Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://crydee.sai.msu.ru/ftproot/pub/rec/games/idgames/levels/doom/a-c/coak.txt
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Jan 1 13:03:00 2003
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Dec 24 13:00:23 2007

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï

º * DooM * Cleaning Of All Kind (C.O.A.K.) level by Helioth * º

Title : Cleaning Of All Kind
Filename : COAK.WAD
Author : Helioth
Email Address : francois.coppex@buemplizer.ch
Misc. Author Info : Author of The Imp Fiesta (TNTFSTA.ZIP)
Author of The Spring Ballad (TNTSPRNG.ZIP)

Description : × This mornig your boss was in a bad mood:
the coffee vending machine is out of order.
That's the reason why you find yourself at
the entrance of the C.R.R.G.E. (Center for
Research on Regressive Genetical Experiments).
Bad luck.
This building was abandonned and closed some
years ago because of an experiment that has
gone wrong.
All that we know is that this building is full
of 'half-intelligent' and bellicous genetical
Woah, and your boss has sent you in there with
a little ridiculous gun...
'Try not to waste the ammunitions!', he said
before you entered.
Ha! A bullet in his head! That's all what your
boss should earn...

But if you want to shoot one in his head,
you'll have to come alive out of this
building: your lovely boss did solder the door
behind you...
Through the door you just heared an ugly voice
screaming 'Good luck!', immediately follewed
by the 'PoP!' of a champagne cork...

× In order to finish the level, you don't need
to discover any secret room, just go where
you haven't been.
× Lots of secret rooms
× Ultra-Violence can be very difficult. It
depends on the good will of the Cyberdemon.
In the same room are eight meatballs
(Cacodemons), and if the Cyberdemon doesn't
kill any of them, I wish you good luck if you
really hope to survive...
× I included a demo of myself finishing the
level on Ultra-Violence. Perhaps the demo
won't work on some DooM.exe because the demo
was recorded using DooM.exe V1.6 Beta...
× The level is a bit slow on Ultra-Violence.
On the other difficulty levels it's quite
× No BFG9000

Additional Credits to : × Icare for play testing.
× ID Software, Brendon J Wyber, Rapha‰l Quinet,
Colin Reed, Matthew Ayres.

º* Play Information * º

Episode and Level # : E1M1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes (Titlepic+Sky1 from DooM2)
New Music : Yes (E1M1+E1M3+E2M4+Interlude+Introa)
Demos Replaced : Yes

º* Construction * º

Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : Approximately 50 hours
Wad. size : 454'319 bytes
(174k map+56k music+121k demo+103k graphics)
Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21, DEU 5.20 32bit, BSP 1.1X, WADED 1.23,
WADED 1.37, DEU2 5.21
Known Bugs : None

º* Copyright / Permissions * º

You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no

You may not use this level as a base to build additional levels unless a
special agreement exists with its author.

You may not use this file in any commercial purpose unless a special
agreement exists with its author.

If you need one of the copyright points to be modified or removed, just
let it know to me by E-Mail.

º* Where to get this WAD * º

FTP sites: n/a

BBS numbers: Lycaeum: +41 41 76 29 89
Dark Severity: +41 37 46 24 77

º* Other * º

× This is my last level for DooM, next ones will be for DooM2!

× This level was first supposed to be named 'The Heart Attack'. That's
the reason why there is the little play on words (that has at first
sight no link with the description of the level) in the File_id.diz

× If you do not know how to play this level, just type this command line
after you put COAK.WAD in your DooM directory:
DooM -file COAK.WAD

× Here are some little easy tricks for all the non-experts in DooM level
making. These tricks should help you a bit not to make too dull

Ë Everytime you have different sectors in a same room, try to
change their ceiling (and floor) height. It's better to avoid
the big rooms that are at the same elevation.
Ë Try to make shadows. For example if there is a lamp, make a
sector with a higher light level that shows the way the light
Ë Use a lot of sector tags, mooving ceilings, mooving floors,
lifts, crushing ceilings, raising floors & stairs... It should
give the level a lot more interest.
Ë The average light level should be approximately 150, if your
sectors are too strongly lit, you loose a lot of suspense when
Ë If possible, make big rooms. It's always nicer when you have a
large sight while playing. Perhaps it slows down a bit the
animation but I think it's worth loosing a bit of the speed for
a better design.
Ë Put more sky (F_SKY1) in your ceilings. Looks a lot better.
Ë If possible do not make huge levels (like mine...or another
example is Wanton.WAD...) because the animation becomes too slow
and it's very unpleasant to play such a big level until you have
a Pentium 90Mhz...
Ë About the textures: try to alternate the texture theme. Do not
take always the same type like Marble or Gray for the whole

All what I explained here was used in ID's levels. They are very well
built and I never found PWADS that were as good as ID's levels, apart
some exceptions like Acheron.WAD or Cortyr_b.WAD...

× I always had problems with the node builders, so I tried to find the
best ones. Here's a little Node Builder chart based on the time
they need to build the 'Cleaning Of All Kind' level on my DX2 50Mhz.

¨ DEU 5.20 32 Bit ............ 0:52 A lot of Hom Bugs ........ 176k ¨
¨ BSP 1.1x ................... 1:44 Floor Height Bug (Blocked) 182k ¨
¨ DEU 5.21 ....................3:35 A lot of HOM Bugs ........ 176k ¨
¨ WADED 1.37 ................. 4:15 OK ....................... 174k ¨
¨ BSP 1.0 .................... 6:45 Floor Height Bug (Blocked) 178k ¨
¨ DEU 5.10 Hack .............. UNABLE TO BUILD: NOT ENOUGH MEMORY ¨

× The second chart is based on ID's E1M5 level (89k). This because my
level is too big (175k) for some node builders and therefore it wasn't
possible to compare them with the others programs.

¨ DEU 5.20 32 Bit ............ 0:14 OK ........................ 89k ¨
¨ BSP 1.1x ................... 0:27 OK ........................ 91k ¨
¨ BSP 1.0 .................... 0:42 OK ........................ 90k ¨
¨ THE REAL THING V2.60B ...... 0:44 OK ........................ 90k ¨
¨ DOOMCAD NODEBUILDER V0.9 ... 0:50 OK ........................ 87k ¨
¨ DEU 5.21 ....................0:54 OK ........................ 90k ¨
¨ DEU 5.10 Hack .............. 1:19 Texture-linedef Bug ...... 100k ¨
¨ WADED 1.37 ................. 2:16 OK ........................ 89k ¨

I did not test the following node builders because I did not find them
anywhere: Verda Node Builder - DMapedit V3.0 - BSP 1.2x