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Simulation of Code and Doppler GPS & GLONASS Observables and Feasible Positioning Algorithms for Universitetskiy-Tatyana Satellite Demidov O.V.,
This report deals with feasible positioning and velocity algorithms of complex processing of GPS&GLONASS code and doppler observables.
Algorithms of complex processing can give more accurate navigational results than algorithms which use observables of GPS only or GLONASS only. This is so because the volume of initial information in complex processing increases. However, the constructing of such algorithms needs exactness because there are essential differences between two satellite systems. These differences are described in the report and the appropriate models of satellite observables are built.
The main distinction of constructed algorithms from standard is the increasing of number of defined parameters by one. This parameter is the unknown value of divergence between system time scales of GLONASS and GPS. Therefore, it s necessary to have measurements of not less than five satellites to solve the navigational task instead of four in standard algorithm.
The constructed algorithms can be applied to processing of real experimental data or of observables that was modeled. This paper deals with approximate observables for Universitetskiy-Tatyana satellite that was modeled.
The algorithm of the modeling of observables has several steps. First, we take the parameters of the orbit of Universitetskiy-Tatyana satellite and model its motion at the certain period of time. Second, we take the ephemerids of GLONASS&GPS satellites at this period of time. Then, using modeled coordinates and velocities of satellites in Greenwich coordinate system we can find necessary pseudoranges and pseudovelocities for Universitetskiy-Tatyana satellite. In the end, we can combine these pseodomeasurements with needed errors such as clock errors of satellites and receiver or ionosphere and troposphere errors.