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Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 19:34:15 2012

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Information Sources are organized by name.


Books, Reports see below
Code Name Choose Reference(s)
AAAAstronomy and Astrophysics
AABAnais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias
AAFAnnales Acad. Sci. Fennicae, Series A6: Physica
AANLAtti Acad. Naz. Lincei,Rend.,Sci.Fis.,Mat.Nat.
AASTAtti Acad. Sci. Torino, Cl.Sci.Fis.Mat.Nat.
ABSMemoires de l'Acad. Roy.Belg.,Cl.Sci.
ACAnalytical Chemistry
ACAAnalitica Chimica Acta
ACHAngewandte Chemie
ACJActa Chemica Scandinavica
ACRActa Crystallographica
ACR/AActa Crystallographica, Part A
ACR/BActa Crystallographica, Part B
ACSJournal of the American Chemical Society
ADCAnnales de Chimie
ADPAnnalen der Physik
AEAtomnaya Energiya
AE/SAtomnaya Energiya, Supplement
AE/TAtomic Energy
AEAAtomic Energy in Australia
AEJJournal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan
AFArkiv foer Fysik
AHPActa Physica Hungarica
AHP/AActa Physica Hungarica A (Heavy Ion Physics)
AHP/NActa Phys.Hungar.New Series (Heavy Ion Physics)
AHTActa Technica (Budapest)
AIFAnales del Instituto de Fisica
AIPAdvances in Physics
AJAstrophysical Journal
AJ/LAstrophysical Journal, Letters
AJ/SAstrophysical Journal, Supplement
AJNArab Journal of Nuclear Sci.and Application
AJPAmerican Journal of Physics
AJSAustralian Journal of Science
AJSEArabian J.for Science and Engineering
AK Atomki Koezlemenyek
AKSAtomki Kozlemenyek Supplement
ANAAnalyst (London)
ANDAtomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables
ANEAnnals of Nuclear Energy
ANPAnnalen der Physik (Leipzig).
ANSTransactions of the American Nuclear Society
AOSActa Oncologica (Stockholm)
APAnnals of Physics (New York)
APAActa Physica Austriaca
APHAnnales de Physique (Paris)
APLApplied Physics Letters
APPActa Physica Polonica
APP/AActa Physica Polonica, Part A
APP/BActa Physica Polonica, Part B
APPL/AApplied Physics A
APPL/BApplied Physics B
APSActa Polytechnica Scandinavica
AR/SActa Radiologica Supplement
ARIApplied Radiation and Isotopes
ARNAnnual Review of Nuclear and Part.Sci.
ARSAnales de Fisica y Quimica
ASIActa Physica Sinica
ASI/OEActa Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition)
ASLActa Physica Slovaca
ASPAstrophysics and Space Science
ASSAnnales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles
ATTAtomtechnikai Tajekoztato
ATWAtomwirtschaft, Atomtechnik
AUJAustralian Journal of Physics
BAPBulletin of the American Physical Society
BASBull.Russian Academy of Sciences - Physics
BCFBulletin de la Societe Chimique de France
BCIBull.Research Council of Israel, Sect. F
BCJBull.of the Chemical Soc.of Japan
BCRBull.of Inst.Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ.
BCSBull.de la Classe des Sci.,Acad.Roy.Belgique
BIPBull. of the Israel Physical Society
BISBull.d'Informations Scientifiques et Techniques
BJABritish Journal of Applied Physics
BJA/SBritish J.of Applied Physics, Suppl.
BJEBezpecnost Jaderne Energie
BJPBulgarian J.of Physics
BKEBull.Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Electron.
BKNBull. Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Nucl.Eng.
BKPBull. Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Physics
BNEJournal of the British Nuclear Energy Society
BOSTransactions of the Bose Research Inst.,Calcutta
BPCBull.de l'Acad.Pol.Sci., Chimique
BPPBull.de l'Acad.Pol.Sci.,Math.,Astr.,Phys.
BPTBull.de l'Acad.Pol.Sci.,Ser.Sci.Techniques
BSIBolletino della Societa Italiana di Fisica
BSLBull.Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege
BTIBull.of the Tokyo Inst.of Technology
CAChemia Analityczna
CDPCahiers de Physique
CECCiencia e Cultura (Sao Paulo)
CHPChinese Journal of Physics (Taiwan)
CJCCanadian Journal of Chemistry
CJPCanadian Journal of Physics
CJRCanadian Journal of Research
CJR/ACanadian Journal Research, Part A
CJR/BCanadian Journal Research, Part B
CLChemistry Letters
CNDPCommunication of Nuclear Data Progress
CNPChinese J.of Nuclear Physics (Beijing).
CNSTNuclear Science and Techniques (Shanghai).
CNTCanadian Nuclear Technology
CPChinese Physics
CPCComputer Physics Communications
CPHChinese Physics
CPH/CChinese Physics C
CPLChinese Physics Letters
CRComptes Rendus, Serie B, Physique
CR/BComptes Rendus, Serie B, Physique
CR/CComptes rendus, Serie C, Chimie
CRBComptes Rendus Acad.Bulgare Sci.
CSCurrent Science
CSAAbstracts of papers, American Chemical Soc.
CSTAtomic Energy Science and Technology
CZCCollection of Czech.Chemical Communications
CZJCzechoslovak Journal of Physics
CZJ/ACeskoslovensky Casopys pro Fyziku
CZJ/BCzech.J.of Physics, Part B
DADissertation Abstracts
DA/BDissertation Abstracts B (Sciences)
DOKDoklady Akademii Nauk
EAFEnergie Atomique
EARREuropean Applied Research Reports
EATEnergia es Atomtechnika
EENErgebnisse der Exakten Naturwissenschaften
ENEnergia Nucleare (Milan)
ENFEnergie Nucleaire
ENMEurop.J.of Nucl.Medicine and Molecular Imaging
EPJ/AEuropean Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei
EPJ/ASEuropean Physical Journal A Supplement
EPJ/CEurop. Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields
EPJ/STEuropean Physical Journal: Special Topics
EPLEarth and Planetary Sci.Letters
ESJJ.of Engineering Sciences, Univ. of Riyadh
ETPExperimentelle Technik der Physik
FBSFew-Body Systems
FBS/SFew-Body Systems, Supplement
FCYFizika Elementarnykh Chastic i Atomnogo Yadra
FCY/LFiz. Elementarnykh Chastic i Atomn.Yadra,Letters
FDPFortschritte der Physik
FIZ/BFizika B
FIZ/SFizika, Supplement
FMMFizika Metallov i Metallovedeniya
FSTFusion Science and Technology
FTFysisk Tidsskrift
FTTFizika Tverdogo Tela
GCAGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
GKGenshiryoku Kogyo
GUSGodishnik na Sofijskija Univ. 'Kliment Ohridski'
HCAHelvetica Chimica Acta
HENHigh Energy Physics and Nucl.Phys.,English.ed.
HFHHe Huaxue yu Fangshe Huaxue
HIHyperfine Interactions
HPHealth Physics
HPAHelvetica Physica Acta
IABInt.Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin
IACProc.Indian Assoc.for Cultiv.of Sci.
IBKBull.Boris Kidrich Inst.of Nucl.Sci.
IETInstruments and Experimental Techniques
IFGTrudy Inst.Fiziki Gruzinskoi Akad.Nauk
IFIIzvestiya na Fizicheskija Institut s ANEB
IJMIsrael Journal of Mathematics
IJPIndian Journal of Physics
IJP/AIndian Journal of Physics, Part A
IMP/EInt. Journal of Modern Physics, Part E
INCInorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters
IPIsotopes in Envir.and Health Studies
IPAIndian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
IPCRadiation Physics and Chemistry
IREIEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
ISAIndian Science Abstracts
ISCIsrael J.of Chemistry
ISPIsrael J.of Physics
IV/YIzv.Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii,Ser.Yad.En.
IVUIzv.Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii,Ser.Fizika
IZAIzv.Azerb.Akad.Nauk,Ser.Fiz.-Tekh.i Mat.
IZLIzv.Latviiskoi Akad.Nauk
IZTPIzotopy v SSSR
IZVIzv. Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Ser.Fiz.
JACJ.of Applied Crystallography
JAEYadernaya Energetika
JAIJ.Am.Soc. Testing and Materials (ASTM)
JALCJournal of Alloys and Compounds
JAPJournal of Applied Physics
JBASJ.of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
JBSJ.of Research of Nat.Bureau of Standards
JCPJ.Chemical Physics
JEJaderna Energie (Prague).
JEBJaderna Energiya, Bulgarian Acad.Sci.
JESJ.of the Electro-Chemical Society Belgium
JETSoviet Physics - JETP
JFIJournal of the Franklin Institute
JGRJournal of Geophysical Research
JGR/AJournal of Geophysical Research, Part A
JGR/BJournal of Geophysical Research, Part B
JGR/CJournal of Geophysical Research, Part C
JINJournal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry
JJAPJapanese Journal of Applied Physics
JLCRJ.of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceut.
JLCR/SJ.of Labelled Comp.and Radiopharmaceut.Suppl.
JMJProc.Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan
JMMJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
JMSJ.of Mass Spectrom.and Ion Physics
JNCJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids
JNEJournal of Nuclear Energy
JNE/AReactor Science (J.Nucl.Energy, Part A)
JNE/ABJ. Nuclear Energy, Part A+B (Reactor Sci.Techn.)
JNE/BReactor Technology (J.Nucl.Energy, Part B)
JNMJournal of Nuclear Materials
JNRSJournal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences
JOESJ.of the Electro-Chemical Society (USA)
JP/AJour. of Physics, Part A (Mathematical+General)
JP/ALJour.of Physics, Part A, Letters to the editor
JP/CJour.of Physics, Part C (Solid State Physics)
JP/CSJour.of Physics, Conference Series
JP/DJour. of Physics, Part D (Applied Physics)
JP/EJour. of Physics, Part E (Sci.Instruments)
JP/FJour. of Physics, Part F (Metal Physics)
JP/GJour. of Physics, Part G (Nucl.and Part.Phys.)
JP/GLJour. of Physics, Part G, Letters to the editor
JP/SJour. of Physics, Part G, Supplement
JPCJ.de Chimie Physique et Physicochimie Biol.
JPJJournal of the Physical Society of Japan
JPJ/SJournal of the Physical Society of Japan, Suppl.
JPRJournal de Physique
JPR/AJournal de Physique - Appliquee
JPR/CJournal de Physique - Colloque
JPR/LJournal de Physique - Lettres
JPR/SJournal de Physique, Suppl.S, Soc.Francaise
JRJ.of Research of Nat.Inst.Stand.+Technology
JRCJournal of Radioanalytical Chemistry
JRNJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
JRN/LJ. of Radioanalytical and Nucl. Chem., Letters
JSIUJ.of Sichuan Univ., Natural Science Ed.
KDVKgl.Danske Videns.Selskab.Mat.-Fys.Medd.
KFIKFKI Kozlemenyek
KNSJournal of the Korean Nuclear Society
KPSJournal of the Korean Physical Society
KSFKratkie Soobshcheniya po Fizike
KUVVestnik Kiev State Univ.
KXTKexue Tongbao (Chinese Sci.Letters)
LEBIssled.po Neitr.Fiz., Trudy Fiz. Inst. Lebedeva
LPSLunar and Planetary Science Conferences
MABMonatsber.d.Deutschen Akad.Wiss.Berlin
MEDMedical Physics
MFCMatematicko-Fyzikalny Casopis
MFFMagyar Fizikai Folyoirat
MPL/AModern Physics Letters A
MSK/AMemoirs Faculty of Sci., Kyoto Univ.,Ser.Phys.
MSLMemoires de la Soc.Royale des Sci.de Liege
MUPBMoscow Univ.Physics Bulletin
NAPNuclear Applications
NATNature (London)
NAWProc.Koninklijke Nederlandse Akad.Wetenschappen
NCNuovo Cimento
NC/ANuovo Cimento A
NC/BNuovo Cimento B
NCLLettere al Nuovo Cimento
NCRRivista del Nuovo Cimento
NCSNuovo Cimento, Supplemento
ND/ANuclear Data Tables (Nuclear Data Sect.A)
ND/BNuclear Data Sheets (Nuclear Data Sect.B)
NDFNotas de Fisica
NENuclear Engineering International
NENNuklearna Energija
NFNuclear Fusion (IAEA)
NIMNuclear Instrum.and Methods in Physics Res.
NIM/ANucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Res., Sect.A
NIM/BNucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Res., Sect.B
NINNuclear India
NKKNippon Kagaku Kaishi
NMBInt. Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology
NPNuclear Physics
NP/ANuclear Physics, Section A
NP/BNuclear Physics, Section B
NPWNuclear Power
NSANuclear Science Abstracts
NSBNuclear Science and Applications (Dhaka)
NSDNuclear Science and Applications (Dhaka).
NSD/ANuclear Science and Applications, Series A
NSD/BNuclear Science and Applications, series B
NSENuclear Science and Engineering
NSFNuclear Science, Taiwan
NSJNuclear Science Abstracts of Japan
NSPNuclear Science and Applications
NSP/ANuclear Science and Applications A
NSP/BNuclear Science and Applications B
NSTJ. of Nuclear Science and Technology, Tokyo
NSTSJ.Nucl.Science and Technol.Tokyo,Supplement
NTNuclear Technology
NTC(Chinese J.of) Nuclear Techniques, Shanghai.
NTFFusion Technology
NTNNederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde
NYATransactions of the New York Academy of Sciences
OEOnde Electrique
PAPhysics Abstracts
PACPure and Applied Chemistry
PANPhysics of Atomic Nuclei
PASPhys. Abhandlungen aus der Sowjetunion
PBPhysikalische Blaetter
PCPhysics in Canada
PCJJournal of Physical Chemistry
PCMPhysics of Condensed Matter
PCNPhysical and Chemical News (Morocco)
PCPProceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Soc.
PCSJournal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
PFPostepy Fizyki
PHCLPhysicalia (Journal of the Belgian Phys.Soc.)
PHEHigh Energy Physics and Nucl.Physics,Chinese ed.
PHFPhysica Fennica
PHNNotes Scientifiques de l'Universite de Grenoble
PHYPhysica (Utrecht)
PIAProc. of the Indian Acad. Sciences, Sect. A
PJAProceedings of the Japan Academy
PJSPrikladnaya Yadernaya Spektroskopiya
PKLProblemy Yadernoj Fiziki i Kosmicheskikh Luchej
PLPhysics Letters
PL/APhysics Letters, Section A
PL/BPhysics Letters,Section B
PL/CPhys.Letters,Sect.C, Physics Reports
PMPhilosophical Magazine
PMBPhysics in Medicine and Biology
PNAProc. of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.
PNEProgress in Nuclear Energy
PNJPhilippines Nuclear Journal
PNPProgress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
PNVPhysica Norvegica
PPAProceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences
PPSProceedings of the Physical Society (London),
PPS/AProc.Physical Society (London), Section A
PQRQuarterly Rev.Scientific Publ.Polish Acad.Sci.
PRPhysical Review
PR/APhysical Review, Part A, General Physics
PR/BPhysical Review, Part B, Condensed Matter
PR/CPhysical Review, Part C, Nuclear Physics
PR/DPhysical Review, Part D, Particles and Fields
PREProceedings of the Royal Society Edinburgh
PRE/AProc. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Series A
PRLPhysical Review Letters
PRNPhysics Reports
PRSProc. of the Royal Society (London)
PRS/AProc. Royal Society (London), Series A
PSPhysica Scripta
PSPSPlanetary and Space Science
PSSPhysica Status Solidi
PTPhysics Today
PTEPribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta
PTPProgress of Theoretical Physics
PTP/SProgress of Theoretical Physics, Suppl.
PZPhysikalische Zeitschrift
RBFBrasilian Journal of Physics
RCARadiochimica Acta
RERadiation Effects
REAAtomic Energy Review, IAEA
REFReferativnyi Zhurnal, Fizika
RFTReactor and Fuel-Processing Technology
RICRicerca Scientifica
RIZRadioaktivni Izotopi i Zracenja.
RJPRomanian Journal of Physics
RJP/SRomanian Journal of Physics, Supplement
RMRadiation Measurements
RMFRevista Mexicana de Fisica
RMPReview of Modern Physics.
RPARevue de Physique Appliquee
RPCRPCC Newsletter
RPDRadiation Protection Dosimetry
RPPReports on Progress in Physics
RPQRevista Portugesa de Qimica
RRRadiation Research
RRIPRomanian Reports in Physics
RRLRadiochemical and Radioanalytical Letters
RRPRevue Roumaine de Physique
RSARumanian Scientific Abstracts, Natural Sciences
RSETransactions of the Royal Society Edinburgh
RSIReview of Scientific Instruments
RSRReview of Science Research
RSTReactor Science and Technology
SAJSouth African Journal of Science
SAPSouth African Journal of Physics
SCFStudii si Cercetari de Fizica
SCPScient.Papers Inst.Phys.Chem.Res.,Tokyo
SCSScience in China, Series A
SIASurface and Interface Analysis
SJASoviet Atomic Energy
SJA/SSoviet Atomic Energy, Supplement
SJPNSoviet Journal of Particles and Nuclei
SNPSoviet Journal of Nuclear Physics
SPCSoviet Physics-Crystallography
SPDSoviet Physics-Doklady
SPLSoviet Physics - Lebedev Inst.Report
SPSSoviet Physics-Solid State
SPTSoviet Physics-Technical Physics
SPUSoviet Physics-Uspekhi
SRASoviet Radiochemistry
SSCSolid State Communications
TMFTeoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika
TNSThe Nucleus (Lahore)
TRS/APhilosophical Transactions, Series A
TRTUFac. of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. Tech. Report
TUGChalmers Tekniska Hoegskolas Handlingar
UFNUspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk
UFZUkrainskii Fizichnii Zhurnal
UPJUkrainian Physics Journal
UZHVNaukovny Visnyk Uzhgorods'kogo Univ., Ser.Fiz.
VANVestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR
VAT/FVoprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Fiziki
VAT/IVopr.Atomn.Nauki i Tekhn.,Ser.Nucl.Phys.Invest.
VAT/OVoprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Obshch.
VAT/RVoprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Reak.
VAT/YVoprocy Atomn.Nauki i Tekhniki,Ser.Fiz.Yad.Reak.
VBFVestsi Ak.Navuk, Ser.Fiz.En.
VKHUVisnyk Kharkivs'kogo Univ., Ser.Fiz.
VLUVestnik Leningradskogo Univ., Fizika, Khimiya
VMUVestnik Moskovskogo Univ., Seriya Fiz.Astron.
VTYFVoprosy Teoreticheskoy i Yadernoy Fiziki
WULIWuli (Physics)
WZDWiss.Zeitschr.der Univ.Dresden
YFYadernaya Fizika
YFEYaderna Fizika ta Energetika
YKVop. At.Nauki i Tekhn.,Ser.Yadernye Konstanty
YTNYuan Tzu Neng (Atomic Energy)
ZAPZeitschrift fuer Angewandte Physik
ZECZeitschrift fuer Elektrochemie
ZEPZhurnal Eksper. i Teoret. Fiz., Pisma v Redakt.
ZETZhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoret. Fiziki
ZKZ.fuer Kristallographie
ZMMZ.fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
ZMPZeit. fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
ZNZeitschrift fuer Naturforschung
ZN/AZeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Section A
ZN/BZeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Section B
ZNJDZbirnik Nauk. Institutu Yadernikh Doslidzhen
ZPZeitschrift fuer Physik
ZP/AZeitschrift fuer Physik A, Hadrons and Nuclei
ZP/BZeitschrift fuer Physik B, Condensed Matter
ZPCZ. Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig)
ZPFZ. Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt)
ZTFZhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki
Information Sources are organized by name.


Books see below
Code Name Choose Reference(s)
A-AEP-Inst. of Atomic Energy, Beijing, Annual Report
A-ALB-State Univ. of New York at Albany Reports
A-ARK-Univ. of Arkansas Reports
A-BNT-Beijing Nat. Tandem Accel. Lab., Prog. Report
A-CSN-C.S.N.S.M., Orsay Reports
A-INS-Univ.Tokyo,Inst.f.Nucl.Study, Annual Report
A-IPS-Res. Inst. of Phys., Stockholm Annual Rept.
A-JCL-Cyclotron Lab., I.P.C.R., Saitama Reports
A-KTY-Univ.of Kentucky annual report
A-MSU-Michigan State Univ.Cyclotron Lab., annual rept.
A-PAD-Padua Univ. and Lab. Naz. Legnaro annual report
A-RCNP-Res. Centre for Nucl. Phys., Osaka, annual rept.
A-RPI-R.P.I. annual progress report
A-TNL-Triangle Univ. Nuclear Lab. annual report
A-WAU-Univ.of Washington, Seattle, annual report
AAEC/Australian AEC reports
AAEC/AP/PR-Australian AEC Applied Phys.Div. Prog. Report
AAEC/E-Australian AEC Reports
AAEC/PD/PR-Australian AEC Physics Div. Progress Report
AAEC/PR-Australian AEC Progress report
AAEC/TM-Australian AEC Technical Memo
ABO-ANN-Abo Akademi Annual Reports
ACO/UK-Aldermaston Reports
ACRH-Argonne Cancer Res. Hospital Reports
AD-Dept. of Defence Reports
AE-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi,Stockholm/Studsvik Repts
AE-FFN-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm Reports
AE-FN-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm,internal rpt.
AE-RFT-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm/Studsvik rpt.
AEA-TRS-AEA Technol.Winfrith, Thermal Reactor Serv.,rpt.
AEC(NZ)-New Zealand A.E.C. Reports
AEC-TR-Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC translation
AECD-Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC
AECD/Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Reports
AECD/EP-Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Reports
AECD/MISC-Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Progress Report
AECD/TP-Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Reports
AECL-Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Reports
AECU-Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Reports
AEET-Atomic Energy Est. Trombay Reports
AEET-ANAL-Trombay Reports
AEET-NP-Trombay Reports
AEEW-A.E.E.W. Winfrith report series
AEEW-M-A.E.E.W. Winfrith Reports
AEEW-R-A.E.E.W. Winfrith Reports
AERE-A.E.R.E. Harwell report series
AERE-C/R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-I/R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-M-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-N/M-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-N/R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-NP/GENA.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-NP/M-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-NP/R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-PR/NP-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-R/M-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-R/R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-RP/R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-TRANS-A.E.R.E. Harwell translations
AERE-X/PR-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AES-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Studsvik, Reports
AFOSR-Dept. of Defense Reports
AFSWC-Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.
AFSWC-TDR-Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.
AFSWC-TR-Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.
AFSWP-Armed Forces Special Weapons Project Reports
AFWL-Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.
AFWL-TDR-Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.
AFWL-TR-Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.
AHSB(S)R-U.K. AEA Health and Safety Branch Risley Reports
AI-Atomics International Reports
AI-AEC-Atomics International Reports
AIP-Conf.proceedings by Am.Inst.of Phys.
AKO-UK-Aldermaston Internal Report
ALBERTA-Nucl.Res.Centre, U.of Alberta, Edmonton Reports
AN-Aerojet General Nucleonics Reports
ANCR-Aerojet Nuclear Corp. Reports
ANL-Argonne National Laboratory report series
ANL-NDM-Argonne National Laboratory Reports
ANL-TRANS-Argonne National Laboratory, translations
ANU-Australian National Univ., Canberra Reports
ANU-P-Australian National Univ., Canberra Reports
AP/CTR/TM-Argonne Nat. Lab., Appl.Phys.Div., Techn. Memo
APDA-Atomic Power Devel. Assoc., Detroit Reports
APED-General Electric, Atomic Power Equipm.Dept.Repts
APEX-General Electric, Aircraft Nucl.Prop.Dept.Repts.
ARB.BER-Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports
AREAEE-Atomic Energy Establishment Reports
ARF-Armour Research Foundation Reports
ARL-Aerospace Res.Labs,Wright-Patterson A.F.B.Repts.
ASTM-American Soc. of Testing and Materials, reports
ASTM-STP-American Soc. of Testing and Materials Reports
ATOMKI-AR-Atomki Annual Reports
AWRE-A.W.R.E. Aldermaston report series
AWRE-CNR/PRA.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports
AWRE-NR/C-A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports
AWRE-NR/P-A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports
AWRE-O-A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports
BARC-B.A.R.C., Trombay report series
BARC/I-B.A.R.C., Trombay Reports
BAW-Babcock and Wilcox Co. Reports
BCDL-Bull. Centro Dannykh LIYAF, Leningrad-Gatchina
BIPM-Bureau Int. des Poids et Mesures Reports
BLG-Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nucl.,Bruxelles,Rept
BLM-JB-Beschleunigerlab. Univ. Muenchen annual report
BMI-Battelle Memorial Inst. Reports
BMWF-FBK-Bundesmin.f.Wiss.Forschg. Reports
BNL-Brookhaven National Laboratory report series
BNL-C-Brookhaven National Laboratory Reports
BNL-NCS-Brookhaven National Laboratory Reports
BNL-TR-Brookhaven National Laboratory translations
BNWL-Battelle-Northwest report series
BNWL-B-Battelle-Northwest Reports
BNWL-SA-Battelle-Northwest Reports
BNWL-TR-Battelle-Northwest Reports
BR-Cavendish Lab. Reports
BRL-Ballistic Research Labs report series
BRL-MR-Ballistic Research Labs Reports
BRL-R-Ballistic Research Labs Reports
BUP-Bergen Univ. Dept. of Physics Reports
CC-Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports
CCDN-C.C.D.N. Saclay report series
CCDN-CI-C.C.D.N. Saclay Reports
CCDN-NW-C.C.D.N. Saclay Newsletters
CCEN-Comun.do Centro de Energia Nuclear,Recife,Repts.
CDFE-Fotoyadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data
CDFE-IND-Fotoyadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) Index
CDFE-IND2-Photonuclear Data Index (Photofission
CEA-Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires report series
CEA-CONF-Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Conf.reports
CEA-N-Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, note
CEA-R-Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay Reports
CEA-SMNF-Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay Reports
CEC-Centro di Calcolo, CNEN, Bologna Reports
CEN(BG)-C.E.N. Bordeaux-Gradignan Reports
CERN-CERN Europ. Org. for Nuclear Res. Reports
CF-Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports
CISE-Centre Inform. Studi Esp. Reports
CLOR-Biuro Pelnom. Rzadu do Spraw Wykorzyst. En. Jad.
CN-Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports
CNAEM-Cekmece Nuclear Res. and Training Centre Reports
CNEA-Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica report ser.
CNEA-CAB-Centro Atomico Bariloche, internal report
CNEA-CAB-ITCentro Atomico Bariloche, internal report
CNEN-RT/FI-Com.Naz. per l'Energia Nucleare Reports
CNIC-China Nucl. Information Center Reports
CONF-Conference proceedings report series
COO-Chicago Operations Office,A.E.C.,Contract rept.
CP-Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports
CR-*** Code obsolete *** Use AECL-number
CRC-National Research Council Reports
CRNL-AECL Chalk River Reports
CRP-AECL Chalk River Reports
CRRP-AECL Chalk River Reports
CRT-Natn'l Res.Council of Canada, Chalk River Repts
CS-Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports
CSIR-FIS-Council f.Scient.and Indust.Res.,Pretoria,Repts.
CTH-RF-Chalmers Univ. of Technol., Gothenburg Reports
CU(PNPL)-Columbia Univ. progress report
CU-Columbia Univ. report series
CUD-Columbia Univ. report series
CVAC-Vultee Aircraft Corp. Reports
CWR-Curtiss-Wright Corp. Reports
D2-Boeing Aircraft Reports
DASA-Defense Atomic Support Agency Reports
DAV-Crocker Nucl. Lab., U.C. at Davis Reports
DC-General Electric, Aircraft Nucl. Prop. Proj.
DNA-Defense Nuclear Agency Reports
DOE-U.S. Dept.of Energy Reports
DOE-ER-U.S. Dept.of Energy, Fusion Energy Series
DOE-NDC-U.S. D.O.E. Nuclear Data Committee Reports
DP-Du Pont, Savannah River Reports
DP-MS-Du Pont, Savannah River Reports
DUB-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
DUB-E-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
DUB-P-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
EANDC(CAN)-Canadian report to EANDC
EANDC(E)-Report from Euratom-countries + Euratom to EANDC
EANDC(J)-Japanese report to EANDC
EANDC(OR)-Report from misc. OECD Countries to EANDC
EANDC(UK)-U.K. report to EANDC
EANDC(US)-U.S. report to EANDC
EANDC-European-American Nucl. Data Committee Documents
ECN-Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports
ECN-C-Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports
ECN-R-Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports
ECN-RX-Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports
EDF-Electricite de France Reports
EDF-HX-Electricite de France Reports
EFI-Erevanskij Fisicheskij Institut Reports
EIR-Eidg.Inst.Reaktorforsch.Wuerenlingen Reports
ENDF-Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) Reports
ENEA/RT/IN-E.N.E.A., Area Innovazione Reports
ENEA/RT/NU-E.N.E.A., Area Nucleare Reports
ENICO-Exxon Nuclear Idaho Company Reports
EPA-Exp.Physics Inst. Arzamas Reports
EPRI-Electric Power Res. Inst., Palo Alto reports
EPRI-NP-Electric Power Res. Inst., Nuclear Phys. Series
ERDA-U.S. Energy Res. and Development Admin. Reports
ERDA-NDC-U.S. E.R.D.A. Nuclear Data Committee Reports
ESL-Univ. of Texas technical report
EUR-Euratom Reports
FEI-Fiz.-Energ Institut, Obninsk Reports
FIAN-Fiz. Inst. Akad. Nauk Lebedev, Moscow Reports
FIZ-KA-Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe Reports
FOA4-Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4 reports
FOA4-A-Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4A Reports
FOA4-C-Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4C Reports
FOA4-D-Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4D Reports
FRA-TM-FRA Technical Memorandum, Argonne Nat. Lab.
FRM-Forschungs Reactor Muenchen Reports
FRNC-TH-French non CEA Reports
FTI-Fiz-Tech. Inst. Ioffe, Leningrad Reports
FZK-General Dynamics Reports
FZKA-Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports
GA-General Atomic Div. Reports
GACD-General Atomic Div. Reports
GAMD-General Atomic Div. Reports
GEAP-General Electric, California Reports
GEMP-General Electric, Flight Prop. Lab. Reports
GKSS-Ges.Kernen.-Verwertung, Schiffbau and Schiffahrt
GSI-Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung Reports
GSI-J-Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung Reports
GULF-Gulf Radiation Technology report series
GULF-RT-Gulf Radiation Technology Reports
GULF-RT-A-Gulf Radiation Technology Reports
HASL-USAEC Health and Safety Lab, New York Reports
HEDL-TME-Hanford Engineering Development Lab. Reports
HEW(FDA)-Public Health Service, F.D.A. Reports
HH-Hamburg Univ.,Inst.f.Experimentalphysik Reports
HIMAC-Nat.Inst.of Radiological Sciences, HIMAC Reports
HMI-Hahn-Meitner Inst., Berlin report series
HMI-B-Hahn-Meitner Inst., Berlin Reports
HNS-Hazleton-Nuclear Science Co. Reports
HSJ-Inst. of Atomic Energy, Beijing Reports
HW-Hanford Reports
HW-SA-Hanford Reports
IA-Israel AEC Reports
IAE-Inst. Atomnoy Energii, Kurchatov Reports
IAEA-I.A.E.A. technical report, Vienna
IAEA-NDS-Nuclear Data Services (Doc. series of NDS
IAEA-R-I.A.E.A. Research Contract Report
IAEA-SM-I.A.E.A. Symposium Collection -extended synopses
IAEA-TECDOCI.A.E.A. Technical Documents
IAEA/I.A.E.A., Vienna, report series
IAEA/RL-I.A.E.A. Div. of Res. + Labs Reports
IAEA/TA-I.A.E.A. Technical Assistance Reports
IAN-Inst. de Asuntos Nucleares, Bogota, reports
IAN-E-Inst. de Asuntos Nucleares, Bogota Reports
IAN/E-Izvestia Estonian Akad.Nauk, Reports
IBK-Inst. Boris Kidrich Reports
ICD-Bull. Centr po Jadernym Dannym, Obninsk
ICP-Allied Chem. Corp., Idaho Chem. Programs
ICRU-Int.Comm.on Radiation Units and Meas. Reports
IDO-Philips Petrolium Co., Idaho Falls Reports
IEA-Inst. de Energia Atomica, Sao Paulo, Reports
IEA-INF-Inst. de Energia Atomica, Sao Paulo, prog. rept.
IEAV/NT-Inst. de Estudos Avancados, Technical Note
IF-Akad. Nauk Ukrainskaja, Kiev
IFA-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. reports
IFA-CRD-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-DNBR-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-DNR-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-EP-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-FN-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-FR-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-NF-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-NR-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-R-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-RN-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFIN-NR-Inst. de Fiz. si Ing.Nucleara,Bucharest Reports
IFUSP/P-Univ. of Sao Paulo, Inst.of Phys. Reports
IFVE-Inst. Fiz. Vysokikh Energij, Serpukhov Reports
IIT-Illinois Inst.of Technology Reports
IITRI-Illinois Inst.of Technology Reports
IJAI-Inst. Yad. Issledovanii Communications,Kiev
IJAI-P-Inst. Yad. Issledovanii, Kiev Reports
IJE-Inst. of Nucl. Energetics, Bjelorus. Acad. Sci.
IJS-Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, reports
IJS-P-Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports
IJS-R-Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports
IKDA-Inst. f. Kernphysik,Darmstadt Reports
IKE-Stuttgart u. Inst. f. Kernenergetik Reports
IKF-Inst.fuer Kernphysik, Frankfurt Reports
IN-Idaho Nuclear Corp. Reports
INDC(ARG)-Argentine report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(AUL)-Australian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(AUS)-Austrian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(BAN)-Bangladesh report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(BLG)-Belgian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(BLR)-Belorus report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(BOL)-Bolivian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(BUL)-Bulgarian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(BZL)-Brazilian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(CAN)-Canadian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(CCP)-USSR report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(CHL)-Chile report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(CPR)-Chinese report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(CSR)-CSSR report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(CUB)-Cuban report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(EGY)-Egyptian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(EUR)-Comm. of the European Commun. report to I.N.D.C.
INDC(FIN)-Finnish report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(FR)-French report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(GDR)-Germ.Dem.Rep.report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(GER)-Fed.Rep.Germ.report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(HUN)-Hungarian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(IND)-Indian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(IRN)-Iran report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(IRQ)-Iraq report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(ISL)-Israel report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(ITY)-Italian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(JAP)-Japanese report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(JPN)-Japanese report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(KOR)-Korean report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(MOR)-Morocco report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(NDS)-IAEA Nucl.Data Section report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(NDU)-IAEA Nucl.Data Section report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(NED)-Netherlands report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(NOR)-Norwegian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(PAK)-Pakistan report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(POL)-Polish report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(ROM)-Romanian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(RUM)-Romanian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(SAF)-South-African report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(SEC)-I.N.D.C. Secretariat Report Series
INDC(SLK)-Slovakian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(SLN)-Slovenian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(SUD)-Sudanese report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(SWD)-Swedish report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(TAI)-Thailand report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(TUR)-Turkish report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(UK)-U.K. report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(UKR)-Ukrainian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(USA)-U.S. report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(VN)-Vietnam report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC(YUG)-Yugoslavian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDC-International Nucl. Data Committee report series
INDSWG-Int. Nuclear Data Sci. Working Group Reports
INER-Inst. of Nucl.Energy Research Reports
INFN/BE-Inst. Naz. Fisica Nucleare Reports
INIS-MF-INIS microfiche
INP-Inst. Fiz. Jadr. (Nucl.Phys.), Krakow Reports
INR-Inst.Badan Jadr.(Nucl.Res.),Swierk+Warsaw,Repts
INR-FIA-Inst. Badan Jadr., Swierk+Warsaw Reports
INS-Inst.of Nuclear Sciences, Progress Reports
INS-J-Univ.Tokyo, Inst.for Nucl.Study, Reports
INTEL-RT-Intelcom Radiation Technology Reports
INTELRT-Intelcom Radiation Technology reports
IPEN-Inst.de Pesquisas Energ.e Nucl.,Sao Paulo,Repts
IPF-SP-Inst.de Phys., U. de Fribourg, Physics Series
IPNO-Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Orsay reports
IPNO-PHN-Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Orsay Progress Report
IPNO-RC-Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Orsay Reports
IPNO-TH-Inst. de Physique Nucleaire Orsay thesis
IPPCZ-Czechoslovak A.S. Plasma Physics Reports, Prague
IRK-PR-Inst. f. Radiumforschung Progress Report
IRMM-Inst. of Ref.Materials and Meas. Repts., Geel
IRMM-R-Inst. of Ref.Materials and Meas. Repts., Geel
IRNE-Inst. Nuclear Power Reactors Reports
IRT-Intelcom Radiation Technology Reports
IS-Iowa State Univ. Reports
IS-T-Iowa State Univ., thesis
IS/P-Brookhaven National Laboratory Reports
ISINN-Int.Sem.on Interactions of Neutrons with Nuclei
ISN-U. de Grenoble, Inst. des Sciences Nucl. reports
ISN-TS-U. de Grenoble, Inst. des Sciences Nucl. reports
ISTC-Internat.Science and Technology Center, Reports
ITE-Inst. Teoret. i Experiment. Fiziki, Moscow Repts
ITEF-Inst. Teoret. i Experiment. Fiziki, Moscow Repts
IYFK-P-Inst. Nucl.Phys., Alma-Ata, preprints
JAEA-C-JAEA Conference proceedings
JAERI-C-JAERI Conference proceedings
JAERI-D-JAERI Data collection / Computer code reports
JAERI-R-JAERI Research Reports
JEN-Junta de Energia Nuclear Reports
JENER-Joint Establ. Nucl. Res., Kjeller Reports
JIA-Inst. Nucl. Res., Russian Acad. Sci. Preprint
JINR-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna, reports
JINR-D-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-D15-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-D3-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-D6-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-D7-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-E-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-E1-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-E15-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-E3-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-E4-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-E7-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P1-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P10-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P11-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P12-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P13-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P14-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P15-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P2-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P3-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P4-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P6-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P7-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JU-RR-Univ. of Jyvaeskylae, Dept.of Physics Reports
JUEL-Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich, report series
JUEL-SPEZ-Kernforschungsanlage Juelich, Progress Report
KAERI/GP-Korean Atomic Energy Research Inst. Reports
KAPL-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. report series
KAPL-M-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports
KAPL-M-ECH-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports
KAPL-M-EFC-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports
KAPL-M-JBN-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports
KAPL-P-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports
KAPL/CSNL-Knolls At. Power Lab. Cross-Section Newsletter
KDK-Swedish Nuclear Data Committee Reports
KFK-Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports
KFK-EXT-Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports
KFK-TR-Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe translation ser.
KFKI-Central Research Inst. of Physics Reports
KFKI-YB-KFKI Yearbook (progress-report
KHFTI-Ukrainsk. Fiz. Tekhn. Inst. Reports
KIYAI-Inst. Yad. Issledovanii, Kiev Reports
KR-Inst. for Atomenergi, Kjeller Reports
KURRI-Kyoto Univ.,Res.Reactor Inst., Reports
KURRI-AR-Kyoto Univ.,Res.Reactor Inst., Annual Report
KURRI-TR-Kyoto-Univ.,Res.Reactor Inst., Tech. Report
LA-Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports
LA-DC-Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports
LA-TR-Los Alamos Scientific Lab. translations
LA-UR-Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports
LADC-Los Alamos Scientific lab. Reports
LAFI-Inst. Fiziki Latvijskoi Akad. Sci., Riga Reports
LAMS-Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports
LAP-Calif. Inst. of Technology Lemon Aid Preprints
LBL-Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Reports
LFF-Swedish Reports
LIB/TRAN-Australia Translation
LIB/TRANS-Australia Translation
LIJAF-Leningrad Inst. Nucl. Phys. Reports
LMSC-Lockheed Aircraft Co. Reports
LMSD-Lockheed Aircraft Co. Reports
LNS-Inst. Rudjer Boskovic Reports
LPC-Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire Reports
LPC-T-Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire thesis
LPN-UM-Univ. of Montreal Reports
LR-Inst. Investigacion Aeronautica y Esp, Reports
LRL-Calif. Research and Development Co. Reports
LS-Soreq Nuclear Research Center Reports
LU-NP-Lund Univ. Reports
LUNF-D6-Lund Univ., Nuclear Physics Series
LYCEN-Univ. of Lyon Reports
MAINZ-Mainz Univ. Reports
MC-Nat'l Res.Council of Canada, Montreal Labs Repts
MDDC-Manhatten District Reports
MF-Junta Energia Nuclear, Madrid Reports
MIF-Moscow Inst. of Engineering Physics Reports
MIT-Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Reports
MIT-LNS-PR-M.I.T. Lab. of Nucl.Science progress report
MIT-REP-Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Reports
MIT-TR-Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Reports
MITNE-M.I.T. Dept.of Nuclear Engineering Reports
MLM-Mound Lab., Miamisburg Reports
MNC-Maryland Univ., Dept. of Nuclear Chem. Reports
MOH-Univ. Mohammed V, Rabat, Annual Report
MON-N-Chemistry Division Reports
MR-A-Vultee Aircraft Corp., Ft.Worth Reports
MSU-INP-Moscow State Univ.Inst.of Nucl.Phys.Reports
MTR-L-Idaho Nuclear Corp. Reports
N-N.A.S.A. Reports
N70-*** Code obsolete *** Write N-70-
NAA-North American Aviation report series
NAA-SR-North American Aviation Reports
NAA-SR-M-North American Aviation Reports
NAA-SR-MEMONorth American Aviation Reports
NAA-SR-TDR-North American Aviation Reports
NARF-Nuclear Aerospace Research Facility Reports
NAS-NRC-Nat. Acad. of Sci., Nat. Res. Council Reports
NASA-N.A.S.A. Reports, TM = Technical Memo,
NASA-TM-N.A.S.A. Technical Memo
NASA-TN-N.A.S.A. Technical Note
NASA-TN-D-N.A.S.A. Technical Note
NASA-TP-N.A.S.A. Technical Paper
NBS-MONO-National Bureau of Standards Monograph
NCSAC-U.S.AEC Nucl.Cross Sections Advisory Comm. Repts
NDA-United Nuclear Corp. Reports
NDA-MEMO-United Nuclear Corp. Reports
NDA-PHYS-United Nuclear Corp. Reports
NDL-TR-U.S. Army Chem.Corps. Nuclear Def. Lab. Reports
NEA-NSC-NEA Nuclear Science Committee Reports
NEANDC(CAN)Canadian report to NEANDC
NEANDC(E)-Report from CEC-Countries and CEC to NEANDC
NEANDC(J)-Japanese report to NEANDC
NEANDC(OR)-Report from misc. OECD countries to NEANDC
NEANDC(UK)-U.K. report to NEANDC
NEANDC(US)-U.S. report to NEANDC
NEANDC-Nucl. En. Agency Nucl. Data Committee reports
NEDO-General Electric, At.Power Equipm. Dept.
NETU-Tohoku Univ., Dept.of Nucl.Engineering Reports
NFL-Studsvik Science Res. Lab. Reports
NIIAR-Inst. Atomnykh Reaktorov, Melekess Reports
NIIAR-P1-Inst. Atomnykh Reaktorov, Melekess Reports
NIJS-Inst. Josef Stefan, Ljubljana, report series
NIJS-P-Inst. Josef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports
NIJS-R-Inst. Josef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports
NISTIR-N.I.S.T. Report Series
NP-Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Reports
NP-TR-Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC translations
NPL-U. Colorado, Nucl.Phys.Lab., Techn. Prog. Rept.
NR/P-U.K.AEA Weapons Group,A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Rept.
NRCC-Nat'l Res.Council of Canada, Ottawa Reports
NRCN-Beersheva Nuclear Res. Center Negev Reports
NRDC-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
NRITB-Nuclear Res. Inst., Tuwaitha, Baghdad, reports
NRITB-PH-Nuclear Res. Inst., Tuwaitha, Baghdad, Reports
NRL-Naval Research Lab. Reports
NRPB-National Radiol. Prot. Board Reports
NRPB-M-National Radiol. Prot. Board Reports
NRPB-R-National Radiol. Prot. Board Reports
NST-Inst.of Nucl.Sci.and Technol.,Sichuan U. Reports
NUCL-EX-Cornell University Web Reports
NUREG/CP-Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reports
NYO-New York Operations Office Reports
NYO-GEN-Columbia Univ. Reports
NYO-GEN72-New York Operations Office Reports
OAP-Calif. Inst. of Technology Orange Aid Preprints
OKTAV-A-Osaka Univ., OKTAVIAN Reports
OKTAV-C-Osaka Univ., OKTAVIAN Reports
ORNL-Oak Ridge National Lab. Reports
ORNL-CF-Oak Ridge National Lab. Central File Memo
ORNL-P-Oak Ridge National Lab. preprint
ORNL-TM-Oak Ridge National Lab. technical memo
ORNL-TR-Oak Ridge National Lab. translation
ORO-Oak Ridge Operations Office, contract report
P3-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
PAN-Polish Academy of Sciences Reports
PEL-Atomic Energy Board, Pelindaba Reports
PINST-Pakistan Inst. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Reports
PINST-NPD-Pakistan Inst.Nuc.Sci.Tech.,Nucl.Phys.Div.Repts
PINST-RT-Pakistan Inst. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Reports
PNE-U.S. AEC, Peaceful Nuclear Explosions series
PNR-Cadarache Reports
PNR/SETR-Cadarache Reports
PNR/SETR-R-Cadarache Reports
PPAR-Princeton Pennsylvania Accelerator Reports
PR-CM-AECL Chalk River Reports
PR-CMA-AECL Chalk River Reports
PR-P-AECL Reports
PSB-BER-Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe preprint
PTB-P.T.B., Braunschweig, reports
PTB-FMRB-P.T.B., Braunschweig Reports
PTB-N-Phys.Techn.Bundesanst., Neutronenphysik Reports
PTR-Phillips Petrolium Co., Idaho Falls Reports
PTUM-E-Techn. Univ. Muenchen Reports
PUC-Princeton, Palmer Physics Lab. Reports
PWAC-Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Div. Reports
RCN-Reactor Cent. Nederland, Petten Reports
RD/B/M-Central Electricity Generating Board Reports
RD/B/N-Central Electricity Generating Board Reports
RFA-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm Reports
RFP-Dow Chemical Company, Rocky Flats Div. Reports
RFP-TRANS-Dow Chemical Comp., Rocky Flats, translations
RFR-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm Reports
RI-Khlopin Radiev. Inst., Leningrad Reports
RISO-RISO Research Institute report series
RISO-M-RISO Research Institute Reports
RL-Lawrence Radiation Lab., Berkeley Reports
RLO-U.S. AEC Reports
RPC-Radioplane Co., Van Nuys, California Reports
RPCC-Reactor Physics Constants Center Newsletter
RPI-Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Reports
RPI-PR-R.P.I. progress report
RRC-Reactor Research Center Kalpakkam Reports
RT/FI-Comitate Nazionale per l'En. Nuc. Fiz. Reports
RT/FIMA-Comitate Nazionale per l'En.Nuc.Fiz.Mat.Repts.
RT/TIB-ENEA Dipart.Technol.Interessettor.di Base Repts
S-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm, prog. rept.
SAR-G-C.E.A. Grenoble Reports
SC-Sandia Corp., Albuquerque, report series
SC-R-Sandia Corp., Albuquerque Reports
SC-RR-Sandia Corp., Albuquerque Reports
SCR-Sandia Corp. Reports
SFL-A-Sateilyfysiikan Laitos-Radiofys. Inst. Reports
SGAE-Oesterr. Studienges. f. Atomenergie reports
SGAE-PH-Oesterr.Studienges.f.Atomen.,Physikinst., Repts
SIB-Inst. Jad. Fiz., Novosibirsk Reports
STI/DOC/10-I.A.E.A. Technical Document Series
STI/PUB-I.A.E.A. Publications
STI/PUB/15-I.A.E.A. Review Series (1959-1962
STI/PUB/21-I.A.E.A. Bibliographical Series
STUDSVIK-Studsvik Science Res. Lab. Reports
SUI-Iowa State Univ. Reports
SUNI-Southern Universities Nuclear Inst. Reports
TC-Hanford Engineering Development Lab. Reports
TDS-AECL Nucl.Power Plant Div. Reports
THAI-AEC-Atomic Energy for Peace, Bangkok Reports
TI-Atomics Int., N. American Rockwell, Tech. Inf.
TID-Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Reports
TLU-Uppsala Univ. Tandem Lab. Reports
TMO-Inst.Teplo-Massoobmena Bjeloruss.Acad.Sci.Repts
TNC-Texas Nuclear Corp. Reports
TNCC(CAN)-Tripartite Nucl. Cross Sections Comm. Reports
TNCC(UK)-Tripartite Nucl. Cross Sections Comm. Reports
TNCC(US)-Tripartite Nucl Cross Sections Comm. Reports
TNCC-Tripartite Nucl. Cross Sections Comm. Reports
TNSD-P-Technion Nuclear Science Dept. Reports
TNSD-R-Technion Nuclear Science Dept. Reports
TU-Technische Univ. Dresden, Reports
TUNL-Triangle Univ. Nuclear Lab. annual report
U/KTY-University of Kentucky Reports
UARAEE-Atomic Energy Establishment Reports
UCAR-U.C., Lawrence Livermore Lab., Reports
UCD-CNL-Crocker Nucl. Lab., U.C. at Davis, prog.rep.
UCID-U.C., Lawrence Rad.Lab., Reports
UCOL-P-Colorado Univ. Reports
UCRL-U.C., Lawrence Rad.Lab. (Berkeley and Livermore
UCRL-ID-U.C., Lawrence Rad.Lab. (Berkeley and Livermore
UCRL-TR-U.C., Lawrence Radiation Lab. translation series
UCRL-TRANS-U.C., Lawrence Radiation Lab. translation
UFT-Ukrainskij Fiz. Tech. Inst. Reports
UILU-ENG-Univ.of Illinois, Dept. of Engin. progress rept.
UJF-Ustav Jad. Fyziky (Inst.Nucl.Phys.) Reports
UJV-Ustav Jad. Vyzkumu (Inst Nucl res), Reports
UK/C-AECL Reports
UKNDC-Progress report from U.K. Nuclear Data Comm.
UKNDC-P-Progress report from U.K.N.D.C.
UMO-University Microfilms Order Number
UNC-United Nuclear Corp. Reports
UNIV-MI-University of Michigan Reports
UPP-Uppsala Univ. Annual Report
UR-Univ. of Rochester Reports
USNDC-Report to the U.S. Nuclear Data Comm.
USNRDL-Naval Radiological Def. Lab. Reports
USNRDL-TR-Naval Radiological Def. Lab. Reports
UU-NP-Uppsala Univ., Neutron Physics Lab. Reports
UWFDM-Univ.Wisconsin Fusion Engineering Program Repts
UZB-P-Inst.of Nucl.Phys., Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Repts
WADC-Wright Air Devel. Centre report series
WADC-TN-Wright Air Devel. Centre Reports
WADC-TR-Wright Air Devel. Centre Reports
WADD-TR-Wright Air Devel. Centre Reports
WANL-Westinghouse Astro-Nuclear Lab. reports
WANL-TME-Westinghouse Astro-Nuclear Lab. Reports
WAPD-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) reports
WAPD-BT-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports
WAPD-T-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports
WAPD-TM-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports
WAPD-TRANS-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports
WARD-Westinghouse Advanced Reactors Division Reports
WASH-Washington AEC Office Reports
WCAP-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Pittsburgh) Repts
WL-TR-General Dynamics, Fort Worth, Techn. Reports
XDC-General Electric Corp., Cincinnati Reports
YFI-Yaderno-Fizicheskie Issledovaniya Reports
YK-Yadernye Konstanty
ZAED-M-Zentralstelle fuer Atomkernenergie-Dokum.
ZFK-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports
ZFK-DOS-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports
ZFK-PHA-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports
ZFK-RCH-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports
ZFK-RN-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports
ZFK-TPH-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports
ZFK-WF-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports
Information Sources are organized by name.


Code Name Choose Reference(s)
2000PITTSBPHYSOR 2000, Pittsburgh, PA, 2000
2000STPETRConf.Nucl.Spectr.Nucl.Struct.,St.Petersbg.,June 2000
2001BERKELNucl.Physics in the 21st Cent.,Berkeley, CA,USA,2001
2001CASTAPDyn.Aspects of Nucl.Fiss.,Casta-Papiernicka 2001
2001DUBNAInteraction of Neutrons with Nuclei, Dubna 2001
2001SARATWorkshop on Beam Dynamics and Optimiz, Saratov 2001
2001SAROVConf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Sarov, Russia,2001
2001TSUKUBConf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Tsukuba 2001
2002BERKELConf. on Frontier of Nuclear Physics, Berkeley 2002
2002DUBNAInt.Sem.Interaction of Neutrons w.Nuclei,Moscow,2002
2002PRUHONSymp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Pruhonice, 2002
2002SANIBFission,Prop.of Neutron-Rich Nucl.,Sanibel,USA,2002
2002SANTAMeeting on Radiation Shielding,Santa Fe,NM,USA, 2002
2002SEOULPHYSOR 2002, Physics of Reactors, Seoul, Korea, 2002
2003DARMSTWorksh.Nucl.Data for Transmutation, Darmstadt, 2003
2003HABAYSem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2003
2003SDIEGOInt.Meet.on Nucl.Appl.of Accel.Tech., San Diego 2003
2004ARGONConf.on Nuclei at the Limits, Argonne, July 2004
2004BORMIOInt.Meeting on Nucl.Physics, Bormio, Italy, 2004
2004EURADConf.Manag.and Disposal of Rad.Waste,Luxembourg 2004
2004SANTAConf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Santa Fe 2004
2005BRUSSInt.Conf.on Isotopes (5ICI), Brussels, April 2005
2005KOSFrontiers in Nucl.Structure,Kos,Greece,Sept.2005
2005NOTREDSymp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Notre Dame 2005
2005PAVIANucl.Phys.Divisional Conf., Pavia, Italy, Sept.2005
2005SANTAInt.Collab.on Adv.Neutron Sources,Santa Fe,April 2005
2005SEVILLInt.Conf.on Ion Beam Analysis, Sevilla, 2005
2006BOROVEWorkshop Neutron Meas., Eval.& Appl., Borovets, 2006
2006CERN9.Int.Symp.Nuclei in the Cosmos, CERN, Geneva, 2006
2006MANGALNucl.data f.adv.nucl.systems, Mangalore, India, 2006
2006VANCOUAdvances in Nucl.Analysis and Simul.,Vancouver 2006
2007NICEConf.on Nucl.Data for Sci. and Technology, Nice 2007
2007TOKAISymp.on Nuclear Data, Tokai, Japan, Jan. 2007
55ANSNuclear Sci.and Engineering Congress, Cleveland 1955
55GENEVA1st UN Conf.Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, Geneva 1955
55MOSCOWUSSR Conf. Peaceful Uses of At. En., Moscow 1955
56AMSTERDMConf. on Nuclear Reactions., Amsterdam 1956
56BNLResonance Absorption Conf., Brookhaven 1956
56KIEVKiev Conf., Kiev 1956
57ANSAmerican Nuclear Society Meeting, New York 1957
57COLUMBIAColumbia Conf., New York 1957
57PARISRadioisotopes in Scient.Res., UNESCO, Paris 1957
58BERKELEYApplication of Pulsed Neutron Source Techniques Symp.
58GENEVASecond Internat. At.En. Conf., Geneva 1958
58PARISNucl. Phys. Congress, Paris 1958
59ANLPhysics of Breeding Conf
59CALCUTTALow Energy Nuclear Physics Symp., Calcutta 1959
59LONDONConf.Nucl.Forces and Few-Nucleon Probl.,London 1959
59TASHKENTPeaceful Uses of At. En. Conf., Tashkent 1959
59VIENNAPanel on Heavy Water Lattices, Vienna 1959
60BASELConf.on Polariz.Phenom.in Nucl.React.,Basel 1960
60KINGSTONNuclear Structure Conf., Kingston 1960
60LONDONConf.Nucl.Forces and Few-Nucleon Probl.,London 1959
60SVIENNARadiation Dosimetry Symp., Vienna, 1960
60VIENNAPile Neutron Research Symp., Vienna 1960
60WALTAIRLow Energy Nuclear Physics Symp., Waltair 1960
60WIENNeutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Vienna 1960
61BOMBAYNuclear Physics Symp., Bombay 1961
61BRUSSELSNeutron Time-of-Flight Colloquium, Brussels 1961
61BUCHARResearch Reactors Conf., Bucuresti,1961
61DUBNASlow Neutron Physics Conf., Dubna 1961
61MANCHRutherford Conf., Manchester 1961
61RPINeutron Physics Symp., Rensselaer Polytech 1961
61SACLAYTime of Flight Methods Conf., Saclay 1961
61VIENNAReactor Physics Sem., Vienna 1961
61WIENProgramming and Utiliz.of Res.Reactors Symp.Wien,1961
62BNLNeutron Thermalization Conf., Brookhaven 1962
62CHALKRNeutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Chalk River 1962
62HARWELLNeutron Dosimetry Symp., Harwell 1962
62LOSANGRadiation Effects Symp., Los Angeles 1962
62MADRASNuclear Physics Symp., Madras 1962
62MEXICOPeaceful Appl.of Nucl.En.Symp., Mexico City 1962
62PADUANucl. Reaction Mechanisms Conf., Padua 1962
62TRIESTETheoretical Physics Lectures, Trieste 1962
62WIENLight Water Lattices Panel, Vienna 1962
63ADAMExpon. and Critical Expts.Symp., Amsterdam 1963
63ANLNucl.Physics with Reactor Neutrons Conf.,Argonne 1963
63BOMBAYNucl.and Sol.State Physics Symp., Bombay 1963
63GATLNBConf.on Compound Nuclear States,Gatlinburg 1963
63HOUSTONFast Neutron Physics Conf., Houston 1963
63KRLSRHNeutron Physics Conf., Karlsruhe 1963
63MANCHSTNuclear Physics Conf., Manchester 1963
63OXFORDNeutron Flux Detection Symp., Oxford 1963
63SPAULOResearch Reactor Utilisation Symp., Sao Paulo 1963
64ATHENSCrystal Diffraction of Nucl.Gamma Rays, Athens,1964
64BOMBAYNeutron Inelastic Scatt.Symp., Bombay 1964
64CHANDGRHNuclear and Solid State Phys.Symp., Chandigarh 1964
64DUBNANeutron Interactions Conf., Dubna 1964
64GENEVAThird Internat. At.En. Conf., Geneva 1964
64PARISNuclear Physics Congress, Paris 1964
64VIENNAPlutonium for Power Production Panel, Vienna, 1964
64WIENIn-Pile Dosimetry Panel, Vienna, 1964
65ANTWERPNuclear Structure Conf., Antwerp 1965
65CALCUTTANuclear and Solid State Phys.Symp., Calcutta 1965
65IAEAAccident Dosimetry Symp., Vienna 1965
65KFKPolarization Symp., Karlsruhe 1965
65KRLSRHPulsed Neutron Symp., Karlsruhe 1965
65MINSKNuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Minsk 1965
65SALZBURGPhysics and Chemistry of Fission Conf., Salzburg 1965
66ANLFast Critical Experiments Conf., Argonne 1966
66ARGONNECapture-Gamma Spectroscopy Conf, Argonne, 1966
66BERKELEYRadiation Measurements Conf., Berkeley 1966
66BOMBAYNuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1966
66DUBNANuclear Pulsed Systems Panel, Dubna 1966
66GATLNBGInt.Conf.on Nuclear Physics, Gatlinburg, 1966
66LYONLight Nuclei Colloquium, Lyon, 1966
66MOSCOWNuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Moscow 1966
66OXFORDConf.on Nucl.Struct.and Elem.Part.,Oxford 1966
66PARISNuclear Data For Reactors Conf., Paris 1966
66ROMEMeasurements in Power Reactors Sem., Rome 1966
66ROSSDFNucl. Reactions and Structure Conf., Rossendorf 1966
66SDIEGOReactor Physics Conf., San Diego 1966
66TRIESTEFundamentals in Nuclear Theory Lectures, Trieste 1966
66VIENNASymp.on Standardization of Radionuclides,Vienna 1966
66WASHNeutron Cross-Section Techn. Conf., Washington 1966
67ANNARBNeutron Thermalization Symp. Ann Arbor, Mich, 1967
67BORDEAUXNuclear Physics Colloquium, Bordeaux 1967
67BRELALight Nuclei Symp., Brela 1967
67BRUSSELSSymp.on Plutonium as a Reactor Fuel, Brussels 1967
67BRXLNeutron Cross-Sections Standards Panel, Brussels 1967
67COLLEGNucl.Phys.Res. w.Low Energy Accel., U.Maryland 1967
67GNSVLLENucleon-Nucleon Interaction Conf., Gainsville 1967
67JUELICHNeutron Physics at Reactors Conf., Juelich 1967
67KANPURNucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Kanpur 1967
67KARLSRSymp.on Fast Reactor Physics,Karlsruhe 1967
67KHARKOVNucl. Spectroscopy and Structure Conf., Kharkov 1967
67KRAKOWNuclear Spectroscopy Sem., Krakow 1967
67LUBLINPolish Physics Congress, Lublin 1967
67MARYLDSymp.on Nucl.Phys.Res.w.Low En.Accel., Maryland 1967
67MCHGNeutron Thermalization Symp. Ann Arbor, Mich, 1967
67ROSSecond Nucl.Reactions+Structure Conf.Rossendorf 1967
67SCHFFHSNSwiss Physical Soc. Meeting, Schaffhausen 1967
67TOKAIUtilization of Research Reactors Meeting,Tokai,1967
67TOKYONuclear Structure Conf., Tokyo 1967
67VIENNAPanel on Delayed Fission Neutrons, Vienna 1967
67WIENPanel on Fuel Burn-Up Predictions,Vienna 1967
68BOMBAYNucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1968
68COPENHGNNeutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Copenhagen 1968
68DEBRECENElectron Capture in Nucl. Decays Conf.,Debrecen,1968
68DUBNANuclear Data for Computations Sem., Dubna 1968
68DUBPANuclear Structure Studies Panel, Dubna 1968
68DUBSYSymp.on Nuclear Structure, Dubna, USSR, 4-11 Jul 1968
68JINRNuclear Structure Studies Panel, Dubna 1968
68MADRASNucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Madras 1968
68RIGANucl. Spectroscopy and Structure Conf., Riga 1968
68WASHNuclear Cross-Sections Techn. Conf., Washington 1968
69BOCHUMClustering Phenomena Conf., Bochum,Germany,1969
69CHANDChemistry Symp., Chandigarh 1969
69EREVANNuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Erevan 1969
69HOUSTONWelch Found.Conf.on Chem.Res.,Houston,1969,Vol.13
69KINSHASAPeaceful Uses of At.Energy in Africa,Kinshasa,1969
69LONDONPhysics of Fast Reac.Oper.+ Design,Conf.,London 1969
69MONTRLConf.on Properties of Nuclear States,Montreal,1969
69RIONuclear Physics Symp., Rio de Janeiro 1969
69ROORKEENucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Roorkee 1969
69STUDSVIKNeutron Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy,Studsvik,1969
69TRIESTETrieste Lectures 1969
69VIENNAPhysics and Chemistry of Fission Symp., Vienna 1969
69WIENInstrumentation for Neut.Inelast.Scat.Res.,Vienna1969
70ANLNeutron Standards Symp., Argonne 1970
70BARCEL7.Int.Conf.on Corpuscular Photography, Barcelona 1970
70CHICAGOAPS Meeting Chicago 1970
70HELSINKINuclear Data for Reactors Conf., Helsinki 1970
70LENINGNucl.Spectroscopy Conf.,Leningrad 1970
70LVEGANS Nucl.Expl.Symp.,Las Vegas 1970
70MADISONPolarization Phenomena Conf., Madison 1970
70MADRASChemistry Symp., ITT, Madras 1970
70MADURAINucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Madurai 1970
70MARBG7.Int.Conf.on Electrom.Isotope Separatn, Marburg 1970
70PARISReactor Shielding Specialist Meeting, Paris, 1970
70SFEPlutonium 1970 Symp. Santa Fe 1970
71ALBANYConf.on Statistical Properties of Nuclei,Albany,1971
71BUDAPESTSymp.on The Nuclear 3-Body Problem, Budapest 1971
71CANTChemical Nucl. Data Conf.,Canterbury 1971
71KIEVNeutron Physics Conf., Kiev 1971
71KNOX3rd Conf.Neutron Cross-Sections+Tech.,Knoxville 1971
71MOCKBANeutron Metrology Conf, Moskva 1971
71MOSCOWNuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Moscow 1971
71VIENNAPrompt Fission Neutron Spectra Meeting, Vienna 1971
72ALUSHTANucl.Structure Lectures, Alushta 1972
72BOMBAY14.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp, Bombay 1972
72BUDNucl.Structure Conf.,Budapest 1972
72CHANDG15.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp. Chandigarh 1972
72DENVER18.Conf.on Magnetism and Magnetic Mat.,Denver 1972
72GRENOBLENeutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Grenoble 1972
72KIAMESHAConf.on Developm.in Reactor Phys.,Kiamesha Lake 1972
72KIEV22. Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf, Kiev 1972
72LANZHConf.on Low Energy Nucl.Phys.,Lanzhou,1972
72LOSANGConf. on Few-Particle Problems, Los Angeles 1972
72NEUHER1.Symp.on Neutron Dosimetry,Munich-Neuherberg,May1972
72PARIS4.Int.Reactor Shielding Conf., Paris 1972
72PREDEALSummer School Nucl.Data and React.Phys.,Predeal 1972
72SENDAIConf.Nucl.Structure Studies, Sendai, Japan, 1972
72VIENNAPanel on Neutron Standard Reference Data,Vienna,1972
73BANGLO16.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp.,Bangalore,1973
73BOLOGNAIAEA Panel on Fission-Product Nuclear Data
73BOSTON19.Conf.on Magnetism and Magnetic Mat.,Boston 1973
73DUBNA13. Nuclear Spectroscopy Symp., Dubna 1973
73GAUSSIG3.Sem.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1973
73KARLSRCapture Cross-Sections Panel, Karlsruhe 1973
73KIEV2.Conf.on Neutron Physics, Kiev 1973
73MUNICHInt.Conf.on Nuclear Physics,Munich 1973
73PACIFIInt.Conf.on Photonucl.Reactions,Pacific Grove 1973
73PARISApplications of Nuclear Data Symp., Paris 1973
73PETTENNuclear Physics Symp., Petten 1973
73ROCH3.Physics+Chemistry of Fission Symp., Rochester 1973
73TBILISI23. Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Tbilisi 1973
73TOKAIMeeting on Fast Reactor Physics, Tokai 1973
73TRIESTInt.Extend.Sem.on Nucl.Physics,Trieste 1973
74AMSTERConf.on Nucl.Struct.and Spectroscopy,Amsterdam 1974
74BOMBAY17.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp.,Bombay 1974
74CALCUTInt.Symp.on Radiation Physics, Calcutta 1974
74COLUMB2.Conf.on Nucl.Meth.in Envir.Res.,Columbia 1974
74DACCAPhysics Symp., Dhaka,18-21 Nov.1974
74GAUSSIG5.Sem.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1974
74KHARKOV24.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Kharkov 1974
74KHARKV24.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Kharkov 1974
74NASHInt.Conf.on React.Betw.Complex Nuclei,Nashville 1974
74PETTEN2.Symp.on Neutr.Capt.Gamma Ray Spectrosc.,Petten 1974
74SHANGHConf.on Nucl.Physics,Shanghai 1974
74SMOLENInt.Symp.on Neutron Induced Reactions,Smolenice 1974
75CALCUTTA18.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp.,Calcutta,1975
75DEBRECSymp.on Fast Neutr.Interactions,Debrecen 1975
75DELHI7.Conf.on Few-Body Problems,Delhi Dec.1975/Jan.1976
75GAUSSIG5.Sem.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1975
75GOTHENConf.in Physics,Gothenburg,10-12 Jun 1975
75HARWELLEurophysics Conf.on Nucl.Interactions, Harwell 1975
75KARLSRSeminar on Aspects of Cf-252,Karlsruhe 1975
75KIEV3.All Union Conf.on Neutron Phys.,Kiev,9-13 Jun 1975
75LENING25.Conf.on Nucl.Spect.and Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1975
75MRYLND2.Conf.on Clustering Phen.in Nuclei,Maryland 1975
75WASHConf.on Nucl.Cross-Sect.and Techn.,Washington 1975
75ZUERI7.Int.Conf.on Cyclotrons,Zuerich 1975
75ZURICH4.Int.Symp.on Polarization Phen.,Zuerich 1975
76AHMEDABA19.Nucl.Phys.Solid State Phys.Symp.,Ahmedabad,1976
76ANLMeet.Fast Neutr.Cross Sect.of U and Pu,Argonne 1976
76ANL-2Symp.on Macrosc.React.of Heavy Ion Coll.,Argonne 1976
76BAKUConf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Baku 1976
76BOMBAYSymp.on Reactor Physics, Bombay, 1-3 Mar 1976
76CAENEuropean Conf.on Nucl.Phys.with Heavy Ions,Caen 1976
76CORSICA3.Int.Conf.on Nuclei Far from Stability,Cargese,1976
76GARMIS9th Symp. on Fusion Technology, Garmisch 1976
76LOWELLInt.Conf.on Interact.of Neutr.with Nuclei,Lowell 1976
76NEUHER9.Conf.Solid State Nucl.Track Detect.,Neuherberg 1976
76RIGASchool on Neutron Metrology, Riga, 22 Nov-3 Dec 1976
77BNLSymp.on Neutr.Cross-Sect. 10 - 40 Mev,Brookhaven 1977
77BNL-2Meeting on Accelerator Breeding,Brookhaven 1977
77GEELMeet.on Neutr.Data of Struct.Mat.,Geel 1977
77KIEV4.All Union Conf.on Neutron Phys.,Kiev,18-22 Apr 1977
77MANNHEReaktortagung 1977, Mannheim, Germany, Mar 1977
77NBSSymp.on Neutron Standards,Gaithersburg 1977
77PARISMeeting on Natural Fission Reactors,Paris 1977
77PUNE20.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Poona 1977
77TASHKENT27.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Tashkent 1977
77TENNConf.on Heavy Ion Collisions,Falls Creek,Tenn. 1977
77TOKYOInt.Conf.on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, 5-10 Sep 1977
77VIENNASymp.on Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vienna 1977
78ALMAATA28.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Alma-Ata 1978
78ALUSHTA3.Int.School on Neutron Physics, Alushta 1978
78BNL3.Symp.Neutr.Capt.Gamma Ray Spectr.,Brookhaven 1978
78BNL-2Meet.Nucl.Data Higher Pu and Am Isot.,Brookhaven 1978
78BOMBAY21.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp., Bombay 1978
78GRAZInt.Conf.on Few Body Syst.and Nucl.Forces,Graz 1978
78HARWELLInt.Conf.on Neutr.Phys.and Nucl.Data,Harwell 1978
78HEIDLBMeet.on Nucl.and High Energy Physics,Heidelberg 1978
78LUSHAN3.Chinese Nucl.Phys.Conf.,Lushan,China,Aug.1978
78MAYAGConf.on Computers in Activ.Analysis,Mayaguez 1978
79AIXSymp.on Fast Reactor Physics,Aix-en-Provence 1979
79BOLOGNMeet.Neutr.Cross Sect.of Fiss.Prod.Nucl.,Bologna 1979
79GAUSSIG9.Symp.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1979
79GEELMeet.on Neutr.Cross Sect.For Struct.Mat.,Geel 1979
79GHENTMeeting on Nuclear Physics, Ghent, 26-30 Mar 1979
79INNSBR17.Meet.of the Ges.f.Nuklearmedizin,Innsbruck 1979
79JUELICHIAEA Symp.on Phys.and Chem.of Fission,Juelich 1979
79KNOXConf.on Nucl.Cross Sections F.Techn.,Knoxville 1979
79LYON10.Conf.on Solid State Nucl.Track Detect.,Lyon 1979
79MADRAS22.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Madras 1979
79RHODESConf.on Structure of Medium-Heavy Nuclei, Rhodes 1979
79RIGA29.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Riga 1979
79SMOLENIC2.Symp.on Neutron Induced Reactions,Smolenice 1979
80BEIJINGTheories and Meth.of Nucl.Reactions,Beijing 1980
80BERKELEYInt.Conf.Nuclear Physics, Berkeley,California,1980
80BNLSymp.on Neutr.Cross Sect.10-50 MeV,Brookhaven 1980
80BNL-2Conf.on Nucl.Data Eval.Methods,Brookhaven 1980
80DELHI23.Nucl.Phys.A.Solid State Phys.Symp.,New Delhi 1980
80KIEV5.All Union Conf.on Neutron Phys.,Kiev,15-19 Sep 1980
80KOPPENNMeet.Technol.Contr.Nucl.Fusion,King of Prussia 1980
80LANZHO4.Chinese Nucl.Phys.Conf.,Lanzhou,China,Oct.1980
80LENGRD30.Conf.Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1980
80MUNICHMeeting on Nuclear Physics, Munich, 17-22 Mar 1980
80SANTA5.Symp.on Polar.Phen.in Nucl.Phys.,Santa Fe 1980
80SANTA FE5.Symp.on Polar.Phen.in Nucl.Phys.,Santa Fe 1980
80WALTAINucl.Chem.and Radiochem.Symp.,Waltair,India 1980
81ANLNeutron Scattering Conf.,Argonne Nat.Lab. 1981
81BOMBAY24.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Bombay 1981
81GRENOB4.Symp.Neutr.Capt.Gamma-Ray Spectrosc.,Grenoble 1981
81NEUHERBG4.Symp.on Neutron Dosimetry, Munich-Neuherberg 1981
81SAMAR31.Conf.Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Samarkand 1981
82ANTWERConf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Technol.,Antwerp 1982
82KIAMESMeet.on Adv.in Reactor Phys.,Kiamesha Lake 1982
82KIEV32.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Kiev 1982
82SMOLENConf.on Neutron Induced Reactions,Smolenice 1982
82VARANA25.Nucl.Phys.A.Solid State Phys.Symp.,Varanasi 1982
82WASH4.Symp.on Radiation Dosimetry,Washington D.C. 1982
83GAUSSG13.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Phys., Gaussig 1983
83KIEV6.All-Union Conf.on Neutron Physics,Kiev,2-6 Oct.1983
83MOSCOW33.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Moscow 1983
83MOSKVA3.Meet.on Neutron Radiation Metrology,Moscow 1983
83MYSORE26.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Mysore 1983
83TOKYOSymp.on High Energy Photonucl.Reactions, Tokyo 1983
83TURKU3.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1983
83WASHSymp.Ultrashort-Lived Radionucl.,Washington D.C.1983
84ALMAAT34.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.A.Nucl.Struct.,Alma-Ata 1984
84DEBRECInt.Symp.on In-Beam Nucl.Spectroscopy, Debrecen 1984
84FUJIInt.Symp.on Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics,Fuji 1984
84GAUSSIG14.Symp.on Nucl.Phys.,Gaussig,DDR,1984
84GEESTH5.Symp.on Reactor Dosimetry,Geesthacht,1984
84KNOXSymp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy,Knoxville 1984
84OHIOConf.on Neutron-Nucleus Collisions,Glouster 1984
84OSAKASymp.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Interact.,Osaka 1984
84TRIUMFTRIUMF-ISOL Workshop, Mont Gabriel, Quebec, 1984
84UPPSALConf.on Transactinium Isotope Nucl.Data,Uppsala 1984
84VARESE13th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Varese,Sept.1984
84VENICE6.Symp.Safeguards and Nucl.Mat.Managem.,Venice 1984
85CHIANGFast Neutrons in Sci.and Techn.Symp.,Chiang Mai 1985
85CHICAGNuclei Off Line of Stability Symp.,Chicago,1985
85GAUSSI15.Symp.on Nucl.Phys.,Nucl.Fission,Gaussig,DDR,1985
85JAIPURSymp.on Nucl.Phys.,Jaipur,16-20 Dec.1985
85JUELICConf.on Neutron Scatt.in the Nineties,Juelich 1985
85LENING35.Conf.Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1985
85SANTAConf.on Nucl.Data f.Basic a.Appl.Sci.,Santa Fe 1985
86BEIJINInt.Conf.Nucl.Radiochemistry, Beijing, 1-5 Sept.1986
86BIRMINDelayed Neutr.Prop.Meeting, Birmingham 1986
86DUBRO2Conf.Nucl.Struct.,Reactions,Symmetries,Dubrovnik 1986
86DUBROVInt.Conf.on Fast Neutr.Phys.,Dubrovnik,26-31 May 1986
86HABAYSem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve,Belgium,22-23 May 1986
86HARROGInt.Nucl.Phys.Conf., Harrogate,U.K.,25-30 Aug.1986
86KHARKO36.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct.,Kharkov 1986
86TEL-AVNucl.Soc.of Israel Meeting,Tel Aviv,17-18 Feb.1986
86TURKU4.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1986
86WASHConf.3-Body Force in 3-Nucleon Syst.,Washington D.C.
87BADHONSymp.on Dynamics of Collective Phen.,Bad Honnef 1987
87JURMAL37.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct.,Jurmala 1987
87KIEV1.Int.Conf.on Neutron Physics, Kiev,14-18 Sep 1987
87LEUVEN6.Conf.on Capture Gamma-ray Spectroscopy, Leuven 1987
87ROSSEA5.Conf.on Nuclei Far from Stability,Rosseau Lake 1987
87VIENNAIAEA Meet.on Fusion Eval.Nucl.Data,Vienna,Nov.1987
88BADHONConf.on Nucl.Struct.of the Zr Region,Bad Honnef 1988
88BAKU38.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct., Baku 1988
88BOMBAY31.Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, 27 - 31 Dec.1988
88GAUSSI18.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Phys., Gaussig 1988
88JACKHOInt.Reactor Phys.Conf.,Jackson Hole,18-22 Sep.1988
88MITOConf.on Nucl.Data For Sci.and Technol.,Mito 1988
88SMOLENSymp.on Nucleon Induced Reactions, Smolenice 1988
88TRIESTWorksh.on Applied Nucl.Theory, Trieste 1988
89ALBUQUHigh En.&Heavy Ion Beams in Mat.An.,Albuquerque 1989
89ALIGAR32nd Nuclear Physics Symp., Aligarh, 26-30 Dec.1989
89BANGLOInt.Sem.on Direct Nucl.Reactions,Bangalore, 1989
89BERLINInt.Conf.on 50 Years Res.in Nucl.Fiss., Berlin 1989
89BRAUNSNuclear Decay Data Symp., Braunschweig 1989
89LENINGInt.Conf.50th Anniv.of Nucl.Fission, Leningrad 1989
89TASHKE39.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct.,Tashkent 1989
89TURKU5.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1989
89WASH50 Years Nucl.Fission Conf., Washington D.C., 1989
90ASILOM7.Symp.on Capture Gamma Ray Spectrosc.,Asilomar 1990
90BOMBAYIndo-Japan Sem.on Thorium Utilization,Bombay 1990
90LENING40.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1990
90MARSEIInt.Conf.on the Physics of Reactors, Marseille 1990
91BEIJINSymp.on Fast Neutron Physics, Beijing, 9-13 Sep 1991
91GAUSSG21.Int.Symp.on Nucl.Phys., Gaussig 1991
91JUELICConf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Technol.,Juelich 1991
91MINSK41.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Minsk 1991
91UPPSALMeet.on Neutron Cross Section Standards, Uppsala 1991
91VILLIG4.Int.Worksh.on Targetry, Villigen, Switzerland,1991
92ADELAI13.Int.Conf.on Few Body Problems,Adelaide,Jan.1992
92ALMAATInt.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Alma-Ata 1992
92BNLInt.Symp.on Nucl.Data Eval.Methodology, BNL, Oct.1992
92BOMBAY35.Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, 21 - 24 Dec.1992
92KARLSRConf.on Nuclei in the Cosmos, Karlsruhe, July 1992
92TRIESTWorkshop on Comput.and Anal.of Nucl.Data,Trieste 1992
92TURKU6.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1992
93DUBNS43.Int.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Dubna 1993
93FRIBOU8.Int.Conf.Capture Gamma-Ray Spectrosc.,Fribourg 1993
94AQUIConf.on Nuclei in the Cosmos, L'Aquila, 1994 1994
94BOLOGNMeas.,Calc.and Eval.of Photon Prod.Data,Bologna 1994
94DENTONConf.on Appl.of Accel.in Res.and Ind.,Denton,USA,1994
94GATLINConf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn.,Gatlinburg 1994
94PETRBGConf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,St.Petersburg 1994
95ARLESConf.Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Arles, 1995
95HABAYSem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1995
95OBNIN13.Meeting on Physics of Nucl.Fission, Obninsk 1995
95PETRBGConf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,St.Petersburg 1995
95TURKU7.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1995
95VANCOU6th Worksh.on Targetry, Vancouver, Canada,1995
96BUDA9.Symp.on Capture Gamma Ray Spect., Budapest, 1996
96DENTONConf.on Appl.of Accel.in Res.and Ind.,Denton,USA,1996
96MITOConf.on the Physics of Reactors, Mito, Japan 1996
96MOSCOWConf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct., Moscow, June 1996
96NOTREDConf.on Nuclei in the Cosmos IV, Notre Dame, 1996
96SAROVWorksh.Exact Meas.in Nucl.Spect., Sarov, Russia 1996
97OBNINConf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct., Obninsk 1997
97PHILADSymp.Synth.Isot.Labelled Comp.,Philadelphia,PA 1997
97SANIBFission,Prop.of Neutron-Rich Nucl.,Sanibel,USA,1997
97TOKYOSymp. New Facet of Spin of Giant Res.,Tokyo 1997
97TRIESTConf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Trieste 1997
98BELAIRConf.Exotic Nuclei & At.Masses, Bellaire, USA, 1998
98CAEN15.Conf.on Cyclotrons and Appl., Caen, France, 1998
98DENTONConf.on Appl.of Accel.in Res.and Ind.,Denton,TX,1998
98GATLINNuclear Structure 98 Conf., Gatlinburg, USA, 1998
98MARSEI20.Symp.on Fusion Technology, Marseille,France, 1998
98MOSCOWConf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct., Moscow, June 1998
98SEYSSNucl.Fiss.&Fiss.-Prod.Spectr.,Seyssins,France, 1998
98VOLOS5. Nuclei in the Cosmos Conf., Volos, Greece, 1998
99BUCHARSymp.on Adv.in Nucl.Phys., Bucharest, Romania, 1999
99HABAYSem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1999
99PRAHAConf.on Accelerator Driven Transmutation, Prague 1999
99RABConf.Cluster.Aspects of Nucl.Struct.& Dynam.,Rab 1999
99SANTASymp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Santa Fe,NM 1999
99SARATWorkshop on Beam Dynamics and Optimiz, Saratov 1999
99ST.ANDConf.on Fission+Neutron-Rich Nucl.,St.Andrews, 1999
99TSUKUBConf.on Radiation Shielding, Tsukuba, Japan, 1999
99VANCOUInt.Conf.on Isotopes (3ICI), Vancouver, Sept.1999