Äîęóěĺíň âç˙ň čç ęýřŕ ďîčńęîâîé ěŕřčíű. Ŕäđĺń îđčăčíŕëüíîăî äîęóěĺíňŕ : http://crydee.sai.msu.ru/ftproot/pub/comp/hardware/cdr/docs/mltmedia.ps
Äŕňŕ čçěĺíĺíč˙: Mon Nov 11 16:48:20 1996
Äŕňŕ číäĺęńčđîâŕíč˙: Mon Dec 24 10:53:50 2007
Ęîäčđîâęŕ: IBM-866

Ďîčńęîâűĺ ńëîâŕ: î íí
Disc Manufacturing, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1993 by Disc Manufacturing, Inc. All rights reserved.

This paper has been a truly collaborative effort. DMI
wishes to thank Steve Soto, Consultant and Philip Busk, Pam
Sansbury and Nancy Klocko of DMI for their contributions
and efforts.
Steve Soto, Consultant
89 Anderson Ave.
Wallington, NJ 07057

Disc Manufacturing, Inc. (DMI) manufactures all compact disc formats (i.e., CDíAudio,
CDíROM, CDíROM XA, CDI, PHOTO CD, 3DO, KARAOKE, etc.) at two plant sites in
the U.S.; Huntsville, AL, and Anaheim, CA. To help you, DMI has one of the largest
Product Engineering/Technical Support staff and sales force dedicated solely to
CDíROM in the industry.
The company has had a long term commitment to optical disc technology and has
performed developmental work and manufactured (laser) optical discs of various types
since 1981. In 1983, DMI manufactured the first compact disc in the United States. DMI
has developed extensive mastering expertise during this time and is frequently called
upon by other companies to provide special mastering services for products in
In August 1991, DMI purchased the U.S. CDíROM business from the Philips and
Du Pont Optical Company (PDO). PDO employees in sales, marketing and technical
services were retained.
DMI is a whollyíowned subsidiary of Quixote Corporation, a publicly owned corporation
whose stock is traded on the NASDAQ exchange as QUIX. Quixote is a diversified
technology company composed of Energy Absorption Systems, Inc. (manufactures
highway crash cushions), Stenograph Corporation (manufactures shorthand machines and
computer systems for court reporting) and Disc Manufacturing, Inc.
We would be pleased to help you with your CD project or answer any questions you may
have. Please give us a call at 1í800í433íDISC for pricing or further information.
For reprinting privileges, call or write to:
Nancy Klocko
Fax: 302í479í2527
We have four additional technical papers available entitled
Integrating MixedíMode CDíROM
Compact Disc Terminology í 2nd Edition
Introduction to ISO 9660
A Glossary of CD and CDíROM Terms
These are available upon request
Fax: 302í479í2527

If you're like many people, you're no doubt fascinated by the
recent advances you've seen or heard about in compact disc
For many, the excitement of combining moving images and
sound on a single compact disc is exceeded only by the thrill of a new
íí and enormous íí profit opportunity. Imagine, for example, an
encyclopedia presentation of a space shuttle liftíoff, complete with a
streaking trail of fire and thundering roar. Or a discussion of the
Amazon jungle brought to life by jumping chimps and chants from
exotic birds. Few would argue, this is not a visionary's dream. It is
here. And it will soon be as common as the home computer.
While digital imaging has given the world a new profit frontier,
it has also created more than its fair share of confusion. Anyone who
has taken a step toward CDíROM publishing íí and particularly
toward multiímedia CDíROM íí knows the path can be rocky. There
are dozens of strange sounding names and concepts to learn. There
are a host of considerations that have to be made . . . considerations
that do not exist in the world of print. So it's understandable,
developers and producers sometimes feel a little apprehensive as
they try to move forward.
If you're interested in producing a multiímedia CDíROM disc
but need some guidance to avoid falseístarts and unnecessary
expense, this paper should provide help. It is intended to demystify
the process and make your transition to digital publishing go as
smoothly as possible. In it, we will be introducing you to CDíROM
terminology and offering tips on data selection and preparation. We
will also discuss such things as audio timing, sound effects,
animation, and cost issues associated with the various production
techniques. And finally, there is a discussion on computer platforms
and practical advice on testing your world. Let's begin with a
definition of CDíROM.
CDíROM stands for "Compact DiscíRead Only Memory." The
vast majority of today's CDíROMs include only text and still graphics.
While all printed materials are based on text and still graphics, the
CDíROM allows for more creative ways to present data to the user.
The CDíROM's ability to store text, still and motion graphics, as well
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as audio on the same disc provides new and exciting opportunities to
add value to existing data as well as create new applications.
The creation of a mixed mode disc must start with design. The
following items will help you define your product:
. The types of data to be used.
. The equipment and/or services needed to create/capture
the data.
. The computer platform required to use the product.
. The amount and order in which the data is presented.
. The selection of the data.
. The retrieval software to index and present the data.
. Testing methods before a product is shipped.
. Costs. (The importance of this is on a case by case basis.)
Text Data
Text is often the most used form of data in an application. The
amount of information available in digital form is growing every
hour. Billions of dollars are spent each year by industry, government
and education to convert text into computer readable formats. This
information is most often viewed by users on a computer display.
Only the most specialized application will be void of text.
Data capture is required in order to proceed on the
development path. Often the data required is in paper form. Text
can be captured by several methods; the most common are:
. Reíkeying í This is mostly done offíshore. The page is
keyed by two different people. A computer program
then brings any page that has a discrepancy in it to a
third terminal where an "Editor" makes the final decision.
. OCR í Each page is fed into a scanner. The scanned page
is processed by OCR, Optical Character Recognition,
software and spelling checked by computer and human
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Graphical Data
Images sway a consumer to purchase products. Images
portrayed as graphics come in many formats (the word "Format"
refers to the way logical structure is contained in a stored graphic
file) and the format(s) chosen are important. There are many choices
of file formats:
Computer Raster í This form of graphic is generated by paint
programs and is stored as bitímaps of the colors displayed on
the screen. Bitímapped graphics, are like TV images, where
the picture is made up of dots (pixels). Painted objects are
created in a reserved area of memory called a bitímap, with
some number of bits corresponding to each dot. In the
simplest monochrome systems, one bit is turned on or off. For
gray scale, several bits create the shade number for each dot.
For color, more bits are required to hold a number for each
intensity of red, green and blue in the dot.
Once a raster image is created, it is locked into a given size and
resolution. Changing the screen size or resolution of a raster
image requires special image processing software. The amount
of storage required for a raster image file depends on the size
of the image, the number of colors in the image, the type of file
format used, and the compression used on the image. The
same graphic will have different file sizes for each format and
resolution used. A comparison table is shown below:
Image Size (Pixels) Format # of Colors Size of file
640x440 Bit Map(BMP) 16 141KB
640x440 Bit Map(BMP) 256 283KB
640x440 Bit Map(BMP) 16 Million 845KB
640x440 PCX 16 31KB
640x440 TIFF 16 Million 845KB
640x440 TIFF 16 141KB
640x440 GIF 16 9KB
640x440 GIF 256 10KB
Computer Vector í Images of this type are created using CAD
or draw programs. Images are created by connecting several
lines called vectors, into a shape. Each shape can be assigned a
specific color value. These vectors and color values are stored
in a file. Vector images can take less storage space but may
take longer to display on the screen. The size for storing a
í 3 í

vector image file depends on the size of the image, the
complexity of the image, and the type of file format used.
Scanned Images í Images that are created on paper or 3íD
items represented in two dimension can be converted into
digital form using a scanner. The scanner and software takes
and creates a digital picture of the image and creates a raster
image (see above) to be stored in the computer. Some scanning
software will also make vector images of black and white line
art. Scanners range in price, features and quality and come in
several forms: hand held, flat bed, sheet feeding, video stand
and slide scanners to name a few. One should see a sample
image created on each scanner before making a purchase to
assess the quality of the image. Make sure the scanner(s)
selected have the features and quality required, such as high
scan resolution (measured in dots per inch(dpi)), color or black
and white only, and speed (measured in pages per minute).
Video Frame Capture í Most homes today have a TV, many
have a VCR, and some even have a CamCorder. Video is
available in abundance and is relatively easy to digitize with a
video frame grabber. Like a scanner, the video frame grabber
is a piece of hardware that works with software. The images
can be quite good if you use quality equipment and input
video. Video frames are stored in raster format and require
hundreds of megabytes of storage during the capture of the
image. The reason for such large storage is the images are
being stored in the computer at 30 full images per second.
That means, if each frame is only 1.1M Bytes each
(decompressed), one second will need 33MB of storage room.
High quality video requires high quality input video and high
speed/high quality capture equipment. Image quality is
determined by equipment that can store images at high speed
without losing or distorting part of the picture. Lower quality
equipment will give disappointing results. It is best to capture
more frames per second than is intended to be used; with the
extra data selection available, you can select from the best
frames and add clarity to the video sequences.
í 4 í

Still Graphics
Many file formats are available: TIFF, PCX, GIF, PICT/PICT2,
HPGL, LBM/IFF, JPEG, TARGA, RIFF, EPS, DXF, and CGM are only a few
of the most common. Each have benefits and limits, some require
less storage and others can store more complicated images. Images
take much more storage space per screen than text does. This entire
paper is less than 30K Bytes in size while a simple 16 color screen
size image is over 150K Bytes. It is best to test the file size of the
selected format before making a decision, as each file format has its
own storage space requirements. The technical specifications for
each file format are detailed and developers should refer to texts on
graphics before selecting a given format. It is very time consuming
and expensive to convert graphics from one format to another. The
images will double in size during the conversion, one file for the
original and one file for the converted image. One of the many image
storage formats that should be looked at is JPEG (Joint Photographic
Experts Group). JPEG compresses images up to 20:1 and while it is a
lossy compression (lossy: unneeded color information is discarded), it
provides excellent image reproduction.
Motion Graphics
Motion graphics is commonly tied to the term "Multimedia".
The source of motion graphics can be computer generated or from a
video. A video frame grabber is used for the latter. The video is
stored as a stream of grabbed stills that can quickly display to the
screen. How fast the images are displayed to the screen is measured
in frames per second (fps). This will determine how smooth or jerky
the images appear to move on the screen. In the United States,
television is displayed at 30 fps. In contrast, animation quality will
display at 10í15 fps. At TV quality, a decompressed video display
would require approximately 2 gigabytes (2,000,000,000 bytes) of
storage per minute.
Several solutions for compression and playback of video are
available. DVI (Digital Video Interactive) by Intel/IBM,
Philips/Sony's CDíI (Compact Disc Interactive), ISO's MPEG
(International Standard Organization í Motion Pictures Expert Group),
Iterated Systems' fractal compression, Apple's Quicktime, and UVC's
video compression all offer compression/playback solutions. DVI is a
compression/decompression algorithm for full motion video and is
available as an addíon board to be installed in an IBM compatible
í 5 í

personal computer. CDíI interleaves compressed audio with
compressed video playback and decompresses during realítime
playback. It is available as a TV peripheral in the consumer
marketplace. Cícube has implemented the MPEG compression in a
chip called the CLí550. The chip can decompress 30fps of 24íbit
color video with a 50:1 compression rate.
Computer Animation
Frame rates for computer generated animations are lower than
video. A rate of 10 to 15fps is generally accepted as high quality.
For computer generated graphics, an animation program is
frequently used to move painted objects from one part of the screen
to another. A simple way of creating motion is Slideíshow motion.
Slideíshow motion is the rapid display of images to the monitor.
Storing long sequences of motion in Slideíshow fashion requires a lot
of storage space and produces slow play back speeds.
Audio is a requirement for a mixedímode CDíROM. Audio
comes in several forms and is used in many ways. Music, in the form
we hear on the radio, is common. Music can be used as a soundtrack,
playing while other information is being viewed, such as in a movie.
Music can also be a music catalog database or record selection
Because CDíDA on CDíROM can be computer controlled, you
have a choice of the way audio is played back. Music and sound
effects are often recorded in stereo to give the full impact of the
recording. They can also be recorded in mono if stereo is not
available or needed. Voice information can easily be recorded in two
different languages; one language placed on the left channel and the
other on the right channel. Splitting the audio allows for quick
switching from channel to channel. However, splitting audio
channels is a very time consuming and expensive process.
For professional results, audio recording is best done in a studio
environment. Silence is important as the recording equipment will
pick up all sounds. If recording directly in digital form is impossible,
the audio will need to be converted prior to working with it. Most
recording studios can convert analog audio to digital audio. The
í 6 í

quality of reírecorded digital audio will only be as good as the
source. Thus if the audio is recorded on a cheap tape recorder, the
digital version will reflect the lower quality. Professional editing is
also a option for older or poor quality audio.
Audio can be recorded at various sampling rates. Full CDíDA is
recorded at 44.1KHz and requires approximately 175,200 bytes per
second. A comparison of recording qualities are as follows:
Quality Level Sampling Rate Resolution Bytes Needed to
(KHz) (bit) Store 1 minute
of stereo audio
CD Audio 44.1 16 10.09
ADPCM Level A 37.8 8 4.33
ADPCM Level B 37.8 4 2.16
ADPCM Level C 18.9 4 1.08
Digitized 22 KHz 22.0 8 2.52
Digitized 11 KHz 11.0 8 1.26
An alternative to CDíDA (Red Book audio) may be ADPCM,
Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation, which allows the audio to be stored
as data on the CDíROM. It is played with a sound board that is
plugged into the computer.
Audio Start/End Timing
AíTime is a way of calculating the start time of an audio
segment from the start of the disc. The use of AíTime can lead to
technical difficulties as the start of playable lead time for discs can
vary. CDíROM drives can start at slightly different locations near the
beginning of a disc. A program can tell a CDíROM drive to start
playing at 10 minutes í 32 seconds and 0 frames, but the drive may
actually start at a location plus or minus a few frames. An additional
problem with AíTime is that any change in the size of preceding
tracks will change the timing of all subsequent tracks. Any of these
problems can cause audio to play out of sync. Note: AíTime frames
are 75 per second and SMPTE frames are 30 per second.
í 7 í

Track relative time is a combination of track and AíTime.
Instead of addressing the elapsed time from the beginning of the disc
(like AíTime), you can address the elapsed time from the beginning
of a specific track. Many mixedímode CDíROM's rely on track
relative time addressing so if the size of the data track changes, it
does not effect the audio access times.
If you have less than 98 sound segments, you can record each
segment as it's own track. However this becomes cumbersome with
more than 10 to 20 segments. The maximum number of tracks on a
CDíROM is 99. Thus, allowing for one track of data, only 98 audio
tracks can be recorded.
The paragraphs above are only for digital sound recorded as
CDíDA. If you record digitized audio and store them as files on the
data track of the CDíROM, then you will play them back using a
sound board. The playback will come from speakers attached to the
sound board or from the internal speaker in the computer.
Most problems with a mixed mode CDíROM are caused by the
fact that the timing of the audio is off. If an image display, slide
show, animation or video sequence takes 12 seconds, you want to
time the audio to last 12 seconds or less. Users accept visual data
without audio but are quick to criticize when audio rambles on after
the visual is gone. The best way to avoid audio without image is to
make each audio segment "event driven". Event driven means:
. Audio has delays built in to allow time for graphic
. The user is "locked out" of changing the screen while
audio is playing.
. A still image that pertains to the audio is displayed long
enough to allow the audio to finish.
. If a motion sequence is to end before the audio, it should
transition to a still picture that is relevant to the audio.
The still can work as a place holder for the eye.
. Have graphics change only during silence in the audio.
í 8 í

When recording audio for CDíROM, consider the following:
. What formats are accepted by the mastering facilities?
UíMatic (the preferred format), DAT (Digital Audio Tape),
or check with Disc Manufacturing, Inc. for guidelines.
. Que sheets are required. Que sheets are used for analog
recordings. Identify each track as to its start time, end
time, and content on the Que sheet. This helps the audio
engineer during the mastering process. A sample que
sheet is shown below:
Audio Input Table
Tape # Requested Track # Start Time Duration Description*
or AíTime Min: Sec: Frame Min: Sec: Frame
*Description of the desired track would be something to indicate to our audio
engineers where each track begins, such as the first few words.
. When audio is recorded in one long track, usually Track
2, it is important to leave two seconds of silence at the
beginning of each audio segment. This allows the CDíROM
drive to seek to the proper area without over/under
shooting the start of the recording. Standards require
that each track is at least 4 seconds long.
Sound Effects
Sound effects such as glass breaking, barking dogs, jets flying
or a car horn can enrich the effectiveness of a product. Sound effects
are easy to record and require little time to integrate into a program.
An educational database of animals will hold a young student's
attention much longer if sounds from each animal were included.
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MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) can be employed
to enhance a product by adding computer generated music and
sound effects. MIDI music can be recorded as a digital audio track or
it can be stored as a computer file in a directory on the CDíROM.
Most computers do not have MIDI hardware interfaces, so an
interface card is needed if the MIDI music is not recorded in CDíDA
form. MIDI data transmission requires 10 bits per byte and
transmits 31,250 bitsíperísecond asynchronously. MIDI messages
control synthesizers, drum machines, keyboards, music sequencers
and other MIDI devices. The Standard MIDI file format allows
compatibility regardless of hardware platforms. If creating music is
not in the plans, you can purchase a wide range of public domain and
commercial recordings in MIDI format. MIDI files are available from
computer Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) and recording studios. Music
magazines are a great source of advertisements for MIDI music for
Voice is a valuable form of audio for a mixedímode CDíROM.
In some instances, the human voice can explain concepts better than
written word or a graphic diagram. Written words can be
distracting, proven by a movie that has subtitles. Adding voice to a
dictionary increases its usefulness to users that are not familiar with
the language or do not understand the rules of pronunciation.
Choosing a computer platform is very important. The computer
market is divided into three main segments: DOS 80x86 computers,
Apple Macintosh, and UNIX based computers. Once a system is
selected, based on target market and research, it is important to take
into consideration the unique factors each present.

DOS Computers
DOS is the computer platform most often designed for, as it has
the greatest number of users. With a common operating system and
executable command set, the selection of a system is a matter of
screen quality, possible memory available, and maximum CPU
(Central Processing Unit) speed. Before doing a Multimedia
CDíROM, one should check the latest standards issued by groups such
as the Software Publishing Association (SPA) or the Multimedia PC
Marketing Council (MPC).
There are program specific questions that need to be answered.
If the application is math intensive (i.e. performing numerous
floatingípoint calculations as in finance databases), will it require a
math coíprocessor to operate at acceptable speeds? Will the
program be operating under a GUI (Graphical User Interface)? Will
the program be written as a custom application or will it be created
using a commercially available index/retrieval program?
The pros and cons of developing a custom program versus
using offítheíshelf software are many. Time to market, cost to
develop, talents of the producer/company and afterímarket support
are just a few of the factors to think about. The answers to these
questions and the selection of any software program should be tied
to the programs ability to control access to the audio and video on
multimedia CDíROM. It will serve no useful purpose to have a
program that cannot make use of all the data, video, and audio
Macintosh Computers
The Apple Macintosh is an excellent computer for the
integration of text, sound, and graphics. The Mac has had a graphical
user interface from its introduction. It works well with sound and is
easy to use and program. All these features make the Mac friendly
to multimedia developers. The decisions for the design of a Mac
mixed mode CDíROM fall into the areas of supporting color and how
much speed is required to display images. The less expensive Mac
Plus, Classic, and SE series display only black and white images.
Authoring systems and automated tools to create applications are
plentiful for the Mac. The list includes: HyperCard and HyperCard
clones like SuperCard and Plus, Macromind's Director, Authorware
and many others. There are tools to speed access to CDíROM data in

most of these authoring applications. If you write your own custom
application, Apple provides excellent developer support services.
UNIX Computers
UNIX systems are becoming more important in the CDíROM
world. As with any other system, UNIX applications benefit from the
addition of CDíDA to the applications. In addition to the common
requirements of any mixed mode CDíROM, the UNIX world has CPU
dependencies and operating systems (OS) version dependencies.
Each vendor of UNIX workstations have specific programming
requirements, (i.e. a UNIX program written for the SPARC CPU will
not work on an Intel CPU based UNIX computer. If the userí
interface is written in one style (OpeníLook), it may not work with
another style (Motif) useríinterface). Once the selection of CPU's and
OS versions are made, the key issue is getting the CDíROM drive next
to the user that is running the application. In most workstation
offices, the only CDíROM drive is the one they use to load releases of
software from the manufacturers. This is changing as more
workstations get CDíROM drives. Presently, it is important that the
application ask the user if they have speakers turned on and they
can hear the audio playing. The question is necessary because the
audio from a CDíROM drive comes from speakers attached to the
CDíROM drive and not from the speaker in the computer.
After selecting the data types and platform, decisions need to
be made on what data is to be used and the order in which it is to be
presented. When using sound to augment text data with short
soundíbytes, such as sound effects or short sentences, the selection
of what audio to be used is directly related to the other data selected.
A dictionary containing 30,000 words should have 30,000 samples of
the spoken word. It makes no sense to make a user guess when or
where they will get audio.
Remember the audio should be in sync with the screen. If a
CDíROM has animations or video, then the audio should run in sync
with the video. It is awkward to hear an audio segment run beyond
the motion, so select the audio to fit the motion.

The quality of the data used is important, but the target
market may not require the highest level. This is not to say the data
will be of poor quality or inaccurate. Selecting only the highest
quality images, sound, and motion will limit the market for a product
into a category of machines that have a very small percentage of the
total market. Few computers can perform to that high of a standard.
The project guidelines of a mixed mode CDíROM will define the target
market. The choices are greater when designing for a new system
where computer performance is known, rather than with an installed
base of computers where the performance is varied or unknown.
Selection of only full color, full motion video and stereo digital
audio is the best of all worlds. However, the truth is that system
speed, display quality and RAM storage on a typical computer
system makes that unrealistic. Each developer must decide, based on
input from the target market, what requirements can be put on the
users of the product.
Select the resolution of images that best fit the target computer
and limit the stereo audio to segments that require them. High
quality animations can take megabytes of storage per second, they
are RAM intensive and can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars per
minute to create. The average cost of creating cartoon type
animations is 2,000 to 4,000 dollars per minute. Half and quarter
screen size animations/ images take much less space and require less
RAM than full screen animations and can be brought to the screen
much faster. When considering image resolution, a screen that can
only display 75 dots per inch does not need images of print quality
to work, unless you need to print the image.
If you do not capture data in high quality (i.e. 44.1KHz for
audio, 1280x1024 pixels for images) and later decide to reípurpose
the data (i.e. convert a CDíROM title to a CDíI title), you will need to
recapture the data. But if the data is captured in high quality, it can
often be converted in bulk reducing longíterm production costs.
A wise evaluation of your graphics and target audience will
help ensure that you are getting the most value for your application
development dollars. Few, if any, customers will buy more memory
or equipment for an application.

To avoid problems it is best to allow time for extensive testing.
You can test mixed mode CDíROM's by using one of several methods.
Simulation systems such as the VRíPublisher or VRíPro by Meridian
Data Inc., TOPIX PC & TOPIX Mac by OMI, or CDíSimulator by
Electrosun can provide simulation of a CDíROM before you go to the
preímastering stage of production. Creating a test CDíROM can be
even better for testing purposes. The mastering facility can provide
test discs (oneíoffs) prior to mastering and replication of an order.
Testing should occur on the full range of computer systems
defined by your project. Basic testing includes viewing each record,
picture, animation and listening to all the audio. Have both
programers and endíusers test the CDíROM; an endíuser will often
detect errors that programers will miss. More advanced testing can
include creating programs to verify data and searching every record
individually and in various combinations.
The CPU and CDíROM drive speed can greatly effect the
performance of mixed mode CDíROM's, so testing many
configurations before shipping a product will keep the customer from
finding problems first.
Testing time of one to three weeks should be allowed for all
but the simplest of mixed mode CDíROM's. Less time spent testing
will be that much more time you will spend on the
technical/customer support phone line. Make sure every last file is
both opened and fully read from the CDíROM. Play all audio and
check it against the original recording.

Your Next Step
We probably don't have to tell you, companies of all sizes and
purposes are quickly moving to CDíROM multiímedia technology.
The reasons are apparent: it is a medium offering exceptionally low
costs per megabyte; it allows storage and playback of any form of
digital data, including audio and motion video, and, of course, it
provides enormous data capacity on a single disc. Hopefully, you too,
will soon be profiting from this fastígrowing technology.
We trust this discussion has been of value to you. Although we
readily admit that multiímedia CDíROM can be confusing, especially
to new producers, getting to a final, "flawless" disc is not nearly as
difficult as most people imagine. We at Disc Manufacturing, Inc. are
anxious to answer any questions you may have and to help you to
take the next step in the process. Won't you give us a call?
Call: 1í800í433íDISC or 1í302í479í2500
Disc Manufacturing, Inc.
1409 Foulk Rd., Suite 102
Wilmington, DE 19803