Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://comet.sai.msu.ru/webdesign/html-3.0/html3.dtd
Дата изменения: Thu Dec 19 13:31:07 1996
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 23:51:37 2012

Поисковые слова: transit

"-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//EN"

-- Typical usage:



-- Certain features of the language are necessary for compatibility
with widespread usage, but they may compromise the structural
integrity of a document. This feature test entity enables
a more prescriptive document type definition that eliminates
the above features.


-- Certain features of the language are necessary for compatibility
with earlier versions of the specification, but they tend
to be used an implemented inconsistently, and their use is
deprecated. This feature test entity enables a document type
definition that eliminates these features.

-- The XMP, LISTING and PLAINTEXT tags are incompatible with SGML
and derive from very early versions of HTML. They require non-
standard parsers and will cause problems for processing
documents with standard SGML tools.

-- meaning a MIME content type, as per RFC1521

-- as per HTTP specification

-- The term URI means a CDATA attribute
whose value is a Uniform Resource Identifier,
as defined by
"Uniform Resource Identifiers" by Tim Berners-Lee
aka http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/Addressing/URL/URI_Overview.html
aka RFC 1630

Note that CDATA attributes are limited by the LITLEN
capacity (1024 in the current version of html.decl),
so that URIs in HTML have a bounded length.


-- Shape of hotzone in image.

All coordinates are assumed to be numbers in the range 0 to 1
and interpreted as fractional width/height and measured from
the top left corner of the associated image.

The attribute value is a string taking one of the following forms:


Used to define a default link for the figure background.

"circle x, y, r"

(x, y) define the center and r the radius.

"rect x, y, w, h"

(x, y) defines upper left, and w and h the width and height.

"polygon x1, y1, x2, y2, ..."

Given n pairs of x, y coordinates, the polygon is closed by a
line linking the n'th point to the first. Intersecting polygons
use the non-zero winding number rule to determine if a point lies
inside the polygon.I



'id ID #IMPLIED -- as target for hrefs (link ends) --
lang CDATA "en.us" -- ISO language, country code --
class NAMES #IMPLIED -- for subclassing elements --'>

and other elements to guarantee sufficient room --

"md CDATA #IMPLIED -- message digest for linked object --">

"-//IETF//ENTITIES Added Latin 1 for HTML//EN">

"-//IETF//ENTITIES icons for HTML//EN">

"-//IETF//ENTITIES Math and Greek for HTML//EN">

align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED

%needs; -- for control of text flow --

id ID #IMPLIED -- defines named tab stop --
indent NUMBER 0 -- en units before new tab stop --
to IDREF #IMPLIED -- jump to named tab stop --
align (left|center|right|decimal) left
dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --



-- LINK RELationship values which are used to create toolbar
buttons or menu items for navigation, where toc stands
for table of contents and bookmark provides for an open
ended set of links, i.e. you can use multiple bookmarks
for key entry points. Use the optional TITLE attribute
to override default names.

-- A definitive list will be specified at a later date.

They are used

a) by stylesheets to control how collections of
html nodes are rendered into printed documents

b) for document specific toolbars/menus when used
with the LINK element in document head:


where toc stands for table of contents and
bookmark provides for an open ended set of links,
i.e. you can use several bookmarks for key entry
points. Use the optional TITLE attribute to
override default names.

c) for hypertext paths or guided tours,

d) to make a link to a style sheet, e.g. rel=stylesheet
(used only with the LINK element).

e) to make a link to a separate banner, e.g. rel=banner
(used only with the LINK element).

"rel %linkType #IMPLIED -- forward relationship type --
rev %linkType #IMPLIED -- reversed relationship type
to referent data --
title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory only --
methods NAMES #IMPLIED -- supported public methods of the object:


%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
%linkName; -- name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead --
shape %SHAPE; #IMPLIED -- for shaped hotzones in FIGs --

src %URI; #REQUIRED -- URI of image to embed --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
alt CDATA #IMPLIED -- for display in place of image --
align (top|middle|bottom|left|right) top -- relative to baseline
-- width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired width in en's or pixels --
height NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired height in en's or pixels --
units (en|pixels) pixels -- units for width and height --
ismap (ismap) #IMPLIED -- pass clicks to server --

align (left|center|right|justify) #IMPLIED
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- disable wordwrap --

src %URI; #IMPLIED -- URI of custom rule graphic --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
%needs; -- for control of text flow --

align (left|center|right|justify) #IMPLIED
%needs; -- for control of text flow --
seqnum NUMBER #IMPLIED -- starting sequence number --
skip NUMBER 0 -- skip seq nums for missing items --
dingbat ENTITY #IMPLIED -- dingbat entity from HTMLicons --
src (%URI;) #IMPLIED -- bullet defined by graphic --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- disable wordwrap --

-- The TITLE element is not considered part of the flow of text.
It should be displayed, for example as the page header or
window title.

"P | %list | DL
| %preformatted
| %blockquote


width NUMBER #implied
%needs; -- for control of text flow --

-- special non-conforming parsing mode where
the only markup signal is the end tag
in full. This will cause problems for
standard SGML tools!


%needs; -- for control of text flow --
compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- more compact style --

%needs; -- for control of text flow --

%needs; -- for control of text flow --
continue (continue) #IMPLIED -- don't restart sequence number --
seqnum NUMBER #IMPLIED -- starting sequence number --
compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- reduced interitem spacing --

%needs; -- for control of text flow --
wrap (vert|horiz|none) none -- multicolumn list style --
plain (plain) #IMPLIED -- suppress bullets --
dingbat ENTITY #IMPLIED -- dingbat entity from HTMLicons --
src (%URI;) #IMPLIED -- bullet defined by graphic --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- reduced interitem spacing --

%needs; -- for control of text flow --
dingbat ENTITY #IMPLIED -- dingbat entity from HTMLicons --
src (%URI;) #IMPLIED -- custom bullet graphic --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
skip NUMBER 0 -- skip seq nums for missing items --

compact (compact) #IMPLIED>



Text ...
is preferred to


Text ...

background %URI; #IMPLIED -- texture tile for document background --

%needs; -- for control of text flow --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- disable wordwrap --

%needs; -- for control of text flow --

%needs; -- for control of text flow --
align (left|center|right) left -- alignment of following text --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- disable wordwrap --

action %URI #REQUIRED -- server-side form handler --
method (%HTTP-Method) GET -- see HTTP specification --
enctype %Content-Type; "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
script %URI #IMPLIED -- link to client-side script --



type %InputType TEXT
name NAME #IMPLIED -- required for all but submit and reset --
value CDATA #IMPLIED -- required for radio buttons & checkboxes --
disabled (disabled) #IMPLIED -- read-only fields --
error CDATA #IMPLIED -- why field is in error --
checked (checked) #IMPLIED -- for radio buttons and check boxes --
size NUMBER #IMPLIED -- visible width of TEXT fields --
maxlength NUMBER #IMPLIED -- max number of chars for TEXT fields --
min %REAL #IMPLIED -- lower limit for RANGE fields --
max %REAL #IMPLIED -- upper limit for RANGE fields --
accept CDATA #IMPLIED -- list of MIME types for file fields --
src %URI #IMPLIED -- for fields with background images --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
align (top|middle|bottom|left|right) top

multiple (multiple) #IMPLIED
disabled (disabled) #IMPLIED -- read-only menu --
error CDATA #IMPLIED -- why selections are in error --
src %URI #IMPLIED -- for graphical selection menus --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired width of in en's or pixels --
height NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired height in en's or pixels --
units (en|pixels) pixels -- units for width and height --
align (top|middle|bottom|left|right) top

selected (selected) #IMPLIED
value CDATA #IMPLIED -- default to element content --
shape %SHAPE; #IMPLIED -- for graphical selection menus --
disabled (disabled) #IMPLIED -- unselectable option --
error CDATA #IMPLIED -- why this choice is in error --

disabled (disabled) #IMPLIED -- read-only field --
error CDATA #IMPLIED -- why field is in error --
align (top|middle|bottom|left|right) top

align (top|bottom|left|right) #IMPLIED

"align (bleedleft|left|center|right|bleedright|justify) center">

%needs; -- for control of text flow --
border (border) #IMPLIED -- draw borders --
colspec CDATA #IMPLIED -- column widths and alignment --
units (en|pixels|relative) en -- units for column widths --
dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- absolute or percentage width --
%block.align; -- horizontal alignment --
noflow (noflow) #IMPLIED -- noflow around table --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- don't wrap words --

align (%horiz.align) #IMPLIED -- horizontal alignment --
valign (%vert.align) top -- vertical alignment --
dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- don't wrap words --

colspan NUMBER 1 -- columns spanned --
rowspan NUMBER 1 -- rows spanned --
align (%horiz.align) #IMPLIED -- horizontal alignment --
valign (%vert.align) top -- vertical alignment --
dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- don't wrap words --
axis CDATA #IMPLIED -- axis name, defaults to element content --
axes CDATA #IMPLIED -- comma separated list of axis names --

%needs; -- for control of text flow --
src %URI; #REQUIRED -- URI of document to embed --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
%block.align; -- horizontal alignment --
noflow (noflow) #IMPLIED -- noflow around figure --
width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired width in units --
height NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired height in units --
units (en|pixels) pixels -- specifies units as en's or pixels --
imagemap (%URI) #IMPLIED -- pass background clicks to server --

src %URI; #REQUIRED -- URI of image overlay --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
units (en|pixels) pixels -- specifies units as en's or pixels --
x NUMBER 0 -- offset from left in units --
y NUMBER 0 -- offset from top in units --
width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired width in units --
height NUMBER #IMPLIED -- desired height in units --
imagemap (%URI) #IMPLIED -- pass background clicks to server --


src %URI; #IMPLIED -- URI of custom graphic --
%url.link; -- standard link attributes --
%needs; -- for control of text flow --

"_" REF3
"{" REF5 >

"_" REF3
"{" REF5 >

"^" REF1
"{" REF5 >

"^" REF1
"_" REF3
"{" REF5 >

class NAMES #IMPLIED -- e.g. class=chem -->

((OVER|ATOP|CHOOSE), (%formula)*)?,
(RIGHT, (%formula)*)?)>
size (normal|medium|large|huge) normal -- oversize delims -->

align (top|middle|bottom) middle -- vertical alignment --
coldef CDATA #IMPLIED -- column alignment and separator --
ldelim CDATA #IMPLIED -- stretchy left delimiter --
rdelim CDATA #IMPLIED -- stretchy right delimiter --
labels (labels) #IMPLIED -- TeX's \bordermatrix style -->

align CDATA #IMPLIED -- override coldef alignment --
colspan NUMBER 1 -- merge columns as per TABLE --
rowspan NUMBER 1 -- merge rows as per TABLE -->


& META* & LINK* & RANGE*">

%linkExtraAttributes; >

id ID #IMPLIED -- for naming marked range --
class NAMES #IMPLIED -- for subclassing --
from IDREF #REQUIRED -- start of marked range --
until IDREF #REQUIRED -- end of marked range --

href %URI #IMPLIED -- server handling queries --
prompt CDATA #IMPLIED -- prompt message -->



http-equiv NAME #IMPLIED -- HTTP response header name --
name NAME #IMPLIED -- metainformation name --
content CDATA #REQUIRED -- associated information --

"ISO/IEC 10179:1995//NOTATION DSSSL Style Language//EN">

notation NOTATION (%style-notations;) #REQUIRED

%version.attr; -- report DTD version to application --
urn CDATA #IMPLIED -- universal resource name for this document --
class NAMES #IMPLIED -- role of this document, eg table of contents --