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Дата изменения: Tue Oct 28 10:22:26 2008
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 20:56:33 2012

Поисковые слова: molecules
v 1.05

Using FireFly in education and research @ home
A short introduction in Computational Chemistry & an overview of strength possibilities of FireFly and how to make calculations more efficient

Part I - Usage

This tutorial was written because computational chemistry applied in the right way has an enormous potential in research. Due to the lack of helpful introductions and a time consumptive orientation in this issue the appliance of this technology is less than it could/should be. Nowadays computer technology is able to calculate chemical behaviour of molecules used in research with an adequate accuracy in a manageable time. In am sure that in 5-10 years every bigger research group will have one scientist who will support current assays. Computational chemistry has a kind of elitist reputation, because there are several requirements to use this technology in a serious way. One need good chemical imagination, good computer knowledge, experience in preparing calculations, time to do that and of course an appropriate hardware and software. I hope this document will help a little bit to enlarge distribution of such technology. M. Checinski

Used Tools Till now I tested some QM programs and visualization tools, and think that choosing the free available PC-Gamess/FireFly for calculation and MacMolPlt for visualization is a very good combination. You can also use the combination Gaussian and Gaussian View, but if you want to pay > 1.000 $ for programs which are not really better than the two mentioned above, please do it. In the next two chapters I will try to introduce you in these programs.

A. A. Granovsky, PC GAMESS/FireFly version 7.1.C http://classic.chem.msu.su/gran/gamess/ Brett Bode, MacMolPlt version 7.2.1 http://www.scl.ameslab.gov/~brett/MacMolPlt/


The PC GAMESS/Firefly is a freely available ab initio and DFT computational chemistry program developed to offer high performance on Intel-compatible x86, AMD64, and EM64T processors. It was initially based on the GAMESS (US) source code of ISU (versions of up to October 25, 1999) extending its functionality in many important areas. The PC GAMESS/Firefly package is developed by the PC GAMESS/Firefly Project Team. The project coordinator and leading developer is Dr. Alex A. Granovsky of the Laboratory of Chemical Cybernetics, Dept. of Chemistry, Moscow State University (MSU).

As of autumn 2008, the PC GAMESS/Firefly Project Team is no longer associated with GAMESS (US) and ISU group, as well as the PC GAMESS/Firefly itself. Therefore, we are glad to announce a one-year transition period starting October 17, 2008. During this period, both PC GAMESS and Firefly names will be valid, and can be used as synonyms. However, starting October 17, 2009, the only valid name for the former PC GAMESS package will be the "Firefly" one.

MacMolPlt MacMolPlt is a freely available modern graphics program for plotting 3-D molecular structures and normal modes (vibrations). Modern means Mouse driven interface for real-time rotation and translation, copy and paste functionality for interfacing to other programs such as word processors or other graphics programs, multiple files open at once. It reads a variety of file formats including any GAMESS log or IRC file directly to create animations of IRC's, DRC's, and optimizations. You may also paste GAMESS and Gaussian-92 style cartesian coordinates directly into the program. Simple Energy Plots (including geometrical parameters). Animation of IRC's, and DRC's including orbitals. Append multiple GAMESS files together to create a single animation. Build molecules from scratch using cartesian or internal coordinates. 2D orbital, total electron density contour map display. 3D molecular orbital, total electron density display. Simple GAMESS input (.inp) builder. 3D color display with lighting and shading using OpenGL.

How to use PC-Gamess Overview As said PC-Gamess/FireFly is an ab initio program, which reads molecular data and calculations settings and gives results in an output file. It needs no GUI. The "exchange" with this program are the Input/Output files only. For visualizing calculated molecules one need a tool like MacMolPlt, which at it self can't perform quantum chemistry calculations.

In this chapter we want to see how the exchange with trough ASCII-files works.

We will learn, how an input-file looks like and how to start different runtypes (optimization, single point energy, surface, thermodynamics, .... ) with different basis sets and calculations levels.

Then we looks how pc-gamess "present" us the results, and how we can make further calculations with done runs.

Input file Ok, lets start with an input-file.

PC-Gamess/FireFly is very flexible, it contains a lot of setting possibilities. Both, system and calculation options. But often you need only some of them. Of course, the amount of input-file depends of calculation type.

The ASCII-file consists of groups (_$XYZ [....] $END) which contain according settings. Attention should be paid to a space character before every group.

There is also a possibility to insert some comments between groups (! comment).
! Short ! $CONTRL $SYSTEM $BASIS $DATA 1st row C1 O 8.0 H 1.0 H 1.0 $END example of a H2O geometry optimization SCFTYP=RHF RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE $END MWORDS=10 $END GBASIS=N21 NGAUSS=3 $END is reserved for a comment 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.0

Output file Output file is often a big file. If calculation was successful we get demanded informations, else we get hints why calculation failed. Output file contains program version followed by cpu identification, a input copy, computation settings and finally calculation process in a readable form. Short, in a very good documented way.
[..] * PC GAMESS version 7.1 (Tornado), build number 4694 * * Compiled on Sunday, 27-04-2008, 11:27:46 *

[..] Running on AMD CPU : CPU Generation 15, Family 15, Model 72, CPU Brand String : AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-52 # of cores/package : 2 [..] INPUT CARD>! This is a short example of a H2O geometry optimization INPUT CARD>! INPUT CARD> $CONTRL SCFTYP=RHF RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE $END [..] $CONTRL OPTIONS --------------SCFTYP=RHF RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE EXETYP=RUN MPLEVL= 0 LOCAL =NONE UNITS =ANGS MULT = 1 ICHARG= 0 MAXIT = 30 [..] ITER EX DEM TOTAL ENERGY E CHANGE DENSITY CHANGE ORB. GRAD ---------------START SECOND ORDER SCF--------------100 -75.529387223 -75.529387223 0.096895582 0.090804473 210 -75.557153257 -0.027766035 0.037335165 0.037766885 [..] OVERALL TIMING STATISTICS: GLOBAL CPU TIME ELAPSED = 1.1 SECONDS ( 0.0 MIN) NODE 0 WALL CLOCK TIME = 0.6 SECONDS ( 0.0 MIN) JOB CPU UTILIZATION: TOTAL = 176.80%

Punch file Punch file depends on run-type. For optimization i.e. it contains for every optimization step the coordinates and a $VEC group which is a kind of conclusion of "obital settings".
$DATA 1st row is reserved for a comment C1 O 8.0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 N21 3 [..] -------------------- DATA FROM NSERCH= 0 -------------------COORDINATES OF SYMMETRY UNIQUE ATOMS (ANGS) ATOM CHARGE X Y Z -----------------------------------------------------------O 8.0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 [..] --- RHF ORBITALS --- GENERATED AT 11:25:23 LT 3-JUN-2007 1st row is reserved for a comment E(RHF)= -75.4227358108, E(NUC)= 6.2515457668, 11 ITERS $VEC 1 1 9.83125434E-01 9.17634027E-02 0.00000000E+00 2.29900845E-03 0.00000000E+00 1 2-2.83385141E-02 0.00000000E+00-3.28544768E-03 0.00000000E+00 7.16051563E-04 1 3 3.73491962E-03 7.16051563E-04 3.73491962E-03 [..] 0

Later we will see how important this $VEC group could be.

Run a job If we wrote an input-file we can start a calculation. The command can be large, so you should use scripts/batch-files to lower complexity. I put some scripts for linux/windows into appendix. Here is a general command line:
Linux /pcgamess -i /test.inp -o /test.out Windows \pcgamess -i \test.inp -o \test.out there are other useful parameters which we sould use. -r means to remove all the scratch files which were open using FSF at the end of job. -f -i -o -p forces PC GAMESS execution even in the presence of the old punch or ircdata files. takes this file as input, use full qualified targets ! output to this file. redirects all text files (punch, ircdata, etc...) to the same directory where the

output file will be placed. -ex means to copy all PC GAMESS runtime extension files from the specified location (Linux specific) -t means to use the specified path to create the temporary directories on all nodes and to put there all the intermediate working files. -b /home/gran/basifile.lib a normal command line looks like: [ /home/marek/pcg/pcgamess -r -f -i /data/qm/test.inp -o /data/qm/test.out -t /scratch b /home/marek/pcg/bset/acc-pvtz.lib ] crazy, isn't it ? So use scripts :)

How to use MacMolPlt For a H2O calculation input- and output-file is manageable, but for bigger molecules our imagination is challenged. So it is useful to work with a visualization tool. In this chapter we will learn how to use most needed properties of MacMolPlt.

We learned how do write a short input-file for a H2O optimization, now we try the same with MacMolPlt. There are several way to create an input-file with help of such visualization tool. For those who don't like ASCII-files, Brett Bode has implement a GAMESS-Input-Builder. Other can use MacMolPlt for "optimizing" geometry per hand, before starting a run.

MacMolPlt is a great tool to create/modify molecules and simply to watch calculated results.

How to use MacMolPlt Ok, at first we have to draw our molecule. Because MacMolPlt is very user-friendly controlling is very intuitive, so if you click through all options you will learn it fast. Here is just a picture of creating a water molecule.

How to use MacMolPlt If you want special angles or bond length it is difficult to draw this in cartesian (x,y,z) coordinates. It is easier to work with z-matrices. For those who don't know what this is the next picture will explain it very fast.



work yo u will

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thankful that MacMolPlt exist.






reasonable order of atoms. This is very helpful by changing angle of bigger groups.

How to use MacMolPlt Ok, now if your calculation is finished you can open output file with MacMolPlt.

With the scrollbar at bottom you can see all optimization steps. For every step you can see bond length etc. in the coordinates window. You can choose between cartesian and z-matrix form. If you want, you can now add or delete atoms there and create with input bilder a new input file. If you use z-matrix format in input file you have to add COORD=ZMT in $CONTRL grp.

How to use MacMolPlt When you want to calculate bigger molecules drawing could be very boring, so we can be happy about another function of our used visualization program. MacMolPlt have the possibility to import ".mol" files, which we can create with several molecule drawing programs (like acd/chemsketch). After importing such a file, we can copy coordinates in cartesian or in z-matrix form into our input file or use Brett's input builder.

This is an AM1 optimized structure of cyclodextrine. At first it was painted with chemsketch molecular and pre-optimized tool. with After


importing .mol file z-matrix it was copied into input-file.

Examples In this chapter i collected some calculations which should give a little insight of possibilities with PC-Gamess and visualizing results with MacMolPlt.

Geometry optimization is a typical run-type in calculations and is origin for many other calculations like vibration modes, exciting states, potential energy surface, transition states etc.

There are several problems you can have by searching "optimal" geometry, one of them is to find a global minimum.

Examples-Geometry If we want a structure optimization, calculation program search for structures which have lower energy. If program found a structure where small geometry chances don't give lower energy values then it found a minimum. No one can say if this is a global minimum. At that point PC-Gamess helps us to check if there are more stable geometries. We take a minimum geometry and start another runtyp called HESSIAN.

Let's check this runtype on cis-butadiene.
$CONTRL SCFTYP=RHF RUNTYP=HESSIAN COORD=ZMT MAXIT=100 $END $SYSTEM TIMLIM=180 MWORDS=80 $END $BASIS GBASIS=N31 NGAUSS=6 NDFUNC=1 NPFUNC=1 $END $GUESS GUESS=HUCKEL $END $DATA 2-Buten C1 C C 1 1.32197 H 1 1.07513 2 120.8676 H 1 1.07592 3 116.4375 2 180.0000 C 2 1.47957 1 127.1590 4 0.0000 C 5 1.32194 2 127.1557 1 0.0000 H 6 1.07584 5 122.7014 2 0.0000 H 6 1.07523 5 120.8626 2 180.0000 H 2 1.07816 1 118.0354 5 180.0000 H 5 1.07814 2 114.8040 1 180.0000 $END

Examples-Geometry When we get a minimum, we have to copy the coordinates into a new input file, but now with RUNTYP=HESSIAN in $CONTRL group. Results from this run we HAVE to view with MacMolPlt, here we have the great possibility of watching harmonic vibration modes.

You can even animate this vibrations !

Examples-Geometry In freq table we saw an imaginary frequency, this is a vibration around a saddle point. Now he have to change geometry like this vib-mode. For that MacMolPlt has again a great tool, with "View/Offset along mode.." you can change geometry in the kind of chosen vibration mode.

If we now copy this new geometry and start another geometry optimization we get the structure beside.

Awesome isn't it ? This and not the planar geometry has the lowest energy. The H-H interaction is harder than loosing conjugation of pisystem.

Examples-Geometry O.k. with this new structure we have no imaginary freq, but we can imagine that a trans-butadiene should be more stable as our found cis conformere. Instead of drawing trans-butadien we can modify our planar-cis-butadien.

Hessian helps you finding a minimum, but there always can be a lower geometry.

Examples-Geometry A very nice and useful feature of MacMolPlt is visualization of Orbitals. We can see how i.e. HOMO/LUMO looks like of trans-butadiene. In MacMolPlt we find this option under "Subwindow/Surfaces & 3D-Orbitals" You can find out which of listed MOs are HOMO/LUMO by "Occupation #"

You also can get Electron Density or Electrostativ Potential in 2D/3D.

Examples-Charges Now we should be able to optimize structures, so we should take the next step and see how to handle charged molecules with PC-Gamess. To advice program to calculate with pos./neg. charge we have to add ICHARG=x in $CONTRL grp., where x is a pos./neg. numerical value of demanded charge. Let's exercise it on methylamine.

This example incredible show the didactical strength of PC-Gamess. Here we see from theory expecting behaviour. Anion, maximal repulsion of free electron-pairs. Cation, planar geometry.

Examples-Multiplicity In the next step we try to calculate structure of a methyl-radical. To create this structure we could open methylamine file and delete the amine group. Surly, this is not much faster than creating a new molecule, but if system is bigger it is a comfortable possibility which MacMolPlt gives us. When we copied new coordinates in input-file, saved as a new file and started a run we get followed message.

$CONTRL SCFTYP=RHF RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE COORD=ZMT MAXIT=100 $END $SYSTEM TIMLIM=180 MWORDS=60 $END $BASIS GBASIS=N31 NGAUSS=6 NDFUNC=1 NPFUNC=1 $END $GUESS GUESS=HUCKEL $END $STATPT OPTTOL=0.0001 NSTEP=100 $END $DATA Methyl Radikal C1 C H 1 1.08452 H 1 1.09153 2 107.8370 H 1 1.08450 2 107.3613 3 -115.9808 $END

If we have an odd number or electrons resulting spin is 0. Because multiplicity is defined by (2s+1) we have to change to MULT=2 (MULT is by default 1). retry

Hmm, what's wrong ї The cause is easy we have an odd number of electrons. A restricted Hartree Fock calculation only accept occupation of 0|2. We have to use another RUNTYP. To avoid this restriction we should use an ROHF or UHF RUNTYPE.

Examples-Freezing Coordinates

In calculations it is sometimes necessary to "freez" some coordinates. I.e. when we will see where a proton will go if it is between NH3 and PH3. To freez coordinates of NH3 and PH3 we need to add a $STATPT group with coordinates which should be freezed.


$DATA Freezing coordinates C1 N 7.0 2.00000000 H 1.0 2.40315998 H 1.0 2.09977591 H 1.0 2.09977591 P 15.0 -2.00000000 H 1.0 -3.00332069 H 1.0 -2.62619233 H 1.0 -2.62619233 H 1.0 0.00000000 $END

SCFTYP=RHF RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE ICHARG=1 $END MWORDS=60 $END GBASIS=N31 NGAUSS=6 $END OPTTOL=0.0001 NSTEP=100 IFREEZ(1)=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 19,20,21,22,23,24 $END

0.00000000 0.00000000 0.85374779 -0.85374779 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.06095433 -1.06095433 0.00000000

0.00000000 0.92281258 -0.52465492 -0.52465492 0.00000000 1.04042923 -0.75727904 -0.75727904 0.00000000

Examples-Freezing Coordinates Instead of fixing atoms in space you can also fix bond length or angles. Here are two examples in which we want optimize H2O with a special O-H length or HO-H angle.

IFREEZ(1)=3 stands for 3rd variable in IZMAT(1) which is 2,2,1,3. First # stands for angle (1 for length), following # declare atoms. I.e. 2,3,18,88 means angle between atoms 3-18-88 and 1,33,44 bond length between 33-44.

Examples-Relaxed Surface Scan PC-Gamess has another very interesting feature called Relaxed Surface Scan. With that tool you have a very useful possibility to study different cases in research and especially in education. You can scan through length, angle, torsion and see how a system react.
R at o an r Here is an example: Rotation barrier ofotEtihnba.ri
14 12 10


Energy [kJ/mol]

8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Tors ion [°]

Examples-Relaxed Surface Scan And here is the inputfile:

$CONTRL RUNTYP=rsurface NZVAR=18 COORD=ZMT mplevl=2 $END $SYSTEM TIMLIM=500 MEMORY=30000000 $END $BASIS GBASIS=tzv ndfunc=1 $END ! To freeze coord # 12 during constrained optimization $statpt opttol=1d-5 nstep=1000 IFREEZ(1)=12 $end ! To scan along coord # 12 $surf ndisp1=33 disp1=3.75 vect1(12)=1 orig1=0 $end $DATA CH3-CH3 C1 C C 1 r1 h 1 r2 2 a1 h 1 r2 2 a1 3 d1 h 1 r2 2 a1 3 d2 h 2 r2 1 a1 4 dx h 2 r2 1 a1 6 d1 h 2 r2 1 a1 6 d2

r1=1.54 r2=1.09 a1=109 d1=120 d2=-120 dx=0 $END $ZMAT


IZMAT(1)= 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2, 4, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2, 5, 3, 5, 1, 6, 2, 6, 3, 6, 1, 7, 2, 7, 3, 7, 1, 8, 2, 8, 3, 8,

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,

2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6,

Now its on you how to use this great tool in you research or education lessons.

Examples-Symmetry Till now in every $DATA group we had a C1 in 2nd line. This row declare symmetry of following molecule data. Point group symmetry C1 declare no symmetry. A C2V symmetry would be declared with "CNV 2".
$CONTRL $SYSTEM $BASIS $DATA 2st row Cnv 2 O 8.0 H 1.0 $END SCFTYP=RHF RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE $END MWORDS=10 $END GBASIS=N21 NGAUSS=3 $END declare point group symmetry 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 $CONTRL $SYSTEM $BASIS $DATA 2st row Cnv 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O 8.0 H 1.0 $END SCFTYP=RHF RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE $END MWORDS=10 $END GBASIS=N21 NGAUSS=3 $END declare point group symmetry 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0

Both input-files differs in declaring rotation axis and reflecting surface. If a blank line follow after point group program will use Z-Axis for rotation and XZ for mirroring. But if you want to declare it by hand we have to define them.
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 x1 y1 z1 to x2 y2 z2 from path defined before to x3 y3 z3 -> rotation axis -> mirroring area

Examples-Symmetry To realize why symmetry can be very useful here another example. Cr(C6H6)


C1 vs C6h calculation time 68 : 6 minutes with same accuracy

Please realize that defining also force symmetry in optimization, so i.e. you will never get right conformation of cyclohexane by using C6h symmetry. So use this great option with caution.

Examples-Electron correlation Till now we used HF calculations only. But as we know HF have a lot of disadvantages so, we should use for research methods which contain electron correlation correction.

There are some popular methods which we can use. MЬller Plesset Perturbation, Density Functional Theory, Configuration Interaction and Coupled Cluster. They differs in quality and very much in calculation effort.
(see PCG-Tutorial-Basis.pdf)

For education or simple C,H,O calculations MP2 is advisable For qualitative research with atoms from first 3 rows MP2 is ok. By using transition metals it is necessary to use at least DFT methods. CI or CC for usual sized molecules demand high computational capacity, so usage of them is mostly confined to publications.

Examples-MPx & DFT To instruct PC-Gamess to use MЬller-Plesset-Perturbation in Second Order we have to add MPLEVL=2 in $CONTRL group.

Higher MP Level are supported for single-point calculations.

To instruct PC-Gamess to use DFT method like B3LYP we have to change our input file in that way.

Examples-Excited States TD-DFT If you want i.e. to get Energy difference between S0 & exciting state S1, you should optimize structure at first and then calculate exciting states (Frank-Condon).
$CONTRL SCFTYP=RHF DFTTYP=B3LYP RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE COORD=ZMT MAXIT=100 $END $SYSTEM TIMLIM=180 MWORDS=380 $END $BASIS GBASIS=N31 NGAUSS=6 NDFUNC=1 $END $GUESS GUESS=HUCKEL $END $STATPT OPTTOL=0.0001 NSTEP=200 $END $DATA Blub C1 C C1 1.38596 C 1 1.38599 2 120.0009 C 2 1.38591 1 119.9948 3 0.0000 C 3 1.38588 1 119.9986 4 -0.0000 C 4 1.38586 2 120.0061 1 -0.0000 H 1 1.11097 3 119.9978 2 -180.0000 H 2 1.11097 1 120.0014 4 180.0000 H 3 1.11101 1 120.0000 5 -180.0000 H 4 1.11101 2 119.9954 1 180.0000 H 5 1.11109 3 119.9957 1 -180.0000 H 6 1.11101 4 120.0070 2 -180.0000 $end $CONTRL SCFTYP=RHF DFTTYP=B3LYP CITYP=TDDFT RUNTYP=ENERGYCOORD=ZMT MAXIT=100 $END $TDDFT NSTATE=3 ISTSYM=0 ISTATE=1 $END $SYSTEM TIMLIM=180 MWORDS=380 $END $BASIS GBASIS=N31 NGAUSS=6 NDFUNC=1 $END $GUESS GUESS=HUCKEL $END $STATPT OPTTOL=0.0001 NSTEP=200 $END $DATA Blub C1 C C1 1.39754 C 1 1.39758 2 120.0065 C 2 1.39759 1 120.0077 3 0.0000 C 3 1.39761 1 119.9870 4 0.0000 C 5 1.39756 3 120.0063 1 0.0000 H 1 1.08677 2 119.9979 3 180.0000 H 2 1.08679 1 119.9960 4 180.0000 H 3 1.08675 1 120.0094 5 180.0000 H 4 1.08675 2 120.0063 1 180.0000 H 5 1.08676 3 119.9975 1 180.0000 H 6 1.08676 5 119.9973 3 180.0000 $end
Lambda [nm] 224 278 380 309 502 252 288 307 6-31(d) / B3LYP

Somewhere at end of output-file you will find the results:

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------TDDFT EXCITATION ENERGIES STATE HARTREE EV KCAL/MOL CM-1 NANOMETERS OSC. STR. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1A 0.2034154902 5.5352 127.6452 44644.54 223.99 0.0000000 1A 0.2314729084 6.2987 145.2515 50802.43 196.84 0.0000000 1A 0.2893291228 7.8730 181.5568 63500.40 157.48 0.0000000

Benzol Naphthalen Anthracen Phenanthren Chinon Pyridin Bipy Phen

.. to be continued
- CASSCF - and much more

Leibniz-Institut fЭr Katalyse e.V.

This document is free available. It can be used for private or educational requirements. It must not be used for commercial aim without agreement of the author. It is literary property of Marek Pawel Checinski.
http://www.catalysis.de/ http://www.chemie.hu-berlin.de/ mail: marek.checinski catalysis.de