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Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 00:20:33 2016

Поисковые слова: massive stars
15 September 2010 VITA MARTIN S. ELVIS Senior Astrophysicist 1. Education: Bristol University, B.Sc., Physics (1973) Sussex University, M.Sc., Astronomy (1974) Leicester University, Ph.D., X-ray Astronomy (1978) 2. Positions Held: 1977-1978 1978-1980 19801980-1993 1989-1998 1993-1997 1997Research Associate, University of Leicester SRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Leicester and Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Associate, Harvard College Observatory Astrophysicist (Trust), Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Lecturer, Harvard College Observatory Astrophysicist (Federal), Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Senior Astrophysicist (Federal, Senior Level), Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

Home Page: http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~elvis

3. Professional Appointments: (see Section 8 for detailed responsibilities) 197719781981198419911996200720071978 1981 1983 1991 2004 2003 Scientist, Ariel V Sky Survey Instrument Data Analysis. Scientist, Einstein Observatory Mission Operation and Planning. Scientist, Einstein Observatory Data Processing System. Senior Scientist, Einstein Observatory Analysis System. Chandra X-ray Center, Science Data System Group Leader. XMM Survey Science Center, Associate Scientist. Magdalena Ridge Observatory Science Working Group Adjunct Faculty, New Mexico Institute for Mining & Technology

4. Publications: (see Bibliography for details) 302 papers in refereed journals (ADS 15 Sept 2010); (81 since 2005 PAEC). ISI Highly Cited Researcher (Original member of top 250 Astronomers, 2002). 15113 citations (ADS, 15Sept2010); h-index = 67; m-index = 2.1 (Hirsch astro-ph/0508025); mean cites/paper 50.

5. Professional Societies: International Astronomical Union Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) American Astronomical Society (AAS) Associate, COSPAR Society of Photo-Optical Instrument Engineers (SPIE) American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 6. Prizes and Awards 2007 Pirelli International 2006 Multimedia Science Communication Prize (with K.Kowal, A. Hobart, M.Watzke] 7. Professional Activities (Astrophysics): 6a. Committees 1987 198819891989199119941993 1994199619951996199619972002200520041991 1990 1992 1993 1995 1995 1997 1996 1997 1999 1998 2004 2007 2006 HEAD-AAS Nominating Committee. NASA Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO) Users' Committee Secretary to the NASA Astrophysics Subcommittee (AMOWG). NASA High Energy Astrophysics MOWG Chair, NASA HEASARC Users' Committee Past-Chair, NASA HEASARC Users' Committee Vice-Chair, High Energy Astrophysics Division, AAS Chair, High Energy Astrophysics Division, AAS Former Chair, High Energy Astrophysics Division, AAS Co-Chair, CfA Colloquium Organizing Committee NAS/NRC Task Group on Space Astronomy & Astrophysics (`TGSAA', "Thaddeus' Committee") NRAO Users' Committee AAS Committee on Astronomy and Public Policy (`CAPP') Space Telescope Users Committee ("STUC") Chair, Space Telescope Users Committee ("STUC") AAS Heinemann Prize Committee

6b. Meetings Organization 1985-1986 1987 1987-1988 1989 1993 Scientific Organizing Committee, ESA Workshop "Physics of Accretion onto Compact Objects" Tenerife, Spain. Panel Member, NASA Astrophysics Data Systems Workshops. Chair: Local Organizing Committee; SOC , "From Einstein to AXAF" Symposium, Cambridge, MA. Scientific Organising Committee, "High Energy Astrophysics in the 21st Century", Taos NM Session Organiser, IAU 6th Asian Pacific Regional Meeting on Astronomy, Pune, India

1994 1995 1995-1996 1995-1996 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2001 2003 2004 2004 2004-2005 2005 2005 2005-2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011

Chair, Scientific Organizing Committee "1994 High Energy Astrophysics Division Meeting: The Multi-Mission Perspective", Napa, CA Chair, Scientific Organizing Committee ASC Workshop, "Rates, Codes and Astrophysics", Cambridge, MA SOC "X-ray Imaging & Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas", Tokyo, Japan. Chair, SOC AAS-HEAD Divisional Meeting, San Diego, CA. SOC "X-ray Surveys", Potsdam, Germany SOC AAS-HEAD Divisional Meeting, Estes Park, CO SOC "Luminosity Effects in Quasars", La Serena, Chile SOC "Heating and Acceleration in the Universe", Tokyo, Japan. SOC "X-ray Surveys and the History of Accretion in the Universe", Roma, Italy. SOC "Galaxies and their Constituents at the Highest Angular Resolution", IAU Symposium No. 205, Manchester, England. SOC "Workshop of X-ray Spectroscopy of AGN with Chandra and XMM-Newton", MPE Garching, Germany, December 2001. SOC "AGN Physics with SDSS", Princeton, July 2003 Organizer; AAS Atlanta, GA Special Session "The Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium: the main baryon reservoir in the Local Universe." SOC "X-ray and Radio Connections", Taos, NM, Feb 3-6. SOC "AGN and Galaxy Evolution", Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Oct 3-6 SOC "AGN Winds in the Caribbean", St. John USVI, Nov29-Dec2 Co-chair, AAS DC meeting Special Session "Extreme Physics from Compact Objects" (with M.C. Miller) Co-chair: COSPAR session on "Challenges in High Resolution Space Astronomy: Astrophysics, Technology and Data", Beijing, China, 16-23 July Co-chair: `The Impact of AGN Feedback on Galaxy Formation', Ringberg Castle, Germany, May 2007. SOC, "InternationalWorkshoponAstronomicalXRayOptics",Prague,CZ, Dec2008. SOC, "Evolution of Galaxies and Central Black Holes: Feeding and Feedback", IAU Symposium 267, Rio de Janeiro, August 2009. SOC, "The Growth of Supermassive Black Holes", Durham, UK, July 2010 SOC, "High Energy View of Accreting Objects: AGN and X-ray Binaries", Crete, Greece, October 2010. SOC, "Wideband X-ray Astronomy", IUCAA, Pune (India), Jan. 2010. SOC, "Science with Optical Interferometry", UNM, Socorro, NM, Mar. 2011.

6c. Proposal Review Committees 1989 1989 1993 1994 1997 1998 2000 2001 2001 2004 2004 2007 2006HST Proposal Review Committee (A01) NASA Astrophysics Software and Research Aids proposal Review Committee. ROSAT Proposal Review Committee (A04) ASCA Proposal Review Committee (A02) HST Proposal Review Committee (NICMOS) Associate Chair, HST Extragalactic Archive Panel NASA Cross Enterprise Technologies Development Review Chair, HST Extragalactic Panel, Cycle 11 HST Time Assignment Committee, Cycle 11 Panel Chair, TAC member, Spitzer Cycle 2 NSF EVLA-II Review committee Suzaku Time Assignment Committee, Cycle 2 2009 NRAO VLA/VLBI Proposal Selection Committee (PSC)

6d. Refereeing Activities Books Proposals Papers Tenure Applications AGN book proposals for Wiley, CUP. NASA, NSF proposals ApJ, ApJ Letters, AJ, A&A, PASJ, Nature, PASP, MNRAS Responded to requests for assessment (3-4/year)

6e. Mission Development 198519901998199819982004200420042001 1991 2002 2004 2006 Co-Investigator AXAF High Resolution Camera. Co-Investigator, LAMAR on Space Station MAXIM Science Working Group EXIST Science Working Group KRONOS Science Team Gen-X NASA Vision Mission Steering Committee Science Lead Pharos: The Missing Baryons Explorer: PI Extreme Physics Explorer: PI

6f. Other 1987 1989 1990 1990-1991 1990 1997 Invited Participant, Program on Active Galactic Nuclei, Institute for Theoretical Physics, UC, Santa Barbara. Author, "GRO Guest Observer Data Analysis" (`Elvis Report') Editor, "Imaging X-ray Astronomy: A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements" [Cambridge: CUP]. Co-editor HEAO Newsletter Nominator, 1991 Crafoord Prize Visiting Scientist, Space Telescope Science Institute

7. Professional Activities (Educational): 7a. Graduate Student Supervision 19901990199019931994199619991999 19992000200620082008 200620092007200820051991 1991 1996 1994 1995 1999 2000 2001 2001 2010 2009 2007 2010 2010 2010 Aneta Siemiginowska, Copernicus Institute, Warsaw, PhD. (CfA predoc) Andrea Comastri, U. Bologna, PhD. Olga Kuhn, Harvard University, PhD Tom Aldcroft, Stanford, physics PhD. Paolo Ciliegi, U. Milano, PhD. (CfA predoc) Fabrizio Nicastro, U. Rome, PhD. Frank Tesch, U. Hamburg, PhD. Evanthia Hatziminaoglou, Toulouse, PhD (Summer) Ilaria Cagnoni, SISSA, Trieste, PhD. Guido Risaliti, Oss. Arcetri, Firenze, PhD Monica Young, Boston University, PhD. Mercedes Andrade-Velazquez, UNAM, PhD Omaira Gonzalez-Martin, Granada, PhD David English, Southampton University, MSc Yuan Liu, Tsinghua University (Beijing), PhD Susmita Chakravorty, IUCAA Pune (India), PhD Charles Steinhardt, Harvard University, PhD. Heng Hao, Harvard University, PhD.

Research Assistants continuing to Grad. School: J. Bechtold, S. Baum, M. Henriksen, A. McDonald, C. Fassnacht (Caltech 1994); S. Oey (Steward, 1990), C. Prescod-Weinstein (Perimeter Insti tute, 2010), Krista McCord, 7b. Graduate Student Thesis Committees 1986 1989 1998-1999 1999 2002-2005 2002 2003 2005-2007 2009200920097c. Lecturing 1985 Guest Lecturer, University of Minnesota. Andrzezj Zdziarski (Harvard) Roger Brissenden (ANU) Joanna Kuraszkiewicz (SISSA) A. Ivan (Northeaster) Gregg Ball (Harvard) Jenny Greene (Harvard) Malgozata Sobolewska (Warsaw) Paul Kondratko, chair (Harvard) Sophia Dai (Harvard) Vivian U (Harvard) Sumin Tang (Harvard)

1990,1995 Guest Lecturer, Harvard Astronomy Department, (R. Noyes, J.Luu) 1990,1994 Guest Lecturer, Harvard Astronomy Department, High Energy Astrophysics (J. Grindlay) 1993 Invited Lecturer, 1st Indo-US Astronomy Workshop, IUCAA, Pune, India. 1995 "Universe: The Infinite Frontier". (KOCE-TV, Coast Telecourses) Program 16 `Peculiar Galaxies,' Interviewed Speaker (Incl. opening and closing remarks). [*an educational TV course in astronomy for two- and four-year colleges]. 2001 "Live from a Black Hole", Passport to Knowledge (Geofrey Haines-Stiles, producer) Interviewed Speaker, on-line scientist answering email questions from students. 2003,2004 Tufts University `Space Science'/Chandra Guest Speaker (filmed in 2004) 2005 WUML (NPR U. Mass Lowell) Guest on "Sunrise Show", monthly `Eyes on the Cosmos' feature, talking about `Chandra' 2006 Lecturer, INAF graduate course on "Galaxy Dynamics and Active Galactic Nuclei", 7-12 May, Bertinoro, Italy. 2010 MIT course 16.89 (Masters): "Graduate Space Systems Engineering Design". Co-taught. 2010 MIT course 6.S26 (undergraduate): "Modern Space Science and Engineering", Guest Lecturer 7d. Writing 1997-2005 Book Chapters 2002 Quasars (M. Elvis) Chapter 23 in "The Century of Space Science" [Kluwer] eds. M. Huber, J. Geiss, and J. Bleecker, ISBN 0-7923-7196-8, pp. 529-548 2002 X-ray Astronomy (L. Golub and M. Elvis) in `Encyclopedia of Optics', eds. , [Dekker]. 2004 A Panchromatic View of AGN (G. Risaliti and M. Elvis) in "Supermassive Black Holes in the Distant Universe", ed. A.J. Barger. 7e. Local Committees 1983-1984 1990-1991 1992-1993 2000 2004-2006 2005-2006 Member, CfA Submillimeter Telescope Committee. Member, Center for Astrophysics Post-doctoral Fellowship Selection Committee. Member, Committee on Academic Studies, Harvard Univ. Dept. of Astronomy Member, Compact Objects Subcommittee, CfA Long Range Planning Committee Member, SAO Council Member, CfA WWW Committee Editor, Institute of Physics (IoP) Graduate Series in Astronomy

2005-2007 2006-2007

Member, CfA Web Advisory Committee CfA Web Design and Science Oversight committees (new CfA Web site design)

8. Professional Activities (Programmatic): 8a. Mission Planning Einstein (1980-1981): Investigated observing efficiency; rebuilt (with C. Briggs, programmer) planning software for utility including changing observing constraints; initiated semi-automated scheduling. 8b. Production Processing Einstein (1981-1985): (with G. Fabbiano) Initiated standard procedure for processing, software problem cycle, inventory control; supervised team of ~12 data processing aides including personnel actions, hirings and dismissals. 8c. Catalog Production Einstein HRI (1990): Created source catalog in ~ 3 months, including visual check of all sources; Einstein IPC Slew Survey (1988-1991): created concept (with G. Fabbiano), demonstrated feasibility of gyro aspect solution; created Slew Survey with staff of one (D. Plummer); checked reliability; identified sources (with J. Schachter) published on paper and CD-ROM. 8d. Contract Renewal Einstein (1984): Wrote five year Einstein (HEAO-2) contract proposal (with G. Fabbiano) for 1984-1989, successfully extending the program life with level funding and leading to the creation of innovative products. 8e. User Support Einstein (198 -198 ): Created and edited "HEAO Newsletter" (with G. Fabbiano); organized (with G. Fabbiano) `Einstein to AXAF' Conference. Chandra: Organized `Rates, Codes, and Astrophysics' Workshop. Series editor ASC User Guides. CIAO Web site co-designer. 8f. Software for Astronomy Data Analysis Einstein (1980,1986): Wrote parts of IPC processing software; chose IRAF for PROS development. Chandra (1993- ): ASC group leader of 10 member team responsible for all standard processing (including aspect solution) and Scientific data analysis resulting in the `CIAO' data analysis package. Devised solutions for problems of joint spatial/spectral analysis and generalized these to arbitrary dimensions, and to `stacks' of data by means of an object oriented `data model'. Generalized data altering, modeling and fitting are supported by this data model. Resulting system builds on IRAF and FTOOLS, is back compatible with them, but is much more powerful. Allows user to concentrate on scientific tasks and algorithms and minimizes `black box' impenetrability of system.

9. Grants Held: 198419851985198619871987 1986 1986 1987 1990 P.I. Guest Observer, IUE. P.I. Guest Investigator, IRAS P.I. Guest Observer, EXOSAT P.I. Guest Observer, Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO). P.I., NASA ADP Program: "A Synoptic Study of Quasar Continua". ($0.3M, 3 years) P.I., S.I. International Exchange Program, "CCD Studies of AGN" with Tata Institute, Bombay, India. Co.I., S.I. Scholarly Studies, "Observations of Galaxies with an Infrared Camera" Co-I., IUE. P.I., NASA ADP Program: "The Einstein All-Sky Slew Survey: Complete Catalog of Multi-wavelength Source Identifications" Co.I., Ginga Visiting Investigator Program P.I. ROSAT Guest Observer Programs (AO1, AO2, AO3, AO4, AO5, AO6) P.I. NASA Long Term Space Astrophysics Research Program: "The Evolution of the Quasar Continuum." ($1.2M, 5 years) Co.I., NASA Innovative Research: "Numerical Investigations of Four Reflection Grazing Incidence Optics for X-ray Astronomy" Co.I., NASA ADP-ISO Key Project: "Exploring the Full Range of Quasar/AGN Properties" Co.I., Compton GRO Guest Observer (Cycle 2, Cycle 3, Cycle 4, Cycle 5) P.I., ASCA Guest Observer Program (AO1, AO2, AO3) P.I., NASA ADP: "X-ray Spectra of Quasars from the ROSAT Public Archive" ($0.12M, 2 years) P.I., XTE Guest Observer Program (AO1) P.I., NASA ADP: "LINERS and Low luminosity AGN in the ROSAT database" ($0.1M, 2 years) XMM Survey Science Center Activities P.I., NASA ADP: "Seeing Red & Shooting Blanks" P.I., NASA XMM Cycle 1: "The X-ray Baldwin Effect: Fe-K & Compton Humps as Ionized Disk Diagnostics" P.I., NASA Chandra Cycle 1: "Bright `Blank Field' X-ray Sources" P.I., NASA Chandra Cycle 2: "Using High z Clusters as Lenses for Very Faint Source Studies with Chandra". Co-I, NASA Chandra Cycle 3 Co-I, NASA Chandra Cycle 4 Co-I Chandra Cycle 5 P.I., Rossi XTE Cycle 8 "Naked Type 2 AGN" Co-I, XMM-Newton Cycle 2 P.I., Spitzer GO1 Co-I Spitzer GO1 Co-I XMM-Newton Cycle 3

1987-1989 1988-1990 1988-1995 1989-1991 1992 1990-1996 1990-1997 1992-1994 1992-1997 1992-1996 1993-1996 1995-1997 1995 1996-1998 19972000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 `

2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2010 2010 2010

P.I. Chandra Cycle 8 "The Chandra COSMOS Survey" (Large Program, 1.8Msec, $0.45M) P.I. Suzaku, Cycle 2 "NGC5548 Monitoring: Key to AGN Structure and Cosmic Feedback" (Long Program, 240ksec, $59k) P.I.: RXTE, "Unveiling Events in Type 2 AGN: Unification and the Origin of Obscuration" ($32k) P.I.: Suzaku, Cycle 3 "NGC3227 Monitoring: Key to AGN Structure and Cosmic Feedback" (Long Program, 350ksec, $44k) P.I.: Chandra, Cycle 10 "A Coordinated Chandra, Suzaku, HST Campaign for NGC3227" (200ksec, $116k) Co-I (PI: L. Brenneman): Suzaku, Cycle 5 "A Long Look at NGC1365: Disk Tomography, Reverberation Mapping and High Energy Excess" (Long Program: 450ksec) P.I.: Smithsonian Endowment "Quasars in the COSMOS Field" ($33.5k) P.I.: Smithsonian Scholarly Studies "Black Hole Accretion in the COSMOS: UV imaging with XMM-Newton" ($66.9k) P.I.: Smithsonian Atherton Seidell Grant: Access to Asteroids: NEOview, a web-based Tool to Interrogate the Scattered Near Earth Asteroid Literature. ($70k).

10. General Fields of Investigation: · · · Extragalactic X-ray astronomy. Multi-wavelength Astrophysics X-ray, UV, optical, IR (ground and space-based), mm and radio. X-ray Surveys: Ariel V Sky Survey; Einstein Slew Survey XMM-SDSS Quasar Sample COSMOS Survey · Quasars and Active Galaxies: Structure of Quasars: unifying the diverse classifications of AGN Quasar Atmospheres: models for the emission line/absorption regions. Form and evolution of continuum emission; accretion disk models Searching for extreme quasars Feedback: Interaction of nucleus, host galaxy and intergalactic medium. Origin of the quasar luminosity function · · Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium Near Earth Objects

BIBLIOGRAPHY Publications in Refereed Journals 1 1975 An Extended Observation of Cen X-3 with the Ariel-5 Sky Survey (K.A. Pounds, B.A. Cooke, M.J. Ricketts, J. Turner, and M. Elvis) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 172, pages 473-481. 2 1975 Ariel V Sky Survey: Identification of Abell 478 with the X-ray Source 3U0405+10 (M. Elvis, B.A. Cooke, K.A. Pounds, and M.J.L. Turner) Nature, volume 257, pages 33-34. 3 1975 Dicovery of a Powerful Transient X-ray Source (A0620-00) with the Ariel Sky Survey Experiment (M. Elvis, C.G. Page, K.A. Pounds, M.J. Ricketts, and M.J.L. Turner) Nature, volume 257, pages 656-657. 4 1976 Evidence for a 17-d Periodicity from Cyg X-3 (S.S. Holt, E.A. Boldt, P.J. Serlemitsos, L.J. Kaluzienski, S.H. Pravdo, A. Peacock, M. Elvis, M.G. Watson, and K.A. Pounds) Nature, volume 260, pages 592-594. 5 1976 Identification of Abell Cluster 754 with the X-ray Source 3U0901-09 by Ariel V (J.P. Pye, B.A. Cooke, and M. Elvis) Nature, volume 262, page 195. 6 1976 NGC3783: A Possible X-ray Emitting Seyfert Galaxy (B.A. Cooke, M. Elvis, T. Maccacaro, M.J. Ward, R.A.E. Fosbury, and M.V. Penston) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 177, Short Communication, pages 121P-125P. 7 1976 Ariel V Sky Survey: Long-term Monitoring of the X-ray Emission from the Coma Cluster and NGC4151 (M. Elvis) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 177, Short Communication, pages 7P-12P. 8 1977 MCG8-11-11 - A Seyfert Galaxy in an X-ray Source Error Box (M.J. Ward, A.S. Wilson, M.J. Disney, M. Elvis, and T. Maccacaro) Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 59, pages L19-L21. 9 1977 Ariel V Sky Survey: X-ray Variability of NGC5128 (A. Lawrence, J.P. Pye, and M. Elvis) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 181, Short Communication, pages 93P-99P. 10 1977 Ariel V (SSI) Catalogue of High Galactic Latitude (| b | > 10 ) X-ray Sources (B.A. Cooke, M.J. Ricketts, T. Maccacaro, J.P. Pye, M. Elvis, M.G. Watson, R.E. Griffiths, K.A. Pounds, I. McHardy, D. Maccagni, F.D. Seward, C.G. Page, and M.J.L. Turner) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 182, pages 489-515.

11 1978 Seyfert Galaxies as X-ray Sources (M. Elvis, T. Maccacaro, A.S. Wilson, M.J. Ward, M.V. Penston, R.A.E. Fosbury, and G.C. Perola) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 183, pages 129-157. 12 1978 Optical identifications of Extragalactic X-ray Sources (M.J. Ward, A.S. Wilson, M.V. Penston, M. Elvis, T. Maccacaro, and K.P. Tritton) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 223, pages 788-797. 13 1979 On the Identification of the High Latitude X-ray Source 2A1219+305 (A.S. Wilson, M.J. Ward, D.J. Axon, M. Elvis, and E.J.A. Meurs) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 187, pages 109-115. 14 1979 X-ray Studies of Quasars with the Einstein Observatory (H. Tananbaum, Y. Avni, G. Branduardi, M. Elvis, G. Fabbiano, E. Feigelson, R. Giacconi, J.P. Henry, J.P. Pye, A. Soltan, and G. Zamorani) The Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 234, pages L9-L13. 15 1979 Discovery of an X-ray Star Association in VI Cygni (CYG OB2) (F.R. Harnden, Jr., G. Branduardi, M. Elvis, P. Gorenstein, J. Grindlay, J.P. Pye, R. Rosner, K. Topka, and G.S. Vaiana) The Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 234, pages L51-L54. 16 1981 Two Optically Dull Galaxies with Strong Nuclear X-ray Sources (M. Elvis, E.J. Schreier, J. Tonry, M. Davis, and J.P. Huchra) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 246, pages 20-27. 17 1982 X-ray Observations with the Einstein Observatory of Emission Line Galaxies (T. Maccacaro, G.C. Perola, and M. Elvis) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 257, 47. 18 1982 Radio Jets in NGC4151 (K.J. Johnston, M. Elvis, D. Kjer, and B.S.P. Shen) The Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 262, 61. 19 1982 Obscuration and the Various Kinds of Seyfert Galaxies (A. Lawrence and M. Elvis) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 256, 410. 20 1982 Detailed Observations of NGC4151 with IUE. Paper 2. Variability of the continuum from 1978 February to 1980 May including X-ray and Optical Observations (G.C. Perola, A. Boksenberg, G.E. Bromage, J. Clavel, M. Elvis, A. Elvius, P.M. Gondhalekar, J. Lind, C. Lloyd, M.V. Penston, M. Pettini, M.A.J. Snijders, E.G. Tanzi, M. Tarenghi, M.H. Ulrich, and R.S. Wa wick) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 200, 293. 21 1982 The Nuclear X-ray Source in M81 (M. Elvis and L. Van Speybroeck) The Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 257, L51.

22 1983 Optical Identification of 2A1704+241 with the M-Giant Star HD154791 (M. Garcia, S.L. Baliunas, R. Doxsey, M. Elvis, G. Fabbiano, G. Koenigsberger, J. Patterson, D. Schwartz, J. Swank, and M. Watson) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 267, 291. 23 1983 Extended Soft X-ray Emission from NGC 4151 (M. Elvis, U. Briel, and J.P. Henry) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 268, 105. 24 1984 An X-ray Survey of a Complete Sample of 3CR Radio Galaxies with the Einstein Observatory (G. Fabbiano, L. Miller, G. Trinchieri, M. Longair, and M. Elvis) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 277, 115. 25 1984 JHKL Photometry of the Nuclei of Normal Spiral Galaxies (S.P. Willner, M. Ward, A. Longmore, A. Lawrence, G. Fabbiano, and M. Elvis) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, volume 96, 143. 26 1984 X-ray and UV Spectra of Two Radio Bright Quasars (M. Elvis and G. Fabbiano) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 280, 91. 27 1984 1-20 µm Infrared Photometry of 3CR Radio Galaxies (M. Elvis, S.P. Willner, G. Fabbiano, N.P. Carleton, A. Lawrence, and M. Ward) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 280, 574. 28 1984 Very Low Luminosity Active Galaxies and the X-ray Background (M. Elvis, A. Soltan, and W. Keel) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 283, 479. 29 1985 1-20 µm Observations of Low Luminosity Active Nuclei (A. Lawrence, M.J. Ward, M. Elvis, G. Fabbiano, S.P. Willner, N.P. Carleton, and A. Longmore) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 291, 117. 30 1985 The Diversity of Soft X-ray Spectra in Quasars (M. Elvis, B.J. Wilkes, and H. Tananbaum) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 292, 357. 31 1985 The Gaseous Environments of Double Radio Galaxies (L. Miller, M.S. Longair, G. Fabbiano, G. Trinchieri, and M. Elvis), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 215, 799. 32 1985 Infrared Observations of LINER Galactic Nuclei (S.P. Willner, M. Elvis, G. Fabbiano, A. Lawrence, and M.J. Ward), The Astrophysical Journal, volume 299, 443. 33 1985 An X-ray, Optical and Radio Study of PKS 0745-191: A Massive Cooling Flow (A.C. Fabian, K.A. Arnaud, P.E.J. Nulsen, M.G. Watson, G.C. Stewart, I. McHardy, A. Smith, B. Cooke, M. Elvis and R.F. Mushotzky) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 216, 923.

34 1985 Continuous Rapid Variability and Spectral Changes in NGC 4051 (A. Lawrence, M.G. Watson, K.A. Pounds and M. Elvis) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 217, 685. 35 1986 The Highly Obscured Nucleus of 3C219 (G. Fabbiano, S.P. Willner, N.P. Carleton and M. Elvis), The Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 304, L37. 36 1986 X-ray Spectra of PG Quasars I: The Continuum From X-rays to Infrared. (M. Elvis, R.F. Green, J. Bechtold, M. Schmidt, G. Neugebauer, B.T. Soifer, K. Matthews and G. Fabbiano), The Astrophysical Journal, volume 310, 291. 37 1987 X-ray Spectra of PG Quasars II: The X-ray-Ultraviolet excess of PG1211+143 (J. Bechtold, B. Czerny, M. Elvis, G. Fabbiano and R.F. Green), The Astrophysical Journal, volume 314, 699. 38 1987 The Continuum of Type 1 Seyfert Galaxies: I. A Single Form Modified by the Effects of Dust (M.J. Ward, M. Elvis, G. Fabbiano, N.P. Carleton, S.P. Willner and A. Lawrence) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 315, 74. 39 1987 The Continuum of Type 1 Seyfert Galaxies: II. Infrared Thermal and Nonthermal Components (N.P. Carleton, M. Elvis, G. Fabbiano, A. Lawrence, M.J. Ward, and S.P. Willner) The Astrophysical Journal, volume 318, 595. 40 1987 Quasar Energy Distributions: I. Soft X-ray Spectra of Quasars (B.J.Wilkes and M. Elvis), The Astrophysical Journal, volume 323, 243. 41 1987 Constraints on Quasar Accretion Disks from the Optical/UV/Soft X-ray Big Bump (B. Czerny and M. Elvis), The Astrophysical Journal, volume 321, 305. 42 1987 Low Frequency Divergent X-ray Variability in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4051 (A. Lawrence, M.G. Watson, K.A. Pounds and M. Elvis), Nature, volume 325, 694. 43 1987 Is Optical FeII Emission Related to the Soft X-ray Properties of Quasars? (B.J. Wilkes, M. Elvis and I. McHardy), The Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 321, L23. 44 1987 Radio Observations of a Hard X-ray Selected Sample of Active Galaxies (S.W. Unger, A. Lawrence, A.S. Wilson, M. Elvis and A.E. Wright), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 228, 521. 45 1987 The AXAF High Resolution Camera (HRC) and Its Use for Observations of Distant Clusters of Galaxies (S.S. Murray, J.H. Chappell, M.S. Elvis, W.R. Forman, J.E. Grindlay, F.R. Harnden, C.F. Jones, T. Maccacaro, H.D. Tananbaum, G.S. Vaiana, K.A. Pounds, G.W. Fraser, and J.P. Henry) Astro. Lett. and Communications, volume 26, 113.

46 1988 Hard X-ray Emission From a Type 2 Seyfert Galaxy (NGC 1068) (M. Elvis and A. Lawrence), Ap.J., 331, 161. 47 1988 Grazing Incidence Imaging up to 40 keV (M. Elvis, D. Fabricant, and P. Gorenstein), Applied Optics, 27, no. 8, 1481. 48 1988 The Sub-millimeter Spectral Break in Seyfert Galaxies (G. Engargiola, D.A. Harper, M. Elvis, and S.P. Willner) Ap.J.Letters, 332, L19. 49 1989 Accurate Galactic NH Values Toward Quasars and AGN (M. Elvis, F.J. Lockman, and B.J. Wilkes), Astronomical Journal, 97, 777. 50 1989 Weak Bump Quasars (J.C. McDowell, M. Elvis, B.J. Wilkes, S.P. Willner, M.S. Oey, E. Polomski, J. Bechtold, and R.F. Green), Ap.J.Letters, 345, L13. 51 1990 A Highly X-ray Variable AGN: A Microlensing Candidate (G. Trinchieri, G. Fabbiano, and M. Elvis), Astrophys. J., 356, 430. 52 1990 Extended X-ray Emission in Nearby Seyfert Galaxies (M. Elvis, C. Fassnacht, A.S. Wilson, and U. Briel) Ap.J., 361, 459. [Erratum: 1991, Ap.J., 371, 820]. 53 1991 Millimetric Measurements of Hard X-ray Selected Active Galaxies: Implications for the Nature of the Continuous Spectrum (A. Lawrence, M. RowanRobinson, A. Efstathiou, M.J. Ward, M. Elvis, J.C. McDowell, M.G. Smith, W. Duncan, and E.I. Robson), Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc., 248, 91. 54 1991 Steps Toward Determination of the Size and Structure of the Broad-Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei. II. An Intensive Study of NGC 5548 at Optical Wavelengths (B.M. Peterson, T.J. Balonek, E.S. Barker, J. Bechtold, R. Bertram, N.G. Bochkarev, M.J. Bolte, D. Bond, T.A. Boroson, M.T. Carini, T.E. Carone, J.A. Christensen, S.D. Clements, A.L. Cochran, R.D. Choen, D. Crampton, M. Dietrich, M. Elvis, A. Ferguson, A.V. Filippenko, K.J. Fricke, C.M. Gaskell, J.P. Halpern, J.P. Huchra, J.B. Hutchings, W. Kollatschny, A.P. Koratkar, K.T. Korista, J.H. Krolik, N.J. Lame, A. Laor, R.J. Leacock, G.A. MacAlpine, M.A. Malkan, D. Maoz, H.R. Miller, S.L. Morris, H. Netzer, C.L.M. Oliveira, J. Penfold, M.V. Penston, E. Perez, R.W. Pogge, M.W. Richmond, W. Romanishin, E.I. Rosenblatt, L. Saddlemyer, A. Sadun, S.R. Sawyer, J.C. Shields, A.I. Shapovalova, A.G. Smith, H.A. Smith, P.S. Smith, W.-H. Sun, U. Thiele, T.J. Turner, S. Veilleux, R.M. Wagner, R.J. Weymann, B.J. Wilkes, B.J. Wills, D. Wills, and P.F. Younger), Ap.J., 368, 119. 55 1991 Persistence and Change in a Quasar X-ray Spectrum (PG1211+143) (M. Elvis, P. Giommi, J. McDowell, and B.J. Wilkes) Ap.J., 378, 537. 56 1992 Soft X-ray Excesses in Einstein Quasar Spectra (J.-L. Masnou, B.J.Wilkes, M. Elvis, K. Arnaud, and J.C. McDowell), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 253, 35.

57 1992 The Einstein Slew Survey (M. Elvis, D. Plummer, J. Schachter, and G. Fabbiano), Ap.J. Suppl., 80, 257. 58 1992 EXOSAT X-ray Spectra of Quasars (A. Comastri, G. Setti, G. Zamorani, M. Elvis, P. Giommi, B.J. Wilkes, and J. McDowell), Ap.J., 384, 62. 59 1992 An X-ray Image of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1068 (A.S. Wilson, M. Elvis, A. Lawrence, and J. Bland-Hawthorn), Ap.J.(Letters), 391, L75. 60 1992 PKS0438-436: A High Redshift Quasar with Strong X-ray Absorption (B.J. Wilkes, M. Elvis, H. Tananbaum, J.C. McDowell, and A. Lawrence), Ap.J.(Letters), 393, L1. 61 1992 Steps Toward Determination of the Size and Structure of the Broad-Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei. III. Further Observations of NGC5548 at Optical Wavelengths (B.M. Peterson, D. Alloin, D. Axon, T.J. Balonek, R. Bertram, T.A. Boroson, J.A. Christensen, S.D. Clements, M. Dietrich, M. Elvis, A.V. Filippenko, C.M. Gaskell, C.A. Haswell, J.P. Huchra, N. Jackson, W. Kollatschny, K.T. Korista, N.J. Lame, R.J., Leacock, S.-N. Lin, M.A. Malkan, A.S. Monk, M.V. Penston, R.W. Pogge, A. Robinson, E.I. Rosenblatt, W.-H. Sun, T.J. Turner, R.M. Wagner, B.J. Wilkes, and B.J. Wills), Ap.J., 392, 470. 62 1993 Steps Toward Determination of the Size and Structure of the Broad-Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei. IV. Intensity Variations of the Optical Emission Lines of NGC5548 (M. Dietrich, W. Kollatschny, B.M. Peterson, J. Bechtold, R. Bertram, N.G. Bochkarev, T.A. Boroson, T.E. Cabone, M. Elvis, A.V. Filippenko, C.M. Gaskell, J.P. Huchra, J.B. Hutchings, A.P. Koratkar, K.T. Korista, N.J. Lame, A. Laor, G.M. MacAlpine, M.A. Malkan, C. Mendes de Oliveira, N. Netzer, J. Penfold, M.V. Penston, E. PИrez, R.W. Pogge, M.W. Richmond, E.I. Rosenblatt, S.R. Sawyer, A.I. Shapovalova, J.C. Shields, H.A. Smith, P.S. Smith, W.-H. Sun, U. Thiele, S. Veilleux, R.M. Wagner, R.J. Weymann, B.J. Wilkes, B.J. Wills, and D. Wills), Ap.J., 408, 416. 63 1993 Quasar X-ray Spectra Revisited (P. Shastri, B.J. Wilkes, M. Elvis, and J.C. McDowell), Ap.J., 410, 29. 64 1993 A Sample of Lobe-Dominated Quasars with MgII Absorption Lines (T.L. Aldcroft, M. Elvis, and J. Bechtold), A.J., 105, 2054. 65 1993 Ten New BL Lac Objects Discovered by an Efficient X-ray/Radio/Optical Technique (J. Schachter, J. Stocke, E. Perlman, M. Elvis, A. Granados J. Luu, J.P. Huchra, R. Humphreys, R. Remillard, C.M. Urry, and J. Wallin), Ap.J., 412, 541. 66 1993 A ROSAT Spectrum of 3C351: A Warm Absorber in an X-ray `Quiet' Quasar? (F. Fiore, M. Elvis, S. Mathur, B.J. Wilkes, and J.C. McDowell), Ap.J., 415, 129.

67 1994 X-ray Continuum and Iron K Emission Line From the Radio Galaxy 3C390.3 (M. Inda, M. T