What words are people using to describe JWST@SXSW?
The data below shows the most-popular words used in tweets about JWST@SXSW.
The page is updated once every thirty minutes.
To be included on this graph a word needs to appear at least times and the analysis was done on tweets.
A number of common English words have been removed. However, I have not tried to combine different forms of the same word, so JWST and #JWST are counted separately (it is not surprising that JWST appears so much, since it is the search term used to find the tweets :-).
Original tweets
Here we restrict ourselves to those tweets not flagged by Twitter as being a re-tweet. The top words are shown.
Here we restrict ourselves to only those flagged by Twitter as being a re-tweet. The top words are shown.
This visualization was created using the d3.js JavaScript library.