Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://crydee.sai.msu.ru/ftproot/pub/rec/games/idgames/levels/doom/0-9/22ventry.txt
Дата изменения: Thu Aug 3 00:00:00 1995
Дата индексирования: Mon Dec 24 13:58:06 2007

Поисковые слова: earth's atmosphere
Title : "Escape from 22ventry"
Filenames : 22lev.wad, 22sfx.wad
Author : David J. Singer
Email Address : doc@trognet.demon.co.uk
Misc. Author Info : Carbon based, bipedal lifeform

Description : This level was an experiment in sprite
development. Live "actors" were
photographed in all the required sprite
positions and the resultant pictures
scanned on an Aries flatbed scanner and
retouched using Picture Publisher.
The level is really just a vehicle for
the sprites, but I've tried to make it
challenging and playable! I would
welcome any comments.

Additional Credits to : The "actors" Who suffered long and
embarassing photo shoots! In order of
appearance: Martin Nike, Dom D'Agostino,
Paul Spalding and Mark Buttree.

Phil Taylor: for Beta Testing and spotting
that I'd forgotten to include the Red Key! :)

Jeff Rabenhorst: for EdMap, IMHO the best
DOOM/DOOMII editor around. Buggy, but good!


* The Story so far *

You curse the day you ever stumbled into the land of 22ventry. Friends
had warned you, you'd heard all the stories. "Don't go", everyone had
warned, "wierd stuff happens there!" Shame you didn't listen! Instead
you'd packed a bag with a few essentials and set off on the long trek,
determined to find out for yourself why everybody avoided the place and
spoke of "mysterious goings on" and "unnatural events".

The forest terrain had been rough and it had taken two long days and
nights to reach the clearing. Ahead was 22ventry - a deserted and desolate
land, long abandoned by its few surviving inhabitants.

Fragments of long forgotten stories had surfaced in your mind; tales of how
22ventry had once been an industrial and prosperous place until the arrival
of a dark stranger known only as T.Y.A. Together with his army of genetically
engineered creatures T.Y.A had turned 22ventry from a green and pleasant land
to a battle scarred landscape overnight, enslaving the survivors and
entrenching himself in 22ventry castle. But that was just a fairy story

In retrospect you should have turned around and gone straight back. But
trying to put on a brave face and dismissing the stories as silly rumours
you'd stomped straight into 22ventry, marched upto the castle and knocked
on a huge wooden door. You can remember the door opening, but the blow
to the head had been so swift that all had dissolved into darkness in an

You'd regained consciousness in a dank, cold cell in what appeared to be
a dungeon. Two other cells contained corpses (that guy in the cell opposite
sure looked familiar...) That was four days ago and you'd had plenty of time
to consider the error of your judgement. Twice a day a foul smelling guard
had brought you a bowl of something grim but had resisted answering any of
your questions.

Why were you being held here? What were they planning to do..?

A long time ago, a stranger claiming to be a refugee from 22ventry had
crawled into your village. With his dying breath he had told of horrific
genetic experiments taking place at the castle. He'd seemed convinced that
T.Y.A. was cloning an army of mutants and creating a doomsday weapon with
which to destroy a place called Roach Dale. No one had believed his tale
at the time, but now in this dark dungeon it seemed a horrifying possibility.

And now you had your chance to find out the truth! Just two minutes ago
a visiting guard had got sloppy, coming just a bit too close to the bars. In
a flash you'd reached through, grabbed his pistol and fired two shots. It
had then been easy to reach through the bars for his keys and...

You were free!

What now? Finding your way out of the castle would be risky enough, but
perhaps you should look around a bit first...? Find out the truth.
And what of T.Y.A...? If the worst came to the worst you might run into
him. Better look around for some sort of weapons. This could be your chance
to be a hero, to rid 22ventry of the evil T.Y.A.

And you might even get out alive!

* Play Information *

Episode and Level # : E1M1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, but not tested
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Difficulty Settings : Yes: 1+2, 3, 4+5
New Sounds : Yes!
New Graphics : Yes!!
New Music : Yes!!! - Minuet, J.S. Bach
Demos Replaced : All Three - but they're a tad boring!
Send me your lmps!!

* Construction *

Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : EdMap V1.12, EdMap V1.40, IDBSP V1.0
Known Bugs : None. If you find some - let me know!!

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional

Use of any of the original sprites, graphics and sounds is permitted
providing you contact me, let me know and give me credit.
I would, of course, appreciate a copy of the WAD too!

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include all the
files intact.

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com

Other: doc@trognet.demon.co.uk