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Дата изменения: Wed Aug 30 23:17:29 2000
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 10:48:54 2012

Поисковые слова: п р п р п р п р п р п р п
FITS Embedded Function Speci cation
Arnold Rots and Jonathan McDowell
1 Introduction 2
2 De nitions 2
4 FUNCTION Speci cation 6
7 Example 9
 $Id: func3.tex,v 1.2 2000/08/30 18:21:09 arots Exp arots $

ASC FITS Embedded Function Speci cation 2
1 Introduction
This document de nes the FITS FUNCTION binary table syntax. The objective is to allow spec-
i cation of an n-dimensional image in the form of an analytical function of n variables, in a FITS
binary table HDU. The salient points are that it speci es all external coordinates (independent
variables) through the FTYPEs, allowing them to be free-running or enumerated; internal map-
pings and transformations are allowed through internal functions and arithmetic expressions, cast
as virtual columns; constants may be set; and the \return value" of the table is an arithmetic
combination of all these. The design is explained through two simple examples.
In the following sections, we rst provide basic de nitions; then a speci cation of the independent
(external) function variables and of the function de nition itself; after that a speci cation of the
two internal virtual columns types; and nally, a more sophisticated example.
The speci cation will have the status of an ASC internal convention, although it is intended to be
general enough that it may gain wider acceptance.
2 De nitions
Function tables are identi ed by:
The function is de ned by:
The function expression may contain the arithmetic operators +  =   and ve types of
operands or \parameters"; except for the rst, these operands can be thought of as columns in the
table (real columns, constant columns, and virtual columns), and the function would thus be an
aritmetic combination of these \columns". One should be warned, though, that operands may be
de ned in terms of other operands; hence reality is more complicated than this simpli ed view.
 FTYPEi: axes of the function evaluation space; these may just be speci ed as a range or
may also appear as a table column (TTYPEj) if other parameters are to be enumerated along
such an axis.
 DTYPEi: constants; the name is provided by DTYPEi, the value by DVALi, and the units
by DUNITi. This is the \constant column".

ASC FITS Embedded Function Speci cation 3
 TTYPEi: parameters enumerated in table column i.
 VTYPEi: function components; the name is provided by VTYPEi, the function expression
by VFUNCi. This is the \virtual function column".
 WTYPEi: arithmetic components; the name is provided by WTYPEi, the arithmetic expres-
sion by WFUNCi. This is the \virtual arithmetic column".
The assumption is that implementation of a FEF reader will include the following functionality.
typedef struct {
char name[32] ;
double min ;
double max ;
int num ;
} FefParam ;
FefParam parms[n] ;
fits_file fef ;
double* image = readFef (fef, n, parms) ;
readFef returns an n-dimensional image where the lengths of the axes are set by parms[i].num, the
names by parms[i].name, and the minimum and maximum by parms[i].min and parms[i].max,
respectively. Each parms[i].name must correspond with an FTYPE value and the minimum and
maximum values must not exceed the corresponding FLMIN and FLMAX values. n should be
equal to FAXIS.
Extraneous columns are allowed. However, one should take care when ltering on such a column
(or any other, for that matter), that such ltering can only be guaranteed to yield a valid FEF
extension if all but one of the FTYPE variables contains more than one point. Even then, it will
still require that all FAXISi keywords are corrected.
De ne all independent variables (the evaluation space), whether they will be enumerated or not,
as FTYPEi. FAXISi speci es the number of samples provided for enumerated variables and
FLMINi/FLMAXi set the legal range for free running ones (though it is a good idea to specify
FLMIN/FLMAX also for enumerated variables in order to indicate over which range interpolation
is allowed). Obviously, the number of rows in the table should equal the product of the FAXISi
keyword values.

ASC FITS Embedded Function Speci cation 4
FTYPE1 = 'X '
FUNIT1 = 'mm '
FLMIN1 = -70.0
FLMAX1 = 70.0
FTYPE2 = 'Y '
FUNIT2 = 'mm '
FLMIN2 = -70.0
FLMAX2 = 70.0
FTYPE3 = 'Energy '
FUNIT3 = 'keV '
FAXIS3 = 3
Enumerated independent variables also need a column speci cation.
TTYPE1 = 'Energy '
TUNIT1 = 'keV '
TFORM1 = '1D '
At least for the time being, we require a full matrix; i.e. , the columns with enumerated variables
should form a regular grid, such as:
1 1
2 1
4 1
1 2
2 2
4 2
1 3
2 3
4 3
We shall assume that if function values are requested for values of enumerated variables that fall
between the enumerated grip points, the values of all enumerated columns will be interpolated
linearly. It is important to note that the parameter values are interpolated, not the function values.
If the values of an entire row are to be held constant for a range of values of an enumerated variable,
one may specify bins by using a LO and HI column and adding the appropriate DM keywords:
TTYPE1 = 'Energy_LO'
TUNIT1 = 'keV '
TFORM1 = '1D '
TTYPE2 = 'Energy_HI'

ASC FITS Embedded Function Speci cation 5
TUNIT2 = 'keV '
TFORM2 = '1D '
MTYPE1 = 'Energy '
MFORM1 = 'Energy_LO,Energy_HI'
METYP1 = 'R '
The values in the row will be constant for all energies between Energy LO and Energy HI.
In some cases (e.g., response matrices) it is desirable to limit the domain of a free running variable
depending on the values of the enumerated variables. This may be done by incorporating two
columns for FDMINi and FDMAXi. If PHA is free running in the following example:
FTYPE1 = 'X '
FUNIT1 = 'mm '
FLMIN1 = -70.0
FLMAX1 = 70.0
FTYPE2 = 'Y '
FUNIT2 = 'mm '
FLMIN2 = -70.0
FLMAX2 = 70.0
FTYPE3 = 'Energy '
FUNIT3 = 'keV '
FAXIS3 = 3
FUNIT4 = 'chan '
TTYPE1 = 'X_LO '
TUNIT1 = 'mm '
TFORM1 = '1E '
TTYPE2 = 'X_HI '
TUNIT2 = 'mm '
TFORM2 = '1E '
TTYPE3 = 'Y_LO '
TUNIT3 = 'mm '
TFORM3 = '1E '
TTYPE4 = 'Y_HI '
TUNIT4 = 'mm '
TFORM4 = '1E '
TTYPE5 = 'Energy '
TUNIT5 = 'keV '
TFORM5 = '1E '
TUNIT6 = 'chan '
TFORM6 = '1E '

ASC FITS Embedded Function Speci cation 6
TUNIT7 = 'chan '
TFORM7 = '1E '
MTYPE1 = 'X '
METYP1 = 'R '
MTYPE2 = 'Y '
METYP2 = 'R '
4 FUNCTION Speci cation
De ne the table's function:
FUNCTION= 'Norm - Scale * (X2 + Y2)'
BUNIT = 'mm**2 '
The FUNCTION de nition is an arithmetic expression in which the operands may be the values
of any of the following:
with operators +  =  ; parentheses are allowed.
TTYPE2 = 'Norm '
TUNIT2 = 'mm**2 '
TFORM2 = '1D '
TTYPE3 = 'Scale '
TFORM3 = '1D '
VFUNC1 = 'Square (X)'
VTYPE1 = 'X2 '
VFUNC2 = 'Square (Y)'
VTYPE2 = 'Y2 '

ASC FITS Embedded Function Speci cation 7
An alternative would be:
FUNCTION= 'Norm - Scale * (X * X + Y * Y)'
To put the whole example from this and the previous section together:
FUNCTION= 'Norm - Scale * (X2 + Y2)'
BUNIT = 'mm**2 '
FTYPE1 = 'X '
FUNIT1 = 'mm '
FLMIN1 = -70.0
FLMAX1 = 70.0
FTYPE2 = 'Y '
FUNIT2 = 'mm '
FLMIN2 = -70.0
FLMAX2 = 70.0
FTYPE3 = 'Energy '
FUNIT3 = 'keV '
FAXIS3 = 3
FLMIN3 = 0.0
FLMAX3 = 6.0
TTYPE1 = 'Energy '
TUNIT1 = 'keV '
TFORM1 = '1D '
TTYPE2 = 'Norm '
TUNIT2 = 'mm**2 '
TFORM2 = '1D '
TTYPE3 = 'Scale '
TFORM3 = '1D '
VFUNC1 = 'Square (X)'
VTYPE1 = 'X2 '
VFUNC2 = 'Square (Y)'
VTYPE2 = 'Y2 '
Energy Norm Scale
0.5 100.0 1.0
1.5 90.0 0.9
4.5 80.0 0.8

ASC FITS Embedded Function Speci cation 8
Virtual function columns (VTYPEi) are de ned through functions:
VFUNCi = 'G(P1, P2, P3, ...; C)'
Where G is chosen from a de ned set of function names and where P i
may be the value of any
valid operand { one of the following:
 a constant number
C is the name of a parameter object or a coeфcient object that is speci c to the function G and
which attributes need to be speci ed as C < name >; not all functions require a parameter object.
For each parameter object attribute there has to be one TTYPE, DTYPE, VTYPE, or WTYPE
that carries its name as value.
VFIELDS speci es the number of VTYPEs that are de ned.
Note that allowing VTYPEs and WTYPEs to be used in the de nition of VTYPEs provides for
the speci cation of nested functions. This is a powerful capability that requires particular care to
prevent recursion.
Examples from the prede ned set of functions (names are case-insensitive):
sin (x) / x in radians
cos (x) / x in radians
tan (x) / x in radians
exp (x)
log (x) / Natural log
square (x)
sqrt (x)
Gauss1D (x; g) / g consists of g_ampl, g_pos, g_fwhm
Gauss2D (x, y; g) / g consists of g_ampl, g_posx, g_posy,
/ g_fwhm1, g_fwhm2, g_pa

ASC FITS Embedded Function Speci cation 9
powerseries (x; p) / p consists of p_n, p_a
/ order is n-1; a is a column that contains
/ vectors of length >=n with the coefficients
fourierseries (x; p) / same convention
A later version of this document will have a de nitive list of allowed functions.
In general, arithmetic virtual columns (WTYPEi) are de ned as:
WFUNCi = 'P1 ^ P2 ^ ...'
Where \^" denotes an arithmetic operator +  =  ; parentheses are allowed.
P i
may be the value of any of the following:
 a constant number
WFIELDS speci es the number of WTYPEs that are de ned.
7 Example
A double Gaussian function:
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / Preliminaries, yada yada

ASC FITS Embedded Function Speci cation 10
NAXIS1 = 52
NAXIS2 = 6
COMMENT +------------------+
COMMENT +------------------+
COMMENT *********************************************************
COMMENT > This file is written following certain AXAF-ASC <
COMMENT > conventions which are documented in ASC-FITS-1.1 <
COMMENT *********************************************************
COMMENT / Configuration control--------------------------
CREATOR = 'xxx - Version 0.0'
DATE = '1998-01-01T00:00:00' / Date and time of file creation (UTC)
REVISION= 0 / Processing system revision number
COMMENT $Id: func3.tex,v 1.2 2000/08/30 18:21:09 arots Exp arots $
CHECKSUM= '0000000000000000' / ASCII encoded HDU checksum
DATASUM = ' 0' / Data unit checksum written in ASCII
CONTENT = ' ' / What data product
HDUSPEC = 'ASC-FITS-FUNCTION-1.2: McDowell, Rots: FITS Embedded Function Specification'
HDUDOC = 'ASC-FITS-FUNCTION-1.2: McDowell, Rots: FITS Embedded Function Specification'
HDUVERS = '1.0.0 '
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The OGIP long string convention may be used.
COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. This convention uses the '&'
COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued
COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.
COMMENT / This is the output function definition
FUNCTION= 'Campl * CX * CY + Hampl * HX * XY'
BUNIT = ' '
FAXIS = 4 / Here are the independent variables
FTYPE1 = 'X ' / X: free running
FUNIT1 = 'mm '
FLMIN1 = 0.0
FLMAX1 = 100.0

ASC FITS Embedded Function Speci cation 11
FTYPE2 = 'Y ' / Y: free running
FUNIT2 = 'mm '
FLMIN2 = 0.0
FLMAX2 = 100.0
FTYPE3 = 'Energy ' / Energy: enumerated
FUNIT3 = 'keV '
FAXIS3 = 2
FTYPE4 = 'Theta ' / Off-axis angle: enumerated
FUNIT4 = 'arcmin '
FAXIS4 = 3
TTYPE1 = 'Energy ' / Column with Energy enumerated values
TUNIT1 = 'keV '
TFORM1 = '1E '
TTYPE2 = 'Theta ' / Column with enumerated off-axis angle values
TUNIT2 = 'arcmin '
TFORM2 = '1E '
TTYPE3 = 'Csigma ' / Core sigma
TUNIT3 = 'mm '
TFORM3 = '1E '
TTYPE4 = 'Campl ' / Core amplitude
TUNIT4 = 'count '
TFORM4 = '1E '
TTYPE5 = 'HaloX_pos' / Halo X center
TUNIT5 = 'mm '
TFORM5 = '1E '
TTYPE6 = 'HaloY_pos' / Halo Y center
TUNIT6 = 'mm '
TFORM6 = '1E '
TTYPE7 = 'Hsigma ' / Halo sigma
TUNIT7 = 'mm '
TFORM7 = '1E '
TTYPE8 = 'Hampl ' / Halo amplitude
TUNIT8 = 'count '
TFORM8 = '1E '
TTYPE9 = 'TRW_ID ' / Extraneous column
TFORM9 = '20A '
DTYPE1 = 'CoreX_pos' / Constant CoreX.pos
DUNIT1 = 'mm '
DVAL1 = 0.0
DTYPE2 = 'CoreY_pos' / Constant CoreY.pos
DUNIT2 = 'mm '
DVAL2 = 0.0
DTYPE3 = 'CoreX_ampl' / Unit CoreX.ampl
DVAL3 = 1.0

ASC FITS Embedded Function Speci cation 12
DTYPE4 = 'CoreY_ampl' / Unit CoreY.ampl
DVAL4 = 1.0
DTYPE5 = 'HaloX_ampl' / Unit HaloX.ampl
DVAL5 = 1.0
DTYPE6 = 'HaloY_ampl' / Unit HaloY.ampl
DVAL6 = 1.0
COMMENT / Here are the internal function definitions
VFIELDS = 4 / The number of function virtual columns
VTYPE1 = 'CX '
VFUNC1 = 'Gauss1D (X; CoreX)'
VTYPE2 = 'CY '
VFUNC2 = 'Gauss1D (Y; CoreY)'
VTYPE3 = 'HX '
VFUNC3 = 'Gauss1D (X; HaloX)'
VTYPE4 = 'HY '
VFUNC4 = 'Gauss1D (Y; HaloY)'
COMMENT / Here are the internal function definitions
WFIELDS = 4 / The number of arithmetic virtual columns
WTYPE1 = 'CoreX_fwhm'
WFUNC1 = 'Csigma '
WTYPE2 = 'CoreY_fwhm'
WFUNC2 = 'Csigma '
WTYPE3 = 'HaloX_fwhm'
WFUNC3 = 'Hsigma '
WTYPE4 = 'HaloY_fwhm'
WFUNC4 = 'Hsigma '