Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://hea-www.harvard.edu/RD/zhtools/INSTALL
Дата изменения: Sat Feb 15 00:43:44 2014
Дата индексирования: Fri Feb 28 01:20:52 2014

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Installation instructions for zhtools 3.x

The zhtools software package has been ported to the Solaris, Linux,
and Mac OSX (Tiger on PPC and Intel) operating systems. To install
zhtools, follow the instructions below (which, for illustrative
purposes, use $HOME as the target install directory).


1. Retrieve zhtools source and pre-build external library tar files
from Web page http://hea-www.harvard.edu/saord/zhtools

cd /pool # where the build files reside
wget http://hea-www.harvard.edu/saord/download/zhtools/zhtools-3.0.tar.gz
wget http://hea-www.harvard.edu/saord/download/zhtools/zhext.tar.gz

The zhtools package is available as a source file tar file named
zhtools-3.0.tar.gz (minor version number might be different) at:


In addition to the source code in zhtools-3.0.tar.gz, you will need
these external libraries:

name: available at:
----- -------------
fitsio http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/
WCStools http://tdc-www.harvard.edu/software/wcstools

Source code for these libraries can be retrieved from their home
sites, but we make available zhext.tar.gz and zhext64.tar.gz (64-bit
versions) containing binary distributions for the machines to which we
have ported zhtools. Where possible, you probably should retrieve and
use this tar file. The instructions below assume its use.


2. Unpack the source tar file to create the build directory

cd /pool # where the build files reside
gunzip -c zhtools-3.0.tar.gz | tar xf - # unpack zhtools sources

Unpack the zhtools source tar file in any convenient location. A temporary
directory (i.e. pool space) is a good choice if you intend to remove the
source directory after installation.


3. Create the install directory and unpack external libraries

cd $HOME # where install dir resides
mkdir zhtools # create install directory
cd zhtools # go there
gunzip -c /pool/zhext.tar.gz | tar xf - # unpack external libraries
gunzip -c /pool/zhext64.tar.gz | tar xf - # for building 64-bit programs

We have built external libraries for the following operating systems and
compilers combinations and have packaged the libraries in a single tar file
named zhext.tar.gz:

OS FC/CC combination
----------- -----------------
Linux (FC6) g77/gcc32
Linux (FC6) gfortran/gcc
Linux64 (FC6) gfortran/g77
OSX PPC g95/gcc
OSX Intel g95/gcc
Solaris g77/gcc
Solaris f95/cc
Solaris64 f95/cc

Choose an installation directory to house the zhtools executables,
libraries, and documentation. In keeping with standard GNU configure
practice, the default install directory is /usr/local but installing
there requires root access. For personal use, we recommend installing
in a zhtools subdirectory of $HOME, the user home directory.

Create the installation directory, if necessary, and unpack the zhext tar file
in that directory. This will create an external library directory called
zhext and sub-directories containing external libraries for these hosts:

lib.darwin-i386 Mac OS X for Intel
lib.darwin-powerpc ` Mac OS X for PowerPC
lib.linux (hopefully generic) Linux
lib.sol Solaris 2.8

These directories contain the external libraries for OSX, linux, and solaris.
(You can remove directories you do not need for this build.)


4. Configure the build

cd /pool/zhtools-3.0 # in build directory ...
./configure --with-libs=$HOME/zhtools/zhext --prefix=$HOME/zhtools [options]

Run the configure script to generate Makefiles for this host. You must tell
configure where the external libraries are located. To do this, use the
--with-libs command line option:

./configure --with-libs=
./configure --with-libs=$HOME/zhtools/zhext

If you install in a directory other than the default of /usr/local,
you will need to add the --prefix command line option:

./configure --prefix=
./configure --prefix=$HOME

In this example, program files will be installed in $HOME/zhtools/bin,
libraries will be installed in $HOME/zhtools/lib, and help files will
be installed in $HOME/zhtools/zhhelp.

When the configure script runs, it will pick the newest C and Fortran
compilers it can find on your system, e.g., choosing Fortran95 above
Fortran77. You can specify a specific compiler to use on the
configure command line:

./configure --with-libs=${HOME}/zhtools/zhext \
--prefix=${HOME}/zhtools \
FC=g77 CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.3

NB: Mac OSX (Tiger 10.4) does not appear to supply a Fortran compiler
at all. For OSX 10.4, you should can install the g77 3.4.4 compiler
(PPC only) or the gfortran 4.2 compiler (PPC and Intel), which can be
retrieved from:


Note, however, you must use a matched rev. 3 gcc C compiler: you
cannot mix the default gcc 4.0 compiler with the rev. 3 Fortran
compiler. The above configure command line, which sets both FC and
CC, will give you the proper mix of rev. 3 compilers for Mac OSX.

NB: The FC3 gfortran compiler is an early revision (4.0) and is
missing features required by zhtools. Therefore you MUST specify an
alternate Fortran compiler and a matching C compiler for hosts where
gfortran is installed as the default Fortran compiler. This is true,
for example, of many Linux distributions which supply both gfortran
and g77. To avoid choosing gfortran, the following configure command
can be used (assuming gcc is a rev 3 compiler -- see note above for

./configure --with-libs=${HOME}/zhtools/zhext \
--prefix=${HOME}/zhtools \

NB: If your host is running a 64-bit OS and you need to build 64-bit
applications, then you must set the compiler switches proerly and use
the 64-bit external libraries. Unfortuantely, its a bit complicated.
For example, gcc generally requires the -m64 switch to build 64-bit
applications in environments where a choice of 32 or 64 is available
but, apparently, this switch is not required when 64-bit is the only
option. On a Sun workstation, gcc also seems to require the -mcpu=v9.

The zhconfig script gives example configure command lines for Solaris, Linux,
and OSX. Feel free to use an entry in that script, if it suits your needs.

Several other secondary command line options are available for

--with-readline= where lib and include directories reside for
readline and history libraries e.g. /usr/local.
Use of readline gives nice command prompting.

--with-funtools= lib directory for funtools e.g. /usr/local.
If defined, programs utilizing regions will
also accept funtools regions as input, which
can be very useful when working with ds9.

--with-blas= link specification for BLAS library. e.g.
-L/usr/local/intel/mkl/LIB/ -lmkl32_def.
only use highly optimized versions for your
CPU, since generic version can be slow.

--with-cfitsio= lib directory for cfitsio e.g. /usr/local.
only if you are not using cfitsio from zhext.

--with-wcs= lib directory for wcs e.g. /usr/local.
only if you are not using wcs from zhext.

--with-pgplot= lib directory for pgplot e.g. /usr/local.
If defined, a pgplot-based program called
contmap will be built.

--with-data= where zhtools data directory containing caldata
is located e.g. /usr/share.
You almost certainly do not need this: it is
used only by a few obscure zhtools programs


5. Build zhtools

cd /pool/zhtools-3.0 # in build directory ...
make # build the software

The build ("make") takes a few minutes on modern machines. To monitor
progress and/or check for errors, redirect output to a file and use the
'tail' command:

make >& foo.log &; tail -f foo.log # csh
make 1>foo.log 2>&1 &; tail -f foo.log # sh, bash


6. Install zhtools

cd /pool/zhtools-3.0 # in build directory ...
make install # install binaries, help, etc.

The install command will move executables into the bin sub-directory
of the specified install directory. The zhtools library will be put
into the lib sub-directory and the help files will be moved to a zhhelp


7. Clean zhtools

cd /pool/zhtools-3.0 # in build directory ...
make clean # clean up unneeded temp files

Once installation in complete, all files necessary to run zhtools will
have been moved. Executing the clean command will clean the source tree
of temp files created during the build, leaving the source files intact
for later study.


8. Optionally remove all traces of the build

cd /pool # where the build files reside
rm -rf zhtools-3.0 # don't even need sources
rm zhtools-3.0.tar.gz # don't need source tar file
rm zhext.tar.gz # don't need library tar file

Once installation in complete, all files necessary to run zhtools have
been moved and the source directory is no longer needed. If you don't
need to refer to the source code, you can remove the entire build tree
(as well as the original tar files).


9. Add ${HOME}/zhtools/bin to your search path and go ...

Add the bin sub-directory of the specified install directory to your shell
search path and you will have access to zhtools programs and documentation.
Note to users of zhtools 2.1: the ZHTOOLS environment variable is NOT needed.
It should be removed from your environment.


10. Questions?

If you have questions about building zhtools, please send email to:

If you have questions about zhtools functionality, please send email to: