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Дата изменения: Thu May 19 02:29:05 2005
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 20:54:45 2012

Поисковые слова: sdss



elcome to Project ASTRO, a hands-on, inquiry-based program for grades 4-9. The goal of Project ASTRO is to use student interest in astronomy to enhance science teaching. See how you can become part of this innovative program!

Since children are naturally fascinated by astronomy, it can be used to teach them the scientific process. With an active scientist in the classroom, students see how scientists learn about the unknown and solve problems.


Astronomers and Teachers as Partners in the Classroom...

About Project ASTRO
Project ASTRO was created by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific and is funded by NASA. ASP is a century-old, nonprofit scientific and educational membership society for amateur and professional astronomers, educators and the public. Project ASTRO was developed to address the needs of teachers and students and is targeted at a range of grades (4-9) where interest in science is most likely to be cultivated. In this innovative program, teachers and astronomers are trained to work as partners in the classroom, presenting hands-on activities that encourage a child's innate curiosity toward the world around us.

ASTRO Boston
In its eighth year, Project ASTRO Boston is operated jointly by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the Boston Museum of Science and facilitated by the New England Space Science Initiative in Education (NESSIE), a NASA program. Together these institutions are pooling their vast resources to make this exciting program available to selected teachers and their students throughout the Greater Boston area.

Project ASTRO goals include:
· using astronomy as a vehicle for teaching scientific process and problem-solving, · using professional and amateur astronomers as role models, · helping teachers become more comfortable teaching astronomy, · providing professional development for teachers and astronomers and increasing student interest in science in general.

PROJECT A S T R O - B o s t o n c o n t i n u e d
Resources. ASTRO Boston commits
to providing partners with resource materials to keep such as the activity and resource books: The Universe at Yo u r F i n g e rt i p s a n d M o re U n i v e rs e a t Yo u r F i n g e rt i p s, p l u s a d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l s available for loan. ASTRO Boston also provides additional information via a w e b s i t e ( h t t p : / / h e a - w w w. h a r v a r d . e d u / astro) and email announcements.

Commitments Workshops. One of the keys to
the success of Project ASTRO is the training provided to the partnerships. At workshops, scientists learn about educating and teachers learn enough scientific background to be able to choose appropriate activities for their classes. Training begins with a two-day orientation workshop in the summer. Here, teachers and astronomers meet each other and begin to plan their visits. As followup, there are three half-day (Saturday) workshops during the school year. This summer's workshop is August 1st & 2nd (Monday and Tuesday, all day). Attendance at the summer workshop is required, as well as at least 2 of the 3 follow-up workshops. Professional Development Points are granted for workshop attendance.

Classroom v isits. The astronomer
a g r e e s t o v i s i t h i s / h e r t e a c h e r's classroom at least four times during t h e y e a r. Th e t e a c h e r w o r k s w i t h the astronomer not only during the workshops but also during classroom visits, making this a true partnership program. The teacher also allows the astronomer to visit at least four times d u r i n g t h e s c h o o l y e a r, a s d e t e r m i n e d b y the needs of the school and/or class. Commitments from enthusiastic volunteers, eager teachers and a capable staff from world-renowned institutions combine to make this program an exciting and everlasting experience for those students involved!

To p a r t i c i p a t e i n Pr o j e c t A S T R O B O S TO N , please fill out the enclosed application f o r m a n d r e t u r n i t b y J u n e 1 , 2 0 0 5 . Yo u m a y f a x i t t o ( 6 1 7 ) 5 8 9 - 0 3 8 9 . Yo u w i l l b e contacted by June 15. For additional applications or information, visit our website at h t t p : / / h e a - w w w. h a r v a r d . e d u / a s t r o . Please direct questions to the Site C o o r d i n a t o r, C a t h y C l e m e n s , a t ( 6 1 7 ) 589-0227 or Email to: cclemens@cfa. harvard.edu.

"With an active scientist in the classroom, students see how scientists learn about the unknown and solve problems."