Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/ardb/chandra_acis_ao9.par
Дата изменения: Mon Feb 26 22:38:56 2007
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 03:31:38 2012

Поисковые слова: п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п
; generate an ACIS spectrum for a source using a DEM,
; and optionally rescale the DEM to produce the same
; counts as a ROSAT/PSPC observation
;calling sequence
; .run initale
; @chandra_acis_ao9.par
;(LL/VK; modified from chandra_acis_ao5.par, Feb04)
;(LL modified from chandra_acis_ao6.par, Feb05)
;(VK modified from chandra_acis_ao7.par, Feb07)

if iPoA eq 0 then stop,'PINTofALE not initialized; first type .RUN initale'

; control variables
; environment
!LDBDIR = '$SPEX' ;'$CHIANTI','$SPEX','$APED','/path/to/dir'
pimmsdir = '/soft/pimms/data' ;path to local PIMMS installation
; source parameters
src_DIST = 10. ;source distance [pc]
!NH = 3e20 ;H column density [cm^-2]
!EDENS = 1e10 ;electron number density [cm^-3]
T_components = [6.9, 7.4] ;log(T[K]) components in the EM
EM_components = [5.1d12, 6.1d12] ;Emission Measure [cm^-3]
obs_rate = 0.1 ;ROSAT/PSPC rate [ct/s] -- SET TO ZERO IF NOT REQUIRED
; observation parameters
EXPTIME = 50. ;nominal exposure time [ks]
ACIS_ARF = 'acisi_aimpt_cy09.arf' ;location of Cycle 7 ARF
ACIS_RMF = 'acisi_aimpt_cy09.rmf' ;location of Cycle 7 RMF

; do not edit anything below unless you know what you are doing
if strpos(strlowcase(!LDBDIR),'aped',0) ge 0 then !IONEQF='none'
if strpos(strlowcase(!LDBDIR),'aped',0) ge 0 then $
!ABUND = !ABUND/getabund('anders & grevesse')
;if you wish to use a different DEM, place the definition here
plot,!logT,!DEM,xtitle='log!d10!n(T [K])',ytitle='DEM [cm!u-5!n/logK]'
src_DCOR = 10.D^(alog10(4.*!DPI)+2.*alog10(src_DIST*3.1d18))
!DEM = !DEM * src_DCOR
v_DIST=src_DIST ;distance in [pc]

; check to see whether the ARF and RMF exist
if ifilexist eq 0 then stop,ACIS_RMF+': RMF does not exist'
if ifilexist eq 0 then stop,ACIS_ARF+': ARF does not exist'

;{ if speed is an issue, and rescaling to ROSAT/PSPC is not required,
; comment out the block below
rd_pimms_file, rosat_pspc_open, pspc_effar, pspc_wvlar, /wave
ae=sort(pspc_wvlar) & pspc_wvlar=pspc_wvlar[ae] & pspc_effar=pspc_effar[ae]
v_LOGT=!LOGT ;temperature grid
v_DEM=!DEM ;DEM in [cm^-3]
v_EFFAR=pspc_effar > 0 ;effective area in [cm^2]
v_WVLAR=pspc_wvlar ;effective area wavelength grid in [Ang]
v_WGRID=mid2bound(pspc_wvlar) ;sorted wavelength bin boundaries in [Ang]
v_RMF='none' ;name of OGIP-compatible RMF
v_EXPTIME=EXPTIME ;nominal exposure time [ks]
.run make_spectrum
pred_rate = total(v_flxspc/v_EXPTIME/1e3) ;[ct/s]
if obs_rate gt 0 then print,'Rescaling DEM by factor '+strtrim(obs_rate/pred_rate,2)
if obs_rate gt 0 then !DEM = !DEM * obs_rate/pred_rate
; if speed is an issue, comment out the block above if not rescaling
; to ROSAT/PSPC rate}

elo=arstr.ELO & ehi=arstr.EHI & wlo=12.3985/ehi & whi=12.3985/elo
wlo=reverse(wlo) & whi=reverse(whi) & acisi_effar=reverse(acisi_effar)
wgrid=[wlo,max(whi)] & midwvl=0.5*(wgrid+wgrid[1:*])
v_LOGT=!LOGT ;temperature grid
v_DEM=!DEM ;DEM in [cm^-3]
v_EFFAR=acisi_effar ;effective area in [cm^2]
v_WVLAR=midwvl ;effective area wavelength grid in [Ang]
v_WGRID=wgrid ;sorted wavelength bin boundaries in [Ang]
v_RMF=ACIS_RMF ;name of OGIP-compatible RMF
v_EXPTIME=EXPTIME ;nominal exposure time [ks]
.run make_spectrum
for i=0L,nbin-1L do $
if v_CTSPC[i] gt 0 then sim_spec[i]=randomu(seed,poisson=v_CTSPC[i])