Äīźóģåķņ āē˙ņ čē źżųą ļīčńźīāīé ģąųčķū. Ąäšåń īščćčķąėüķīćī äīźóģåķņą : http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~jcm/asc/docs/ps/SDS04.ps
Äąņą čēģåķåķč˙: Thu Feb 26 23:21:14 1998
Äąņą čķäåźńčšīāąķč˙: Tue Oct 2 10:48:14 2012
ASC Data Model Subroutine Interface: ANSI C user guide
Release 1.6
Jonathan McDowell, Michael S. Noble, Oliver Oberdorf
February 26, 1998

1 Overview
1.1 FITS and QPOE
The Data Model fosters an abstract view of astronomical data files and provides data I/O trans­
parently to FITS, QPOE and IMH format files. Access to these distinct formats is achieved by
isolating and abstracting the format­specific calls into different I/O ''kernels''. The two file kernels
currently supported are FITS and IRAF. To the Data Model, every 'dataset' is a series of 'blocks'.
In FITS, a dataset is a file and a block is usually an HDU (Header Data Unit) which can be either
a table or an image. In IRAF, a dataset is a directory containing PROS­type QPOE files and IMH
files. Each block is either a QPOE event list (interpreted as a table) or an IMH image.
Note that as of DataModel Release 1.5, any single QPOE or IMH file may be opened for reading
as a read­only dmDataset equivalent consisting of one table or image dmBlock.
Each block consists of header and data. In a table type block, the data is organized in columns,
each with the same number of rows. Both header keys and table columns have a lot in common, and
in FITS it is an emerging convention that one may regard header keys as columns which have the
same value in each row. In the Data Model, we consider header keys and table columns as examples
of a more generic object called a Descriptor. A Descriptor is so called because it contains the
descriptive information associated with the raw data value or values; this descriptive information
can be names, units, data type, etc. The data in an image is a special case of a column descriptor.
There are two other kinds of descriptors: coordinate descriptors and filter descriptors. Subspace
descriptors store information about how the main data has been filtered. Coordinate descriptors are
`virtual' column descriptors for which the data values are defined implicitly, in terms of a function
of another descriptor. Image Axis Group descriptors, which carry information about the axes of an
image, are a special case of coordinate descriptor.
1.2 A simple example
Here is a simple example of code which reads two tables and writes a third. In the GTI table, we
open column descriptors by explicit column numbers since we know that different implementations
of GTI tables use a variety of names for the columns but the data is always in columns 1 and 2. We
use the GetScalars command to read each column at one gulp, since we know the GTI is probably
small and we won't take much of a buffering hit. In the event table, we open column descriptors
by name, allowing the possibility that the order of the columns may be moved around. Since the
number of rows may be large, we read the data row by row to avoid FITSIO buffering problems.
The header key read returns a descriptor, which we can use to find out the key's unit or other
properties, but most often we use it just to test that it is non­null, i.e. that the keyword is present.
Error checking is omitted from the code below for brevity, as are comments since the code is
described above in the text.

dmDataset* input—ds;
dmDataset* output—ds;
dmBlock* gti—table;
dmBlock* event—table;
dmBlock* out—table;
dmDescriptor* start—col;
dmDescriptor* stop—col;
dmDescriptor* pha—col;
dmDescriptor* status—col;
double* start;
double* stop;
double livetime;
int spectrum[MAXPHA+1];
int pha;
short status;
int ngti;
int n;
int itzero;
double tzero;
input—ds = dmDatasetOpen( ''bas.fits'' );
gti—table = dmBlockOpen( input—ds, ''STDGTI'' );
start—col = dmTableOpenColumnNo(gti—table,1);
stop—col = dmTableOpenColumnNo(gti—table,2);
ngti = dmTableGetNoRows(gti—table);
start = (double*)malloc(ngti*sizeof(double));
stop = (double*)malloc(ngti*sizeof(double));
dmGetScalars—d(start—col, start, 1, ngti);
dmGetScalars—d(stop—col, stop, 1, ngti);
livetime = 0.0; for ( i= 0;i!ngti;i++ ) -- livetime += stop[i] ­ start[i]; ¯
event—table=dmBlockOpen(input—ds, ''STDEVT'');
/* Look for any of various MJDREF keywords */
if( dmKeyRead—i( event—table, ''MJDREFI'', &itzero ) )

(void)dmKeyRead—d( event—table, ''MJDREFF'', &tzero );
tzero += itzero;
else if( !dmKeyRead—d( event—table, ''MJDREF'', &tzero ) )
if ( dmKeyRead—i( event—table, ''XS­MJDRD'', &itzero ) )
(void)dmKeyRead—d( event—table, ''XS­MJDRF'', tzero );
tzero += itzero;
tzero = 0.0;
printf( ''No MJDREF keyword found``n'' );
n = dmTableGetNoRows( event—table );
pha—col = dmTableOpenColumn( event—table, ''PHA'' );
status—col=dmTableOpenColumn( event—table, ''STATUS'' );
for ( row = 0; row ! n; row++ )
pha = dmGetScalar—l( pha—col );
status = dmGetScalar—s( status—col );
if ( status == 0 ) spectrum[pha]++;
output—ds =dmDatasetCreate(''spectrum.fits'');
out—table = dmBlockCreate(output—ds, ''SPECTRUM'', ''TABLE'');
channel = dmColumnCreate(out—table,''CHANNEL'',dmLONG,0,''channel'',''Pulse height channel'');
counts = dmColumnCreate(out—table,''COUNTS'',dmLONG,0,''count'',''Spectrum counts'');
rate = dmColumnCreate(out—table,''RATE'',dmDOUBLE,0,''count/s'',''Count rate'');
dmKeyWrite—d(out—table, ''EXPOSURE'', livetime, ''s'', ''Livetime'');
dmKeyWrite—l(out—table, ''CHANMIN'', 0, ''channel'', ''Min PHA channel'' );
dmKeyWrite—l(out—table, ''CHANMAX'', MAXPHA, ''channel'', ''Max PHA channel'');
dmKeyWrite—c(out—table, ''CHANTYPE'', ''PHA'', '' '', ''PH binning type'');

for (pha = 0; pha != MAXPHA; pha++)
dmSetScalar—l(channel, pha);
dmSetScalar—l(counts, spectrum[pha]);
dmSetScalar—d(rate, spectrum[pha]/livetime);

The same program can be written using explicit row data buffers and one­block­at­a­time dataset
handling (some details omitted where the same as the previous version). The one­block­at­a­time
dmDatasetTable and dmDatasetImage routines are a convenience for the special case of a dataset
with one block in it, which is very common. It minimizes the number of handles floating around in
the program.
dmDataset* dataset;
dmBlock* gti—table;
dmBlock* event—table;
dmBlock* out—table;
double livetime;
long spectrum[MAXPHA+1];
long pha;
double tzero;
struct -- double start; double stop; ¯ gti;
struct -- long pha; short status; ¯ event;
struct -- long channel; long counts; double rate; ¯ row;
dataset = dmDatasetTableOpen(''bas.fits'');
gti—table = dmTableOpenSelect(dataset,''STDGTI'',''START,STOP'',NULL);
livetime = 0.0;
while(dmTableGetRow(gti—table,>i) != dmNOMOREROWS)
livetime += gti.stop ­ gti.start;
event—table=dmDatasetTableOpen( ''bas.fits[STDEVT][select PHA:i,STATUS:s]'' );
dataset = dmDatasetTableOpen(''bas.fits'');
event—table = dmTableOpenSelect(dataset,''STDEVT'',''PHA,STATUS'',NULL);
while(dmTableGetRow(event—table, &event) != dmNOMOREROWS)
if (event.status == 0) spectrum[event.pha]++;

out—table = dmDatasetTableCreate(''spectrum.fits[SPECTRUM]'');
channel = dmColumnCreate(out—table,''CHANNEL'',dmLONG,0,''channel'',''Pulse height channel'');
counts = dmColumnCreate(out—table,''COUNTS'',dmLONG,0,''count'',''Spectrum counts'' );
rate = dmColumnCreate(out—table,''RATE'',dmDOUBLE,0,''count/s'',''Count rate'');
dmKeyWrite—d(out—table, ''EXPOSURE'',livetime, ''s'', ''Livetime'');
dmKeyWrite—l(out—table, ''CHANMIN'', 0, ''channel'', ''Min PHA channel'');
dmKeyWrite—l(out—table, ''CHANMAX'', MAXPHA, ''channel'', ''Max PHA channel'');
dmKeyWrite—c(out—table, ''CHANTYPE'',''PHA'', '' '',''PH binning type'');
for (pha = 0; pha != MAXPHA; pha++)
row.pha = pha;
row.counts = spectrum[pha];
row.rate = spectrum[pha]/livetime;
dmTablePutRow( out—table, &row );
dmDatasetTableClose( out—table );
Better yet, once we have implemented the correct special cases, you should be able to do:
dmDataset* dataset;
dmBlock* event—table;
double livetime;
double* start;
double* stop;
long spectrum[MAXPHA+1];
long ngti;
struct -- long pha; short status; ¯ event;
dataset = dmDatasetOpen(''bas.fits'');
dmKeyRead—d( event—table, ''MJDREF'', &tzero );
dmSubspaceColGet—d( dmSubspaceColOpen( event—table, ''TIME'' ), &start,
&stop, &ngti );
livetime = 0.0; for ( i= 0;i!ngti;i++ ) -- livetime += stop[i] ­ start[i]; ¯
while(dmTableGetRow( event—table, &event ) != dmNOMOREROWS)
if ( event.status == 0 ) spectrum[event.pha]++;

dmDatasetTableClose( event—table );
In this version, we don't ever see the GTI table explicitly. At the scientific level, GTI is just the
filter on the time attribute, you don't care that in a FITS file it's stored in a separate extension.
In fact, in a QPOE file the GTIs are not stored in a separate table. So it's important to provide
this level of abstraction if you want the program to work on either QPOE or FITS files.
2 General DataModel Information
2.1 Online ASC DataModel References
This document is kept online at http://cfa­www.harvard.edu/ mnoble/ascdm. At the moment the
DataModel is available only for internal AXAF Science Center use. The source will be made
available via FTP and WWW at the time of a general release. Email the ASC DataModel
alias (ascdm@cfa.harvard.edu), Michael Noble (mnoble@cfa.harvard.edu), or Jonathan McDowell
(jcm@cfa.harvard.edu) for further information, or to obtain the source code prior to the general
2.2 Configuration and Sample Code
The doc directory in the DataModel distribution contains additional notes on installation, configu­
ration, and use of the DataModel, as well as HTTP references to other astronomical software upon
which the DataModel is layered.
The examples directory contains several programs and makefiles that can be used both as a test
of the installation/configuration and as sample code.
In brief, the primary requirements for building an ASC DataModel program are:
­ ensure #include ''ascdm.h'' appears in your source
­ ensure your makefiles reference the Makevars.ascdm present in
the root of the DataModel distribution tree
­ ensure your compilation and link rules reference the appropriate
DataModel macros specified within Makevars.ascdm.
2.3 Structure Objects
In support of the logical abstractions provided by the ASC DataModel, three object types are
defined. Instances of these structures should be created and modified only through use of the access
routines specified in this document. Direct access of the data structure internals may jeopardize
the integrity of your application and data, and hence should be avoided.

ffl dmDataset*: pointer to an ASC dataset
ffl dmBlock*: pointer to an ASC datablock (ie, table or image)
ffl dmDescriptor*: pointer to an ASC data descriptor
2.4 Memory Management
To a large extent the ASC DataModel does not require the user to worry about details of memory
management. For example, it is not necessary to free memory associated with individual dmDe­
scriptor, dmBlock, or dmDataset pointers. Memory allocated to blocks and the descriptors they
may contain will be freed when block is closed via an appropriate routine call. Similarly, memory
allocated to dmDataset pointers will be freed when the dataset is properly closed.
Another example concerns routines that return character strings. Rather than have them return
char* arrays, these routines instead write into a pre­allocated char* parameter, up to a specified
maximum length parameter value (e.g., dmBlockGetName).
Despite these attempts, there are still instances when the DM user will need to explicitly deal
with memory management. For example, array memory allocated by routines that return ar­
ray pointers (e.g., dmTableOpenColumnList, dmBlockGetKeyList, or dmGetArrayDimensions) will
need to be explicitly freed. In these cases, though, ONLY the array memory need be freed, not the
individual array elements. Further details can be found in the accompanying function descriptions
and code samples.
2.5 Defined Types
The DataModel defined types have integral values with symbolic names as listed.
2.5.1 dmDataType
Each dmDataType corresponds to either a C built­in type or DataModel typedef.

dmDataType String Meaning Data/Class Type
dmSHORT S 2 byte integer dmshort, short
dmLONG L 4 byte integer dmlong, long
dmFLOAT F 4 byte IEEE real dmreal, float
dmDOUBLE D 8 byte IEEE real dmdouble, double
dmTEXT C String dmString
dmBLOCKREF BR String, reference to block typedef blockref dmString
dmBOOL Q Logical typedef dmlogical int
dmBYTE UB 1 byte unsigned dmbyte, unsigned char
dmUSHORT US 2 byte unsigned dmushort, unsigned short
dmULONG UI 4 byte unsigned dmulong, unsigned long
The dmshort class is a machine­dependent #define to a 2 byte integer type; on many machines
short will be equivalent. Same goes for other types. The logical and blockref types are typdef'd
not #defined to make sure they are compiler­distinct from integer and string. Other types may be
added later.
2.5.2 dmBlockType
The dmBlockType describes whether a block is a table, image, or something else.
dmBlockType String
2.5.3 dmDescriptorType
dmDescriptorType String
dmCOLUMN for columnar table data access
dmKEY for header keyword access
dmIMAGEDATA for access to image data
dmCOORD for coordinate transform descriptors
dmSUBSPACE for data subspace descriptors
Special cases: a special type of dmCOORD is an image axis; a special type of dmCOLUMN is
a scalar column descriptor which is really one component of a vector column.
2.5.4 dmElementType
The DataModel considers tabular column and image data in terms of ''cells,'' the intersection of a
row and column, each of which contain one or more ''elements,'' each of which in turn represent

data in terms of the fundamental dmDataTypes. Cells can either be scalar, 1­dimensional arrays,
or N­dimensional arrays, with constituent element types of:
dmElementType String Meaning
dmVALUE V Value (value)
dmRANGE R Range (min,max)
dmINTERVAL I Interval (value,min,max)
Note that elements can be multidimensional. For example, consider a cell containing elements
representing points in Cartesian 3D space. Each (x,y,z) triple would be a dmValue element of
dimensionality 3. Note that since cell dimensionality is independent of element dimensionality, it
would still be possible to define the cell in question here as a scalar cell ­ meaning each cell would
contain only 1 (x,y,z) triple.
2.5.5 dmKernelHint
The supported values for dmKernelHint are:
dmBINTABLE hints to table creation routines that
subsequent table constructions produce
BINARY tables (default)
dmASCIITABLE hints to table creation routines that the
subsequent table constructions produce
ASCII tables
2.6 Other Programming Considerations
2.6.1 Error Handling and Diagnostics
Most of the ASC DataModel routines indicate completion status either by returning an integer status
code or by returning unusual values (e.g., NULL pointers or negative row numbers). Regardless of
whether or not a DataModel API function provides explicit error state indication, the call completion
status can be determined by using the dmGetError and dmGetErrorMessage routines.
The dmFAILURE status code indicates some error condition exists, while dmSUCCESS indi­
cates the call completed successfully. Other status codes and return values are listed as appropriate
with the associated APi functions.
Use dmGetVersion to find the current DataModel release version. This may be needed if you
send email to the ASC about possible bugs. Also, for those familiar with configuration management
issues, the ''what'' utility can be used to scan the DataModel object code library to provide more
detailed code module version information.

Use dmDatasetPrintKernel and dmBlockPrintKernel to inspect the contents of the file
at the kernel level, bypassing the layer of interpretation imposed by the DataModel. Use dm­
BlockGetNoKernelKeys and dmBlockGetKernelKey to inspect header entries at the kernel
2.6.2 Counting in the DataModel
The ASC DataModel uses a ones­based counting system. That is, the smallest block number, key
number, image pixel coordinate, column number, or row number will always be 1.
2.6.3 Initialization Routines
It is not necessary within DataModel programs to explicitly call the IRAF initialization routine(s)
when linking against the IRAF/QPOE kernel, as the necessary IRAF initialization(s) will be per­
formed internally by the DataModel. In fact, since one of the goals of the DataModel is to free the
user from file­format specifics, the use of any explicit file­format specific functionality is discouraged.
2.6.4 Multithreading
At the time of this writing the ASC DataModel is NOT thread­safe. The decision to implement
the DataModel in this manner was primarily due to the fact that the DataModel library sits atop
numerous other astronomical software libraries, most of which are themselves NOT thread­safe.
3 Introduction to the ASC dm library routines
Although there are a large number of routines in the library, they can be grouped fairly simply.
Many routines are used in multiple contexts; for instance, the same routine may be used to read
data from a table or an image. This section organizes the routines by usage, briefly describing the
routines to use in each context ­ for instance, table routines are grouped together in one subsection,
and the same routine may be referred to in several subsections. However, the details of the routine
are not given here, but in the final section of the document where all the routines are described in
alphabetical order.
3.1 Dataset operations
We first describe operations at the dataset level. Recall that each dataset contains a series of table
blocks and/or image blocks.

3.2 Opening and closing files
To open an existing dataset, use either the dmDatasetOpen routine or (if you are only interested in
one table in the dataset) the dmDatasetTableOpen routine. The former returns a pointer of type
dmDataset*, and you can then use that pointer to open various blocks (tables or images) in the
dataset using dmBlockOpen. The latter directly returns a pointer of type dmBlock*. Each of the
Open routines has a corresponding Close routine and a corresponding Create routine for opening a
new object to write to.
Table 1: Open/close routines
dmDatasetOpen Open dataset by name, return dmDataset*
dmDatasetCreate Same for creation
dmDatasetClose Close a dataset.
dmBlockOpen Open block (table/image) in dataset, return dmBlock*
dmBlockCreate Same for creation
dmBlockClose Close block opened by dmBlockOpen/Create
dmDatasetTableOpen Open table and dataset at same time, return dmBlock*
dmDatasetTableCreate Same for creation
dmDatasetTableClose Close dataset opened by dmDatasetTableOpen/Create
dmImageOpen Open image and dataset at same time, return dmBlock*
dmImageCreate Same for creation
dmImageClose Close image
If you open a dataset using the dmDatasetTable or dmImage routines, you only have a block
pointer. If you then need the dataset pointer you can get it with the dmBlockGetDataset routine.
Another routine to create blocks is the dmBlockCreateCopy routine, which copies the struc­
ture of an existing block without its data.
3.2.1 Navigating within a dataset
Most of the time we work with a single block within the dataset. How do you get to the block you
want? There are several ways. You may access the blocks sequentially, or by number, or by name.
To access the blocks sequentially, use the dmDatasetNextBlock routine. This routine will
open the next block, (the first time, it will open the first block in the dataset), and repeated
calls will go through all the blocks until the end of the dataset, when it will return null. The
dmDatasetGetCurrentBlockNo inquiry routine returns the number of the most recent block to
have been opened. The dmDatasetAdvanceBlocks routine moves ahead or back by a specified

number of blocks, so dmDatasetNextBlock is equivalent to calling dmDatasetAdvanceBlocks with
an argument of 1.
To access the blocks by number, use dmDatasetMoveToBlock.
The dmDatasetGetNoBlocks inquiry routine returns the total number of blocks in the file.
The dmDatasetGetBlockType routine is used to find out whether the block you are about to
open is a TABLE or an IMAGE. If you have opened the block (i.e. you have a dmBlock* pointer)
you can use the dmBlockGetType or dmBlockGetTypeStr routines to find out what kind of
block you have.
3.2.2 Kernel related routines
The following routines allow control over which kernel is used to make new files. In normal use we
want the existence of different kernels to be invisible to the programmer, so we separate these calls
out instead of making the kernel id an argument to CreateDataset as in the EDS layer.
Use dmKernelSetCreate to specify the kernel to be used when creating new datasets from
scratch. Use dmKernelSetCopy to specify the kernel to be used when making a copy from an
existing dataset (usually its kernel is copied too).
Use dmKernelGetCreate and dmKernelGetCopy to inspect the current settings.
dmKernelGetList tells you what kernels are available at run­time.
dmDatasetGetKernel is used to find out which ETOOLS kernel (i.e. which underlying disk
format) is being used for a particular dataset.
3.2.3 Auxiliary dataset routines
There are some auxiliary routines which are used less often to manipulate datasets.
ffl dmDatasetCopy is used to make a copy of an entire dataset.
ffl dmDatasetDelete deletes a dataset on disk.
ffl dmDatasetRename renames a dataset.
ffl dmDatasetAccess is used to test whether a dataset exists, prior to opening it.
ffl dmDatasetPrint is used as a diagnostic routine to examine the structure and contents of a
3.3 Tables
3.3.1 Opening a table
You can open an existing table in the following ways:

ffl Open the next block in a dataset with dmDatasetNextBlock.
ffl Open a numbered block in a dataset with dmDatasetMoveToBlock.
ffl Open a block by name with dmBlockOpen.
ffl Open a block and a dataset at the same time using dmDatasetTableOpen.
ffl Open a table for row­based I/O using dmTableOpenSelect (see Row Based I/O below).
In each of these cases except for dmDatasetTableOpen and dmDatasetTableOpen you must check
that it is a table and not an image, using dmDatasetGetBlockType or dmBlockGetType,
and call dmBlockClose when you are done with the block. For dmDatasetTableOpen you are
guaranteed that it is a table, and you must call dmDatasetTableClose when you are done, which
releases both the block and the parent dataset at the same time.
You can delete the table entirely by using the dmBlockDelete call.
You can create a new table and dataset using dmDatasetTableCreate. To create a dataset
with multiple tables and/or images, use dmDatasetCreate to make the dataset and dmBlock­
Create to create new tables and/or images. For fine control, use dmSetKernelOption first, to
control details of the disk format used (e.g. FITS ASCII tables versus the default BINTABLE).
3.3.2 Basic table properties
ffl dmBlockGetName returns the name of the table.
ffl dmBlockGetDataset returns a pointer to the dataset of which the table is a member.
ffl dmBlockGetNo returns the number of the block in the dataset.
ffl dmTableGetNoCols returns the number of columns in the table.
3.3.3 Creating table structure
The dmColumnCreate call creates a scalar column with a specified data type and name. Repeated
calls may be used to create all the columns for a new table. After you start writing data to the
table, you can't add any more columns (J to Mike: is this true?).
To make an array column (a 1­dimensional array of elements in each table cell), use the dm­
ColumnCreateArray or dmColumnCreateVarArray calls.
You can also store an entire n­dimensional array in each table cell, using a column created with
the dmColumnCreateNDArray routine.

The data model introduces the concept of vector columns, in which several columns are grouped
together each with their own name but also with a common name. To create such a vector column,
use the dmColumnCreateVector call.
Another kind of grouped column imposes a particular meaning on the grouping, using the
concept of compound element types (also known as Intervals). This allows us to store ranges of
values rather than point values. For instance, the Good Time Intervals (START,STOP) are more
elegantly handled as a RANGE element for the TIME variable. Columns of this kind are created
with the dmColumnCreateInterval routine.
Combining the high level constructs to produce arrays of vectored compound element types may
be done using the dmColumnCreateGeneric routine; all the other column create routines are
special cases of this. You can define a set of columns at once with dmTableCreateColumns
(scalar columns only) or dmTableCreateGenericColumns (generic columns).
The dmColumnInsertNo and dmColumnInsertAfter routines allow you to create a column
out of order, useful when copying a block.
3.3.4 Navigating in the table
To start with, you are always at the first row of the table. Repeated read/write operations will not
change the row. To move to another row, use dmTableNextRow or dmTableSetRow. To find
out which row you are at, use dmTableGetRowNo. The routine dmTableGetNoRows tells
you how many rows are in the table.
To read or write data to the table, you can use cell­based I/O which operates on one column
of one row at a time, column­based I/O which reads/writes multiple rows of a single column, or
row­based I/O which operates on a whole row at once using a C structure.
3.3.5 Cell­based I/O: introduction
To use cell­based I/O you must first obtain descriptors for each column you wish to access, using
dmTableOpenColumn or dmTableOpenColumnNo. You can get the entire list of columns
using dmTableOpenColumnList. Then you can navigate the rows using dmTableNextRow
or dmTableSetRow, and use the GetScalar or SetScalar calls and their relatives to read or write
the data.
3.3.6 Column properties
To get or alter the properties of a column, use the generic descriptor dmGet/dmSet calls:
ffl dmGetName, dmSetName ­ get/set name of column
ffl dmGetUnit, dmSetUnit ­ get/set unit of column
ffl dmGetDataType ­ get data type of column (cannot be changed)

ffl dmGetDesc, dmSetDesc ­ get/set descriptive comment for column
ffl dmGetArrayDim ­ get array dimensionality for column (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetElementDim ­ get vector dimension for column (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetElementType ­ get element type of column (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetDisp, dmSetDisp ­ get display format hint for column
ffl dmColumnGetNo ­ get number of column in table
If the column has nonzero array dimensionality, the dmGetArrayDimensions and dmGe­
tArraySize routines may be used to find the shape of the array and the total number of array
elements per cell.
If the column is a vector column, the dmGetCptName, dmSetCptName routines can be
used to find or alter the name of each vector component and dmGetElementDim can be used to
find the number of components. For example, one might have a descriptor whose name is DETPOS,
with 2 components DETX and DETY representing different axes. This is in contrast to an array
descriptor which might be say DETX(2), with 2 values from the same axis. One may even have
vectored array descriptors but this is not encouraged.
Each descriptor also has an element type and, possibly, an interval type. The element types
supported at release R1/R2 are dmVALUE, dmRANGE, and dmINTERVAL. The dmRANGE and
dmINTERVAL element types are understood to describe closed intervals. Descriptors also have
an Interval Type which allows you to specify open or semi­open intervals, but this will not be
implemented (dmGetIntervalType) until at least R3.
To get all the information for a descriptor in a single call, use the dmDescriptorInfo call.
Use dmDescriptorDelete to delete a column.
To check that your descriptor really is a column and not a key, you can use the dmDescrip­
torGetType routine.
3.3.7 Cell­based I/O read and write
To read/write a scalar cell value from/to the current row, use the column descriptor and the
dmGetScalar/dmSetScalar call.
Like FITSIO, our default approach to getting data in and out of tables is cell­based I/O, where
we work on one row and column at a time. Thus, the dmTableOpenColumn routine returns a
dmDescriptor* for the column:
dmDescriptor* pha—col = dmTableOpenColumn( table, ''PHA'' );
Reading from this column gets the value from the current row, which initially is the first row of the

pha = dmGetScalar—l( pha—col );
This dmGetScalar routine gets a single value from a scalar type column (the usual sort). dmGetScalar
has various versions subscripted with the data type of the quantity to be returned; thus dmGetScalar l
returns a value that can be stored as a 4 byte integer. To get the value for the next row, we must
advance the current row:
dmTableNextRow( table );
3.3.8 Cell­based I/O: complicated cases
As well as scalar columns, our data can be vector columns, 1­D array columns, N­D array columns,
and vector array columns. The dmGetScalar and dmPutScalar routines each have cousins to handle
these more complicated types of data. For instance, the dmGetArray family returns a 1­D array of
values for an array column.
To handle array and vector columns, use dmGetArray/dmSetArray, dmGetVector/dmSetVector.
To handle scalar columns with compound element types (ranges and intervals), use dmGet­
Interval/dmSetInterval. dmSetLimit may be used to denote an upper limit, and dmDescrip­
torIsUpperLimit may be used to test for one.
For array columns, to read or write a rectangular sub­array, use dmImageDataGetSubArray,
dmImageDataSetSubArray. To read or write a single pixel, use dmImageDataGetPixel,
3.3.9 Column­based I/O
There is another family of routines, dmGetScalars/dmSetScalars, which reads/writes many rows
at once. It may be used for column­based I/O, which is efficient if the table is small or if the whole
table has been read into memory. However, full column­based I/O is not efficient when working on
a large FITS file which CFITSIO has buffered to be only partly in memory, since the whole table
must be reread each time you read in a column. In this case, you may use dmGetScalars with an
intermediate number of rows, and read a batch of records at a time.
A companion set of routines, dmGetVectors/dmSetVectors, supports vector columns.
3.3.10 Row­based I/O
The most convenient way to access data in a table when you know what data you want is to use
the row­struct I/O method. In this method, you define a C struct containing the information you
are interested in for each row of the table. For example, suppose that you know the table contains
the columns PHA, STATUS and TIME of types long, short and double respectively. Then define
the struct:
struct -- long pha; short status; double time ¯ myrow;

If this structure corresponds exactly to the table structure, you can directly use the dmTableGetRow
routines to fill myrow with the data and use e.g. myrow.status as a variable. If the table might have
extra rows or have the rows in a different order, you have to tell the dm library explicity what your
myrow struct contains. To do this, use the dmTableOpenSelect routine.
The dmTableGetRow routine returns the data for the current row in the row­structure. The
dmTablePutRow routine writes the row­structure to the internal row buffers and hence to the
table. Both of these routines advance the row pointer, so you do NOT need to call dmTableNex­
tRow when using these routines.
The dmTableCopyRow routine copies a row from one table to another, when the second table
was created from the first by dmBlockCreateCopy.
The advantages of row­based I/O are offset by a lack of type checking on the data. Also, if you
don't know what data is in the table in advance (generic table browsing or calculation tools), you
have to use cell­based I/O since you can't declare a row struct at run time.
3.3.11 Preferred Axes
Typically a table may contain a small number of crucial columns and a larger number of columns
with `extra' information. The user will often regard the table as being either a tabulation of one
dependent variable Y against independent variables X1, X2, ...XN (`histogram interpretation'), in
other words a function Y(X1,X2,...XN); in this case usually the values of (X1,..XN) do not repeat.
Alternatively, the table may be a list of measurements of independent variables X1, ... XN, which
the user may want to correlate one with another (`raw table interpretation') or make a histogram of
as N(X1,X2,...XN) (`event list interpretation'). In `first look' type software, it is useful to be able to
figure out which columns of the table correspond to Y, X1, ..XN and which are `extra' information.
The answer to this for a given table may depend on what the user is interested in, but often there
are suitable defaults. For example, a photon event list might reasonably default to some particular
pair of spatial coordinates (X,Y), and a spectrum histogram might default to counts as a function of
channel: COUNTS(CHANNEL). We provide a convention to record this information in the header
of the table.
The dmBlockSetPreferred may be used to record the defaults in the table; lower level routines
dmBlockSetPrefAxes and dmBlockSetPrefWeight are also supplied to set the independent
and dependent variables separately using descriptors. The dmBlockGetPrefAxes and dmBlock­
GetPrefWeight routines may then be used to extract the information.
3.4 Coordinate Descriptors
3.4.1 Coordinates
Columns in a table or the axes of an image may have coordinate systems attached to them. The
coordinate system can be thought of as a 'virtual column' which is defined in terms of the original

column. You get its dmDescriptor* using the dmDescriptorGetCoord routine. In the simple case of
a scalar column with a linear coordinate transform, you get the standard transformation parameters
CRPIX, CRVAL and CDELT using the dmCoordGetLinTransform routine.
To write a coordinate system, use the dmCoordCreate routines or the dmCoordCreateI
A `lookup transform' which uses an external table instead of a functional transform can be
defined with the dmLookupCreate routine.
To find the default coordinate associated with a descriptor (if any), call dmDescriptorGet­
Coord. There may be more than one coordinate associated with a descriptor; dmDescriptor­
GetNoCoords and dmDescriptorGetCoordNo may be used to get them all. Conversely, dm­
CoordGetParent may be used to find the parent descriptor of a coordinate descriptor.
You can find the transform type using dmCoordGetTransformType, and the transform val­
ues CRPIX, CRVAL, CDELT using dmCoordGetTransform. To get the transform parameters,
use dmCoordGetParams.
3.4.2 Coord values
Suppose you have a scalar dmDOUBLE column called TIME (descriptor time with a coordinate
called DATE (descriptor date = dmGetCoord( time )). The value of TIME in the current row
might be 14823.3 seconds; the corresponding value of DATE might be JD 2450423.52 days. To read
the value of TIME, you use dmGetScalar d on the column data descriptor time. To get the value
of DATE for this row, you simply use dmGetScalar d on the coordinate descriptor date instead.
However, if you want to find the DATE for some value of TIME which is not in the table, you
must apply the transform explicitly by using dmCoordCalc.
dmDescriptor* time = dmTableColumnOpen( table, ''TIME'' );
dmDescriptor* date = dmGetCoord( time );
dmTableNextRow( table );
double date—value = dmGetScalar—d( date );
double time—value = dmGetScalar—d( time );
double time—value2 = 45.8;
double date—value2;
dmCoordCalc—d( date, &time—value2, &date—value2 );
3.4.3 Coord properties
To get or alter the properties of a coord descriptor, use the generic descriptor dmGet/dmSet calls:
ffl dmGetName, dmSetName ­ get/set name of coord

ffl dmGetUnit, dmSetUnit ­ get/set unit of coord
ffl dmGetDataType ­ get data type of coord (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetDesc, dmSetDesc ­ get/set descriptive comment for coord
ffl dmGetArrayDim ­ get array dimensionality for coord (always 0)
ffl dmGetElementDim ­ get vector dimension for coord (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetElementType ­ get element type of coord (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetDisp, dmSetDisp ­ get display format hint for coord
If the coord is a vector coord, the dmGetCptName, dmSetCptName routines can be used to
find or alter the name of each vector component and dmGetElementDim can be used to find the
number of components. The coord must have the same element dimension as its parent descriptor.
To get all the information for a descriptor in a single call, use the dmDescriptorInfo call.
To delete a coord, use the dmDescriptorDelete call.
3.5 Header keys
3.5.1 Header keys
Header keys are treated as table columns with a single row; they are present in both tables and
images. You can create a new header key as follows:
ffl Use dmKeyCreate to create a descriptor for the key, and then use dmSetScalar to set its
ffl Use dmKeyWrite to create the descriptor and write the value, unit and description at the
same time. This is usually the most convenient.
ffl Use dmBlockMoveToKey, dmBlockMoveToKeyNo, and dmBlockAdvanceKeys to
reposition yourself in the header so that you can write keys out of order.
In later releases we will support array, compound element, and vector header keys. These may
be written analogously:
ffl Use dmKeyCreateGeneric to create a descriptor for a generic key, and use various dmSet
routines to set the values;
ffl or use dmKeyWriteVector, dmKeyWriteArray, dmKeyWriteInterval to write the val­
ues at the same time as creating the descriptor.

To find the total number of keys in the block, use dmBlockGetNoKeys.
To read a header key from a block, you have the following choices:
ffl Use dmKeyOpen to search for the key by name and return a descriptor for it.
ffl Use dmBlockGetKey to return a descriptor for a key given its number (order) in the header.
Keys are numbered starting at 1. To get all the keys in the block, use dmBlockGetKeyList.
ffl Use dmKeyRead to search for the key by name, and return both a descriptor and the key's
value, forced to a particular data type. If no key of that name is present, dmKeyRead returns
a null descriptor (and zero or blank in the value). Use dmKeyReadVector to read vectored
or array keys.
ffl To read or write a scalar key value when you already have its descriptor, use the dmGetScalar/dmSetScalar
calls. You can use the dmGetArray/dmSetArray, dmGetVector/dmSetVector,dmGet­
Interval/dmSetInterval for more complicated kinds of key.
3.5.2 Key properties
To get or alter the properties of a key, use the generic descriptor dmGet/dmSet calls:
ffl dmGetName, dmSetName ­ get/set name of key
ffl dmGetUnit, dmSetUnit ­ get/set unit of key
ffl dmGetDataType ­ get data type of key (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetDesc, dmSetDesc ­ get/set descriptive comment for key
ffl dmGetArrayDim ­ get array dimensionality for key (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetElementDim ­ get vector dimension for key (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetElementType ­ get element type of key (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetDisp, dmSetDisp ­ get display format hint for key
ffl dmKeyGetNo gets the number of the key in the header.
If the key has nonzero array dimensionality, the dmGetArrayDimensions and dmGetAr­
raySize routines may be used to find the shape of the array and the total number of array elements
per cell.
If the key is a vector key, the dmGetCptName, dmSetCptName routines can be used to
find or alter the name of each vector component and dmGetElementDim can be used to find

the number of components. For example, one might have a descriptor whose name is DETPOS,
with 2 components DETX and DETY representing different axes. This is in contrast to an array
descriptor which might be say DETX(2), with 2 values from the same axis. One may even have
vectored array descriptors but this is not supported for keys.
Each descriptor also has an element type and, possibly, an interval type. The element types
supported at release R1/R2 are dmVALUE, dmRANGE, and dmINTERVAL. The dmRANGE and
dmINTERVAL element types are understood to describe closed intervals. Descriptors also have
an Interval Type which allows you to specify open or semi­open intervals, but this will not be
implemented (dmGetIntervalType) until at least R3.
To get all the information for a descriptor in a single call, use the dmDescriptorInfo call.
To delete a key, use the dmDescriptorDelete call.
FITS­style COMMENT and HISTORY header information is supported via the dmBlockWriteCom­
ment and dmBlockReadComment routines.
3.6 Images
3.6.1 Opening an image
You can open an existing image in the following ways:
ffl Open the next block in a dataset with dmDatasetNextBlock
ffl Open a numbered block in a dataset with dmDatasetMoveToBlock.
ffl Open a block by name with dmBlockOpen
ffl Open a block and a dataset at the same time using dmImageOpen
In each of these cases except for dmImageOpen you must check that it is an image and not
a table, using dmDatasetGetBlockType, and call dmBlockClose when you are done with the
block. For dmImageOpen you are guaranteed that it is an image, and you must call dmImage­
Close when you are done, which releases both the block and the parent dataset at the same time.
Once you have opened the image, if you want to access the image data or axis info (rather than just
the header info) you have to get the descriptor for that image data using dmImageGetDataDe­
You can delete the image entirely by using the dmBlockDelete call.
To create an image, you first create the image dataset or block using dmImageCreate or (if
the dataset exists) dmBlockCreate and then name the axes using dmArrayCreateAxis. The

dmImageCreateAxes routine combines dmImageCreate and dmArrayCreateAxis. Then dmIm­
ageGetDataDescriptor returns the newly created image data descriptor on which you can use
dmSetArray or dmImageDataSetPixel to write the values.
3.6.2 Basic image properties
Images have a set of n axes (often n=2) each of which is a Coord descriptor (it has a name, and
possibly units) and has a dimension (the length of the axis). They also have a set of pixel values
arranged in an n­dimensional array. dmImageGetDataDescriptor returns a descriptor for the
image data. You can then use dmGetArray on this descriptor to get the array of values, just as
if the image was a cell in a table. Alternatively, you can use dmImageDataGetPixel to get the
values one pixel at a time. Use dmGetDataType on the image data descriptor to find the data
type of the pixel values. To find the dimensionality of the image, the dmGetArrayDimensions
routine tells you what and how long each axis is.
ffl dmBlockGetName returns the name of the image.
ffl dmBlockGetDataset returns a pointer to the dataset of which the image is a member.
ffl dmBlockGetNo returns the number of the block in the dataset.
long* axes;
dmBlock* image = dmImageOpen(''image.dat'');
char name[MAXLEN];
dmDescriptor* data = dmImageGetDataDescriptor(image);
dmDataType type = dmGetDataType(data);
naxes = dmGetArrayDimensions(data, &axes);
3.6.3 Image axes
ffl dmArrayCreateAxis (or dmArrayCreateAxisGroup) creates a descriptor for an axis. It
names the axis and creates a unit coordinate transform from the pixel values to the descriptor.
ffl dmArrayGetAxis returns descriptor for nth axis or axis group.

ffl To find the coordinates at a particular pixel number in the image, use dmArrayGetPixel­
Coord. A lower level routine, dmArrayGetAxisGroupCoord, may be used to find the
coordinate along one axis of the image only.
ffl To find the coordinates of a point which is not at an integer pixel, use dmCoordCalc or
3.6.4 Image data
ffl dmImageGetDataDescriptor returns the image data descriptor.
ffl To read the data from the array, use the dmGetArray call.
ffl To write the data to the array, use dmSetArray.
ffl To read or write a rectangular sub­array, use dmImageDataGetSubArray, dmImage­
ffl To read or write a single pixel, use dmImageDataGetPixel, dmImageDataSetPixel.
ffl To interpolate in the image, use dmImageDataInterpolate.
3.6.5 Image properties
To get or alter the properties of a Image, use the generic descriptor dmGet/dmSet calls on the
image data descriptor.
ffl dmGetName, dmSetName ­ get/set name of Image data quantity
ffl dmGetUnit, dmSetUnit ­ get/set unit of Image pixel values
ffl dmGetDataType ­ get data type of Image (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetDesc, dmSetDesc ­ get/set descriptive comment for Image
ffl dmGetArrayDim ­ get array dimensionality for Image (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetArrayDimensions ­ get shape of array (size of each axis)
ffl dmGetArraySize ­ get total number of array elements per cell.
ffl dmGetElementDim ­ get vector dimension for Image pixels (cannot be changed, usually 1)
ffl dmGetElementType ­ get element type of Image pixels (cannot be changed, usually dm­

ffl dmGetDisp, dmSetDisp ­ get display format hint for Image pixel values
If the Image is a vector Image (not supported until R3+), the dmGetCptName, dmSetCpt­
Name routines can be used to find or alter the name of each vector component and dmGetEle­
mentDim can be used to find the number of components. Each descriptor also has an element type
and, possibly, an interval type. The element types supported at release R1/R2 are dmVALUE, dm­
RANGE, and dmINTERVAL. However, images almost always have an element type of dmVALUE.
To get all the information for a descriptor in a single call, use the dmDescriptorInfo call.
3.6.6 Image pixel lists
An alternate way of representing an image is as a list of pixels and their values. This is convenient
for sparse arrays, and is related to the event list representation. The dmImageDataGetPixlist­
Size routine returns the number of nonzero pixels in the cell. dmImageDataGetPixlist and
dmImageDataSetPixlist are used to read and write image data in the form of pixel lists. Note
that in these routines the pixel lists are the interface to the data, but the actual storage of the data
in the file is still the standard image format (whatever that is for the kernel in question).
3.7 Data Subspace
3.7.1 Subspace columns
We want to record in the file a description of how the data has been filtered. Although in the
underlying file format this may be implemented using header keywords, we treat this information
specially at the data model level.
To store a filter, use the dmSubspaceColCreate routines. For example, in our earlier sample
code we wrote two header keys descriping the PHA range:
dmKeyWrite—l( out—table, ''CHANMIN'', 0, ''channel'', ''Min PHA channel'' );
dmKeyWrite—l( out—table, ''CHANMAX'', MAXPHA, ''channel'', ''Max PHA channel'' );
We might instead write
phamin = 0;
phamax = MAXPHA;
dmSubspaceColCreate—l( out—table, ''PHA'', ''channel'', &phamin, &phamax, 1 );
The difference is that the file now intrinsically knows that 0 and MAXPHA are the min and max
values that descripe the PHA variable. Similarly we might write
dmSubspaceColCreate—d( out—table, ''TIME'', ''s'', start, stop, ngti );

The SubspaceColCreate code will recognize TIME as a special case and store the array of values in
a separate GTI table.
To store a new filter, use dmSubspaceColCreate or dmSubspaceCreateRegion. To later
alter its values, use dmSubspaceColSet to overwrite old values or dmSubspaceColUpdate to
intersect new values with old values.
To find an existing filter, use dmSubspaceColOpen and then read its values using dmSub­
spaceColGet. These routines may be combined as dmSubspaceColRead. For a region filter,
use dmSubspaceColOpen followed by dmSubspaceGetRegion.
3.7.2 Subspace column properties
To get or alter the properties of a subspace column descriptor, use the generic descriptor dmGet/dmSet
ffl dmGetName, dmSetName ­ get/set name of subspace descriptor
ffl dmGetUnit, dmSetUnit ­ get/set unit of subspace descriptor
ffl dmGetDataType ­ get data type of subspace descriptor (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetDesc, dmSetDesc ­ get/set descriptive comment for subspace descriptor
ffl dmGetArrayDim ­ get array dimensionality for subspace descriptor (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetElementDim ­ get vector dimension for subspace descriptor (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetElementType ­ get element type of subspace descriptor (cannot be changed)
ffl dmGetDisp, dmSetDisp ­ get display format hint for subspace descriptor
The subspace descriptor usually has array dimensionality 1; dmGetArraySize routine may
be used to find the shape of the array and the total number of array elements per cell. The
dmSubspaceColSet routines are special in that they can change the number of array elements
for the subspace.
If the subspace descriptor is a vector subspace descriptor, the dmGetCptName, dmSetCpt­
Name routines can be used to find or alter the name of each vector component and dmGetEle­
mentDim can be used to find the number of components. For example, one might have a descriptor
whose name is DETPOS, with 2 components DETX and DETY representing different axes. This is
in contrast to an array descriptor which might be say DETX(2), with 2 values from the same axis.
One may even have vectored array descriptors but this is not encouraged.
Each descriptor also has an element type and, possibly, an interval type. The element types
supported at release R1/R2 are dmVALUE, dmRANGE, and dmINTERVAL. The dmRANGE and
dmINTERVAL element types are understood to describe closed intervals. Descriptors also have

an Interval Type which allows you to specify open or semi­open intervals, but this will not be
implemented (dmGetIntervalType) until at least R3.
To get all the information for a descriptor in a single call, use the dmDescriptorInfo call.
To delete a filter descriptor, use the dmDescriptorDelete call.
3.7.3 Accessing subspace columns
ffl dmBlockGetNoSubspaceCols returns the total number of filters.
ffl dmBlockGetNoSubspaceCpts returns the number of separate components in the subspace
(see the abstract design document for details).
ffl dmBlockGetSubspaceColNo gets a filter by number.
ffl dmBlockGetSubspace returns the full list of descriptors for the filters in the subspace.
ffl dmBlockSetSubspaceCpt sets the value of the subspace component number, used by dm­
SubspaceColCreate etc.
ffl dmBlockGetCurrSubspaceCpt returns the current subspace component, used by dmSub­
spaceColUpdate, etc.
3.7.4 Subspace routines
These routines may actually parse the data subspace to apply filtering constraints.
ffl dmBlockInSubspace tests whether a set of values is in the data subspace or not.
ffl dmBlockIntersectSubspace creates a new data subspace which is the intersection of two
ffl dmFilterIntersect sets the value of one filter descriptor to be the intersection of two others.
ffl dmBlockPrintSubspace is a diagnostic routine to show the current values in the data
4 Alphabetical Routine Descriptions
The remainder of this document focuses on the functions provided by the ASC DataModel APi.
Some routine descriptions include multiple `contexts' indicating behaviour which may need to be
tested separately and which may be implemented in different releases. Each context is flagged with
the DataModel release number it is expected to be supported in, e.g. (R2) for release 2.

4.1 dmArray Routines
4.1.1 dmArrayCreateAxis
dmDescriptor* dmArrayCreateAxis( dmDescriptor* imageData, char* name, dmDataType
type, char* unit )
Context 1 (R1.6): Add an axis descriptor to an axis of the image. Changed 1997 Jul 21 to
use image data descriptor instead of image block handle. The axis descriptor is like a coordinate
descriptor, but has no parent, so you can't use dmGetScalar to find its current value. However, you
can use dmCoordCalc or dmArrayGetAxisGroupCoord to find the coordinates of a specified pixel.
It must be a linear transform When created, the axis has the default unit coordinate transform
(LINEAR, CRPIX = 0.0, CRVAL = 0.0, CDELT = 1.0 ), and simply labels the pixels. You can
alter it to refer to a linear transform of the pixels (e.g. a blocked image, or a translated subarray)
using dmCoordSetTransform.
dmArrayCreateAxis doesn't actually add a new axis to the array ­ the dimensionality of the
array is fixed at array creation time. It just adds a new axis descriptor, in other words it names an
axis which was previously unnamed. It names the next free axis, so you have to make calls to it in
order for each of the axes.
Context 2 (R2): Support for first argument being an array column descriptor, letting you add
named axes to an image in a table cell.
4.1.2 dmArrayCreateAxisGroup
dmDescriptor* dmArrayCreateAxisGroup( dmDescriptor* imageData, char* name, dm­
DataType type, char* unit, char** cptNames, long dim)
Context 1 (R2): Adds a named image axis or axis group to the image. Supports vectored axes,
otherwise the same as dmArrayCreateAxis.
Context 2 (R2): Support case of image in a table array column.
4.1.3 dmArrayGetAxis: Get image axis descriptors
dmDescriptor* dmArrayGetAxis(dmDescriptor* data, long axisGroupNo)
The argument for this routine is the image data descriptor, while a descriptor for the nth axis
of the image is returned.
Context 1 (R2): Return the DD for the given axis group number; this DD can be used to find
the unit, name, etc. of the axis group. (Axis groups are all 1­D in R1, and thus are the same as
Context 2 (R2): Support for vector axis groups of dimension at least 2.
Context 3 (R3): Support for image data as table array columns.

4.1.4 dmArrayGetAxisGroupCoord
int dmArrayGetAxisGroupCoord l(dmDescriptor* data, long axisGroupNo, long* pixel,
long* value )
int dmArrayGetAxisGroupCoord d(dmDescriptor* data, long axisGroupNo, long* pixel,
double* value )
Context 1 (R2): Get the coordinate values for a specific axis group. String lookups are not
supported. The data descriptor is an image data descriptor or array column data descriptor.
Support simple axes only (each axis group is 1­D, only one element in the pixel and value arrays).
Context 2 (R2): Support axis groups with dimension greater than 1.
(I changed the argument back so that space is allocated by the user, since there is usually only
one element in the array). Example:
long pixel = 42;
double value = 0;
long ppixel[2] = -- 42, 30 ¯;
double pvalue[2];
dmArrayGetAxisGroupCoord—d( image—data, 2, &pixel, &value ); /* Axis group 2 is 1­D */
dmArrayGetAxisGroupCoord—d( image—data, 2, ppixel, pvalue ); /* Axis group 4 is 2­D */
4.1.5 dmArrayGetPixelCoord
long* dmArrayGetPixelCoord l(dmDescriptor* data, long* pixel)
double* dmArrayGetPixelCoord d(dmDescriptor* data, long* pixel)
char** dmArrayGetPixelCoord c(dmDescriptor* data, long* pixel)
What are the coordinates of a particular pixel in an image? For instance, in a spatial image,
what is the RA and Dec at pixel number (512,512)?
Context 1 (R2): Given a pixel number in an image, calculate the coordinate vector. The input
argument is the image data descriptor, which is used to find the axis descriptors and hence the axis
coordinate descriptors.
Context 2 (R2): Same for array in a table column.
Context 3 (R3): Support case of lookup transform (including character version).
4.2 dmBlock Routines
4.2.1 dmBlockAdvanceKeys
dmDescriptor *dmBlockAdvanceKeys( dmBlock* block, long no )
(R1.5): Move in header by a relative number of keys, which may be negative. Returns NULL if
the resulting position is off the end of the header in either direction, or a pointer to the resulting
descriptor otherwise.

4.2.2 dmBlockClose
int dmBlockClose(dmBlock* block)
(R1): Close a datablock within the dataset, but keep the dataset open.
4.2.3 dmBlockCreate: Create dataset block
dmBlock* dmBlockCreate(dmDataset* ds,char* blockName,dmBlockType blockType)
(R1): This routine creates a new datablock in the given dataset. BlockType can be dmTABLE
or dmIMAGE. The created block has no rows/columns, and no axes, and no header keys.
4.2.4 dmBlockCreateCopy
dmBlock* dmBlockCreateCopy(dmDataset* ds, char* blockName, dmBlock* parent,
dmBool copyData)
(R1.6): This routine creates a new datablock in the given dataset, copying its structure from
the arbitrary parent DM virtual block. The new block will be created as follows:
ffl The block type (table or image) is inherited from the parent.
ffl All header keys are inherited.
ffl All data subspace filters are inherited, with any run time filters on the parent block becoming
a permanent part of the returned block.
ffl If the block is a table, all table columns are inherited, but the number of rows is set to zero
(unless copyData=dmTRUE)
ffl If the block is an image, the image dimensions are inherited, but no image data is written.
If copyData=dmTRUE, the block data will be copied at creation time. This provides a simple
mechanism for en­masse block duplication.
If the caller has specified copyData=dmFALSE, dmTableCopyRow will be appropriately initial­
ized, and the user would then be free to add or delete columns and keys from the block to complete
its modified structure. The user may then start writing data to the block, the rationale being
that often we want a very similar file but with somewhat different actual data, and maybe with an
additional column. Using row­based I/O, one may even copy the data from a source table row by
row, interspersed with new column data.

4.2.5 dmBlockCreateSubspaceCpt
int dmBlockCreateSubspaceCpt(dmBlock* block)
(R1.6): Create a new component of the data subspace of the block (ie. make a new row in the
virtual data subspace table).
4.2.6 dmBlockDelete
int dmBlockDelete(dmBlock* block)
(R1.7): Deletes the specified block from the physical dataset. In the FITS kernel, if the block
is a primary image array and is the only HDU in the file, you have a problem: the file is empty. If
you close the dataset without creating another block or deleting the dataset, the kernel will write
a null primary image (NAXIS=0) to give you a minimal valid dataset.
4.2.7 dmBlockGetCurrSubspaceCpt
long dmBlockGetCurrSubspaceCpt(dmBlock* block)
(R1.6): Get the component number (ie. the row number in the virtual data subspace table)
to which the next subspace write will take place when doing dmSubspaceColCreate, dmSub­
spaceColSet, ect. This value is changed using dmBlockSetSubspaceCpt. If the data subspace is
uninitialized, the value of this function is 1 and not 0, since any subspace create routine will create
and write to the first component of the subspace if no components have been created.
4.2.8 dmBlockGetDataset
dmDataset* dmBlockGetDataset(dmBlock* block)
Given a pointer to a block, return a pointer to its parent dataset.
Context 1 (R1): The block (table or image) was opened starting from a currently open dataset.
In this case you have the dataset pointer around already, but it's convenient to be able to get it
just from the block, say if you passed the block pointer to a subroutine.
Context 2 (R1): The block and dataset were opened using dmDatasetTableOpen or dmIma­
geOpen which return a block pointer. In this case, this routine is the only way the user can get
the dataset pointer. Once they have it, they can then proceed to open or create other blocks using
the various dmDataset routines; this is necessary in some cases, but is discouraged. If you want to
access multiple blocks in the dataset, it's better to do a standard dmDatasetOpen.

4.2.9 dmBlockGetSubspaceColNo
dmDescriptor* dmBlockGetSubspaceColNo(dmBlock* block, long colNo)
(R1.6): dmBlockGetSubspaceColNo( block, n) gets the nth open subspace column for the block.
This routine may be used to traverse all the subspace columns and so determine the full data
4.2.10 dmBlockGetKernelKey
char* dmBlockGetKernelKey(dmBlock* table, long n)
(R2): Return a string containing header info for the nth kernel key (for FITS, the actual header
order; for other kernels, the requirement is just that calling this from 0 to dmBlockGetNoKernelKeys­
1 will get you all the headers.) Diagnostic routine to bypass data model interpretation.
4.2.11 dmBlockGetKey
dmDescriptor* dmBlockGetKey(dmBlock* table, long keyNo)
(R1.5): Return the descriptor for the Nth keyword. Note that in the general case there will
NOT be a one­to­one mapping between the list of header keywords as seen through the DataModel
and those keywords that actually appear in the associated physical file. For example, FITS required
and reserved keywords are filtered, and so are not visible within the DataModel. The keyNo in this
call is the DataModel key number, not the FITS header card number.
4.2.12 dmBlockGetKeyList: Get keyword list
dmDescriptor** dmBlockGetKeyList(dmBlock* table, long* numKeys)
(R1.6): Return descriptors for all the keys in the header, and the number of keys. User must
free the memory allocated for the array, but not for each descriptor.
4.2.13 dmBlockGetName
int dmBlockGetName(dmBlock* block, char *blockName, int maxlen)
Given a block pointer, copy at most maxlen characters of the block name into the pre­allocated
char* blockName array.

4.2.14 dmBlockGetNo: Get block no
int dmBlockGetNo(dmBlock* block)
(R1.5): Return the number of the block in the dataset. The number is between 1 and the total
number of blocks in the dataset. The numbering makes no distinction between tables and images.
4.2.15 dmBlockGetNoSubspaceCols
int dmBlockGetNoSubspaceCols(dmBlock* block)
(R1.6) Get the number of subspace columns in the data subspace.
4.2.16 dmBlockGetNoKernelKeys
long dmBlockGetNoKernelKeys(dmBlock* block)
(R2): Return the number of kernel level keys (e.g. FITS header cards, QPOE headers). Diag­
nostic routine to bypass data model interpretation.
4.2.17 dmBlockGetNoKeys
long dmBlockGetNoKeys(dmBlock* block)
(R1): Gets the number of header keys in the block.
4.2.18 dmBlockGetNoSubspaceCpts
int dmBlockGetNoSubspaceCpts(dmBlock* block)
Context 1: (R1.6) Get the number of components in the data subspace (always 1).
Context 2: (R1.6) Get the number of components (support more than one component)
4.2.19 dmBlockGetPrefAxes: Get preferred column or axis
dmDescriptor** dmBlockGetPrefAxes(dmBlock* block, int* ncols)
(R2): The routine returns the number of preferred axes (in ncols) and a list of their descriptors
as the return value.
The `preferred axes' mechanism stores the names of some subset of the table columns or image
axes with the data block. These `preferred' axes or columns are hints to generic software about
the independent variables recorded in the table: they are the `most interesting' axes and given in
a specific order. For instance, a table plotting program which plots one column against a second

might use the first two preferred quantities as the default choice of columns to plot; a binning
program might take a spectrum table and make a 1­D image out of the first preferred axis and
the preferred weight. An image display program might use the first two preferred axes of an n­
dimensional image as its default choice for image display. Note that for file format compatibility
reasons the `interesting' axes are not always the first ones. Preferred axes are optional; in principle
we could support any number N of preferred axes, but it is hard to see applications for the case
of N more than 3, so we may introduce a `maximum number of preferred axes supported' which
should be at least 3.
The preferred axes may be implemented as header keys for the block, with a specific convention
for the key names as suggested in the abstract design document. This means that the preferred
axes may also be directly manipulated by the key read/write routines, and the specific routines to
support them are just convenience routines; this is OK as the preferred axes are considered to be a
higher layer convention and not part of the fundamental structure of the file.
4.2.20 dmBlockGetPrefWeight: Get preferred weighting column or axis
dmDescriptor* dmBlockGetPrefWeight(dmBlock* block)
(R2): Returns the descriptor of the `preferred weight' axis, or null if no such axis is defined.
The intent of the `preferred weight' is a hint to generic software about the dependent variable in
the table. A table with a preferred weight column is taken to represent a histogram whose values
are given in the preferred weight column. For example, a PHA table might have either COUNTS or
RATE as its preferred weight. A line graphics program would then know to use that as its default
Y axis. At the moment there is no interpretation of a preferred weight for an image block, but
calling the routine for an image block does not cause an error.
4.2.21 dmBlockGetSubspace
dmBlockGetSubspace(dmBlock* block,dmDescriptor** ddList,int* ncolss,int* ncpts)
(R2): Return array of subspace column descriptors for the data subspace. These routines return
elements of the data subspace. The various properties of each DSS column may be accessed using
the usual descriptor routines (as for table columns).
4.2.22 dmBlockGetType
dmBlockType dmBlockGetType(dmBlock* block)
(R1): Return the dmBlockType of the given block (table or image).

4.2.23 dmBlockGetTypeStr
char* dmBlockGetTypeStr(dmBlock* block)
(R2): Return a string giving the block type of the given block. Used instead of dmBlockGetType
when you want to print a string with the information.
4.2.24 dmBlockInSubspace: Test whether in data subspace
dmBool dmBlockInSubspace( dmBlock* block, char** names, dmDataType* types,
void* values, int n)
(R2): Returns true if the given `row' of n items has values which lie in the data subspace of
4.2.25 dmBlockIntersectSubspace
int dmBlockIntersectSubspace(dmBlock* block1,dmBlock* block2,dmBlock* block0)
(R1.6): Set the data subspace of block0 to be the intersection of block1 and block2 (block0,
block1 and block2 need not all be distinct). Run time filters on blocks 1 & 2 become a permanent
part of the data subspace of block0.
4.2.26 dmBlockMoveToKey
dmDescriptor *dmBlockMoveToKey( dmBlock* block, char* name )
(R1.5): Move in header to position immediately following the key with the given name. Used to
allow you to insert header entry at a specified position. The purpose of this and related routines is
for the case when you copy a header from another file, or edit a file in place, and then want to insert
a new key at a specific position in the header. The next dmKeyWrite will put a key immediately
following the key named in this routine. Returns a pointer to the resulting descriptor, or NULL if
no match.
4.2.27 dmBlockMoveToKeyNo
dmDescriptor *dmBlockMoveToKeyNo( dmBlock* block,long no)
(R1.5): Move in header to position immediately following the given numbered key. If this call
is followed by dmKeyWrite, key number no+1 will be written, and following keys will be shoved
down by one. Returns a pointer to the resulting descriptor, or NULL on error. Also returns NULL
if no is larger than the largest key number, but also moves the header position to the end of the
header block.

4.2.28 dmBlockOpen: Open dataset block
dmBlock* dmBlockOpen( dmDataset* ds, char* blockName )
Context 1 (R1): Raw block open. This routine opens a datablock in the given dataset. It
searches for any block of the given name. If the name given is null, opens the next datablock in
the dataset. If a name is given but no such datablock is found, or if there are no datablocks in
the dataset, returns null. Works for either table or image blocks; use dmBlockGetType to find out
which you have opened.
Context 2 (R2): Filtered block open. As above, but support a virtual block specification (filtered
block using ASC filter syntax). The resulting virtual block has the following properties compared
to the raw `parent' block that is being filtered:
ffl The header keys are the same as for the parent block.
ffl If an image subsection, the axes and pixel range are a subset of that in the parent block.
ffl If a table filter, the columns and rows are a subset of that in the parent block, as specified by
the filter.
ffl If an image created by binning the table, the axes and pixel range are as specified by the
binning command.
ffl In all the above cases the data subspace of the virtual block is the intersection of the data
subspace of the parent block and the restrictions implied by the filter.
4.2.29 dmBlockPrintKernel: List kernel block
int dmBlockPrintKernel(dmBlock* block)
(R2): Diagnostic routine to inspect the block contents at the kernel level, bypassing the layer
of interpretation added by the data model.
4.2.30 dmBlockPrintSubspace: List data subspace
int dmBlockPrintSubspace( dmBlock* block )
(R2): Diagnostic routine. List the data subspace associated with the given block, printing a
description of it to standard output.

4.2.31 dmBlockReadComment
int dmBlockReadComment( dmBlock* block, char** tag, char** comment)
(R1.5) Read comment from the header at the current position. There may be more than one
comment (eg, both COMMENT and HISTORY) at a given position (acceptable tag values are
dmHISTORY and dmCOMMENT). If there is no comment at the current position, return dm­
Example program to read all header keys and comments in a block:
char* tag;
char* comment;
dmDescriptor* key;
char name[MAXLEN];
int n = dmBlockGetNoKeys( block );
dmBlockMoveToKeyNo( block, 0 );
/* Get initial block comments (if any) */
while (dmBlockReadComment( block, &tag, &comment )) --
printf( ''%s %s``n'', tag, comment );
free( tag );
free( comment );
for ( i=1; i!=n; i++ ) --
key = dmBlockGetKey(block, i);
dmGetName( key, name, MAXLEN );
printf(''KEY %d: %s``n'', i, name);
/* Get block comments for key */
while (dmBlockReadComment( block, &tag, &comment )) --
printf( ''%s %s``n'', tag, comment );
free( tag );
free( comment );
4.2.32 dmBlockSetPrefAxes
int dmBlockSetPrefAxes(dmBlock* block,dmDescriptor** axes,int naxes)

(R2): Set the preferred axes for an image or a table. The input arguments include an array of
dmDescriptor pointers and the size of that array. See the description of dmBlockGetPrefAxes. See
also dmBlockSetPreferred.
4.2.33 dmBlockSetPrefWeight
int dmBlockSetPrefWeight( dmBlock* block, dmDescriptor* weight )
(R2): Set the preferred weight column for a table. See the description of dmBlockGetPrefWeight.
See also dmBlockSetPreferred.
4.2.34 dmBlockSetPreferred
int dmBlockSetPreferred( dmBlock* block,char* spec)
(R2): Set the preferred axes and weight for an image or a table, using a string which will be
parsed by the library. This routine parses the string and calls dmBlockSetPrefAxes and dmBlock­
SetPrefWeight; it is provided as a convenience to make code more readable.
The syntax of the SPEC argument is: ''name1,name2,...nameN'' or ''weight(name1,name2,...nameN)'';
for example ''DETPOS,TIME'' or ''PHA(DETPOS,TIME)''. The comma­separated list of names
are the names of the preferred columns or axes to be passed to SetPrefAxes. If this list is enclosed in
parentheses and preceded by another name, that name is the weight to be passed to SetPrefWeight.
The list may be null, e.g. ''PHA()''. This syntax is meant to encapsulate the idea of the preferred
axes as a default interpretation of the table (or image) as a function of several variables whose
value may be the image data values, the histogram of table values (event list interpretation) or the
specified weight column (histogram table interpretation).
4.2.35 dmBlockSetSubspaceCpt
int dmBlockSetSubspaceCpt( dmBlock* block, int cptNo )
(R1.6): Change the number of the current subspace component (component must already exist).
Return an error if the component number is less than one or greater than the maximum component
for the block.
4.2.36 dmBlockWriteComment
int dmBlockWriteComment(dmBlock* block, char* tag, char* comment)
(R1): Write comment to the header at the current header position. A comment is not a header
key, but rather text which has a defined position relative to the header keys. Acceptable tag values
are dmHISTORY and dmCOMMENT.

4.3 dmColumn Routines
4.3.1 dmColumnCreate
dmDescriptor* dmColumnCreate( dmBlock* table, char* name, dmDataType type, long
slen, char* unit, char* desc )
(R1): Create a scalar column, specifying its name, data type, unit and element dimension. The
interval type, element dimensionality and array dimensions are given their default values. The slen
argument gives the length of the string for a string column; it is ignored (but still required) for
other data types.
4.3.2 dmColumnCreateArray
dmDescriptor* dmColumnCreateArray(dmBlock* table, char* name, dmDataType type,
long slen, char* unit, char* desc, long size)
(R1): Create a 1D array column, specifying its axis dimension. The descriptor has element
dimension 1, array dimension 1, and element type Value. It differs from a scalar column in that
there is more than one element in each cell; the number of elements is given by the size argument.
It is a special case of an ND array.
4.3.3 dmColumnCreateInterval
dmDescriptor* dmColumnCreateInterval( dmBlock* table, char* name, dmDataType
type, char* unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, dmElementType elementType )
Note change to calling sequence since last rev.
Context 1 (R2): Create a scalar interval column, specifying its element type. The different ele­
ment types are described in the abstract design document. The default element type is dmVALUE,
which has one value per scalar element. Calling this routine with element type dmVALUE is equiv­
alent to calling dmColumnCreate. dmVALUE is a `simple element type' with only one component.
All other element types are `compound element types' with multiple components.
Context 2 (R1.5): Support element types dmINTERVAL and dmRANGE, which have a max
and min value.
Context 3 (R2): Support further element types. (Add text here to define compound element
types and the order of their components).
4.3.4 dmColumnCreateNDArray
dmDescriptor* dmColumnCreateNDArray( dmBlock* table, char* name, dmDataType
type, char* unit, char* desc, long* axes, long naxes )

(R2): Create an n­dimensional array column, including its array specification. Each cell of the
table will contain an n­dimensional array of scalar elements. The dimensionality is given by naxes,
and the length of each axis is given in the axes array.
4.3.5 dmColumnCreateVarArray
dmDescriptor* dmColumnCreateVarArray(dmBlock* table, char* name, dmDataType
type, char* unit, char* desc, long size)
(R1.6): Special routine to create a 1D array column, which will be stored as a variable­length
array if the underyling kernel provides such support. The value of size is either zero or the maximum
allowed length of any row of the data. This routine is provided to support the FITS variable length
array facility. Functionally the column is the same as that created by dmColumnCreateArray,
but the kernel is encouraged to store it in a disk­space efficient manner. String columns are not
supported in this version.
4.3.6 dmColumnCreateVector
dmDescriptor* dmColumnCreateVector( dmBlock* table, char* name, dmDataType
type, char* unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, long dim )
(R2): Create a descriptor for a vector column, specifying its name, data type, unit, component
names and element dimensionality. The element type is Value and the array dimensionality is
0. The difference from a scalar column is that a vector column may have element dimensionality
greater than 1, with associated component names for each component of the vector. In FITS, it is
implemented using separate columns for each component.
4.3.7 dmColumnCreateGeneric
dmDescriptor* dmColumnCreateGeneric( dmBlock* table, char* name, dmDataType
type, long slen, char* unit, char* desc, dmElementType elementType, char** cptNames,
long dim, long* axes, long naxes )
(R3): Create a generic column, allowing for vector and array specifications and interval type
specification. This routine may be used to create more complicated structures such as vectored
arrays of dmINTERVAL elements. The component names for a vectored compound element type
are given in an order such that all the compound element components for each vector component
are given together, in the order specified under dmColumnCreateInterval.

4.3.8 dmColumnGetNo
long dmColumnGetNo( dmDescriptor* dd )
Context 1 (R1): Return the number of the column, given its descriptor.
Context 2 (R1): Return zero if descriptor is not a column.
4.3.9 dmColumnInsertAfter
int dmColumnInsertAfter(dmBlock* table, char* name)
(R2): The next call to a createColumn routine will create a column with column number one
greater than the column with the given name. All columns with equal or greater column number
will have their column numbers incremented (i.e. moved to the right). This routine must be called
prior to writing the first data row or an error will be generated.
4.3.10 dmColumnInsertNo: Insert column by number
int dmColumnInsertNo(dmBlock* table, long colNo)
(R2): The next call to a createColumn routine will create a column with the given column
number. Other columns will be moved to the right to make room. This routine must be called prior
to writing the first data row or an error will be generated.
4.4 dmCoord Routines
4.4.1 dmCoordCalc
int dmCoordCalc s(dmDescriptor* dd, short* value, double* result )
int dmCoordCalc l(dmDescriptor* dd, long* value, double* result )
int dmCoordCalc f(dmDescriptor* dd, float* value, double* result )
int dmCoordCalc d(dmDescriptor* dd, double* value, double* result )
int dmCoordCalc ub(dmDescriptor* dd, char* value, double* result )
int dmCoordCalc us(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned short* value, double* result )
int dmCoordCalc ul(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned long* value, double* result )
Context 1 (R2): Return the coordinate value corresponding to an input value. The type of the
input value is up to the user; the type of the coordinate value is always double. One set of routines
is provided for both scalar and vector descriptors, so the input and return arguments are pointers.
The input descriptor's parent is a table column.
Context 2 (R2): The input descriptor's parent is an image axis group.

Context 3 (R2): The input descriptor's parent is an image data descriptor (the coordinate here
rescales the image values, rather than laying a coord grid on the image).
These routines are provided to get coordinate values for input values not in the table (image).
To read the columns of a table returning the coordinate values, just use the normal column read
routines using the coordinate quantity's data descriptor instead of the raw column's data descriptor.
dmDescriptor* pos = dmTableOpenColumn( table, ''POS'' ); /* Vector column, long datatype */
dmDescriptor* world = dmGetCoord( pos );
long value[2] = -- 14, 38 ¯;
double result[2];
dmCoordCalc—l( world, value, result );
dmDescriptor* pha = dmTableOpenColumn( table, ''PHA'' ); /* Array scalar column, short datatype */
dmDescriptor* energy = dmGetCoord( pha );
double value2 = 4.8; /* Even though the column is integral */
double result2;
dmCoordCalc—d( energy, &value2, &result2 );
4.4.2 dmCoordCalcI
int dmCoordCalcI s( dmDescriptor* dd, short* value, long* result )
int dmCoordCalcI l( dmDescriptor* dd, long* value, long* result)
int dmCoordCalcI ub( dmDescriptor* dd, char* value, long* result )
int dmCoordCalcI us( dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned short* value, long* result )
int dmCoordCalcI ul( dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned long* value, long* result )
(R2) Calculate for integer coordinate transforms. We will eventually add routines to support
lookup calculations; for now, the lookup table must be opened directly. Given the pixel value,
calculate the transformed value and return it as an array of longs (usually just one long).
4.4.3 dmCoordCreate
dmDescriptor* dmCoordCreate s( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, long dim,
char* transform, short* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt, double* parameters )
dmDescriptor* dmCoordCreate l( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, long dim,
char* transform, int* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt, double* parameters )
dmDescriptor* dmCoordCreate f( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, long dim,
char* transform, float* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt, double* parameters )
dmDescriptor* dmCoordCreate d( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, long dim,
char* transform, double* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt, double* parameters )
dmDescriptor* dmCoordCreate ub( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, long

dim, char* transform, char* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt, double* parameters )
dmDescriptor* dmCoordCreate us( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, long
dim, char* transform, unsigned short* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt, double* pa­
rameters )
dmDescriptor* dmCoordCreate ul( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, long dim,
char* transform, unsigned long* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt, double* parameters
Context 1 (R1.6): Create a coordinate transform object and associate it with an existing column
data descriptor. Different routines are provided for different data descriptor types; the coordinate
quantity must always be of type double. Using the dmGetScalar routines but on the coordinate
data descriptor will return the coordinate data values.
The arguments are:
ffl dd: the parent descriptor.
ffl name: name of the coordinate descriptor
ffl unit: unit of the coordinate descriptor.
ffl dim: the element dimension of the coordinate descriptor which must be the same as the parent
descriptor, or an error is set.
ffl transform: the name of the transform. If null or blank, the value ''LINEAR'' is assumed.
Another supported value is ''TAN''. Other WCS transforms will be supported later. However,
no check is made by this routine to see if the transform is known.
ffl crpix: the reference value x0 of the parent descriptor. This is an array with dim elements.
ffl crval: the corresponding value y0 of the coordinate descriptor. This is also an array.
ffl cdelt: the transform scale: dy/dx at x=x0, array with dim elements.
ffl parameters: Additional transform parameters, usually null. The number of parameters de­
pends on the transform.
Context 2: (R1.6) As above, but parent descriptor is an image axis for an image block.
Context 3: (R1.6) As above, but parent descriptor is an image data descriptor.
Context 4: (R2) As above, but parent descriptor is a key.
Context 5: (R2) As above, but parent descriptor is an image axis for an array column.

4.4.4 dmCoordCreateI
dmDescriptor* dmCoordCreateI s( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, long dim,
short* crpix, long* crval, long* cdelt )
dmDescriptor* dmCoordCreateI l( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, long dim,
long* crpix, long* crval, long* cdelt )
dmDescriptor* dmCoordCreateI ub( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, long
dim, char* crpix, long* crval, long* cdelt )
dmDescriptor* dmCoordCreateI us( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, long
dim, unsigned short* crpix, long* crval, long* cdelt )
dmDescriptor* dmCoordCreateI ul( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, long
dim, unsigned long* crpix, long* crval, long* cdelt )
(R1.6) Create an integer­valued coord transform object (only available for integer­ valued data
descriptors). The only transform allowed is the linear transform. This is useful for retaining the
original coordinate system for blocked images and rebinned PHA spectra.
4.4.5 dmCoordGetParams
double* dmCoordGetParams(dmDescriptor* dd, long* nparams)
Return the coordinate transform parameters, and set nparams to the number of them. These
are special parameters needed by specific function transforms, and do not include the standard
CRPIX, CRVAL, CDELT values. In fact, nparams is almost always zero.
4.4.6 dmCoordGetParent
dmDescriptor* dmCoordGetParent( dmDescriptor* dd )
(R1.6) Get the descriptor to which the coordinate is attached. Inverse of dmDescriptorGetCoord.
Returns null if the descriptor is not a coordinate descriptor.
4.4.7 dmCoordGetTransform
dmCoordGetTransform s( dmDescriptor* dd, short* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt,
long dim )
dmCoordGetTransform l( dmDescriptor* dd, long* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt,
long dim )
dmCoordGetTransform f( dmDescriptor* dd, float* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt,
long dim )
dmCoordGetTransform d( dmDescriptor* dd, double* crpix, double* crval, double*
cdelt, long dim )

dmCoordGetTransform ub( dmDescriptor* dd, un. char* crpix, double* crval, double*
cdelt, long dim )
dmCoordGetTransform us( dmDescriptor* dd, un. short* crpix, double* crval, double*
cdelt, long dim )
dmCoordGetTransform ul( dmDescriptor* dd, un. long* crpix, double* crval, double*
cdelt, long dim )
(R1.6): Return the coordinate transform values CRPIX, CRVAL, CDELT. The array of size
dim is allocated by the user (since it's usually only of size 1 or 2 and its size is determined by the
dimension of the parent descriptor). The value dim is passed by the user to the routine for safety:
at most dim values will be returned.
4.4.8 dmCoordGetTransformType
int dmCoordGetTransformType( dmDescriptor* dd, char* transform, long* nparams )
(R1.6): Return the transform type for a coordinate transform. The input argument may be
either the original DD or the coordinate quantity DD. The number of transform parameters is
returned; this is usually zero.
4.4.9 dmCoordSetTransform
dmCoordSetTransform s( dmDescriptor* dd, short* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt,
long dim )
dmCoordSetTransform l( dmDescriptor* dd, long* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt,
long dim )
dmCoordSetTransform f( dmDescriptor* dd, float* crpix, double* crval, double* cdelt,
long dim )
dmCoordSetTransform d( dmDescriptor* dd, double* crpix, double* crval, double*
cdelt, long dim )
dmCoordSetTransform ub( dmDescriptor* dd, un. char* crpix, double* crval, double*
cdelt, long dim )
dmCoordSetTransform us( dmDescriptor* dd, un. short* crpix, double* crval, double*
cdelt, long dim )
dmCoordSetTransform ul( dmDescriptor* dd, un. long* crpix, double* crval, double*
cdelt, long dim )
(R1.6): Change the transform values for a coord transform.

4.5 dmDataset Routines
4.5.1 dmDatasetAccess (Access dataset)
dmBool dmDatasetAccess(char* dsname, char* mode)
Check a dataset is accessible, returning either dmTRUE or dmFALSE. Supported access modes
are 'R' for read only permission and 'RW' for read/write. This routine is used prior to opening to
test whether a dataset already exists. It does not support filtering.
4.5.2 dmDatasetAdvanceBlocks (Move within a dataset)
dmBlock* dmDatasetAdvanceBlocks(dmDataset* ds, int RelNo)
(R1): Move a given number of datablocks relative to the current datablock, and open the
corresponding datablock, returning a pointer to it. Analogous to the movrelHdu call in CFITSIO,
but remember that (R3) one ASC table may correspond to more than one kernel table. RelNo may
be positive or negative. If the block number obtained by adding RelNo to the current block number
is outside the range of valid block numbers, the routine returns null and sets an error status. If
RelNo = +1, the behaviour of the routine is the same as dmDatasetNextBlock.
4.5.3 dmDatasetClose (Close dataset)
int dmDatasetClose(dmDataset* ds)
Close an ASC dataset, flushing all buffers, closing the file(s) on disk, and freeing associated
memory. Returns zero on success. Note that in the general case open blocks should be closed first.
4.5.4 dmDatasetCreate (Create dataset)
dmDataset* dmDatasetCreate(char* datasetName)
Context 1: (R1) This routine creates a new, empty dataset using the current creation kernel,
and returns a pointer to the dataset (null on failure). The datasetName must be a simple dataset
name without filtering.
Context 2: (R3?): See Future Requirements ­ Modified IRAF Kernel.
4.5.5 dmDatasetCopy (Copy dataset)
int dmDatasetCopy( char* datasetName, char* outputName )

Context 1: (R2) Makes a straight copy of an entire dataset. Filtering of the input dataset is not
supported at the moment.
Context 2: (R3?) Support filtering; this routine would then reduce the COPY tool to one line.
dmDatasetCopy( ''foo.fits[events][pha=4:5]'', ''filtered—events.fits'' );
4.5.6 dmDatasetDelete (Delete dataset)
int dmDatasetDelete(dmDataset* ds)
Context 1 (R1): Deletes the specified physical dataset. This routine will close the dataset, release
the associated memory, and delete all associated files from the disk. If the dataset is a virtual
(filtered) dataset, there's nothing on disk to delete (i.e. it doesn't go and delete the underlying
unfiltered dataset). This routine would normally be used when you've created a temporary dataset
during the program.
4.5.7 dmDatasetGetBlockName
int dmDatasetGetBlockName(dmDataset* ds,long blockNo,char *blName,int maxlen)
(R1): Return the block name for the numbered block in the dataset, effectively letting us
determine the block name before we formally open it.
4.5.8 dmDatasetGetBlockType
dmBlockType dmDatasetGetBlockType(dmDataset* ds, int block no)
(R1): Return the block type for the numbered block in the dataset, effectively letting us deter­
mine the block type before we formally open it.
4.5.9 dmDatasetGetCurrentBlockNo (Get current block number)
int dmDatasetGetCurrentBlockNo(dmDataset* ds)
(R1) We introduce the idea of a `current block number'. This number is that of the most recently
opened block. It is changed by the OpenBlock, MoveToBlock, NextBlock or AdvanceBlock routines.
The GetCurrentBlockNo routine reports this current block number. This routine and its relatives
are useful when cycling through all the blocks in a dataset. Returns zero if called before any blocks
have been read.

4.5.10 dmDatasetGetKernel
int dmDatasetGetKernel(dmDataset* ds, char *kerName, int maxlen)
(R1.6) Return the kernel (ie, file format type) used by the dataset.
4.5.11 dmDatasetGetName
int dmDatasetGetName(dmDataset* ds, char* name, int maxlen)
(R1.6) Return the on­disk name of the given dataset.
4.5.12 dmDatasetNextBlock: Advancing the dataset block pointer
dmBlock* dmDatasetNextBlock(dmDataset* ds)
(R1): Open the next block in the dataset. Uses the 'current block pointer'; increments the block
pointer and opens the next block. Returns null if there are no more blocks in the dataset. This
routine is the same as dmDatasetAdvanceBlocks(ds,+1) and is provided for convenience.
4.5.13 dmDatasetGetNoBlocks (Get number of blocks)
int dmDatasetGetNoBlocks(dmDataset* ds)
Context 1 (R1): Return number of datablocks in the dataset. This requires the library to fully
scan the dataset, parsing each block header to determine the structure of the file; the number of
blocks cannot in general be found without reading all the headers.
Context 2 (R3): As above, but only include true datablocks; for example, omit GTI or other
kernel­level blocks recognized as part of another DM­level datablock.
4.5.14 dmDatasetMoveToBlock (Direct access to block)
dmBlock* dmDatasetMoveToBlock(dmDataset* ds, int BlockNo)
Open a block within the dataset, specifying the block by its number. The blocks are ordered in
the dataset starting at 1 and going to N = dmDatasetGetNoBlocks( ds ). Calling this routine with
a block number outside this range will return a null value, and set an error status.

4.5.15 dmDatasetOpen (Open dataset)
dmDataset* dmDatasetOpen(char* datasetName)
Context 1 (R1): Open an existing dataset and return a pointer to a dmDataset object. The
argument is the name of a dataset. If this dataset does not exist or the attempt to open fails, a
null pointer will be returned. The default access mode is 'RW' (read/write), but no change will be
made to the dataset if no explicit write calls are made. The dataset may be either: ­ a FITS file,
OR ­ a directory containing IRAF QPOE/IMH files, OR ­ a single IRAF QPOE/IMH file
The routine checks each supported kernel in turn, you don't have to know in advance which
kind of file it is.
Context 2 (R3?): See Future Requirements ­ Modified IRAF Kernel.
4.5.16 dmDatasetPrint (List dataset)
int dmDatasetPrint(dmDataset* ds, char* options)
List the blocks in a dataset to standard output. Depending on options, list details of the
structure of each table. This routine is provided to allow easy diagnostics, and will normally be
used as part of the dataset­dump tool. It is different from the Observation Browser since its normal
use will be to dump to an ASCII file which the user will then use an editor or Unix tools to peruse.
Valid options are:
ffl ''BLOCKS'': (Context 1, R2) One line per block, giving block number, block name, block
type, and block shape. For tables, block shape is no of columns x no of rows (eg ''Table 14 x
104122''). For images, block shape is image dimensions and data type (e.g. ''Real 3D Image
512 x 512 x 3'' )
ffl ''HEADER'': (Context 2, R2) For each block, list all keys with one line per key giving name,
value and description.
ffl ''DESCRIPTORS'': (Context 3, R3) For each block, list all descriptors: first keys, then filters,
then columns, with image axes and coordinates listed together with their parent descriptors.
ffl ''FULL'': (Context 4, R3) For each block, list all keys as above, then dump column or image
values in a format similar to FDUMP.
4.5.17 dmDatasetPrintKernel: List kernel dataset
int dmDatasetPrintKernel(dmDataset* ds)

(R2): Summarize the structure of the underlying dataset. If the underlying file is a FITS file,
write a summary of the HDUs in the file, including their types, names, and record offsets. Do a
similar thing for other kernels. Used as a diagnostic tool; if the data model is being too clever and
getting confused, you can inspect the underlying file structure more directly with this routine.
4.5.18 dmDatasetRename (Rename dataset)
int dmDatasetRename(char* datasetName, char* newName)
(R2): Rename a dataset (no virtual spec allowed; no kernel changing). This version does not
necessarily open the dataset. It just changes the name on disk.
4.5.19 dmDatasetTableCreate: Create table and dataset
dmBlock* dmDatasetTableCreate(char* vdataSpec)
R1: Create a table datablock and a dataset at the same time. The vdataSpec will specify both
the dataset name and the table name using the syntax ''dataset[table]''. This syntax is compatible
with the filtering syntax. The dataset pointer is not directly returned, but may be accessed by the
getDataset routine. After creation, the table has no rows and no columns.
4.5.20 dmDatasetTableOpen: Open table and dataset
dmBlock* dmDatasetTableOpen(char* vdataSpec)
Opens a table in a dataset. Used when you're only interested in one table in the dataset ­ avoids
having to make separate calls to handle the dataset and table.
Context 1 (R1): Open a table datablock, and its dataset. The dataset is opened and then the
named table is opened, the supported syntax being ''dataset[tablename]''. Note that a dmBlock*
is returned, NOT a dmDataset*, as often the user will not want to care about the dataset. If a
dmDataset* is needed, use the individual dataset and table open calls.
Context 2 (R1.5): If no block name is specified, then the first block in the dataset will be opened.
Context 3 (partially implemented for R1.5): Open a virtual table datablock, and its dataset.
The virtual data specification is parsed according to the filtering syntax in the ASC Filter Syntax
document. The underlying physical dataset is opened, after which filters are set up to provide
the virtual view of the ASC dataset. The kernel is determined at open time from the underlying
file contents (not the file name, although that may be used as a hint). Note that if you want to
open another Virtual Table using the same underlying file, the two ASC Datasets are completely
independent, but at the kernel layer you may want to only open the underlying file once.

4.5.21 dmDatasetTableClose: Close table
int dmDatasetTableClose(dmBlock* table)
(R1): Provides a simple means of closing a table and its parent dataset at with just one call,
releasing all associated memory and closing the underlying physical file(s). As it provides essentially
the same functionality as does dmImageClose, this routine will also work correctly when passed an
image block pointer.
4.6 dmDescriptor Routines
4.6.1 dmDescriptorDelete
int dmDescriptorDelete(dmDescriptor* dd)
Deletes from the physical block (and dataset) the specified descriptor object (e.g., column or
4.6.2 dmDescriptorGetCoord
dmDescriptor* dmDescriptorGetCoord( dmDescriptor* dd )
Context 1 (R1.6): Return the coordinate descriptor associated with a given descriptor. Return
null if there is no such descriptor.
Context 2 (R2): Return the first coordinate descriptor associated with a given descriptor; equiv­
alent to GetCoordNo( dd, 1 ).
4.6.3 dmDescriptorGetCoordNo
dmDescriptor* dmDescriptorGetCoordNo( dmDescriptor* dd, long no )
(R2): Return the nth coord object associated with a descriptor.
4.6.4 dmDescriptorGetNoCoords
int dmDescriptorGetNoCoords( dmDescriptor* dd )
(R2): Get number of coords associated with the descriptor.
4.6.5 dmDescriptorGetType
dmDescriptorType dmDescriptorGetType(dmDescriptor* dd)
(R1): Return the dmDescriptorType of the specified descriptor (dmKEY, dmCOLUMN, dm­
SUBSPACE, etc.).

4.6.6 dmDescriptorInfo: Get all descriptor info
dmDescriptorInfo(dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* type, char* unit, char* desc,
char* elementType, char*** cptNames, long* dim, long** axes, long* naxes )
An alternate way of getting the descriptor info, retrieving all descriptor attributes at once. Note
changes to calling sequence 1997 Jul 20.
4.6.7 dmDescriptorIs3SigLimit
int dmDescriptorIs3SigLimit( dmDescriptor* dd )
(R3+): Tests whether the (current row) value of the given descriptor is a 3 sigma upper limit
(depending on an internal uncertainty level parameter). Routines to handle uncertainty level spec­
ification are not yet defined. Until we support this, this routine is the same as dmDescriptorIsUp­
4.6.8 dmDescriptorIsUpperLimit
int dmDescriptorIsUpperLimit( dmDescriptor* dd )
(R2): Tests whether the (current row) value of the given descriptor is an upper limit: specifically,
whether the MIN value of the element is zero or less. Only works for a scalar descriptor.
4.6.9 dmDescriptorPrintList: List descriptors
int dmDescriptorPrintList( dmBlock* table )
(R3): List all data descriptors and their properties (high level debug diagnostic routine).
4.7 dmGet Routines
4.7.1 dmGetArray: Get array value
int dmGetArray s(dmDescriptor* dd, short *values, long npixels)
int dmGetArray l(dmDescriptor* dd, long *values, long npixels)
int dmGetArray f(dmDescriptor* dd, float *values, long npixels)
int dmGetArray d(dmDescriptor* dd, double *values,long npixels)
int dmGetArray q(dmDescriptor* dd, int *values,long npixels)
int dmGetArray c(dmDescriptor* dd, char **values,long npixels)
int dmGetArray br(dmDescriptor* dd,char **values, long npixels)
int dmGetArray ub(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned char* values, long npixels)
int dmGetArray us(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned short* values, long npixels)
int dmGetArray ul(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned long* values, long npixels)

Context 1 (R1): Read value of an array column data descriptor, returning the values into the
pre­allocated 1­dimensional values array (of size npixels), ignoring the fact that the array may
actually be a higher­dimensional object.
Context 2 (R1): Results are undefined if the data type of the descriptor does not match that of
the routine (it would be too inefficient to type cast an entire array).
Context 3 (R2): Read value of an image data descriptor (the data in an image).
Context 4 (R2): Read value of an array key descriptor.
4.7.2 dmGetArrayDim
long dmGetArrayDim(dmDescriptor* dd)
dmGetArrayDim returns the descriptor's array dimensionality.
Context 1 (R1): Scalar or vector descriptor (column, key, image data, filter, coord, image axis),
return value of zero.
Context 2 (R1): 1­d array descriptor (column, key, image data, filter), return value of one.
Context 3 (R2): N­d array column or image data descriptor, return value of N. This is the
general case.
4.7.3 dmGetArrayDimensions
long dmGetArrayDimensions(dmDescriptor* dd, long **axislengths)
Context 1 (R1): dmGetArrayDimensions, most useful for multi­dimensional arrays, returns the
length of each axis of the array in axislengths, and also returns the value of dmGetArrayDim (which
is the size of the axislengths array) as the function value. It is the caller's responsibility to free the
memory allocated to *axisLengths. Works for all flavors of descriptor.
4.7.4 dmGetArraySize
long dmGetArraySize(dmDescriptor* dd)
Returns the total number of elements in the array (most useful for 1­D arrays)
Context 1 (R1): Scalar or vector descriptor (column, key, image data, filter, coord, image axis):
returns 1.
Context 2 (R1): 1­d array descriptor (column, key, image data, filter): returns number of array
Context 3 (R2): N­d array descriptor (column, image data): returns total number of elements
found by multiplying all axis dimensions together. This is the general case.

4.7.5 dmGetCptName
int dmGetCptName(dmDescriptor* dd, long cptNo, char *cptName, int maxlen)
Return the component name for the Nth vector component of the descriptor. The number of
components may be found using dmGetElementDim.
Context 1 (R2): For scalar descriptors (M=1) the component name is required to be identical
to the descriptor name. The routine is thus equivalent to dmGetName for cptNo=1, and sets an
error for other values of cptNo.
Context 2 (R2): For vector descriptors (M?1) the routine returns the component name for the
given component number. For a component number which is out of range, or for a null descriptor,
returns a null string and sets an error condition.
4.7.6 dmGetDataType
dmDataType dmGetDataType( dmDescriptor* dd)
(R1): Get the data type of a descriptor.
4.7.7 dmGetDataTypeName
char* dmGetDataTypeName( dmDescriptor* dd)
(R2): Get a string giving the data type of a descriptor, suitable for printing.
4.7.8 dmGetDesc
int dmGetDesc(dmDescriptor* dd, char *description, int maxlen)
(R1) Get the `description' text for a descriptor.
4.7.9 dmGetDisp: Get descriptor display format
int dmGetDisp(dmDescriptor* dd, char *display, int maxlen)
(R2) Get the display format hint for a descriptor. This string is a Fortran­style format compatible
with the FITS TDISP keyword. It is used as a hint to generic software for a suitable display format
for the data.

4.7.10 dmGetElementDim
long dmGetElementDim(dmDescriptor* dd)
Returns the number of vector components for the descriptor. In the ASC data model, there
are three levels of dimensionality: the N­dimensional array of elements in a table cell or in an
image, the 1­dimensional array (`vector') of M components in each element, and the 1­dimensional
collection of T values (depending on the element type) making up each component. For each of the
M components, there is an associated component name which can be read using dmGetCptName.
Context 1 (R1): Returns M = 1 since vector descriptors are not supported in R1.
Context 2 (R2): Returns M = the number of vector components; works for column, image data,
coord, filter and image axis descriptors.
4.7.11 dmGetElementType
dmElementType dmGetElementType(dmDescriptor* dd)
char* dmGetElementTypeName(dmDescriptor* dd)
Return the element type of the descriptor.
Context 1 (R1): Initially returns always dmVALUE, the only element type supported at (R1).
Context 2 (R2): Return the appropriate element type for a column or key descriptor, or for a
filter or coord descriptor. Most filters will have element type dmRANGE.
4.7.12 dmGetError
int dmGetError(void)
(R1): Retrieve the DataModel error status value. This routine can be called after any other
call to check for success/failure. Return values will range from the general dmSUCCESS and
dmFAILURE values to a number of routine­specific values like dmNOMOREROWS, dmNOMEM,
4.7.13 dmGetErrorMessage
void dmGetErrorMessage(char* errMessage, int maxlen)
(R1): Like dmGetError, but returning a text string instead of numeric value.

4.7.14 dmGetIntervalType
dmIntervalType dmGetIntervalType(dmDescriptor* dd)
char* dmGetIntervalTypeName(dmDescriptor* dd)
(R3+): Find the interval type of the descriptor. The interval type denotes whether an element
of type RANGE or INTERVAL is to be considered a closed interval or an open interval. This is
not yet implemented; the default is to assume closed intervals.
4.7.15 dmGetInterval: Get compound element/interval value
short** dmGetInterval s( dmDescriptor* dd, dmElementType type )
long** dmGetInterval l( dmDescriptor* dd, dmElementType type )
float** dmGetInterval f( dmDescriptor* dd, dmElementType type )
double** dmGetInterval d( dmDescriptor* dd, dmElementType type )
Context 1 (R2): Read compound value of a column data descriptor when the descriptor has
the same element type as the input argument element type. Return an array of 0, 1, 2 or 3 val­
ues depending on the element type. [Possible candidate for alteration: could use dmGetInterval s(
dmDescriptor* dd, dmElementType type, short* result ) instead since allocating the memory in­
ternally seems odd.]
Context 2 (R2): Force element type of result to be that of the input argument, when descriptor
has a different element type.
Context 3 (R2): Support key descriptors.
Context 4 (R2): Support filter descriptors.
4.7.16 dmGetName
int dmGetName(dmDescriptor* dd, char *name, int maxlen)
(R1) Given a descriptor pointer, copy at most maxlen characters of the descriptor name into
the pre­allocated char* name array.
4.7.17 dmGetScalar: read scalar value
short dmGetScalar s(dmDescriptor* dd)
long dmGetScalar l(dmDescriptor* dd)
float dmGetScalar f(dmDescriptor* dd)
double dmGetScalar d(dmDescriptor* dd)
void dmGetScalar c(dmDescriptor* dd, char *value, int maxlen)
void dmGetScalar br(dmDescriptor* dd, char* value, int maxlen)
int dmGetScalar q(dmDescriptor* dd)

unsigned char dmGetScalar ub(dmDescriptor* dd)
unsigned short dmGetScalar us(dmDescriptor* dd)
unsigned long dmGetScalar ul(dmDescriptor* dd)
Return the current value of a descriptor and force it to the desired type. The suffixes q and br
denote logical and block reference types, respectively.
Context 1 (R1): Return the value of a scalar key of the same type as the routine.
Context 2 (R1): Return the value of a scalar key of a different type, casting the result to the
type of the routine.
Context 3 (R1): Return the value of a scalar column descriptor, i.e. the cell value for this
column and the current row, when the descriptor has the same data type as the routine.
Context 4 (R1): Return the value of a scalar column descriptor when it has a different data
type, casting the result to the type of the routine.
Context 5 (R2): Return the value of a coord descriptor, by finding the value of its parent (e.g.
dmGetScalar on the parent column) and applying its transformation to get the coord value, casting
type if needed.
Context 6 (R2): Return the value of a column or key or subspace descriptor of compound element
type, by applying the appropriate rules (return VALUE field for dmRANGE, (MAX+MIN)/2 for
dmINTERVAL, etc.
Context 7 (R3): Return the first element of an array descriptor (including image data) and the
first component of a vector descriptor. Not recommended.
Context 8 (R2): Make all the above happen correctly when the block is a virtual one, i.e.
implement filtering.
4.7.18 dmGetScalars: read cells from multiple table rows
long dmGetScalars s(dmDescriptor* dd, short *vals, long firstRow,long nrows)
long dmGetScalars l(dmDescriptor* dd, long *vals, long firstRow,long nrows)
long dmGetScalars f(dmDescriptor* dd, float *vals, long firstRow,long nrows)
long dmGetScalars d(dmDescriptor* dd, double *vals,long firstRow,long nrows)
long dmGetScalars q(dmDescriptor* dd,int *vals, long firstRow,long nrows)
long dmGetScalars c(dmDescriptor* dd, char** vals, int maxlen,long firstRow,long nrows)
long dmGetScalars br(dmDescriptor* dd, char **vals,int maxlen,long firstRow,long nrows
long dmGetScalars ub(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned char* vals,int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmGetScalars us(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned short* vals, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmGetScalars ul(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned long* vals, int firstRow, int nrows)
These routines offer performance improvements for large tables by reading/writing multiple
rows at once. They also are convenient for small tables (where buffering efficiency is not relevant)
allowing a column­oriented approach.

Context 1 (R1): Read multiple rows of a scalar column. The first row number is given explicitly.
The array of data is written to the storage allocated in the user program. Only works for table
columns. Results are undefined if the call type does not match the column datatype. Note that for
string and blockref columns care must be taken to ensure maxlen value matches the string length
of the column being read. The dmGetStrLen function may be used to determine this value if it
is not known ahead of time.
Context 2 (R2): Make all the above happen correctly when the block is a virtual one, i.e.
implement filtering.
4.7.19 dmGetStrLen
long dmGetStrLen(dmDescriptor* dd)
Context 1 (R1.5): Get the string length of a string­valued table column.
Context 2 (R1.5): Get the length of a string keyword value.
Context 3 (R1.5): When called for any other descriptor, returns 0.
4.7.20 dmGetUnit
int dmGetUnit(dmDescriptor* dd, char *unit, int maxlen)
Context 1 (R1): Get the unit of a column descriptor.
Context 2 (R1.5): Get the unit of a key descriptor.
Context 3 (R2): Get the unit of a other descriptors.
4.7.21 dmGetVector: Get vector value
short* dmGetVector s(dmDescriptor* dd, long dim)
long* dmGetVector l(dmDescriptor* dd, long dim)
float* dmGetVector f(dmDescriptor* dd, long dim)
double* dmGetVector d(dmDescriptor* dd, long dim)
int* dmGetVector q(dmDescriptor* dd, long dim)
char** dmGetVector c(dmDescriptor* dd, long dim)
char** dmGetVector br(dmDescriptor* dd, long dim)
unsigned char* dmGetVector ub(dmDescriptor* dd, long dim)
unsigned short* dmGetVector us(dmDescriptor* dd, long dim)
unsigned long* dmGetVector ul(dmDescriptor* dd, long dim)
Context 1 (R2): Get the value of a vector column data descriptor given its handle. The 'dim'
argument is an input argument which gives the maximum number of values to return.
Context 2 (R2): Cast type if necessary (dd data type and routine type in disagreement).

Context 3 (R2): Work correctly for scalar case (returns one value, effect is same as dmGetScalar).
Context 4 (R2): Return value for vectored coordinate descriptor, by calling dmGetVector for
the parent descriptor and then applying the coord transform.
Context 5 (R2): Work for vectored header keys.
Context 6 (R2): Make all the above happen correctly when the block is a virtual one, i.e.
implement filtering.
4.7.22 dmGetVectors: read cells from multiple table rows
long dmGetVectors s(dmDescriptor* dd, short *vecs, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmGetVectors l(dmDescriptor* dd, long* vecs, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmGetVectors f(dmDescriptor* dd, float* vecs,, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmGetVectors d(dmDescriptor* dd, double *vecs, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmGetVectors q(dmDescriptor* dd, int *vecs, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmGetVectors c(dmDescriptor* dd, char **vecs, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmGetVectors br(dmDescriptor* dd, char *vecs, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmGetVectors ub(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned char *vecs, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmGetVectors us(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned short *vecs,int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmGetVectors ul(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned long* vecs, int firstRow, int nrows)
Context 1 (R2): Read multiple rows of a vector column. The first row number is given explicitly.
The array of data is written to storage allocated in the user program. The number of values returned
is the number of rows times the element dimension of the column. Only works for table columns.
Context 2 (R2): Make all the above happen correctly when the block is a virtual one, i.e.
implement filtering.
4.7.23 dmGetVersion
int dmGetVersion(char *versionString, int maxlen)
(R1): Returns a string indicating the current release of the ASC interface.
4.8 dmImage Routines
4.8.1 dmImageClose
dmImageClose(dmBlock* image)
(R1): Close image block and associated dataset. Used for blocks opened by dmImageCreate
and dmImageOpen. Identical with dmDatasetTableClose.

4.8.2 dmImageCreate
dmBlock* dmImageCreate(char* vdataSpec, dmDataType type, long* axes, long naxes)
(R1): Create an image of specified data type and dimensions, in a new dataset. This routine sets
up the structure, it does not necessarily allocate memory for the data. This call specifies creating
an image which will be stored as binned data in the usual IRAF IMH/FITS IMAGE way. This
routine creates an image where each axis group is of dimensionality 1 and has name AXISn.
To create an image in an existing dataset, use the dmCreateBlock routine followed by calls to
the create image axis routines.
4.8.3 dmImageCreateAxes
dmBlock* dmImageCreateAxes(char* vspec, dmDataType type, char** axisNames, dm­
DataType *axisTypes, char** axisUnits, long* axes, long naxes)
(R1.6): Create an image dataset with named axes. Example:
char* axisNames[] = -- ''X'', ''Y'', ''PHA'' ¯;
char* axisUnits[] = -- ''pixel'', ''pixel'', ''channel'' ¯;
dmDataType axisTypes[] = -- dmLONG, dmLONG, dmSHORT ¯;
long axes[3] = -- 256, 256, 16 ¯;
long naxes = 3;
dmBlock* image = dmImageCreateAxes( ''image.dat[SPECTRAL—IMAGE]'', dmLONG, axisNames, axisTypes, axisUnits, axes, naxes );
This is equivalent to:
long axes[3] = -- 256, 256, 16 ¯;
long naxes = 3;
dmBlock* image = dmImageCreate( ''image.dat[SPECTRAL—IMAGE]'', dmLONG, axes, naxes );
dmDescriptor* data = dmImageGetDataDescriptor( image );
(void)dmArrayCreateAxis( data, ''X'', dmLONG, ''pixel'' );
(void)dmArrayCreateAxis( data, ''Y'', dmLONG, ''pixel'' );
(void)dmArrayCreateAxis( data, ''PHA'', dmSHORT, ''channel'' );
4.8.4 dmImageCreateGroups
dmBlock* dmImageCreateGroups(char* vspec, dmDataType type, char** axisNames,
dmDataType *axisTypes, char** axisUnits, char** cptNames, long* dim, long* axes,
long naxes)
(R2) Create an image with named axes, with the second form supporting axis groups. Note
that, as with dmImageCreate, the vspec parameter specifies the creation of BOTH an image AND
its parent dataset.

4.8.5 dmImageDataGetPixel
short* dmImageDataGetPixel s( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo )
long* dmImageDataGetPixel l( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo )
float* dmImageDataGetPixel f( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo )
double* dmImageDataGetPixel d( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo )
unsigned char* dmImageDataGetPixel ub( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo )
unsigned short* dmImageDataGetPixel us( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo )
unsigned long* dmImageDataGetPixel ul( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo )
Context 1 (R2): Get a single pixel in an image. Example for 3D image:
long pixelNo[3] = -- 512, 512, 4 ¯;
dmDescriptor* data = dmImageGetDataDescriptor( image );
double value = dmImageDataGetPixel``—d( data, pixelNo );
Context 2 (R2): Same for array column in table.
Context 3 (R3): Force (cast) type of result if it doesn't match the descriptor's data type.
4.8.6 dmImageDataGetPixlist: Get pixel list
int dmImageDataGetPixlist s( dmDescriptor* data, int** pixlist, short* data, int max­
Size, int* npixels )
int dmImageDataGetPixlist l( dmDescriptor* data, int** pixlist, long* data, int max­
Size, int* npixels )
int dmImageDataGetPixlist f( dmDescriptor* data, int** pixlist, float* data, int max­
Size, int* npixels )
int dmImageDataGetPixlist d( dmDescriptor* data, int** pixlist, double* data, int max­
Size, int* npixels )
int dmImageDataGetPixlist ub( dmDescriptor* data, int** pixlist, unsigned char* data,
int maxSize, int* npixels )
int dmImageDataGetPixlist us( dmDescriptor* data, int** pixlist, unsigned short* data,
int maxSize, int* npixels )
int dmImageDataGetPixlist ul( dmDescriptor* data, int** pixlist, unsigned long* data,
int maxSize, int* npixels )
Context 1 (R3): Return the image data as a list of pixels and data values. Only nonzero values
are returned. npixels contains the number of such nonzero values, which is truncated to be at most
maxSize; data contains the values; and each entry in pixlist is an integer array of values representing
the pixel.
Context 2 (R3): Same but for an array column in a table.

4.8.7 dmImageDataGetPixlistSize
long dmImageDataGetPixlistSize( dmDescriptor* data )
Context 1 (R3): Return the number of nonzero pixels in the image.
Context 2 (R3): Same, for an array column in a table.
4.8.8 dmImageDataGetSubArray
int dmImageDataGetSubArray s(dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr, short
int dmImageDataGetSubArray l(dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr, long
int dmImageDataGetSubArray f(dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr,float
int dmImageDataGetSubArray d( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr,double
int dmImageDataGetSubArray ub( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr,unsigned
char *values)
int dmImageDataGetSubArray us( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr,
unsigned short *values)
int dmImageDataGetSubArray ul( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr,
unsigned long* values)
Context 1 (R1): Retrieve the values of a rectangular image subsection, specifying the lower left
pixel and the upper right pixel, and returning the values in standard 1­D array order. Recall that
pixel (1,1) is in the lowest and left­most pixel in an image. For example, for a 3­dimensional image,
one might do:
long lower—left[3] = -- 4, 8, 2 ¯;
long upper—right[3] = -- 6, 8, 4 ¯;
double values[9];
dmBlock* image = dmImageOpen( ''image.dat'' );
dmDescriptor* data = dmImageGetDataDescriptor( image );
dmImageDataGetSubArray—l( data, lower—left, upper—right, values );
Then the array values will contain the following 9 values in this order: data(4,8,2), data(5,8,2),
data(6,8,2), data(4,8,3), data(5,8,3), data(6,8,3), data(4,8,4), data(5,8,4), data(6,8,4).
Context 2 (R2): Same when descriptor is an array column instead of an image block's data
descriptor. Example:

long lower—left[3] = -- 4, 8, 2 ¯;
long upper—right[3] = -- 6, 8, 4 ¯;
double values[9];
dmBlock* table = dmDatasetTableOpen( ''table.dat[EVENTS]'' );
dmDescriptor* data = dmTableOpenColumn( table, ''IMAGE'' );
dmImageDataGetSubArray—l( data, lower—left, upper—right, values );
Context 3 (R2): Make all the above happen correctly when the block is a virtual one, i.e.
implement filtering.
4.8.9 dmImageDataInterpolate: Interpolate in image
short dmImageDataInterpolate s( dmDescriptor* data, double* coordVal )
long dmImageDataInterpolate l( dmDescriptor* data, double* coordVal )
float dmImageDataInterpolate f( dmDescriptor* data, double* coordVal )
double dmImageDataInterpolate d( dmDescriptor* data, double* coordVal )
unsigned char dmImageDataInterpolate ub(dmDescriptor* data, double* coordVal)
unsigned short dmImageDataInterpolate us(dmDescriptor* data,double* coordVal)
unsigned long dmImageDataInterpolate ul(dmDescriptor* data,double* coordVal)
(R3): Linear interpolation on nearest neighbour pixels, returning interpolated pixel value. Ex­
double coordVal[2] = -- 4.5, 2.0 ¯;
float result = dmImageDataInterpolate—f( data, coordVal );
The result will be 0.5 * ( data(4,2) + data(5,2) ).
4.8.10 dmImageDataSetPixel
int dmImageDataSetPixel s( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo, short pixelValue )
int dmImageDataSetPixel l( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo, long pixelValue )
int dmImageDataSetPixel f( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo, float pixelValue )
int dmImageDataSetPixel d( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo, double pixelValue )
int dmImageDataSetPixel ub( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo, unsigned char pixel­
Value )
int dmImageDataSetPixel us( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo, unsigned short pix­
elValue )
int dmImageDataSetPixel ul( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelNo, unsigned long pixel­
Value )

Context 1 (R2): Return or set a single image pixel value in an n­dimensional image data array.
The pixelNo argument is an array of naxes integers; it is up to the caller to give the correct number
of values. Example:
long pixelNo[3] = -- 512, 512, 4 ¯;
double value = 14.8;
dmDescriptor* data = dmImageGetDataDescriptor( image );
dmImageDataSetPixel``—d( data, pixelNo, value );
which alters a single pixel value in the array.
Context 2 (R2): Same for an array column in a table.
4.8.11 dmImageDataSetPixlist
int dmImageDataSetPixlist s( dmDescriptor* imdata, int** pixlist, short* data, int
maxSize, int* npixels )
int dmImageDataSetPixlist l( dmDescriptor* imdata, int** pixlist, long* data, int max­
Size, int* npixels )
int dmImageDataSetPixlist f( dmDescriptor* imdata, int** pixlist, float* data, int max­
Size, int* npixels )
int dmImageDataSetPixlist d( dmDescriptor* imdata, int** pixlist, double* data, int
maxSize, int* npixels )
int dmImageDataSetPixlist ub( dmDescriptor* imdata, int** pixlist, unsigned char*
data, int maxSize, int* npixels )
int dmImageDataSetPixlist us( dmDescriptor* imdata, int** pixlist, unsigned short*
data, int maxSize, int* npixels )
int dmImageDataSetPixlist ul( dmDescriptor* imdata, int** pixlist, unsigned long*
data, int maxSize, int* npixels )
Context 1 (R3): Return or set the image pixel values as a list of pixel numbers and their values,
only for pixels whose value is nonzero. For instance, for a 2D image the data might be
pixel—list[0] = (1,1) data[0] = 38
pixel—list[1] = (29,13) data[1] = 42
ASC Images will use the Fortran/IRAF/FITS convention that the lower left pixel number is
(1,1), NOT the C count­from­zero convention. That doesn't affect how the C array pointers are
returned, it just means that in C you access the elements as image[ypix­1][xpix­1] (etc).
The maxSize argument is an input argument to declare the actual size of the arrays being passed.
Context 2 (R3): Same but for an array column in a table.

4.8.12 dmImageDataSetSubArray
int dmImageDataSetSubArray s( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr,
short* values )
int dmImageDataSetSubArray l( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr, long*
values )
int dmImageDataSetSubArray f( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr, float*
values )
int dmImageDataSetSubArray d( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr,
double* values )
int dmImageDataSetSubArray ub( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr,
char* values )
int dmImageDataSetSubArray us( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr,
unsigned short* values )
int dmImageDataSetSubArray ul( dmDescriptor* data, long* pixelLl, long* pixelUr,
unsigned long* values )
Context 1 (R1): Set a rectangular subarray in an image. See dmImageGetSubArray for details.
Context 2 (R2): Same for array column in a table.
4.8.13 dmImageGetDataDescriptor
dmDescriptor* dmImageGetDataDescriptor( dmBlock* image )
Context 1 (R1): Return the data descriptor for the single cell in the image table. This cell
contains the data. The data itself can be retrieved using the getArray calls or set using the setArray
calls. It is a little extra work for the user to have a separate handle for the image metadata (the
block handle) and the image data (the descriptor handle) but it will later allow us to use images in
table cells exchangeably with images in image datablocks.
Context 2 (R2): If the block is actually a table, check to see if the table has only one column
and that column has array dimension greater than zero. In that case, return the column descriptor.
Otherwise, return null and set an error condition.
4.8.14 dmImageOpen
dmBlock* dmImageOpen(char* vdataSpec)
Context 1 (R1): Opens an image via a virtual data specification (which will normally refer to a
dataset containing a single image). See the dmDatasetTableOpen call and/or the the DataModel
filtering API for more details on the syntax of the virtual data specification.
Context 2 (R1.5): If no image name is specified within vdataSpec, the first block in the specified
dataset is opened.

Context 3 (partially implemented for R1.5): Open a filtered (array subsection) image and
Context 4 (R3): Open an array in a table cell as if it were an image. The virtual spec is of
the form ''dataset[table][rowno]colname''. The virtual datablock has the header and datasubspace
of the table, and the image data descriptor is the column data descriptor. Other image operations
are as usual. The dmTableNextRow command may NOT be used to alter the row since we have
opened a single image, not the whole table.
4.9 dmKernel Routines
4.9.1 dmKernelGetCopy: Get copy kernel
int dmKernelGetCopy(char *copyKernelName, int maxlen)
(R1): Return the current copy kernel name.
4.9.2 dmKernelGetCreate: Get creation kernel
int dmKernelGetCreate(char *creationKernelName, int maxlen)
(R1): Return the current creation kernel name.
4.9.3 dmKernelGetList
int dmKernelGetList(char ***kernelIDs, int* numKernels)
(R1.6): Provides a list of the ETOOLs kernels available for current run­time use. Unlike most
other string routines, the kernelIDs array must be freed by the caller after use.
4.9.4 dmKernelSetCopy: Set copy kernel
char* dmKernelSetCopy(char* kernelId)
(R1): Specify the kernel to associate with an opened Virtual Table being copied. The default
behaviour is for the copy to retain the kernel of the underlying input dataset, but this routine allows
you to override. Calling it with a blank or null argument resets to the default behaviour.

4.9.5 dmKernelSetCreate: Set creation kernel
char* dmKernelSetCreate(char* kernelId)
(R1): Specify the kernel to be used for creating new datasets, returning the kernel actually set,
or null on error. Currently supported values are:
Kernel Mnemonic Description
dmFITSKERNEL synonym for ETOOLS 'fitskernel' (interface to CFITSIO)
dmIRAFKERNEL synonym for ETOOLS 'irafqpoe' (interface to native IRAF)
blank or null reset to default (FITS)
4.10 dmKey Routines
4.10.1 dmKeyCreate
dmDescriptor* dmKeyCreate( dmBlock* block, char* name, dmDataType type, char*
unit, char* description )
(R2): Create a single, scalar header keyword. This routine creates a key descriptor. You can
then set its values using the dmSetScalar, etc., routines. Most often, you'll instead probably want
the dmKeyWrite set of routines which write the values at the same time, since unlike columns keys
only have a single value.
4.10.2 dmKeyCreateGeneric
dmDescriptor* dmKeyCreateGeneric( dmBlock* block, char* name, dmDataType type,
char* unit, char* desc, dmElementType* elementType, char** cptNames, long dim,
long size )
(R2): Create a generic header keyword. Support vectored and compound element type keys.
This creates a descriptor; you need to assign the values as well, using the same routines as for table
4.10.3 dmKeyGetNo
long dmKeyGetNo(dmDescriptor* dd)
Context 1 (R1.5): Return the number of the key in the header, given its descriptor.
Context 2 (R1.5): Return zero if descriptor is not a key.

4.10.4 dmKeyOpen: Search by name for descriptor
dmDescriptor* dmKeyOpen(dmBlock* block, char* name)
Context 1 (R1): Searches for a key (or column) by name, returning a descriptor, after which
the dmGetScalar, dmGetArray, or dmGetVector calls would be used to retrieve data values. By
the Greenbank convention, column and header entries are interchangeable so either keys or columns
may be found, but header keys will returned first.
In (R1.5) the search will be case insensitive. Accessing a header DD as if it were a column makes it
look like a column, all of whose rows have equal values; accessing a column DD as if it were a header
gives you the value in the current row of the table. However, the dmKeyGetNo or dmColumnGetNo
routines will return zero in these cases.
Context 2 (R2): If no match on a key or column name, look for a match on a key or column com­
ponent name. For instance, if searching for DETY and a vector column DETPOS=(DETX,DETY)
exists, and there is no key or column called DETY, make a new descriptor for DETY as if it were
a scalar.
4.10.5 dmKeyRead: Read header scalar attribute
dmDescriptor* dmKeyRead s( dmBlock* block, char* name, short* value )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyRead l( dmBlock* block, char* name, long* value )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyRead f( dmBlock* block, char* name, float* value )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyRead d( dmBlock* block, char* name, double* value )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyRead q( dmBlock* block, char* name, int* value )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyRead c( dmBlock* block, char* name, char* value, int maxlen )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyRead br( dmBlock* block, char* name, char* value, int maxlen )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyRead ub( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned char* value )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyRead us( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned short* value )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyRead ul( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned long* value )
Context 1 (R1): Search for a header key by name. The first key to give a case­insensitive match
is found. Return its descriptor and its value. The value is forced to the desired type if necessary,
and truncated to length maxlen in the case of string types. Return a null descriptor if the key is
not present in the header (no error condition is set).
Context 2 (R2): Case of a vector or array key. Return the value of the first component of the
first element. (The user may check the descriptor to find out the array dimension etc).
Context 3 (R3): Case of a column. Search also for a match with a column name. Return the
column's descriptor and the value for the current row. The intent is that the user doesn't care if
the value is a column or a key.

4.10.6 dmKeyReadVector: Read header vector keyword
dmDescriptor* dmKeyReadVector s( dmBlock* block, char* name, short* value, long
dim, long* nvals )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyReadVector l( dmBlock* block, char* name, long* value, long
dim, long* nvals )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyReadVector f( dmBlock* block, char* name, float* value, long
dim, long* nvals )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyReadVector d( dmBlock* block, char* name, double* value, long
dim, long* nvals )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyReadVector c( dmBlock* block, char* name, char* value, long
dim, int maxlen, long* nvals )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyReadVector br( dmBlock* block, char* name, char* value, long
dim, int maxlen, long* nvals )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyReadVector q( dmBlock* block, char* name, int* value, long dim,
long* nvals )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyReadVector ub( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned char*
value, long dim, long* nvals )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyReadVector us( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned short*
value, long dim, long* nvals )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyReadVector ul( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned long*
value, long dim, long* nvals )
Context 1 (R2): Read at most dim values from a vectored array header key, given its name.
Return descriptor and values, and (in nvals) number of values actually read. The space for the
value array must be allocated by the user. The descriptor can be used to find element dimension,
array dimension, and component names using dmGetDim, dmGetArrDim, dmGetCptName, etc.
Context 2 (R2): Case of vectored key which is not an array.
Context 3 (R2): Case of array key which is not vectored.
Context 4 (R2): Case of scalar key, returns with the appropriate value and nvals = 1.
Context 5 (R3): Case of a column. Search also for a match with a column name. Return the
column's descriptor and the value for the current row. The intent is that the user doesn't care if
the value is a column or a key.
4.10.7 dmKeyWrite: Write scalar header key
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWrite s( dmBlock* block, char* name, short value, char* unit,
char* desc )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWrite l( dmBlock* block, char* name, long value, char* unit,
char* desc )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWrite f( dmBlock* block, char* name, float value, char* unit,

char* desc )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWrite d( dmBlock* block, char* name, double value, char* unit,
char* desc )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWrite q( dmBlock* block, char* name, int value, char* unit, char*
desc )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWrite c( dmBlock* block, char* name, char* value, char* unit,
char* desc )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWrite br( dmBlock* block, char* name, char* value, char* unit,
char* desc )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWrite ub( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned char value,
char* unit, char* desc )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWrite us( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned short value,
char* unit, char* desc )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWrite ul( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned long value,
char* unit, char* desc )
(R1): Write a single, scalar header keyword of the specified type. Note that attributes are
required to be uniquely named, so a second write call using the same name will overwrite the
previous value. With this exception, the keyword is written at the `current header position' (usually
the end of the header). The unit and description for the keyword (fully supported in R1.5) must
also be supplied (but may be null or blank).
4.10.8 dmKeyWriteArray: Write array header key
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteArray s( dmBlock* block, char* name, short* value, char*
unit, char* desc, long size )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteArray l( dmBlock* block, char* name, long* value, char*
unit, char* desc, long size )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteArray f( dmBlock* block, char* name, float* value, char*
unit, char* desc, long size )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteArray d( dmBlock* block, char* name, double* value, char*
unit, char* desc, long size )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteArray q( dmBlock* block, char* name, int* value, char*
unit, char* desc, long size )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteArray c( dmBlock* block, char* name, char** value, char*
unit, char* desc, long size )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteArray ub( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned char*
value, char* unit, char* desc, long size )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteArray us( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned short*
value, char* unit, char* desc, long size )

dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteArray ul( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned long*
value, char* unit, char* desc, long size )
(R2): Write a 1­D array header keyword with the specified size and values. Arrayed keys should
be read using the general descriptor function dmGetArray.
Note: We currently allow users to have scalar keys and arrayed
keys which have the same alphabetic prefix. Therefore if one
has an array called `FOO', one may write a separate scalar
keyword of the form `FOO#', which would be interpreted as an
element of the array. This feature can cause probelms if not
used carefully.
4.10.9 dmKeyWriteInterval: Write interval header key
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteInterval s( dmBlock* block, char* name, short** value,
char* unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, char* elementType )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteInterval l( dmBlock* block, char* name, long** value, char*
unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, char* elementType )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteInterval f( dmBlock* block, char* name, float** value, char*
unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, char* elementType )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteInterval d( dmBlock* block, char* name, double** value,
char* unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, char* elementType )
Context 1 (R2): Write an interval or value/uncertainty set to the header. Specify the element
type and its component names. Note change to argument list 1997 Jul 21.
Context 2 (R2): If the component name array is null, generate the component names automat­
ically from the element type using some default rules.
4.10.10 dmKeyWriteVector: Write vectored header key
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteVector s( dmBlock* block, char* name, short* value, char*
unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, long dim )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteVector l( dmBlock* block, char* name, long* value, char*
unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, long dim )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteVector f( dmBlock* block, char* name, float* value, char*
unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, long dim )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteVector d( dmBlock* block, char* name, double* value, char*
unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, long dim )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteVector q( dmBlock* block, char* name, int* value, char*
unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, long dim )

dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteVector c( dmBlock* block, char* name, char** value, char*
unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, long dim )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteVector ub( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned char*
value, char* unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, long dim )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteVector us( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned short*
value, char* unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, long dim )
dmDescriptor* dmKeyWriteVector ul( dmBlock* block, char* name, unsigned long*
value, char* unit, char* desc, char** cptNames, long dim )
(R2): Write a vector header keyword with the specified size, component names and values.
4.11 dmLookup Routines
4.11.1 dmLookupCreate
dmDescriptor* dmLookupCreate( dmDescriptor* dd, char* name, char* unit, char*
transform, char* resultType )
(R2) Create a lookup coordinate transform. The transform argument is a virtual datablock
specification of a table which contains two columns, the first of type equal to the data descriptor
type and the second of type equal to the resultType argument. The table is assumed to be sorted on
the first column. The table data descriptors will determine the type of interpolation to be carried
out for numeric types. This type of transform also supports string types (e.g. integer to string
lookup, or vice versa).
4.12 dmSet Routines
4.12.1 dmSetArray
int dmSetArray s( dmDescriptor* dd, short* value, long npixels )
int dmSetArray l( dmDescriptor* dd, long* value, long npixels )
int dmSetArray f( dmDescriptor* dd, float* value, long npixels )
int dmSetArray d( dmDescriptor* dd, double* value, long npixels )
int dmSetArray q( dmDescriptor* dd, int* value, long npixels )
int dmSetArray c( dmDescriptor* dd, char** value, long npixels )
int dmSetArray br( dmDescriptor* dd, char** value, long npixels )
int dmSetArray ub( dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned char* value, long npixels )
int dmSetArray us( dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned short* value, long npixels )
int dmSetArray ul( dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned long* value, long npixels )
Context 1 (R1): Set value of an array column data descriptor. Input is a 1­D array of values,
ignoring the fact that the array may actually be a higher­ dimensional object. The pixel values are

given in FORTRAN­like order, ie, 1­based (not 0­based). If the descriptor is a variable­length array
(supported in R1.6), npixels is assumed to be the length for the current row.
Context 2 (R1): Give an error if the data type of the descriptor does not match that of the
Context 3 (R1): Write data to an image block (set value of image data descriptor).
Context 4 (R2): Write value of an array key descriptor.
4.12.2 dmSetCptName
int dmSetCptName(dmDescriptor* dd, long cptNo, char* name)
Context 1 (R2): Change the name of the single component of a scalar descriptor (element dim
= 1). Since the component name and the descriptor name are required to be the same in this case,
the effect is the same as dmSetName.
Context 2 (R2): Set or change the name of one component of a vector descriptor. The descriptor
must have element dimension greater than or equal to cptNo.
4.12.3 dmSetDesc
int dmSetDesc(dmDescriptor* dd, char* desc)
(R1.5) The descriptor Description is a text string which may include spaces and any ASCII text.
It is recommended that the string be 40 bytes or less. The intent is to provide an explanatory label
to accompany the concise, spaceless descriptor name.
4.12.4 dmSetDisp
int dmSetDisp(dmDescriptor* dd, char* dispFormat)
(R1.5): Set the display format hint for a descriptor. The display format hint is an abstraction
of the FITS TDISPn mechanism, and is provided to help browser programs find a suitable format
for displaying the data. In particular, your browser program might guess that even doubles don't
usually need more than 10 digits of precision to inspect their values, and this is usually true, but
not in the case of TIME values which often need more precision. So rather than have lots of extra
blank space everywhere to cover the worst case, we'll assume a typical case and flag the nasty ones
with a dispFormat hint. For compatibility with FITS, the value of TDISPn (and dispFormat) is a
Fortran 90 compatible format string. The default value of dispFormat is a blank string.

4.12.5 dmSetInterval
int dmSetInterval s( dmDescriptor* dd, short* value, dmElementType type )
int dmSetInterval l( dmDescriptor* dd, long* value, dmElementType type )
int dmSetInterval f( dmDescriptor* dd, float* value,dmElementType type )
int dmSetInterval d( dmDescriptor* dd, double* value,dmElementType type )
Set the value of an interval data descriptor.
Context 1 (R2): Set compound value of a column data descriptor when the descriptor has the
same element type as the input argument element type. Assumes an input array of 0, 1, 2 or 3
values depending on the element type.
Context 2 (R2): When descriptor has a different element type from input element type, make
the necessary conversion.
Context 3 (R2): Support key descriptors.
Context 4 (R2): Support subspace descriptors.
4.12.6 dmSetKernelOption
int dmSetKernelOption(char* option)
(R2): Set an internal kernel parameter. This mechanism will be used to tune particular kernel
parameters. At the moment only the TABLE options are supported:
Option Effect
'TABLE=BINTABLE' Write tables in BINTABLE format if kernel is FITS
'TABLE=ASCII' Write tables in ASCII table format if kernel is FITS
'TABLE=QPEVT' Write tables in QPOE event format if kernel is IRAF
'TABLE=STSDAS' Write tables in STSDAS format if kernel is IRAF
If you call with a kernel option that has no meaning for the current kernel, it is simply ignored.
4.12.7 dmSetLimit: Set upper limit
int dmSetLimit s( dmDescriptor* dd, short* value )
int dmSetLimit l( dmDescriptor* dd, long* value )
int dmSetLimit f( dmDescriptor* dd, float* value )
int dmSetLimit d( dmDescriptor* dd, double* value )
Context 1 (R3): Write an upper limit: Set the value of an interval data descriptor as an upper
limit. Element type dmVALUE: just use the value, but return an error code.
Context 2 (R3): Element type dmRANGE or dmINTERVAL: set MAX and VALUE to value,
and MIN to zero.

4.12.8 dmSetName
int dmSetName(dmDescriptor* dd, char* name)
(R2) Set or change the name of the descriptor, irrespective of descriptor type.
4.12.9 dmSetScalar: Set scalar value
int dmSetScalar s( dmDescriptor* dd, short value )
int dmSetScalar l( dmDescriptor* dd, long value )
int dmSetScalar f( dmDescriptor* dd, float value )
int dmSetScalar d( dmDescriptor* dd, double value )
int dmSetScalar q( dmDescriptor* dd, int value )
int dmSetScalar c( dmDescriptor* dd, char* value )
int dmSetScalar br( dmDescriptor* dd, char value )
int dmSetScalar ub( dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned char value )
int dmSetScalar us( dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned short value )
int dmSetScalar ul( dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned long value )
Set the value of a data descriptor (in a header or the current row of a column) given its handle.
Context 1 (R1): Set the value of a scalar key; it must have the same data type as the routine.
Context 2 (R1): Set the cell value for a scalar column in the current row.
Context 3 (R2): Setting the value of a coord descriptor involves applying the inverse coordinate
transform and setting the value of its parent descriptor. For example, if EQPOS(RA,DEC) is a
vector coord descriptor defined as a transformation on a parent column POS(X,Y), then setting
the value of EQPOS actually has the effect of changing the value of POS. Support for inverting the
transform is NOT guaranteed to be present for all transforms; the return value of the function is
the non­zero value dmNO COORD INVERSE if an error of this kind occurs.
Context 4 (R2): Set the value of a descriptor which has compound element type by applying
the appropriate rules (i.e. set VALUE = MIN = MAX).
Context 5 (R3): Set all the values of an array descriptor to the same value. (or, define SetScalar
on an array descriptor to be an error; we should review the appropriate behaviour).
4.12.10 dmSetScalars: write cells to multiple table rows
long dmSetScalars s(dmDescriptor* dd, short* value, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetScalars l(dmDescriptor* dd, long* value, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetScalars f(dmDescriptor* dd, float* value, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetScalars d(dmDescriptor* dd, double* value,int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetScalars q(dmDescriptor* dd, int* value, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetScalars c(dmDescriptor* dd, char** value, int firstRow, int nrows)

long dmSetScalars br(dmDescriptor* dd, char** value, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetScalars ub(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned char* value, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetScalars us(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned short* value, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetScalars ul(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned long* value, int firstRow, int nrows)
These routines offer performance improvements for large tables by reading/writing multiple rows
at once.
Context 1 (R1): Write multiple rows of a scalar column. The first row number is given explicitly.
The array of data is passed in from the user program. Only works for table columns. Results are
undefined if the call type does not match the column datatype.
4.12.11 dmSetUnit
int dmSetUnit(dmDescriptor* dd, char* unit)
Set the unit for the descriptor. See the HEASARC document by Ian George on recommended
unit strings. In particular, note that the unit of the second is `s', not `sec', and that kilo electron
volt is spelled `keV'. This call will work only on table columns in (R1).
4.12.12 dmSetVector: Set vector value
int dmSetVector s( dmDescriptor* dd, short* value, long dim )
int dmSetVector l( dmDescriptor* dd, long* value, long dim )
int dmSetVector f( dmDescriptor* dd, float* value, long dim )
int dmSetVector d( dmDescriptor* dd, double* value, long dim )
int dmSetVector q( dmDescriptor* dd, int* value, long dim )
int dmSetVector c( dmDescriptor* dd, char** value, long dim )
int dmSetVector br( dmDescriptor* dd, char** value, long dim )
int dmSetVector ub( dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned char* value, long dim )
int dmSetVector us( dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned short* value, long dim )
int dmSetVector ul( dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned long* value, long dim )
Set the value of a vector data descriptor given its handle.
Context 1 (R2): Set the value of a vector column data descriptor given its handle. The 'dim'
argument is an input argument which gives the number of values provided. If this is more than the
element dimension, the extra values are ignored. If it is less, the missing values are set to zero.
Context 2 (R2): Work correctly for scalar case (sets only one value).
Context 3 (R2): Set value for vectored coordinate descriptor, by applying the inverse transform
and calling dmSetVector for the parent descriptor. See dmSetScalar.
Context 4 (R2): Work for vectored keys.

4.12.13 dmSetVectors: write cells to multiple table rows
long dmSetVectors s(dmDescriptor* dd, short* value, long dim, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetVectors l(dmDescriptor* dd, long* value, long dim, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetVectors f(dmDescriptor* dd, float* value, long dim, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetVectors d(dmDescriptor* dd, double* value, long dim, int firstRow, int
long dmSetVectors q(dmDescriptor* dd, int* value, long dim, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetVectors c(dmDescriptor* dd, char** value, long dim, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetVectors br(dmDescriptor* dd, char** value, long dim, int firstRow, int nrows)
long dmSetVectors ub(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned char* value, long dim, int firstRow,
int nrows)
long dmSetVectors us(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned short* value, long dim, int firstRow,
int nrows)
long dmSetVectors ul(dmDescriptor* dd, unsigned long* value, long dim, int firstRow,
int nrows)
Context 1 (R2): Write multiple rows for a vector column. Explicitly give the number of values
passed in for each row. The total number of values passed in is dim * nrows.
4.13 dmSubspace Routines
4.13.1 dmSubspaceColCreate: Create range filter
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColCreate s( dmBlock* block, char* name, char* unit, short*
value1, short* value2, long nvalues )
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColCreate l( dmBlock* block, char* name, char* unit, long*
value1, long* value2, long nvalues )
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColCreate f( dmBlock* block, char* name, char* unit, float*
value1, float* value2, long nvalues )
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColCreate d( dmBlock* block, char* name, char* unit, dou­
ble* value1, double* value2, long nvalues )
Context 1 (R1.6): Create a descriptor of element type dmRANGE, array dimensionality 1,
array size nvalues, and store it in the data subspace of the block, thus giving it a descriptor type
of dmSUBSPACE. Supply an array of pairs of values to store in the array. The component names
for the compound descriptor are generated automatically.
The NAME in the case of subspaces and regions is the name of the variable being filtered, not
a name for the specific region or filter. They are added as new columns to the DSS table.
The interpretation of a subspace column is that it represents a constraint which each row of
the table satisfies: it is a set of good intervals of the named quantity, so that each row of the

table represents data for which the named quantity is within one of those intervals. It is the user's
responsibility to check that this is true; no actual filtering is done by this routine.
Context 2 (R1.6): Recognize the special case of a subspace column called TIME. Store it in a
kernel­dependent way (GTI table for FITS; deffilt for QPOE).
Context 3 (R2): Recognize the special case of a subspace column called PHA. Store it both as
a filter and as a pair of keys for back compatibility.
4.13.2 dmSubspaceColCreateTable: Create range subspace column with value table
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColCreateTable s( dmBlock* block, char* table name, char*
name, char** cptNames, char* unit, short* value1, short* value2, long nvalues )
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColCreateTable l( dmBlock* block, char* table name, char*
name, char** cptNames, char* unit, long* value1, long* value2, long nvalues )
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColCreateTable f( dmBlock* block, char* table name, char**
cptNames, char* name, char* unit, float* value1, float* value2, long nvalues )
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColCreateTable d( dmBlock* block, char* table name, char*
name, char** cptNames, char* unit, double* value1, double* value2, long nvalues )
Context 1 (R1.6): Like the dmSubspaceColCreate routines, except that a separate table is
created in the same dataset in which block exists to store the filter values. This is useful if one
expects to have many ranges applied to the same variable, since ``non­special'' filter values are
stored in keywords by default and therefore have a practical limit on how many filter ranges can be
stored. The cptNames parameter is an array of strings with a size of two, where each string is the
name to give to the first and second columns respectively within the value table. Note that each
component of each subspace column has it's own value table and not every component is required to
have a value table, although all the components of a given subspace column which do have a value
table must have the same column names. Also note that if one does a dmSubspaceColCreateTable,
resets the current component, and then does a dmSubspaceColSet, these newly set values will not
be placed in a value table unless dmSubspaceColSetTableName is called on the current component
(table name should be unique, even from that of value tables of other components).
4.13.3 dmSubspaceColGet
dmSubspaceColGet s( dmDescriptor* dd, short** value1, short** value2, long* nvalues
dmSubspaceColGet l( dmDescriptor* dd, int** value1, int** value2, long* nvalues )
dmSubspaceColGet f( dmDescriptor* dd, float** value1, float** value2, long* nvalues )
dmSubspaceColGet d( dmDescriptor* dd, double** value1, double** value2, long* nval­
ues )
Context 1 (R1.6): Retrieve filter values given filter descriptor.

Context 2 (R2): Retrieve values given a table column of arbitrary element type, forcing to
element type dmRANGE.
4.13.4 dmSubspaceColIntersect
int dmSubspaceColIntersect( dmDescriptor* dd1, dmDescriptor* dd2, dmDescriptor*
dd )
(R2) Intersect two DSS DD's and copy the result to the third. Typically the three DD's are in
three separate files and refer to the same quantity (e.g. all are TIME in three different tables).
4.13.5 dmSubspaceColOpen
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColOpen( dmBlock* block, char* name )
(R1.6): Find a subspace column in the data subspace of a block, given its name. Analogous to
dmTableOpenColumn and dmKeyOpen. (new routine).
4.13.6 dmSubspaceColRead
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColRead s( dmBlock* block, char* name, short** value1,
short** value2, long* nvalues )
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColRead l( dmBlock* block, char* name, int** value1, int**
value2, long* nvalues )
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColRead f( dmBlock* block, char* name, float** value1,
float** value2, long* nvalues )
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceColRead d( dmBlock* block, char* name, double** value1,
double** value2, long* nvalues )
(R1.6): Retrieve filter values given filter descriptor. Combines dmSubspaceColOpen and dm­
SubspaceColGet, analogous to dmKeyRead.
4.13.7 dmSubspaceColSet
dmSubspaceColSet s( dmDescriptor* dd, short* value1, short* value2, long nvalues )
dmSubspaceColSet l( dmDescriptor* dd, int* value1, int* value2, long nvalues )
dmSubspaceColSet f( dmDescriptor* dd, float* value1, float* value2, long nvalues )
dmSubspaceColSet d( dmDescriptor* dd, double* value1, double* value2, long nvalues
(R1.6) Set filter values given filter descriptor. If necessary, alter the size of the array.

4.13.8 dmSubspaceColSetTableName
int dmSubspaceColSetTableName(dmDescriptor* col, char* name)
(R1.6): Set the name of the value table for the given data subspace descriptor.
4.13.9 dmSubspaceColUpdate
dmSubspaceColUpdate s(dmDescriptor* dd,short* value1,short* value2,long nvalues)
dmSubspaceColUpdate l(dmDescriptor* dd,int* value1,int* value2,long nvalues)
dmSubspaceColUpdate f(dmDescriptor* dd,float* value1,float* value2,long nvalues)
dmSubspaceColUpdate d(dmDescriptor* dd,double* value1,double* value2,long nval­
(R1.6): Set subspace column values given subspace column descriptor. If necessary, alter the
size of the array. Like dmSubspaceColSet routines, except that input values are intersected with
existing values. A NULL intersection causes the current component to be removed from the data
4.13.10 dmSubspaceCreateRegion: Create region subspace
dmDescriptor* dmSubspaceCreateRegion( dmBlock* block, char* name, char* type,
char* unit, char* region, char** cptNames, long dim )
(R2): Create a 2D region and add it to the DSS. Use the PROS/SAOIMAGE region syntax.
4.13.11 dmSubspaceGetRegion
char* dmSubspaceGetRegion( dmDescriptor* dd, char* region )
(R2): Retrieve the region string stored in a region type filter.
4.13.12 dmSubspaceSetRegion
int dmSubspaceSetRegion(dmDescriptor* filter, char* region)
(R2) Store a region string in a region filter. It is an error to specify a region for a descriptor
with a vector of dimensionality other than 2.

4.14 dmTable Routines
4.14.1 dmTableAllocRow
void* dmTableAllocRow(dmBlock* table)
(R1.6): This routines facilitates row­based I/O on arbitrary tables, whose structure need not be
known apriori. For example, rather than statically defining your row structures prior to compilation,
this routine allows dynamic runtime definitions by allocating a row structure of the appropriate size
and structure for the specified table. The resultant row structure may be used (via the returned
pointer) for subsequent dmGetRow and dmPutRow calls.
This approach will be even more useful in the future (R1.7), when the API is expanded to
include routines that will allow you to access the indvidual columns of this arbitrarily defined row
4.14.2 dmTableCopyRow
int dmTableCopyRow( dmBlock* table1, dmBlock* table2 )
(R2): This routine is used in conjunction with the dmBlockCreateCopy routine. If table2 has
been created as a copy of table1, it `remembers' the columns from table 1 that its columns correspond
to (some may have been deleted, some new ones may have been added). The values for the current
row are copied from table 1 to table 2. You can't use the usual row­based I/O routines to do this
in general unless you happen to know the structure of the table. This routine lets you work in
the paradigm of 'make me a copy of whatever is in this table, and then add the following extra
4.14.3 dmTableCreateColumns
dmDescriptor** dmTableCreateColumns( dmBlock* table, char** names, dmDataType*
types, char** units, char** desc, long ncols )
(R2): Create a set of scalar columns all at once. A convenience function to save lots of calls to
4.14.4 dmTableCreateGenericColumns
dmDescriptor** dmTableCreateGenericColumns( dmBlock* table, char** names, dm­
DataType* types, char** units, char** desc, dmElementType* elementTypes, char**
cptNames, long* dim, long** axes, long *naxes, long ncols )

(R3): Create a set of generic table columns all at once. The cptNames string array argument
refers to the components of ALL columns, and is thus scanned according to each columns specified
dimensionality and element type.
4.14.5 dmTableGetNoCols
long dmTableGetNoCols(dmBlock* table)
Context 1 (R1): For a table, returns the number of columns in the table, or dmBADCOL on
Context 2 (R1): For an image, returns 1 (an image is a table with 1 column and 1 row).
4.14.6 dmTableGetNoRows
long dmTableGetNoRows(dmBlock* table)
Context 1 (R1): For a table, returns the absolute number of physical rows in the table, or
dmBADROW on error.
Note that it is difficult (for performance reasons, mainly) to determine apriori the number
of virtual rows in a virtual table (ie, a table opened with an arbitrary filter). Without actually
applying the filter to an entire scan of the table, how else could one determine such information?
So, accurately determining numrows prior to application table scanning implies that two entire
traversals would be necessary for an application doing filtered I/O, one hidden scan within the
DM library to determine numrows, the other scan in the main processing loop of the application
code. Because of this performance constraint, one should generally check for dmNOMOREROWS
to terminate filtered table traversal loops, rather than looping on the absolute row number obtained
from dmTableGetNoRows.
Context 2 (R1): For an image, returns 1 (since an image is a table with 1 column and 1 row).
4.14.7 dmTableGetRow
long dmTableGetRow(dmBlock* table, void* row)
(R1): Fill the supplied row buffer (either a structure or an array) with data from the current
row of the table, returning the row number of the retrieved row and advancing the row pointer by
one. The value dmNOMOREROWS is returned when the end of table is reached, or on error.
4.14.8 dmTableGetRowNo
long dmTableGetRowNo(dmBlock* table)
Context 1 (R1): Table: Returns the current row number, or dmBADROW on error.
Context 2 (R1): Image: Returns 1.

4.14.9 dmTableNextRow
long dmTableNextRow(dmBlock* table)
(R1): Advance the row pointer so that future reads will come from the next row of the table.
dmNOMOREROWS will be returned on error or when the end of the table is reached, otherwise
the new current row number is returned. This routine causes an error for an image.
4.14.10 dmTableOpenColumn: Get column handle
dmDescriptor* dmTableOpenColumn(dmBlock* table, char *colName)
Context 1 (R1): Searches in table for a column with the given name, returning a column
descriptor (NULL if not found). In (R1.5) the comparison will be case­insensitive, and the first
match found (in order of column number) is returned. No check for ambiguity is performed.
Context 2 (R2): For an image, this routine is pretty useless. It should return the image data
descriptor if you give it the image data name, but that's not a high priority for implementation.
Context 3 (R3): We should consider supporting wild cards in the name search, like FITSIO
4.14.11 dmTableOpenColumnList: Get list of columns
dmDescriptor** dmTableOpenColumnList(dmBlock* table, long* ncols)
Context 1 (R1): Returns a list of data descriptors, one for each column in the table. The
number of descriptors returned is indicated by the numcols parameter. This wraps the functionality
of dmTableGetNoCols and dmTableOpenColumnNo in a convenient way. The user must free the
array memory (but not the array contents).
Context 2 (R1): If the table was opened with dmTableOpenSelect, only the selected columns
are returned.
Context 3 (R1): If the block is actually an image, ncols = 1 and the single descriptor is that of
the image data.
4.14.12 dmTableOpenColumnNo: Get column handle
dmDescriptor* dmTableOpenColumnNo(dmBlock* table, long colNo)
Context 1 (R1): Return the data descriptor for the nth column in the table. Returns null if
column number is out of range.
Context 2 (R1): For an image, returns the image data descriptor if colNo = 1, otherwise returns

4.14.13 dmTableOpenSelect: Select row structure
dmBlock* dmTableOpenSelect(dmDataset* dataset, char* tabname, char* columnlist,
dmDataType *castToType)
Context 1 (R1): Select a subset of the given tables columns for opening, as specified by the
comma­delimited columnlist. Note that if you are going to perform row­based I/O on the table (via
dmTableGetRow), your row structure must contain ONLY fields that correspond to the selected
columns, with care being taken that the structure and column datatypes match. One example where
this routine proves useful is that it gives one the ability to read GTI tables from both Einstein and
ROSAT archives, using the same piece of code. Since both tables will contain ''START'' and
''STOP'' columns, the reader code can select just those two for opening, effectively ignoring any
other columns that might be present (thus improving code usability across the archives).
Context 2 (R1.5): Passing in a pointer to a variable of type dmDataType allows the caller to
specify that on subsequent entire­row based reads (again, via dmTableGetRow) all column values
will be cast to the specified type. This is useful when you do not know prior to compilation how
many columns you'll eventually need to scan. In this instance, instead of passing a pointer to a
C structure to dmTableGetRow, the caller passes an array of type sufficiently large to store the
range of possible column values, and size sufficiently large to contain the largest expected number of
columns. Note that ONLY strictly numeric types will be accepted as possible cast types, or NULL
to indicate no casting is desired.
Context 3 (R2): As above, but support a modified syntax to the columnlist which allows forcing
of the data types (in case the data types are different from what is expected). A possible modified
syntax is (in the spirit of PROS eventdef) to optionally follow column names by a colon and a letter
indicating the type they will have in the row struct ­ for instance, ''START:d,STOP:d'' to indicate
two doubles. This proposed functionality is subject to further design review.
This routine will become less needed when filtering is fully implemented, as one may then just
use dmBlockOpen with the appropriate column selection enforced. The routine throws an error if
used with an image block.
4.14.14 dmTablePutRow
long dmTablePutRow(dmBlock* table, void* row )
(R1): Close out this row of table, advancing to the next row for future write operations. If
the row structure pointer is null, assume all writes have already been done using dmSetScalar etc.
Otherwise, write values using the current row­based I/O structure.
4.14.15 dmTableSetRow
long dmTableSetRow(dmBlock* table, long rowNo)

(R1) Go to the specified absolute row number in the given table and return the current row
number value. If rowNo ! 1, the row pointer will be set to 1. If rowNo ? number of rows in the
table, or if dmENDOFTABLE is specified, the row pointer will be adjusted to point past the last
table row, and dmNOMOREROWS will be returned. In this way, new rows may be easily added
to the end of an existing table. For all other error conditions, dmBADROW will be returned. Note
that images have only 1 row.
5 Changes to Abstract Data Model Design
In reviewing the API, it became clear that some changes to the abstract design are needed. These
changes will later be folded in to the abstract design document.
5.1 Element Type Component Names
Following discussions on the common data model mail exploder and review of actual examples, it
turns out that we need to add component names to the component columns of the Element Types.
In the earlier design, we assumed that a dmINTERVAL element called X would get automatically
assigned kernel column names X, X MIN, X MAX. It turns out that it's better to allow the user
to specify these names. We now converge the idea of vector columns and element types somewhat,
considering them as one one­dimensional list of components: e.g. a column of element dimension 2
and element type dmInterval has six components X, X MIN, X MAX, Y, Y MIN, Y MAX. However,
we retain the distinction between the vector components and the element type components: the
element type components are assigned a special meaning (e.g. the minimum of a range), which
allows the filtering process to work.
The support for FITS type COMMENT header info has been changed; see dmBlockWriteComment
and dmBlockReadComment.
6 Future Requirements
6.1 Further formats
The IRAF­QPOE kernel should also support PLMASK files and ST TABLE files. These should be
read automatically and written using a kernel hint option. There should be an ASCII kernel which
supports simple ASCII files and John Roll's Starbase format.