Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://crydee.sai.msu.ru/ftproot/pub/rec/games/idgames/levels/doom2/s-u/squadron.txt
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Sep 9 00:00:00 1996
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Dec 24 14:27:37 2007
Title : Squadron 417 (2,3,4 Player Cooperative ONLY!)
Release Date : August 31, 1996!
Authors : Sam Lopresti,Jeff Cruser,Keith Hickman & Damon Thomas!

Email Address : Jeff's ===>jeffc@wt.net (Preferably Here)
(Let us know what jeff.cruser@cleat.org
you thought!) Sam's ===>deacon001@juno.com
>khickman@juno.com (Preferably Here)

Description : Squadron 417 has earned a reputation throughout the
solar system as one of the finest two, three, and four
man fighting units ever to come out of the Deimos
Academy on Mars. As such, your unit is continuously
asked to go above and beyond the call of duty. Your
mission is very simple:
- To go from site to site clearing any and all
alien infestations you might find.
- These sites could be anything, so you must be
prepared for any and all eventualities.....

Good Luck, you will need it!

Recommended Platform : A FAST 486DX or a Pentium will make you the happiest!

How to Run the WAD : DOOM2.EXE -FILE SQUADRON.WAD -Dial XXXXXXX or -Answer
-WARP 1 -SKILL 4 ^--Phone Number

* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : MAP 01-22 + 2 SECRET Levels all for Id's DOOM II!
Single Player : Impossible! (REQUIRES Two Player Cooperative)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, that's what it was designed for!
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No, the starts are not even there.
Difficulty Settings : Only one.....Total Carnage (Ultra-Violence!)
New Sounds : Yes, swiped from various sources.
New Graphics : Yes, swiped or made! (Status Bar by Sam Lopresti)
New Music : Yes, see below.
Demos Replaced : None, besides who watches demos?

Total Monster Count : 5,062 (Not counting ArchVile Re-Spawns) !

* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch! (Is there any other way?)
Resources Used : Waded 1.83b, NWT 1.30, DEEP 8.20, DEEPBSP, RMB.
DoomCad 6.1, Wintex, Deu2, Endoomer.
Known Bugs : None, our work is purrfect!

* Who's Levels are Who's? *

Map Author Name Of Level Music Titles That We Found
ììì ìììììììììììì ììììììììììììììì ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì
1 Sam Lopresti Beginnings Big City (Watch the Cyberdemon!)
2 Jeff Cruser Tunnels o`death Higher Ground by R.H. Chili Peppers
3 Keith Hickman SpaceLab Unknown Song / Author
4 Jeff Cruser The Fires of Hell A Rush Song
5 Damon Thomas New Co-oP Unknown Song / Author
6 Sam Lopresti Total Toast Unknown Song / Author
7 Jeff Cruser Fish in a Barrel Man in a Box by Alice in Chains
8 Keith Hickman Oasis of Death Thunderkiss `65 by White Zombie
9 Jeff Cruser Death Isle Jump by Van Halen
10 Keith Hickman Altier 6 Down in it by Nine Inch Nails
11 Damon Thomas New Co-op2 Rape Me by Nirvana
12 Jeff Cruser Traps You WILL Hate A Rush Song
13 Jeff Cruser The Cistern Subdivisions by Rush
14 Sam Lopresti Barrels o'Plenty Head like Hole by Nine Inch Nails
15 Jeff Cruser ShipRock Unknown (With Exit to Secret Level)
16 Keith Hickman The Lair Verse Chorus Verse by Nirvana
17 Jeff Cruser RoundHouse Unknown Song / Author
18 Sam Lopresti Anarchy Unknown Song / Author
19 Jeff Cruser Like Lambs to the Kashmir by Led Zeppelin
20 Sam Lopresti Watch Your Step Burning Down the House/Talking Head
21 Jeff Cruser The City of DOOM! The Danger Zone / Kenny Loggins
22 Jeff/Keith/Sam The Final Conflict The Lone Ranger! / Unknown Author
(Combo) Jeff/Yellow Area - Keith/Red Area - Sam/Blue Area

31 Jeff Cruser Greetings Mortal! Ride of the Valkryies(Secret Level)
Are you ready to die?
32 Keith Hickman InSaNiTy! Right Now by Van Halen (SSec Level)

Title Screen by Keith Hickman The Theme to Mission Impossible!
Inter-Mission Screen by Sam Lopresti Unknown Song / Author
Read Me Screens Terminator II Theme
Ending ANSI Credits by Jeff Cruser

* Notes From the Authors *
I made three levels prior to this monstrosity......PYRAMID.WAD, UNDRFIRE.WAD,
and SNIPER!!.WAD. They were all learning experiences and now we are giving
it our all in this wad pack! In my levels I like large open rooms and total
chaos in them. I am the SYSOP of DOOM Central, Houston's largest source of
Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, Duke Nukem, Quake, and much more. Give it a
call today! While some of my wads started out simple, I learned many tricks
and my designing skills improved quite a bit as seen in my later levels. And
watch out for the use of the dreaded ArchVile bug! Hint: It takes a Rocket
Launcher to kill the Invulnerable Monsters. Now lets get to work on Duke
Nukem and Quake!

This was a major undertaking on all our parts, Frankly I'm glad it's over,
my sides are bruised from Jeff poking me to hurry up with my levels, but here
they are, I hope you enjoy playing them as much as we had making them. Thanks
to all who participated in the making of these levels, good job! :)
My building style concentrates on visual aspects and good playability
rather than complex puzzles (LETS ROCK!). Visit the DOOMROOM for more levels.
http://members.aol.com/khick703/doomroom.htm Your comments are welcome so
please E-Mail us!

Special Thanks to:
Glen Payne for the brick arch texture. (I,Anubis)
Bill Zimmerman for the offworld texture. (Urban 2 Deathmach)
Shams Young for some cool textures used in Altier 6 i.e. cans, bottles, soda,
atm,window frames textures. (Bigcity.wad)
Unknown Artist for some of the other cool textures.

Well I've been asked to help out on this awesome wad, because of my
sprcoop and sprcoop2 wads, I guess they saw talent =). Nothing to brag
about. And I think it's an honor to help out on a wad with the Doom
Central sysop and the other helpers. Ya'll should play more doom......
because I can see it in your eyes, your getting weak!.. =)
(P.S. We got Damon's two WAD's and then he dropped off the planet somewhere?)

* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use these levels as a base to build additional
levels. It's our work, do YOUR own!

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this text file (SQUADRON.
TXT), the FILE_ID.DIZ, and the SQUADRON.WAD file, with no modifications. You
may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc)
as long as you include this text file, the FILE_ID.DIZ, and the SQUADRON.WAD
file intact. It also would be nice if you would drop us an E-mail letting us
know where our work has ended up!

* Where to get this WAD *
BBS numbers: DOOM Central of Course! 1-713-575-0932 @ 28.8k bps.
Houston's Largest Source of Doom & Doom II Stuff!

Internet: http://members.aol.com/khick703/doomroom.htm

** Long live Doom and Doom ][! It Started the Revolution! **
But watch out for that PipeBomb!
Woa, that Axe just missed my Head!