Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://crydee.sai.msu.ru/ftproot/pub/rec/games/unsorted/faqs/ballz.faq
Дата изменения: Thu Aug 10 23:19:00 1995
Дата индексирования: Mon Dec 24 10:53:34 2007

Поисковые слова: ngc 5128
BALLZ! FAQ v0.3 (in works)


Maintained by Bryan Carter (aka R.I.P.)

-3) Intro:

Well, we're a little bit closer to me bumping this puppy up to v1.0,
I just need to finish getting down all the moves for everyone. Things
have been running slow around here do to this other pesky game (that
I wouln't mention) that is keeping my PC occupied during the day,
and me awake at night with the lights on... oooh boy scary. 8>
Oh well... enjoy... and if you have any suggestions, send'em my way.

-2) What's new in this file:

- morph moves!
- more boss stratagy suggestions
- updated moves for Bruiser, Crusher, & Tsunami
- Info regarding Edge 16

-1) Things to come:

- more character moves
- more boss strategies
- more "fun stuff for two players"
- anything else I can think of that's relevent as time goes on

0) Object of the game:

Fight past seven other players, several bosses, and if you are
good enough, you can make it to the Jester. Defeat him and ???

1) Moves:

Standard moves
Punch and Down - Low punch
Toward and Punch - Lunging punch
Away and Punch - Short punch
Kick and Down - Low kick
Toward and Kick - Lunging kick
Away and Kick - Short kick

Away - Back-pedal and block
Away and Down - Crouch, stationary block
Away and Up - High block
Punch and Up/Down - Roll away when knocked down

Morphs (these moves are the same for all characters)
(and more than one can be done in a round )
Right, Left, Punch and Jump = Morph to Boomer
Right, Down, Left, Punch and Jump = Morph to Bruiser
Down, Right, Punch and Jump = Morph to Crusher
Right, Up, Left, Punch and Jump = Morph to Divine
Left, Left, Punch and Jump = Morph to Kronk
Left, Right, Punch and Jump = Morph to Tsunami
Right, Right, Punch and Jump = Morph to Turbo
Right, Up, Punch and Jump = Morph to Yoko

Close quarters attacks
Repeatedly push Punch button to win grapple, keep pushing afterwards
to get special attack.
Push Kick when close to opponent and you will grab him and get
a special attack

Whenever you are being held, or are dizzy, rapidly hit Punch to
escape or recover

In order to perform a taunt, hit Punch, Kick, and Jump all at the
same time. This will increase the damage of your next attack as long
as you don't get hit first. Taunts are additive, the more you do in
a row, the more dammage you will do to opponent

When low on life, hit Down 3 times rapidly to begin begging (restores
life), the more times you hit Down, the more life restored

Attacks that do damage to both players/Tangles
Some special attacks cause damage to both players (e.g. explosions,
and cyclone attacks). Also, some attacks when repeated to often can
cause the player to become tangled and helpless. NOTE:If you miss with
one of these attacks, or you become tangled, you will be helpless until
you are hit by your opponent (hitting Punch repeatedly may free you,
but I haven't had luck with this enough to say it is the case).

Boomer- (first 4 moves are from manual)
Left, Left, Kick
Left handstand kick

Away, Towards, Punch
Head hurl (shoulder level)

Up and Punch

Right, Down, Left, Up, Punch (d-pad moves performed as rotation)
Self destruct

Right, Right, Kick
Right handstand kick

Away, Towards, Kick
Bowl head at oppenent

Down and Punch and Kick (all at same time)
Punch at three times arms length+

Bruiser- (first 4 moves are from manual)
Left, Left, Kick
Cartwheel left

Right, Right, Kick
Cartwheel right

Down, Down, Kick
Slide tackle

Right, Down, Left, Up, Punch (d-pad moves performed as rotation)

Back, Forward, Kick
Kick ball at opponent

Back, Forward, Punch
Lob ball at oppenent

Win grapple (Punch when close)
Grab enemy under arm and punch in face

Jump, while holding hit Down, Down
Stomp ground and shake enemy off feet

Jump, while holding hit Punch and Jump
Kick high with both legs while in air

Down and Punch and Kick (when close)
Reach out and sweep opponent off their feet

Up, Down, Up, Down
Do jumping jacks (is this an attack?)

Towards, Towards, Towards
Charge opponent

Right and Kick and Jump
Sidestep to right

Left and Kick and Jump
Sidestep to left

Kick (when close)
Grab opponent and break them over knee

Towards, Away, Towards
Spin around with arms outstretched

Crusher- (first 3 moves are from manual)
Toward, Toward, Toward

Win grapple (Punch when close)

Away, Toward, Punch
Underhand horn heave

Away, Up, Punch
Overhead horn heave

Towards, Towards, Punch
Hold horn in hand like sword and stab at opponent

Away, Away, Punch
Lean back and crank arm

Kick (when close)
Lift opponent up and gore them

Left, Down, Punch
Charge left, then at opponent

Right, Down, Punch
Charge right, then at opponent

Divine- (first 3 moves are from manual)
Punch&Kick when close
Flip & Throw opponent

Win Grapple (Punch when close)

Toward, Toward, Toward
Reverse Cartwheel Head Scissors

Down, Down, Up
Makes you sing a high pitched note that makes other player dizzy

Down, Down, Away
Fakes dizziness, can be exited by pushing kick or punch

Down, Down, Towards (do while close)
Knee opponent in groin

Towards, Away, Towards, Away (must be in opponents line-of-sight)
You swivel your hips and whistle at opponent. Causes opponent
to uncontrollably move towards you. Once close, Divine
automatically executes "Flip & Throw" on opponent.

Away then arc to Down, Punch (keep holding Down)

Up, Up, Kick
Toe leap at opponent.

Kick and Jump, while holding hit Down 3 times fast
Away then arc to Down, Kick and Jump (keep holding down)
Drop back onto arms and perform flying kick at opponent

Away then arc to Up
Spin on one foot with arms outstretched (if performed to many
times you will become tangled as if stunned, and unable to move)

Jump, Kick at top of jump, then guide Divine to land on opponents head
Land on back of oppenent and knaw on the back of their head

Away, Away, Kick
Toward, Toward, Kick
Spring attack (you jump away from oppenent, then bounce back in
a kick)

Kronk- (first 4 moves are from manual)
Up, Punch
Overhead club

Away, Up, Punch
Lobber loogie

Kick (do while close)
Tee off

Toward, Toward, Toward
Duck, dive and roll

Toward, Kick
Lunging kick (seems to make you impervious to ground attacks)

Tsunami- (First 3 moves are from manual)
Toward, Toward, Toward
Belly charge

Away, Away, Jump
Flying summersault kick

Left, Right, Punch and Jump
Morph into Tsunami

Right, Right, Kick
Jump right then kick left

Left, Left, Kick
Jump left then kick right

Kick (when close)
Hold opponent down and pummel them

Up, Up, Jump
Hover and meditate (restores health, and may protect from
ground attacks)

Away, Away, Jump
Flip away, then do double flip at oppenent

Turbo- (first 3 moves are from manual)
Towards, Towards, Towards
Charge flip kick

Jump, Kick and Jump

Towards, Towards and Punch
Super Blow

Jump, while holding hit Down, Down
Jumps then performs flying kick

Towards, Away, Punch

Away, Towards, Punch
Crank right arm for a wind up

Away arc to Down, while holding hit Kick
Drop back on arms and kick out at oppenent

Yoko- (first 3 moves are from manual)
Up, Kick

Away, Away, Away, Away
Stun fart

Jump, Up, Up
Grab bar and swing (swing like on monkey bars)

Right, Right, Kick
Grab pole and swing counter-clock-wise(swing like on fire pole)

Left, Left, Kick
Grab pole and swing clock-wise(swing like on fire pole)

Win Grapple (Punch when close)
Grabs opponent and flips them over, then screws their head
into the ground

2) Strategies:

For first boss (the Ostrich) "Guggler"? :
Wait until it puts its head in the ground, and then taunt it
multiple times (5+). Then all it takes is one hit to beat it.

For second boss (the Kangaroo) "Bouncer"? :
Jump in, punch several times, then jump away. Repeat. His
tail has a long range, so watch out.

or->As Turbo, do repeated Super Blows until enemy is dead... that's it.

For third boss (the T-Rex) "T-Wrecks"? :
I've found that when playing Divine, head attacks work best.
Perform a jump and then aim so that your shadow overlaps his, and
when you land, you should be riding on the back of his head doing

For fourth boss (??? looks like a blue ghost/genie) " "? :
I've had no luck on this boss so far, all he does is morphs into
other creatures (so far, Bruiser, Crusher, and a python snake),
then proceeds to stomp my butt.

3) Fun stuff for two players:

Divine and Yoko... (you can guess what their doing)
While in a grapple, each player take turns at hitting their Punch
button, first Divine, then Yoko, then Divine, etc... quite funny.

4) Edge 16 information
According to a manual addendum that came whit Ballz, it is noted
that the Edge 16 has been cancelled by AT&T and support for that
device will not be offered. (Personally, I was hoping for this
little puppy, it was to include new characters and the like for
players to use... sigh)

5) With contributions from (thanks to):


|contact: |
| Bryan (aka R.I.P.) |
| gmezero@gz.bomb.com |