Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://crydee.sai.msu.ru/ftproot/pub/rec/games/unsorted/faqs/darkstalkers-revenge.faq
Дата изменения: Thu Aug 10 23:27:00 1995
Дата индексирования: Mon Dec 24 11:10:07 2007

Поисковые слова: comet tail
# #
# Darkstalkers Revenge #
# FAQ #
# Version 1.0 #
# #
# #


(1) Intro
(2) Bits about the game.
(3) Specific Character info
(4) Miscellaneous observations
(5) Credits.


(1) Intro

Ok Folks, Here it is. The 1.0 version of the faq on capcom's latest release
Darkstalkers Revenge. Before going any further Credits/ Apologies go out to
A.Klein for the hack job done on his faq in version 0.7 and 0.8....
More haste and less speed it seems.

Darkstalkers revenge is an updated, faster,smoother and revamped version of
The original darkstalkers, Very much like what ssf2 tournament did in
comparison with sf2 hyper fighting....
The original was a game that starred all your favorite creatures of the
night such as vampires and wolf men, and even threw in a few robots& aliens
to spice up the mix =).... Information on this game is available on the
original (and well done*HINT*) darkstalkers faq. This faq basically has
in mind people who know of and have played the original so for the moment
I wont be going IN DEPTH into the games dynamics such as Missile vs missile
Events or aerial moves, although they will get a brief mention in section (2).
Some of the specials have been renamed appropriately from version 0.8/0.7.

#So What is new about Darkstalkers II?
:Apart from the crazy colour scheme... =),
:4 new characters,(The bosses PYRON & HUITZL + 2 newbies, DONOVAN & HSIEN KO)
:New supermoves and extra special moves,
:'Chain combo' system,
:'Pursuit' hits on downed opponents,
:'Guard reversals',
:New SPECIAL meter charging system,
:****BALANCE*** more in section (3)
And a whole lot more. Numerous updates will be brought to this faq as i get
More information. Quite a few of the moves here are unconfirmed in which
case there will be a question mark next to them like so:(?)
Also possible ways to get the move out will be listed next to it in
square brackets as shown> []


(2)Bits about the game.

#Move notation:

The moves Are listed as shown with appropriate references to Street fighter II

Punch Buttons : Jab Strong Fierce
0 0 0
0 0 0
Kick buttons : Short Forward Roundhouse

All move notation (in keeping with tradition) Will be for characters
facing to The right.

"Punch And Kick" or "P+K" means to push relative punch and kick buttons
together such as jab+short, Strong+forward, or Fierce+Roundhouse.
"ALL PUNCH" or "AP" means to push all the 3 punch buttons together...
"ALL KICK" or "AK" means to push all 3 kick buttons together....
"ALL BUTTONS or "AB" means to push all the buttons (ALL 6!!) in unison.
"punch" means any of the punch buttons can be pressed in this move
The stronger the button the stronger the effect of the move.
"kick" means the same for kick.

Normal joystick movement will be represented as shown :

0- -0 (horizontal + vertical) 0- represents 'joystick left'
| 0- 0- means 'tap joystick twice left',
0 0- -0 means Hold joystick left, then right,
(like Guiles(SFII) sonic boom,)
| 0
And 0 | means Hold J-Stick down then up,
(like Guiles Flash kick)

0 0
\ /
(Diagonal movements) / Means move joystick down left.
/ \ 0
0 0

Common in game motions Such as "FireBall" (a quarter turn of the joystick to
The right )

| \ -0 0 0

The reverse of the same (hurricane kick (SFII)motion)
(or a quarter circle to the left) will be noted as
Reverse FireBall or "RFB".

The same applies to 'YogaFlame' motions "YF" (half circle from back left to
forward right through the base.. as shown:

O- -O
/ | \

And its reverse counter part "RYF" .....

And 'DragonPunch' "DP" :

-0 | \
0 0

With its opposite motion "Reverse Dragon Punch"...."RDP"...

All other moves will be represented using the stick- circle notation as
first seen above.


#the special meter:
At the top of the screen above each character is a special bar.
This bar gets charged up during gameplay as the character
1) Hits a blocking opponent
2) Hits a non blocking opponent
3) Executes a super (S) move.

Once this bar is filled the counter will increment, and you character will
have a SPECIAL charge available for usage in a (ES) or (EX) move *see below*
BUT... unlike darkstalkers, Once this charge has been filled another one
beginsto build on it, and MULTIPLE SPECIAL charges can be stored .The more
stored, the higher the special counter number. And the colour of the bar
changes accordingly . The highest number of specials i have seen stored up
is 7 though More may be possible.
*Unconfirmed - special number effects power of SPECIAL (ES) or (EX) MOVE?
-Not very likely*

Once a special move (ES or EX) is used... The special meter decrements by 1.
This means an (EX) move can be performed such as a PLASMA SHOWER (pyron)
Which can the be followed by another (EX) or quicker still an (ES) such as a
SPECIAL PURSUIT (see below), Followed by yet another (ES) or (EX) Once the
character gets up or not as it were... some (EX)moves will cause a delay
meaning anything other than a SPECIAL PURSUIT may not be feasable.. Otherwise
Lethal combo's can ensue using this ability to its full effect....


#Round endings:
There are 6 ways to end a round (and fill one of the "match point" circles
At the top of the screen, And 5 by which you can win a match.(both rounds)

(T) Means a time out, in this case the character with the most energy wins.

(D) Means a double KO.Both characters knocked out at the end of the round.
The character that won the previous round (if the double ko is in the 2nd
round) or The character wins the following round (if it was in the 1st)
wins the match out right.

(V) Means a normal victory. Character won by using a basic move such as kick
or a punch.

(S) Means a victory by a normal super move such as a fireball, a beast rush,
or a coffin drop (anarkis).

(ES) Extra Special Means victory by any of the characters 'Augmented' normal
supermoves such as demetri's demon cradle (double sized fireball +2 hits)
These are brought out By doing the characters supermove motion in this case
FB , And hitting all 3 respective buttons at once,(AP)
So for demitri's normal fireball or chaos flare the move would be
FB +punch,
Whereas his (ES) Demon cradle would be FB +All Punch.
As the character pulls out this move they will glow a solid colour.
These moves use one unit from the special meter.

(EX) EXtra specials.. Means Victory by any of the character's patented SPECIAL
Moves Such as Huitzl's SUPER ICE LASER, or Jon Tailbains FLAME WOLF.
These moves are brought out by doing a particular motion ONLY Specific to that
SPECIAL, they commonly use 3 buttons but not All of then do.
They range fron the deadly looking, and humourous to the spectacular,
And as the character pulls out these moves they will glow cycling rainbow
colours Making the move easy to spot.
These moves also use one unit from the special meter, And apparently
Each character has THREE of them.



Once an opponent has been knocked down by your character, pressing up +kick
(usually roundhouse) Will cause your character to follow up and land on the
Downed character for an extra hit. This is known as a 'pursuit' And registers
as a (S) super move all though all characters have this ability. 0
SPECIAL PURSUIT (ES) is also possible by pushing up +All Kick, ( | +AK )
Where your character will glow as they try to land on the victim, and if they
Connect will proceed to impart MULTIPLE HITS to the already injured party.
Particularly effective after some (ES) and (EX) moves...
*Unconfirmed - Tapping the button MAY help a SPECIAL PURSUIT*


#air combat:

Characters can block moves in the air AND retaliate before hitting the
ground either by a normal hit or by a super move...More about this system can
Be seen in the darkstalkers 1 faq. EX/ES moves can also be blocked
aerially Although certain EX's would appear to be UNBLOCKABLE... {=/
More on this later.


#chain hit combo's:

characters now have an effective chain hit combination system,
The easiest examples being a series of hits the most basic being
like: jab ,strong, fierce ,or .Short forward roundhouse.
Holding back with some buttons notably Roundhouse for J.Talbain (small triple
kick) And Fierce or strong with Pyron Leads to hits that do Either more
damage or have an extended range.A more advanced chain hit combo may read like
this (Jon tailbain again) Jumping in with fierce punch, jab, Back with medium
punch, Back with medium kick *NB* not tapping back just holding back to
execute the respective roundhouse type moves. This leads to something like a
5 -6 hit combo And about a 1/4 damage...Taking Into account Jon Tailbain Can
multiply his hits /Damage by a factor of at least 3 after his SHADOW HOWL
(EX), It becomes Apparent that thes chain combos do prove to be VERY VERY
damaging and a necessity to learn. And yes the computer WILL pull these out
on you.......


#guard retaliations:

Basically A block straight into a supermove as a counter attack will earn
Your character bonus points and on some occasions a sizeable hit.
Also most move reversals are possible although A throw reversal has yet to be
Example: A blocked attack on demitri retaliated by a demon cradle (DP +punch)


#speed control:

Choice a the start of game between normal + turbo speed.
In challenges Speed is usually determined by winner of previous match
Or first person on.


#auto block:
Like Xmen When the buttons arent being pressed an an attack ensues the
character will automatically block Once auto block is used up it stays that
Way.. may restrict some characters movement. Best to use manual...


#soft landings:
If you character gets thrown or knocked over hitting strong of fierce
quickly Can have you character land on his feet And be in a much better
State to retaliate.


#Missile vs Missile:
Like ds1 The fire ball momentum system is still there, En Masse now since
It fully applies to (ES) moves as well...
Basically if two fireballs hit each other there will be a little bit of
resistance and then either
1) The stronger fireball will continue on its path (an in terms of buttons)
2) If the same strength the Later fired projectile will continue...
3) Both fireballs will cancel each other out.



Double tapping with the joystick in either direction will lead to a dashing
Movement by the character.. some characters dashes are now highly Specialised
(Demitri, Hsien ko, Anarkis)........ And hitting fierce / roundhouse at the
end of a dash will result in a rush attack.. which for some (like sasquatch)
Can be 2+hits.


#colour scheme:

Characters now can be one of 7 colours like ssfII this is chosen by pressing
The respective button before choosing the speed setting of the match.
Only reccomendation so far... Pyron With Forward (med kick) =)
Looks pretty cool if ya ask me =)



Specific Character Info:

This time capcom have really done The job.
Im referring to the 'Balance' statement made earlier.
Unlike xmen which favors Psylocke & wolverine users in general,
in this game if you pick ANY of the 14 characters you stand a decent
chance of holding your own & Completing the game...!
this means That the commonly viewed "weaker characters"
Such as Anarkis, Huitzl, Hsien Ko(MAYBE), Victor, Bishammon, Lord raptor,
And Rikuo, Can do more than just hold their own against the commonly viewed
"stronger characters" Such as Morrigan, Demitri, Jon Tailbain, Felicia,
Donovan (possibly),Sasquatch ( =) ) , and PYRON...
For the first time you feel as if all the characters are "EQUAL" once
You get used to them. I would have never believed That A near novice Anarkis
Could beat a resident & expert jon tailbain Player in a to the death match,
But it has happened and each character has a SERIOUS amount of hidden
strengths and qualites noticable only when you begin to play then seriously
And really start using thise combos.... The message is TRY EVERYBODY, since
they are ALL GOOD... (so far)
But Enough of this.. on to the Characters:
(alphabetically ordered)

ALL (ES) labelled moves require 1 SPECIAL charge.
ALL EX: labelled moves ALSO require 1 SPECIAL charge.

-Type: Mummy
-Mini: Square Hierogliphic slab.

{button = position}
*= description

FB +punch (on ground) Mummy Wrapper
{jab=close, strong =med ,Fierce =far}

*=Magic hands appear out of the air to grab you If they do Anakaris spins you
Back and forth a bit as he wraps you in bandages and the slams you to the
(ES) FB +All punch
{Requires a special charge}
*=Anakaris glows as the hands float up and down moving forward, if they
Catch you, he then pulls you into his coffin Where he jumps up and down with
You inside and then kicks you out with a mummified foot.
**NB Blocking/ducking this move is possible but not Recommended**

FB +punch (in air)(?) Royal Judgement
{Harder the button longer effect}

*=Anakaris Blows out a circle of ghostly demons who if they hit turn you
Into a small minaturized version of yourself.. that is vunerable to attack.

(ES) FB+ ALL PUNCH (in air) {this move requires a Special charge}
*=a larger stream of ghosts are blown out & the effects are twice as long.
***reccomended followup ((ES) COFFIN FALL =) )****


Punch+Kick Coffin Fall
{same ranges as mummy wrapper move left or right to direct drop}

*=Anakaris motions downwards and a coffin falls from the sky.

(ES) ALL BUTTONS {requires a special charge}
*= Anarkis motions repeatedly & coffins rain down in all positions.
*** takes a little while to start but once it does***


0- 0- at edge of screen Pharoh port
Anakaris slides out of the back of the screen & re appears on the other side..


RYF +punch Echo back Step1
*= Anakaris swallows a projectile.

FB +kick Echo back step2
*=Anakaris Spits it back.
2 swallowed projectiles result in an (ES) Version going out...

-0 0- -0 +punch Cobra Blow.
*Anakaris Sends out a huge cobra shaped attack.

(ES) Longer version more hits more damage...


forward jab | short strong PHAROH MAGIC.

*= A four fold curse, as you get flamed,shocked, frozen, and then have a giant
coffin dropped on you.


*=Anarkis raises his hands as a shimmering dimensional doorway appears..
It drags you through the floor you hear *DAMAGE* and the in spits you down
To the ground from the ceiling with force as Anarkis drops his hands..
*HIGHLY DAMAGING MOVE* *follow with super pursuit*

EX3: ???????????????????????
Tapping up with joystick Allows Anarkis to float hitting down & roundhouse
Will have him do his pyramid crush move.



-Type: Ghostly Samurai
-Mini: Cherry tomato samurai (?)

YF +punch snap sword
*= Bishammon throws out his sword *follow up with storm wind/flip sword

FB +punch storm wind
(following connected throw)
(ES): ?

RFB +punch flip sword
(following connected throw)

DP +punch rising slash
(following flip sword)
Or use after blocking / getting up - counter attack move.

O- -O +Punch High Quick Slash
O- -O +kick Low Quick Slash

(ES)O- -O O- -O +punch High Triple Slash
(ES)O- -O O- -O +kick Low Triple Slash

jump 0 0
|/_0 +punch Seal of death
*= A ghostly woman stuns the opponent. follow up with sword toss

*= a ghostly fist comes out of bishammons chest & crushes the victim.


EX2: FB+ all kick (?) WARRIORS SLASH
*= a Series of ghostly warriors appear & slash their way across the screen..
Bishammon apprearing at the end of them.
*NB.. Reccomended to follow this move up with a SPECIAL pursuit Due to
How close it leaves you to the victim*



-Type: Vampire
-Mini: Bat

FB +punch Chaos Flare
{can be done in air as well}
*= Demitri shoots a fireball.
FB +all punch
*= Demitri glows as he fires off a much larger demon faced fireball (2hit)
(can do this in air?)

DP +punch Demon cradle
{can be done out of a dash for a diagonal version}
*= Demitri spins into the air dragon punch fashion.
DP +all punch
*= Demitri glows as he spins faster surrounded by energy for multiple hits.


RFB +kick Bat Spin
*=demitri dissapears In a puff of smoke and re appears spinning down
diagonally for 3plus hits.
(ES) RFB +all kick
*= Extra hits.
-0 -0 or 0- 0- Demon stolen
*= Demitri briefly dissapears and reappears as he dashes.
EX1: --O O--- FB +all punch (close) Evil transformation I

*= Demitri Glides up to opponent Grabs, Bites them up And performs
a quick 4/5 hit combo to finish...
EX2: --O O--- FB +all kick Evil transformation II

*= Demitri Turns into his evil self & releases a swarm of flaming
Bats from the confines of his cape, NB best if done close...
{*I got a 26hit combo & horrible damage from this... BE WARNED!*}



-Type: Demon hunter
-Mini: doll with pot on his head followed by sword...

Punch+kick Homing Sword
{Strength of buttons determin strength of sword attack}
*= Donovan plants his sword in the ground. Press buttons again to send it off
& back again. If left in ground sword will tap finger, complain & go to sleep!
*= special version 6 hits on way up slices in half on way back.
NB:Donovan's unarmed attacks can be devastating.

All moves below are with sword.

RFB +punch (close) sword slice throw
*= Sword slices up opponent and stabs in side to finish
(ES) RFB +all punch
*= Donovan glows as the sword executes a horrible slicing combination on you to
a triple stab finish.


fb +punch Ice Goddess
*= Goddess appears and sends out a giant snow flake
*= Flakes x3.

[DP + punch? /RFB +punch] God of Flame
*= God of flame appears Swiping the sword in a flaming uppercut..
*= 2x swipes

[2xRDP +Punch???] God of lightning
*= God of lightning appears & HUGE electric sword array appears...
min hits 6 Max hits 11 *keep hitting buttons when this connects*
(ES = max of 17 hits?)

jump 0 + kick Sword surf
*=Donovan rides his sword down to you ... best to use fierce kick.


{short =close, forward =med, roundhouse =far}
*= The screen darkens as donovan holds his summoning pose and a HUGE angry
blue god appears who then proceeds to stamp on you most viciously. (2+hit)


*=The screen darkens AGAIN as Donovan turns into a demon of darkness,
creates an electric field & charges you IN BOTH SENSES OF THE WORD...

EX3: ????????


-Type: Catwoman
-Mini: kitten

RYF +punch Rolling scratch

*=felicia bounces and rolls toward opponent Pressing punch quickly
Gives you repeated clawstratch hits

YF +punch Rolling Buckler

*=felicia rolls along ground into opponent hitting them tap punch in
Mid roll to go into a rising slash.
(ES) Lots more hits.

RDP +kick Delta kick

*Felicia Kicks up (it hits on the way up as well now) The comes dowm
Diagonally kicking repeatedly.
(ES) Glows + a whole lot more hits..
*=Felicia goes rainbow, rolls in at high speed does a combo & finishes with
a rising slash... Damage doesnt come off until the final hit... Usually a
EX2: FB +all kick (?) BUDDIES!
*= Felicia meows loudly & calls in a carbon copy, who if she hits you calls 3
more... and the four of them cane you from all sides while the originalcovers
her ears & grins with glee... =/ ***CAN BE BLOCKED!***


-Type: Aztec Robot
-Mini: Baby robot

FB +punch {standing or crouching} Plasma beam
{fierce punch = straight up beam}
*=Huitzl Shoots a freezing plasma beam at you. takes off energy even if blocked
*huitzl fires a THICK Plasma beam at you steadily.


FB + Kick {standing or crouching} Missile attack
*huitzl Fires a flame bomb.
*huitzl fires a really BIG flame bomb.- follow with pursuit.
*Huitzl crouches down and sends out an arc of explosive shells..
Mainly effective at close range... (Button pressing may help)
* a huitzl remote grabs you by the head and holds you to become victim
to numerous hits............ This move is very dangerous once it hits


-Type: Traditional chinese vampire
-Mini: Panda with a beanie & a football!! =) *crouch in this mode for laffs*
*NB* This girls claws lead to a DEVASTATING array of regular moves...
FB +punch Weapon throw.
*= Ko throws one of many items at you..*including Bonsai =)*
{jab = straight across, med=diagonal arc, hard =Straight up.}
NB... Getting hit on the head twice by harder items will lead to a
quick stun.. Experienced ko players will take this opportunity to Chain
combo / Beat all hell out of you so be careful.
(ES) Rolls 3 iron balls across the floor. *sure there is something more to
this... but WHAT???*


--O --O (in air) AIR WALK.
*= Runs along in air a little bit.. Can also dissapear when running forward
Like demitri but to a lesser extent,on the ground.

DP +punch (in air) Guillotine swing
*= Ko swings back & forth in air on a chain Slicing in both directions
So block BOTH WAYS.
(ES) Extended swing + more slicing damage.
Can slice from below & above when she throws you so watch out.
Like Pursuit ...?

RFB +punch/FB +kick Reflect Gong.
{can also do in air}
*=Ko brings out a gong and hits it, resultant SMALL WAVE can reflect ALL
projectile attacks apart from supers. (ES/EX)
(ES) Extended gong wave could POSSIBLY reflect (ES) projectiles....?
EX1: = FB + all kick IT SLICES IT DICES!!

*= Ko sticks both hands into the ground and a series of 6 giant knives
Come up from the ground in a wave... Max Hits on this = 6 (air juggle?)
*follow sucessfuly with Pursuit.... =)

*= Ko drops a Giant mad face weight from the sky followed by loads of spiked
iron balls....... Can be seen in the attract mode.



-Type: Heavy metal Ghoul
-Mini: Guitar
NB.. Has a fishbone through his heart whenever he fights a girl =) At round
start ...*cute girls that is such as HSIEN KO... some how morrigan doesnt
Do it for him.. May be she's related to orchid ^_^;


*if anyone has had full scale improvements its THIS guy =)*

RFB + KICK Death hurricane.
(ES) Extra hits.

FB + punch Skull Punish.
(ES) Extra Striking distance + hits

YF +kick Hells Gate
{kick buttons decide where rap will appear}
{Short=Left, Forward=In Place, and Roundhouse=Right}

EX1: RYF +kick {can be done in air} DEATH VOLTAGE
*=raptor performs an electrical version of The death hurricane.


Jump O- O- or -O -O Air Walk
*=LR runs along in the air.

EX2: --O O-- FB+ AllPunches Evil Scream
*= LR stabs you then gives you an electric uppercut....

EX3!!: DP +all Punches AIR RAPTOR!!!
*=LR Summons a WEIRD looking GIANT MOUTH That appears beneath you....
*what happens if you get caught? You TURN INTO BASKET BALL WHILE IT TURNS:
One of THE BEST lookin moves in the game!


-Type: Succubus =)
-Mini: ???

FB +punch Soul Fist
*= Morrigan fires a bat.
FB +all punch
*= The projectile is much larger and it is 3layers deep!! which means you have
to Block all 3 hits.

0 0
| / _0 +punch Air Soul Fist
*=aerial version fired diagonally down.
Much larger, like the fireball special. (3hits)

DP +Punch Shadow blade
*= Morrigan rises in a dragon punch like attack. Good retaliatory move.
*= Blade hits multiple times
RYF +punch (close) Hell ride
*= Morrigan grabs the victim jetpacks them into the air & SLAMS THEM.

EX1: RYF +KICK Valkyrie Turn
*=morrigan jets out of the screen to return hitting with a multiple connecting
shell kick. *hold forward + roundhouse at the end of this for an additonal 4
{NB:The height of the shell kick depends on which kick button is
Used. Short=Low, Forward=Middle, Roundhouse=High. Press a button
after she flies away with the jetpack or the move won't connect }

EX2:Jab Jab --O Short Fierce (close) Darkness Illusion
*= morrigan jets forward slightly & splits into 2 to then beat on you fiercely
>From both sides finishing with a crescent kick.

Can you believe these people???

EX3:??????? Multiple trouble
*= Morrigan spilts into two(?) people Dont ask me which is the real one..
And canes you from both sides...(?) HEAVILY.But differently to EX2.




-Type: Alien
-Mini: Baby flame with big eyes

FB +punch Sol Crush
*= pyron fires off a large meteor.
{light= Straight Across, med= Curves up diagonally , Fierce goes right up.}
Multiple hits.

0 0
| / _0 +punch (in air) Aerial sol Crush
*= Pyron fires a meteor diagonally downwards.
Multiple hits.
multi-hit flame tongue: FIERCE PUNCH
RFB+punch (close) DEATH DROP
*= nasty special grab where Pyron brings you inside a large sphere
and slams you.
*=pyron turns into a flaming ring of fire & rushes across screen.
Extended hits.
RFB +kick (in air) Flame top
*= Pyron Spins down diagonally whirling his body around him.
MUCH FASTER & hurts a lot mnore...

EX1:FB+ all kick PLASMA SHOWER..
Pyron sends off a devatating salvo of Pyrothechinc bursts...
if the character gets hit you can throw in a fireball or follow up with a
Fire wheel for EXTRA HITS and THEN perform a Pursuit move =)


-Type: Merman
-Mini: Frog.

*dont play him much so a lot of this is conjecture.. updates will follow*

FB + punch Sonic Wave
*Rikuo fires out a sonic wave front that holds the victim up in the air.
*bigger version more damage?

YF +kick Poison breath
*=Rikuo leans back as he spits a poison cloud out from his lungs.
*= Larger cloud that takes off more damage.


0- -0 +punch Screw jet
*=rikuo spins across the screen horizontally ala m.bison (in air???)
(can now be used for counter attack)
(ES)*= Faster spin & increased hits.

-0 -0 +Fierce Multi hit Mollusk
*=Rikuo dashes forward extending a shell that hits you many times.
(ES) ?

0- 0- +kick Trick fish
*Rikuo Bounces up Diagonally spinning his fins.
(often used for counter attack)
O- or -O Punch Tongue Grab to Bash

O-- or --O Punch O-- --O O-- (etc.) Tongue Grab to Multi Bash

RYF + kick Tongue Grab to AirHits to a Toss

EX1: -0 \ | *all punch AQUA SPLASH
0 0

*=rikuo fires a stream of tracers that then results in a huge vertical
water blast That takes you out of the screen. *can be blocked*

EX2: FB+all punch(?) BUBBLE TROUBLE
Giant pink bubble appears,lifts you up in the air and drains life as you
suffocate... Rikuo CAN hit you out of this... Maybe you Could block this
But i wouldnt suggest it.. If possible AVOID.

EX3: FB +All kicks(?) SURFS UP!
A series of giant waves do their best to wash you outta the screen...
max 3 hits if blocked.



-Type: Abominable Snowbeast.
-Mini: Snowman

FB+punch Big Snow
*= 'Squatch Spits out a snowman.
(ES)*= 3x Snowman (like ryu's SSFII supermove)

DP+KICK Big Typhoon
*='squatch Leans back a little as he sticks out his foot ans spins it
Whirlwind fashion.
(ES)*= He glows as his foot spins faster... Freezes it it hits.

RFB +KICK Big Spin
*= Jumps up & Twirls along the ceiling SBK style..
(ES) Extended spin.

| | +Punch Big Towers
0 0

*= SS Crouches as an ice cage appears about him.
(ES) *= Huge array of icicles make their way along the screen both
sides of 'squatch .... This can hit to freeze at least TWICE.

RYF +kick (close) Big toss

*='Squatch spins around with the victim & then tosses them.
RFB +kick(close) Big Brunch

*=SS Eats the victim & spits them out On ice.. can follow this up with any
attack while they are frozen...(Probably ES or EX... If done with Roundhouse)
*NB*!!!!!!! You can pull these at least TWICE CONSECUTIVLEY!!
[This means he can eat you repeatedly to death?????]

EX1: YF +all punch BIG FREEZER

*=Squatch opens wide & sends off a HUGE ICE BLAST.

EX2:FB +all kick NO SWIMMING!

Squatch Blows on the floor & creates an ice lake... Character slips on it
& Falls Through is THEN,Smacked out of the freezing water covered in ice by
A whales tail as squatch dances with joy...
YOU CANNOT BLOCK THIS... Once it is under you you have had it.. if
anything JUMP...and if you recieve one of these after a big brunch... =(


-Type :wolfman
-Mini :mad Daschund.

FB +punch Pinball beast rush
hit punch button + joystick to change direction to move in anyone of 8
(ES) can change direction TWICE.
jump 0 0
| / _0 + punch Air beast rush
(ES) Same as above....
Comet can change direction TWICE. so you can bounce em x3

DP +punch Million Flick
*= Tailbain goes to work with his nunchucks spinning them around him.
-Good defensive move....
*Tailbain glows as he does an extended version.


| 0
0 | +kick Climb laser
*=Tailbain does a flash kick type move (works as a guard defense)
*This will lead to more hits + damage.


EX1: FB +all kick SHADOW HOWL
*= Jon howls & creates shadow multiples of himself (like wolverine's
`Speed rage' in xmen)NB:WARNING! IN THIS MODE CHAIN HIT COMBOS Can be lethal!
&all his shadow moves register as normal hits, But It would appear the special
Meter charges marginally faster.


EX2: RFB +all punch FLAME WOLF
*=Jon sends massive wolf of flame across the screen (3+ hits and increased
Burning damage) Looks pretty awesome too. *can be executed after shadow howl*


*= Jon goes into a slightly faster beast rush that can change direction
If used correctly this move is Unbelievably Useful!!!




-Type: Frankenstein
-Mini: Baby frankenstein With doll
Holding the button down on any Fierce or Roundhouse attack will give you
An electrically charged version.

FB+kick (close) Mega Shock

*=Vic grabs victim & shocks them.

RFB+punch (close) Electric Slam

*=Vic Grabs victim & Slams them
O- or -O Punch (close) Chin Basher

*=Vic smashes the victim with his chin. (tap buttons for more hits)
0- or -0 kick (close) Electric squeeze

*=Vic crushes victim as he charges them. (Tap buttons for more damage)
RFB + KICK Giga burn
0- -0 +Punch Giga hammer

*= Vic does a rushing punch attack (ES) Gives you a 'Giga Brood'???
0- -0 +KICK Giga buster

*= Vic does a rushing low kick attack.
/ 0
0 / +kick Hop kick

*= Vic does a diagonal upward knee attack.

EX1: | 0 +allpunch THUNDER BREAK
0 |

*=Vic Jumps up *CHARGED* (CAN HIT YOU IN AIR) And Slams his hands down on the
floor to send out an electric wave along it on both sides.



*= "daddy`s Ghost" appears behind victor. If vic grabs you...
he takes you on a draining helicopter To the top of the screen
And the slams you to the floor.


(4) Miscellaneous observations

The more i play this game the better it gets =)
Anarkis seems to be the "turtle players dream" When you sit there and wait for
them to attack... Unless of course its sasquatch or another anarkis in which
case Its Mummy wrapper city... =)
Thats about it really.. more to follow, it also seems the
2nd and 3rd EX's tho' elusive do the most pain.....
Nice touch, the harder the move the better the effect??
more as it comes.
Endings will be included in the next revision if there is one,
Anybody see anything new out there let us know =)
Comments And additions welcomed, Flames? NAH. =)
Hope this is a help to all you would be Darkstalkers revenge Experts!

(5) Credits

Myself - for a few obvious reasons.. =)
SMARTIE! -Resident Tailbain expert & Mentor.
BERNARD & LUIS! -Also Twin mentors (Wait til MK3 GUYS!!!)
ROBIN (FEESH) HARRYMAN -Postscript editing & cool ascii
A.KLEIN -Editorial Input............(!) =)
CAPCOM- for doing it yet AGAIN.

OUT / \
Y'ALL... ! ( 0-0 ) !
\ - /

Its Another letter from: Ronald Theophilus Griffith - srcec@westminster.ac.uk

*Internet Address*
