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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Jun 28 21:40:59 2011
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 04:14:42 2012

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: aurora
Our Chandra M31 Campaign Some Surprises and M31*
Michael Garcia, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Ben Williams (Penn St), Albert Kong(MIT), Steve Murray (HRC/GTO), Manuel Torres-Perez, Francis Primini

Chandra HRC

M Garcia, 6 Years of Chandra, Nov 4 2005


Our Campaign: ACIS Followup of Transients
·Most transients in bulge, ACIS+HRC obs concentrated ·AO1,2,3,5,7... 107 separate obs, =574ks! [141/814ks!!] ·Time 50/50 GO/GTO ­ multi-year program not possible w/o GTO time! ·7 year span ­ yeilds numbers of SXT vs persistent, duty cycles. ·574 ks ­ sensitive measure of M31*, LF, SNR, etc.
M Garcia, 6 Years of Chandra, Nov 4 2005


M31 `ACIS/ASM' Movie

M Garcia, 6 Years of Chandra, Nov 4 2005


Van Paradijs & McClintock 94


· · ·

· · ·
M Garcia, 6 Years of Chandra, Nov 4 2005

AO3,5,(7) CXO SXT discovery, HST Optical ID Lx,Mv-> Porb (fundamental after population #s, -> a,evol,Mdot,XRT,etc.) 1, <1.6, <2.2, <2.3, 8, 23d MW, 0.15d

0.5 0.66 x Porb


Transients: Williams etal 2003

(surprise 1)

· Nov 99 ­ June 02, 2.5 years, HRC-I only - covering FULL disk ·17 Transients in 17 Snapshots ­ concentrated in bulge ·1 new source per obs, 100 persistent (NS) in bulge ·Transients concentrate in Bulge region ­ likely LM -> BH XRN? ·SURPRISE: IF Duty Cycle of BH ~1% (MW) -> similar # BH and NS ·Evolutionary calcs often predict #NS>>#BH ! (re-discovery of MW numbers)
Williams 2005 ApJ submitted, 45(!) transients, ACIS, XMM, poster HERE

M Garcia, 6 Years of Chandra, Nov 4 2005


PN/SNR +XRB Associations
· Kong etal 2002 ­ 8 PNs w/ Lx~1037 (!) · Williams etal 2004 · Register with LGS to 0.25'', O[III],S[II], H. · NOT matches! Near misses ­ Prob 1% · X-ray spectra/timing ~ XRBs · What are they?
­ Probably NOT SNR ­ Lx < 1035 ­ Probably not Ejected XRB ­ V too high

(surprise 2)

· Don't Know! (survey eased in M31) optical spectra will help
M Garcia, 6 Years of Chandra, Nov 4 2005


PN/SNR +XRB Associations

(surprise 2)

Optical w/ contours

·Gallo, Fender etal 2005 Nature ·Cyg X-1 radio/optical `bubble' blown by jet ·Separation @M31 = 1 arcsec... as seen in PN/SNR + XRBs ·Optical spectra could tell!

M Garcia, 6 Years of Chandra, Nov 4 2005


R3-63: A resolved SNR w/ XRB
· · · · · · · Williams, Barnard etal 2005 In MW, only SS433 (Cir X-1?) Highly Significant Variability detected in XMM PL+break = disk accretion SNR resolved with Chandra Low significance variability w/ Chandra in NW quadrant Maybe there are ejected XRBs? Optical spectra could ID SNRs

(surprise 3)

M Garcia, 6 Years of Chandra, Nov 4 2005


P1 M31* P2



Kormendy and Bender 1999 Rare Double Nucleus, plus 3 x 107 Msun SMBH @P2

Kong etal 2002 ACIS Mosaic ­ Clear Diffuse emission In central region

Bondi accretion rate? Bondi Radius? Accretion (radiation) efficiency? jets? Position of Crane 1992 pt radio source? (within 0.5'', accurate to 0.15''...)
M Garcia, 6 Years of Chandra, Nov 4 2005


M31* - HRC and ACS to 0.1''
Garcia etal 2005 ApJ

50ks HRC image P1/P2 indicated schematically M31* error circle = 0.1'' radius Dashed line = resolved source, 13 counts, 2.5 Above N1+SSS+diffuse 13 counts ~ 10^36 ergs/sec

ACS image, HRC contours Separate (=resolved) contour at M31* Radio pt source in white ­ predates Discovery of double nucleus!

M Garcia, 6 Years of Chandra, Nov 4 2005


M31* - A06 HRC/VLA Movie

50ks HRC image P1/P2 indicated schematically M31* error circle = 0.1'' radius Dashed line = resolved source, 13 counts, 2.5 Above N1+SSS+diffuse 13 counts ~ 10^36 ergs/sec
M Garcia, 6 Years of Chandra, Nov 4 2005

4 x 50 ks HRC images, simultaneous VLA MUCH varaibility! Radio/X-ray may distinguish Jets/ADAF 11

Summary: Chandra M31 Campaign, Some Surprises and M31*
·7 Year Synoptic program ­ Modest exposures, but sum 574ks, could obtain ~1 Msec if continued ·Many Transients found ­ 45 total, Williams 2005 ·SXT Counterparts - 6 ORBITAL PERIODS, 5 more in AO7 ·Surprises ·N(NS) ~ N(BH) ­ expect N(NS) > N(BH) ·X-rays near PNebula/SNR? Ejected XRBs? Jets? ·Resolved SNR w/ embedded XRB ·M31* RBH resolved, `Severe and Secure' constraints ·M31* X-ray/Radio Variablity ­ Jets or ADAF?

M Garcia, 6 Years of Chandra, Nov 4 2005