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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Sat Sep 11 08:03:05 2004
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 03:42:13 2012

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Inference -- A Python Package for Astrostatistics
Tom Loredo (Dept. of Astronomy, Cornell University), Alanna Connors (Eureka Scientific), and Travis Oliphant (Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Brigham Young University)

Project Overview
Many advanced astrostatistics methods are conceptually simple despite being computationally complex. Competing methods of very different levels of sophistication are often similar from an end-user's perspective. The principle obstacle to the use and understanding of advanced methods is the art of statistical computing--the computational tricks needed to implement advanced methods. Goal: Eliminate this obstacle!

A Bit About Python
Main Features Language Characteristics
· · · · · · · · · A general purpose language with a rich standard library Very simple syntax--resembles "pseudo code" Use interactively, or via scripts/modules Object oriented, with a very simple object model--facilitates high level interfaces, modularity Practical rather than "pure"--Selected capabilities of various paradigms (e.g., functional programming, list comprehensions, metaclasses) Sophisticated and fast scientific computing capability Easily extendible/embeddable with C/C++/Fortran Open source, cross-platform, active & growing user community Named for the British comedy show, not the snake! · SciPy (partly supported by NASA AISR via Inference)
­ High level interfaces to large, well-established libraries: special functions, linear algebra, FFTs, DSP, quadrature, ODE solvers, optimizers, basic stats ­ Special functions are universal functions (ufuncs); can be "broadcast" onto arrays at speed near compiled C; users can create ufuncs ­ Inline C via weave package

The Inference project is making advanced astrostatistics methods accessible to astronomers via the following project components: · The Inference package--Two software components
­ Library: A deep and broad collection of self-contained functions and objects implementing methods tailored to astronomers' needs. Where possible, it includes multiple methods in each problem class, esp. frequentist/Bayesian ­ Parametric Inference Engine: A framework for analyzing parametric models allowing use of multiple methodologies (2, likelihood, Bayes) with a unified interface

· Plotting (matplotlib, Chaco partly supported by STScI)
­ matplotlib: Cross-platform 2-d plotting a la Matlab (mature) ­ Chaco: Object-oriented, modular, cross-platform plotting (beta-level) ­ Interfaces to very many popular libraries (gnuplot, pgplot, DISLIN, etc.)

Simple Example
Rayleigh statistic for period searching in arrival time data: 1 R( ) = N ( i sin ti)2 + ( i cos ti)2
Python source code from Numeric import * def Rayleigh (data, w): wd = w*data return (sum(sin(wd))**2 + sum(cos(wd))**2)/len(data) C source code #include double Rayleigh (int n, double *data, double w) { double S, C, wt; int i; S = 0.; C = 0.; for (i=0; i
· Use of a modern "very high level" (VHL) computer language: Python
­ Single implementation facilitates depth/breadth (vs. spreading resources across implementations in several languages) ­ Python's VHL features speed development, facilitate testing ­ Python's simplicity allows easy access both to new users and to astronomers using PyRAF

Example--Fitting binned spectral data from data contaminated with measured background:
· Minimize using background-subtracted data · Maximize a Poisson counting process likelihood marginalized over a bin-by-bin Poisson background model

Scientific Computing With Python
· Array computations
­ ­ ­ ­ Syntax inspired by Matlab/IDL/Fortran90 Performance near that of C/Fortran for array calculations Numeric: Developed by LLNL/MIT scientists & programmers numarray: Numeric's successor developed by NASA/STScI; allows larger (memory-mapped) arrays, inhomogeneous arrays (for FITS files)

· Outreach
­ This project organizes and sponsors astrostatistics speakers and sessions at astronomy and astroparticle physics conferences (like HEAD!) ­ Selected methods described in project-sponsored talks will be included in the Python package

These are quite similar from a user's perspective: One must (1) Define a parameterized signal model; and (2) Optimize a scalar function of the model's parameters. Analysts should not be prevented from trying the (more exact) likelihood approach simply because efficient computation of the likelihood requires unconventional computational "tricks."

· PyRAF -- The IRAF command line in Python (STScI)

Components of the Package Library
Tools for Continuous Data
Methods for data from sampled functions with additive noise, di = f (ti) + ei: · Linear & nonlinear regression
­ Interfaces to Bershady/Isobe packages (regression with measurement error and intrinsic scatter) ­ Bayesian errors-in-variables modeling (EVM) ­ Fitting with correlated errors

Parametric Inference Engine (PIE)
Tools for Discrete Data
Methods for data from counting processes and point processes: · Intervals and limits for rates and ratios using counting process data
­ Likelihood & ­ Methods with Bayes, ABC ( ­ Methods with Bayesian intervals for simple processes known background rate: Feldman-Cousins likelihood ordering, bootstrap) uncertain background: Profile likelihood, Bayes, ABC

· Three inference methodologies, each for various data types: ­ 2: point samples, binned samples, "folded" (response functions) ­ Maximum likelihood: Gaussian (matching 2 cases), Poisson counting processes, Point processes (surveys w/ efficiency functions) ­ Bayesian: Matching ML cases · Automate standard parameter exploration tasks ­ Exploration on equispaced & logarithmic grids (adaptive refinement in 1-d, e.g., for period searching) ­ Optimization (unconstrained and with boundary constraints) ­ Exploration of subsets of parameter space (profiling/projection) ­ Hessian/information matrix calculation · Bayesian computation ­ Marginalization and Bayes factors via adaptive quadrature & Laplace approximation ­ Calculation of 1-d, 2-d, 3-d credible region boundaries ­ Basic Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) support · Simulate data (calibrate confidence regions; experimental design)

Build a parametric model by creating a class with the ParametricModel base class, containing parameters and a signal method:
class PowerLawModel(ParametricModel): A = RealParameter(1., 'Amplitude') alpha = RealParameter(0.5, 'Power law index') def signal(self,E): return self.A*E**(self.alpha)

· Periodic point processes (period searching in arrival time data):
2 ­ Frequentist: Rayleigh statistic, ZN ­ Bayesian: log-Fourier models, Gregory-Loredo method ­ Accelerated (P ,P ) searching with incoherent spectra and fractional transforms

· Detection/measurement of periodic signals
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Standard approaches: Power spectrum, Schuster periodogram, Lomb-Scargle Fractional fast Fourier transform (fFFT) Bretthorst algorithm (Bayesian periodograms) Bayesian piecewise-constant modeling (Gregory method) Kepler periodogram (Kepler reflex motion modeling for binaries, exoplanets)

For simple inferences, create an Inference object using the model and one or more data sets:
inf = BinnedChisqrInference(PowerLawModel, data1, data2 , ...)

· Nonperiodic time series analysis (QPOs, 1/f noise): ARMA models, long-memory processes · Robust estimation/outlier detection (M-estimators, Bayesian outlier detection)

· Inhomogeneous point process models for local event detection: Bayes blocks, Poisson "Haar" wavelets · Survey analyses: Survival analysis (ASURV), point process + noise · Nonparametric methods: Adaptive splines, neural nets (interfaces to Max Planck PPI methods), mixture models

The Inference object gives you all the methods you need to make the specified type of inference; e.g., for projected 2:
inf.A.logStep(0., 10., 51) # 51 log-spaced steps for A inf.alpha.vary() # Let alpha vary grid = inf.opt() # Returns a grid object w/ projected chi**2( A)

For more complicated inferences, e.g., combining information from different types of data, you need to use just one other set of classes: Predictor classes for each type of data. These specify how to compare a particular type of data to a signal, and how to simulate that type of data.
p1 = SampledChisqrPred(data1); p2 = BinnedChisqrPred(dat a2) inf = ChisqrInference(PowerLawModel, p1, p2)

Models have support for vector output, setup calculations and array broadcasting. Predictor classes are "tunable" (e.g., set quadrature for integrating over a bin). You can easily create your own to add new data types.

First release is expected around the New Year. Please sign up below if you'd like to be notified!
Contact information for Tom Loredo: Email -- loredo@astro.cornell.edu ; Web -- http://www.astro.cornell.edu/staff/loredo/ The Inference project is sponsored by NASA's Applied Information Resources Program. We are very grateful for their support!