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Springer LINK:A&A-EE: Table of Contents Volume 325 Number 2 (1997)

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Astronomy and Astrophysics
ISSN: 1432-0746

Table of Contents Volume 325 Number 2 (1997)

Letters to the Editor

Hard X–ray detection of NGC 1068 with BeppoSAX
G. Matt, M. Guainazzi, F. Frontera, L. Bassani, W.N. Brandt, A.C. Fabian, F. Fiore, F. Haardt, K. Iwasawa, R. Maiolino, G. Malaguti, A. Marconi, A. Matteuzzi, S. Molendi, G.C. Perola, S. Piraino, and L. Piro
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P L13-L16 (1997).
Article in PDF (287 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (173 KB)

BeppoSAX observation of 3C273: broadband spectrum and detection of a low-energy absorption feature
P. Grandi, M. Guainazzi, T. Mineo, A.N. Parmar, F. Fiore, A. Matteuzzi, F. Nicastro, G.C. Perola, L. Piro, M. Cappi, G. Cusumano, F. Frontera S. Giarrusso, E. Palazzi, and S. Piraino
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P L17-L20 (1997).
Article in PDF (263 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (200 KB)


Abundance and clustering of QSOs in cosmic structure formation models
Hong-Guang Bi and Li-Zhi Fang
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 433-438 (1997).
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Non-linear dynamics and mass function of cosmic structures
I. Analytical results

Edouard Audit, Romain Teyssier, and Jean-Michel Alimi
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 439-449 (1997).
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Extragalactic astronomy

Origin of the IR continuum in the Circinus galaxy
Ralf Siebenmorgen and Alan Moorwood
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 450-456 (1997).
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A UBV / variability / proper motion QSO survey from Schmidt plates
I. Method and success rate

R.-D. Scholz, H. Meusinger, and M. Irwin
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 457-472 (1997).
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H I-deficiency in Hickson compact groups of galaxies
W.K. Huchtmeier
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 473-478 (1997).
Article in PDF (264 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (216 KB)

VLBA polarimetric observations of 3C 286 at 5 GHz
W.D. Cotton, C. Fanti, R. Fanti, D. Dallacasa, A.R. Foley, R.T. Schilizzi, and R.E. Spencer
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 479-483 (1997).
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The parsec-scale evolution of the superluminal quasar 1642+690
T. Venturi, T.J. Pearson, P.D. Barthel, and S.C. Unwin
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 484-492 (1997).
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Dual frequency VLBI polarimetric observations of 3C138
W.D. Cotton, D. Dallacasa, C. Fanti, R. Fanti, A.R. Foley, R.T. Schilizzi, and R.E. Spencer
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 493-501 (1997).
Article in PDF (1772 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (774 KB)

The local luminosity function of QSOs and Seyfert 1 nuclei
T. Köhler, D. Groote, D. Reimers, and L. Wisotzki
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 502-510 (1997).
Article in PDF (249 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (146 KB)

High resolution radio imaging of the extremely distant quasars 1251—407, 1351—018, 1354—174 and 1508+572
S. Frey, L.I. Gurvits, K.I. Kellermann, R.T. Schilizzi, and I.I.K. Pauliny-Toth
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 511-515 (1997).
Article in PDF (451 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (234 KB)

Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect measured towards Abell cluster A 2218
B. Uyanker, W. Reich, R. Schlickeiser, and R. Wielebinski
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 516-522 (1997).
Article in PDF (442 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (390 KB)

Molecular gas in the barred spiral M 100
I. The IRAM 30m map

M.J. Sempere and S. García-Burillo
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 769-781 (1997).
Article in PDF (695 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (696 KB)

Galactic structure and dynamics

The G dwarf metallicity distribution and the problem of stellar lifetimes lower than the disk age
H.J. Rocha-Pinto and W.J. Maciel
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 523-528 (1997).
Article in PDF (190 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (143 KB)

Stellar clusters and associations

Lithium in M 67: evidence for spread in a solar age cluster
L. Pasquini, S. Randich, and R. Pallavicini
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 535-541 (1997).
Article in PDF (253 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (154 KB)

Formation, structure and evolution of stars

Spectroscopic changes of the magnetic CP star γ Equulei
G. Scholz, G. Hildebrandt, H. Lehmann, and Yu.V. Glagolevskij
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 529-534 (1997).
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Cold dust around Herbig—Haro energy sources: morphology and new protostellar candidates
R. Chini, Bo Reipurth, A. Sievers, D. Ward-Thompson, C.G.T. Haslam, E. Kreysa, and R. Lemke
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 542-550 (1997).
Article in PDF (432 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (275 KB)

Detection of planetary spectral features of extrasolar planets through their circumstellar dust — a Monte Carlo simulation
O. Fischer and W. Pfau
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 551-558 (1997).
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Oscillations of BT Cancri in the Praesepe cluster
L.M. Freyhammer, S.S. Larsen, and J.O. Petersen
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 559-562 (1997).
Article in PDF (555 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (244 KB)

The δ Scuti star θ Tucanae
II. uvby colour variations and pulsational/orbital properties

C. Sterken
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 563-568 (1997).
Article in PDF (361 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (223 KB)

Dust evolution in protoplanetary accretion disks
Wolfgang Schmitt, Thomas Henning, and Rastislav Mucha
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 569-584 (1997).
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Obscured Asymptotic Giant Branch stars in the Magellanic Clouds
III. New IRAS counterparts

Jacco Th. van Loon, Albert A. Zijlstra, Patricia A. Whitelock, L.B.F.M. Waters, Cecile Loup, and Norman R. Trams
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 585-600 (1997).
Article in PDF (783 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (420 KB)

Spectroscopy of the dwarf nova CG Draconis
Albert Bruch, Thomas Schimpke, and Alexander Kochsiek
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 601-608 (1997).
Article in PDF (245 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (524 KB)

High-resolution imaging of the bipolar nebula Red Rectangle.
Evidence for unstable mass transfer in a close binary system

R. Osterbart, N. Langer, and G. Weigelt
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 609-612 (1997).
Article in PDF (185 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (292 KB)

New proper motions of pre-main sequence stars in Taurus-Auriga
S. Frink, S. Röser, R. Neuhäuser, M.F. Sterzik
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 613-622 (1997).
Article in PDF (313 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (200 KB)

Phase resolved X-ray spectra of Vela X-1
P. Kretschmar, H. C. Pan, E. Kendziorra, M. Maisack, R. Staubert, G. K. Skinner, W. Pietsch, J. Trümper, V. Efremov, and R. Sunyaev
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 623-630 (1997).
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Unusual increase in the 325 MHz flux density of PSR B0655+64
T.J. Galama, A.G. de Bruyn, J. van Paradijs, L. Hanlon, and K. Bennett
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 631-639 (1997).
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Rapid follow-up ROSAT observation of GRB 940301
J. Greiner, N. Bade, K. Hurley, R.M. Kippen, and J. Laros
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 640-646 (1997).
Article in PDF (173 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (156 KB)

Optical high-resolution spectroscopy of ROSAT detected late-type stars south of the Taurus molecular clouds
R. Neuhäuser, G. Torres, M.F. Sterzik, and S. Randich
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 647-663 (1997).
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The X-ray coronal emission of λ Andromedae observed with ASCA and ROSAT
A. Ortolani, A. Maggio, R. Pallavicini, S. Sciortino, J.J. Drake, and S.A. Drake
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 664-676 (1997).
Article in PDF (802 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (554 KB)

Stellar atmospheres

Inference of steady stellar wind v(r) laws from optically thin emission lines
I. idealised analysis for the profile of a single line

J.C. Brown, L.L. Richardson, J.P. Cassinelli, and R. Ignace
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 677-684 (1997).
Article in PDF (239 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (287 KB)

Young Stellar Objects in Lynds 1641: a submillimetre continuum study
A. Zavagno, S. Molinari, E. Tommasi, P. Saraceno, and M. Griffin
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 685-692 (1997).
Article in PDF (252 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (170 KB)

Quantitative spectral classification based on photoelectric spectrum scanner measurements of F-K stars
V. Malyuto and Th. Schmidt-Kaler
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 693-699 (1997).
Article in PDF (257 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (156 KB)

Quantitative spectroscopy of the He I cluster in the Galactic center
F. Najarro, A. Krabbe, R. Genzel, D. Lutz, R.P. Kudritzki, and D.J. Hillier
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 700-708 (1997).
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Chromospheric velocity fields in α Orionis (M2 Iab) generated by stochastic shocks
M. Cuntz
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 709-713 (1997).
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Turbulence, mass loss and Hα emission by stochastic shocks in the hypergiant Cassiopeiae
Cornelis  de  Jager, Alex  Lobel, and Garik  Israelian
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 714-724 (1997).
Article in PDF (280 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (527 KB)

Diffuse matter in space (including H II regions and planetary nebulae)

The disk-outflow system around the high-mass (proto)star IRAS 20126+4104
R. Cesaroni, M. Felli, L. Testi, C.M. Walmsley, and L. Olmi
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 725-744 (1997).
Article in PDF (1288 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (711 KB)

The spatial orientations of bipolar nebulae
J.P. Phillips
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 755-757 (1997).
Article in PDF (102 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (82 KB)

Successive SiO shocks along the L 1448 jet axis
A. Dutrey, S. Guilloteau, and R. Bachiller
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 758-768 (1997).
Article in PDF (1664 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (675 KB)

The Sun

Determination of the length of coronal loops from the decay of X-ray flares
I. Solar flares observed with Yohkoh SXT

F. Reale, R. Betta, G. Peres, S. Serio, and J. McTiernan
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 782-790 (1997).
Article in PDF (264 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (502 KB)

The effect of spatially dependent heating on the thermal equilibria of coronal loops
César A. Mendoza-Briceño and Alan W. Hood
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 791-802 (1997).
Article in PDF (977 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (791 KB)

Emission of hydrogen lines by moving solar prominences
C. Gontikakis, J.-C. Vial, and P. Gouttebroze
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 803-812 (1997).
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On the radiative transfer in atmospheres with randomly distributed inhomogeneities
A.G. Nikoghossian, S. Pojoga, and Z. Mouradian
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 813-818 (1997).
Article in PDF (182 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (284 KB)

Speckle measurements of the centre-to-limb variation of the solar granulation
V. Wilken, C.R. de Boer, C. Denker, and F. Kneer
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 819-824 (1997).
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Variations of the apparent solar semidiameter observed with the astrolabe of Santiago
F. Noël
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 825-827 (1997).
Article in PDF (116 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (163 KB)

The solar system

Refined analysis of interplanetary H-Lyα spectra obtained with the Hubble-Space Telescope GHRS spectrometer
Horst Scherer, Hans J. Fahr, and John T. Clarke
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 745-754 (1997).
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Interstellar gas filtration to the inner heliosphere under the selfconsistent influence of a pick-up ion modulated termination shock
Th. Kausch and H.J. Fahr
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 828-838 (1997).
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Ion emission line profiles in cometary plasma tails
H. Rauer, F. Roesler, F. Scherb, H.U. Schmidt, and R. Wegmann
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 839-846 (1997).
Article in PDF (307 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (745 KB)

Physical and chemical processes

Nonlinear self-consistent three-dimensional arcade-like solutions of the magnetohydrostatic equations
T. Neukirch
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 847-856 (1997).
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Modified artificial viscosity in Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics
M. Selhammar
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 857-865 (1997).
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The pair production spectrum from photon-photon annihilation
M. Böttcher and R. Schlickeiser
Astron. Astrophys. 325, P 866-879 (1997).
Article in PDF (194 KB) | (gzipped) PostScript (134 KB)

© European Southern Observatory (ESO) 1997

Online publication: September 9, 1997