixels to current
logical pixels.
1.10 Coordinate systems on image block axes
Traditional use of CTYPE: Construction of the CTYPE keyword (or TCTYP, etc): In a classic
piece of broken design, we use CTYPE to store both the name of the coordinate descriptor quantity
and the name of the projection. The hack is as follows: for now, we support only 1D LINEAR
transforms and 2D WCS spherical projections. if the transform is not LINEAR, it must be one
of the WCS projections. In this latter case, there are a pair of CTYPEs, CTYPEn and CTYPEm
(hopefully with m = n + 1). The value of each of these is an 8 byte string; the first 4 bytes contain
the axis name padded with trailing dashes, and the last 4 bytes contain the transform code padded
with leading dashes. The only allowed value pairs for the axis names are:
RA DEC Equatorial
GLON GLAT Galactic
ELON ELAT Ecliptic
HLON HLAT Helioecliptic
SLON SLAT Supergalactic
PLON PLAT Planetary
XLON XLAT Generic latitude and longitude
We add the extra names

LONG NPOL Generic with north polar angle not latitude
This is used only with the TAN transform and is useful for a WCS for telescope offaxis angle and
The allowed values for the transform type are:
If the CTYPE value does not include the dash character '' in byte 5, we may assume it is a
LINEAR transform in which case the descriptor name is the full value of CTYPE.
For the ASC DM we introduce the following extra keywords:
ffl CNAMEn Name of axis (overrides value of CTYPEn, used in case where CTYPE is not a
LINEAR transform to override the standard component names like RA and DEC; i.e. when
XLON and XLAT are present in CTYPE.)
ffl CUNITn Unit of axis (FITS standard keyword)
We also support the use of MTYPEn, MFORMn for defining composite axes. Their use is
entirely analogous to their use with table columns.
1.11 Coordinate Data Descriptors: columns
We note the following existing HEASARC FITS keywords and their use:
ffl TCTYPj (string) is used for the coordinate descriptor component name, (or descriptor name
for a noncomposite descriptor), and transform type.
ffl TCNAMj (string) Like CNAMEn for images.
ffl TCUNIj (string) is used for the coordinate descriptor unit.
ffl TCDLTj (real) is used for the Data Coordinate Transform scale.
ffl TCRPXj (real) is used for the Data Coordinate Transform reference pixel element value.
ffl TCRVLj (real) is used for the Data Coordinate Transform reference world element value.
ffl RADECj (string) and EQUINj (real) are used for RA, DEC column pairs to give the system
('ICRS', 'FK4', 'FK5') and equinox (2000.0, 1950.0, etc)
We also want to give a name to a composite (2D) coordinate descriptor. For this we introduce
the ASCdefined keyword

ffl MCTYPn (string) is used for the Data Coordinate descriptor name for the primary coordinate
system attached to composite column MFORMn. In other words, if MFORM4 = 'X,Y' and
TTYPE3='X', TTYPE4='Y' then the coord descriptor name is the value of MCTYP4 and
the coord descriptor component names are values of TCTYP3 and TCTYP4, with transform
values given by TCRPX3/4 etc.
1.12 Coordinate descriptors for array column axes
The following keywords are all HEASARCspecified.
ffl iCTYPj is used for the Component Name for an Axis Group Coordinate quantity correspond
ing to the i'th axis.
ffl iCUNIj is the unit of the axis group coordinate quantity.
ffl iCRPXj is the reference pixel value for the axis group quantity in the axis group coordinate
ffl iCRVLj is the reference world value for the axis group coordinate quantity in the axis group
coordinate transform.
ffl iCDLTj is the transform scale in the axis group coordinate transform.
1.13 Keywords for recording filters
This section describes the keywords used by the ASCDM Data Subspace code.
Suppose we filter a file with the constraint
MASS = 14.2:230.1,GRADE=1:5,10:12,14:23
In the output FITS file this will be recorded as
DSTYP1 = 'MASS' / Rest Mass
DSUNI1 = 'kg ' / Unit for DSTYP1
DSVAL1 = '14.2:230.1' / Range for DSTYP1
DSVAL2 = '1:5,10:12,14:23' / Ranges for DSTYP2
Note: The Data Subspace conventions are internal to ASC and are not agreed as part of the
The example GRADE above but with 30 values instead of 3 would be better stored as a table,
as follows:

DSVAL2 = 'TABLE' / Values are in a table
DSREF2 = ':GRADEFILTER' / Name of table
and in an HDU elsewhere in the file:
NAXIS1 = 8
NAXIS2 = 30
TFORM1 = '1J'
TFORM2 = '1J'
METYP1 = 'R'
similar to the GTI table given above. The colon before the table name was recommended as part
of a broader scheme to specify URLs for FITS HDUs; I'm not sure how standard it will be.
When there is more than one DSS component, we need to generalize these keywords. We prefix
abbreviated versions of the keywords with the DSS component number:
ffl iDSVALj instead of DSVALj
ffl iDSREFj instead of DSREFj
ffl The same filter (value of j) in components 2 onwards must share the same name (DSTYPj),
unit (DSUNIj), and data type. So we don't need keywords for those.
The presence of an iDSVALj (or iDSREFj) keyword for any value of j implies the existence of
component i. If iDSVALj exists but iDSVALk does not, the value of iDSVALk is assumed to be the
same as DSVALk. The idea here is that components will often have many filters in common, and
just a couple that are different.
Here is an example with components: it represents a merged spectrum list with different extrac
tion radii for different energies.
DSTYP1 = 'ENERGY' / Energy
DSUNI1 = 'keV ' / Unit for DSTYP1
DSTYP2 = 'RADIUS' / Extraction radius
DSUNI2 = 'pixel' / Unit for DSTYP2

DSTYP3 = 'GAIN' / Calibration gain
DSVAL1 = '0.1:2.0' / Range for Energy
DSVAL2 = '14' / Extraction radius
DSVAL3 = '2:' / Range for gain
2DSVAL1 = '2.0:5.0,8.0:10.0' / Energy range, 2nd component
2DSVAL2 = '30' / Extraction radius
This means that the data contains energies in the range 0.1 to 2.0 keV extracted in a radius of
14 pixels (around some point), and also energies in the ranges 2 to 5 and 8 to 10 keV, all extracted
in a radius of 30 pixels. The data was also selected in all cases for a gain between 2 and infinity.
(there is no 2DSVAL3 so the gain for the second component is assumed to be the same as for the
second component, i.e. DSVAL3) Datasets like this usually arise from merging two datasets with a
single component in their data subspace. One might write the above DSS as a logical expression:
-- [(ENERGY in 0.1:2) AND (RADIUS = 14)] OR
[(ENERGY in 2:5,8:10) AND (RADIUS = 30)]
AND (GAIN ?2 )
Another more realistic case is multiple GTIs for different ACIS chips:
DSTYP1 = 'CCDID' / Chip number
DSTYP2 = 'TIME' / Time
DSUNI2 = 's ' / Unit for DSTYP2
DSVAL1 = 0 / Chip ACISI0
DSVAL2 = 'TABLE' / DSTYP2 ranges are in BINTABLE HDUs
DSREF2 = ':GTI0' / Good times for chip 0
DSVAL3 = '2:1024' / Good PHA range
2DSVAL1 = 1 / Chip ACISI1
2DSREF2 = ':GTI1' / Good times for chip 1
3DSVAL1 = 2 / Chip ACISI2
3DSREF2 = ':GTI2' / Good times for chip 2
4DSVAL1 = 3 / Chip ACISI3
4DSREF2 = ':GTI3' / Good times for chip 3
5DSVAL1 = 6 / Chip ACISS2
5DSREF2 = ':GTI6' / Good times for chip 6
6DSVAL1 = 7 / Chip ACISS3
6DSREF2 = ':GTI7' / Good times for chip 7
Note no DSUNI1 keyword is written since Chip number doesn't have a unit. Logically this DSS
translates to:

(PHA in 2:1024) AND --
OR ...
1.13.1 Special cases
For back compatibility for noncompliant files, the following special cases are recognized on reading
and writing: (only the first is currently done by our implementation).
1. On writing, if the axis name is TIME, write the data cell for the first DSS component as
TABLE GTI. On reading, if a GTI extension exists, interpret it as a data subspace data cell
on quantity TIME.
2. Also calculate the sum of the GTI intervals and store as an attached attribute ONTIME,
and multiply by an attached attribute DTCOR if present, to generate another attached at
tribute LIVETIME. On reading, interpret the keywords ONTIME, DTCOR and LIVETIME
as attached attributes to the TIME data subspace axis.
3. Recognize the HEASARC timing keywords SCSEQBEG, SCSEQEND, DATEOBS, TIME
their variations, all of which are associated attributes of the TIME data subspace axis. In the
absence of a GTI record, use the start and stop times in mission time or, if no mission time is
available, JD or MJD, as deduced from these keywords, to define a single time range element
for the data subspace.
4. On writing, if the axis name is PHA, write the data cell as the indirect spec [MINCHAN:MAXCHAN].
On reading, check for the MINCHAN and MAXCHAN keyword pair and interpret as a data
subspace data cell on axis PHA.
5. A coordinate system on a data subspace axis whose components are RA and DEC will have its
reference world element repeated as header keywords RA NOM and DEC NOM. On reading,
these keywords will be recognized as the component names for a 2D data subspace axis on
sky pixel position.
Note: Writing data subspaces to FITS files could be complicated. Suppose we have a data
subspace cell which needs to be written as a table (e.g. GTI). We normally would write all structural
information first, before writing the rows of the main Table Data section, but now we need to write
a separate BINTABLE extension. Perhaps the best solution is to make an initial pass through the
data subspace first and write all data subspace extensions before beginning the main ASC Table

2 Systematic algorithm for creating descriptors
This section was written to help the ASCDM implementors, but I'll include it in here in case it
clarifies the earlier sections.
I'll describe this from the point of view of both writing and reading a header. The central
attribute of any descriptor is its name, so we look for that first. I then give the order of priority for
each piece of information. Thus the column descriptor name is given as 'MTYPE,TTYPE', meaning
that on read you first look for MTYPE, and then if there is no MTYPE you look for TTYPE; on
write you start from the other end and use TTYPE if you can, but if TTYPE is insufficient to
encode the information (e.g. it's a vector column) you use MTYPE.
2.1 Existence of a descriptor on read
ffl Descriptors that may exist without explicit names in the file are the image data descriptor
and image axis descriptors. Their existence is forced by the presence of an image block.
ffl Column descriptors must have corresponding TTYPE or MTYPE keywords
ffl Key descriptors must have a DTYPE keyword or an ordinary FITS header keyword that is
not an ASCDMreserved name.
ffl Coordinate descriptors must have a CTYPE (TCTYP, iCTYP) or CCTYP keyword.
2.2 Descriptor names
ffl Column descriptor: MTYPE if composite, else TTYPE
ffl Key: MTYPE, else DTYPE if needed, else keyword name
ffl Image data descriptor: BTYPE, else EXTNAME, else ''IMAGE''.
ffl Filter: DSTYP
ffl Coord attached to column: MCTYP, else TCTYP
ffl Image axis coord: MTYPE, else CCTYP, else CTYPE
Special case: if a column descriptor has an attached coordinate system TCTYP which is not
a LINEAR transform, it must be a vector column of dimension 2, paired with some other column
with a matching TCTYP, even if there is no MFORM keyword. For example if we have

TTYPE3 = 'X'
TTYPE4 = 'Y'
we pretend that the keywords MTYPE1 = 'POS', MFORM1 = 'X,Y', MCTYP1 = 'EQPOS' were
actually present. The column component names are 'X', 'Y' and the coordinate component names
are 'RA', 'DEC'. The game is:
ffl I have a TTYPE; is it part of an MFORM?
ffl If not, does it have a TCTYP that needs a partner? RA---TAN needs DEC--TAN as its
ffl If so, make up an MTYPE name and an MCTYP name for it (see below).
ffl If not, it is a simple column and TTYPE gives its name.
Now how will we assign these MTYPE and MCTYP names? We are going to recognize the
following special cases:
Component names Default composite name
X, *Y *, for all *
and in all other cases do POSn, where n is some unique integer. This means that TDETX,
TDETY maps to TDET.
2.3 Descriptor component names
ffl Column descriptor: TTYPE
ffl Key: DTYPE or keyword name
ffl Image dd: not supported
ffl Filter: DSCPT
ffl Column coord: TCTYP
ffl Axis coord: CTYPE

Here's an interesting question. For 2D filters, the natural thing is to specify a single DSTYP
and DSVAL, with the DSVAL being a region string. But we need somewhere to put two (optional)
component names and internally we need to point to two associated column descriptors. So do we
go with the MTYPE paradigm and have MDTYP1 = 'POS', MDFOR1 ='X,Y', DSTYP1 = 'X',
DSTYP2 = 'Y' and instead of having two DSVALs have an MDVAL with MDVAL1 = 'circ 2 30
2'? Or do we make DSTYP the thing that can be composite, and have instead DSTYP1 = 'POS',
DSVAL1 = 'circ 2 30 2', DSCPT1 = 'X,Y' ? I think the latter is much more consistent with the
rest of data subspace, and I like it better, so I'm going with it for now. Comments welcome.
2.4 Element dimensionality
ffl Column descriptor: infer from MFORM (and TCTYP) else 1
ffl Key: always 1 for now
ffl Image dd: always 1 for now
ffl Filter: infer from DSCPT, not to be implemented yet
ffl Column coord: infer from MFORM of parent
ffl Axis coord: infer from MFORM
2.5 Descriptor units
ffl Column descriptor: TUNIT
ffl Key: DUNIT, else Pence convention on keyword with the name
ffl Image dd: BUNIT
ffl Filter: DSUNI
ffl Column coord: TCUNI
ffl Axis coord: CUNIT
2.6 Descriptor values
ffl Column dd: current row and cell
ffl Key: DVAL or keyword value
ffl Image dd: image data

ffl Filter: DSVAL
ffl Column coord: via transform
ffl Axis coord: via transform
2.7 Data type
ffl Column dd: TFORM
ffl Key: DFORM or infer from format of value
ffl Image dd: BFORM, else BITPIX
ffl Filter: DSFORM, else type of assoccol
ffl Column coord: infer from transform type, default double
ffl Axis coord: infer from transform type, default double
2.8 Descriptor desc
ffl Column dd: TDESC or / comment after name keyword
ffl Key dd: DDESC or / comment after value keyword
ffl Image dd: BDESC or / comment after BTYPE
ffl Filter: DSDSC or / comment after name keyword
ffl Column coord: TCDSC or / comment after name keyword
ffl Axis coord: CDESC or / comment after name keyword
2.9 Display format
ffl Column dd: TDISP
ffl Key: DDISP
ffl Image dd: not supported
ffl Filter: not supported
ffl Column coord: not supported
ffl Axis coord: not supported

2.10 Element type
ffl Column dd: METYP, default to V
ffl Key: METYP
ffl Image dd: METYP
ffl Filter: always R
ffl Column coord: inherit from parent
ffl Axis coord: inherit from parent
2.11 Array dimensionality
ffl Column dd: Infer from TFORM and TDIM
ffl Key: Always 0 for now
ffl Image dd: NAXIS
ffl Filter: Always 1
ffl Column coord: Always 0
ffl Axis coord: Always 0
2.12 Array sizes
ffl Column dd: Infer from TFORM and TDIM
ffl Key: n/a for now
ffl Image dd: NAXISn
ffl Filter: infer from DSVAL string
ffl Column coord: n/a
ffl Axis coord: n/a

2.13 Legal range
ffl Column dd: TLMIN/TLMAX
ffl Image dd: not yet supported
ffl Filter: n/a
ffl Column coord: not supported
ffl Axis coord: not supported
2.14 Transform type
ffl Column coord: Infer from TCTYP
ffl Axis coord: Infer from CTYPE
2.15 Transform values
ffl Column coord: TCRVL and TCRPX and TCDLT
ffl Axis coord: CRVAL and CRPIX and CDELT
3 Proposed future conventions
In this section I describe possible keywords that we might use in later releases; these aren't final
but give an idea of the directions we're considering.
3.1 Future enhancement for ASC `element types'
How many BINTABLE columns are used for a single ASC Table column? We will store a value
element of dimensionality d in d separate columns of the table. A range element will require 2d
columns, and a value with uncertainty will thus require 3d columns. A 2D region descriptor may
be stored as a string in a single column; details of the implementation are to be worked out. The
element type is stored in a special string keyword METYPn tied to the MTYPE/MFORM keywords.
If it is absent, the default type V (value) is assumed. Thus, by knowing the element dimensionality
d i and element type t i for each ASC Table column, we can assign the mapping to BINTABLE
columns. The number of BINTABLE columns for ASC Table Column i is d i NBT (t i ) as tabulated

t i NBT (t i ) Description
V 1 Value only
B 2 Bin
BF 1 Fixed width bin
S 2 Bin start
SF 1 Fixed width bin start
I 3 Value plus interval
R 2 Interval only
K 2 Scale range
KF 1 Fixed scale range
L 3 Two sided scale (log)
LF 1 Fixed two sided scale
U 2 One sided uncertainty
UF 1 Fixed one sided uncertainty
T 3 Two sided uncertainty
TF 1 Fixed two sided uncertainty
REG 1 2D region
Then the total number of BINTABLE columns required for the c columns of the ASC Table is
d i NBT (t i )
and the starting BINTABLE column number j for ASC Table column i is
j(i) = 1 +
i\Gamma1 X
d k NBT (t k )
The following proposed keywords are reserved for possible future ASCDM implementation.
ffl MITYPn (string) gives the interval type for elements of type VU or R. Possible values are `[]'
(default), `()', `(]', '[)'.
ffl MULEVn (real) gives the uncertainty level, between 0.0 and 1.0, default 1.0.
ffl MDTYPn (string) gives the data type, overriding the default data type in TFORMj. This
allows us to add data types which are not directly supported by the FITS standard. Values
of MDTYPn are specified in the data model design document.
ffl MUMINn gives the uncertainty lower value for a fixed uncertainty. Default CUVALn.
ffl MUMAXn gives the uncertainty upper value for a fixed uncertainty. Default CUVALn.

ffl MUVALn gives the uncertainty value for a fixed uncertainty. Default zero.
ffl MZTYPn (string) gives the element type for the systematic zero point uncertainty.
ffl MSTYPn (string) gives the element type for the systematic scale uncertainty.
ffl MZMINn, MZMAXn, MZVALn give the systematic zero point uncertainty values.
ffl MSMINn, MSMAXn, MSVALn give the systematic scale uncertainty values.
3.2 Element types
To make a column of element type INTERVAL or RANGE, go as follows:
dmColumnCreateInterval( table, name, type, unit, desc, cptNames, elementType )
name = ''TIME'', type = dmDOUBLE, unit = 's', desc = 'Spacecraft Time',
cptNames = -- ''TSTART'', ''TSTOP'' , elementType = dmRANGE.
Suppose the next available FITS column is 4, and this is the second CDM grouped column. In the
FITS file this should map to:
TFORM4 = '1D ' / Data type for column 4
TUNIT4 = 's ' / Unit for column 4
TFORM5 = '1D ' / Data type for column 5
TUNIT5 = 's ' / Unit for column 5
MTYPE2 = 'TIME ' / Spacecraft Time
MFORM2 = 'TSTART,TSTOP' / CDM metacolumn
METYP2 = 'R' / ASC Element Type is Range
3.3 Extra keys for header keywords
The following proposed keywords are reserved for possible future implementation
ffl DUMINn gives the uncertainty minimum value.
ffl DUMAXn gives the uncertainty maximum value.
ffl DITYPn (string) gives the interval type for elements of type VU or R. Possible values are `[]'
(default), `()', `(]', '[)'.

ffl DULEVn (real) gives the uncertainty level, between 0.0 and 1.0, default 1.0.
ffl DARELn (string) gives the name of the `parent' Data Descriptor to which the attribute is
related either the name of a column or of another attribute. This allows us to define attributes
which belong to individual columns.
3.4 Data Subspace keys
The following proposed keywords are reserved for possible future implementation
ffl DSITYPj interval type for axis j.
ffl DSjLm, DSjUm: lower (L) and upper (U) interval values for a range. Implies
DSj = (DSjL1:DSjU1),(DSjL2:DSjU2),...(DSjLn,DSjUn)
ffl DSCNAMn (string): Name of coord quantity for axis group n. This and other coordinate info
defaults to the coordinate system on any table column mapping to the DSS axis.
ffl DSCTYPj (string): Name of coord quantity component for axis j.
ffl DSCDLTj (string): Transform scale for axis j.
ffl DSCRPXj (real): Reference pixel value for coord transform
ffl DSCRVLj (real): Reference world value for coord transform.
ffl DSCUNIj (string): Unit for coord quantity
ffl DSCj (string): Data Cell in world coord units
ffl DSCjLm, DSCjUm: Data Cell min and max element values (shares interval type for Data
Descriptor, i.e. DSITYPj).
The data cell specification is parsed as follows: (this is a long term goal, not to be implemented
for the time being):
1. If the first character is numeric, [ or (, the spec is a range.
2. Otherwise, if the first (spacedelimited) word is the special string TABLE, it is a table speci
3. Otherwise, it is a 2D region specification.

4. For a range, we determine the interval type by locating the closing parenthesis. The allowed
types are [],[),(],() representing open, closed and semiopen intervals. No parentheses means
closed interval.
5. Within the parentheses, we seek a colon to parse the string as [a:b]. If no colon is present,
interpret as [a:a]. If a or b is nonnumeric, interpret them as the names of other header
keywords (an indirect range specification). The purpose of the indirect range specification is
to allow us to continue to write back compatible files.