Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://astrometric.sai.msu.ru/articles/Shokin.pdf
Дата изменения: Tue Nov 21 20:11:50 2000
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 23:28:52 2012

Поисковые слова: virgo cluster
Accurate positions of variable stars in the western part of the Large Magellanic Cloud bar
Abstract Positions of 436 stars in the western part of the Large Magellanic Cloud bar are presented.

Three catalogues of variable stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud have been published recently [1, 4, 10]. They are based on observations with CCD detectors for gravitational lensing experiments. Analogous work of Hughes [7] was performed on the base of photographic observations in LMC. In these catalogues, besides photometric data, equatorial coordinates of variable stars are given. The authors of the three cited papers used observations carried out with Schmidt telescopes or the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) to determine the positions of stars. DSS is also based on observations with Schmidt telescopes. Such star positions can contain systematic errors of 0.6­0.7 arcsec [9, 10]. In order to facilitate the procedure of position determinations, we have compiled a catalogue of reference stars in the western part of the LMC bar. This catalogue contains accurate positions of 436 stars in the Tycho frame [6]. It constitutes a reference net with the mean density of 200 stars per square degree in the bar area and can be 1

a reference catalogue for accurate position determinations with CCD detectors. The overwhelming ma jority of stars (405) in this catalogue are Harvard variables [5]. Other stars are 18 Dublin variables [2] and 7 variables discovered by Kurochkin et al. [8]. Several reference stars in our catalogue are not variables. In the present report, we give only a brief description of the procedure of catalogue compilation and in the extent necessary for its presentation. For position determination, we made use of plates taken with two telescopes, the double meniscus astrograph AZT-16 (F = 207 cm, D = 70 cm, field 5 в 5 ) at Cerro Roble Astronomical Station and the 1 m reflector (F = 712 cm, field diameter 2.5 ) at Las Campanas Observatory, both in Chile. Unfortunately it was impossible to measure the plates of the 1 m reflector because of their large size exceeding maximum size of plate which we can measure using our ASCORECORD measuring machine. We have prepared contact film copies of these plates and measured them instead of the plates. The images of Tycho reference stars on the plates of the reflector are too large and cannot be measured accurately. For determination of star positions in the Tycho frame, we used the plates of the astrograph. On the plates of the reflector, only the western half of the LMC bar has been photographed. Stars in the LMC bar are very crowded, therefore many of them look on the plates as complex images consisting of two or more very close components. The distances between them are less than the image size on the astrograph plates because of the short focal length. If the plates are photographed in different observing conditions, such as differing spectral bands, different exposures, brightness changes due to variability, the complex image looks variously on different plates. After measurements of such plates, we shall get various positions for stars with complex images. The coordinate differences for the double meniscus astrograph can exceed the typical position error by a factor of 3 or even more. As a measure of star crowding influence upon the 2

derived coordinates, we use two values, R and R , of coordinate ranges R = max - min , R = max - min ,

where , are the standard coordinates, derived from measurements of m plates, max and min are maximum and minimum coordinates of a star among these m values (similarly for the coordinate). We had 3 measurable astrograph plates (2 in B and 1 in V band). The instrument has no distortion, unlike Schmidt telescopes widely used in deep surveys. The main defect of the astrograph is its short focal length. In order to get the maximal possible accuracy of star positions with our observational material, their determinations were carried out in two stages. At the first one, the so-called "first determination", three plates of the astrograph were measured. 37% of the catalogue stars had, at this stage, at least one value of R or R in excess of 0.65 arcsec. Often these values exceed 1 arcsec. A typical position error for this instrument is 0.2 arcsec. We believe that there are no significant systematic errors because of star crowding in the positions of stars with R , R of 0.5­0.6 arcsec and less, as these values also include errors of measurements. Therefore we regarded final the positions derived in the first determinations with R , R less than 0.65 arcsec. The coordinates of stars with R , R above 0.65 arcsec have been redetermined at the second stage. For this purpose, we measured film copies of two plates taken with the 1 m reflector in B and in V bands. At this stage, the variable stars with R , R less than 0.4­0.5 arcsec were used as reference ones. The influence of star crowding in this case was less than at the first stage because of the long focal length of the reflector, accordingly the ranges R , R were usually 0.1­0.2 arcsec. Thus, the two stages of our reduction procedure used the best properties of the two telescopes: the astrometric field of the astrograph and the high resolution of the reflector. 3

Some variable stars formerly regarded as single have proved visual doubles with a typical distance between their components of about 2 arcsec. If we cannot indicate the variable star in such a pair, we give the coordinates of both components. It is impossible to form a reference frame consisting of variable stars around a star situated at the edge of the area covered by catalogue. Around each of such stars, a second reference frame containing 7­9 nearest field stars in a small area, usually not more than 10 в 10 , was formed. The coordinates of the secondary reference stars were determined by means of the same procedure as that used in the first determination, i.e. three astrograph plates were measured. We have determined the positions of 26 variable stars using such small reference frames. The catalogue now presented is not uniform in the sense of position accuracy. The most accurate positions are those for stars with images remeasured on the reflector plates. Their accuracy is 0.1 arcsec, but this value shows only that there is a good agreement of two individual positions. In reality, there are systematical errors in these positions, at least because of the magnitude equation. Using our catalogue, we have estimated the accuracy of the positions in the GCVS Volume V and in the OGLE catalog [10]. The accuracy of the first catalog is 0.4­0.9 arcsec in the LMC bar, but there are systematic errors of 0.3­1.1 arcsec. The comparison of our catalogue with the OGLE catalogue has shown that both are very accurate in the sense of individual star errors. Mean accuracy of star positions in each catalogue is approximately 0.1 arcsec. However, we have found systematic errors in the OGLE catalogue of 0.3­0.6 arcsec, which vary smoothly in the bar area. The authors wrote about a possibility of errors to 0.6 arcsec due to the reduction procedure using the DSS as the reference means. The comparison of the two catalogues was carried out using 196 stars in common. After the comparison of our catalogue with the OGLE one, we 4

have found some stars with small values (0.3­0.4 arcsec) of R , R but with significant deviations (to 0.3­0.4 arcsec) of our positions from the OGLE ones, after accounting for the systematic differences between these catalogues. Therefore we have redetermined the positions of 34 such stars previously determined using plates of the astrograph. We have remeasured their images on the plates of the 1 m telescope and have achieved a significant decrease of the position differences with the OGLE catalogue. Thus, the small values of R , R in the first determination do not signify that there is no noticeable error (to 0.3­0.4 arcsec) because of star crowding in the positions of such stars. Note that the OGLE catalogue was based on observations with a telescope of more than 12 m focal length, therefore the influence of star crowding was significantly less than in the case of the double meniscus astrograph. Having discovered this fact, we have decided to improve our catalogue by redetermination of those star positions which entered it after the first determination. For this end, we had to measure the plates of the 1 m telescope. However, while working on this pro ject, it would be reasonably to publish the first version of our catalogue, which has been created in the most modern reference frame and is free from systematic errors inherent to those catalogues which are based on observations taken with Schmidt telescopes. The catalogue presented consist of two parts: a Table 1 of coordinates with identifications and plate information and remarks to individual stars. The catalogue and the remarks are available to the users from http://astrometric.sai.msu.ru/ We are grateful to Drs. Yu. Efremov, N. Samus, A. Kuzmin, and V. Sementsov for assistance. Thanks are due to the Isaac Newton Institute for the possibility to measure the reflector plates.


The Catalogue
The breaf description of columns. Column 1 gives the LMC variable star number according to the GCVS, [3]. An asterisk (*) following the number shows that there is a remark for this star. In the Remarks (Part 2), "GCVS position" means the star position given in the cited catalogue. Columns 2 and 3 contain equatorial coordinates for equinox J2000 referred to the Tycho frame. Column 4 indicates the telescope with which the plates measured for coordinate determination were taken. 1 m is the reflector (D=1 m, F=712 cm, field diameter 2.5 deg) at Las Campanas Observatory (Chile), DMA is the double meniscus astrograph AZT-16 (D=70 cm, F=207 cm, field 5x5 deg) at Cerro Roble Astronomical Station (Chile), AR means that the plates of both telescopes were measured, vs means that the second reference frame consists of variable stars, fs means that the second reference frame consists of field stars. Column 5 contains the designations of the stars in various publications: HV ­ [5], D ­ [2], 1,4,... 13 ­ [8]. Column 6 contains the designations of stars in the new catalogues based upon optical microlensing experiments. These catalogues and corresponding designations are: EROS ­ [4], MACHO -- [1], OGLE ­ [10].


Table 1
________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 LMC RA 2000.0 DE 2000.0 TeleName Designations in No. hms o'" scope new catalogues -----------------------------------------------------------------------577 * 5 00 14.355 -68 54 32.23 1 m fs HV12517 OGLE LMC_SC15 35181 619 5 00 46.136 -69 04 54.40 1 m fs HV5534 OGLE LMC_SC15 81394 626 5 00 55.870 -68 26 20.71 DMA HV2260 634 5 01 05.149 -68 27 05.78 DMA HV2263 635 * 5 01 00.386 -69 03 42.97 DMA HV12524 693 * 5 01 54.611 -68 54 14.06 DMA HV885 OGLE LMC_SC15 148920 700 5 02 01.463 -68 35 02.53 DMA HV5537 728 5 02 21.210 -69 13 16.96 1 m fs HV12537 OGLE LMC_SC15 185375 729 5 02 29.876 -68 19 31.77 DMA HV12528 737 5 02 36.553 -68 44 41.32 1 m vs HV2276 OGLE LMC_SC14 54419 741 5 02 40.811 -68 24 21.26 DMA HV2274 758 5 02 51.537 -68 47 05.15 DMA HV2280 OGLE LMC_SC14 50505 769 5 03 06.210 -68 21 37.24 DMA HV12535 770 5 03 04.981 -68 40 24.60 DMA HV2281 771 5 03 01.312 -69 09 01.82 DMA HV5550 784 5 03 09.097 -69 13 23.90 DMA HV2288 OGLE LMC_SC14 84259 799 5 03 25.105 -68 46 20.86 DMA HV2285 OGLE LMC_SC14 117525 800 5 03 27.389 -68 32 22.22 DMA HV5547 805 5 03 26.505 -69 08 55.90 DMA HV2292 OGLE LMC_SC14 88441 819 5 03 39.017 -68 48 11.94 DMA HV5553 OGLE LMC_SC14 113861 822 5 03 39.021 -68 59 43.51 DMA HV2293 824 5 03 39.754 -69 03 04.87 DMA HV5556 828 5 03 49.625 -68 19 56.79 DMA HV5548 832 5 03 46.169 -68 52 36.18 DMA HV2291 OGLE LMC_SC14 109640 835 5 03 49.528 -68 56 02.42 1 m vs HV889 OGLE LMC_SC14 170002 839 5 03 51.296 -68 52 58.85 1 m vs HV2295 OGLE LMC_SC14 174756 840 * 5 03 49.589 -69 04 13.89 DMA HV5557 841 5 03 53.918 -68 41 23.92 1 m vs HV5555 847 5 03 57.316 -68 50 24.04 DMA HV2296 OGLE LMC_SC14 178619 849 5 04 02.383 -68 21 31.43 DMA HV2286 860 5 04 00.822 -69 15 36.24 1 m vs HV5562 864 5 04 05.217 -69 04 50.82 DMA HV890 OGLE LMC_SC14 156632 873 5 04 18.129 -68 33 59.83 DMA HV2297 874 5 04 14.149 -69 06 11.36 DMA HV2300 OGLE LMC_SC14 156647 876 5 04 15.498 -69 01 36.04 DMA HV891 OGLE LMC_SC14 160625 880 * 5 04 21.112 -68 43 42.62 1 m vs HV892 OGLE LMC_SC14 182466 883 * 5 04 28.494 -68 18 35.47 DMA HV12540 909 5 04 44.920 -68 58 31.45 DMA HV5566


Table 1 (continued) ________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------917 5 04 55.861 -68 44 56.06 1 m vs HV5565 938 5 05 03.058 -69 18 30.36 DMA HV2306 941 * 5 05 06.362 -69 26 30.44 DMA D292 942 5 05 06.679 -69 00 52.54 DMA HV5570 948 5 05 08.939 -69 15 12.20 DMA HV2307 OGLE LMC_SC12 46999 951 5 05 14.502 -68 46 07.06 DMA HV5569 OGLE LMC_SC13 35127 955 5 05 16.053 -68 43 24.43 DMA HV12321 977 * 5 05 28.282 -69 21 50.89 DMA D293 OGLE LMC_SC12 37629 982 5 05 26.372 -69 11 35.08 1 m vs HV2311 OGLE LMC_SC12 51598 986 5 05 27.012 -69 19 44.30 DMA HV2313 995 5 05 34.712 -69 20 29.03 DMA HV2316 OGLE LMC_SC12 42626 999 5 05 42.004 -68 51 05.14 DMA HV2309 OGLE LMC_SC13 93279 1002 5 05 45.896 -68 38 54.22 1 m vs HV11977 1015 5 05 57.418 -68 26 17.72 DMA HV2305 OGLE LMC_SC13 125152 1016 5 05 52.393 -69 09 29.83 DMA HV12322 OGLE LMC_SC13 69033 1018 * 5 05 54.230 -68 53 15.34 DMA HV11978 1024 5 06 00.600 -68 42 51.67 1 m vs HV5575 1026 5 06 02.886 -68 28 18.77 DMA HV2308 1030 5 05 59.283 -69 06 29.00 1 m vs 1 MACHO 5 05 59.3 -69 06 30 1032 5 06 00.886 -69 06 17.08 DMA HV893 OGLE LMC_SC13 74156 1037 * 5 06 06.212 -69 36 43.21 1 m fs D78 1037 * 5 06 06.638 -69 36 42.04 1 m fs D78 1040 5 06 16.905 -68 40 33.62 DMA HV895 OGLE LMC_SC13 173745 1054 * 5 06 27.907 -68 52 18.31 DMA HV2318 1055 5 06 28.690 -68 56 40.77 DMA HV12323 MACHO 5 06 28.5 -68 56 41 1058 * 5 06 25.872 -69 26 46.95 AR vs HV5597 1061 5 06 39.884 -68 25 12.67 DMA HV896 OGLE LMC_SC13 194103 1064 5 06 34.108 -69 30 03.44 DMA HV5600 1065 5 06 39.115 -68 57 46.91 1 m vs HV5589 OGLE LMC_SC13 151864 1073 * 5 06 51.141 -68 17 46.01 DMA HV5581 1077 * 5 06 50.322 -68 49 36.98 DMA HV2323 1080 5 06 52.968 -68 39 35.47 DMA HV2319 OGLE LMC_SC13 178831 1081 5 06 52.873 -68 43 25.00 1 m vs HV2321 OGLE LMC_SC13 173734 1084 5 06 55.281 -68 38 14.06 1 m vs HV2320 OGLE LMC_SC13 247806 1085 5 06 58.362 -68 20 58.63 DMA HV5582 1087 5 06 58.320 -68 36 41.10 DMA HV898 OGLE LMC_SC13 247787 1088 5 06 56.164 -69 03 15.37 DMA HV2326 OGLE LMC_SC13 214116 1097 5 07 07.824 -68 53 19.58 DMA HV899 OGLE LMC_SC13 228645 1106 * 5 07 16.011 -68 53 00.38 1 m vs HV5602 1108 5 07 21.181 -68 20 48.07 DMA HV5592


Table 1 (continued) ________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------1109 5 07 21.695 -68 20 18.25 DMA HV2324 OGLE LMC_SC13 267454 1114 5 07 17.960 -69 09 54.20 1 m vs HV2329 1115 5 07 23.304 -68 38 30.74 1 m vs HV2327 OGLE LMC_SC13 247801 1119 5 07 25.764 -68 28 36.68 DMA HV2325 OGLE LMC_SC13 261046 1120 5 07 26.260 -68 29 13.66 DMA HV5595 OGLE LMC_SC13 261045 1123 5 07 26.091 -68 53 19.79 DMA HV2328 OGLE LMC_SC13 228660 1125 5 07 26.682 -68 51 42.03 1 m vs HV11979 1129 5 07 32.113 -68 35 36.34 1 m vs HV5599 1130 5 07 30.684 -68 47 34.64 DMA 4 1132 5 07 38.969 -68 20 05.98 DMA HV5598 1135 5 07 36.333 -68 57 20.67 DMA HV5608 1145 * 5 07 48.909 -68 27 34.14 1 m vs HV12324 MACHO 5 07 48.9 -68 27 35 1146 5 07 42.171 -69 14 47.88 DMA HV901 OGLE LMC_SC11 32393 1147 5 07 45.163 -68 55 59.56 DMA HV11980 1155 5 07 50.069 -69 02 44.70 1 m vs 6 OGLE LMC_SC11 54739 1165 * 5 08 03.324 -68 37 32.67 DMA HV5609 1178 5 08 18.251 -68 46 47.11 DMA HV904 OGLE LMC_SC11 162232 1182 5 08 15.640 -69 29 04.22 1 m fs HV5619 MACHO 5 08 15.5 -69 29 06 1184 5 08 22.219 -68 56 52.97 DMA HV5614 1185 5 08 16.353 -69 43 03.22 1 m fs D84 1216 5 08 50.081 -68 39 42.56 DMA HV2333 1219 5 08 49.519 -68 59 59.03 DMA HV2339 OGLE LMC_SC11 227948 1223 5 08 48.903 -69 39 14.14 1 m vs HV5624 1224 5 08 56.063 -68 55 33.01 1 m vs HV11982 1225 * 5 08 57.637 -68 50 58.99 1 m vs 8 OGLE LMC_SC11 244566 1226 5 08 54.300 -69 14 33.64 1 m vs HV11983 OGLE LMC_SC11 206018 1232 5 09 14.041 -68 24 14.46 DMA HV5616 1236 5 09 18.347 -68 17 58.54 DMA HV2335 1237 5 09 15.956 -68 44 29.43 1 m vs HV905 OGLE LMC_SC11 257240 1239 5 09 16.015 -68 58 40.58 DMA HV2342 1240 5 09 11.309 -69 29 49.39 DMA HV2346 1243 5 09 15.136 -69 09 02.59 DMA HV11985 OGLE LMC_SC11 217136 1255 5 09 26.958 -68 54 12.74 1 m vs HV906 OGLE LMC_SC11 331546 1257 * 5 09 28.271 -68 47 51.50 DMA vs HV11984 1258 5 09 18.912 -69 50 14.25 DMA HV2350 1263 5 09 29.194 -68 55 02.47 DMA HV5622 MACHO 5 09 29.1 -68 55 03 1282 5 09 38.268 -69 07 25.98 DMA HV11988 1283 5 09 36.056 -69 24 22.50 1 m vs HV5632 1284 5 09 41.985 -68 51 24.75 DMA HV5626 1285 5 09 42.187 -68 52 58.32 DMA HV11986


Table 1 (continued) ________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------1287 5 09 44.457 -68 46 36.39 DMA HV5625 1288 5 09 43.081 -69 00 30.07 1 m vs HV5629 1289 5 09 40.117 -69 20 27.77 DMA HV2348 1293 5 09 50.352 -68 18 00.39 DMA HV2340 1297 * 5 09 50.174 -68 31 17.86 1 m vs D223 1300 5 09 51.336 -68 48 44.95 DMA HV5628 1303 * 5 09 49.170 -69 18 29.79 DMA vs D302 1303 * 5 09 49.369 -69 18 31.44 1 m vs D302 1304 5 09 52.035 -69 06 57.50 DMA HV11989 1305 5 09 57.566 -68 39 29.82 1 m vs HV910 1307 5 09 56.356 -68 59 40.65 DMA HV908 OGLE LMC_SC11 320035 1310 * 5 10 02.965 -69 01 15.90 DMA D301 OGLE LMC_SC10 44984 1311 5 09 59.316 -69 08 40.40 1 m vs HV2349 OGLE LMC_SC10 35605 1320 5 10 05.652 -69 13 14.38 DMA HV5633 1321 5 10 09.951 -68 45 35.92 DMA HV5630 1351 5 10 36.118 -69 08 17.88 1 m vs HV911 OGLE LMC_SC10 35590 1352 * 5 10 28.475 -69 53 16.35 DMA D92 1356 5 10 43.336 -68 46 50.46 1 m vs 11 1366 5 10 56.309 -69 01 55.73 DMA HV2356 OGLE LMC_SC10 119173 1369 5 10 59.466 -68 51 39.51 DMA HV5642 1377 5 11 04.188 -69 00 02.92 1 m vs HV11990 1385 * 5 11 11.339 -69 12 29.90 1 m vs HV2359 OGLE LMC_SC10 105186 1386 5 11 10.778 -69 18 37.26 1 m vs HV11991 OGLE LMC_SC10 95782 1389 5 11 19.878 -68 33 07.21 DMA D235 1398 5 11 13.989 -69 59 31.63 DMA HV2366 1404 5 11 31.385 -68 35 29.05 DMA HV2358 1427 * 5 11 50.188 -68 30 58.99 1 m fs HV2361 1428 5 11 47.696 -68 52 53.72 DMA HV5650 1429 5 11 47.555 -68 53 34.44 1 m vs HV11993 1430 5 11 48.799 -68 46 22.61 1 m vs HV11992 OGLE LMC_SC10 208170 1440 5 11 53.276 -69 06 48.45 1 m vs HV913 OGLE LMC_SC10 181906 1445 * 5 11 59.005 -69 03 26.18 1 m vs HV5651 OGLE LMC_SC10 259946 1448 5 12 01.944 -68 50 38.90 1 m vs HV2364 OGLE LMC_SC10 278750 1458 * 5 12 07.896 -68 52 02.31 1 m vs HV11994 OGLE LMC_SC10 274214 1462 * 5 12 15.107 -68 55 52.03 1 m vs HV11995 1466 5 12 18.787 -68 52 44.76 DMA HV2367 OGLE LMC_SC10 274140 1475 5 12 20.635 -69 22 44.89 1 m vs HV5658 OGLE LMC_SC10 235307 1478 5 12 26.157 -69 13 56.86 1 m vs HV2371 OGLE LMC_SC10 245236 1485 5 12 28.885 -69 31 07.10 1 m vs HV5661 1486 5 12 32.355 -69 20 02.23 DMA HV5659


Table 1 (continued) ________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------1487 5 12 34.747 -69 12 33.88 DMA HV11996 OGLE LMC_SC10 250322 1489 * 5 12 42.167 -68 34 59.34 1 m fs D244 1493 * 5 12 48.170 -68 29 06.39 1 m fs HV2368 1494 5 12 40.555 -69 36 04.16 DMA HV5665 1495 5 12 47.041 -69 06 08.77 1 m vs HV914 OGLE LMC_SC9 58697 1499 * 5 12 39.279 -69 54 56.40 1 m vs D99 1500 5 12 49.781 -69 00 50.06 1 m vs HV2372 OGLE LMC_SC9 65304 1508 5 12 56.253 -68 57 52.13 DMA HV5663 OGLE LMC_SC9 71784 1510 5 12 54.796 -69 18 52.37 DMA HV5666 1511 5 12 57.652 -69 02 03.50 1 m vs HV11997 OGLE LMC_SC9 65386 1518 5 13 04.071 -68 46 17.58 DMA HV2373 OGLE LMC_SC9 90526 1527 5 13 07.855 -69 03 09.25 1 m vs HV11998 OGLE LMC_SC9 65307 1552 5 13 14.764 -69 14 32.51 1 m vs HV11999 1566 5 13 18.668 -69 57 57.08 DMA HV5673 1572 5 13 33.061 -68 46 28.90 1 m vs HV5669 MACHO 5 13 33.1 -68 46 24 1573 5 13 33.694 -68 57 07.22 1 m vs 12 OGLE LMC_SC9 166047 1578 5 13 32.867 -69 21 42.35 DMA HV2377 1580 5 13 26.543 -70 04 55.73 1 m vs HV12568 1595 5 13 49.183 -69 05 42.43 1 m vs HV5671 OGLE LMC_SC9 250306 1598 5 13 50.450 -69 05 01.07 DMA HV2378 OGLE LMC_SC9 250313 1605 5 13 53.009 -69 21 37.28 DMA HV5676 OGLE LMC_SC9 216934 1606 5 13 56.416 -69 00 55.56 1 m vs HV12000 OGLE LMC_SC9 257206 1607 5 13 51.726 -69 34 13.16 DMA HV2385 1609 5 13 52.790 -69 34 48.78 1 m vs D102 OGLE LMC_SC9 198335 1611 5 13 49.302 -69 57 52.46 DMA HV2390 1614 5 13 50.781 -69 51 47.45 1 m vs HV5682 1615 5 13 56.814 -69 15 56.68 1 m vs HV5675 OGLE LMC_SC9 230584 1618 5 14 00.759 -68 57 56.81 DMA 13 1629 5 14 04.827 -69 04 42.47 DMA HV12002 1631 5 14 06.300 -69 04 25.98 1 m vs HV2383 OGLE LMC_SC9 250286 1632 5 14 07.537 -69 01 13.03 DMA HV12001 OGLE LMC_SC9 257262 1634 5 14 11.031 -68 55 34.56 DMA HV5674 OGLE LMC_SC9 269513 1639 5 14 18.113 -69 12 34.83 DMA HV915 1641 5 14 08.971 -70 11 20.96 DMA HV5693 1647 5 14 19.440 -69 29 24.32 DMA HV2392 OGLE LMC_SC9 204218 1648 5 14 12.774 -70 13 38.53 DMA HV5694 1653 5 14 25.585 -69 25 02.16 1 m vs HV2393 OGLE LMC_SC9 210651 1658 * 5 14 29.602 -68 54 35.14 1 m vs HV5680 OGLE LMC_SC9 379149 1661 5 14 33.261 -69 02 29.92 DMA HV5681 1663 * 5 14 29.072 -69 42 23.78 DMA D307


Table 1 (continued) ________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------1670 5 14 40.847 -68 46 25.04 DMA HV2389 1671 5 14 40.890 -68 47 44.55 DMA HV5683 1682 5 14 38.998 -69 30 27.92 1 m vs HV2396 OGLE LMC_SC9 304869 1684 5 14 43.443 -69 04 25.80 1 m vs HV5686 OGLE LMC_SC9 357563 1687 * 5 14 42.612 -69 30 56.62 1 m vs HV2397 OGLE LMC_SC9 304820 1688 5 14 48.936 -68 56 01.66 1 m vs HV5685 OGLE LMC_SC9 379131 1689 * 5 14 39.899 -69 58 40.20 1 m vs HV2399 1689 * 5 14 40.239 -69 58 39.88 1 m vs HV2399 1690 5 14 47.195 -69 14 42.09 1 m vs HV5691 1693 5 14 52.195 -68 49 03.63 DMA HV2394 OGLE LMC_SC9 391734 1694 5 14 49.532 -69 12 40.91 1 m vs HV5692 OGLE LMC_SC9 342099 1697 5 14 49.991 -69 20 30.28 1 m vs HV5695 1701 5 14 54.105 -69 03 15.40 DMA HV5689 OGLE LMC_SC9 365050 1706 5 14 53.437 -69 28 44.41 1 m vs HV5696 1709 * 5 14 57.822 -69 35 28.62 1 m vs HV5698 1715 5 15 06.805 -69 01 39.26 1 m vs HV2398 OGLE LMC_SC8 70457 1722 5 15 10.437 -69 22 58.15 DMA HV2400 OGLE LMC_SC8 33629 1726 5 15 04.604 -70 07 09.92 1 m vs HV919 1727 5 15 10.851 -69 32 23.06 DMA HV2402 OGLE LMC_SC8 21319 1729 5 15 06.873 -70 01 49.69 DMA HV5704 1733 5 15 16.882 -69 08 09.01 1 m vs HV5697 OGLE LMC_SC8 64736 1737 5 15 18.756 -69 13 31.83 DMA HV917 OGLE LMC_SC8 52582 1738 5 15 21.439 -69 05 00.98 1 m vs HV918 OGLE LMC_SC8 70430 1742 5 15 20.452 -69 24 42.68 1 m vs HV12003 OGLE LMC_SC8 33708 1743 * 5 15 26.135 -68 43 02.31 DMA D258 1746 5 15 24.697 -69 06 20.29 1 m vs HV5699 OGLE LMC_SC8 64724 1756 5 15 28.249 -69 13 57.83 1 m vs HV12004 OGLE LMC_SC8 52604 1762 5 15 24.222 -70 10 51.98 DMA HV12573 1769 5 15 38.402 -69 15 19.80 1 m vs HV920 OGLE LMC_SC8 145094 1773 5 15 40.466 -69 04 27.90 DMA HV921 OGLE LMC_SC8 162069 1781 5 15 45.464 -69 22 02.86 1 m vs HV2407 OGLE LMC_SC8 132537 1782 5 15 51.648 -68 40 43.94 1 m fs HV5701 1786 5 15 53.806 -69 02 23.01 1 m vs HV5706 OGLE LMC_SC8 162104 1791 5 15 47.976 -69 55 03.42 DMA HV2415 1794 5 15 58.282 -68 58 12.96 DMA HV2406 OGLE LMC_SC8 167854 1799 5 15 57.026 -69 21 46.53 1 m vs HV2411 OGLE LMC_SC8 132583 1800 5 15 59.953 -69 04 29.57 1 m vs HV2408 OGLE LMC_SC8 162087 1801 5 16 00.017 -69 16 01.81 DMA HV5705 1805 5 16 04.554 -68 59 50.34 1 m vs HV2409 OGLE LMC_SC8 167797 1806 5 15 58.020 -69 42 43.53 DMA HV2416 OGLE LMC_SC8 95310


Table 1 (continued) ________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------1808 5 16 00.202 -69 32 17.61 DMA HV2414 OGLE LMC_SC8 111959 1812 5 16 08.031 -69 01 51.78 1 m vs HV2410 OGLE LMC_SC8 162176 1816 5 16 06.442 -69 28 25.16 1 m vs HV922 OGLE LMC_SC8 118587 1817 5 16 04.971 -69 38 40.84 DMA HV5710 1821 5 16 06.502 -69 38 36.96 1 m vs HV5711 1824 * 5 16 07.391 -69 41 02.26 DMA D108 1826 5 16 09.843 -69 32 39.68 DMA HV923 OGLE LMC_SC8 111955 1827 5 16 04.011 -70 07 59.73 DMA HV2419 1828 5 16 14.719 -69 02 32.76 DMA HV12995 OGLE LMC_SC8 162101 1833 5 16 16.816 -69 05 04.78 1 m vs HV5707 1839 5 16 16.080 -69 43 37.02 1 m vs HV925 1840 5 16 10.968 -70 17 36.12 DMA HV926 1841 5 16 25.338 -68 49 51.03 1 m vs HV2413 1844 5 16 26.520 -68 53 55.78 DMA HV5708 1847 5 16 16.708 -70 10 07.05 DMA HV2421 1877 5 16 47.424 -69 44 15.16 DMA HV2423 1881 5 16 52.680 -69 22 03.94 1 m vs HV2422 OGLE LMC_SC8 224912 1883 * 5 16 54.919 -69 19 50.44 1 m vs HV927 OGLE LMC_SC8 224901 1884 5 17 01.255 -68 37 14.57 DMA HV2418 1892 * 5 16 58.551 -69 51 17.33 1 m vs D113 1894 5 17 02.070 -69 38 51.82 1 m vs HV5716 OGLE LMC_SC8 285174 1897 5 17 09.642 -69 13 14.05 1 m vs HV12005 OGLE LMC_SC8 331791 1898 5 17 09.045 -69 32 21.11 1 m vs HV5717 1900 5 17 06.943 -70 06 24.92 DMA HV2431 1901 5 17 14.547 -69 22 50.41 DMA HV12007 1907 5 17 18.116 -69 32 59.60 DMA HV12006 OGLE LMC_SC8 298699 1909 5 17 16.164 -69 50 34.86 1 m vs HV2429 1910 5 17 24.725 -69 20 57.69 DMA HV2426 OGLE LMC_SC8 318671 1914 5 17 30.764 -69 12 02.41 1 m vs HV2427 OGLE LMC_SC8 337497 1917 5 17 31.798 -69 25 11.44 1 m vs HV2430 OGLE LMC_SC7 55965 1918 * 5 17 35.308 -69 09 17.50 1 m vs HV5718 OGLE LMC_SC7 93939 1922 5 17 38.203 -69 03 29.21 1 m vs HV5720 1926 * 5 17 35.704 -69 48 13.35 1 m vs D115 OGLE LMC_SC7 6487 1927 5 17 44.366 -69 07 11.04 DMA HV5723 1928 5 17 38.407 -69 45 19.52 DMA HV5729 OGLE LMC_SC7 6477 1932 * 5 17 46.357 -69 47 22.26 DMA D116 1933 5 17 52.239 -69 02 10.93 DMA HV5724 1934 5 17 39.840 -70 21 27.50 DMA HV12577 1936 5 17 51.124 -69 29 47.40 DMA HV2436 EROS 1046 1938 5 17 55.575 -69 07 41.18 DMA HV5725


Table 1 (continued) ________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------1943 5 17 53.050 -69 40 35.10 DMA HV12986 1947 * 5 17 55.304 -69 45 46.31 1 m vs HV2442 OGLE LMC_SC7 6475 1948 5 17 56.553 -69 38 53.44 DMA HV2439 OGLE LMC_SC7 21841 1949 5 17 56.294 -69 40 25.61 DMA HV2440 1951 5 17 56.358 -69 47 21.14 1 m vs HV2443 OGLE LMC_SC7 6499 1952 5 17 59.840 -69 30 07.84 DMA HV2437 1956 5 18 03.780 -69 25 35.92 DMA HV2438 OGLE LMC_SC7 55964 1958 * 5 18 00.888 -69 44 10.86 1 m vs HV5733 OGLE LMC_SC7 14079 1962 * 5 18 41.904 -69 38 22.99 1 m vs HV12009 OGLE LMC_SC7 142153 1966 5 18 06.569 -69 39 00.54 1 m vs HV12008 OGLE LMC_SC7 21940 1971 5 18 08.958 -69 50 43.67 DMA HV5734 1973 5 18 19.396 -68 52 34.99 DMA HV5731 1975 5 18 12.337 -69 43 33.82 1 m vs HV5735 1979 5 18 21.208 -69 03 05.23 DMA HV5732 1989 5 18 28.566 -69 40 03.31 1 m vs HV5737 1993 5 18 29.617 -69 48 40.97 DMA HV5738 OGLE LMC_SC7 126780 2007 5 18 45.450 -69 03 21.79 DMA HV2444 2009 5 18 45.687 -69 06 32.58 DMA HV5736 OGLE LMC_SC7 214432 2011 5 18 40.660 -69 38 58.53 DMA HV5742 2020 5 18 49.136 -69 21 29.36 1 m vs HV2445 OGLE LMC_SC7 303837 2021 5 18 50.274 -69 16 36.12 DMA HV5741 OGLE LMC_SC7 318572 2022 5 18 49.285 -69 35 22.80 1 m vs HV5743 2024 5 18 51.091 -69 39 12.82 DMA HV12010 OGLE LMC_SC7 262813 2026 5 18 56.435 -69 34 02.78 1 m vs HV5752 OGLE LMC_SC7 278113 2028 5 18 52.991 -70 04 18.19 1 m vs HV2451 MACHO 5 18 53.0 -70 04 18 2033 5 19 03.701 -69 14 11.30 DMA HV5744 2035 5 19 02.616 -69 40 10.06 1 m vs HV12011 OGLE LMC_SC7 262801 2044 5 19 15.830 -69 14 45.73 1 m vs HV2448 OGLE LMC_SC7 318528 2045 5 19 11.812 -69 42 25.02 DMA HV12012 EROS 1044 2047 5 19 14.850 -69 36 18.00 1 m vs HV932 OGLE LMC_SC7 270379 2049 5 19 17.222 -69 30 25.25 1 m vs HV5749 OGLE LMC_SC7 286535 2056 5 19 23.290 -69 09 54.23 1 m vs HV5747 OGLE LMC_SC7 331967 2064 5 19 30.490 -68 41 09.55 DMA HV2447 2065 5 19 21.864 -69 39 04.94 1-M vs HV12013 2066 5 19 25.403 -69 18 26.70 DMA HV5750 OGLE LMC_SC7 311535 2067 5 19 30.399 -68 57 36.78 1 m vs HV2452 OGLE LMC_SC7 472701 2068 5 19 31.098 -68 53 41.21 DMA HV5746 2070 5 19 27.794 -69 30 30.44 1 m vs HV2453 OGLE LMC_SC7 286532 2077 5 19 26.441 -69 51 50.87 DMA HV5756 OGLE LMC_SC7 239698


Table 1 (continued) ________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------2080 * 5 19 42.504 -68 44 57.91 1 m fs HV5751 2080 * 5 19 42.680 -68 44 54.72 1 m fs HV5751 2083 5 19 38.052 -69 37 44.62 1 m vs HV2455 OGLE LMC_SC7 388032 2087 * 5 19 41.670 -69 28 37.36 1 m vs HV12014 2087 * 5 19 41.872 -69 28 35.86 1 m vs HV12014 2088 5 19 43.800 -69 22 53.88 1 m vs HV5757 OGLE LMC_SC7 424850 2095 5 19 56.360 -68 35 50.28 DMA HV5755 2099 5 19 51.037 -69 28 23.93 DMA HV12015 2100 5 19 55.184 -69 09 44.10 DMA HV5759 2102 5 19 53.295 -69 27 33.60 DMA HV5760 2104 5 19 46.961 -70 15 30.52 DMA HV2462 2110 5 19 59.956 -69 10 25.51 DMA HV933 OGLE LMC_SC7 447509 2111 5 19 58.749 -69 19 15.39 1 m vs HV2456 OGLE LMC_SC7 432869 2115 5 20 04.545 -69 16 50.87 DMA HV2458 OGLE LMC_SC7 440072 2122 5 20 03.977 -69 36 38.91 1 m vs HV936 2124 5 20 12.212 -69 02 01.82 1 m vs HV2459 2127 5 20 06.998 -70 04 09.34 DMA HV2464 2131 5 20 21.929 -68 43 02.51 DMA HV2460 2135 5 20 16.193 -69 25 05.51 DMA HV5763 2139 5 20 23.064 -69 02 17.54 1 m vs HV5761 2141 5 20 14.035 -70 06 26.51 DMA HV5765 2143 5 20 14.569 -70 06 59.71 DMA HV5766 2150 5 20 28.625 -69 01 31.85 DMA HV2463 2156 5 20 22.964 -70 02 33.07 1 m vs HV937 OGLE LMC_SC6 11 2169 5 20 37.901 -69 08 52.34 1 m vs HV5764 2171 5 20 37.408 -69 30 56.71 1 m vs HV2466 OGLE LMC_SC6 66530 2173 5 20 41.623 -69 07 34.85 1 m vs HV2465 2175 5 20 42.755 -69 08 50.96 1 m vs HV5767 2179 5 20 45.446 -69 12 56.50 1 m vs HV5769 2180 5 20 44.386 -69 22 24.44 DMA HV5770 2181 5 20 42.468 -69 42 57.21 DMA HV12016 2183 5 20 42.406 -70 09 50.23 1 m vs HV5771 2187 5 20 52.853 -69 37 40.39 1 m vs HV2467 2190 5 20 46.822 -70 31 06.96 DMA HV12580 2193 5 20 56.005 -69 48 20.61 DMA HV939 OGLE LMC_SC6 149023 2194 5 20 56.399 -69 49 24.38 1 m vs HV5772 2195 5 20 54.145 -70 12 22.43 1 m vs HV5773 2200 5 21 12.488 -69 03 07.49 DMA HV938 2204 * 5 21 18.887 -69 11 47.54 DMA HV5774 OGLE LMC_SC6 350603 2208 5 21 15.010 -69 49 33.85 1 m vs HV2468 OGLE LMC_SC6 149017


Table 1 (continued) ________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------2215 5 21 27.968 -69 30 16.31 DMA HV12017 2216 5 21 22.466 -70 10 31.84 DMA HV2469 2219 * 5 21 26.797 -70 08 38.71 DMA HV5778 2232 5 21 47.279 -69 20 41.05 1 m vs HV5777 OGLE LMC_SC6 330218 2239 5 21 54.587 -69 23 05.22 DMA HV2471 2241 5 21 56.089 -69 19 06.60 DMA HV5780 OGLE LMC_SC6 337291 2242 5 21 48.000 -70 09 57.11 1 m vs HV942 2243 5 21 49.146 -70 04 34.44 DMA HV5779 OGLE LMC_SC6 242669 2244 5 22 01.181 -68 51 32.23 DMA HV2470 2247 5 21 48.265 -70 30 25.96 DMA HV2473 2249 5 22 01.967 -69 22 46.43 1 m vs HV941 OGLE LMC_SC6 447868 2251 5 22 06.629 -68 56 31.02 DMA HV940 2254 * 5 21 51.090 -70 41 35.54 1 m fs HV5786 2269 5 22 22.765 -68 57 29.32 1 m fs HV943 2270 5 22 23.040 -68 56 34.28 1 m fs HV5782 2271 5 22 12.271 -70 04 31.35 1 m vs HV2474 OGLE LMC_SC6 356428 2273 5 22 19.378 -69 37 54.76 1 m vs HV944 OGLE LMC_SC6 404591 2275 5 22 20.721 -69 34 02.03 1 m vs HV12018 2277 * 5 22 28.455 -69 00 04.71 1 m fs HV5784 2277 * 5 22 28.462 -69 00 02.69 1 m fs HV5784 2282 5 22 25.581 -69 49 29.33 1 m vs HV12019 OGLE LMC_SC6 384159 2283 * 5 22 27.356 -69 53 24.20 DMA HV12020 OGLE LMC_SC5 26913 2284 5 22 31.053 -69 34 05.46 DMA HV2475 2287 5 22 29.409 -70 10 22.50 DMA HV12021 2291 * 5 22 34.863 -69 55 43.39 1 m vs HV945 OGLE LMC_SC5 19786 2295 * 5 22 39.166 -69 58 09.54 1 m vs HV2476 OGLE LMC_SC5 19806 2297 5 22 43.682 -69 37 20.59 1 m vs HV946 2300 5 22 40.187 -70 00 39.60 1 m vs HV2477 OGLE LMC_SC5 12934 2301 5 22 41.073 -69 58 43.24 1 m vs HV12022 OGLE LMC_SC5 13053 2303 5 22 44.170 -69 44 41.64 DMA HV5790 2307 5 22 48.274 -69 42 45.49 1 m vs HV2478 OGLE LMC_SC5 49713 2311 5 22 44.464 -70 09 39.39 1 m vs HV2481 2313 5 22 43.195 -70 23 04.85 DMA HV2484 2317 5 22 50.582 -69 53 20.14 DMA HV12023 OGLE LMC_SC5 26915 2318 5 22 56.284 -69 19 58.69 1 m vs HV5791 OGLE LMC_SC5 99563 2319 5 22 51.939 -69 47 30.87 DMA HV2480 OGLE LMC_SC5 41285 2326 5 22 58.344 -69 26 20.90 1 m vs HV2479 2330 5 22 52.881 -70 07 45.91 1 m vs HV5792 OGLE LMC_SC5 94 2332 5 23 01.448 -69 27 07.72 1 m vs HV2483 2336 5 23 04.678 -69 16 57.47 DMA HV2482 OGLE LMC_SC5 106184


Table 1 (continued) ________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------2342 5 23 07.679 -69 33 49.91 1 m vs HV12024 OGLE LMC_SC5 193998 2345 5 22 59.478 -70 33 24.35 DMA HV2487 2353 5 23 04.472 -70 31 13.70 DMA HV12586 2356 5 23 15.830 -69 53 58.19 DMA HV12025 OGLE LMC_SC5 145323 2358 5 23 14.081 -70 06 24.35 DMA HV12026 OGLE LMC_SC5 118861 2367 5 23 19.324 -69 53 35.29 1 m vs HV947 OGLE LMC_SC5 145264 2370 5 23 29.053 -69 18 37.62 DMA HV2488 OGLE LMC_SC5 220851 2371 5 23 27.188 -69 42 42.17 1 m vs HV5797 2384 5 23 37.906 -69 57 53.49 1 m vs HV2489 OGLE LMC_SC5 138037 2385 5 23 35.025 -70 16 06.11 DMA HV2490 2387 5 23 39.188 -70 00 14.28 1 m vs HV948 OGLE LMC_SC5 131209 2390 * 5 23 51.289 -69 13 55.73 DMA HV5800 OGLE LMC_SC5 338247 2391 5 23 51.044 -69 07 30.77 DMA HV5799 2394 5 23 50.876 -69 20 54.33 DMA HV12991 2396 5 23 51.855 -69 20 20.34 DMA HV12992 2397 5 23 49.283 -69 39 30.20 DMA HV12029 2401 5 23 53.547 -69 20 50.50 DMA HV5803 OGLE LMC_SC5 327787 2405 5 23 45.915 -70 25 01.38 DMA HV5808 2409 5 23 52.208 -70 03 30.15 1 m fs HV5809 OGLE LMC_SC5 238336 2410 5 23 47.541 -70 30 13.34 DMA HV2494 2414 5 23 54.145 -70 10 05.82 DMA HV2493 2417 * 5 24 06.299 -69 25 11.54 1 m fs HV2492 2418 * 5 23 56.006 -70 29 32.09 DMA HV12592 2419 * 5 24 07.042 -69 23 36.87 RA fs HV5810 2422 5 24 04.144 -69 58 19.85 1 m vs HV12030 OGLE LMC_SC5 251617 2424 5 24 06.456 -69 48 22.21 1 m vs HV12031 OGLE LMC_SC5 267140 2436 5 24 17.141 -70 12 07.56 1 m fs HV5817 2437 5 24 21.333 -69 48 30.28 1 m vs HV950 OGLE LMC_SC5 267138 2443 5 24 30.532 -69 11 20.91 DMA HV5816 2444 5 24 25.501 -69 46 19.03 1 m vs HV12032 OGLE LMC_SC5 275412 2450 5 24 25.086 -70 10 23.66 1 m fs HV2500 2455 5 24 33.291 -69 36 40.27 DMA HV2497 OGLE LMC_SC5 416554 2456 5 24 29.389 -70 09 58.64 DMA HV2498 2459 5 24 34.870 -69 44 19.72 1 m fs HV2499 OGLE LMC_SC5 399066 2461 5 24 33.961 -69 54 48.66 DMA HV2502 OGLE LMC_SC5 372083 2463 5 24 33.683 -69 56 21.94 1 m vs HV954 OGLE LMC_SC5 364380 2470 5 24 41.407 -69 43 31.75 DMA HV2503 OGLE LMC_SC5 399079 2475 5 24 45.253 -69 42 00.64 1 m fs HV2506 OGLE LMC_SC5 399097 2491 * 5 24 55.953 -69 43 52.72 1 m fs HV2508 OGLE LMC_SC5 399077


The GCVS position is regarded as erroneous if it differs from the position in our catalogue by more than 3 arcsec at least in one coordinate. V577 The star has a very close component excluding accurate position determination. The star position was derived from one plate of the 1 m reflector. The star images were measured on two plates of the astrograph. The coordinates are not very accurate. The GCVS position is erroneous. SY Dor n In V band, a complex image consisting at least of three very close images. The star has been measured on two plates of the astrograph. The coordinates are not very accurate. The GCVS position is erroneous. The GCVS position is erroneous. The GCVS position is erroneous. There are two components separated by 2.5 arcsec. We cannot indicate the varying component. The GCVS position is erroneous. The star images were measured on two plates of the astrograph and on one plate of the reflector. Star images were measured on the astrograph plates. The coordinates are not very accurate. SZ Dor TT Dor The star position has been derived from one plate of the reflector.

V635 V693 V840 V880 V883 V941 V977 V1018 V1037 V1054 V1058 V1073 V1077 V1106 V1145


V1165 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1225 Has a complex image in V band. V1257 The position of the star has been derived from two astrograph plates in the reference frame of variable stars. V1297 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1303 There are two close components separated by 2 arcsec. We confirm the variability of both components. This star was regarded formerly as a single ob ject. V1310 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1352 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1385 The star was marked in disagreement with the remark for it in the atlas of Hodge and Wright, 1967. Instead of V1385 (HV2359), component to S and E was marked. V1427 The coordinates have been derived from one plate of the 1 m reflector. V1445 TU Dor V1458 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1462 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1489 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1493 The position has been derived from one plate of the reflector. V1499 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1658 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1663 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1687 TV Dor


V1689 There are two components. We believe that the NE one varies. The positions of both stars have been derived from one plate of the reflector. V1709 According to Hodge and Wright, 1967 the star is double and the N component is probably the variable. Really it looks more complex than double. There are at least four very close, not separated components. In the catalogue, the coordinates of the N component are given. V1743 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1824 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1883 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1892 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1918 OGLE LMC SC8 337546. V1926 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1932 The GCVS position is erroneous. V1947 There is a very close component to E, which excludes accurate position determination. The catalogue position has been derived from one plate of the 1 m reflector. V1958 TW Dor V1962 The GCVS position is erroneous. V2080 There are two components. We cannot indicate which component varies. Their positions have been derived from one plate of the reflector.


V2087 There are two components, but we cannot indicate which of them varies. The position of the SW component has been derived from one plate of the 1 m reflector. V2204 The GCVS position is erroneous. V2219 The GCVS position is erroneous. V2254 Has a complex image. There are at least three very close, not separated components. The declination is not very accurate. V2277 There are two close components, N and S. We believe that S varies. The position of the S component has been derived from one plate of the reflector. The position of the N component is not very accurate. V2283 OGLE LMC SC6 377026. V2291 OGLE LMC SC6 369970. V2295 OGLE LMC SC6 369993. V2390 The GCVS position is erroneous. V2417 TY Dor n V2418 The GCVS position is erroneous. V2419 TX Dor V2491 The star has a complex image and was measured with difficulties. Its position has been derived from one plate of the reflector.


[1] Alcock, C., Allsman, R.A., Alves, D. et al., 1997, AJ, 114, 326 [2] Butler, C.J. and Wayman, P.A., 1974, Dunsink Publ., 1, No 7 [3] General Catalogue of Variable Stars, Vol. V: Extragalactic Variable Stars, Moscow: "Kosmosinform", 1995 [4] Grison, J.-P., Beaulieu, J.-P., Pritchard, J.D., 1995, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 109, N 3, 447 [5] Hodge, P.W. and Wright, F.W., 1967, The Large Magellanic Cloud, Smithsonian Press, Washington, D.C. [6] HЬg, E., Kuzmin, A., Bastian, U. et al., 1998, Astron. Astrophys., 335, L65-L68 [7] Hughes, S.M.G., 1989, AJ, 97, 1634 [8] Kurochkin, N.E., Tokovinin, A.A., Loggins, A., 1989, IBVS, N. 3365 [9] Udalski, A., Szymanski, M., Kubiak, M. et al., 1998, Acta Astronomica, 48, 147 [10] Udalski, A., Soszynski, I., Szymanski, M. et al., 1999, Acta Astronomica, 49, 223