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J Solid State Electrochem (2014) 18:1147­1169 DOI 10.1007/s10008-014-2480-5


V S. Bagotsky's contribution to modern electrochemistry .
Alexander M. Skundin & Galina A. Tsirlina

Received: 3 April 2014 / Revised: 9 April 2014 / Accepted: 9 April 2014 / Published online: 25 April 2014 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Vladimir Sergeevich Bagotsky (22 January 1920­12 November 2012) Vladimir Sergeevich Bagotsky (22 January 1920, Bern, Switzerland­12 November 2012, CO, USA) was one of the pioneers of modern electrochemistry and was justly famous for his penetrating analyses of electrochemical problems. Among his friends and colleagues and certainly for the authors of this introductory text, he is remembered as a brilliant teacher and trusted friend and as someone who was at ease with people of all ages. Among the wider electrochemical community, he is perhaps best known as the author of a fine textbook ([7, 8] in the list of Monographs below).1 Vladimir Sergeevich Bagotsky was born in Switzerland and the son of Sergey Yustinovich Bagotsky and Regina Eduardovna Birenbaum. Before the First World War, his father had been an activist of the Russian social­democratic labor party, who moved to Switzerland in 1914. After diplomatic relations between Russia and Switzerland were severed in 1918, he became the Soviet Red Cross representative in Geneva, and it was through those offices that political contact was maintained between the two states until 1936. In 1938, after the teenage Vladimir had completed his secondary education in Switzerland, the family returned to Russia, and the young man entered the Chemical Faculty of Moscow State University (MSU).During
1 The list of Bagotsky's publications given below is chronological and consists of "Monographs," "Book Chapters," and "Papers in Refereed Journals," with a separate numbering system in each subsection. For "Papers in Refereed Journals," the sub-section is not indicated in the text.

A. M. Skundin Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Moscow, Russia G. A. Tsirlina (*) Department of Electrochemistry, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia e-mail: tsir@elch.chem.msu.ru


J Solid State Electrochem (2014) 18:1147­1169

Graduates of gymnasium in Bern in 1938 and 50 years later. Vladimir Bagotsky is the first from the left in the first row (upper photo) and the third from the left, sitting (lower photo)

Vladimir Bagotsky during his gymnasium period in Bern (1930s)

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his student years (1938­1944), which coincided with the Second World War, Bagotsky developed his life-long interest in electrochemistry. His initial studies (on hydrogen evolution) were inspire d by Alexander N aumovich Frumkin (1895­1976), who had become the head of the Laboratory of Engineering Electrochemistry at Moscow State University in 1930 and the head of the newly founded

Department of Electrochemistry in 1933. Frumkin had developed a world-leading school devoted to the study of electrode kinetics and the structure of the double layer. These fields were strongly interrelated, of course, and had led to the discovery of the "Frumkin correction" (initially known as the "psi-prime effect"2).

Alexander Naumovich Frumkin and his collaborators in MSU in the 1940s. Sitting, first row (from left to right): Mikhail Abramovich Gerovich, Alexander Naumovich Frumkin, Zinoviy Alexandrovich Iofa, Amaliya Davydovna Obrucheva. Second row: Vasily Alexandrovich Kuznetsov, Boris Stepanovich Gurenkov, Vladimir Sergeevich Bagotsky, two unknown ladies, Natalya Borisovna Moisseeva, Anna Ivanovna Fedorova, Sofya Yakovlena Mirlina

Bagotsky initially began work with Zinoviy Alexandrovich Iofa [Jofa] (1895­1989), who was one of Frumkin's closest collaborators. At the time, the evolution of hydrogen on mercury was a subject of great international curiosity, and Bagotsky set to work on it [2]. After studying this reaction for a while, Bagotsky (together with Frumkin and Iofa) found himself in a dispute with Nikolay Ivanovich Kobozev (1903­ 1974), who had speculated that the reaction intermediate is atomic hydrogen dissolved in water. Kobozev was a prominent physical chemist and founder of the Laboratory of Catalysis and Gas Electrochemistry at MSU, and it took considerable effort on Bagotsky's part [1, 3] to resolve the issue in frames of Frumkin's slow discharge theory. The final arguments are summarized in References [7, 9]. Before the development of the rotating disk electrode by Levich and others, the main apparatus for performing electrochemical kinetic studies was the dropping mercury electrode. An unsolved problem was the precise relation between the expanding interface and the observed current. At the time,

experimental data were typically interpreted in terms of "activation overpotential" or "concentration polarization" or sometimes a mixture of both. These concepts had evolved over a long time in parallel with the development of galvanostatic instrumentation and correspond (roughly speaking) to modern "Tafel behavior" and "diffusion control." In the case of the dropping mercury electrode, the correction for concentration polarization required the solution of a difficult moving boundary problem. Certain mathematical solutions were first derived by Naum Natanovich Meiman (1911­2001), and then the results were successfully applied to the dropping mercury

2 The psi-prime effect involves the electrostatic interaction of a reacting species with a charged interface. The name of this effect originates from the psi-prime (1) potential, the quantity which characterizes the potential of the arbitrary plane in which the reactant finds itself in case of the closest approach to the electrode.


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electrode by Bagotsky [4]. To this day, the analysis of polarographic data in the mixed kinetic regime is known as the Meiman-Bagotsky technique.

joint memoir, but only a few copies were printed and distributed in their closest surrounding.

Zinoviy Alexandrovich Iofa (left) and Boris Nikolaevich Kabanov (right), who co-authored the textbook "Kinetics of electrode processes" with A.N. Frumkin and V.S. Bagotsky

After the award of his Ph.D. (1947), Bagotsky initially remained at MSU. He supervised several diploma and doctoral students and made important records of Frumkin's lectures (which were later transformed into the book "Kinetics of Electrode Processes" authored by A. N. Frumkin, V. S. Bagotsky, Z. A. Iofa, and B. N. Kabanov). (see [1] in "Monographs"). He also began his work on the oxygen reduction reaction. However, in 1949, following an outburst of state-sponsored anti-Semitism (named euphemistically as "the stru ggle a gain st rootless cosmop olita n s " ), V l adim ir Sergeevich was forced to leave his alma mater. After many fruitless attempts to find a job, he was finally hired by the AllUnion Research Institute "Cells-Electrocarbon," which had been founded to develop power sources for the radio industry. Later, this institute was renamed the All-Union Institute of Power Sources (abbreviated in Russian as VNIIT). Eventually, Bagotsky was able to publish some of his MSU work, such as [8, 1 0 ­ 1 2 ] , perfo r med w ith Irin a Evge nye vna Yablokova (1923­2014), who had become his second wife. Irina had st art ed to work with Vladimir as a diploma student in 1947, and they continued to work together throughout their long professional life. Later, after retirement and moving to the USA, they wrote a

Vladimir Bagotsky and Irina Yablokova: MSU period, VNIITIELAN period, and USA period

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The drastic change in research style, from fundamental theory at MSU to applied engineering at VNIIT, was inevitably accompanied by a decrease in published output. However, there was no decrease in creativity. On the contrary, Bagotsky contributed substantially to the development of a series of innovative batteries for submarines, aircraft, and spacecraft, most notably silver­zinc batteries, mercury­zinc batteries, water-activated batteries, and thermal reserve batteries. The first man-made space satellite "Sputnik," which was launched on October 4, 1957, was equipped with three s ilver­zinc b atteries m ade under Bagotsky's supervision. Later, other Soviet spacecrafts (including the mighty "Vost ok" with Yuri Gagarin in 1961) were equipped with these batteries. On account of these achievements, Bagotsky was awarded the degree of the Doctor of Technical Sciences (honoris causa) without presenting a thesis in 1959. By this time, he had been awarded twice the Order of the Red Banner (1956 and 1957), and in 1961, he was finally awarded the Order of Lenin, the highest decoration bestowed by the Soviet Union. Although much of his industrial work was carried out in secrecy, Bagotsky nevertheless managed to publish a small amount of fundamental research concerning the fundamentals of power sources together with his colleagues in VNIIT and with collaborators at other research centers (most notably Moscow University and the I nst itute of Physical Chemistry). I n p art i cular, Bagotsky published studies on chromic acid reduction at carbon electrodes jointly with Galina Vladimirovna Shteinberg) [13] in 1957. The work was also published on the kinetics of mercury­zinc cells (jointly with Emil' Alexandrovich Mendgeritsky) [14, 22] and on the kinetics of zinc electrodes in alkaline solutions [16­21, 26]. As part of his strategic planning, Bagotsky developed methods of compar ing t he pe rformance of di ff erent p o we r s ou rc e s . I n p a r tic ular, a nd lo ng be fo re D. Ragone, he constructed plots of "specific energy" versus "specific power." Unfortunately, he never published his idea. However, he did publish a general monograph entitled "Advances in Chemical Power Sources" ([2] in "M ono gra phs ", w ith Vladi m ir Nikolaevich F lyorov), which became the standard handbook for Soviet engineers and researchers. This monograph was also published in Polish and Romanian.

Inside the Soviet Union, two important organizational changes occurred at the end of the 1950s. First, the Institute of Electrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences3 was founded in 1958, with Academician A. N. Frumkin at its head. Second, a large fuel cell research program was started. From the outset, Frumkin did his best to involve Bagotsky in the new venture. Even though he was still formally part of the VNIIT research staff, Bagotsky worked very closely with the Institute of Electrochemistry, and in 1965, he moved there permanently. Initially, he operated as a Head of Laboratory, but later, he became a Head of Department. From 1960 onwards, Bagotsky became one of the leading researchers in the Soviet Fuel Cell program. He became Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Council on Fuel Cells of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and simultaneously the Vice-Chairman of the Interdepartmental Committee on the Development of Electric Vehicles. From the outset, Bagotsky had grasped the importance of porous electrodes. In 1963, he carried out work with Iosif Grigor 'evich Gurevich on the study of flooded porous electrodes under various experimental conditions [27­29, 35, 46]. Later, this work was continued with Yurii Mironovich Volfkovich [63, 76, 77, 83, 86, 88, 93, 98, 99, 108, 109, 173], and the results were eventually compiled in a monograph [3]. The development of flooded porous electrodes also necessitated the d e v e lo pme n t o f i mp ro ve d p or os imet ry tec h n i q u e s . Bagotsky did much to popularize the method of Standard Contact Porosimetry invented in collaboration with Yu. M. Vol'fkovich [224, 225, 237, 272, 294]. This technique has several advantages over traditional mercury porosimetry and allows the investigation of the structure and properties of all kinds of porous materials, including frail solids and powders. The method is relatively simple, non-destructive, and is not connected with the use of mercury. Although the study of flooded porous electrodes was a dominant theme at that stage of his career, Bagotsky

Later, the Institute of Electrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (IELAN) was named after Frumkin and is widely known as the Frumkin Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Starting from 2005, two institutes were united to form the currently existing Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry.



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was by no means limited to that topic. He was always fully aware of the importance of gas diffusion electrodes and especially their application to fuel cells. Numerous studies of gas diffusion electrodes were completed under Bagotsky's auspices in the 1970s [128, 140, 162, 168, 180, 187, 189, 190, 213, 214, 226, 248]. Unsurprisingly, many of these studies were aimed at understanding the relation between the structure of porous materials and their electrochemical performance. Of special interest in this regard are the papers [73, 74, 126]. In these publications, it is possible to see Bagotsky building on Frumkin's idea of replacing the complex geometry of real pores with a simple one-dimensional model. The industrial need for knowledge about porous electrodes was self-evident, but in the development of fuel ce lls, ano t her m ajo r re quirement wa s k n o wledg e of electrocatalysis. Bagotsky's interest in electrocatalysis covered both the general principles of the subject as well as the analysis of special cases. Regarding the general principles, Bagotsky realized how important it was to carry out systematic studies of structural effects, such as particle size, crystallographic orientation, and chemical identity of the support. A short letter [78] describing the difference in electrocatalytic activity between smooth and platinized platinum was a milestone (These classic experiments were carried out by two of Bagotsky's pupils, Yurii Borisovich Vassiliev and Olga Alekseevna Khazova, a nd both s ubsequently remained h i s c oworkers for half a century.). The same topic was also addressed in References [133, 153, 199, 326], and the difference in behavior between smooth and highly dispersed platinum was investigated with regard to chemisorption, methanol oxidation, and hydrogen ionization. Differences in electrocatalytic behavior were also found between smooth and ruthenized ruthenium [217] and between rhodium and rhodium-plated surfaces [148]. It was inside Bagotsky's Lab that various pioneering studies of single crystal surfaces of platinum group metals were first attempted [117, 119, 121, 124, 149, 167]. Despite the poor quality of some of the single crystal surfaces used in those works, important lessons wer e le ar ne d a bo ut t h e p ro fo un d r ole p la ye d b y crytallographic orientation. Another highly innovative series of studies were related to the role of surface defects [112­114, 134, 149]. These were created mainly by mechanical action ( such as surface hardening, stretching, and twisting) although sometimes by neutron

irradiation. Surprisingly, it was found that the number density of surface defects had little effect on hydrogen adsorption, methanol adsorption, or oxygen evolution.

A sketch drawn by V. S. Bagotsky: the cell for electrochemical measurements on a wire under mechanical load (stretching) On the other hand, many interesting and important effects in electrocatalysis w ere d iscovered f or supported electrocatalysts, especially in relation to the nature of the catalyst support. Today, it is widely understood that at least two different effects are involved, namely a particle-size effect and a catalyst­support interaction. Although dozens of Bagotsky's papers were devoted to the catalyst­support interaction, it remains a subject of intensive research. In a wellknown letter to "Electrokhimiya" [110], Bagotsky and his coworkers reported an increase of electrocatalytic activity of platinum microcrystals when they were deposited on a seemingly inert support (pyrolytic carbon), the size of the effect being inversely related to the size of the crystals. Subsequently, this topic was investigated in detail [122, 136, 142, 152, 157, 171, 175, 208, 215, 301, 310, 316, 317, 319, 320, 329]. In order to obtain quantitative measurements of catalyst­support interactions, electron photoemission was also explored [301, 310, 320]. This latter research was implemented by Bagotsky's pupil, Alexander Matveevich Skundin.

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Among many electrochemical reactions, two were of special interest for Bagotsky throughout his scientific carrier, namely cathodic reduction of oxygen and anodic oxidation of small organic molecules. Both processes are vital to fuel cell operation. His early work on oxygen reduction on mercury [8, 10­12] was extended in the 1960s and 1970s to platinum group metals [47, 129, 135, 141, 151, 153, 158, 188, 196, 203, 216, 219, 247, 263, 269, 278, 290, 291], silver [94, 143, 153, 156, 166, 205, 207, 212, 232, 234, 244], carbon [284, 296, 314], nickel [72, 80, 95, 97, 101, 104, 132, 163, 177, 193, 195, 204­206, 231, 257], as well as supported platinum [197, 252, 281, 332] and supported silver [236, 253]. In addition to numerous detailed studies of oxygen adsorption and reduction, Bagotsky also carried out a number of theoretical calculations of kinetic parameters [92, 107, 150, 282]. On e r esu l t o f B agotsky ' s b road ap proa ch to electrooxidation of organic compounds was the development of a generalized reaction scheme. This involved the dissociative chemisorption of organic species, the

simultaneous chemisorption of oxygen-containing species, and finally the reaction between the chemisorbed species to create oxidized products. The first papers of this kind appeared in 1963 [24, 25]. In an early review [34], Bagotsky and Yurii Borisovich Vassiliev considered the anodic oxidation of a large number of lowmolecular weight substances (formic acid, oxalic acid, formaldehyde, glycerol, butanol, glucose, etc.), all within one framework. Later, this general approach was extended to methanol adsorption and oxidation on platinum [36, 40, 43, 45, 48, 49, 51­53, 57, 62, 66, 84, 85, 100], as well as on other platinum group metals: [44] palladium, [89, 91, 105, 106, 115, 120, 148] iridium, [1 48] rhod ium, a n d [ 217, 256] ruth eniu m. Electrooxidation of ethylene glycol [54, 55], formic acid [68, 70, 79, 87, 90], and formaldehyde [293] were also studied. General summaries can be found in References [240, 275]. A similar approach to the cathodic reduction of simple organic substances was developed in References [288, 289, 297, 298].

Vladimir Sergeevich during IELAN period and in his former IELAN office during a visit to Moscow from USA (in color)

Being a world expert on the oxygen reduction reaction, Bagotsky followed developments with keen interest. He was particularly fascinated by the use of macrocyclic compo un ds as mo lec u la r c ata l yst s f o r o x y g e n r e d u c tio n.

Although the electrocatalytic activity of some metal phthalo cy ani nes and s om e s u bstit ute d po rp hyr ins h ad bee n known since the 1970s, their long-term stability was questio n a bl e, an d s o B a g o t sk y c arri ed ou t a se rie s o f


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experiments to test their thermal response. The results were published in References [273, 276]. The influence of cobalt phthalocyanine, tetraphenylporphyrin, and tetrabenzoporphyrin increased noticeably after heat treatment. Of course, heat treatment normally results in destruction of organic compounds, so it was a great surprise when the electrodes retained their high activity. Bagotsky's lecture at the 3rd International Symposium "Elektrochemische Stromquellen" in Dresden (1978) created a furore! At the b eginning of the 1 970s, the a ttention o f electrochemists all over the world was drawn to lithium batteries. The successful commercialization of such devices (both primary and secondary) by various Japanese companies prom pted a global s hift in resear ch from f uel cells to lithium-based systems. The Institute of Electrochemistry in Moscow could not ignore these developments, and a special lithium group was convened in Bagotsky's Department headed by Yurii Mikhailovich Povarov. From the outset, the interests of this group were focused on the most powerful primary system, namely lithium­thionyl chloride. It must be remembered that experimental work on this system was very difficult due to the high reactivity of lithium metal and the fact that the solvent could react violently with water. Never theless, Bagotsky's team made significant progress in elucidating the mechanism of thionyl chloride reduction [271, 280]. They also explored the behaviour of porous cathodes [330, 334, 11 in "Book chapters"] and the mechanism of passivation of lithium [327, 338, 340]. Later, the same group also studied the effect of various macrocyclic compounds, including porphyrin derivatives, on the cathodic half-cell reaction [331, 333, 335, and 337]. A wide variety of carbon electrode materials was also studied, including carbon black, activated carbon, and graphitized cloth [334]. It was found that the pores in the carbon electrodes filled up non-synchronously, with the large pores filling with lithium chloride first and the small pores filling second. Evidently, the pore size distribution was an important factor in the battery performance. As for the passive films on the lithium surface, it was found that they exhibit self-healing properties. They have an inner layer which is thin and poorly crystalline and an outer layer which is thick and crystalline. Overall, the film exhibits p-type semiconductivity, with a small hole concentration of circa 1014 cm-3. Nevertheless, it is sufficient to allow the slow growth of the secondary film. Because of various reasons, in particular, the secrecy of early lithium batteries R&D, these and some other important results remained unpublished in scientific journals. In his retirement, Bagotsky maintained close contact with his former colleagues in Moscow even after moving to the USA. A lot of people from the former Bagotsky'sDepartment are still working in the Frumkin Institute, forming the Laboratory of the Processes in Power Sources. Amazingly, he continued to work on textbooks and monographs well past

his 90th birthday; a special session of the American Electrochemical Society was arranged in his honor as a part of the 218th meeting of the Electrochemical Society in October 2010. His passing is a great loss. The authors are grateful to Professor Steven Fletcher for his kind help with preparation of this text and to Dr. Natalya V. Bagotskaya, who provided the photos and other original materials.

Celebration of Bagotsky's 80-year jubilee in his Moscow flat. From left to right: Nina Vladimirovna Osetrova, Alexander Matveevich Skundin, Evgeniya Ivanovna Khrushcheva, Irina Evgenyevna Yablokova, Vladimir Sergeevich Bagotsky

Publications of Vladimir Sergevich Bagotsky Monographs 1. Frumkin AN, Bagotsky VS, Iofa ZA, Kabanov BN (1952) Kinetics of Electrode Processes. Moscow State University Publ. Moscow (in Russian), 320 p. English Translation: Frumkin AN, Bagotsky VS, Iofa ZA, Kabanov BN (1967) Kinetics of Electrode Processes. Foreign Technol. Div., Nr. FTD-HT-67-153, WrigtPatterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Chinese Translation: Frumkin AN, Bagotsky VS, Iofa ZA, Kabanov BN (1957) Kinetics of Electrode Processes, Beijing. 2. Bago tsky VS, F lyo r ov VN (19 62) Adv a nce s in Chemical Power Sources. Gosenergoizdat, Moscow (in Russian), 240 p. Romanian Translation: Bagotski VS, Flerov VN (1964) in: Surse de current chimice, partea a II-a, Editura tehnica, Bucuresti, Pp. 434­595. Polish Translation: Bagocki WS, Florow WN (1965)

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7. 8.

Ch em ic zn e z ro dl a e n e r g ii el ek tr y c z n ej , Wyda w n . naukowo-techniczne, Warszawa. Gurevich IG, Vol'fkovich YuM, Bagotsky VS (1974) Liquid Porous Electrodes. "Nauka i Tekhnika" Publ. Minsk (in Russian), 205 p. Bagotsky VS, Bogdanovskaya VA, Vassiliev YuB et al. (1980) Problems of Electrocatalysis. "Nauka" Publ. Moscow (in Russian), 271 p. Bagotsky VS, Skundin AM (1981) Chemical Power Sources. "Energoizdat" Publ. Moscow (in Russian), 360 p. English Translation: Bagotzky VS, Skundin AM (1980) Chemical Power Sources. Academic Press, London a.o. Czech Translation: Bagockij VS, Skundin AM (1987) Electrochemicke zdroje proudu. Nakladatelstvi Technicke Literatury, Praha. Bagotsky VS. (1988) Fundamentals of Electrochemistry. "Khimiya" Publ. Moscow (in Russian), 400 p. English Translation: Bagotzky VS. (1993) Fundamentals of Electrochemistry. Plenum Press, New York. Bagotsky VS. (2006) Fundamentals of Electrochemistry. 2nd Edn. Wiley, New York, 2006, 752 p. V.S. Bagotsky. (2009) Fuel Cells. Problems and Solutions. Wiley, Hoboken, 320 p. (2012) 2nd Edn.

7. Bagotsky V S, Va sil ' ev Yu B, Kha z ova OA Beskorovaynaya SS (1968) The mechanism of methano electrooxydation at platinum electrode. In: "Fuel Cells. Kinetics of electrode processes" "Nauka Publ" Moscow: 198­225 (In Russian) 8. Bagotsky VS, Vasil'ev YuB (1968) Catalytic and electrochemical processes at formic acid anodic oxidation at electrodes-catalysts. In: "Fuel Cells. Kinetics of electrode processes" "Nauka Publ" Moscow: 280­305 (In Russian) 9. Ossetrova NV, Zakharyan AV, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1980) Carbon dioxide electrochemical reduction. In: "Electrosynthesis of monomers""Nauka Publ" Moscow: 220­243 10. Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1966) Effect of adsorptive phenomena on the electrochemical oxidation of organic materials. In: "Fuel Cells. Their Electrochemical Kinetics" (Translation from Russian) Consultants Bureau, New York: 99­110 11. Bagotzky VS, Volfkovich YuM, Kanevsky LS, Skundin AM, Broussely M, Chenebault Ph, Caillaud T. (1995) Changes of the porous structure of carbon cathodes during the discharge of Li­SOCl2 cells. In: Attewell A, Keley T (eds) Power Sources. Ch. 27

Papers in Refereed Journals4 Book chapters 1. Gurevich IG, Bagotsky VS (1964) Operation of liquid porous electrodes under diffusion reactants supply. In: "Fuel cells. Some theoretical problems" "Nauka Publ" Moscow: 69­92 (In Russian) 2. Gurevich IG, Bagotsky VS (1964) Operation of liquid porous electrodes under forced reactants supply. In: "Fuel cells. Some theoretical problems""Nauka Publ" Moscow: 93­107 (In Russian) 3. Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1964) Some problems of organic substances electrooxydation. In: "Fuel cells. Some theoretical problems" "Nauka Publ" Moscow: 108­136 (In Russian) 4. Frumkin AN, Bagotsky VS (1966) The great goal of electrochemistry (fuel cells). In: Children Encyclopaedia, 2nd. ed. "Prosveshschenie Publ" Moscow: 405­412 (In Russian) 5. Bagotsky VS, Vasil'ev YuB (1966) Features of organic substances adsorption at platinum. In: Progress in organic substances electrochemuistry "Nauka Publ" Moscow: 38­64 (In Russian) 6. Gurevich IG, Bagotsky VS (1968) Liquid porous electrodes. In: "Fuel Cells. Kinetics of electrode processes" "Nauka Publ" Moscow: 99­110 (In Russian) 1. Bagotsky VS, Jofa ZA (1946) On the appearance of free atomic hydrogen on the mercury cathode and the mechanism of the cathodic reduction of WO3. Comp Rend (Doklady) de l'AcadÈmie des Sciences de l'URSS 53:439­442. 2. Bagotsky VS (1947) Dependence of the hydrogen overvoltage at mercury electrode on the solution composition. Doklady AN SSSR 58:1387­1390 (In Russian) 3. Bagotsky VS, Jofa ZA, Frumkin AN (1947) On the excited form of cathodic hydrogen. Zh Fiz Khimii 21:241­244 (In Russian) 4. Bagotsky VS (1948) On the theory of concentration polarization at a dropping mercury electrode. II. Curves
A lot of Bagotsky's papers were published in Russian. The earlier papers (before 1965) are mostly available in Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, which according to out knowledge was not translated after liquidation of its international version, Acta Physicochimika URSS, in 1947. Starting from 1965, specialized journal Elektrokhimiya became the principle for Russian electrochemists. Up to 1992 its translated version was named Soviet Electrochemistry, and starting from 1993 it is published as Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. Unfortunately some issues of rarely available Soviet Electrochemistry were not found, and we can only mention the papers In Russian. For other papers, titles are presented according to translated version (despite in some cases translation is not exact). All colleagues interested in any of paper from this list are kindly invited to contact Guest Editors for copies and translations.


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7. 8.












of the hydrogen concentrational polarization. Zh Fiz Khimii 22:1466­1477 (In Russian) Bagotsky VS, Yablokova IE (1949) Kinetics of hydrogen evolution from buffer solutions at a mercury cathode. Zh Fiz Khimii 23:413­421 (In Russian) Bagotsky VS, Motov DL (1950) The reversible oxygen electrode at mercury in alkaline solution and the mechanism of oxygen cathodic reduction. Doklady AN SSSR 71:501­504 (In Russian) Frumkin AN, Jofa ZA, Bagotsky VS (1951) Reply to N.I. Kobozev. Zh Fiz Khimii 25:1117­1131 (In Russian) Yablokova IE, Bagotsky VS (1952) The equilibrium potential of the oxygen­hydrogen peroxide system. Doklady AN SSSR 85:599­602 (In Russian) Fr umki n AN, Jofa ZA, Bagotsky VS (1952) N.I. Kobozev adsorption theory of overvoltage. Zh Fiz Khimii 26:1854­1870 (In Russian) Bagotsky VS, Yablokova IE (1953) Mechanism of the oxygen and hydrogen peroxide electrochemical reduction at a mercury electrode. Zh Fiz Khimii 27:1663­ 1675 (In Russian) Bagotsky VS, Yablokova IE (1953) The mechanism of hydrogen evolution and oxygen reduction at a mercury cathode (1953) Proceedings (Trudy) of the meeting (soveshanie) on electrochemistry (1950), AN USSR, Moscow, p. 57­70 (In Russian) Bagotsky VS, Yablokova IE (1954) On the mechanism of catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on metallic mercury surface. Doklady AN SSSR 95:1219­ 1221 (In Russian) Shteinberg GV, Bagotsky VS (1957) Some peculiarities of chromic acid reduction at a carbon cathode. Doklady AN SSSR 115:568­571 (In Russian) Mendzheritskii EA, Bagotsky VS (1959) The equilibrium conditions at a zinc electrode in zincate saturated alkaline solutions. Doklady AN SSSR 128:575­577 (In Russian) Bagotsky VS (1959) The electrode processes in new electrochemical power sources--Proceedings of the meeting on electrochemistry (1956). AN USSR, Moscow, p. 737­743 (In Russian) Popova TI, Bagotsky VS, Kabanov BN (1960) Anode passivation of zinc in alkaline solutions. Doklady AN SSSR 132:639­642 (In Russian) Iofa ZA, Komlev LV, Bagotsky VS (1961) Hydrogen overvoltage on a zinc electrode in alkaline solutions. Effect of concentration of potassium hydroxide solution. Zh Fiz Khimii 35:1571­1577 (In Russian) Oshe AI, Bagotsky VS (1961) On the mechanism of cathodic reduction of zinc oxide phase layers at a zinc electrode. Zh Fiz Khimii 35:1641­1642 (In Russian) Oshe AI, A stakhov II, Nikitina ZYa , Reznik IF, Bagotsky VS (1961) Changes in the structure of the















negative electrode of a silver­zinc battery under operation conditions. Zh Prikl Khimii 34:2254­2260 (In Russian) Popova TI, Bagotsky VS, Kabanov BN (1962) Studies on the anodic passivation of zinc in alkali. I. Measurements at constant current densities. Zh Fiz Khimii 36:1432­1438 (In Russian) Popova TI, Bagotsky VS, Kabanov BN (1962) Studies on the a nodi c pas s ivat ion o f z inc i n a lkal i. II. Potentiostatic and alternating current measurements; determination of charging curves. Zh Fiz Khimii 36:1439­ 1444 (In Russian) Mendzheritskii EA, Bagotsky VS (1962) Kinetic hindrances to formation of a new phase in cathode reduction of some metal oxides. Doklady AN SSSR 142:127­130 (In Russian) Bagotsky VS, Frumkin AN (1962) On the problem of direct conversion of the chemical into electric energy. Vestnik AN SSSR No 7:19­32 (In Russian) Vassiliev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1963) Electrooxidation of formic acid and its salts at a rotating platinum electrode. Doklady AN SSSR 148:132­135 (In Russian) Yao Lu-An, Kazarinov VE, Vassiliev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1963) Influence of adsorption on the rate of processes at a platinum electrode in quinone­hydroquinone system. Doklady AN SSSR 151:151­154 (In Russian) Popova TI, Bagotsky VS, Kabanov BN (1963) The influence of small amounts of metal impurities on hydrogen overvoltage at zinc in concentrated alkaline solutions. Zh Prikl Khimii 36:1743­1748 (In Russian) Gurevich IG, Bagotzky VS (1963) Operation of porous ele c trodes u nder d if fusion supp ly of reactants. Inzhenerno-fizicheskii Zh 6:60­68 (In Russian) Gurevich IG, Bagotzky VS (1963) Efficiency of the porous electrodes operating under diffusion supply of reactants. I nzhenerno-fizicheskii Z h 6 :69 ­ 80 (In Russian) Gurevich IG, Bagotzky VS (1963) Operation of liquid porous electrodes under forced supply of reactants. Inzhenerno-fizicheskii Zh 6:75­85 (In Russian) Yao Lu-An, Vassiliev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1964) Electrochemical processes in quinone­hydroquinone system. Zh Fiz Khimii 38:205­208 (In Russian) Popova TI, Simonova NA, Bagotsky VS (1964) Study of the mechanism of polyatomic alkohols and formamide oxidation at a platinum electrode. Zh Fiz Khimii 38:2452­2455 (In Russian) Luk'yanycheva VI, Bagotsky VS (1964) Oxygen adsorption on smooth degassed platinum in electrolyte solutions. Doklady AN SSSR 155:160­163 (In Russian) Tikhomirova VI, Bagotsky VS, Oshe AI, Luk'yanycheva VI (1964) State of oxygen adsorbed at platinum. Doklady AN SSSR 159:644­647 (In Russian)

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34. Bagotzky VS, Vasilyev YuB (1964) Some characteristics of oxidation reactions of organic compounds on platinum electrodes. Electrochim Acta 9:869­882. 35. Gurevich IG, Bagotzky VS (1964) Porous electrodes with liquid reactants under steady-state operating conditions. Electrochim Acta 9:1151­1176. 36. Khazova OA, Vasilyev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1965) Methanol adso rption a t smooth p la tinum e l ec trode. Elektrokhimiya 1:84­89 (In Russian) 37. Yao Lu-An, Vasilyev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1965) Kinetics of electrochemical processes in quinone­hydroquinone system. I. The effect of reactant specific adsorption upon reaction k inet ics a i p latinum electrode. Elektrokhimiya 1:170­175 (In Russian) 38. Yao Lu-An, Kazarinov VE, Vasilyev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1965) Kinetics of electrochemical processes in quinone­hydroquinone system. II. The effect of adsorption of species non-involved in the reaction. Elektrokhimiya 1:176­181 (In Russian) 39. Luk'yanycheva VI, Tikhomirova VI, Bagotsky VS (1965) The effect of platinum surface state upon electroc hemical oxygen adsorption i n acid s ol ut ions . Elektrokhimiya 1:262­266 (In Russian) 40. Khazova OA, Vasilyev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1965) The effect of foreign ions and molecules adsorption on the organic substances oxidation rate at platinum electrode. Elektrokhimiya 1:439­445 (In Russian) 41. Tikhomirova VI, Luk'yanycheva VI, Bagotsky VS (1965) Oxygen/hydrogen p eroxide equilibrium at degassed platinum in the presence of oxygen traces. Elektrokhimiya 1:645­650 (In Russian) 42. Oshe AI, Tikhomirova VI, Bagotsky VS (1965) Oxygen ionization at oxidized platinum cathode in acid solutions. Elektrokhimiya 1:688­691 (In Russian) 43. Beskorovainaya SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1965) Aliphatic alcohols adsorption at smooth platinum electrode. Elektrokhimiya 1:691­695 (In Russian) 44. Polyak AG, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1965) The oxidation of organic substances through palladium membrane. Elektrokhimiya 1:968­974 (In Russian) 45. Beskorovainaya SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1965) The kinetics of methanol adsorption at platinum electrode. Elektrokhimiya 1:968­974 (In Russian) 46. Gurevich IG, Bagotsky VS (1965) Liquid porous electrodes in non-steady-state operation. I. Galvanostatic mode at diffusion supply of a reactant. Elektrokhimiya 1:1235­1244 (In Russian) 47. Bagotskii VS, Nekrasov LN Shumilova NA (1965) Electrochemical reduction of oxygen. Rus Chem Rev 34:717­729 48. Khazova OA, Vassiliev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1965) Electrooxidation of organic substances at a platinum electrode. 1. General view of potentiostatic curves and














the nature of inhibition of the oxidation electrochemical processes. Izvestia AN SSSR Ser Khim No. 9:1531­ 1539 (In Russian) Khazova OA, Vassiliev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1965) Electrooxidation of organic substances at a platinum electrode. 2. Kinetics of alcohols, aldehydes and carboxylic acids oxidation considering heterogeneity of the platinum electrode surface. Izvestia AN SSSR Ser Khim No. 10:1778­1787 (In Russian) Semenov NN, Kabanov BN, Bagotsky VS (1965) Aleksander Naumovich Frumkin (on the seventieth anniversary). Zh Fiz Khimii 39:2629­2633 (In Russian) Beskorovainaya SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1966) On the theory of potential of platinum electrode in contact with organic substance. Elektrokhimiya 2:44­ 49 (In Russian) Beskorovainaya SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1966) Nonstationary Currents in the Adsorption and Dehydrogenation of Methanol on a Smooth Platinum Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 2:154­160 Khazova OA, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1966) The Mechanism of the Electrooxidation of Methanol on a Smooth Platinum Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 2:249­ 257 Weber J, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1966) Ethylene glycole electrooxidation at smooth platinum electrode. 1. Ethylene glycole adsorption from acid solutions. Elektrokhimiya 2:515­521 (In Russian) Weber J, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1966) Ethylene glycole electrooxidation at smooth platinum electrode. 2. The electrode potential effect on ethylene glycole adsorption. Elektrokhimiya 2:522­528 (In Russian) Palanker VSh, Skundin AM, Bagotsky VS (1966) The electric double layer capacity at mercury in melts and concentr at ed solutions of n itrat es. El ektrokhi miya 2:640­645 (In Russian) Be skorovainaya S S, Kha zova OA, Vasil ' ev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1966) A solution pH effect on organic substances electrooxidation. Elektrokhimiya 2:932­936 (In Russian) Kazakevich GZ, Yablokova IE, Bagotsky VS (1966) Silver behavior in alkali at its polarization with asymmetric ac. Elektrokhimiya 2:932­936 (In Russian) Skundin AM, Bagotsky VS (1966) On the analysis of oscillographic polarograms of irreversible processes. Elektrokhimiya 2:1217­1220 (In Russian) Mendzheritsky EA, Bagotsky VS (1966) Cathodic reduction of a mercury-oxide electrode. Elektrokhimiya 2:1312­1317 (In Russian) Skundin AM, Palanker VSh, Bagotsky VS (1966) Chlorine ionization at platinum and iridium electrodes in m olten eutecti cs AlCl3-NaCl-KCl. Elektrokhimiya 2:1453­1317 (In Russian)


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62. Beskorovainaya SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotsky VS (1966) The kinetics of methanol desorption with platinum electrode (Letter to editor). Elektrokhimiya 2:1453­1317 (In Russian) 63. Gurevich IG, Bagotsky VS (1966) On a quasistationary relation for capillary porous cells in chemical reactors. Inzhenerno-fizicheskii Zh 10:55­59 (In Russian) 64. Matusevich LA, Bagotsky VS (1966) The study of equilibrated carbonate­bicarbonate electrolyte in the presence of potassium formiate. Zh Prikl Khimii 39:1463­1467 (In Russian) 65. Ezersky ML, Kozlova NI, Bagotsky VS, Kalliga GP, Deonis IM, Prilepsky VI (1966) The conductivity of solid solutions of calcium oxide and zirconium dioxide at elevated temperatures. Izvestia AN SSSR, Ser Neorg Mater No. 2:1811­1815 66. Bagotzky VS, Vassiliev YuB (1966) Adsorption of organic substances on platinum electrodes. Electrochim Acta 11:1439­1461 67. Kazakevich GZ, Yablokova IE, Bagotskii VS (1967) Activat ion o f S ilver Oxide E lectrodes. Soviet Electrochem 3:104­106 68. Minakshisundaram N, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1967) Adsorption of Formic Acid on a Platinum Electrode. The Nature of the Adsorbed Particles. Soviet Electrochem 3:161­165 69. Skundin AM, Palanker VSh, Bagotskii VS (1967) Passivation of an Iridium Anode in a Fused AlCl3-NaClKCl Eutectic. Soviet Electrochem 3:207­208 70. Minakshisundaram N, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1967) Kinetics of Formic Acid Adsorption on a Platinum Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 3:245­248 71. Palanker VSh, Skundin AM, Bagotskii VS (1967) Double-Layer Capacitances in Concentrated Halide Solutions. Soviet Electrochem 3:319­322 72. Ku Ling-ying, Shumilova NA, Bagotskii VS (1967) Adsorption and Ionization of Oxygen on Nickel in Alkali. Soviet Electrochem 3:404­409 73. Osetrova NV, Bagotskii VS (1967) Mechanism of Operation of Gas Electrodes from a Plastic (Hydrophobic) Basis. I. Semi-Immersed Electrodes. Soviet Electrochem 3:459­461 74. Osetrova NV, Bagotskii VS (1967) Mechanism of Operation of Gas Electrodes on a Plastic (Hydrophobic) Base. II. Behavior of the Electrode in a Channelled Space. Soviet Electrochem 3:566­568 75. Tikhomirova VI, Luk'yanycheva VI, Bagotskii VS (1967) Use of a Rotating Platinum Disc Electrode with Preliminary Vacuum Treatment of the Surface for Study of the Ionization of Molecular Oxygen in an Alkali. Soviet Electrochem 3:673­676 76. Gurevich IG, Bagotskii VS (1967) Stationary Operational Regime for a Unilaterally Polarizable Liquid Porous














Electrode with Bilateral Diffusional Feed of the Reagent and Low Polarization. Soviet Electrochem 3:703­711 Gurevich IG, Bagotskii VS (1967) Stationary Operational Regime for Unilaterally Polarized Liquid Porous Electrode with Bilateral Diffusion Feed of the Reagent at High Polarization. Soviet Electrochem 3:807­814 Khazova OA, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1967) Difference in the Catalytic and Electrochemical Activities of Smooth and Platinized Platinum Electrodes. Soviet Electrochem 3:915 Polyak AG, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS, Smirnova RM (1967) Electrochemical Oxidation of Formic Acid on Palladium. Communication I . Soviet Electrochem 3:958­961 Ku Ling-ying, Shumilova NA, Bagotskii VS, Bel'mer PF (1967) Investigation of the Activity of the Nickel­ Silver System in Relation to the Process of Ionization of Oxygen in Alkaline Solutions. Soviet Electrochem 3:1150­1152 Gurevich IG, Bagotskii VS (1967) Steady-State Operation of Liquid Porous Electrodes with Diffusion of Reactant f rom t he Back (Unpolarized) S id e. Soviet Electrochem 3:1261­1264 Ezersky ML, Bagotsky VS, Labkovskaya II, Tresviatskii SG, Zyrin AV (1967) Application of oxide compositions and kermets as a component of high-temperature oxygen electrode. Izvestia AN SSSR Ser Neorg Mater .4:1249­ 1252 (In Russian) Gurevich IG, Bagotzky VS (1967) Steady-state operation of a porous electrode polarized from one side with diffusion supply of liquid reactants from both sides. Electrochim Acta 12:593­614 Bagotzky VS, Vassilyev YuB (1967) Mechanism of electro-oxidation of methanol on the platinum electrode. Electrochim Acta 12:1323­1343 Gonz J, Beskorovainaya SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1968) Heat of Adsorption of Methanol by a Platinum Electrode from a Solution of Sulfuric Acid. Soviet Electrochem 4:280­282 Gurevich IG, Bagotskii VS, Budeka YuF (1968) Optimization of Input Parameters of an Electrochemical System with Liquid Porous Electrodes Operating with Forced Reactant Input. Soviet Electrochem 4:286­289 Polyak AG, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1968) Kinetics of formic acid anodic oxidation at palladium electrode. Soviet Electrochem 4:474­476 Budeka YuF, Gurevich IG, Bagotskii VS (1968) Effect of Input Parameters on the Operation of Liquid Porous Electrodes with Forced Reactant Input. Soviet Electrochem 4:790­792 Sedova SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1968) Adsorption of Hydrogen and Methanol on a Smooth Iridium Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 4:1006­1008

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90. Polyak AG, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1968) Oxygen Diffusion Through a Palladium Membrane and its Effect on Oxidation of Formic Acid. Soviet Electrochem 4:1016­1018 91. Sedova SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1968) Kinetics of Methanol Adsorption on a Smooth Iridium Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 4:1101­1103 92. Bagotskii VS, Filinovskii VYu, Shumilova NA (1968) Kinetics of Individual Stages of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. I. Derivation of Basic Equations. Soviet Electrochem 4:1129­1133 93. Gurevich IG, Budeka YuF, Bagotskii VS (1968) Operation of Liquid Porous Electrodes with Forced Reactant Input as a Function of the Reactant Use Coefficient. Soviet Electrochem 4:1134­1135 94 . Zhutae va GV, M erk u lov a ND, S humilova NA, Bagotskii VS (1968) The Kinetics of Individual Stages in the Reduction of Oxygen. II. Reduction of Oxygen on Silve r in Alkaline Solutions. Soviet Electrochem 4:1136­1138 95. Samoilov GP, S humilo v a N A, Kh rush cheva E I, Bagotskii VS (1968) Kinetics of Separate Stages of Oxygen Reduction. III. Reduction of Oxygen on Nickel in Alkaline Solution. Soviet Electrochem 4:1226­1228 96. Ezersky ML, Kolesnikov EI, Bagotsky VS, Trofimov MG, Rastorguev LN (1968) Properties of zirconium dioxide layers deposited by plasma sputtering. Izvestia AN SSSR Ser Neorg Mater 4:549­552 (In Russian) 97. Shumilova NA, Bagotzky VS (1968) Oxygen ionization on nickel in alkaline solutions. Electrochim Acta 13:285­293. 98. Vol'fkovich YuM, Gurevich IG, Bagotskii VS (1969) Oxidation of Methanol as an Example of Liquid Porous Electrode Operation. I. Polarization Characteristics of Diff eren t E lec t ro de Lay o u t s. So viet Ele c troc he m 5:101­104 99. Vol'fkovich YuM, Gurevich IG, Bagotskii VS (1969) Oxidation of Methanol as an Example of Liquid Porous Electrode Operation. II. Study of Mixed Operating Conditions Using C om parison Characteristics. Sovi et Electrochem 5:120­123 100. Weber J, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1969) Effect of Anions on the Adsorption of Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Methanol on the Surface of Platinum. Soviet Electrochem 5:290­293 10 1. Samoilov G P, Khrushch eva E I, S humilova NA, Bagotskii VS (1969) Cathodic Reduction of Oxygen at an Oxidized Nickel Electrode in Alkaline Solution. Soviet Electrochem. 5:429­431 102. Labkovskaya II, Luk'yanycheva VI, Bagotskii VS (1969) The Adsorption of HSO4- Ions on the Smooth Platinum Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 5:535­538

103. Veber Ya, Pirtskhalava DzhN, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1969) Adsorption of Bromide Anions on a Smooth Platinum Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 5:975­978 104. Samoilov GP, K hrushc heva EI, Shumilova N A, Bagotskii VS (1969) Electrochemical Behavior of Hydrogen Peroxide on a Nickel Electrode in an Alkaline Solution. Soviet Electrochem 5:1022­1024 105. Sedova SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1969) Dehydrogenation of Methanol during Adsorption on a Smooth Iridium Electrode and the Nature of the Nonstationary Currents. Soviet Electrochem 5:1028­1031 106. Vol'fkovich YuM, Sedova SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1969) Investigation of Microkinetics in Electrolytic Oxidation and Chemisorption of Methanol by Means of Porous Platinum and Iridium Electrodes. Soviet Electrochem 5:1135­1137 107. Bagotskii VS, Tarasevich MR, Filinovskii VYu (1969) Calculation of the Kinetic Parameters of Conjugated Reactions of Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide. Soviet Electrochemistry 5:1158­1161 108. Vol'fkovich YuM, Gurevich IG, Bagotskii VS (1969) Experimental Investigation of the Work of a Liquid Porous Electrode with Methanol Electrooxidation as an Example. III. Comparison of the Polarisation Characteristics of Porous and Smooth Electrodes. Soviet Electrochem 5:1185­1189 109. Gurevich IG, Bagotskii VS (1969) Optimization of the Geometry (Thickness) of Porous Liquid Electrodes. Soviet Electrochem 5:1227­1229 110. Kanevskii LS, Palanker VSh, Bagotskii VS (1969) Adsorption and Evolution of Hydrogen on Platinum Microcrystals Deposited on Pyrolitic Carbon (Letter to the Editor). Soviet Electrochem 5:1319 111. Vol'fkovich YuM, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1969) Adsorption Behavior of Methanol on a Smooth Platinum Electrode in Alkaline Solution. Soviet Electrochem 5:1387­1389 112. Pyshnograeva II, Skundin AM, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1969) How Lattice Defects Affect the Adsorption and Electrochemical Properties of Platinum. Soviet Electrochem 5:1394­1396 113. Pyshnograeva II, Vasil'ev YuB, Zimakov IE, Bagotskii VS, Spitsyn VI (1969) Acceleration of Electrochemical Processes on Platinum Irradiated in a Reactor. Soviet Electrochem 5:1430 114. Pyshnograeva II, Vasil'ev YuB, Zimakov IE, Bagotskii VS, Spitsyn VI (1969) Effect of irradiation on the platinum electrochemical and catalytic activity. Doklady AN SSSR189:1048­1051 (In Russian) 115. Sedova SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1969) The mechanism of methanol electrooxidation at an iridium electrode. Izvestia AN SSSR Ser Khim No. 6:1248­ 1253 (In Russian)


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116. Vo l ' fk ov ic h YuM , Va s i l ' ev Yu B, B a go tsk i i V S (1969) The mechanism of methanol electrooxidation at a smooth platinum electrode in alkaline solution. Izvestia AN SSSR Ser K him N o. 9:1898 ­ 1905 (In Russian) 117. Pyshnograeva II, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1969) Hydrogen adsorption at different faces of platinum single crystal. Izvestia AN SSSR Ser Khim No. 11:2361­2366 (In Russian) 118. Pirtskhalava J, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1970) Adsorption of Anions of Phosphoric Acid, Chlorine, and Iodine on the Surface of a Smooth Platinum Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 6:100­103 11 9 . Pyshn ograe va II, Sk und in AM, Vasil ' ev Yu B, Bagotskii VS (1970) Influence of Crystallographic Orientation on the Overvoltage of the Liberation of Hydrogen and Oxygen on Platinum. Soviet Electrochem 6:134­137 120. Sedova SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1970) Effect of Solution pH on the Adsorption of Methanol on an Iridium Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 6:189­191 121. Pyshnograeva II, Skundin AM, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1970) Adsorption of Oxygen and Bromine Ions on the Various Faces of Platinum Single Crystals. Soviet Electrochem 6:192­195 122. Kanevskii LS, Palanker VSh, Bagotskii VS (1970) Electrocatalytic Properties of Microcrystals of Platinum Metals Deposited on Inert Carriers. I. Adsorption and Evolution of Hydrogen on Platinized Pyrocarbon. Soviet Electrochem 6:262­264 123. Gonz I, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1970) Investigation of Chemisorption Rate of Hydrogen on Platinum b y Means o f D isk E lectrode with Rin g . S oviet Electrochem 6:316­319 124. Pyshnograeva II, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1970) Adsorption and Electrooxidation of Methanol on Different Single-Crystal Faces o f P l a tinum. S oviet Electrochem 6:428­431 125. Nikolov I, Yanchuk BI, Beskorovainaya SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1970) Effect of Molecular Structure on Adsorption and Electrooxidation of Aliphatic Alcohols. Soviet Electrochem 6:585­589 126. Bagotskii VS, Osetrova NV (1970) Ionization of Hydrogen on a Sectional and Rotating Electrode in Sulfuric Acid. Soviet Electrochem 6:679­681 127. Luk'yanycheva VI, Strochkova EM, Bagotskii VS (1970) Measurement of the Impedance of Smooth Platinum Electrodes in Sulfuric Acid. Soviet Electrochem 6:684­688 128. Bagotskii VS, Shteinberg GV, Urisson NA, Mokrousov LN, Astakhov II, Kudryavtseva ZI, Baranov AP (1970) Structure of the Waterproof Layer of a Catalyst. Soviet Electrochem 6:1014­1017

129. Yuzhanina AV, Luk'yanycheva VI, Shumilova NA, Bagotskii VS (1970) Investigation of the Mechanism of the Cathodic Reduction of Oxygen on Smooth Anodically­Cathodically Treated Platinum in Alkaline Solution. Soviet Electrochem 6:1025­1027 130. Skundin AM, Khodzhaeva EK, Bagotskii VS (1970) Adsorption of Hydrogen and Oxidation of Methanol on Mixed Platinum­Rhodium Electrolytic Deposits. Soviet Electrochem 6:1100­1102 131. Pirtskhalava JN, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1970) Joint Adsorption of Methanol and Chlorine Anions on the S u rface of a P latinum Electrode. S oviet Electrochem 6:1111­1113 132. Samoilov GP, K hrushc heva EI, Shumilova N A, Bagotskii VS (1970) Electrochemical Behavior of O2 and H2O2 on Heat-Treated Nickel in Alkaline Solution. Soviet Electrochem 6:1301­1303 133. Khazova OA, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1970) Effect of the Structure of Electrodeposited Platinum on Its Adsorptive Properties and Electrocatalytical Activity. Soviet Electrochem 6:1320­1322 134. Pyshnograeva II, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1970) Effect of Mechanical Loading on Electrochemical and Catalyt i c C haracteristi cs of Plati num. S oviet Electrochem 6:1489­1491 135. Bagotskii VS, Khrushcheva EI, Shumilova NA (1970) Effect of Impurities in Solution on Equilibrium Potential of Oxygen Electrode in Acidic Electrolyte. Soviet Electrochem 6:1671­1673 136. Kanevskii LS, Palanker VSh, Bagotskii VS (1970) Electrocatalytic Properties of Microcrystals of Platinum Metals, Deposited on Inert Carriers. II. Adsorption and Evolution of Hydrogen, and Adsorption and Oxidation o f M ethanol o n P latinized Gold. S oviet Electrochem 6:1799­1801 137. Pirtskhalava JN, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1970) Effect of anions on methanol oxidation at a platinum electrode. Izvestia AN SSSR Ser Khim No. 7:1510­ 1516 (In Russian) 138. Bagotzky VS, Vassilyev YuB, Weber J, Pirtskhalava JN (1970) Adsorption of anions on smooth platinum electrodes. J Electroanal Chem 27:31­46. 139. Luk'yanycheva VI, Strochkova EM, Bagotskii VS, Knots LL (1971) Electric Double-Layer Capacitance at a Smooth Platinum Electrode in 1 N H2SO4 Determine d b y I mp ed an ce Me asure m e n ts. S o v ie t Electrochem 7:252­255 140. Baranov AP, Shteinberg GV, Bagotskii VS (1971) Investigation of a Waterproofed Active Layer of a GasDiffusion Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 7:369­372 141. Luk'yanycheva VI, Yuzhanina AV, Lentsner BI, Knots LL, Shumilova NA, Bagotskii VS (1971) The State of the Adsorbed Oxygen and Its Effect on the Mechanism

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of Molecular Oxygen Reduction at a Platinum Electro de in an A lkali Solution. Sov iet Ele ctro chem 7:1240­1244 Kanevskii LS, Astakhov II, Palanker VSh, Bagotskii VS (1971) Electrocatalytic Properties of Microcrystals of Platinum Metals Deposited on Inert Supports. III. Adsorption and Oxidation of Methanol and Formic Acid on Platinized Pyrographite and Gold. Soviet Electrochem 7:1284­1287 Zhutaeva GV, Bagotskii VS, Shumilova NA (1971) The Two-Ring Rotating Disk Electrode and Its Use in the Investigation of the Reduction of Oxygen. Soviet Electrochem 7:1649­1651 Osetrova NV, Bagotskii VS (1971) Ionization of Hydrogen at Platinum Microelectrodes Operating in the Vicinity of a Thin Electrolyte Film. Soviet Electrochem 7:1659­1661 Osetrova NV, Bagotskii VS (1971) Effect of Anion Adsorption on Hydrogen Ionization at Platinum Microelectrodes Positioned in the Zone of a Thin Electrolyte Film. Soviet Electrochem 7:1773­1775 Markova ZA, Bagotskii VS, Bakh NA (1971) The study of structural groups on the surface of platinum black by infrared spectroscopy technique. Izvestia AN SSSR Ser Khim No. 1:52­57 (In Russian) Bagotsky VS, Beletsky MS, Volfkovich YuM, Grigorov EI, Gurevich IG, Korshunov GM, Ovchinnikov VS, Serebriakov VN, Smolsky BM, Sosenkin VE, Uvarov IM, Shchitnikov VK Self-adjustment of water diversion in a hydrogen­oxygen fuel cell. 1. Main peculiarities of the operation of hydrogen­oxygen fuel cell with a capillary membrane . I nzhene rno-fizic h eskii z hurnal 21:627­631 (In Russian) Bagotzky VS, Vassiliev YuB, Khazova OA, Sedova SS (1971) Adsorption and anodic oxidation of methanol on iridium and rhodium electrodes. Electrochim Acta 16:913­938. Bagotzky VS, Vassiliev YuB, Pyshnograeva II (1971) Role of structural factors in electrocatalysis. I. Smooth platinum electrodes. Electrochim Acta 16:2141­2167 Bagotskii VS, Tarasevich MR, Filinovskii VYu (1972) Allowance for the Adsorption Stage in the Calculation of Kinetic Parameters for the Reactions of Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide. Soviet Electrochem 8:81­84 Khrushcheva EI, Moravskaya OV, Shumilova NA, Bagotskii VS (1972) Oxygen reduction at Electrolytically Deposi ted P t ­ Ru A lloy E l ectrodes. Sovi et Electrochem 8:198­200 Kanevskii LS, Emel'yanenko VV, Bagotskii VS (1972) Electrocatalytic Properties of Microcrystals of Platinum Metals Deposited on Inert Carriers. IV. Ionization of Hydrogen on Platinized Gold. Soviet Electrochem 8:221­222

153. Zhu t a ev a GV, K hr us hc he va EI, S h umi lov a NA, Bagotski i V S, Moravskaya OV, Zhuchkova NA (1972) Catalytic Activity of Microcrystalline Deposits of Pt, Ag, Pd, and Some of Their Alloys in the Reduction of Oxygen. Soviet Electrochem 8:313­316 154. Beskorovainaya SS, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1972) Kinetics of Removal of Chemisorbed Methanol from the Surface of a Platinum Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 8:364­366 155. Khrizolitova MA, Mirkind LA, Vasil'ev YuB, Fioshin MYa, Bagotskii VS (1972) Mechanism of the Inhibition of the Electrooxidation of Methanol on Platinum by Extraneous Organic Substances. Soviet Electrochem 8:529­532 15 6. Merk ulo v a ND , Z hu tae v a G V, S h u m ilo va NA, Bagotskii VS (1972) Behavior of Hydrogen Peroxide on a Silver Electrode in an Alkaline Solution. Soviet Electrochem 8:710­713 157. Emel ' yanenko VV, Skundin AM, Bagotskii VS, Baibatyrov EN (1972) Electrocatalytic Properties of Platinum­Metal Microcrystals Deposited on Inert Carriers. V. Exchange Current of the System Fe2+­Fe3+ on Platinized Gold. Soviet Electrochem 8:728 158. Yuzhanina AV, Luk'yanycheva VI, Lentsner BI, Knots LL, Shumilova NA, Bagotskii VS (1972) Influence of the HSO4- Anion on the Reduction Kinetics of Molecular Oxygen at a Smooth Platinum Electrode in 1 N H2SO4. Soviet Electrochem 8:853­856 159. Gromyko VA, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1972) Disc-Ring Electrode Study of the Adsorption of Molecular Hydrogen and Oxygen on Platinum and Palladium. Soviet Electrochem 8:889­892 160. Khrizolitova MA, Mirkind LA, Vasil'ev YuB, Fioshin MYa, Bagotskii VS (1972) Adsorption of Butadiene and Simultaneous Adsorption of Butadiene and Methanol on a Platinum Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 8:970­973 161. Bag o tskii V S, Vo l ' fk ov i c h YuM , P is ' men L M, Kuchanov SI (1972) Effect of Transfer Processes on the Concentration and Potential Gradients in a Porous Membrane Containing Electrolyte. Soviet Electrochem 8:979­983 162. Shteinberg GV, Chirkov YuG, Baranov AP, Bagotskii VS (197 2) A M odel o f t he Structure o f a Hydrophobically Treated Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 8:1010­1012 163. Samoilov GP, K hrushc heva EI, Shumilova N A, Bagotskii VS (1972) Adsorption of Oxygen on a Nickel Electrode in an Alkaline Solution. Soviet Electrochem 8:1138­1140 164. Vol'fkovich YuM, Bagotskii VS (1972) Effect of Transfer Processes on the Concentration and Potential Gradients in a Porous Membrane Containing Electrolyte.


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16 6.


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II. Estimation of Electrolyte Crystallization. Soviet Electrochem 8:1148­1149 Gromyko VA, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1972) Separation of Electrochemical and Catalytic Processes in the Oxidation of Organic Substances on Palladium. Soviet Electrochem 8:1211­1215 Merk ulo v a ND , Z hu tae v a G V, S h u m ilo va NA, Bagotskii VS (1972) Behavior of Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide on Silver Amalgam in Alkaline Solution. Soviet Electrochem 8:1302­1305 Chernyi VV, Zuikova VS, Vasil'ev YuB, Gryaznov VM, Gorina NB, Bagotskii VS (1972) The Effect of Crystallographic Orientation on the Electrochemical and A ds orption Properties of Ruthenium. Soviet Electrochem 8:1306­1309 Baranov AP, S hteinber g GV, C hirkov Yu G, Bagotskii VS (1972) Three-Dimensional Distribution of the Electrochemical Process in a Hydrophobic Gas Diffusion Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 8:1408­1411 Kukushkina IA, Shteinberg GV, Vol'fkovich YuM, Bagotskii VS (1972) Effect of the Transfer Processes on the Concentration and Potential Gradients in a Porous Electrolyte-Containing Membrane. III. Experimental Measurement of the Concentration Gradient and Comparison of Experiment with Theory. Soviet Electrochem 8:1412­1415 Vol'fkovich YuM, Kukushkina IA, Shteinberg GV, Bagotskii VS (1972) Effect of Transfer Processes on the Concentration Gradient and the Potential of an Electrolyte-Impregnated Porous Membrane. IV. Calculation of the Effect of Gas Porosity. Soviet Electrochem 8:1550­1553 Balashova TV, Bagotskii VS, Skundin AM, Gindin LG (1972) Evolution of Hydrogen on Microcrystals of Platinum Deposited Oxidized Refractory Metals. Soviet Electrochem 8:1558­1559 Kurnikov BD, Zhurin AI, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1972) Adsorption of Anions on a Smooth Iridium Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 8:1603­1606 Gurevich IG, Bagotskii VS (1972) Differentiation of Different Types of Energy Losses during Operation of a Liquid Porous Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 8:1775­ 1778 Markova ZA, Andrianova TI, Bagotsky VS (1972) On the mechanism of cumene oxidation at BAU carbon black. Kinet Katal 13:399­403 (In Russian) Kanevskii LS, Palanker VSh, Bagotsky VS (1972) Adsorptive and catalytic properties of platinum supported on carbon and gold. Kinet Katal13:992­997 (In Russian) Grishaeva GA, Gurevich IG, Bagotsky VS (1972) Evaluation of the efficiency of electrolyte electrodialysis

17 7.












regeneration in application to fuel cells. Inzhenernofizicheskii Zh 22:818­824 (In Russian) Bag o tzky VS, S hu milova NA, Sa mo ilo v GP, Khrushcheva EI (1972) Electrochemical oxygen reduction on nickel electrodes in alkaline solutions--II. Electrochim Acta 17:1625­1635. Bagotzky VS, Volfkovich YuM (1972) Mass exchange in a hydrogen­oxygen fuel cell with a capillary membrane. J Appl Electrochem 2:315­325 Volfkovich YuM, Sosenkin VE, Bagotzky VS (1973) Self-adjustment of water diversion in a hydrogen­oxygen fuel cell. 2. Width of the self-adjustment zone. Inzhenerno-fizicheskii Zh 24:618­626 (In Russian) Vol'fkovich YuM, Chirkov YuG, Bagotskii VS (1973) Capillary Equilibrium in a Hydrophobized Electrode. Model with Electrolyte Film. Soviet Electrochem 9:40­43 Osetrova NV, Bagotskii VS (1973) Dependence of the Kinetics of the Ionization of Hydrogen at a Smooth Platinum Electrode on the pH of the Solution. Soviet Electrochem 9:44­47 Vol'fkovich YuM, Bagotskii VS (1973) Capillary Equilibrium in an Electrochemical Cell Containing a Porous Electrolyte-Containing Capillary Membrane. Soviet Electrochem 9:172­175 Abidor IG, Shimshchelevich YaB, Bagotskii VS (1973) Study of the Properties of Hydrophobic Porous Bodies by the Injection Method. I. Single-Component Porous Bodies. Soviet Electrochem 9:176­178 Vol'fkovich YuM, Bagotskii VS (1973) Capillary Equilibrium in an Electrochemical Cell with a Porous Electrolyte-Containing Capillary Membrane. II. Calculation of Electrolyte Concentration Gradient. Soviet Electrochem 9:346­349 Abidor IG, Shimshelevich YaB, Shteinberg GV, Baranov AP, Bagotskii VS (1973) Study of the Properties of Hydrophobic Porous Bodies by the Injection Method. II. Two-Component Porous Bodies. Soviet Electrochem 9:350­352 Sosenkin V E, Vo l ' fkovich Yu M, Bagotsk ii VS (1973) An Experimental Investigation of L argeScale Macrokinetics in a Hydrogen/Oxygen Cell with a Capillary Membrane. I. Effect of Variable Electrolyte Content on Cell Operation. Soviet Electrochem 9:494­497 Baranov AP, Shteinberg GV, Bagotskii VS (1973) Water-Repellent, Gas-Diffusion Electrodes. The Behavior of an Air Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 9:550­553 Leites SSh, Luk'yanycheva VI, Bagotskii VS, Yuzhanina AV, Konanykina VF (1973) Influence of the pH of the Solution on the Cathodic Reduction of Molecular Oxygen on a Smooth Platinum Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 9:595­598

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189. Chirkov YuG, Shteinberg GV, Baranov AP, Bagotskii VS (1973) Theory of Hydrophobized Air Electrode. I. Localization of Current Generation Region. Soviet Electrochem 9:630­633 190. Chirkov YuG, Shteinberg GV, Baranov AP, Bagotskii VS (1973) Theory of Hydrophobized Air Electrode. II. Limiting Currents and Their Dependence on Partial Pressure of Oxygen. Soviet Electrochem 9:634­636 191 . Krasnova NN, K h om chenko GP, Vasil ' ev Yu B, Bagotskii VS (1973) Kinetics of the Adsorption of Nitromethane on a Smooth Platinum Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 9:794­796 192. Kurnikov BD, Zhurin AI, Chernyi VV, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1973) Adsorption of Oxygen on a Smooth Iridium Electrode. S oviet Electrochem 9:797­799 19 3. Khrushcheva E I, Karonik V V, M oravskaya OV, Shumilova NA, Bagotskii VS, Lainer DI (1973) Investigation of the Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen on Ni-La Alloys. Soviet Electrochem 9:873­877 194. Vol'fkovich YuM, Sosenkin VE, Bagotskii VS (1973) Experimental Study of the Large-Scale Macrokinetics in a Hydrogen/Oxygen Cell with a Capillary Membrane. II. Calculation of the Large-Scale Mass-Transfer Processes during the Determination of Polarization Charac teristics o f I n d ividu a l E lectrode s. Soviet Electrochem 9:930­935 19 5. Kh ru shcheva E I, Karonik V V, Moravskaya OV, Shumilova NA, Bagotskii VS, Lainer DI (1973) Investigation of the Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen on Thermally Oxidized Ni-La Alloys. Soviet Electrochem 9:973­976 196 . Leites S Sh, B agotskii VS, L uk ' yan y cheva V I, Konanykina VF (1973) Effect of Solution pH on the Electrochemical Behavior of Hydrogen Peroxide on Platinum. Soviet Electrochem 9:1104­1106 197. Urisson NA, Shteinberg GV, Bagotskii VS (1973) Activity of Platinum Supported by Disperse Carbon Carriers toward the Ionization of Hydrogen and Oxygen. Soviet Electrochem 9:1107­1110 198. Pis 'men LM, Kuchanov SI, Vol' fkovich YuM, Goryachev RG, Bagotskii VS (1973) Large-Scale Macrokinetics of a Hydrogen­Oxygen Fuel Cell with a Capillary Membrane. Soviet Electrochem 9:1194­1202 199. Osetrova NV, Bagotskii VS (1973) Dependence of Exchange Current for Ionization of Molecular Hydrogen at Platinum on Roughness Factor and Temperature. Soviet Electrochem 9:1252­1255 200. Osetrova NV, Bagotskii VS (1973) Comparison of Results of Investigating Ionization of Hydrogen on Platinum Using a Microelectrode and a Rotating Disc Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 9:1440­1441

201. Tuseeva EK, Skundin AM, Bagotskii VS (1973) Sorption of Hydrogen by Compact Ruthenium. Soviet Electrochem 9:1453­1456 202. Gromyko VA, Tsygankova TB, Gaidadymov VB, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1973) Electrooxidation of Urea. I. Combined Adsorption of Chloride Ions and Urea on a Smooth Platinum Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 9:1585­1588 203. Leites SSh, Bagotskii VS, Lukyanycheva VI (1973) The Study of Molecular Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide Reduction on Platinum in the Wide pH Range. Soviet Electrochem 9:1649­1651 20 4. Samoilov G P, Khrushch ev a E I, Ba go tsk i i V S, Shumilova NA (1973) Effect of Solution pH on Oxygen Electroreduction at the Nickel Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 9:1742­1744 20 5. Sh umilo va NA, Zh uta e v a G V, Merk ulo v a ND, Khrushcheva EI, Samoilov GP, Bagotskii VS (1973) The behaviour of hydrogen peroxide at the silver and nickel electrode-catalysts in alkaline solutions. Kinet Katal 14:168­174 (In Russian) 20 6. Samoilov G P, Khrushcheva E I, Shumilova NA, Bagotskii VS (1973) Electrochemical study of the oxygen adsorption at nickel. Kinet Katal 14:1235­1238 (In Russian) 207. Merkulova ND, Z hutaeva G V, Shumilova NA, Bagotzky VS (1973) Reactions of hydrogen peroxide on a silver electrode in alkaline solution. Electrochim Acta 18:169­174 208. Bagotzky VS, Kanevsky LS, Palanker VSh (1973) Adsorptive and catalytic properties of platinum microcrystals deposited on inert supports. Electrochim Acta 18:473­483 209. Bagotzky VS, Osetrova NV (1973) Investigation of hydrogen ionization on platinum with the help of micro-electrodes. J Electroanal Chem 43:233­249 210. Gromyko VA, Tsygankova TB, Gaidadymov VB, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1974) Electrooxidation of Urea at a Smooth Platinum Electrode. II. Soviet Electrochem 10:49­52 211. Abidor IG, Mokrousov LN, Bagotskii VS (1974) A study of the Properties of Hydrophobic Porous Bodies by the Injection Method. III. Dependence of Hydrophobicity on Potential. Soviet Electrochem 10:90­91 212. Merkulova ND, Z hutaeva G V, Shumilo v a N A, Bagotskii VS (1974) Electrochemical Behavior of Silver Amalgams. Soviet Electrochem 10:95­97 213. Shteinberg GV, Chirkov YuG, Baranov AP, Bagotskii VS (1974) Theory of Hydrophobized Air Electrode. III. Current-Generation Conditions, High Concentrations of Hydrophobizer. Soviet Electrochem 10:305­308 214. Chirkov YuG, Shteinberg GV, Baranov AP, Bagotskii VS (1974) Theory of Hydrophobized Air Electrode. IV.


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Dependence of the Current on the Partial Pressure of Oxygen in the Region of Moderate Concentratio ns of Hy dro p h o b i ze r. So v i e t Ele c troc he m 10:309­312 Bagotskii VS, Balashova TV, Gindin LG, Kanevskii LS, Skundin AM (1974) The Ionization of Oxygen on Microcrystals of Platinum Deposits on Tantalum. Soviet Electrochem 10:429­431 Luk'yanycheva VI, Yuzhanina AV, Bagotskii VS, Shumilova NA, Lentsner BI, Knots LL (1974) Oxygen Adsorption Kinetics at the Smooth Platinum Electrode in Alkaline Solutions. Soviet Electrochem 10:461­466 Tuseeva EK, Skundin AM, Bagotskii VS (1974) Adsorption of Hydrogen and Oxidation of Methanol at Bright and Dispersed Ruthenium. Soviet Electrochem 10:576­578 Khazova OA, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1974) Characteristics of the Oxidation of Methanol at Platinum, Involving the Participation of Two Chemisorbed Particles in t he Slow Stag e. Sovi et El ect rochem 10:581­584 Yuzhanina AV, Luk'yanycheva VI, Bagotskii VS, Shumilova NA (1974) The Laws of Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen Chemisorbed at a Platinum Electr od e i n A lk ali n e S ol uti o n . So v i et Elec tr oc h e m 10:605­608 Grishaeva GA, Gurevich IG, Bagotskii VS (1974) The Mechanism of Transport through an Ion-Exchange Membrane during the Concentration of a Strongly Alka li ne El ec tr ol yt e b y E le c t r o d i a l y s i s . S o v i e t Electrochem 10:738­741 Tuseeva EK, Skundin AM, Bagotskii VS (1974) Evolution of Hydrogen and Oxidation of Methanol on Microcrystals of Platinum, Deposited on Smooth Ruthenium. Soviet Electrochem 10:929­931 Emel'yanenko VV, Skundin AM, Bagotskii VS (1974) Kinetics of the Redox Reaction Fe2+ Fe3+ + e- at Tungsten. Soviet Electrochem 10:1051­1053 Pis'men LM, Bagotskii VS, Vol'fkovich YuM (1974) Rate of Reaction at a Liquid Porous Electrode under Diffusion Conditions with Allowance for Ionic Migration. Soviet Electrochem 10:1377­1384 Vol'fkovich YuM, Sosenkin VE, Bagotskii VS (1974) Distribution of Liquids between Contacting Porous Bodies. Soviet Electrochem 10:1536 Vol'fkovich YuM, Bagotskii VS (1974) Capillary Equilibrium in a Nonuniform Porous Medium. Soviet Electrochem 10:1543­1549 Abidor IG, Bagotskii VS, Vol'fkovich YuM (1974) Effect of the Structure of a Hydrophobic Electrode on Its Electrochemical Characteristics. Soviet Electrochem 10:1550­1556

227. Vol'fkovich YuM, Bagotskii VS (1974) The Stability of the Characteristics of Gas-Diffusion Porous Electrodes. Soviet Electrochem 10:1695­1700 228. Markova ZA, Mikhailova AA, Osetrova NV, Bagotskii VS (1974) Application of IR Spectroscopy to the Study of the Platinum Electrode at Various Potentials. Soviet Electrochem 10:1701­1705 22 9. Urisson NA, Mokrousov L N, Shteinber g GV, Kudriavtseva ZI, Astakhov II, Bagotskii VS (1974) Determination of the surface of dispersed platinum catalysts on electroconductive supports. Kinet Katal 15:1009­1014 (In Russian) 230. Tuseeva EK, Skundin AM, Bagotskii VS (1975) Adsorption of Oxygen at a Smooth Ruthenium Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 11:98­101 23 1. Khrushcheva E I, M oravskaya OV, K ar onik VV, Eremina LV, Shumilova NA, Bagotskii VS (1975) Electrolytic Reduction of Oxygen on Heat-Treated Co-C and Ni-C Alloys. Soviet Electrochem 11:577­ 579 23 2. Merkulova ND, Efremov B N, Zhutaeva GV, Shumilova NA, Bagotskii VS (1975) Influence of the pH of the Solution on the Rate of Reduction of Oxygen on Silver. Soviet Electrochem 11:758­761 233. Vol'fkovich YuM, Shkol'nikov EI, Bagotskii VS (1975) Determination of the Type of Structure in Hydroph obized Electrodes. Soviet Electrochem 11:787 23 4. Zh uta e v a G V, Merk ulo v a ND , S hu milo va NA, Bagotskii VS (1975) Influence of Phosphate Ions on the Catalytic Properties of a Silver Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 11:889­892 235. Mikhailova AA, Osetrova NV, Bagotskii VS (1975) Variation in the Catalytic Activity of Platinum on Removal of Surface Layers by Different Methods. Soviet Electrochem 11:910­913 236. Kukushkina IA, Shteinberg GV, Bagotskii VS (1975) Ionization of Oxygen on Disperse Silver Deposited on Activated Carbon in Alkaline Solutions with Different Concentrations. Soviet Electrochem 11:1060­1063 237. Vol'fkovich YuM, Shkol'nikov EI, Sosenkin VE, Bagotskii VS (1975) Use of the Contact-Porosimetry Method in Measurement of the Distribution Function of Pores with Respect to Radius and Water-Repellency Fa cto r f o r Wat er-Re p e lle nt Elec tr od es . S o v i e t Electrochem 11:1072 238. Urisson NA, Shteinberg GV, Bagotskii VS (1975) Dependence of the Kinetics of the Ionization of Hydrogen at Highly Dispersed Platinum, Deposited on Carbon, o n th e p H o f t he S o lution . S ov ie t E lectro che m 11:1212­1215 239. Slaidin' GYa, Chakste YaE, Bagotskii VS, Kaksis AZ (197 5) Ef fect of So lution C omposition o n t he

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Electrochemical Properties of a 10% Suspension of PM-100 Carbon Black during Cathodic Reduction of Oxygen. Soviet Electrochem 11:1291­1293 Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS, Khazova OA (1975) General Scheme for Chemisorption, Electrooxydation, and Electroreduction Processes of Simple Organic Substances at Platinum-Group Metals. Soviet Electrochem 11:1406­1412 Emel'yanenko VV, Bagotskii VS, Skundin AM (1975) Photoelectrochemical Effect on Tungsten in the Anodization Reaction and Fe2+ Fe3+ Redox Reaction. Soviet Electrochem 11:1771­1772 Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1975) The Intermediate Chemisorbed Species in Electrocatalysis. Rus Chem Rev 44:913­920 Bagotskii VS, Zhutaeva GV, Kanevskii LS, Boikova GV, Shumilova NA (1975) The application of pulse methods for determination of the specific surface area of powder silver catalysts. Kinet Katal 16:264­266 (In Russian) Kuk u sh kina IA, Z hu taev a G V, Shtein be r g GV, Bagotskii VS (1976) Ionization of Oxygen at a Silver Electrode in Concentrated Alkaline Solutions. Soviet Electrochem 12:35­39 Vol'fkovich YuM, Dubasova VS, Ponomarev VA, Bagotskii VS (1976) Problem of Mass Exchange in the Transport Zones of a Gas Porous Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 12:366­372 Khazova OA, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1976) Role of Chemisorbed Species in Oxidation Processes, and the Poisoning Mechanism for Platinum Electrodes. Soviet Electrochem 12:455­458 Luk'yanycheva VI, Yuzhanina AV, Shumilova NA, Bagotskii VS (1976) Influence of Chemisorption Processes on the Kinetics of the Reduction of Molecular Oxygen and of other Reactions on Platinum. I. Effect of Chemisorbed Oxygen on the Kinetic Parameters of the Reduction of Molecular Oxygen at the Platinum Electrode in Alk a line Solution. Soviet Electroch em 12:881­884 Chirkov YuG, Baranov AP, Shteinberg GV, Bagotskii VS (1976) Theory of Hydrophobized Air Electrode. V. Limiting Currents. Allowance for Water Vapors. Soviet Electrochem 12:948­953. Atstin'sh AYa, Slaidin' GYa, Bagotskii VS (1976) Use of the Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode for Mechanistic Studies of -MnO2 Reduction in 9 N Aqueous KOH Solution. Soviet Electrochem 12:1048­ 1051 Khazova OA, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1976) Kinetics and Mechanism of Electrooxidation of Methanol on Platinized Platinum Electrodes. Soviet Electrochem 12:1104­1110

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264. Osetrova NV, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS (1977) Effect of pH on CO2 Adsorption on the Smooth Platinum Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 13:437­441 26 5. Bag o tskii V S , Vo l ' fkovich YuM, G olin Yu L, Danchenko NM, Karyakin VS, Ovchinnikov AT, Chumakovskii OV (1977) Electrochemical Overflow of Hydrogen through the Electrode in Fuel Cells. Soviet Electrochem 13:448­454 266. Tarasevich MR, Bogdanovskaya VA, Bagotskii VS, Varfolomeev SD, Yaropolov AI, Berezin IV (1977) Bioelectrocatalysis, Electrochemical Ionization of Hydrogen on a Pyrographite Electrode in a System Including Hydrogenase. Soviet Electrochem 13:755­758 267. Slaidin' GYa, Zal'oksnis YaI, Bagotskii VS (1977) Electrochemical Reduction of Manganese Dioxide Suspen sion at the R otating E lectrode. S oviet Electrochem 13:1101­1105 268. Bagotskii VS, Vol'fkovich YuM, Shkol'nikov EI (1977) Use of Lyophobized Catalyst for Reactions between the Gas and Liquid Phase. Soviet Electrochem 13:1224 26 9. Bagotskii V S, Luk ' ya ny ch e v a V I, Evk o V M , Shumilova NA (1977) Comparison of the Adsorption Rate and Cathodic Reduction of Molecular Oxygen on a Platinum Electrode in an Alkaline Solution. Soviet Electrochem 13:1370­1372 270. Bagotskii VS, Vol'fkovich YuM, Golin YuL, Suvorov AN, Sherstobitov YuS (1977) Possible Ways of Producing Hydrogen and Oxygen from Water for the Purposes of a Hydrogen Economy. Soviet Electrochem 13:1389­1392 271. Beketaeva LA, Vol'fkovich YuM, Povarov YuM, Ba gotsk i i V S ( 197 7 ) M ec hanis m o f the Electroreduc tion of Thionyl Ch lorid e . S oviet Electrochem 13:1563­1564 272. Vol'fkovich YuM, Sosenkin VE, Shkol'nikov EI, Bagotskii VS (1977) Method of Standard Contact Porosimetry. Doklady AN SSSR 232:603­606 (In Russian) 273. Bagotskii VS, Tarasevich MR, Levina OA, Rad'yushkina KA, Andruseva SI (1977) Electrocatalysis of the oxygen reduction process on metal chelates in acid electrolyte. Doklady AN SSSR 233:889­891 (In Russian) 274. Bagotskii VS, Vol'fkovich YuM, Shkol'nikov EI (1977) Hydrophobized Catalyst for Gas­liquid Reactions. Doklady AN SSSR 234:403­406 (In Russian) 275. Bagotzky VS, Vassiliev YuB, Khazova OA (1977) Generalized scheme of chemisorption, electrooxidation and electroreduction of simple organic compounds on platinum group metals. J Electroanal Chem 81:229­ 238 276. Bagotzky VS, Tarasevich MR, Radyushkina KA, Levina OA, Andrusyova SI (1977/78) Electrocatalysis










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of adsorption and electroreduction. J Electroanal Chem 98:253­272 Vassiliev YuB, Bagotzky VS, Khazova OA, Cherny VV, Meretsky AM (1979) Mechanism of adsorption, electroreduction and hydrogenation of compounds with ethylenic bonds on platinum and rhodium. II. Comparison of the electroreduction and catalytic hydrogenation processes. J Electroanal Chem 98:273­282 Bagotzky VS, Tarasevich MR (1979) Oxygen adsorption on platinum and platinum metals. I. Investigation of the adsorption mechanism by the potentiodynamic method. J Electroanal Chem 101:1­17 Khrushcheva EI, Bagotskii VS, Shumilova NA (1980) Oxygen Equilibrium Potential at Platinum Electrodes. Soviet Electrochem 16:643­645 Boikova GV, Zhutaeva GV, Tarasevich MR, Bagotskii VS, Shumilova NA (1980) Electrochemical Liberation of Hydrogen on Dispersed Tungsten Carbide. Soviet Electrochem 16:723­725 Kuliev SA, Osetrova NV, Bagotskii VS, Vasil'ev YuB (19 80) Adsorption, Ele c tro r e d u c tio n , a nd Electrooxidation of Formaldehyde on Platinum. Soviet Electrochem 16:921­924 Vo l ' fk ovich Yu M, Bagotskii VS, S osenkin V E, Sh ko l ' n i kov EI (19 8 0 ) Te ch niqu es of Stan da rd Porosimetry, and Possible Areas of Their Use in Electrochemistry (review). Soviet Electrochem 16:1325­ 1353 Zhuravleva VN, Karonik VV, Pshenichnikov AG, Bagotskii VS (1980) Electrochemical Behavior of the LaNi 5 H x System i n A l kali ne Solution. Sovi et Electrochem 16:1551­1553 Kukushkina IA, Shteinberg GV, Tarasevich MR, Bagotskii VS (1981) Oxygen Reactions at Carbon M a terials. Ef fect of Solution p H o n O xygen Ele c trored uc tio n at Activa ted C arbo n. S o v i e t Electrochem 17:193­198 Vassiliev YuB, Bagotzky VS, Khazova OA, Krasnova NN, Sergeeva TA, Bogdanovich VB (1981) General scheme of adsorption, electroreduction and catalytic hydrogenation of nitro-compounds on platinum.--I. Kinetics and mechanism of adsorption. Electrochim Acta 26:545­562 Vassiliev YuB, Bagotzky VS, Khazova OA, Yastrebova TN, Sergeeva TA (1981) General scheme of adsorption, electroreduction and catalytic hydrogenation of nitroc o mpo unds on p l atin um. -- II. Mech anism o f electroreduction and catalytic hydrogenation. Electrochim Acta 26:563­577 Kazarinov VE, Bagotskii VS, Vasil'ev YuB, Andreev VN, Kuliev SA (1982) Adsorption a nd Electrooxidation of Formaldehyde on a Rhodium Electrode. Soviet Electrochem 18:163­170

300. Kuliev SA, Andreev VN, Osetrova NV, Bagotskii VS, Vasil'ev YuB (1982) Mechanism of the Adsorption and E lectroox idation o f F or maldehyde an d F o r m i c A c i d o n a P a l l a d i um E l ec t ro d e . S ov i et Electrochem 18:700­704 30 1. Ba go tskii V S , Sku n d i n A M, Ya kushe v V V (1982) Photoemission from platinum microdeposits on titan iu m. Doklady A N S SSR 2 65:628 ­ 630 (In Russian) 302. Bagotzky VS, K hr ushcheva EI, Tarasevich M R, Shumilova NA (1982) Corrosion of platinum catalyst in alkaline solutions. J Power Sources 8:301­309 303. Vassiliev YuB, Bagotzky VS, Kovsman EP, Grinberg VA , K anev sky L S, Polishc huk VR (19 82) Electrosyntheses based on reactions of addition of electrochemically generated radicals to ethylene and its derivatives.--I. Electrosynthesis products and the influence of electrolysis conditions on the addition product yield. Electrochim Acta 27:919­928 304. Vassiliev YuB, Bagotzky VS, Kovsman EP, Grinberg VA , K anev sky L S, Polishc huk VR (19 82) Electrosyntheses based on reactions of addition of electrochemically generated radicals to ethylene and its de riv a ti ve s. -- II. M e c h a nism of the r e actio n. Electrochim Acta 27:929­936 305. Urisson NA, Shteinberg GV, Tarasevich MR, Bagotskii VS, Zagudaeva NM (1983) Electrochemical Oxidation o f Sulfur Dioxide at Activa ted C a r bon . S oviet Electrochem 19:243­248 306. Kuliev SA, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS, Zulfugarov ZG, Kazarinov VE (1983) Influence of the nature of the electrode-catalyst on the electrooxidation of formaldeh y d e on me tals o f the p latinum grou p. Sov i e t Electrochem 19:1027­1031 307. Kuliev SA, Zulfugarov ZG, Bagotskii VS, Kazarinov VE, Vasil'ev YuB (1983) Adsorption of ethylbenzene on a platinum electrode. Soviet Electrochem19:1523­ 1526 308. Honda K, Bagotzky VS, Kazarinov VE, Matsuda A (1983) Perspective on electrochemical energy conversion in future. J Res Inst Catalysis Hokkaido Univ 31:95­110. 309. Yakushev VV, Skundin AM, Bagotskii VS (1984) Photoemission of Electrons from Platinum into Solution. Soviet Electrochem 20:94­98 310. Yakushev VV, Skundin AM, Bagotskii VS (1984) Electron Photoemission from Platinum and Palladium Microdeposits on Glassy Carbon into the Solution. Soviet Electrochem 20:246­248 311. Osetrova NV, Vasil'ev YuB, Bagotskii VS, Sadkova RG, Cherashev AF, Khrushch AP (1984) Role of Percarbonate in the Electroreduction of Carbon Dioxide on Platinum. Soviet Electrochem 20:272


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312. Urisson NA, Shteinberg GV, Bagotskii VS, Tarasevich MR (1984) Cathode Reduction of Iodic Acid on Pyrographite. Soviet Electrochem 20:600­605 313. Vassiliev YuB, Bagotzky VS, Gromyko VA (1984) Kinetics and mechanism of the formation and reduction of oxide layers on platinum.--I. Oxidation and reduction of platinum electrodes. J Electroanal Chem 178:247­269 31 4. Sht e i n b e rg GV, D ri bi ns ky AV, Ku ku sh k i n a I A , Mokorousov LN, Bagotzky VS (1984) Investigation of the carbon­oxygen (air) electrode. J Electroanal Chem 180:619­637 315. Vassiliev YuB, Bagotzky VS, Khazova OA (1984) Kinetics and mechanism of the formation and reduction of oxide layers on platinum.--II. Oxygen adsorption and absorption mechanism at high positive potentials. J Electroanal Chem 181:219­233 316. Bagotzky VS, Skundin AM (1984) Electrocatalysts on supports--I. Electrochemical and adsorptive properties o f platinu m mic r od ep osits o n i ne rt sup p o r ts. Electrochim Acta 29:757­765 317. Bagotzky VS, Skundin AM (1984) Electrocatalysts on supports--II. Comparison of platinum microdeposits on inert s upports w it h o ther binary system s. Electrochim Acta 29:951­956 31 8. Kul i ev SA, Z ul ' fugarov Z G, Bagotskii VS, Vasil'ev YuB (1985) Influence of the Nature of the Electrode­Catalyst on the Electrooxidation of Formic Acid on Platinum Metals. Soviet Electrochem 21:906­909 319. Bagotzky VS, Skundin AM (1985) Electrocatalysts on supports--III. Electrocatalytic and adsorption properties of microdeposits and thin films of platinum group metals. Electrochim Acta 30:485­491 320. Bagotzky VS, Skundin AM (1985) Electrocatalysts on supports--IV. Investigation of electron interaction of microdeposits with the support by the method of electron photoemission into solution. Electrochim Acta 30:899­906 321. Vassiliev YuB, Bagotzky VS, Osetrova NV, Khazova OA, Mayorova NA (1985) Electroreduction of carbon diox ide -- I. Th e m ec han i sm an d k in etic s o f electroreduction of CO2 in aqueous solutions on metals with high and moderate hydrogen overvoltages. J Electroanal Chem 189:271­294 322. Vassiliev YuB, BagotzkyVS, Khazova OA, Mayorova NA (1985) Electroreduction of carbon dioxide--II. The mechanism of reduction in aprotic solvents. J Electroanal Chem 189:295­309 32 3. Va ssiliev YuB, B agotzky V S, Osetrova NV, Mikhailova AA (1985) Electroreduction of carbon dioxide--III. Adsorption and reduction of CO2 on platinum metals. J Electroanal Chem 189:311­324

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344. Mayorova NA, Khazova OA, Bagotzky VS (1998) Methanol electrooxidation on platinum mesh electrodes bonded to solid polymer electrolytes J Solid State Electrochem 2:262­265 345. Mikhaylova AA, Khazova OA, Bagotzky VS (2000) Electrocatalytic and adsorption properties of platinum microparticles electrodeposited onto glassy carbon and into Nafion films. J Electroanal Chem 480:225­232 346 . Mikhaylova AA, M olodkina EB, K hazova OA, Bagotzky VS (2001) Electrocatalytic and adsorption properties of platinum microparticles electrodeposited into polyanilint films. J Electroanal Chem 509:119­127 347. Bagotzky VS, Osetrova NV, Skundin AM (2003) Fuel Cells: State-of-the-Art and Major Scientific and Engineering Problems. Russian J Electrochem 39:919­934 348. Volfkovich YuM, Sosenkin VE, Bagotsky VS (2010) Structural and wetting properties of fuel cell components. J Power Sources 195:5429­5441 349. Bagotsky VS (2011) Fuel cells, batteries, and the development of electrochemistry. J. Solid State Electrochem 15:1559­1562 350. Volfkovich YM, B ograchev DA, M ikhailin AA, Bagotzky VS (2013) Supercapacitor carbon electrodes with high capacitance. J Solid State Electrochem this issue