Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://crydee.sai.msu.ru/ftproot/pub/MESA-models/M6_Z002/profile_columns.list
Дата изменения: Tue Jun 11 12:57:50 2013
Дата индексирования: Fri Feb 28 10:08:20 2014

Поисковые слова: neutrino
! profile_columns.list -- determines the contents of star model profiles
! you can use a non-standard version by setting profile_columns_file in your inlist

! units are cgs unless otherwise noted.

! reorder the following names as desired to reorder columns.
! comment out the name to omit a column (fewer columns => less IO => faster running).
! remove '!' to restore a column.

! if you have a situation where you want a non-standard set of columns,
! make a copy of this file, edit as desired, and give the new filename in your inlist
! as profile_columns_file. if you are just adding columns, you can 'include' this file,
! and just list the additions in your file. note: to include the standard default
! version, use include '' -- the 0 length string means include the default file.

! if you need to have something added to the list of options, let me know....

! the first few lines of the profile contain general info about the model.
! for completeness, those items are described at the end of this file.

! note: you can include another list by doing
! include 'filename'
! include '' means include the default standard list file

! the following lines of the profile contain info for 1 zone per row, surface to center.

zone ! numbers start with 1 at the surface
logT ! log10(temperature) at center of zone
logRho ! log10(density) at center of zone
logP ! log10(pressure) at center of zone
logR ! log10(radius/Rsun) at outer boundary of zone
!log_column_depth ! log10 column depth, exterior mass / area (g cm^-2)
!log_radial_depth ! log10 radial distance to surface (cm)
luminosity ! luminosity at outer boundary of zone (in Lsun units)
!luminosity_rad ! radiative luminosity at outer boundary of zone (in Lsun units)
! -(4 pi r^2)^2 a c / (3 kap) d(T^4)/dm
!luminosity_conv ! luminosity - luminosity_rad (in Lsun units)
!lum_rad_div_lum_Edd_sub_fourPrad_div_PchiT ! density increases outward if this is > 0
! see Joss, Salpeter, and Ostriker, "Critical Luminosity", ApJ 181:429-438, 1973.
!grav ! gravitational acceleration (cm sec^2)
!g_div_r ! grav/radius (sec^2)
!r_div_g ! radius/grav (sec^-2)
!cgrav_factor ! = cgrav(k)/standard_cgrav
eps_grav ! -T*ds/dt (negative for expansion)
signed_log_eps_grav ! sign(eps_grav)*log10(max(1,abs(eps_grav)))
!net_nuclear_energy ! erg/gm/s from nuclear reactions minus all neutrino losses
! The value plotted is net_nuclear_energy = sign(val)*log10(max(1,abs(val)))
! where val = net nuclear energy minus all neutrino losses.
net_energy ! net_energy + eps_grav.
! The value plotted is net_energy = sign(val)*log10(max(1,abs(val)))
! where val = net nuclear energy plus eps_grav minus all neutrino losses.
!logL ! log10(max(1d-2,L/Lsun))
!log_Ledd ! log10(Leddington/Lsun) -- local Ledd, 4 pi clight G m / kap
!log_L_div_Ledd ! log10(max(1d-12,L/Leddington))
signed_log_power ! sign(L)*log10(max(1,abs(L)))
velocity ! velocity at outer boundary of zone -- 0 if no velocity variable
entropy ! specific entropy divided by (avo*kerg)
mixing_type ! mixing types are defined in mesa/mlt/public/mlt_def
csound ! sound speed
!csound_at_face ! sound speed
v_div_csound ! velocity divided by sound speed
!binding_energy ! v^2/2 - G m / r + E + P / rho (ergs/gm). negative if bound.
!binding_energy_integral ! sum from surface inwards of dm*(v^2/2 - G m / r + E + P/rho) (ergs)
!v_div_r ! velocity divided by radius
!scale_height ! in Rsun units
eta ! electron degeneracy parameter (eta >> 1 for significant degeneracy)
mu ! mean molecular weight per gas particle (ions + free electrons)
logdq ! log10(dq)
dq_ratio ! dq(k-1)/dq(k)
q ! fraction of star mass interior to outer boundary of this zone
radius ! radius at outer boundary of zone (in Rsun units)
!rmid ! radius at center by mass of zone (in Rsun units)
!r_div_R ! fraction of total radius
temperature ! temperature at center of zone
tau ! optical depth
logtau ! log10(optical depth) at center of zone
pressure ! total pressure at center of zone (pgas + prad)
!pgas ! gas pressure at center of zone (electrons and ions)
pgas_div_ptotal ! pgas/pressure
!conv_dP_term ! value returned by MLT
!fourPrad_div_PchiT ! = phi, where 1/phi = 1 + (dPgas/dPrad)|rho
! if phi < Lrad/Ledd, then will get density inversion
! see Joss, Salpeter, Ostriker, "Critical Luminosity", ApJ 181: 429-438, 1973.
logPgas ! log10(pgas)
!prad ! radiation pressure at center of zone
!energy ! internal energy (ergs/g)
!logE ! log10(specific internal energy) at center of zone
grada ! dlnT_dlnP at constant S
!dE_dRho ! at constant T
!cv ! specific heat at constant volume
!cp ! specific heat at constant total pressure
!logS ! log10(specific entropy)
!logS_per_baryon ! log10(specific entropy per baryon / kerg)
!gamma1 ! dlnP_dlnRho at constant S
!gamma3 ! gamma3 - 1 = dlnT_dlnRho at constant S
!theta_e ! electron degeneracy factor for graboske screening
!gam ! plasma interaction parameter (> 160 or so means starting crystallization)
free_e ! free_e is mean number of free electrons per nucleon
!logfree_e ! log10(free_e), free_e is mean number of free electrons per nucleon
!chiRho ! dlnP_dlnRho at constant T
!chiT ! dlnP_dlnT at constant Rho
abar ! average atomic weight (g/mole)
!zbar ! average charge
!z2bar ! average charge^2
ye ! average charge per baryon = proton fraction
!opacity ! opacity measured at center of zone
!dkap_dlnrho_at_face ! partial derivative of opacity wrt. ln rho (at T=const) at outer edge of cell
!dkap_dlnt_at_face ! partial derivative of opacity wrt. ln T (at rho=const) at outer edge of cell
log_opacity ! log10(opacity)
eps_nuc ! ergs/g/sec from nuclear reactions (reaction neutrinos subtracted)
!eps_nuc_neu_total ! erg/gm/sec as neutrinos from nuclear reactions
non_nuc_neu ! non-nuclear-reaction neutrino losses
!nonnucneu_plas ! plasmon neutrinos (for collective reactions like gamma_plasmon => nu_e + nubar_e)
!nonnucneu_brem ! bremsstrahlung (for reactions like e- + (z,a) => e- + (z,a) + nu + nubar)
!nonnucneu_phot ! photon neutrinos (for reactions like e- + gamma => e- + nu_e + nubar_e)
!nonnucneu_pair ! pair production (for reactions like e+ + e- => nu_e + nubar_e)

!extra_L ! extra_heat integrated from center (Lsun)
!log_extra_L ! log10 integrated from center (Lsun)

!log_tau_conv_yrs ! timescale for change of conv velocity
mlt_mixing_length ! mixing length for mlt (cm)
mlt_mixing_type ! value returned by mlt
! P is increased by factor (1 + conv_dP_term) by inclusion of convective turbulence

gradT_sub_grada ! gradT-grada at cell boundary
!gradT_div_grada ! gradT/grada at cell boundary
!log_mlt_Gamma ! convective efficiency

!super_ad ! max(0,gradT-grada) at cell boundary
log_D_mix ! log10 diffusion coefficient for mixing in units of cm^2/second (Eulerian)
!log_sig_mix ! sig(k) is mixing flow across face k in (gm sec^1)
! sig(k) = D_mix*(4*pi*r(k)**2*rho_face)**2/dmavg
! this is raw_sig(k)/siglimit(k)
! where siglimit(k) = sig_term_limit*min(dm(k),dm(k-1))/dt
! and raw_sig(k) is sig(k) before it is set to min(siglimit(k),raw_sig(k))
log_conv_vel ! log10 convection velocity (cm/sec)
!log_conv_vel_old ! log10 previous convection velocity (cm/sec)
conv_vel_div_csound ! convection velocity divided by sound speed
!conv_vel_div_L_vel ! L_vel is velocity needed to carry L by convection; L = 4*pi*r^2*rho*vel**3
log_mlt_D_mix ! log10 diffusion coefficient for mixing from mlt (cm^2/sec)
pressure_scale_height ! in Rsun units

!log_D_conv ! D_mix for regions where mix_type = convective_mixing
!log_D_semi ! D_mix for regions where mix_type = semiconvective_mixing
!log_D_ovr ! D_mix for regions where mix_type = overshoot_mixing
!log_D_th ! D_mix for regions where mix_type = thermo_haline_mixing

gradT ! mlt value for required temperature gradient dlnT/dlnP
gradr ! dlnT/dlnP required for purely radiative transport
!grad_temperature ! smoothed dlnT/dlnP at cell boundary
!grad_density ! smoothed dlnRho/dlnP at cell boundary

!gradL ! gradient for Ledoux criterion for convection
!sch_stable ! 1 if grada > gradr, 0 otherwise
!ledoux_stable ! 1 if gradL > gradr, 0 otherwise
!stability_type ! values same as defined in mlt_def for mixing types

! the "for_mixing" values are the ones used to calculate the mixing diffusion coeffs,
! i.e., from the start of the step.
! the names without "for_mixing" are the values at the end of the step.

dlnd_dt ! time derivative of log(density) at fixed mass coordinate (Langranian)
!dlnPgas_dt ! time derivative of log(Pgas) at fixed mass coordinate (Langranian)
!dlnE_dt ! time derivative of log(specific internal energy) at fixed mass coordinate (Langranian)
dlnT_dt ! time derivative of log(temperature) at fixed mass coordinate (Langranian)
signed_dlnd ! sign(dlnd)*log10(max(1,abs(1d6*dlnd)))
signed_dlnT ! sign(dlnT)*log10(max(1,abs(1d6*dlnT)))
!dv_dt ! time derivative of velocity at fixed mass coordinate (Langranian)
!accel_div_grav ! dv_dt/grav -- only if v_flag is true. 0 otherwise.
!logM ! log10(m/Msun)
mass ! m/Msun. mass coordinate of outer boundary of cell.
mmid ! mass at midpoint of cell (average of mass coords of the cell boundaries) Msun units.

!m_grav ! total enclosed gravitational mass. Msun units.
!m_grav_div_m_baryonic ! mass_gravitational/mass at cell boundary
!mass_correction_factor ! dm_gravitational/dm (dm is baryonic mass of cell)

!xm ! mass exterior to point (Msun units)
!dq ! mass of zone as a fraction of total star mass
logxq ! log10(1-q)
logxm ! log10(xm)

!dr ! cell width (cm)
!log_dr ! log10 cell width (cm)
!dr_div_cs ! cell sound crossing time (sec)
!acoustic_radius ! sound time from center to outer cell boundary (sec)
!acoustic_r_div_R_phot ! sound time from center to outer cell boundary div time to photosphere
!log_dr_div_cs ! log10 cell sound crossing time (sec)
!dr_div_cs_yr ! cell sound crossing time (years)
!log_dr_div_cs_yr ! log10 cell sound crossing time (years)

!grav_gr_factor ! (1/sqrt(1 - 2Gm/(rc^2)) -- only important for neutron stars
!log_grav_gr_factor ! log10(grav_gr_factor)

!x ! hydrogen mass fraction
!y ! helium mass fraction
!z ! metallicity
!log_z ! metallicity

!add_abundances ! this adds all of the isos that are in the current net
! NOTE: you can list specific isotopes by giving their names (from chem_def)


!add_log_abundances ! this adds log10 of all of the isos that are in the current net
! NOTE: you can list specific isotopes by giving their names (from chem_def)

!log h1
!log he3
!log he4
!log c12
!log n14
!log o16

! average charge from ionization module

! average neutral fraction from ionization module

! ergs/g/sec for reaction categories

add_reaction_categories ! this adds all the reaction categories
! NOTE: you can list specific categories by giving their names (from net_def)


! rotation
!omega ! angular velocity = j_rot/i_rot
!log_J_div_M53 ! J is j*1e-15 integrated from center; M53 is m^(5/3)
!log_J_inside ! J_inside is j_rot integrated from center
!shear ! -dlnomega/dlnR
!log_abs_shear ! log10(abs(dlnomega/dlnR))
!delta_omega ! omega minus omega_pre_hydro
!i_rot ! specific moment of interia at cell boundary
!j_rot ! specific angular momentum at cell boundary
!v_rot ! rotation velocity at cell boundary (km/sec)
!fp_rot ! rotation factor for pressure
!ft_rot ! rotation factor for temperature
!log_am_nu ! angular momentum diffusion coef at cell boundary
! this is the rotational_viscosity, nu, from Heger 2000 eqn for ang. mom. transport.

!r_polar ! (Rsun)
!log_r_polar ! log10 (Rsun)
!r_equatorial ! (Rsun)
!log_r_equatorial ! log10 (Rsun)
!r_e_div_r_p ! equatorial/r_polar
!omega_crit ! breakup angular velocity = sqrt(G M / equatorial^3)


!am_log_D_visc ! diffusion coeff for kinematic viscosity
!am_log_D_DSI ! diffusion coeff for dynamical shear instability
!am_log_D_SH ! diffusion coeff for Solberg-Hoiland instability
!am_log_D_SSI ! diffusion coeff for secular shear instability
!am_log_D_ES ! diffusion coeff for Eddington-Sweet circulation
!am_log_D_GSF ! diffusion coeff for Goldreich-Schubert-Fricke instability
!am_log_D_ST ! Spruit dynamo mixing diffusivity
!am_log_nu_ST ! Spruit dynamo effective viscosity

!dynamo_log_B_r ! (Gauss)
!dynamo_log_B_phi ! (Gauss)

!am_coeff_D_SSI ! strength coeff for D_SSI in [0..1]

! misc

!fraction_nse ! (T - T_NSE_full_off) / (T_NSE_full_on - T_NSE_full_off)

!gradr_sub_grada ! gradr - grada; > 0 => Schwarzschild unstable for convection
!dlnP_dm ! for structure equation
!dlnT_dm ! for structure equation
!dL_dm ! for structure equation

!dlnP_dlnm ! for structure equation
!dlnT_dlnm ! for structure equation

!delta_r ! r(outer edge) - r(inner edge); radial extent of cell in cm.
!delta_v ! v(inner edge) - v(outer edge); rate at which delta_r is shrinking (cm/sec).
!dt_dv_div_dr ! dt*delta_v/delta_r; need to have this << 1 for every cell

! electric field from element diffusion calculation
! element diffusion velocity for species
!edv h1
!edv he4
!edv o16

! ionization state for given species
!ionization he4
!ionization c12
!ionization fe52

!cno_div_z ! abundance of c12, n14, and o16 as a fraction of total z

!dlog_h1_dlogP ! (log(h1(k)) - log(h1(k-1)))/(log(P(k)) - log(P(k-1)))







!brunt_N2 ! brunt-vaisala frequency squared
!brunt_A ! = N^2*r/g
!brunt_N2_dimensionless ! N2 in units of 3GM/R^3
!brunt_N_dimensionless ! N in units of sqrt(3GM/R^3)
!brunt_frequency ! cycles per day
!brunt_N ! sqrt(abs(brunt_N2))
!log_brunt_N ! log10(brunt_N)
!log_brunt_N2 ! log10(brunt_N2)
!sign_brunt_N2 ! sign of brunt_N2 (+1 for Ledoux stable; -1 for Ledoux unstable)
!lamb_S2 ! for l=1: S = 2*(csound/r)^2
!lamb_S ! for l=1: S = sqrt(2)*csound/r

!brunt_nu ! brunt_frequency in microHz

!lamb_Sl1 ! for l=1; = sqrt(2)*csound/r (microHz)
!lamb_Sl2 ! for l=2; = sqrt(6)*csound/r (microHz)
!lamb_Sl3 ! for l=3; = sqrt(12)*csound/r (microHz)

!log_brunt_nu ! brunt_frequency in microHz
!log_lamb_Sl1 ! for l=1; = sqrt(2)*csound/r (microHz)
!log_lamb_Sl2 ! for l=2; = sqrt(6)*csound/r (microHz)
!log_lamb_Sl3 ! for l=3; = sqrt(12)*csound/r (microHz)

!brunt_B ! smoothed numerical difference
!brunt_nonB ! = grada - gradT
!brunt_N_div_r_integral ! integral from center of N*dr/r
!k_r_integral ! integral from center of k_r*dr

!logQ ! logQ = logRho - 2*logT + 12

!log_L_div_CpTMdot ! (unitless)

!cs_at_cell_bdy ! sound speed at cell boundary (csound is at cell center)

! "extras"
!extra 1

! the first few lines of the profile contain general info about the model.
! for completeness, those items are described here.

! initial mass and Z
! initial_mass
! initial_z
! general properties of the current state
! model_number
! num_zones
! star_age
! time_step
! properties at the photosphere
! Teff
! photosphere_L
! photosphere_r
! properties at the outermost zone of the model
! log_surface_L
! log_surface_radius
! log_surface_temp
! properties near the center of the model
! log_center_temp
! log_center_density
! log_center_P
! center_eta
! abundances near the center
! center_h1
! center_he3
! center_he4
! center_c12
! center_n14
! center_o16
! center_ne20
! information about total mass
! star_mass
! star_mdot
! star_mass_h1
! star_mass_he3
! star_mass_he4
! star_mass_c12
! star_mass_n14
! star_mass_o16
! star_mass_ne20
! locations of abundance transitions
! h1_boundary_mass
! he4_boundary_mass
! c12_boundary_mass
! location of optical depths 10 and 100
! tau10_mass
! tau10_radius
! tau100_mass
! tau100_radius
! time scales
! dynamic_time
! kh_timescale
! nuc_timescale
! various kinds of total power
! power_nuc_burn
! power_h_burn
! power_he_burn
! power_neu
! a few control parameter values
! h1_boundary_limit
! he4_boundary_limit
! c12_boundary_limit
! burn_min1
! burn_min2